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Author Topic: A guide on how to cure erection problems in punting  (Read 57472 times)

Offline Marmalade

My doctor well not change my SSRI anti depressants too wellbutrin/ bupropion also know as zyban. I don't know if wellburtin/bupropion well be any good anyway tho? I think some doctors are useless personally, you must take them drugs and that's it. I was put on prozac and had no choice.
I'm seeing the doctor again soon and he may tell me too just take them drugs and that's it, last time there was no ifs or buts he just told me too take them and he would not even listen about side effects and stuff.
What's your intake on docters and drugs??

When it comes to anti-depressants I do feel most doctors are not that well-versed. It's almost like being faced with a yapping dog - give it a sedative or let it do what it wants to do like run in the garden and play?

SSRIs, Prozac and nearly all anti-depressants basically disable one part of the brain. Occasionally ok in emergency.

Depends on your personality. If you like being told what to do then it's either the GP or an expensive private consultant (who might do a bit more research). There's plenty of stuff on the market that hasn't been fully tested for anti depression but it known to have antidepressant effects, things that improve brain function rather than shut it down. It needs the individual to do the research and understand what and how the different things work.

Offline Marmalade

I'm seeing him soon and his going too a hard nut too crack.
If i tell him I have stopped the meds do you think he would change them or if i tell him I'm still on them would he change them then.

Nope. That's not how it works. The doctors job is to look at what effect they have. He or she can only do that if the patient has taken them for about six weeks or so.
Possible variations:
After taking as prescribed for a bit,
Patient reports having taken half the dose and that works.
Patient reports having taken twice the dose and it works.
Patient says "they works a bit but (lists some side effects)"

If the patient doesn't like the side effects, doctor looks in BNF (British National Formulary) and see if popular alternative has less of stated side effects. Checks price for cost-benefit ratio.

If you loook up BNF yourself you can predict some useful responses (but try not to sound like a smart ass cos doctors feel undermined if you do.)

Offline megaman

I'm thinking about taking this 2 supplements
1 L arginine 500mg and ginkgo biloba about 250mg
That's 1 combo of supplements too try or just 1 of them? Can be used for everything depression and sexual health I've been reading about them on the internet. I would rather silly as this sounds but rather ask for advice on here and then doctors. Some docters don't have a cue. Well not my doctor anyway all what he want me too take is shit cutting along story short. It's a bit sad having too go out and buy my own meds but that's how bad my doctor is he don't give a shit wot crap I'm on.  Anyway them two supplements are wot I'm looking at now as a combo the only problem is wot dose. I have put the doses above. I we'll be getting them from Holland and Barrett.
Some people take supplements  Combos and say it works for them or just take one but it works.
There's also this 1 pharma Nord prelox
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 10:41:27 pm by megaman »


  • Guest
Tell the doc your having suicidal thoughts they cant't ignore that!

Offline CheeseBoard

Not sure I'd want that on my medical record  :thumbsdown:

Offline megaman

I have discontinued them I tried too go back on I took 3 prozac pills and on the 3nd morning  I ended up with almost no feeling in my private zones it's scary stuff, so my body rejects them now I would say. Fluoxetine is also used too treat PE I looked this up, I believe some ppl use antidepressants for that. My docter also told me not too read stuff on the Internet he thinks drugs are safe.
I did notice I was ejectioning easier without them.  I think taking more and then waking up in the morning with a side effect like that I don't think it's worth the risk, they go in the bin now. They made my face numb too and 1 doctor said they can't do that. They must numb the penis abit even by taking 1 because how are they delaying orgasm? Makes me think if viagra is the Same for some ppl as a side effect of taking them too. Another benefit by dumping the meds is that it should be more safe too take other stuff. But any drug it don't matter wot it is should always be your LAST RESORT.
I'm trying too get a decent punt in so I can do a more reviews but unfortunately on my last punt it went down the toilet. I did not review my last punt but can tell you wot happened. My last punt was massage blow job then HJ so did not even post a review.
There is one mistake I keep making on punts and I keep telling myself this is don't let them finish me off by hand just walk away. If my penis is not playing ball then walk away don't finish by hand because it becomes a bad circle too get out off. On my last punt tho I did not listen I let the WG give me a hand job and after that I was feeling like shit, I told her that was ashamed about it too. On my next punts I may mention this if I have problems then I may leave early. I have a few bad habits that I need too break once I do that I should be half decent. I'm still on a mission too make a WG cum and that well  take least 15mins of non stop fucking. I'm just frustrated  ive been doing this for almost a year now and theres guys in there 50/60 that put me too shame. I have noticed that a few others punters request too finish by hand but that can lead too a bad circle of hand jobs, I did get out of that stage and now I've got too get out of it again. As I said too get out of hand jobs I just have leave the punt early. So it's not just the meds I have some bad habits I need too address.

