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Author Topic: Dealing with EAS  (Read 6301 times)

Offline Doc Holliday

It depends on your situation and mood. If you're feeling low or lonely and visit someone on a regular basis you can get into a comfortable routine and over time become attached to the girl. Probably happens more with local escorts than those touring. This is their skill but you must remember they are providing a service and have one agenda to hook you in, make you feel special so you return again and again with your cash. They will make time for you, be available to meet as if you're the only one giving you the GFE.

This is where they use EAS to their advantage. All they're doing is draining your bank balance. If you start to cool things they will find other punters. Your 'slot' will be filled by another. It's their job. You're not special even though your head thinks you are. They move on quickly while you suffer. Many years ago while I was chatting to a WG she came out with a line that stuck with me, "a cocks a cock" and it gives me a good lifestyle.

Dealing with EAS is easy. Remember when you leave the girl she'll be with another punter within 30/60 mins after you leave and another after that and so on.

At the end of the day clients are after a service, the WG's provide this not just for one but for many.

That's a logical argument frequently put forward in these threads, but punters with experinece of EAS don't behave logically. JustaPunter who started this thread has previously posted as below but it seems has both succumbed and is struggling to come to terms with it.

Let’s be brutally honest.

Very few will ever be in a situation where the SW gets EAS or even considers a relationship with a client.

They are out of our league otherwise we would have been able to pull them in real life.

It’s a nice fantasy but unless they come out and tell you to your face they have feelings for you then they don’t.

Sometimes life hurts, but living in hope that something will develop will likely hurt more.
I would suspect the majority of the time they think almost nothing about their clients.

Some may have negative feelings towards them, some may have positive feelings for them.

But I would suspect regardless of how many times you may see an SW they will forget about you a few minutes after you leave
I would think most SPs don’t think much about their clients outside of a booking.

Regardless of how many times you see an Escort they are there to make a living.

Pretty Woman was a movie after all
Have you ever thought that to actually love somebody means accepting them for who they are?

Nobody has a choice who they develop feelings for at the end of the day.

Ask yourself this, what’s more toxic?

Rejection or regret?

The chances of a SW feeling the same way about a client as the client does about a SW (if a client develops genuine feelings not simple infatuation) are pretty remote anyway.

But if it does happen why hold back and regret what might have been?

Best to just say what you feel and then you have the answer, rejection is probably easier to deal with in the longer term.

If the SW accepts how you feel and makes sure you know it’s a one way street you then the SW has the option to allow you to see her, or more likely she will be able to slowly distance herself to lessen any hurt feelings.

Anyway, I have digressed a little from the thread.
Every week that passes I realise my regular can’t be replaced, I definitely had EAS to an extent, but I realised yesterday that what I miss most is the conversations and banter.

But the realisation that I was just a piece of shit on her shoe after two years is probably the hardest thing to accept

But accept it you have to or you are going to go down a slippery slope from which there is no recovery

« Last Edit: October 03, 2023, 10:36:47 am by Doc Holliday »

Offline JustaPunter

That's a logical argument frequently put forward in these threads, but punters with experinece of EAS don't behave logically. JustaPunter who started this thread has previously posted as below but it seems has both succumbed and is struggling to come to terms with it.

Thanks for going through all my previous posts.

Let’s remember context is irrelevant in opinions and opinions can change.

What can be noticed is that I am not blaming the person concerned.

This was on me.

I also don’t regret spending a penny.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2023, 02:48:15 pm by JustaPunter »

Offline JustaPunter

Sorry, that should have read “relevant” not “irrelevant”

Offline Doc Holliday

Thanks for going through all my previous posts.

Let’s remember context is irrelevant in opinions and opinions can change.

What can be noticed is that I am not blaming the person concerned.

This was on me.

I also don’t regret spending a penny.

It was to illustrate a point. These threads all follow the same well-trodden path and from your posting history you have clearly read it all before and taken it on board, but it hasn’t stopped it happening to you. It never seems to stop it happening to a significant number of members.
The reason people ignore the advice is that sometimes the ‘non business’ SP/SS relationship is genuinely reciprocated, albeit in only a small percentage of cases. As a result, punters fool themselves into hoping they may just be one of those rare cases.

I suspect your main psychological issue is one of rejection and that is a common outcome of unreciprocated EAS.

It is interesting in that respect that in one of your posts I quoted, you acknowledged this reality, but still advised the person concerned to ‘go for it’?
A choice of ''rejection or regret'' but suggested the rejection would be easier?

