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Author Topic: A guide on how to cure erection problems in punting  (Read 57473 times)

Offline Bananaman80

Havent watched porn since 2016,
havent masterbated since april this year,
only set backs are wet dreams  :lol:


  • Guest
Thanks for that banana any information on your great work ?

Offline megaman

I have no problems quitting porn and and don't wank its a price of cake when sex drive is low, i have done abit of edging but you cant do that without wanking unless you have a sex toy this helps too last longer and could make you bigger they say. I had a Wg give me a hand job again I failed too just walk away but least this time I told her too go easy with me be as soft as you can I said..
Also about porn I use too think that if you like porn then you have a good sex drive you have more urge. I know porn is bad for you I hear  this all the time but lets look at it this way.  you may find that your father or older people don't look at porn because they have no interest in it or women there urges are not there anymore is a theory I have, I believe abit of porn well give there sex drives a little kick. abit of porn may not hurt you and may put you in the mood but it becomes a problem when you start looking for harder stuff 24/7. I think porn works abit like drugs you need just the right dose not too much or too less. If you have a sex life I would say you can safey quit porn all together but if you have no sex life wot so ever and theres no porn then I believe your sex drive well start going down over a long period of time because theres nothing for sexual urges.
Another theory I have with porn and I really have too becarefull wot I say here and I don't know how too put this. You hear story's all the time on the news in the paper about people committing real crimes then you find out they have porn on there computers that give them the urge to do shit like that. So no porn for the monsters would stop there urges and lower there sex drives?. Some of them men are in there 70,80s and obviously with big sex drives too. this brings me back too the point of people not viewing porn and no sex life and not having any sexual urges and having low sex drives because there's no kick there I guess for urges.
Some people can have sexaul urges with porn and even boost it and still have the same urges with the real thing but some people may only get the urges with porn and not real women and that's when porn becomes bad.
Some theorys I have with porn but I do feel now that not being interested in it my sex drive is lower.


  • Guest
Porn is dangerous and additive, it desensitises the mind in large doses, it left me needing to be more and more extreme in my sex life to get off and still get the same kick, I don't do vanilla anymore... Am trying to abstain from masturbation and porn to see if I can reset the old brain

Offline BarryProudfoot

Good - and in my experience, the first 7 to 14 days are the most difficult to get through.

Day 10, confidence spiked and I wanted my first punt today. Logged into my AW hotlist External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only (i've read the "negative" reviews - I just wanted that look in front of me) sent off a clear text early doors, time i wanted and for how long. Got no reply. Anyway, from when I added her to my HL, I noticed after sending the text she left my manor (Golders Green) and I was only prepared to see her around here (felt more comfortable in surroundings i know)

It was first exciting and then deflating.

Offline megaman

Porn is dangerous and additive, it desensitises the mind in large doses, it left me needing to be more and more extreme in my sex life to get off and still get the same kick, I don't do vanilla anymore... Am trying to abstain from masturbation and porn to see if I can reset the old brain
I have  reduced as much porn as possible all i read is porn is bad so really reducing it and as for masturbation I have stopped all that but may still need to do some edging I feel but have been having hand jobs on punts so I've been fighting a losing battle, I did tell the WG I'm seeing last time too be more gentle and she was. I need to stop finishing with a handjobs if I do it must be as gentle as possible I know that's fucking me up. I am also thinking of taking more of them gold max pills from where I got from clonezone in Birmingham, it's a pill that helps blood flow into the penis as with all pills but this one boost sexual desire too. I don't know if it s better then Viagra because I've never tried it.
That pill worked the first time but I stopped taking it after how red my penis was and was still big after cumming my penis was not going down for abit I got worryed, I still have box but have too throw them in the bin as there over a year out of date I don't think they well do anything now, I took more but feel i like they don't work the same as the first time. It's a natural food supplement pill aswell wot that is I don't know but that's wot it is. I think wanking causes PE too as aswel as ED not good for you. Im cumming too fast aswell it's a joke and the lady was a bit nasty about it too. Have you ever noticed with them blue pills they help delay you too so you last longer I may go now that road again.

