Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: What SP's think of you  (Read 12129 times)

Offline Hornydevil666

I was browsing through AW and come across some gallery pics on a SP page and there was a few pics of this beautiful young girl in sexy lingerie she was sitting on top of a hairy, middle aged, over weight guy on a bed (could easily have been me 😭) and got me thinking, what do these girls/women actually think of us dudes.
Most of us are proby out of shape, middle aged, getting  grey hair and only pumping a beauty cause we are paying for her time.
I'm just starting out on my punting journey and a tad self conscious of my body/ looks.
 I know these girls have seen all shapes, sizes, race etc  and they are just in it to make a living, but do any of you guys ever worry or wonder what they think or are judging you, looking at your flaws or don't give a monkey as you are giving her you hard earned money.

Offline Munter84

Firstly you're correct, they have seen it all before. Old, fat, hairy, disabled, you name it. Unless the WG is very inexperienced or naive, what she sees when you come out of the shower is unlikely to surprise her, and certainly not to the point where she will struggle to perform her job.

Secondly, if getting in shape would make YOU feel more confident, what's stopping you! A bit of resistance training and keeping an eye on the food and booze can benefit gents of all ages.

And lastly, what WGs have repeatedly said on the topic is that they would sooner have a client who is punctual, polite, hygienic, has the correct money, and doesn't overstep boundaries. Just tick those boxes and you're already in her good books  :hi:

Offline big-al93

You really shouldn't think about that too much, it'll just make your insecurity worse. As someone who has plenty of hang ups about their body, the best way is to get on with it. If they find you physically repulsive then you'll struggle to get repeat bookings. So unless this is the case then they have slept with you and are happy to do so again. I'm finding that the more I've seen the less I worry about it. 

Offline Vice Admiral

This is one of the $10,000 questions of punting!

What are they really thinking?

The feedback I've had from girls I've known well enough to discuss this with tends to be along the lines that it doesn't hugely matter whether a man looks like George Clooney or Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

As I've mentioned on another thread, two girls I got to know particularly well told me that fat, bald or ugly never bothered them.  The only thing they didn't like was weird-shaped penises.

So if your penis looks like Donald Trump's, you should maybe worry.  If not, you can relax!

« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 07:18:36 pm by Vice Admiral »

Offline Harry Monk

Firstly you're correct, they have seen it all before. Old, fat, hairy, disabled, you name it. Unless the WG is very inexperienced or naive, what she sees when you come out of the shower is unlikely to surprise her, and certainly not to the point where she will struggle to perform her job.

Secondly, if getting in shape would make YOU feel more confident, what's stopping you! A bit of resistance training and keeping an eye on the food and booze can benefit gents of all ages.

And lastly, what WGs have repeatedly said on the topic is that they would sooner have a client who is punctual, polite, hygienic, has the correct money, and doesn't overstep boundaries. Just tick those boxes and you're already in her good books  :hi:


I remember walking into a room with an SP where a different SP had entertained a client. The room stank of BO, clearly his  :crazy: We moved to another room but it made me realise just how low the bar is set sometimes.

Do what you can to be physically fit it makes you feel better about yourself ,regardless of looks, and will have so many other benefits long term.

Offline JonasG

In this day and age the stereotypical punter being the short, old fat bald man probably not correct!

Think I made a thread on this years ago cos I'm younger and IIRC the WGs said they see men of all shapes and ages.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 08:46:03 pm by JonasG »

Offline B4bcock

Several SP'S have told me they prefer to see older men as they are generally more respectful and don't push boundaries as much as some younger guys.

Offline Bonker

Look on the WG site. I think the thread is called ugly mugs.
You'll get the general idea.

Offline Dead_Pool

They don't think of you. You are a face amongst a 10000 faces that they never think of again once you've left. They think of the Queens face, or is it king now on sheets of paper ££££

Online Makka124

They don't think of you. You are a face amongst a 10000 faces that they never think of again once you've left. They think of the Queens face, or is it king now on sheets of paper ££££

The truth and fact

Offline RandomGuy99

I think they think I'm fat, ugly and generally shit at everything sex related, but they don't mind too much as I'm not there long and I turn up on time, clean, with the correct money, I respect their boundaries and I don't make much mess.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

Oh my GOD... I'm shattered... I thought they really fancied me  :lol:

Offline JustaPunter

I would suspect the majority of the time they think almost nothing about their clients.