There is no answer to this condition both in terms of not succumbing to it or, having fallen for an SP, a magic ‘one size fits all’ road to recovery, when reality finally dawns. Indeed with some it happens more than once.

I wish you well. EAS on my part is something I never really experienced when punting. The only time my heart was ever broken was my first love as a 17 year old and she took the unilateral decision to end it, as we were heading off to different Universities. I moved on of course, but five decades later that rejection scar remains, but is of no consequence and hasn't been for a very long time.

Offline JustaPunter

It was to illustrate a point. These threads all follow the same well-trodden path and from your posting history you have clearly read it all before and taken it on board, but it hasn’t stopped it happening to you. It never seems to stop it happening to a significant number of members.
The reason people ignore the advice is that sometimes the ‘non business’ SP/SS relationship is genuinely reciprocated, albeit in only a small percentage of cases. As a result, punters fool themselves into hoping they may just be one of those rare cases.

I suspect your main psychological issue is one of rejection and that is a common outcome of unreciprocated EAS.

It is interesting in that respect that in one of your posts I quoted, you acknowledged this reality, but still advised the person concerned to ‘go for it’?
A choice of ''rejection or regret'' but suggested the rejection would be easier?

There is no answer to this condition both in terms of not succumbing to it or, having fallen for an SP, a magic ‘one size fits all’ road to recovery, when reality finally dawns. Indeed with some it happens more than once.

I wish you well. EAS on my part is something I never really experienced when punting. The only time my heart was ever broken was my first love as a 17 year old and she took the unilateral decision to end it, as we were heading off to different Universities. I moved on of course, but five decades later that rejection scar remains, but is of no consequence and hasn't been for a very long time.

I don’t think it came across but I am grateful that you went through my previous posts.

It has helped me with with gaining a perspective

Offline Doc Holliday

I don’t think it came across but I am grateful that you went through my previous posts.

It has helped me with with gaining a perspective

Understood  :thumbsup:

This is a grossly oversimplified piece of advice, but the feelings you are experiencing will pass with time, but you have to accept you will never entirely forget what has happened. Fixating and worrying about 'how and when' it will pass will just prolong it. It will just happen ... although that assumes you do  attempt to have any form of contact with the individual concerned  :hi:

Offline Maak

That's the biggest risk of having a regular that you see often, in the end EAS might likely occur

Offline Jonestown

That's the biggest risk of having a regular that you see often, in the end EAS might likely occur

Just cut out the kissing, no kissing = no EAS

Offline Munter84

Just cut out the kissing, no kissing = no EAS

Unfortunately, for some of us GFE afficionados, no kissing = no arousal.

Offline southcoastpunter

Unfortunately, for some of us GFE afficionados, no kissing = no arousal.

100% agree. obviously i have to find them attractive but even so, no kissing (or no owo) means I don't see them.

Offline stewpid

Don't have to drop the kissing before or during sex but one thing I've started doing that has helped me avoid EAS with girls I've seen regularly is not to do the post-sex cuddle and kiss wherever possible (although I don't push a girl off if she wants to). With regular girls this can cause some bonding effect in guys' (and some girls') minds. I now also go for more filthy GFE or PSE encounters and afterwards we are both relaxing on the bed talking but not laying in each others arms, I will also talk about the 'business' with her which reminds me that she is a service provider and I'm just a client.  ;)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 08:36:48 pm by stewpid »

Offline Crockers

Just you, I hope you feel special  ;)

Ah, bless. You have a bromance with Patel the Prat, (as he proudly calls himself before anyone accuses me of abusing other members).

Where's my appropriate smiley?


Offline Crockers

The girl I mentioned earlier, who I fell for, contacted me again.

She wants me to see her again, at her place.

Sent me a pic.

I've blanked her. Still thinking about her but not going again.

Anyway, I still have the films and pics of us fucking and sucking that she allowed me to take.

Posting that last sentence means I must be over her, was never in love but only in lust.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2023, 04:37:41 pm by Crockers »

Offline lewisjones23

The girl I mentioned earlier, who I fell for, contacted me again.

She wants me to see her again, at her place.

Sent me a pic.

I've blanked her. Still thinking about her but not going again.

Anyway, I still have the films and pics of us fucking and sucking that she allowed me to take.

