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Author Topic: Dealing with EAS  (Read 6345 times)

Offline JustaPunter

I know I will likely get flamed for this post but what can you do.

I have searched the forum and read the previous threads but I just want to ask one simple question.

Has anybody found a way to deal with EAS?

Just to add.

No, I won’t be naming the SP in question and don’t need offers to rail her and then put up a review.

This is a serious question whilst I try to sort my head out.

I appreciate any helpful advise.

Offline daviemac

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All the answers are on the many previous threads, all you'll get here is repeating those.

Offline JustaPunter

All the answers are on the many previous threads, all you'll get here is repeating those.

I have read loads of threads

Naming the girl so people can rail her and then leave a review seems to be the common theme, which is neither productive or a particularly nice thing to do.

Online willie loman

if you can afford it, just see her, infatuation goes fairly quickly.

Offline JustaPunter

if you can afford it, just see her, infatuation goes fairly quickly.

That horse has bolted, she won’t be seeing me again.

I just need to find out if anybody has found a way to deal and move on.

After nearly 3 months it’s not getting any easier.

For context I saw her regularly for over 2 years, usually on a weekly basis but sometimes fortnightly if life got in the way.

Online lewisjones23

read her reviews 10x over and remind yourself that you were just another punter and a walking cash machine 100x

Yes its shit but you’re a grown adult so snap out of it

Online willie loman

That horse has bolted, she won’t be seeing me again.

I just need to find out if anybody has found a way to deal and move on.

After nearly 3 months it’s not getting any easier.

For context I saw her regularly for over 2 years, usually on a weekly basis but sometimes fortnightly if life got in the way.

well in that case you just have to put up with it, time heals etc, studies show, i kid you not, that the average infatuation lasts 18 months, just find another lady , you should always have a few on the go in my book.

Offline daviemac

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I have read loads of threads

Naming the girl so people can rail her and then leave a review seems to be the common theme, which is neither productive or a particularly nice thing to do.
What different answers are you hoping for? the same people who have replied on the other threads will be the same one's who post here.

There's a saying about repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

There's 25 pages between these two have you read those? plus comments from Punting2022 who still hasn't really got over it.

Offline JustaPunter

What different answers are you hoping for? the same people who have replied on the other threads will be the same one's who post here.

There's a saying about repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

There's 25 pages between these two have you read those? plus comments from Punting2022 who still hasn't really got over it.

Well we won’t know that till people comment will we.

Offline daviemac

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Well we won’t know that till people comment will we.
Like I said the same people who commented before are the only ones who can comment again, we're just going to end up with several threads all saying the same thing by the same people. 

Have you actually read the 25 pages I linked to? 

Offline jimbobted

I know how difficult this can be. I went through something similar earlier in the year (and created a thread on here). I find it's like the tides, it comes in waves but the tide surely slowly ebbs, then you forget about her and then the tide comes in again gradually and you find the waves noticeable. But each time the tide will not come in as far.

Triggers for me are being tired. So if I find myself feeling like this I will make sure I get a couple of early nights and turn the punting phone off for a few days to forget about this side of my life. If I catch myself thinking about what might have been I try to stop and deliberately do something else like go out with the family or a hobby that takes up all of my attention.

Paying to shag her again won't help long term, been there done that, but sounds like that's not an issue for you.

I've had a relapse the past couple of days, I'm knackered so I'm having an early night tonight and will make sure I do something tomorrow to keep me occupied.

Time and learning how to divert your mind from thinking about something that can never be a reality are the only cures I am aware of.

Offline potter92

Without being an idiot what's EAS?

Online lewisjones23

Without being an idiot what's EAS?

Emotional Attachment Syndrome

when a punter falls for a brass and catches feelings 🥰🥰

Offline SoapyTW

Without being an idiot what's EAS?

Emotional Attachment Syndrome.... aka, Simping*

You’re overly emotional or dramatic
If you’re overly emotional or dramatic when it comes to the person you’re interested in, it might be a sign of simping.