Some may have negative feelings towards them, some may have positive feelings for them.

But I would suspect regardless of how many times you may see an SW they will forget about you a few minutes after you leave

Offline jesse4585

Several SP'S have told me they prefer to see older men as they are generally more respectful and don't push boundaries as much as some younger guys.
Yup.  Back in the 90s I was really fit,  I saw maybe 20+ different lasses, but apart from about 4 who I really clicked with, I'd often get bad service. And feel that they didn't respect or think much of me.
These days I'm close to being a Vince Cable look alike - but as per my reviews I'm getting some of the best service of my life. I've seen other older punters say the same thing.

Look on the WG site. I think the thread is called ugly mugs.
You'll get the general idea.
Yeah, though I'd not say the WG site  is representative of WG's in general.  Just like this site isn't reflective of the average punter.   I get about a bit, and being a non judgemental type I've had over 20 casual friends & work colleagues talk openly about seeing WGs.  And almost to a man they're way more fluffy / "thank God for WGs" than would be tolerated on here.  (Of course,  it's also the case that the wider punter population has way more extreme 'wrong uns' & black pill types than we do here.)

My guess would be only about 40% of WGs have the sort of attitude seen on the WG site. Successful WGs will tend to have much lower sexual digust than the average women, & can be more appreciative of the less attractive man than your typical civy.

They don't think of you. You are a face amongst a 10000 faces that they never think of again once you've left. They think of the Queens face, or is it king now on sheets of paper ££££
This is likely almost always true.
But while you're in the room, most WGs can think positive things about you, even if you're Vince Cable.  The secret is be respectful, kind, but not so over nice you come across as soft.  And as others are saying, a little effort in taking care of yourself physically is always worthwhile regardless of age.

Offline jamiekinkxxx

Oh my GOD... I'm shattered... I thought they really fancied me  :lol:

On a serious note. I am still in contact with 2 now retired escorts via social media, occasional calls and messages. One lives in NW of UK now and the other inbetween US and SE Asia.

In fact I met one last summer on holiday in SE Asia and spent a whole (platonic - she is now happily married) day with her.

I guess that means they must have liked me at a human level at least?  :unknown:

Online Southernbloke

I suppose it’s like any other job where you interact with the public . I have a business where I interact with the public a lot, some I really don’t like at all but you grit your teeth and be professionally polite, others you get on great with and look forward to seeing them again. The majority are people who you don’t have any positive or negative feelings about.
Like any industry though there’s the absolute w@@kers who are rude and obnoxious and if you have just had an experience of one of those it can colour your judgement a bit.
At the end of the day we are all just people trying to make a living and sometimes we are better at it than other times

Offline OakTree

I would imagine most girls enter into this knowing they’re not going to be shagging fit young men in their twenties. It’s going to be mainly middle aged men in various states of physical decay. If it was me I’d shut my mind off and think of the money. I’m pretty sure that’s what most do and that’s why many times when I’ve returned to see a girl she has no recollection of seeing me before.

I therefore never think about what their feelings or thoughts are toward me as I’m sure it’s only fleeting if any at all.

Offline Charliehutton

I'm just starting out on my punting journey and a tad self conscious of my body/ looks.

You can't be that self conscious, HD, because you're happy to strip bollock naked in front of women you've just met; it may not sound much to us, but I know plenty of guys who could just never do that.

Remember, she's not interested in your social status, your marital status, your job, the size of your cock or your sexual prowess, and most importantly of all, remember this isn't real life; it isn't her pleasure or satisfaction that matters it's yours, and yours alone, so there's no need to feel self-conscious about anything.

Offline Steely Dan

Agree with virtually everything said above.

One more aspect is the 'is he good at sex' side.  Is the guy willing ( & enjoy) 10+ minutes of RO to bring her to orgasm?  Can he have the right pace & duration of penetration? And all the other things that make a guy 'good at sex'. Here I think it is varied.  Some escorts (at times) really look forward to spending time with the guy good at sex.  Some escorts (at times) enjoy a bigger penis. Some escorts (at times) enjoy a real seeing to.   On our former sister site, escorts say this all the time.  They can't all be telling tales, but of course none of us really know what goes on in a women's head.

On the flip side, some escorts really hate it - they want the guy to cum in 5 minutes, they certainly don't want an orgasm themselves, and they would prefer to have an older gent that can't get it up and have a gentle cuddle and a chat for an hour. These sorts better not get a job at a sex party!