Posting that last sentence means I must be over her, was never in love but only in lust.

her rent must be late and is trying to drum up some business

Offline Mr Doodle

I recently saw an SP where I found myself at the incipient stages of developing EAS. I found the punt went really well - everything about it, to me, was very comfortable; we got on very well, was able to comfortably talk about almost any suhject, and I quite like her. If we met on civvy street, I certainly would be wanting to take it further. I found after the punt, and even now, I often think about her and maybe trying to take it further.

When temptation no longer could be resisted, I went to call her for my second punt with her. However, reality dawned on me that it was I who planted the idea in my head that she may like me for more than being a client. Then you realise, as has been stated above, no more than an hour after I leave (exccept if I was on the last slot for the day - pun intended), some other bloke who probably enjoys her as much as I did would be doiing the same with her, and no doubt she would go to the same lengths to ensure he also felt comfortable and was able to talk to her about anything, and had good sex.

So, I put down the phone, and went to the pub instead to talk to people and take my mind off her.

I wasn't going to review her EAS was creeping up, but will after I punt at least one more.. so that it is not obviosu which one it was..

« Last Edit: October 08, 2023, 12:04:51 pm by Mr Doodle »

Offline Thepacifist

I know I will likely get flamed for this post but what can you do.

I have searched the forum and read the previous threads but I just want to ask one simple question.

Has anybody found a way to deal with EAS?

Just to add.

No, I won’t be naming the SP in question and don’t need offers to rail her and then put up a review.

This is a serious question whilst I try to sort my head out.

I appreciate any helpful advise.

You need to shift your brain to an abundance mindset. If she’s the only one you’re focusing on it’s hard to compare her to others. If you stopped talking to her would she reach out to you? The way to deal with it is face it head on and accept reality. Be completely honest with yourself. Would she see have sex with you without paying? If not then she doesn’t really care about you. Don’t allow yourself to care for someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Care more about yourself. The truth hurts but it can set you free.

Online badsin

I've definitely had eas several times. Most recently it was the COVID lockdowns that meant no more meets.
She moved into a different area of work.
 We have communicated in the last few months. She's a cracking lass.... I'm hoping she doesn't ever return as Id be straight back at it.
Therefore I still have the eas, just unable to get my hands on the lady involved  :hi:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2023, 03:28:21 pm by badsin »

Offline Trpy

You need to shift your brain to an abundance mindset. If she’s the only one you’re focusing on it’s hard to compare her to others. If you stopped talking to her would she reach out to you? The way to deal with it is face it head on and accept reality. Be completely honest with yourself. Would she see have sex with you without paying? If not then she doesn’t really care about you. Don’t allow yourself to care for someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Care more about yourself. The truth hurts but it can set you free.

Are you talking about escorts or wives and girlfriends.  They cost a packet, particularly if the wives become ex-wives  :scare:

Am I to assume that I am being asked by the OP, whom I have never met, and his infatuation with some girl whom I have also never met.

It all sounds like a Dear Deidre letter to me.

Offline Lucky Luciano

If the SP in question is on AW put her on your blacklist and never look at her profile or reviews of her.
On a preventative angle I reckon over familiarity is the key. See your favourite SP every 4 months( easier said than done). Don’t spam her with emails. Don’t take this punting too personally,when you interact/ communicate with the SP.

Offline JustaPunter

You need to shift your brain to an abundance mindset. If she’s the only one you’re focusing on it’s hard to compare her to others. If you stopped talking to her would she reach out to you? The way to deal with it is face it head on and accept reality. Be completely honest with yourself. Would she see have sex with you without paying? If not then she doesn’t really care about you. Don’t allow yourself to care for someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Care more about yourself. The truth hurts but it can set you free.

I never said she had feelings for me and I never thought she had feeling for me.

I’m not that delusional, of course she wouldn’t give me the time of day if I wasn’t paying

Offline Roman77

I recently saw an SP where I found myself at the incipient stages of developing EAS.

When temptation no longer could be resisted, I went to call her for my second punt with her. However, reality dawned on me that it was I who planted the idea in my head that she may like me for more than being a client. Then you realise, as has been stated above, no more than an hour after I leave (exccept if I was on the last slot for the day - pun intended), some other bloke who probably enjoys her as much as I did would be doiing the same with her, and no doubt she would go to the same lengths to ensure he also felt comfortable and was able to talk to her about anything, and had good sex.

So, I put down the phone, and went to the pub instead to talk to people and take my mind off her.

I wasn't going to review her EAS was creeping up, but will after I punt at least one more.. so that it is not obviosu which one it was..