Offline nervous1

Someone asked me to post a 'review' after I said that I was going porn/punting/wank free for 90 days.  This is a long post so apologies for that.  Hopefully someone else can take something from it.

So I never managed the full 3 months of non wanking as I gave up after 11 weeks.  Ridiculous to give up at that point but I just couldn't take it anymore and was fed up thinking about sex 24/7.  I've got a Fleshlight device (a different brand) and lasted about 2 minutes watching some porn.  Left it another 4 days and with some lube had a wank with one finger that lasted about 5 minutes.  I don't know if I could do that before but I would encourage everyone to try as it's a lot better than it sounds as the ending is intense.  Kind of fell back into old ways in regards to frequency but never more than one finger and with the slightest touch.  Early signs were very encouraging but there was only one way I was going to know for sure.

Been planning all sorts for ages and exchanged a few emails with WGs on AW.  My hotlist is getting to the ridiculous point.  Decided that my first punt in nearly 4 months should be WG I've seen before and reviewed with a positive.  I knew what I was getting which was part of the appeal.  Strangely after bursting with frustration for so long; when it came time for me to arrange a punt I've been quite hesitant.  Been doing this a couple of years now and it became second nature but I feel like a newbie again.  The thought of another BJ that I couldn't even feel and discovering that I still needed viagra was putting me off.  It's been a rough summer and was scared to find out if it was all for nothing.

Started off well.  Erection grew gradually during DFK which was a nice change from the constant viagra stiffness and definitely enjoyed the more natural process.  Couldn't see where her mouth was positioned during oral due to hair.  Was getting worried but started feeling a nice tickly sensation and a few times I twitched.  A very noticeable improvement but not the 'weak at the knees' BJ I was hoping for (might have just been technique).  If she went long enough I could have shot my load but that would have taken a while and I really wanted to start shagging. Ideally I wanted first pop by oral but if it gets you really in the mood for sex then you have to consider it a success.  Doggy was so so great as I knew I was going to cum right away so I enjoyed it immensely.  Gave her a 'pounding' (or my feeble attempt at one) for nearly 5 minutes.  One of the best ever and so it should have been.  Was absolutely spent & knew right away there would be no round 2 but I didn't want one & quit while I was ahead.

So I don't need viagra to stay hard anymore and good riddance to that crap as I won't miss it.  Might have been up for more if I had taken one but I filled the bag & was happy.

So fuck you deathgrip, I won this battle  :thumbsup:  Planning next punt already.

