Sugar Babies

Author Topic: jenniferbrum  (Read 14266 times)

Offline pianodave

Ive messaged her 4 or 5 times, each time ignored. She's a timewaster.


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The chances of her having a sibling are reasonably small. The chances of one dying (given that they're likely to be a similar age to her) are smaller. The chances of them dying on the day you're meant to meet her are pretty non-existent.

Same is true of a grandparenr. Ok, it's 100% that she's had one, but the rest applies.

When you tie in that she's a known time waster then you really need to grow a pair  :hi:

ok, I don't know where you get your info from, but saying the chances of her having a sibling are low is odd.  The average family has 1.7 chidren, so if she were born around now, she is still more likely to have a sibling than not.  Her age group fits into the 2.4 children per family though, so it is more likely that she does have a sibling than doesn't.  Yes, these things are unlikely, but they are possible.  My point is that it's unfair to always assume they're lying.

Does anybody watch how I met your mother?  American rubbish, I know, but there's a great example in one episode.  Robin gets asked out by some geek.  To prove a point, she says yes, and tries hard to make it work.  He is constantly waiting for the stupid excuse to leave.  Eventually, she does have to leave,. because Lily has been stabbed.  He assumes she's lying, because it's so unlikely.  She offers to try again, but he declines, because he refuses to believe it.  My point?  Sometimes it is a genuine thing.  Maybe she did lie, maybe she didn't, but it's her body, and if she doesn't want to (or can't) you can't blame her for it.

There are two facts about this girl:

1) she will waste your time
2) she is willing to give you false and malicious feedback.


Yes, I was let down yesterday, but she didn't accept a booking, she just read and didn't respond, so I can't fault her there.  She arranged something today, and she didn't let me down.  She didn't waste my time, was there prompt enough, and she gave me a very good service.  She was better than a lot.  I seriously enjoyed it, and would definitely go back.  She even apologised for not getting back to me in time yesterday, and explained what was going on.  I won't repeat it, because people will either accept it, or assume she's lying, in which case I'm not going to dissuade them from that way of thinking short of finding cctv footage of her for the whole day.

Silovero, maybe sending so many messages makes her think you're too desperate, or maybe she just hasn't been able to reply.  I don't know, I'm not her friend/boss/parent or whatever.  All I know is, I messaged her, she didn't get back to me, then when she was able to message back, she did.

Bust, same as above, I don't know why she did that.. could be any number of reasons.  I was certainly not left wanting.

Maybe she did lie about somebody, or maybe that somebody did something wrong and is lying about it.  I wasn't there and don't know, so I can only judge based on what I know.  I'm not going to be drawn into it with anybody though.  She has lots of good feedback, and some bad, so I decided to gamble on it.  It turned out just fine for me.  IF you don't think she's worth the effort, don't make the effort and move on, but don't whine like a child about it (mostly aimed at Daffodil, who clearly has issues about her).  She has done nothing wrong to me, or given me any evidence of wrong=doing, so I am not going to judge her based on your say so.  I have to take in all of the information.  More people seem to think she's alright, and my own experience was very positive, so the evidence supports my current conclusion.

Offline Daffodil


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You really think I'm naive, simply because I made a decision based on multiple sources of "evidence"?  I see a fair few in here with the view point that she does offer a good service, and lots of positive feedback?  So I decided to take the risk, knowing that there's some bad too.  I had a very good evening.  My time was not wasted.  I got exactly what I wanted out of it.  She was accommodating, and discussed it all via E-mail, then following through on exactly what was agreed.  Minus the CIM, but she tried, and did a good job at trying, but as I've said elsewhere, I struggle to climax that way, and it was frustrating, so I moved past it voluntarily.

I do not see that as naive.  Perhaps you're suggesting that I'm naive because I think she's human and therefore just as fallible as the rest of the human race?  Sometimes life throws us the wrong things at the wrong times.  or the right things at the wrong times.  I'm unable to comment on whether she has lied about somebody else, since I was not in the room, nor do I know the individual involved.  Suffice it to say, she works in a dangerous profession.  I've no doubt she will lie to protect herself, but isn't that also human?

I do try to see the good in people certainly, so won't judge this mysterious other person either.  I can just base it all on what I have seen and know.  If that makes me naive, then I'd rather be naive!