Offline Marmalade

The main argument placed against it on this thread has been its weird, desensitising effect. I'm not sure how true this is, and how much is psychological or due to other causes (i.e. wanking). But it does seem to be an issue - your 'guaranteed' boner comes at a cost of feeling anything or even being able to cum which - if true - is certainly a dilemma.

Thanks for reminding me. Yes. You can have a viagra boner sufficient to poke holes in walls but little interest in doing anything with it. Difference between libido and erectile sufficiency. At 18 I actually wanted to fuck anything human with a fanny, but the tendency to be 'discriminating' increases with the years and not just intellectually.

Most of the drugs seem experimental though legal. For instance:
bremelanotide is reviewed here:
External Link/Members Only
Anyone tried it?
Works for men and for women. Seems to require injection or nasal spray.
External Link/Members Only (Scroll down)
External Link/Members Only
Some user experiences:
External Link/Members Only
I don't really fancy injecting but a woman explains how it's done: External Link/Members Only

Some of these things work by increasing dopamine (as there are many things that do that maybe worth noting)


  • Guest
Kamagra might be worth looking at heard lots about it (jelly form) never tried it though

Offline Marmalade

Kamagra might be worth looking at heard lots about it (jelly form) never tried it though

But Kamagra's just a brand name for sildenafil, same as viagra.

Offline hungrypunt

bremelanotide is reviewed here:
External Link/Members Only
Anyone tried it?
Works for men and for women. Seems to require injection or nasal spray.
External Link/Members Only (Scroll down)
External Link/Members Only
Some user experiences:
External Link/Members Only
I don't really fancy injecting but a woman explains how it's done: External Link/Members Only

Some of these things work by increasing dopamine (as there are many things that do that maybe worth noting)

Be wary of the sites that dont use https nowadays, not legitimate in my eyes. Links also to which has had its internet server revoked due to sending out spam.

Kamagra, is no real difference that viagra btw, am interested in the libido booster if legit though

Offline Marmalade

Be wary of the sites that dont use https nowadays, not legitimate in my eyes. Links also to which has had its internet server revoked due to sending out spam.

Kamagra, is no real difference that viagra btw, am interested in the libido booster if legit though

A search shows it has gone through all I think but the last stage of FDA trials. On 'legitimate' there's 'legitimate' meaning FDA approved, 'legitimate' meaning legal to buy here or abroad or to import, 'legitimate' meaning only manufactured under patent, and 'legitimate' meaning produced to highest available laboratory standards (including the present big pharma).

Sildenafil of course, as hungrypunt also confirms, is the same drug (as long as properly made) whether it's called viagra kamagra or about a dozen other names and whether as a pill, a gel, or a chewable tablet.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 06:10:55 pm by Marmalade »

Offline hungrypunt

A search shows it has gone through all I think but the last stage of FDA trials. On 'legitimate' there's 'legitimate' meaning FDA approved, 'legitimate' meaning legal to buy here or abroad or to import, 'legitimate' meaning only manufactured under patent, and 'legitimate' meaning produced to highest available laboratory standards (including the present big pharma).

Sildenafil of course, as hungrypunt also confirms, is the same drug (as long as properly made) whether it's called viagra kamagra or about a dozen other names and whether as a pill, a gel, or a chewable tablet.

Id be interested in anything considered "normal" lately. My Libido has been up and down, I did the testosterone gel a while back, and alos stopped the porn and wanking, all of which helped but the libido is still waning I reckon.

Offline MrMatrix

Well hungrypunt - I'm a complete failure at the moment and have gone back to porn. This year out of some 10 punts I've unloaded without any help just once. And of all things that was with a B&S.
Perhaps back to the drawing board and hopefully find my mojo. I feel lucky that we can discuss these things on this forum. :hi:

Offline hungrypunt

Well hungrypunt - I'm a complete failure at the moment and have gone back to porn. This year out of some 10 punts I've unloaded without any help just once. And of all things that was with a B&S.
Perhaps back to the drawing board and hopefully find my mojo. I feel lucky that we can discuss these things on this forum. :hi:

YEah Im still seeing girls,more SA than AW, but sometimes feel Im just doing it as habit instead of need or want. It comes and goes.
Hang in there bud. Im sure its a temp thing. Instead of doing a full abstain, go less, I did this ages back and did work wonders for me, along with other things, cutting booze, less work, excersize, which all worked, but lately it defo seems more of a disinterest than Ive had before. Ill take it easy for a while, see when the mojo appears.