Offline BarryProudfoot

I started out experimenting different time frames to see what works/feels best for me and it led me to the door of depression (self diagnosed) Between January up to the end of June I was up and down like a yo-yo and life had never felt like this before. I began loosing interest in just about everything and that merged into a routine of boredom. I found myself forgetting things and constantly questioning myself. Sitting around in my boxers was more appealing than leaving my house to do something, anything. Boredom creates the environment where knocking one out to porn passes the time, then passes more time (you get the picture) When I was out and about going about my daily work routine I was so demotivated and uninterested that I couldn't wait to go home to do nothing. I was tired all the time, yawning morning, noon and night. Getting a good nights sleep was difficult as I didn't actually want to go sleep. I was literally going around in circles winding myself up. The last week in June I said 1st of July i'm going to start again, but i'm going to balance things up. Eat better, sleep better and just keep my mind positively focused. 30th June Midnight (1st July) I took a 50mg Zinc tablet, knocking one out time after time your body loses this vital mineral. On the 1st July midnight (2nd July) I took 500mg L-Tyrosine to combat all the poor eating and get my mind focused. 3rd July, I felt like coming on here to talk about it. The only supplement I take everyday now is a multivitamin.       


  • Guest
Dont over dose on zinc max 20/30 mg day

Offline BarryProudfoot

Dont over dose on zinc max 20/30 mg day

I opted for the high dose to replenish all the abuse :cool: I'm probably getting less than 15mg though diet. 

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

My problem is getting hard again once I've popped.
Will Sildenafil help with this?
I use this and the hard on is bloody amazing. The first pop depends on my wanking habits around the time of the punt. Sometimes it's a good long first go and sometimes a 10 second dissappointment.

Where I agree with what has been said before is the 2nd pop usually needs to wait about half an hour but depending on the lass you don't even lose the boner. Had a CIM booking where after I popped she asked if I go "too sensitive" (which I dont) and went straight on to sucking again because "she liked my cock"  :lol: :lol: Amazingly it didn't stop her talking either!  :D


  • Guest
I think I have lost my libido any idea how to get it back?


  • Guest
Read and learn you cant just wish it back
Guess you have tabs for depression ???

Offline MrMatrix

Read and learn you cant just wish it back
Guess you have tabs for depression ???
Hooters - you just have to dive back in mate and it will come back. Its happened to me. :hi:

Offline megaman

Someone asked me to post a 'review' after I said that I was going porn/punting/wank free for 90 days.  This is a long post so apologies for that.  Hopefully someone else can take something from it.

So I never managed the full 3 months of non wanking as I gave up after 11 weeks.  Ridiculous to give up at that point but I just couldn't take it anymore and was fed up thinking about sex 24/7.  I've got a Fleshlight device (a different brand) and lasted about 2 minutes watching some porn.  Left it another 4 days and with some lube had a wank with one finger that lasted about 5 minutes.  I don't know if I could do that before but I would encourage everyone to try as it's a lot better than it sounds as the ending is intense.  Kind of fell back into old ways in regards to frequency but never more than one finger and with the slightest touch.  Early signs were very encouraging but there was only one way I was going to know for sure.

Been planning all sorts for ages and exchanged a few emails with WGs on AW.  My hotlist is getting to the ridiculous point.  Decided that my first punt in nearly 4 months should be WG I've seen before and reviewed with a positive.  I knew what I was getting which was part of the appeal.  Strangely after bursting with frustration for so long; when it came time for me to arrange a punt I've been quite hesitant.  Been doing this a couple of years now and it became second nature but I feel like a newbie again.  The thought of another BJ that I couldn't even feel and discovering that I still needed viagra was putting me off.  It's been a rough summer and was scared to find out if it was all for nothing.

Started off well.  Erection grew gradually during DFK which was a nice change from the constant viagra stiffness and definitely enjoyed the more natural process.  Couldn't see where her mouth was positioned during oral due to hair.  Was getting worried but started feeling a nice tickly sensation and a few times I twitched.  A very noticeable improvement but not the 'weak at the knees' BJ I was hoping for (might have just been technique).  If she went long enough I could have shot my load but that would have taken a while and I really wanted to start shagging. Ideally I wanted first pop by oral but if it gets you really in the mood for sex then you have to consider it a success.  Doggy was so so great as I knew I was going to cum right away so I enjoyed it immensely.  Gave her a 'pounding' (or my feeble attempt at one) for nearly 5 minutes.  One of the best ever and so it should have been.  Was absolutely spent & knew right away there would be no round 2 but I didn't want one & quit while I was ahead.