This can involve getting upset or angry when they don’t respond to your messages or getting overly emotional when they’re not around. While it’s natural to have feelings for someone, constantly getting overly emotional or dramatic can be a sign of simping.

External Link/Members Only.

* Btw, this is my advice on how to get past EAS. Rename it to something you are uncomfortable and despise with rather than hide the behaviour behind a fluffy acronym

Offline JustaPunter

Like I said the same people who commented before are the only ones who can comment again, we're just going to end up with several threads all saying the same thing by the same people. 

Have you actually read the 25 pages I linked to?


Offline JustaPunter

I know how difficult this can be. I went through something similar earlier in the year (and created a thread on here). I find it's like the tides, it comes in waves but the tide surely slowly ebbs, then you forget about her and then the tide comes in again gradually and you find the waves noticeable. But each time the tide will not come in as far.

Triggers for me are being tired. So if I find myself feeling like this I will make sure I get a couple of early nights and turn the punting phone off for a few days to forget about this side of my life. If I catch myself thinking about what might have been I try to stop and deliberately do something else like go out with the family or a hobby that takes up all of my attention.

Paying to shag her again won't help long term, been there done that, but sounds like that's not an issue for you.

I've had a relapse the past couple of days, I'm knackered so I'm having an early night tonight and will make sure I do something tomorrow to keep me occupied.

Time and learning how to divert your mind from thinking about something that can never be a reality are the only cures I am aware of.

Seeing her again won’t be an issue.

I had admitted how I felt a long time ago and that was not the issue.

She no longer wishes to see me and that’s the position I find myself, completely self inflicted and not her fault.

Offline SoapyTW

Time and learning how to divert your mind from thinking about something that can never be a reality are the only cures I am aware of.

This is actually sagely wisdom. You can't not think about something, but you can crowd out the thoughts with something else. Actively pursue something else. Leave no space in your head to think about this

Offline jimbobted

Seeing her again won’t be an issue.

I had admitted how I felt a long time ago and that was not the issue.

She no longer wishes to see me and that’s the position I find myself, completely self inflicted and not her fault.
See that as a positive - she was just rinsing you knowing you were chasing something she wasn't going to provide. Now she's stopped, for whatever reason.
If she didn't tell you fuck off when you first admitted your feelings, but never reciprocated she was just taking advantage of those feelings to take your cash, knowing you would always keep coming back. She's not the lovely girl you thought she was, she's someone who preyed on your vulnerability.

Don't pine for something that can never and could never be. I know that's easy to say hard to do (I'm right there), but you have to see it for what it was.

Intrigued as to why she finally put and end to it though, what happened?

Offline Jonestown

I'd suggest listening on repeat, through headphones, to to the Bonnie Raitt & Bruce Hornsby track, "I Can't Make You Love Me", repeat for an hour every time the mood comes over you. You'll cry a bit, but don't worry, its good for you.

I'm wondering if you and the sp were even marginally compatible , were you in the same age range, from the same social background, was there ever a chance outside your imagination that you stood a chance with her ?  if not, consider it a blessing, she did you a favour by blocking you.

Offline Thephoenix

If you find it's hard to stop thinking about the woman, one technique is to liken the repetitive thoughts to building a brick wall.
When you realise you're starting to have those thoughts, don't allow the wall to get too big,
just gently knock the bricks down as soon as the thoughts return.
It worked for me many years ago when going through a difficult time unrelated to punting.

Offline JustaPunter

Deleted duplicate.

Did you mean your post of this thread?

Since every circumstance is different getting different perspectives can be relevant. Opinions change and develop with time.

If you think about it reviews of the same SP could potentially be pretty much the same.

