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Author Topic: Punting Top Tips  (Read 29849 times)

Offline smiths

I got a question. If you see profiles for several girls, all different, and they all 'work' from the same flat, is this something to be suspicious of?

Does this mean it's a brothel, or they are all sharing the place to meet clients?

Yes its a brothel and its still a brothel if only 1 WG works from a premises BUT another WG works from the same premises at any other time, like on a different day of the week for example.

Offline Stealthy

Yes its a brothel and its still a brothel if only 1 WG works from a premises BUT another WG works from the same premises at any other time, like on a different day of the week for example.

Legally, is it more risky going to a venue with several WG's working in each flat compared to a single WG working from a single place?


  • Guest
I presume they rent it just for 'working'.

Is it something to be wary of? I've found three profiles that all use the same address, and one of the girls seems a big dodgy. She does bareback.

Sorry if these are newbie questions, I am a newbie and have yet to do a punt.

Offline smiths

Legally, is it more risky going to a venue with several WG's working in each flat compared to a single WG working from a single place?

A brothel is illegal so COULD be raided at any time the police choose to do so so yes its more risky than punting with an Indie WG who works solely alone at all times as she isnt breaking the law. However, i have punted in brothels for decades and never been caught up in a raid and as a punter its not illegal to punt in a brothel unless its proved a WG or WGs were underage or being coerced/forced in which case you could get done. When the police raid a brothel its usually either neighbours have complained, the police want to nick a pimp and/or attempt to seize the pimps assets under POCA.

Now although a pimp is breaking the law some WGs WANT to work for a pimp, at least initially. The pimp provides the premises to work out of in some cases, (some Agencies dont provide the WGs premises though), a WGs biggest expense. I have punted with loads of WGs as Indies who used to work in Parlours/Brothels and all they had to do was turn up and the punters were laid on, no advertising to get them like an Indie does, and remember Adultwork which now makes it easier for a WG to set up quickly and very cheaply hasnt always been around.

What is certainly the case is some if not many foreign WGs on A/W arent Indies in reality, they couldnt possibly come from their poor home country and afford to rent a flat in my area, London. What sometimes happens is one of their fellow country women rent them a room in their flat out and in law become their pimp. Others will be part of a more organised pimping set-up and some sadly will be being coerced/forced. IMO the crucial thing here is dont jump to automatic conclusions and think all foreign WGs are coerced/forced as the evidence of convictions doesnt show thats the case. And ANY WG including Brits COULD be being coerced/forced for all punters would know. The best i have is my best judgement to go on so i can say i havent knowingly punted with a coerced/forced woman, i could of unknowingly though. If i suspected anything i would ring Crimestoppers anonymously, i couldnt risk using my real name as i could get done thanks to Harriet Harmans 2009/10 coercion law where technically its a strict liability offence to punt with a coerced woman so not being aware she was being coerced isnt a defence, it would be a case of having to prove i didnt know which i cant see how that could be done. 
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 08:58:49 pm by smiths »


  • Guest
Smiths, you ever had any STD issues from all your brothel girls? I'm probably wrong, but I always thought brothel girls could be higher risk, because of higher volume, but this might be crap logic.


  • Guest
The thread has derailed a bit, just as I was enjoying it.
Time to get it back on track.
My own top-tips...

* When going to see a WG avoid using a lift to access her apartment or hotel room as you might have someone step into it with you and then try and strike up a conversation with you which might be awkward or could otherwise arouse suspicion.  E.g. "I've not seen you in the building before, are you going to see Dave? / have you just moved in?"

* When taking a shower on a WGs premises, don't let your valuables out of your sight.  Take them with you into the bathroom - whether that's before or after the punt.  Other people will tell you not to take your valuables with you to the punt at all.  For people like me who are commuters and only ever punt after work, it's not practical to leave valuables (season ticket, wallet, phone) anywhere.