So I don't need viagra to stay hard anymore and good riddance to that crap as I won't miss it.  Might have been up for more if I had taken one but I filled the bag & was happy.

So fuck you deathgrip, I won this battle  :thumbsup:  Planning next punt already.
I don't understand wot is wrong with Viagra if it makes you hard? :unknown:
 just got more supplements however I have not tried this one yet pharma Nord prelox tablets has any1 tryed them?
Nord prelox tablets or Viagra wot one?
I also want the side effect of Viagra delayed cuming and as for prelox nord  its more natural.
Prelox Nord I can pick up easy too but as for Viagra I don't want too have too go through all that interview crap, they want ID, my address I just want too get the pills and then piss off. I also don't my family knowing I'm getting viagra so being put on any system maybe a risk

Offline Rockhead

Someone asked me to post a 'review' after I said that I was going porn/punting/wank free for 90 days.  This is a long post so apologies for that.  Hopefully someone else can take something from it.

So I never managed the full 3 months of non wanking as I gave up after 11 weeks.  Ridiculous to give up at that point but I just couldn't take it anymore and was fed up thinking about sex 24/7.  I've got a Fleshlight device (a different brand) and lasted about 2 minutes watching some porn.  Left it another 4 days and with some lube had a wank with one finger that lasted about 5 minutes.  I don't know if I could do that before but I would encourage everyone to try as it's a lot better than it sounds as the ending is intense.  Kind of fell back into old ways in regards to frequency but never more than one finger and with the slightest touch.  Early signs were very encouraging but there was only one way I was going to know for sure.

Been planning all sorts for ages and exchanged a few emails with WGs on AW.  My hotlist is getting to the ridiculous point.  Decided that my first punt in nearly 4 months should be WG I've seen before and reviewed with a positive.  I knew what I was getting which was part of the appeal.  Strangely after bursting with frustration for so long; when it came time for me to arrange a punt I've been quite hesitant.  Been doing this a couple of years now and it became second nature but I feel like a newbie again.  The thought of another BJ that I couldn't even feel and discovering that I still needed viagra was putting me off.  It's been a rough summer and was scared to find out if it was all for nothing.

Started off well.  Erection grew gradually during DFK which was a nice change from the constant viagra stiffness and definitely enjoyed the more natural process.  Couldn't see where her mouth was positioned during oral due to hair.  Was getting worried but started feeling a nice tickly sensation and a few times I twitched.  A very noticeable improvement but not the 'weak at the knees' BJ I was hoping for (might have just been technique).  If she went long enough I could have shot my load but that would have taken a while and I really wanted to start shagging. Ideally I wanted first pop by oral but if it gets you really in the mood for sex then you have to consider it a success.  Doggy was so so great as I knew I was going to cum right away so I enjoyed it immensely.  Gave her a 'pounding' (or my feeble attempt at one) for nearly 5 minutes.  One of the best ever and so it should have been.  Was absolutely spent & knew right away there would be no round 2 but I didn't want one & quit while I was ahead.

So I don't need viagra to stay hard anymore and good riddance to that crap as I won't miss it.  Might have been up for more if I had taken one but I filled the bag & was happy.

So fuck you deathgrip, I won this battle  :thumbsup:  Planning next punt already.

Great to read this - always encouraging to read success stories. I hope you continue to enjoy the fruits of this success.

I currently am on a streak of almost 60 days without a wank. My aim is to get to 90. In that time, I've had sex only once and I'm afraid not very successfully. This was just a few days ago. I did manage to cum, but not through penetration and in fact did not do penetration at all.

My problem seems to be this: I get hard through foreplay and kissing etc, but the next stage in the proceedings seems to be to perform oral on the girl. I'm happy to do this, but it doesn't excite or interest me in the least, so I lose my erection. It's after giving oral that sex is usually next on the agenda - but of course I'm in no position to do this...