Does that mean people should not review
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 07:26:19 am by JustaPunter »

Offline jesse4585

EAS is as common risk for GFE type punters.  But as long as you're on guard & catch it early, dealing with it can be quite easy. E.g. if you find yourself getting too enchanted with a lass during a punt, stop doing intimate things like FK & looking into her eyes.  More importantly, if you find yourself excessively thinking of a lass between punts,  make sure you punt different WGs until said feelings subside.

completely self inflicted and not her fault.
In your case you didn't deal with it early, and now you've got serious heart ache. But I'd not beat yourself up about it being self inflicted. It's a natural thing to happen to a chap that has deep feelings, and many of us only learn these important lessons from experience.  Sadly no good cure for a broken heart except time. Those painful feelings of separation very rarely last for years, but common for them to last for some months before they slowly start being less of a problem.

Online Colston36

I was emotionally attached to all the six woman I married or lived with.  I now live with one - but she's married someone else and I devote myself to ladies of the night. I'm emotionally attached to two of them, too.

Offline Munter84

I was emotionally attached to all the six woman I married or lived with.  I now live with one - but she's married someone else and I devote myself to ladies of the night. I'm emotionally attached to two of them, too.

The term "attachment" is broad enough to mean anything from an emotional connection to an infatuation. As with many things in life it's a question of degree, and how well equipped you are to manage it.

Offline Puntingutils

Stay away. Try CBT & seek professional help. Good luck.

Offline dub6747

For me the risk increases when there seems to be less girls to visit that float my those circumstances I tend to stick with what I enjoy but this EAS thing is then more likely to be around ... as someone said on a previous thread, getting an emotional bond makes the sex far more enjoyable but just be aware of the reality...if the reality is too much to take then punting is probably not recommended

Offline Jonestown

Stay away. Try CBT & seek professional help. Good luck.

Cock & Ball Torture ?

That would do it, I guess.

Offline Punting2022

What different answers are you hoping for? the same people who have replied on the other threads will be the same one's who post here.

There's a saying about repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

There's 25 pages between these two have you read those? plus comments from Punting2022 who still hasn't really got over it.

Why bring me into it. I am over it. Ive seen multiple ladies. Also
I didnt fall in love with a prosse. The girl i fell for was a civvie first. Yes she was on arrangement sites, but she was not a full blown escort. She became one later. Money will always rule over love for prosses. So save your bank balance.

My issue has always been the lies from her side,

To the OP forget it move on. Always a better prosse around. Someone younger better looking etc.

Spend your cash on better things, the savings im making now have helped me buy a porshe 911. Insted of giving allowances, im spending on pcp.
Cars are better for your mental health, give less stress etc.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 05:20:25 pm by Punting2022 »

Online Colston36

Why bring me into it. I am over it. Ive seen multiple ladies. Also
I didnt fall in love with a prosse. The girl i fell for was a civvie first. Yes she was on arrangement sites, but she was not a full blown escort. She became one later. Money will always rule over love for prosses. So save your bank balance.

My issue has always been the lies from her side,

To the OP forget it move on. Always a better prosse around. Someone younger better looking etc.

Spend your cash on better things, the savings im making now have helped me buy a porshe 911. Insted of giving allowances, im spending on pcp.
Cars are better for your mental health, give less stress etc.

This "Money will always rule over love for prosses." is simply not true, as any pimp can tell you. I know two whose love for a man has absolutely overruled their commonsense about money. Actually I find the word "always" almost always not to be trusted.

Offline daviemac

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Why bring me into it.
Because you are the perfect example, you still can't accept that she was selling sex from the moment you met her, she just let you believe you were exclusive until you found out you weren't.

No matter how you put it she was on Seeking taking money for sexual services and that makes her a prostitute, she may have changed the way she advertised at a later date but that would just be to maximise earnings.

Online Southernbloke

I know damn well that I am susceptible to EAS , so I find seeing escort couples much easier to deal with.