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I'm sorry if I come off as harsh, but I am a grown up and I made a choice based on more than just one person's advice.  It paid off nicely for me. You clearly said she'd only waste my time and lie about me, but my time was certainly not wasted. I genuinely had a great evening.  She did this thing with her hips that got me off the second time easily, which normally takes ages. 

My advice to others?  Consider both sides, then make your own choice.

Bob Cratchit

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I'm still torn really, but perhaps I'll try again later on. I don't mind being turned down if she didn't want to see me, but I'd have preferred an honest answer if that's the case. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on Saturday and I don't mind trying again if you're suggesting that you spoke to her and that she is having actual problems.

Offline Talbear

I'm booked to see her today..... So will report back with a review.....

I'm genuinely looking forward to this one !!!


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I don't know if it's true or not.  All I can be certain of, is that she wasn't easy to get hold of for saturday (seeing as I didn't try to book until after 3am in the early hours of that day, I can't be upset at her for not responding in time).  I can also say with certainty that I had an amazing time, getting precisely what I wanted (which may be a little vanilla for many, but is what I wanted and got).  I can also say she was easy to be around, and of the 4 I've seen (ugh, pathetic I know), she has been the only one I was happy to sit and chat with afterwards.She didn't even notice we'd started running over, I pointed it out, as I was well and truly done, and would have felt bad taking too much of her unpaid time.  I still did spend a fair bit of time over, just talking.  And was offered a shower, but declined it, as I had a bit of a drive home, I'm not from Brum itself.

Just decide for yourself, how much do you want to see her specifically, and is it worth the risk that she might mess you around again?  I decided it was worth the risk, and I'm really glad I did.  Basically she fits the physical appearance of what I like really well, and I haven't found too many that do.  If I met her in another setting, not knowing her profession, I'd be well up for trying.  Of course I'd do my usual, panic, start stuttering, and be turned away quickly, but she's attractive enough that I'd be willing to risk the shame.

Offline Talbear

I'll post a review later when I get chance....

However I can report that she has just given me one of the best punting experiences I have ever had.... Really really good, and she is a really nice girl too...

She is worth the chasing if you want to see her....



  • Guest
I'll post a review later when I get chance....

However I can report that she has just given me one of the best punting experiences I have ever had.... Really really good, and she is a really nice girl too...

She is worth the chasing if you want to see her....


^ See, I may be what some think naive, but I'm honest.  She does offer a very good service.

Bob Cratchit

  • Guest
Well I'll give it another go at some point then. Hopefully she didn't just think I'm a bit of a bellend. She'd have been right though in fairness. I'd mainly wanted to meet as her profile makes her seem like she actually has a bit of personality (kind of like an girlfriend experience really instead of someone who just gives you a kiss and sucks your cock).

I live in Brum so it wouldn't really be a problem to find a replacement if she turns me down again.

Offline Talbear

Honestly Bob.... Stick with it.... The blow job alone will be worth the wait!!!  :cool:


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Absolutely, it was good for me too, but I've yet to find somebody to really get me going that way.  I'll rebook with her and let her have another try, with more patience added to it.

Offline nomeansno

I'm sure she's very good but there isn't a chance I'd chase after someone and waste any of my time for the pleasure of giving them my money. Plenty of good girls out there who can organise their life.

Offline Daffodil

You really think I'm naive, simply because I made a decision based on multiple sources of "evidence"?

I think you're naive because you take at face value whatever bullshit a prossie tells you. And not just any prossie, but one who has been shown to bullshit time after time after time.

Your "evidence" was purely regarding whether or not it's likely that she has a sibling. What about a sibling of a comparative age dying? And doing so on the day you happen to want to see her? i.e. the other two points that I made that you didn't cite any "evidence" for.

Look, it is possible that a landlord might visit unannounced with 30 minutes notice (although it's illegal) and it's possible that her nan was run over by a steamroller and it's possible that a meteor crashed through her bonnet and ruined her cam belt, but it didn't happen. Especially when the prossie is as unreliable as this one. It's also possible that a monkey might type out the works of Shakespeare.