Offline hungrypunt

My problem seems to be this: I get hard through foreplay and kissing etc, but the next stage in the proceedings seems to be to perform oral on the girl. I'm happy to do this, but it doesn't excite or interest me in the least, so I lose my erection. It's after giving oral that sex is usually next on the agenda - but of course I'm in no position to do this...

Well the next stage in proceedings my friend should be what YOU want to do. If jumping in and banging hard is it, then do it, if kissing nice and softly then do it.
Do what YOU want and what turns you on, and if in doubt that what you want will be suitable for the girl anything that may be erm "hardcore" then just confirm with the girl what you want, this helps build anticipation knowing your gonna get what you want, thus helps overall.


  • Guest

Offline nervous1

I don't understand wot is wrong with Viagra if it makes you hard? :unknown:
 just got more supplements however I have not tried this one yet pharma Nord prelox tablets has any1 tryed them?
Nord prelox tablets or Viagra wot one?
I also want the side effect of Viagra delayed cuming and as for prelox nord  its more natural.
Prelox Nord I can pick up easy too but as for Viagra I don't want too have too go through all that interview crap, they want ID, my address I just want too get the pills and then piss off. I also don't my family knowing I'm getting viagra so being put on any system maybe a risk

Nothing wrong with viagra in itself.  I really wasn't someone who really needed it since my punting habit was being ruined by lack of feeling & viagra was never going to address that issue.  It kept me hard but my knob could have been made from plastic or wood for all the good it did me.  Really more a of a psychological thing - the need to see WGs.  There are others, like probably yourself, who use the blue pill for more logical & practical reasons that never applied to my problem.

Offline MrMatrix

Nothing wrong with viagra in itself.  I really wasn't someone who really needed it since my punting habit was being ruined by lack of feeling & viagra was never going to address that issue.  It kept me hard but my knob could have been made from plastic or wood for all the good it did me.  Really more a of a psychological thing - the need to see WGs.  There are others, like probably yourself, who use the blue pill for more logical & practical reasons that never applied to my problem.
This is exactly my problem as well N1. I love foreplay and I've noticed if I indulge in foreplay I'll stay hard but the little guy doesnt chuck up. Often I have to wank off in these cases. However if its a quick 30 minutes I will unload probably 30% of the time. I have no explanation except a desesitised cock and being anxious that he wont perform properly. Not sure viagras the right pill either. :hi:

Offline nervous1

Great to read this - always encouraging to read success stories. I hope you continue to enjoy the fruits of this success.

I currently am on a streak of almost 60 days without a wank. My aim is to get to 90. In that time, I've had sex only once and I'm afraid not very successfully. This was just a few days ago. I did manage to cum, but not through penetration and in fact did not do penetration at all.

My problem seems to be this: I get hard through foreplay and kissing etc, but the next stage in the proceedings seems to be to perform oral on the girl. I'm happy to do this, but it doesn't excite or interest me in the least, so I lose my erection. It's after giving oral that sex is usually next on the agenda - but of course I'm in no position to do this...

Thanks dude.  We are both in the same boat & have been reading each other's in this thread for a while.

From my experience you really need to abstain from both wanking & punts at the same time.  One without the other is just not going to be as effective.  Believe me, I have the same addiction as you & it's unpleasant to go without to say the least but it's the only way.  My last unsuccessful streak last year also had a punt without penetration & was a massive setback.  Going 60 days without a wank is torturous and you have shown you have the willpower.  In my experience there are no treats.  You have to leave it alone until you start pissing semen ( :vomit:).  Since you are doing so great with masturbation, my advice would be to abstain totally for one month then book a half hour meet to measure your progress.

As has been mentioned, try and avoid giving oral if that's an unhappy trigger.  I also get hard during foreplay but don't lose it anymore like I used to.  If it starts getting floppy don't be afraid to ask for more foreplay and skip oral.