Offline megaman

Another fail I'm most definitely taking drugs now and  told the WG too I slowed her the drugs of wot I used before and she was not impressed.
She keeps putting them think rubber comdons on me taking a lot of feeling away.
I'm going too try some edging masturbating soon I know masturbation is bad I want too try and get use too them condoms tho. How do you get use too then condons try wanking with them or stop wanking full stop?
I did not allow her too wank me off she went to but stopped her and finished with blowjob but did have some of her fingers on my dick too with the blow job and just had too just walk. With that think rubber condon I was finding it harder too finish that was good and bad. Bad because not must feeling but good because I was lasting, its no good blowing you'd load too fast.
My goal on punts is walk away if if leads too a hand job, Ive been having hand jobs with out condons not good.
As I said I may wank but only with think condons but I have a flashlight anyway, if I don't do that how well I get use too condons? If I can finish with blow jobs that well be must better then hand jobs and I feel I well get much better. Shit punt I know but least there was no wanking without condon too finish me off. So it's gold max pills again or viegra as for supplement maybe somethinf for test levels but not blood flow if I'm using drugs. I maybe low on zinc because I sweat a lot so maybe start that I have seen a few sites on the net about sweating and being low on zinc so I may start that because I sweat more then normal I would say.


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Offline megaman

Try zinc 30 mgs day
I want too get a testosterone test so I've stopped taking everything too get a real test and I well post it here if I have one done, I know its not going too be great now because I'm 37 so with a blood test or not I will try and boost it anyway. I do need drugs or pills now and boosters or maybe not if I'm lucky but I think we have too remember that we can't just rely on pills. I well take wot ever pills helps but I know that taking pills is not just going too just fix things I have too work on performance myself too.
And I think I said this before no hand jobs on punts as my rule, I do enjoy them but I know they are not good for my peins and keep the condon on is important too. My last punt was shit but the way I looked at it is I was not wanked off again like before and I filled the bag the condon stayed on. Lately I have been having problems with condons big problems just can't feel anything with them on and I have not even been filling the condons I went down hill fast. but finishing with a blow job with one of them thick condons is a good sign, she did have a few fingers on with the blow job but still a good sign, after 2 punts and a 3nd punt with a gentle hand job  and now this one filling the bag with a blow job with a few fingers I think I might be getting better again. I just have too remind myself if I make a pigs ear of it and lose comdons then refuse the hand job or ask too finish with a blow job if I still have the condon on.
I might be better off paying for cheap massages Handjob punts like some other people do but thats wot I don't want out of punting. Also when I do cum it's not a lot too. that could be a problem

Offline delta69

I didn't wank for 46 days and had a booking the other day, and I still have the same problem.  The first pop is via owo and after that my dick goes to sleep  :dash: and I get an erecting  :unknown:

Offline Rockhead

The first pop is via owo and after that my dick goes to sleep  :dash:

That sounds like a completely normal male sexual response. Just ask her to stop before you reach the point of no return, and do something else to prolong the experience.

If you guys are having orgasms with escorts then you don't really have a problem - just stop over thinking it and enjoy.

Offline Megaman83

I've never had any erection problems during a punt but I certainly have a bad wanking and porn habit, usually 4 or 5 times a day which leaves me ignoring my missus when she obviously up for some. So consider this day one of my wanking abstinence, wish me luck...

Offline MrMatrix

I've never had any erection problems during a punt but I certainly have a bad wanking and porn habit, usually 4 or 5 times a day which leaves me ignoring my missus when she obviously up for some. So consider this day one of my wanking abstinence, wish me luck...
4 or 5 times a day will eventually kill your cock in the end- you wont be abe to feel anything.
If your OH is up for it on a regular basis , why do you need to go punting.Sorry MM83 its an obvious question. :hi:

Offline Megaman83

4 or 5 times a day will eventually kill your cock in the end- you wont be abe to feel anything.
If your OH is up for it on a regular basis , why do you need to go punting.Sorry MM83 its an obvious question. :hi:

I just fancied something different for a change and like with the porn, got a little bit addicted. I'm trying to slow down on the punting now. As for wanking, it's been over a day now which is a new personal record :lol:

Offline megaman

4 or 5 times a day will eventually kill your cock in the end- you wont be abe to feel anything.
If your OH is up for it on a regular basis , why do you need to go punting.Sorry MM83 its an obvious question. :hi:
It can cause premature ejaclation too if your popping them out too fast

Offline MrMatrix

I just fancied something different for a change and like with the porn, got a little bit addicted. I'm trying to slow down on the punting now. As for wanking, it's been over a day now which is a new personal record :lol:
Yea good one. A whole day. Wow.
Me its 10 days, and I failed to unload on my last punt- even Mrs Palm couldnt help. Well pissed off.  :hi:

Offline Rockhead

Yea good one. A whole day. Wow.
Me its 10 days, and I failed to unload on my last punt- even Mrs Palm couldnt help. Well pissed off.  :hi:

If it's any comfort to you, the first 7 to 14 days of non-wanking is the most difficult. I found it got easier after that. Still not convinced about the results, but I'll report back about that. Too much wanking is definitely the enemy though.

Offline MrMatrix

If it's any comfort to you, the first 7 to 14 days of non-wanking is the most difficult. I found it got easier after that. Still not convinced about the results, but I'll report back about that. Too much wanking is definitely the enemy though.
I know you are right. Had a punt today and the auto didnt kick in, but this time Mrs Palm did the trick. I will carry on the no wanking ban as the most I've done was 6 weeks a lot earlier in this thread. I too am uncertain as  to the results but I think it probably helps. Personnally I blame MrsM for being a non participent in the fucking bedroom over pretty much the whole of our marriaqe and I ended up wanking for England. Real shame.  :hi:

Offline nervous1

Had a bit of a setback this week.  Had to resort to the hand to finish in what was otherwise an enjoyable punt.  To be honest, I was at a loose end and was just looking to pass the time; was tired, and I wanked 3 times the other day which I rarely managed during my heyday.  Sex is still so much better but OWO just becomes irritating rather than pleasurable after a while.  I also had a pint before as I arrived in area early and like I said, was trying to kill some time.

Oh well, one step back  :timeout:

Sorry, just to add.  I think many of us beat ourselves up over finishing by hand (no pun intended).  Many punters choose to pop that way in the mouth, over tits, etc.  Obviously, the operative there is 'choose' but it's still fun. 
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 05:36:51 pm by nervous1 »

Offline megaman

I do like being wanked off by a nice girl but then shame kicks in after why did I finish like this, I need too make sure I finish with the condon on anyway because you can't do much without them and finish by blow job would be better then hand.  My doctor said if you can masturbation you can have sex :unknown: I would say if you can finish with a blow job you can have sex because both feel the same.

Offline MrMatrix

Had a bit of a setback this week.  Had to resort to the hand to finish in what was otherwise an enjoyable punt.  To be honest, I was at a loose end and was just looking to pass the time; was tired, and I wanked 3 times the other day which I rarely managed during my heyday.  Sex is still so much better but OWO just becomes irritating rather than pleasurable after a while. 
O such a familiar story this. Although wanking 3 times a day doesnt help. But you are right OWO does become irritating rather than the pleasure it should be. OW or OWO doesn't make much difference now. But CIM still feels good. :thumbsup:

Offline nervous1

O such a familiar story this. Although wanking 3 times a day doesnt help. But you are right OWO does become irritating rather than the pleasure it should be. OW or OWO doesn't make much difference now. But CIM still feels good. :thumbsup:

That 3 days thing was weird.  Just really had the horn that day.  OWO is genuinely great at first, but gets old really quick and when it turns into a helping hand by the WG just kills it for me.

Offline megaman

I've had a testosterone test its siad normal no further action
Levels 13.6 nmol/L (8.6 - 29
Test taken before 11 and I did unload afew weeks before the test as I have a punt every few weeks.
I believe my ed is a bit of everything Blood flow problems aswell and depression too that's been unbearable at times.