One escort told me she prefers AW to swinging or dating since the sex is better - guys paying for it (she thought) had a higher sex drive and more practice. She used AW as a way to get good sex a few times a week, not really for the money.  Or so she said.

My view is the ones that seem to enjoy the sort of sex I want (or I provide them) are the ones I end up going to see again and again.

Offline Puntingutils

Yup.  Back in the 90s I was really fit,  I saw maybe 20+ different lasses, but apart from about 4 who I really clicked with, I'd often get bad service. And feel that they didn't respect or think much of me.

I think this is happening to me now  :dash: :dash: :dash: Last SP reported kept saying I was young and didn't think much of it. I wasn't provided the service the reports on said on the site, yet my hygiene is good. Not sure if they are doing the least because they think my age comes with naivety, or because they find it awkward due to my age. I get YMMV, but fuck me if I'm getting suspicious now.

Offline Chazz

Turn up clean, on time and with the right money, and you won't go far wrong. I find I generally get better service now from the more MILFY type of SP in their 30s and 40s. On some occasions when I've seen an SP in her 20s, I've worried that she's thinking, "Christ, this old git's as old as my dad!" And the service has been rather lacklustre.

As it happens, the other day I was on a reconnaissance mission outside a new parlour that I'm planning on visiting. (Looks good - fairly discreet, safe area, good parking etc.) Whilst I was sat in the car outside, I watched a procession of fat, bald, middle aged old gits surreptitiously scuttle in and out of the front door. It suddenly hit me - fuck! Is that me? (Unfortunately, it is). I think it goes to show that fat, bald, hairy middle-aged gits are an SP's bread and butter, and you're probably no worse than the last punter that she's seen.

Offline RandomGuy99

I think the majority of escorts don't want 15 orgasms a day. They are happy you having a fumble and a lick for a while then it's on to the next punter. They'll put an act on to make you feel good. It's all part of the service you're paying for.

Offline JonasG

Tbh, I've always assumed even the regular WGs you see don't like you in the strict sense.

They like that you're on time, clean, cause no drama, good comms etc. But, that's probably about it.

Even if they may butter you up at times.

As long as the pretence is there with a good service and that it seems they're into it, it's all that matters
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 12:03:14 pm by JonasG »

Offline Stevelondon

Just on the point of wether a SP prefers the more handsome of punter or not.
I get fed up with SP’s telling me I’m the spitting image of George Clooney. All my life I’ve had to put up with women seeing only me for my good looks rather than the intelligent well bred, considerate bloke that I am on the inside.

Offline Thephoenix

Just on the point of wether a SP prefers the more handsome of punter or not.
I get fed up with SP’s telling me I’m the spitting image of George Clooney. All my life I’ve had to put up with women seeing only me for my good looks rather than the intelligent well bred, considerate bloke that I am on the inside.

You obviously misheard.
It's probably another George.

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Offline Thephoenix

I think the majority of escorts don't want 15 orgasms a day.

So that's where I've been going wrong???? :unknown:

Offline Stevelondon

You obviously misheard.
It's probably another George.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Clooney, Formby………. What’s the difference  :D

Offline Doc Holliday

Clooney, Formby………. What’s the difference  :D

 A ukulele?

Offline Charliehutton

I get fed up with SP’s telling me I’m the spitting image of George Clooney. All my life I’ve had to put up with women seeing only me for my good looks rather than the intelligent well bred, considerate bloke that I am on the inside.

Yep, I have the same issue, Steve.

Funnily enough, though, I've noticed I'm much more successful with women when relying on my matinee idol looks and charm, and £80 or so in cash, than ever I was when relying on just my good looks and charm.

Women, eh?

Offline RandomGuy99

Just on the point of wether a SP prefers the more handsome of punter or not.
I get fed up with SP’s telling me I’m the spitting image of George Clooney. All my life I’ve had to put up with women seeing only me for my good looks rather than the intelligent well bred, considerate bloke that I am on the inside.
I used to get the same thing, but they said I looked like Brad Pitt. Weirdly it only seemed to happen when the lights were all switched off.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Hypothetically, it should not matter what you look like, so you should not care. As long as you get good service that is what matters.

Offline standardpostage

I hope he has the right money, in cash.
I hope he gives me a large tip, in cash.
I hope he brings me an "expensive" present.
I hope he becomes a regular.