* Be the clock-watcher on your punt.  Wear a cheap watch and keep track of time so that you can aim to get everything out of the punt that you imagined you would and that you don't leave disappointed.

* Roll with it and adapt.  If you've committed to a punt - i.e. handed the money over then your chance to walk has passed and now you must make the most of it whatever happens.  So it turns out she doesn't offer DFK after all?  Never mind - find something else good about her.  Maybe she has a massive set of jugs that will look really good decorated by a parabola of your man-jizz.  No point being disappointed during the punt.  Make the most of it.

* If you've had a shit punt try to do something immediately afterwards to cheer yourself up.  I often travel for an hour to meet somebody.  If it's shit then I'll find something to do in that particular area.  Normally involves checking out what delicacies are on offer in the local kebab shops :)

* If your planned punt falls through, don't make the same mistake I often do by just finding anything with a pulse to fuck as your last resort there and then.  Save your money for another day / another punt.  Seriously.  Even if you've taken a Viagra or similar in preparation for your punt - pills are a couple of quid.  You could waste a lot more money than that by booking a random girl just to satisfy your punting urge.

Offline Stealthy

A brothel is
 that could be done.

Thank you Smiths  :hi:

-Is there any other advice you could give about not getting arrested and
- staying safe & annonymnous

Offline tesla

I have ever had any STD in 35 years of punting, always use a condom and watch who you punt with, low price high volume of clients possibly trying to feed a habit beware

Offline smiths

Smiths, you ever had any STD issues from all your brothel girls? I'm probably wrong, but I always thought brothel girls could be higher risk, because of higher volume, but this might be crap logic.

Never yet tested positive for an STI. As a punter you cant know for certain how many punters a WG punts with per day/week etc so i dont let it concern me. I take the risks i am prepared to take for the rewards on offer as i see them, so for me OWO is worth the reward over OW which does nothing for me. It is the case there are punters on here that have caught an STI from a WG as they have posted. Only you can assess your own risk level, what is certain is any sexual contact holds a risk and even more so with a complete stranger obviously and not many non-WGs are likely to be sucking and fucking as many guys per day/week etc as a WG of course.

Offline smiths

Thank you Smiths  :hi:

-Is there any other advice you could give about not getting arrested and
- staying safe & annonymnous

The tips on this thread give advice on being anonymous, just dont give a WG your real details, have a learned false name and job etc.

As to avoid getting arrested, dont curb crawl, not saying you do obviously but that could well get you arrested. If you want to be ultra safe only punt with WGs you think are really Indies, though thats hard to be absolutely certain of with WGs.


  • Guest
Thank you Smiths  :hi:

-Is there any other advice you could give about not getting arrested and
- staying safe & annonymnous

Do your homework (reviews etc), be selective, if it doesn't look or feel right, walk, always use a punting phone, never provide too much personal info before during or after meets, enter and leave quietly, park your car a short walk awaY (not outside the gaff), don't carry too much dosh and don't be a prick when you get there


  • Guest
Does it ever happen where the police set up a fake escort profile to bust punters? Like a honey trap?

Offline tesla

why would they ( the Police ) do that? escorting is not illegal


  • Guest
I don't know. I'm just paranoid, I guess! Considering first punt, so y'know.

Offline smiths

Does it ever happen where the police set up a fake escort profile to bust punters? Like a honey trap?

As off street prostitution is legal they cant do that. They can and do do that with on street prostitution though using female police women posing as street hookers so i have read.

Offline Duke of Earl

If copying and pasting web links (for example into a thread on here) and you use a shared computer don't let the missus accidently press ctrl+v afterwards.

not happened to me btw.

I agree with the one about not getting speeding tickets or crashing your car on the way to/from a punt

Offline Stealthy

Hers my newbie tip

Use google maps street view to look at the location before you go.
You can see if the area is good or run down and find areas to park(find area you dont need to pay for).

Bring change for the parking meter.


Offline smiths

Hers my newbie tip

Use google maps street view to look at the location before you go.
You can see if the area is good or run down and find areas to park(find area you dont need to pay for).