You're naive for even giving her the benefit of the doubt. I cannot remember the last time I had to cancel/miss an appointment at short notice of any nature in the last year. Even the last five. Many prossies seem to miss them on a weekly basis, daily for jenniferbrum.

Sorry, I haven't read the rest of your waffle. I am pressed for time because my brother has just disappeared up a bean stalk he planted last night and I'm worried for his safety.....


  • Guest
The excuse I was given was actually much more mundane, I was merely making examples.  I have your word that she did those things, I have your word that she lied.  I took the advice on board, but weighed it against all the good things I heard.  I decided it was worth the risk.  The risk was well worth it.  I got exactly what I wanted and expected.  I was not messed around any more than I'd expect, it was kept to a minimum.

For me, the whole thing was simple, and I enjoyed it.  I won't argue about it.  It's as simple as that.  By all means, if somebody asks, give the counter arguments.  I am telling the truth of my experience, and people can make up their own mind.

I expect her to lie about things to keep her safe.  I could tell the things she lied on quite easily.  Trying to demonstrate knowledge of things I'm into for example, but clearly not getting it.  She tried though, and I can't fault the effort.

I don't get why you have such a problem with other people wanting to sample the pleasures.  That's their prerogative.  If they (and I) get burned, well whose fault is that for ignoring your advice?  So thank you for your concern, but please don't keep berating the people who take the risk knowingly.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 10:16:02 pm by Mwtp »

Offline Daffodil

The excuse I was given was actually much more mundane, I was merely making examples.  I have your word that she did those things, I have your word that she lied.  I took the advice on board, but weighed it against all the good things I heard.  I decided it was worth the risk.  The risk was well worth it.  I got exactly what I wanted and expected.  I was not messed around any more than I'd expect, it was kept to a minimum.

For me, the whole thing was simple, and I enjoyed it.  I won't argue about it.  It's as simple as that.  By all means, if somebody asks, give the counter arguments.  I am telling the truth of my experience, and people can make up their own mind.

I expect her to lie about things to keep her safe.  I could tell the things she lied on quite easily.  Trying to demonstrate knowledge of things I'm into for example, but clearly not getting it.  She tried though, and I can't fault the effort.

I don't get why you have such a problem with other people wanting to sample the pleasures.  That's their prerogative.  If they (and I) get burned, well whose fault is that for ignoring your advice?  So thank you for your concern, but please don't keep berating the people who take the risk knowingly.

What's the point of making a ludicrous example then?  :dash: Your naivety lies in the fact that you are willing to give a known time-waster and liar the benefit. If you want to try again then that's fine, but why kid yourself?

I think I've even said that if you get to see this girl you'll probably have a good time, if you're just after vanilla services that is.

However it is a big if and she has wasted numerous punter's time and money. Also, when a punter dared to leave such feedback she labelled him, wrongly and maliciously, as a barebacker.

Your argument is tantamount to saying if girl x actually provided the services on her likes list she would be good or if you happen to see girl y when she is in the mood (10% of her bookings) then the punt will be amazing. And then when they don't deliver you make excuses for them and/or swallow their's...hook, line, and sinker.

Here's my advice to guys who are going to see her anyway: 1) don't travel long distances for her, 2) don't devote much time to her, 3) don't pay for things like hotel rooms to facilitate outcalls with her, 4) walk at the first sign of unreliability, 5) have a reliable plan b in mind  :hi:


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I don't care what you keep going on about, you're just berating your way through it.  Your advice was overlooked, so you just keep being aggressive about it.  As a grown man, I can choose to see whomever I wish.  If I get burned, that's my fault, and my problem.

Bob Cratchit

  • Guest
Can you like to this barebacking story. I couldn't give two shits if my Adultwork profile gets negative feedback on it (given all the women I've wanted to see have just accepted a phone call or text from me anyway), but I'd be interested in reading regardless.

Bob Cratchit

  • Guest
Actually, nevermind I found it:

Random guy starts screaming about it, no screenshots or evidence and gets called a moron by everyone involved. Hardly convincing.

Offline Daffodil

I don't care what you keep going on about, you're just berating your way through it.  Your advice was overlooked, so you just keep being aggressive about it.  As a grown man, I can choose to see whomever I wish.  If I get burned, that's my fault, and my problem.