Offline Colston36

I waget what they think of you depends on much the same things as in all relationships. Are you generous? Are you agreeable to be with. Are you reliable? Are you well-presented? Clean?

Offline Bebebelle

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Ok this is straight from the horses mouth, well mine anyway. Many of you are correct that turning up freshly showered , friendly, respectful and with the payment is the most important thing. I’m not bothered about your shape or size and I’ve seen them all. In life outside of my work, I’m naturally attracted to guys with nice eyes, great smiles and I prefer a dad bod over a skinny guy but that’s just me. I’m always drawn to guys that have a great personality and especially a GSOH.  I’m very lucky that I generally enjoy meeting all sorts of people in life so meeting and getting to know my clients is a highlight to this work for me. Yes I earn good money but it’s certainly not all about the money for me and I do generally care about my clients but so many have been regulars for almost 6 years. Knowing someone for that long means I do get to know them on a personal level and I love those sorts of connections.  I see all ages and like the variety that brings and I certainly do actually fancy many of them although I keep that to myself. I can honestly say that I’ve probably only had maybe 4 that have been very unpleasant but on all of those occasions, it’s been a hygiene issue and not his looks.
I think the old stereotype of all clients being fat, ugly and sweaty should be long gone, just as much as not all escorts are pimped, drugged or desperate for cash.
All the clients I see are just normal guys from all walks of life who have a need for a service that I’m happy to provide.
To the OP, I’d say just go and enjoy yourself, she probably won’t even care about the bits you might be unhappy about. We are all our own worst critics but dont let those insecurities steal your joy in life.

Offline Crockers

Just my penny's worth.

I'm a freelancer who delivers private 1-2-1 lessons. Won't say in what for obs reasons.

I charge for a minimum of two hours and am fully booked for three months ahead.

There are clients I love as we click, get on and are fun to be with. They get extra time, unpaid time for drinks afterwards or during work meets, comms and advice outside paid time.

There are clients who are just clients and receive an extremely professional 2 hour session but that's it.

There are clients I can't stand as they're needy, demanding, unfriendly, smelly,lack social skills, whatever. They receive a basic standard professional service but I always make a reason to stop early and/or not to accept them as clients again.

Though I'm a professional I am still subjective.

Guess the same goes for SPs.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 03:27:56 pm by Crockers »

Offline nightbot

In the end does it really matter?
An experienced SP will provide the same service to two people regardless of both of them look, provided both are clean, polite, punctual. Yea one might have a better chemistry than the other, but that's down to personality.

And if you want to get in shape, you should do it for yourself and your own well being/health, not because of what the SPs might think.

Offline daviemac

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There are clients I can't stand as they're needy, demanding, unfriendly, smelly,lack social skills, whatever. They receive a basic standard professional service but I always make a reason to stop early and/or not to accept them as clients again.
Sorry mate but that is not a professional attitude, once you accept the booking they are entitled to the full time they have paid for. If it were me you'd be getting a big negative on the relevant review site just like an escort would on here.   :thumbsdown:

Offline jamiekinkxxx

Sorry mate but that is not a professional attitude, once you accept the booking they are entitled to the full time they have paid for. If it were me you'd be getting a big negative on the relevant review site just like an escort would on here.   :thumbsdown:


Offline hendrix

I never worry or wonder about what a WG might think of me. I keep my side of the deal and expect her to keep hers. That's it. If I've had a good time and am able to book again, then I assume there's no problem with me on a personal level that my business doesn't overcome.

Offline Festa

The SAAFE site has plenty of content relating to how SP’s view their customers.

Offline Kieslowski

Every SP I've ever visited has thought I'm hot as fuck. I know this for a fact, because despite the disclaimers about "any money exchanged is for my time only", the minute I walk through the door, they're gagging for sex. I literally have a 100% record. Something about my belly and thinning hair just seems to drive them so wild that half the time they're already half naked when they answer the door.

Weirdly, it doesn't happen on civvie street, but I guess unfortunately the society we live in frowns upon women throwing themselves on guys in public  :unknown:

Offline ShadowProclamation

The SAAFE site has plenty of content relating to how SP’s view their customers.
We are more likely to express what we think about an SP on here, than during a meeting. The same goes for an SP on SAAFE. Criticism works both ways. There is at least one long thread about poor communication from punters. However, it is a common bone of contention on here too, about SPs. They dislike poor hygiene, which is understandable. However, they don't always practice what they preach either. I just follow good punter practice and try not to overthink during a meeting.