Offline tantric talents

I've had a testosterone test its siad normal no further action
Levels 13.6 nmol/L (8.6 - 29
Test taken before 11 and I did unload afew weeks before the test as I have a punt every few weeks.
I believe my ed is a bit of everything Blood flow problems aswell and depression too that's been unbearable at times.
Unless you are over 85 that sounds like low T to me?
External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
Doctors dont like to say its low only super low or none
I understand ?

Offline Marmalade

Doctors dont like to say its low only super low or none
I understand ?

This is correct. There are also N.I.C.E. advisories on it. However I feel it's maybe a waste of time saying much as it seems to me the guy is so apt to believe any bit of tittle-tattle for at least ten minutes or intent on proving he's a hopeless case.

Offline megaman

Unless you are over 85 that sounds like low T to me?
External Link/Members Only
I knew something was wrong but why does it say on the report normal and no further action?
I guess all my blood tests that say normal is all aload of bullshit too I'm not refering too you I'm talking about shite docters. My blood test for overall health also said all normal and my doctor also told me that I'm a perfectly healthy person and I'm sure my testosterone come up on his computer but I had another test just for testosterone. Anyway having tests done and being told everything is normal when its not by reports and doctors well this just makes me sick.
This is in the Yardley green medical centre Birmingham, so they just basically told me everything is ok just too give me peace of mind just wish they would be honest. This is why I don't always listen too docters, some people well say you need too seek help from docters witch I believe is ture yes with good doctor's but there are many bad docters as you can see here that are not honest or don't have the correct information.
Now if I want too boost my T levels now I would rather seek help on the forums and then go to my doctor I honestly don't think my doctor would be any help what so ever as you can see I get the everything is normal bullshit.

Offline Marmalade

You listen to everybody and do fuck all.

Offline BarryProudfoot

Day 10, confidence spiked and I wanted my first punt today. Logged into my AW hotlist External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only (i've read the "negative" reviews - I just wanted that look in front of me) sent off a clear text early doors, time i wanted and for how long. Got no reply. Anyway, from when I added her to my HL, I noticed after sending the text she left my manor (Golders Green) and I was only prepared to see her around here (felt more comfortable in surroundings i know)

It was first exciting and then deflating.

I did the 30 days and knocked one out without porn. I forgot to mention before, after these releases I seem to get what I can only describe as a vibration/flutter in the ball sack :unknown: I'm sure it was the same after sex, I can't remember. But I think so.

Around day 14-16 I was horny as hell and the release (relief) from sex was the nuts :music: If you can get regular sex while abstaining from knocking one out, do it. The sensation is immense. And after only 14-16 days, along with eating a healthy diet that includes zinc rich foods like spinach and pumpkin seeds, I generated allot of mess. The confidence gained from doing things this way around this time made a huge difference. As far as I was concerned I could walk though walls.   

I've started again, same as before - only this time I popped a 30mg tablet as a boost.

Offline HailWood

Just found this thread. Very interesting. Occasionally I have problems sustaining a full erection. Recently, a girl used Skyns XL which was a much more comfortable fit; did not squash the bell end and gave heightened sensitivity. As a penis is kept erecting by blood pressure, I wonder if an over tight condom requires higher blood pressure.


  • Guest
Doing the no porn and no masturbation thing. Last one was Sunday night so still early days.

But I really don't wanna rely on viagra all my life ffs. Despite the great results.

The hardest is going to be when I'm drunk or hungover though. Can't resist it.

Offline Rockhead

Had a great punt today with no problems whatsoever. I'm convinced that past issues are mostly connected with my overtight foreskin (which is going to be dealt with) and, of course, too much hand action. The latter is a necessary evil of being single.
So, in simple terms, lay off the self-pleasure if at all possible. It doesn't help, only hinders.

Offline MrMatrix

Had a great punt today with no problems whatsoever. I'm convinced that past issues are mostly connected with my overtight foreskin (which is going to be dealt with) and, of course, too much hand action. The latter is a necessary evil of being single.
So, in simple terms, lay off the self-pleasure if at all possible. It doesn't help, only hinders.
Great result Rockhead. Pleased to hear every thing is in working order. More than I can say for myself alas. :cry:

Offline BarryProudfoot

I did the 30 days and knocked one out without porn. I forgot to mention before, after these releases I seem to get what I can only describe as a vibration/flutter in the ball sack :unknown: I'm sure it was the same after sex, I can't remember. But I think so.