Offline dub6747

Been thinking about this a lot to try and make sense of it ... years ago I learnt how to do auricular was a treatment for problematic substance use, in particular alcohol use ... the theory underpinning it was that yin energy is the soothing healing energy and yang is the draining take on punting and EAS is that knowing that the feelings generated by being intimate with someone who then is intimate with the next man who similarly gets those feelings creates Yang energy and the symptoms of EAS ...seeing the girl gives you Yin energy as it's fuckin ace but then leaves you with Yang energy for the reasons I think above

So  it's a see-saw...the way to manage the Yang that comes from knowing your "sweetheart" is going to be making other men feel the same way she makes you feel is to get more Yin energy into your life ... for me knowing that the girl is going to be carrying on in the same way rather than believing that the green light or name on rota isn't going to appear and finding other ways in life that I enjoy rather moopsing is a start

Offline mrfishyfoo

I know I will likely get flamed for this post but what can you do.

I have searched the forum and read the previous threads but I just want to ask one simple question.

Has anybody found a way to deal with EAS?

Just to add.

No, I won’t be naming the SP in question and don’t need offers to rail her and then put up a review.

This is a serious question whilst I try to sort my head out.

I appreciate any helpful advise.

Time  !!!

There is no fast way to get over the loss and associated pain that you are currently feeling.

You've simply got to accept that you were just another prick that went into the blackhole just like all her other punters. If you can't do this then you're fucked as the feelings you have will eat you up.

So try reminding yourself that all you are is a walking cashmachine and that cash was all you ever were to her.

Once you've done that go get laid. Then get laid again, and again, and again and before you know it time will have eased your wounds.

.....and yes it has all been said before and will be said again.

Offline Jonestown

So try reminding yourself that all you are is a walking cashmachine and that cash was all you ever were to her.

I don't doubt the truth of what you (and others) say here, but I'm not sure its actually helpful to focus on it when you've had your heart broken and your emotions stamped on. I kind of think its better to acknowledge that your feelings are real but they're just not reciprocated; what ever you'd hoped for in the way of a relationship is not going to be. So, don't be bitter, be positive, wish the woman well for the future, move on and drag your sorry ass into the next encounter, which can't be too far ahead.

Offline SX225

It's probably annoying to some that emotional attachment keeps being raised or threads revived. I think it's useful that it does as it act as a reminder that we could all be susceptible.  I'm a hard hearted miserable realist and it's happened to me. It's a shit experience.

Offline Jonestown

It's a shit experience.

It certainly is, but it's far from limited to the punting world, unrequited love is part of the human condition, its something that can affect anyone man or woman. Learning that you can't necessarily get what you want is something that is part of becoming an adult, perhaps its harder for recent generations to cope with if the claims of over entitlement are to be believed ?

Offline Crockers

I mentioned on another EAS thread that I'd finally falllen for a reg. Won't go into details again.

She texted me rwo weeks ago asking if I wanted to see her again after a three months of last of seeing her.

I didn't reply. Plenty of other girls out there.

I'm still fond of her but she tried to take advantage, genuine as she was at times.

Life's complicated.

Though I must admit, I still love watching the films of us fucking, when at a loose end!

Think I'm over her.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 07:34:30 pm by Crockers »

Offline PilotMan

I mentioned on another EAS thread that I'd finally falllen for a reg. Won't go into details again.

She texted me rwo weeks ago asking if I wanted to see her again after a three months of last of seeing her.

I didn't reply. Plenty of other girls out there.

I'm still fond of her but she tried to take advantage, genuine as she was at times.

Life's complicated.

Though I must admit, I still love watching the films of us fucking, when at a loose end!

Think I'm over her.

I'm surprised that someone with a hardened, beer swilling, whiskey drinking, (non) recreational drug taking, fuck like rams, hedonistic lifestyle would get EAS.

Maybe you had too many smashes to the head playing rugby, or the (non) recreational drugs got to you  :lol:

Offline Corky

I mentioned on another EAS thread that I'd finally falllen for a reg. Won't go into details again.

She texted me rwo weeks ago asking if I wanted to see her again after a three months of last of seeing her.

I didn't reply. Plenty of other girls out there.

I'm still fond of her but she tried to take advantage, genuine as she was at times.

Life's complicated.

Though I must admit, I still love watching the films of us fucking, when at a loose end!