Mr Doodle I know exactly what you mean. I was close to EAS with a girl. We both 'clicked' had quite a few things in common and talked about many things. Due to a change in circumstances we couldn't meet as regularly as we had been doing. At first I received the flirty texts, then slowly when I wasn't free they became very blunt in tone "are you about"? It was obvious the comfortable cash flow had stalled. It's at that point I changed. I was only another client. It wasn't long before she found new punters and moved on.

She used to be particular about limiting her day to 4/5 clients. Heard lately this has nearly doubled. You're right it wasn't too long before another guy was enjoying her the way you used to. It's their business and at the end of the day we're just customers receiving a service. Definitely better down the pub.

Offline yesbby

I had an SP do a home visit to my place recently. She does very few of these as her profile is quite obscure on AW and she is really trying to use it as a means to meet a wealthy man (is my impression). She prefers Seeking.
Anyway, she decided to leave before we got down to business as she didn’t fancy me. I was so happy as the feeling was mutual and I had a big wad of cash unspent. I won’t lie there was a bruise that my ego took in the moment.
Not sure exactly how it’s relevant here but a good example of how potential emotional attachment is part of the picture. I personally think it’s inevitable as a background factor.

Offline Thephoenix

I had an SP do a home visit to my place recently. She does very few of these as her profile is quite obscure on AW and she is really trying to use it as a means to meet a wealthy man (is my impression). She prefers Seeking.
Anyway, she decided to leave before we got down to business as she didn’t fancy me. I was so happy as the feeling was mutual and I had a big wad of cash unspent. I won’t lie there was a bruise that my ego took in the moment.
Not sure exactly how it’s relevant here but a good example of how potential emotional attachment is part of the picture. I personally think it’s inevitable as a background factor.

You're ego might be damaged, but at least your wallet's intact.
In many years of punting I've never heard of WG declining services on meeting because not fancying the client.
Mind you I've always been a handsome bugger.

Has that happened to anyone else?

« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 02:15:23 pm by daviemac »

Online daviemac

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I had an SP do a home visit to my place recently. She does very few of these as her profile is quite obscure on AW and she is really trying to use it as a means to meet a wealthy man (is my impression). She prefers Seeking.
Anyway, she decided to leave before we got down to business as she didn’t fancy me. I was so happy as the feeling was mutual and I had a big wad of cash unspent. I won’t lie there was a bruise that my ego took in the moment.
Not sure exactly how it’s relevant here but a good example of how potential emotional attachment is part of the picture. I personally think it’s inevitable as a background factor.
You're ego might be damaged, but at least your wallet's intact.
In many years of punting I've never heard of WG declining services on meeting because not fancying the client.
Mind you I've always been a handsome bugger.

Has that happened to anyone else?
Not relevant, if you want to talk about an escort refusing services because she doesn't fancy you start a thread about it. This one is about punters dealing with EAS.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 04:00:35 pm by daviemac »

Offline nightbot

Is it still EAS if you don't have any feelings for the SP (and don't see yourself ever having it) but would like to be friends with them, to hang out just platonically over a coffee etc?

Offline Jonestown

Is it still EAS if you don't have any feelings for the SP (and don't see yourself ever having it) but would like to be friends with them, to hang out just platonically over a coffee etc?

No its not EAS, but it does sound seriously creepy and needy.

Offline JontyR

Is it still EAS if you don't have any feelings for the SP (and don't see yourself ever having it) but would like to be friends with them, to hang out just platonically over a coffee etc?
That's an emotional attachment, is it not?

Offline JustaPunter

Is it still EAS if you don't have any feelings for the SP (and don't see yourself ever having it) but would like to be friends with them, to hang out just platonically over a coffee etc?

That sounds like boundary pushing by trying to gain social time for free.

Offline nightbot

What makes that "seriously creepy" but EAS not? Genuine question.

That sounds like boundary pushing by trying to gain social time for free.
Eh I am describing a situation where I don't really wanna have sex with her anymore but just be friends IF she wants to.
But alright if it's boundary pushing/EAS then I'll just put it out of my mind and go about my way.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 06:59:54 pm by nightbot »

Online daviemac

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What makes this creepy but EAS not?
Eh I am describing a situation where I don't really wanna have sex with her anymore but just be friends if she wants to.
But alright if it's boundary pushing/EAS then I'll just put it out of my mind and go about my way.
She's an escort mate, she meets blokes for cash, she might even have a BF. There's some who will do social meets or dinner dates, but they want paid for it.