Around day 14-16 I was horny as hell and the release (relief) from sex was the nuts :music: If you can get regular sex while abstaining from knocking one out, do it. The sensation is immense. And after only 14-16 days, along with eating a healthy diet that includes zinc rich foods like spinach and pumpkin seeds, I generated allot of mess. The confidence gained from doing things this way around this time made a huge difference. As far as I was concerned I could walk though walls.   

I've started again, same as before - only this time I popped a 30mg tablet as a boost.

I've been making sure I get more zinc and magnesium in my diet (pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, broccoli, spinach, green beans, almonds) I'm now experiencing deep sleep to the point where I wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy :thumbsup:

Online Dipper

No problem getting hard but these days I've noticed that sustaining a quality hard on is becoming more difficult.

He stays up , just not as 'up' as he used to. After a certain point I begin to think the droop will set in.

Fortunately it's not happened as yet.

Offline megaman

No problem getting hard but these days I've noticed that sustaining a quality hard on is becoming more difficult.

He stays up , just not as 'up' as he used to. After a certain point I begin to think the droop will set in.

Fortunately it's not happened as yet.
I don't know what you mean by droop will set in :unknown: but I'm at my hardest laying on my side legs closed in the morning in bed. I don't know wot is worse ed or cumimg too fast. I would like a punt where I'm just big and hard and would not mind turning my orgasms off once in a while too have a good hour or something. I when back too AYS in Brum and was soft the whole time the wg told me not too come again, I think that's my last visit too that parlour. :thumbsdown:

Offline rubric

Most of it is psychological. If you think you won't perform, then you won't.

Think you are spot on actually. Yes, some of it is mechanical but a far larger amount is psychological. I find relaxing and enjoying every small sensation usually works to unlock me from the anxiety over reaching erection/orgasm, to the point where I reach both anyway.

Offline MJ.spritzen

Longest i've gone without wanking is 2 weeks. Seriously, if i could do a no-fap for 3 months i'd be very pleased.

When i was with my last gf, i did give up the wanking but i was still floppy after 5 mins. However, seeing as it went floppy while i was already inside her she never seemed to notice and i could still fuck her. I could only cum off her sucking me off and it took a fucking age.

Now im on Sidenafil (generic viagra). It does the trick, the girls are impressed but i take an age to cum!! Cant win.

Offline MrMatrix

Well after a 15 day layoff I did a punt and the little guy was up to his usual trick of not chucking up. Even Mrs Palm couldnt help out. This is the 2nd time on the trot in 3 weeks this has happened. Not at all happy.

Offline BarryProudfoot

Well after a 15 day layoff I did a punt and the little guy was up to his usual trick of not chucking up. Even Mrs Palm couldnt help out. This is the 2nd time on the trot in 3 weeks this has happened. Not at all happy.

What do you reckon the problem is?

Offline MrMatrix

What do you reckon the problem is?
I suspect its anxiety. This year the auto trigger has worked once on a B&S who I should have walked away from. I was there 30 minutes and it was booked at short notice - it was a pump and dump. The others have all in the main been quality escorts and required day before bookings. Also I've wanked for England in my former years. I go in never expecting much TBH, but I really enjoy the foreplay and the naked interaction. Still enjoy myself- but it would be nice if the little guy could do what hes suppose to do. I've told him that if he carries on like this I wont be taking him to any more nice places like I did today. :dash:

Offline BarryProudfoot

I suspect its anxiety. This year the auto trigger has worked once on a B&S who I should have walked away from. I was there 30 minutes and it was booked at short notice - it was a pump and dump. The others have all in the main been quality escorts and required day before bookings. Also I've wanked for England in my former years. I go in never expecting much TBH, but I really enjoy the foreplay and the naked interaction. Still enjoy myself- but it would be nice if the little guy could do what hes suppose to do. I've told him that if he carries on like this I wont be taking him to any more nice places like I did today. :dash:

Any ideas on how you're going to rectify this problem? At the moment my "aggression" (confidence) levels are going through the roof.