It's not like I'm doing everything right.  I didn't last the full 90 days; say nothing during harmful handjobs; back to two fingers during wanking and can't say that oral sets my world on fire neither.  I'm now at the stage that oral really gets me in the mood for penetration and my last two meets have resulted in really enjoyable sex (reviews forthcoming).  Have found that I'm undoubtedly a one pop guy and I'm fine with that.  Half hour meets will help.

Hope that's of some use to you.  Good luck  :thumbsup:

Offline nervous1

This is exactly my problem as well N1. I love foreplay and I've noticed if I indulge in foreplay I'll stay hard but the little guy doesnt chuck up. Often I have to wank off in these cases. However if its a quick 30 minutes I will unload probably 30% of the time. I have no explanation except a desesitised cock and being anxious that he wont perform properly. Not sure viagras the right pill either. :hi:

Whenever I knew that I wasn't going to cum then I would ask for some FK and finish myself.  It usually worked.  Think that problem goes back to 'too much porn' & found that kissing was the ultimate wanking aid rather than something that got me in mood for penetration.

The viagra makes everything seem alright.  The WG will be confused more often than not but leaving it alone for as long as possible was the only thing thing that helped me.  The blue pill will make you hard and last long but if you can't feel anything then what's the point  :thumbsdown:

Offline MrMatrix

Whenever I knew that I wasn't going to cum then I would ask for some FK and finish myself.  It usually worked.  Think that problem goes back to 'too much porn' & found that kissing was the ultimate wanking aid rather than something that got me in mood for penetration.

The viagra makes everything seem alright.  The WG will be confused more often than not but leaving it alone for as long as possible was the only thing thing that helped me.  The blue pill will make you hard and last long but if you can't feel anything then what's the point  :thumbsdown:
I think they are more use to seeing this problem than we give them credit for TBH. I've had them face sitting and me wanking and still it doesnt always work- plus other combinations. The bellend is just desensitised and yet every now and then I surprise myself. :dance:

Offline megaman

I'm I right in saying that you still need too be turned on or Viagra well not work? My theory is if your sex drive is too low Viagra well not work anyway unless someone can confirm it well boost your sex drive too? I am using supplements and I don't know if it be safe too take a Viagra pill with them.


  • Guest
I'm I right in saying that you still need too be turned on or Viagra well not work?

Yes 100%.

My theory is if your sex drive is too low Viagra well not work anyway unless someone can confirm it well boost your sex drive too?

It just helps you stay hard once you are aroused.

I am using supplements and I don't know if it be safe too take a Viagra pill with them.

Certain medication and medical conditions can have fatal reactions so always be honest about what else you take when your asked!


  • Guest
Look on Google for info
But you can mess your self up !

Offline Rockhead

Thanks nervous1 and hungrypunt for your posts - good advice there.

I think there's still a vestige of 'gentleman' in me that wants to 'share' the experience, and doesn't want to start shafting a girl before she's 'ready'. What I need to do is remember that it's a punt. There's certainly nothing within my vanilla interests that would be out of bounds.

I'm gonna keep the wank ban up though - determined to at least get to 90 days. My intention is to save myself for actual 'experiences' rather than wanking anyway, so it's good training.

Offline megaman

OK thanks guys I don't think i well not mix Viagra with supplements could be risky.
I have tried some stuff but have not found anything too stick with yet.

Gold max blue pill from clonezone up town Birmingham and yes it's a gay store - only worked once and got worry about my erection not going down and my penis was pretty red it cost £30 for about 10 pills. Could be because the pills are out of date or because I keeped then in a closed box why they don't work now also it's harder too cum too.
Would I visited again I don't know but I would only pay for a few pills in case they don't work.

BEWARNED Adult shop by blue belle suite up near town Birmingham this shop I believe are selling dangerous pills I took one and never again.

Grenade AT4 is one of them body building supplements I got after reading 1000 good reviews it seems like every1 rates them highly on Amazon :unknown: I did feel good at times and wanted too unload when just taking 2 but sadly they are dangerous long term because they are steroids  I stopped them as soon I looked up the dangers of long term use, docter told me not safe too The store is by asda minworth

Tryed maca from Holland and Barrett did not think was any good so stopped that.