Offline versace

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I never said she had feelings for me and I never thought she had feeling for me.

I’m not that delusional, of course she wouldn’t give me the time of day if I wasn’t paying

And there’s your answer.

Pay, fuck, leave, next.

Offline JustaPunter

What makes that "seriously creepy" but EAS not? Genuine question.
Eh I am describing a situation where I don't really wanna have sex with her anymore but just be friends IF she wants to.
But alright if it's boundary pushing/EAS then I'll just put it out of my mind and go about my way.

It’s not EAS.

You just want free social time.

It is what it is.

If you want social time with an Escort then you pay her for her time.

Offline alabama1

It’s not EAS.

You just want free social time.

It is what it is.

If you want social time with an Escort then you pay her for her time.
Yes it is. It's an emotional connection.

Offline Thephoenix

And there’s your answer.

Pay, fuck, leave, next.

Like a panda........eats shoots and leaves!

Offline jimbobted

She's an escort mate, she meets blokes for cash, she might even have a BF. There's some who will do social meets or dinner dates, but they want paid for it.
Not always. I've had social time with a few escorts that I "clicked" with. Just invited them for a drink or a meal after a longer booking and chatted, no payment for time asked or given. Never expected or asked for free sex (and none forthcoming), but I saw it as akin to work colleagues having a bit of social time on a Friday evening. Another she happened to be working in London when I was, but could free up enough time in diaries for my preferred meet duration, so we met in her hotel bar for a drink and a chat, I bought the drinks, nothing more. We still see each other socially and chat via WhatsApp now she has retired.
There are some who want paying for social, my response is always thanks but no thanks, except for one who I paid half her usual rate for a pub meeting, but that was special circumstances.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 10:59:30 pm by jimbobted »

Offline jimbobted

It’s not EAS.

You just want free social time.

It is what it is.

If you want social time with an Escort then you pay her for her time.
Some are happy to do social time gratis if there's a genuine connection. I won't pay for social time as a rule - self respect thing.

Offline dub6747

Some are happy to do social time gratis if there's a genuine connection. I won't pay for social time as a rule - self respect thing.

I'm not too sure...whatever floats your boat...just a guess but lots of punters are probably lonely men who feel isolated apart from when they get a connection through these circumstances, seems understandable to want a bit more connection....depends on how often you're doing it...if it's less than one/month and you're in a relationship, probably better to get out of the relationship or at the very least sort your shit out 😉

Offline Al R

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Yes it is. It's an emotional connection.
Is it though? Would you say you’re emotionally attached to all your friends? Personally I wouldn’t say liking someone as a friend is an emotional attachment - I’ve plenty of people I like as friends but wouldn’t say I was emotionally attached to them

Offline alabama1

Is it though? Would you say you’re emotionally attached to all your friends? Personally I wouldn’t say liking someone as a friend is an emotional attachment - I’ve plenty of people I like as friends but wouldn’t say I was emotionally attached to them
You must be, or they wouldn't be your friends. Being emotionally attached doesn't have to involve sexual emotions.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

You must be, or they wouldn't be your friends. Being emotionally attached doesn't have to involve sexual emotions.


Offline Doc Holliday

Perhaps RAS (Romantic) would have been a better choice of nomenclature than EAS? Too late now  :D

Perhaps also Disorder would have been better than Syndrome? Maybe Obsession even as it frequently is an obsession.

My own view is that the distinguishing characteristic of this condition within sex work, is that the romantic emotions are typically one sided, usually though not always on the part of the punter. The latter then looks (and hopes) for signs that such emotions are reciprocated, which very occasionally they are, but in the vast majority of cases are not. This is much less likely the situation outside of sex work.

An SP being particularly good at her job results in a higher chance of misinterpretation. This is complicated further by some SP's who latch onto the punter's attachment and milk it, by flirting between visits giving free time including social time and other extras etc. The motive being to keep you as a regular.

As this thread is about 'dealing with it' then from the aspect of the 'afflicted' you have a number of options.

(a) Accept fully it is one sided and just carry on enjoying your paid for visits and the GFE fantasy.
(b) Accept it is probably unreciprocated and move on because you cannot cope with wondering if she feels the same or worse you actually want/need her to feel the same.
(c) Determine if she does feel the same by asking and applying the acid test of no payment at all for the sex.