Bring change for the parking meter.

Good tip. But remember in some areas of London anyway its pay by phone parking using a card only nowadays, in some there is also a machine if its working that you can use a card to pay with, but that of course leaves a trace.


  • Guest
The WG I found is a 3 min walk from where I live, so I scoped it out in person. Better than google maps.


  • Guest
Two tips I can think of being of some importance in this day and age as evidenced elsewhere in the forum:

Do not let your online persona/nick be known, I never talk about posting a review, what forums I post on, what my name is on the forums, nothing, do not ever mix online/offline.
If shit ever goes down for any reason its another point of contact/method that can be used to screw you over.
And it should be obvious but for fucks sake do not use for your punting email. Make a separate email account, even if your email does not contain your name make a new email and only use it for punting, nothing else.

Offline laidbackasiandude

The tips on this thread give advice on being anonymous, just dont give a WG your real details, have a learned false name and job etc. [/color][/b]


Oops, guilty as charged noble sir! I'm quite possibly the only (or very few members) that uses my actual phone
whenever prospecting for WG's, for the very simple reason that I've never married, and at present not in a relationship
with a civilian female.

Only once have I received an inadvertent call from a WG (one week post session) but no voicemail left for me,
plus I didn't answer the phone as I didn't recognise the number (after every session I delete WG contact details except for
a few regulars).

Up to now (fingers crossed) I've been lucky, perhaps very lucky, but in general from my experience most WG's (who value their
reputation) wouldn't make unsolicited calls for the reason of losing potential repeat clients or existing clients they've met on more
than one occasion.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 10:33:23 pm by laidbackasiandude »


  • Guest
Hers my newbie tip

Use google maps street view to look at the location before you go.
You can see if the area is good or run down and find areas to park(find area you dont need to pay for).

Bring change for the parking meter.

Now that's a top tip, do that all the time. Gives you a good heads up how open or discrete the location is.

Offline nigel4498

I would suggest always use public transport, train, bus, taxi or tube that way there is no chance of a trail. Using your car leaves you open to many things, prangs, parking tickets, congestion charges, car thefts, all situations that could be difficult to explain. Only ever used my car once for a punt 30 miles away, when I got there found out it was opposite the railway station!


  • Guest
I would suggest always use public transport, train, bus, taxi or tube that way there is no chance of a trail.
What about those in London that use an Oyster card for public transport?
That leaves a trail!
External Link/Members Only
So if using an Oyster card (one attached to an online account, rather than the pay-as-you-go variant) make sure you keep your account details private and well-hidden.

Offline Anadin

I'll leave my tips although they're from a perspective of a bloke who's not trying to hide stuff from his wife.

- Do your research. Not only read reviews on AW and this site but anywhere you can find them. She may have been working under a different name and if you find it you can find out what to really expect. Plus if you're really thorough you can find things like face pics or videos.

 - Use google maps to work out where you'll park but also use Parkopedia to check prices and perhaps register with the council phone parking before you get there to save time also obviously take spare change & a credit/debit card with you.

 - If you find a lady that meets your criteria, she's incredibly hot, available and reasonably priced then go and see her ASAP, hell go and see her now. I swear WG's have retired while I'm looking at their profiles. Things can change quite quickly. I've noticed quite a few girls have increased their prices by £50 lately and if they go into porn then their prices can rise dramatically. One girl's has gone up  250% in a couple of years.

 - Use a punting phone and a pseudonym just for your own peace of mind. There are a lot of nutters out there & chances are that's not her real name so why are you using yours?

 - Always leave home early. Check the traffic online if you can and confirm the appointment before making the journey. If you get there early you can just wait or text her & she may see you earlier than planned but if you're late there's good chance that the appointment will be cancelled.


  • Guest
* When going to see a WG avoid using a lift to access her apartment or hotel room as you might have someone step into it with you and then try and strike up a conversation with you which might be awkward or could otherwise arouse suspicion.  E.g. "I've not seen you in the building before, are you going to see Dave? / have you just moved in?"