Tribulus terrestris 250mg with ginseng complex from Holland and Barrett I believe was starting too work I was getting some morning wood or by thoughts and during the day aswel maybe not random erections but by thoughts sometimes. I did forget sometimes too take full doses because its 3 tabs 3 times aday and have ran out now. I may retake but I have a new supplement now. I may return too this again if theres no better ones as I think it helped a little bit.

The new supplement is L arginine + l ornithine + l lysine taken at bedtime +tyrosine taken morning.
 I think I we'll give them about 2 mouths and then move on if I think there no good.
Due too my poor performance I am being treated like dirt by some of the wgs I guess it's my own fault and it's a risk I take. if I take viagra I think I must be off the supplements.


  • Guest
I've tried this wanking ban I can't get past a week. Fuck knows how people get 90 days without a wank or sex, that's very difficult to do for most men.

Offline MrMatrix

I've tried this wanking ban I can't get past a week. Fuck knows how people get 90 days without a wank or sex, that's very difficult to do for most men.
Yes its not easy- think my longest with out was 6 weeks. Then I had a punt and had to ask Mrs Palm for some help. At the moment I've given up on the ban and saving myself some money by not punting at the moment. every cloud and all that...

Offline megaman

I'm thinking about poping into asda now too get some Viagra pills, I understand they can refuse too give you any?
The supplements may help but I really want too go with the big guns the big stuff because from wot I have been reading it works the best. I'm not on any medication and well not take any supplements if taking them.
Also how long do they work before they go out of date, if I can buy any I don't too buy like 30 or something as I don't punt alot and don't want the effect too wear off.


  • Guest
Buy a bodybuilding pump supplement, anything that contains L Citrulline or any form of NO booster will help and gives the same kind of effects as viagra

Offline Rockhead

NO = nitric oxide.

Not heard this before. I do take protein supplements after lifting, so will look into this. Any particular brand? The choice of such things can be confusing.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 05:26:07 pm by Rockhead »


  • Guest
Rich piana 5% nutrition full as f@ck, man sports pump or my personal favourite stars n pipes by merika labz... (the last one is only available from, pump supps rock!


  • Guest

Offline BarryProudfoot

I'm 7 days into this new streak  and the most noticeable difference are my energy levels :thumbsup:

Offline Rockhead

I'm 7 days into this new streak  and the most noticeable difference are my energy levels :thumbsup:

Good - and in my experience, the first 7 to 14 days are the most difficult to get through.

Offline megaman

I have my blood test report on paper but don't know where the testosterone part is, I don't know wot the important bits are.

Offline Marmalade

I have my blood test report on paper but don't know where the testosterone part is, I don't know wot the important bits are.

It's considered 'normal' in this country for testosterone levels to decrease with age. So they have to be very low indeed before they give you hormone supplements, even though a woman gets them easily after the menopause. When a product is expensive they will generally hype up the possible (if sometimes unproven) dangers or possible side effects. Testosterone replacement (in the form of a gel applied somewhere other than the genitals) is manufactured in the UK and often prescribed abroad but it would cost a fortune to prescribe it to every male in the country with low testosterone due to aging. So they simply say your t-levels are 'normal for your age' and let you buy viagra.

Offline hungrypunt

It's considered 'normal' in this country for testosterone levels to decrease with age. So they have to be very low indeed before they give you hormone supplements, even though a woman gets them easily after the menopause. When a product is expensive they will generally hype up the possible (if sometimes unproven) dangers or possible side effects. Testosterone replacement (in the form of a gel applied somewhere other than the genitals) is manufactured in the UK and often prescribed abroad but it would cost a fortune to prescribe it to every male in the country with low testosterone due to aging. So they simply say your t-levels are 'normal for your age' and let you buy viagra.