Think I'm over her.

Nope - she wasn't.

Being genuine is something you do all the time - not some of the time.

Offline Crockers

I'm surprised that someone with a hardened, beer swilling, whiskey drinking, (non) recreational drug taking, fuck like rams, hedonistic lifestyle would get EAS.

Maybe you had too many smashes to the head playing rugby, or the (non) recreational drugs got to you  :lol:

Lols. I have a stalker. I've always wanted one to be trendy. 

Hip hip hooray.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 10:58:52 pm by Crockers »

Offline PilotMan

Lols. I have a stalker. I've always wanted one to be trendy. 

Hip hip hooray.


Not a stalker, I'm a fan boy.

I've always admired head hard cases and macho men  :lol:

Offline speedygonzal

I feel your pain, I think we are a breed that doesn't understand ladies and falls in love quite easily. I bet this isn't your first time feeling this (I'm talking about that high school crush that you never got to kiss but keep in the back of your head for very long). The good news is that we are easy to fall in love, so sooner rather than later another lady will replace her, but you will have 1% more experience than before and you should handle the situation a little better and hopefully not make the exact same mistake. Keep trying other girls until you find another SW who is just as beautiful and treats you just as well. they are not easy finds In my experience less than 5%.

In short, as the saying goes: “New love drives out old Love”

Online Stevelondon

I was emotionally attached to all the six woman I married or lived with.  I now live with one - but she's married someone else and I devote myself to ladies of the night. I'm emotionally attached to two of them, too.

Could it be you just like cake 😂

Online Stevelondon

Seeing her again won’t be an issue.

I had admitted how I felt a long time ago and that was not the issue.

She no longer wishes to see me and that’s the position I find myself, completely self inflicted and not her fault.

Whoever she is. She sounds intelligent enough (perhaps caring enough) to know that NOT seeing you. Is best for you and her.

I’m no psychologist (or should that be psychiatrist) 😂.      But the chances are we could all meet someone at some point. Who pricks our interest enough to want to form some kind of attachment.
Who knows ?

I’ve become friends with one or two SP’s over the years and still see a couple who are really good mates now. I’ve never fallen for anyone in all the time I’ve punted but I can understand how somebody else might. We are all different.

But as has been said. There’s no real answer to how the OP gets rid of his emotional connection. He’s different from everybody else so who knows what’s going through his head.

Offline Crockers

Not a stalker, I'm a fan boy.

I've always admired head hard cases and macho men  :lol:

Do you stalk women as well or just punters on a punting website?


Offline Crockers

Not a stalker, I'm a fan boy.

I've always admired head hard cases and macho men  :lol:

By the way, I've posted something on another thread.

See you there!

This is like playing with a kitten using a laser light.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2023, 08:26:59 am by Crockers »

Online Stevelondon

By the way, I've posted something on another thread.

See you there!

This is like playing with a kitten using a laser light.


That’s not another euphemism is it ? 😂

Offline PilotMan

Do you stalk women as well or just punters on a punting website?


Just you, I hope you feel special  ;)

Offline Roman77

It depends on your situation and mood. If you're feeling low or lonely and visit someone on a regular basis you can get into a comfortable routine and over time become attached to the girl. Probably happens more with local escorts than those touring. This is their skill but you must remember they are providing a service and have one agenda to hook you in, make you feel special so you return again and again with your cash. They will make time for you, be available to meet as if you're the only one giving you the GFE.

This is where they use EAS to their advantage. All they're doing is draining your bank balance. If you start to cool things they will find other punters. Your 'slot' will be filled by another. It's their job. You're not special even though your head thinks you are. They move on quickly while you suffer. Many years ago while I was chatting to a WG she came out with a line that stuck with me, "a cocks a cock" and it gives me a good lifestyle.

Dealing with EAS is easy. Remember when you leave the girl she'll be with another punter within 30/60 mins after you leave and another after that and so on.

At the end of the day clients are after a service, the WG's provide this not just for one but for many.