I know quite a few guys do this. However I tend to do the opposite. My theory is that if you are trying to sneak in, or have a low profile, you'll look sneaky. I walk in with confidence, hold doors open for people, stand in the middle of the lift etc. If anyone did ask (and being in England, I doubt anyone would) I'd give them a look, and say I was visiting. Which I am. 


  • Guest
I would suggest always use public transport, train, bus, taxi or tube that way there is no chance of a trail. Using your car leaves you open to many things, prangs, parking tickets, congestion charges, car thefts, all situations that could be difficult to explain. Only ever used my car once for a punt 30 miles away, when I got there found out it was opposite the railway station!

That's quite expensive outside of London and time consuming and there's the slight chance of bumping into someone you know when your face smells of pussy so:

* Take the opportunity if offered, to freshen up afterwards when it's obvious no more sex is going to happen in the booking.  Or find a sink on your journey if you're heading back to civvie life.  Otherwise stock up on breath mints / deodourant / baby wipes / satsumas

* Before it's too late get checked out regularly, anonymously for free, at your local NHS GUM clinic.

* Shower and use soap but don't over do it with the smelly stuff.

* Cut your finger nails and file them if you expect to do any fingering.

* Bring a magazine/ newspaper / phone app so that you don't feel conspicuous sitting your car waiting when you arrive ten minutes early. 

* Unless planning to give WS, factor in a toilet break on a long hot journey where you need to drink a lot of water, so you don't have to waste time relieving yourself during the booking. 

Offline RedKettle

When I first started I used to ensure I had prepared the ground for not wanting sex that night at home, eg complaining about being ill, in case the OH wanted it just as I got home from a punt.  Then decided that I might as well get the ice axe ready for when hell freezes over.


  • Guest
When I first started I used to ensure I had prepared the ground for not wanting sex that night at home, eg complaining about being ill, in case the OH wanted it just as I got home from a punt.  Then decided that I might as well get the ice axe ready for when hell freezes over.
If I thought there was any chance my missus would be up for a session when I got home then I wouldn't bother with a punt in the first place.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Does it ever happen where the police set up a fake escort profile to bust punters? Like a honey trap?

Yes, in America --------------- not the UK, it is not illegal to pay for sex in this country, of course that could change if Labour win the next election.

Offline smiths

I would suggest always use public transport, train, bus, taxi or tube that way there is no chance of a trail. Using your car leaves you open to many things, prangs, parking tickets, congestion charges, car thefts, all situations that could be difficult to explain. Only ever used my car once for a punt 30 miles away, when I got there found out it was opposite the railway station!

Certainly getting a cab doesnt leave a trace if you delete their number and pay in cash obviously. However i prefer to drive when i can to punts as i like chilling out in my car before and after a punt. I wouldnt use buses, trains or tubes personally.


  • Guest
Yes, in America --------------- not the UK, it is not illegal to pay for sex in this country, of course that could change if Labour win the next election.

Not much in it at the moment!   :hi:

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  • Guest
My theory is that if you are trying to sneak in, or have a low profile, you'll look sneaky. I walk in with confidence, hold doors open for people, stand in the middle of the lift etc.

That's my attitude precisely, and it's always served me well. I'm only walking into a hotel for fuck's sake, there is sod-all to mark me out as the least bit suspicious, unless I was to skulk in through the door looking shiftily around and sneak my way up the stairs.

Funnily enough, I think I've struck up more random conversations with strangers on my way up to a punt than I ever would normally, due to replacing my usual quiet self-absorbed demeanour with this confident bluster.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 10:25:53 pm by pleasure »


  • Guest
Arrive on site early, usually 10mins before. That gives you time to sort out paperwork and freshen up as many girls do that in your booked time.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Arrive on site early, usually 10mins before. That gives you time to sort out paperwork and freshen up as many girls do that in your booked time.