Yes, I did the online dr version, did the tests sent back the samples, and was prescribed some T Gel. On first uses I did notice a surge in my feelings and energy, plus I was like a dog on heat, it soon settled down though and when I looked up the reasons, I got the general feeling was that the body under produces even more to counter the extra I was giving it. May be useful to do short term, but my benefits were not as good as I was expecting.


  • Guest
Maybe why some products state use for 3 weeks then 2 week break ?


  • Guest
It's considered 'normal' in this country for testosterone levels to decrease with age. So they have to be very low indeed before they give you hormone supplements, even though a woman gets them easily after the menopause. When a product is expensive they will generally hype up the possible (if sometimes unproven) dangers or possible side effects. Testosterone replacement (in the form of a gel applied somewhere other than the genitals) is manufactured in the UK and often prescribed abroad but it would cost a fortune to prescribe it to every male in the country with low testosterone due to aging. So they simply say your t-levels are 'normal for your age' and let you buy viagra.

Test e and test prop are openly available on the Internet, and totally legal to use, only downside is sticking yourself (normally in the bum) once in a while, although I use only for the gym and am well read on side effects and risks, it is something that does indeed jack the libido through the roof... Pm me if anyone needs advice

Offline megaman

Maybe why some products state use for 3 weeks then 2 week break ?
Yes unless it's a natural one I think, I need a testosterone booster and one too help with blood flow.
I'm thinking of taking zinc 25 or 50mg too boost testosterone under £10 from Holland and Barrets this should last months even taking 2 tabs
And then l arginine for blood flow works abit like Viagra, I can get the cheap 500mg and take 2 caps to up the does too 1000mg. Info on Holland and Barretts site say dont exceed the dose at 500mg but there a 1000mg at almost 20 pounds so I can't work that out :unknown: why say don't exceed the dose at 500mg when theres a 1000mg one.
I need both tho

Offline Marmalade

I don't think any testosterone substance you can buy over the counter in this country legally, like a pill, is going to boost testosterone very much. Fairly readily available in the EU of course. You might want to have a look at online info on zinc before you buy if you haven't done so already - many formulations are not readily assimilated. It apparently seems helpful only if you are zinc-deficient but the studies are not conclusive so good luck ...
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Hope that helps.

Offline Marmalade

p.s. I don't know if you've answered it already as it is a rather long thread, but is there a reason you can't just use a blue pill like everybody else?

Offline Brokenshed

How does anyone get to sleep without a wank first?

Offline Titti Tatti

How does anyone get to sleep without a wank first?

I'm guessing you are young?  Enjoy it while you can.

Offline MrMatrix

I'm guessing you are young?  Enjoy it while you can.
Broken shed, If you wank every night you really need to read this thread as it will desensitise you and you will have the same problems as we do. Get your self a regular GF. Much better than Mrs Palm. :hi:

Offline Rockhead

p.s. I don't know if you've answered it already as it is a rather long thread, but is there a reason you can't just use a blue pill like everybody else?

The main argument placed against it on this thread has been its weird, desensitising effect. I'm not sure how true this is, and how much is psychological or due to other causes (i.e. wanking). But it does seem to be an issue - your 'guaranteed' boner comes at a cost of feeling anything or even being able to cum which - if true - is certainly a dilemma.


  • Guest
Viagra kills your sensitivity, can cause headaches, always causes hot facial flushing and normally blocked sinuses too, it will make you very hard though, (only if your sex drive is fully functioning if libido is iffy its a no) testosterone enanthate is an oil based injectable testosterone therapy which will heighten your libido, is prescribed by doctors on occasion but is readily available online... Useful for guys over mid 30s who's natural free testosterone levels are falling... It is as said an injectable so requires pinning yourself now and again and also requires a little bit of research as it's not something you can just pickup and start using without taking precautions... You need to know what you are doing with this stuff!! Also like a lot of guys say abstain from porn and masturbation to help regain both physical and mental sensitivity