Offline MissWolf

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Ok this is straight from the horses mouth, well mine anyway. Many of you are correct that turning up freshly showered , friendly, respectful and with the payment is the most important thing. I’m not bothered about your shape or size and I’ve seen them all. In life outside of my work, I’m naturally attracted to guys with nice eyes, great smiles and I prefer a dad bod over a skinny guy but that’s just me. I’m always drawn to guys that have a great personality and especially a GSOH.  I’m very lucky that I generally enjoy meeting all sorts of people in life so meeting and getting to know my clients is a highlight to this work for me. Yes I earn good money but it’s certainly not all about the money for me and I do generally care about my clients but so many have been regulars for almost 6 years. Knowing someone for that long means I do get to know them on a personal level and I love those sorts of connections.  I see all ages and like the variety that brings and I certainly do actually fancy many of them although I keep that to myself. I can honestly say that I’ve probably only had maybe 4 that have been very unpleasant but on all of those occasions, it’s been a hygiene issue and not his looks.
I think the old stereotype of all clients being fat, ugly and sweaty should be long gone, just as much as not all escorts are pimped, drugged or desperate for cash.
All the clients I see are just normal guys from all walks of life who have a need for a service that I’m happy to provide.
To the OP, I’d say just go and enjoy yourself, she probably won’t even care about the bits you might be unhappy about. We are all our own worst critics but dont let those insecurities steal your joy in life.

I've been trying to find a way to express my views,  I don't need to you have done it for me

So it's a +1 for this from me  :thumbsup:

Offline simon07

You can't be that self conscious, HD, because you're happy to strip bollock naked in front of women you've just met; it may not sound much to us, but I know plenty of guys who could just never do that.

Remember, she's not interested in your social status, your marital status, your job, the size of your cock or your sexual prowess, and most importantly of all, remember this isn't real life; it isn't her pleasure or satisfaction that matters it's yours, and yours alone, so there's no need to feel self-conscious about anything.

Here’s the thing. Ever been to a sex party and stark naked being sucked off by a gal whilst she is being pounded or vice versa.
1. How do you feel the SP thinks of the gangbang crew
2. How do you feel with other guys watching you? (They may or may not be comparising penis sizes etc)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 07:15:03 pm by simon07 »

Offline Stevelondon

Here’s the thing. Ever been to a sex party and stark naked being sucked off by a gal whilst she is being pounded or vice versa.
1. How do you feel the SP thinks of the gangbang crew
2. How do you feel with other guys watching you? (They may or may not be comparising penis sizes etc)

I’m not a party animal so I can’t comment on how an SP thinks when in gang bang mode.
I go to the gym (or used too) and have no worries about being naked around other men. I’m just me. Possibly average looks, average build but with a personality (I think) that makes me get in with most.
If an SP likes me then so be it but for most of the times I’m punting it’s not a necessity.
Regulars over the years it’s been nice to be liked because with some it became a social thing as well as a business transaction.
We all like to be liked a little bit  :D

Offline Harry Stotle

When EEs first started to appear, I used to get the "why you not have girlfriend" from EE SPs.   I've had two or three who wanted to start something with me.  But that was 25 years and more ago.

Since then, I've not even had a glancing compliment.  So it's clear SPs just see me as another geezer in late middle age. They don't hate me or fancy me, they're simply indifferent.

There is no kidding yourself, if you punt when you're getting on in years.  You are forced to accept reality.

Offline Adoniron

I don't care what an SP thinks of me any more than I care what a shop assistant or barmaid thinks of me. Its purely transactional; I provide the money and they provide the service.

Offline JonasG

When EEs first started to appear, I used to get the "why you not have girlfriend" from EE SPs.   I've had two or three who wanted to start something with me.  But that was 25 years and more ago.

Since then, I've not even had a glancing compliment.  So it's clear SPs just see me as another geezer in late middle age. They don't hate me or fancy me, they're simply indifferent.

There is no kidding yourself, if you punt when you're getting on in years.  You are forced to accept reality.

Even if/when WGs compliment you, you should take it with a pinch of salt anyway. It's easy to get carried away if a fit woman compliments you but some WGs will butter you up.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what they think of us. That's the good thing about punting, it's not dating where you have to impress.

Be clean, friendly etc. and then leave.