Option (a) may not be easy long term and (b) carries the risk that you may still wonder if she did feel the same and struggle to move on.
Option (c) is blunt and runs the highest highest risk of feelings of rejection and will normally mean option (a) is then off the table, but is also likely to be the one that you recover from quicker and with less risk of future relapses with others.

Option (c) of courses may result in the other party agreeing in which case you are in a whole different relationship arena with a set of different challenges ahead, many of which apply to any relationship, but of course some which specifically do not.

Offline Jonestown

.................. at the very least sort your shit out 😉

that seems like a very sensible suggestion to me

Offline Al R

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Perhaps RAS (Romantic) would have been a better choice of nomenclature than EAS? Too late now  :D

Perhaps also Disorder would have been better than Syndrome? Maybe Obsession even as it frequently is an obsession.

Would have made infinitely more sense IMO

Offline JustaPunter

Yes it is. It's an emotional connection.

There very well may be an emotional connection, but that doesn’t mean you try to get free social time.

If you want free social time but pay for sex then you are trying to get free time

Offline JustaPunter

You must be, or they wouldn't be your friends. Being emotionally attached doesn't have to involve sexual emotions.

But that would only be comparable if the friends you are talking about you have been sexually intimate with.

Offline JustaPunter

Perhaps RAS (Romantic) would have been a better choice of nomenclature than EAS? Too late now  :D

Perhaps also Disorder would have been better than Syndrome? Maybe Obsession even as it frequently is an obsession.

My own view is that the distinguishing characteristic of this condition within sex work, is that the romantic emotions are typically one sided, usually though not always on the part of the punter. The latter then looks (and hopes) for signs that such emotions are reciprocated, which very occasionally they are, but in the vast majority of cases are not. This is much less likely the situation outside of sex work.

An SP being particularly good at her job results in a higher chance of misinterpretation. This is complicated further by some SP's who latch onto the punter's attachment and milk it, by flirting between visits giving free time including social time and other extras etc. The motive being to keep you as a regular.

As this thread is about 'dealing with it' then from the aspect of the 'afflicted' you have a number of options.

(a) Accept fully it is one sided and just carry on enjoying your paid for visits and the GFE fantasy.
(b) Accept it is probably unreciprocated and move on because you cannot cope with wondering if she feels the same or worse you actually want/need her to feel the same.
(c) Determine if she does feel the same by asking and applying the acid test of no payment at all for the sex.

Option (a) may not be easy long term and (b) carries the risk that you may still wonder if she did feel the same and struggle to move on.
Option (c) is blunt and runs the highest highest risk of feelings of rejection and will normally mean option (a) is then off the table, but is also likely to be the one that you recover from quicker and with less risk of future relapses with others.

Option (c) of courses may result in the other party agreeing in which case you are in a whole different relationship arena with a set of different challenges ahead, many of which apply to any relationship, but of course some which specifically do not.

A very well written and thoughtful response.

Offline JontyR

But that would only be comparable if the friends you are talking about you have been sexually intimate with.
Not at all.

You do have an emoitional connection to your friends. You don't choose to spend time with someone who you are completely ambivalent towards do you? You would go to a friends wedding, house warming, funeral wouldn't you?

Offline Thephoenix

You must be, or they wouldn't be your friends. Being emotionally attached doesn't have to involve sexual emotions.

That must be true.
I've still got a few old mates I see occasionally.
I can't recall ever wanting to shag them.

........apart from that one time with George after he'd had the surgery, but that was a while ago and I don't see him much now as he's often busy doing the flower arranging with the young curate.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2023, 02:06:11 pm by Thephoenix »

Offline Trpy

Is it still EAS if you don't have any feelings for the SP (and don't see yourself ever having it) but would like to be friends with them, to hang out just platonically over a coffee etc?

It doesn't matter what you call it.

The problem with being friends, is that sooner or later one of you wants more than the other can give.

What you have created is a bunny boiler  :scare:  which is worse than the melancholy of EAS

FFS why cant you pay, have a shag, and go home

Offline Jonestown

FFS why cant you pay, have a shag, and go home

Especially as we invariably start punching above our weight in picking an SP, going for someone that we would not stand a hope in hell of picking up on the open market. And then after we crawl over them a few times we declare our undying love and devotion and get upset when its not reciprocated. As the poster said a little earlier, get your shit sorted out. I say that because I'm a serial EAS sufferer, cured only when a Chinese granny got a fix on me, and scared the life out of me.