Am I the only person on here who HATES the expression paperwork.    :dash: :dash:


  • Guest
Am I the only person on here who HATES the expression paperwork.    :dash: :dash:

Not just you but is better than donation   :unknown:
Just noticed that i have used paperwork in at least one of my reviews so maybe I'm a sheep after all  :dash:


  • Guest
I actually appreciate some EE WGs for their lack of bull shit when they just say "OK, £120 please" after a minimum of pleasantries.


  • Guest
Arrive on site early, usually 10mins before. That gives you time to sort out paperwork and freshen up as many girls do that in your booked time.

A lot of girls won't open the door till the punt is meant to start - presumably because the last guy has just left and she's got to chew some gum and douche her pussy. :lol:


  • Guest
My own tip is to have a small bottle of mouth wash to use both pre and post punt. Good oral hygiene is essential.

If you are taking Cialis, 2-3 hours beforehand and for Viagra 1 hour in advance of the action.

If you do not use a punting phone then storing WG names as if they were blokes is sensible. E.g. Nicole becomes Nick. Obviously will not work in all cases, such as Fifi.....

Offline joe diddley

Take some wet wipes along. If you need to take a piss or have a shit en route, you can use the wipes to freshen up your bumhole and your bell end. You never know - she might want to give you some of that good gobblin' before you take a shower (if indeed you intend to take one).

Online Watts.E.Dunn

" Anyone ask's about it, it's a old phone for use when you're at the gym/running/on hols etc etc".

No problem with carrying a spare phone, after all anyone known the batteries on smartfones to last longer then  a day or therabouts;?..


  • Guest
I take a small bottle -decantered - Of my usual shower gell so I smell same as always

Offline maxxblue

My own tip is to have a small bottle of mouth wash to use both pre and post punt. Good oral hygiene is essential.

If you are taking Cialis, 2-3 hours beforehand and for Viagra 1 hour in advance of the action.

If you do not use a punting phone then storing WG names as if they were blokes is sensible. E.g. Nicole becomes Nick. Obviously will not work in all cases, such as Fifi.....

Not so...

... apparently Fifi is a unisex name, according to:

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Offline webpunter

I once found some poor guys credit card on the floor in a WG's flat in London, must have fallen out of his wallet or pocket. I gave to the bank it was issued from saying I had found it on the street
You are a UKP good samaritan
What goes around come around
At some point you may well have a close shave but will get away with it for some unknown reason
Good karma !

Tip:  if you have a 'trailer in tow' [TIT] then always have a plausible explanation as to why you are in a certain place / area.  Speeding / parking ticket - whatever.  Or you inexplicably bump into or are seen by someone you know.  On the latter then they don't acknowledge / speak with you but mention to the TIT


  • Guest
Tip:  if you have a 'trailer in tow' [TIT] then always have a plausible explanation as to why you are in a certain place / area. 

What do you mean by TIT, an actual trailer for your car?

Offline webpunter

What do you mean by TIT, an actual trailer for your car?
Can't remember which UKP member used 'TIT' as another way of describing an OH


  • Guest
Oh I thought you meant the TIT (if it did mean trailer) would be with you on your way to the punt.  That would be esoteric advice.  `Just taking some rubbish to the dump love'.

Offline webpunter

Oh I thought you meant the TIT (if it did mean trailer) would be with you on your way to the punt.  That would be esoteric advice.  `Just taking some rubbish to the dump love'.
LMAO.  Very cryptic.  Can you imagine trying to park discreetly with a trailer attached.  Or trying to explain to OH how / where the trailer got knicked when supposedly attached to your car


  • Guest
Take some wet wipes along. If you need to take a piss or have a shit en route, you can use the wipes to freshen up your bumhole and your bell end. You never know - she might want to give you some of that good gobblin' before you take a shower (if indeed you intend to take one).

Actually quite a good tip that one, (amongst all the others), simple but effective.