Overlooked by the naive  :hi:

Offline Daffodil

Actually, nevermind I found it:

Random guy starts screaming about it, no screenshots or evidence and gets called a moron by everyone involved. Hardly convincing.

Wrong thread.


  • Guest
Overlooked by the naive  :hi:

Overlooked by an educated grown adult, who decided the potential gain was worth the potential hassle, and was willing to give negative feedback if it was a negative experience., not being concerned about any backlash it might cause.

Offline Daffodil

Overlooked by an educated grown adult, who decided the potential gain was worth the potential hassle, and was willing to give negative feedback if it was a negative experience., not being concerned about any backlash it might cause.

Is there a difference between an adult and a grown adult?  :sarcastic:

You took a chance and got lucky. You then tried to make out she might not be fibbing, which is pretty naive. The example you used was pretty useless (not really the work of an educated grown adult) and you seem to get pretty upset at anybody questioning/not agreeing with you.

Punters are free to take risks, but at least they can do so with their eyes open on this one. Her time wasting and unreliability are extraordinary and we don't need white knights making excuses for her  :hi:

Offline Daffodil

Actually, nevermind I found it:

Random guy starts screaming about it, no screenshots or evidence and gets called a moron by everyone involved. Hardly convincing.

And here's the correct thread:



  • Guest
Is there a difference between an adult and a grown adult?  :sarcastic:

You took a chance and got lucky. You then tried to make out she might not be fibbing, which is pretty naive. The example you used was pretty useless (not really the work of an educated grown adult) and you seem to get pretty upset at anybody questioning/not agreeing with you.

Punters are free to take risks, but at least they can do so with their eyes open on this one. Her time wasting and unreliability are extraordinary and we don't need white knights making excuses for her  :hi:

She might not be fibbing, you don't bloody know that, which is my point all along.  ANYTHING could have happened, hence my exaggerated example.  You only want to assume the worst, whereas I'd rather give people the benefit of the doubt.  The only hint at unreliability I had, was not responding to the first E-mail.   So she didn't confirm with me, and I didn't get a booking.  That's fine.  She didn't confirm, so I didn't show up.  She confirmed another day, and was there as expected.  I do not see a problem with that.

I will go back, and I will give honest feedback.  Should she mess me around, I will leave feedback saying as much.

It does not make me a white knight, and I'm not making excuses for her.  However, she is human, subject to the same weaknesses as the rest of us.  I know full well she will lie.  I know nobody who doesn't lie a little bit (though I know one person who almost fits that bill, but she's a very very unusual person, and even she doesn't necessarily tell the whole truth).  When she is working a very dangerous profession, I expect her to lie more to protect herself.  We all know after all that there are people out there looking to hurt wg's.

And FYI "grown adult" is a turn of phrase.  I've no doubt you know that already, but to me, your willingness to jump on it shows me how spiteful you are.

That' the end of it as far as I'm concerned.  I am not going to respond to you on this topic any more, but may respond elsewhere, if it is appropriate to do so (and you don't just decide to be petty and jump on anything I say).

Bob Cratchit

  • Guest
And here's the correct thread:


Ok, I'm wrong (you won't hear that on the internet often). Still going to try again because I'm clearly incapable of thinking with my brain and she still sounds like fun. Man problems. :unknown:

Bob Cratchit

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  • Guest
Profile vanished  :cry:

Oh no, a couple of messages had gone back and forth.  She tells me that she had to change her number, so I don't have the new one.  She did say she ought to go back to the old one though, so hopefully I'll still be able to contact her. :(  Best to not worry and move on if not though.

Offline ukmax

I have a booking for this Wednesday. Jens emails now come from a new profile Jessie Brum but only this messsage comes up

The following problem(s) were detected:

Sorry, this profile cannot be accessed at this time. It is most likely that it has been suspended due to suspicion of it's authenticity.

I can forsee problems!!!

Offline fenderswoop

Looking at it is this the same Jenni/Jenny?

External Link/Members Only  External Link/Members Only

Looks like she's still up for duo meetings if not solo ones.


  • Guest
looks like the same girl tbh but unsure., anyone booked this one?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 11:05:03 pm by villlafan69 »

Offline Daffodil

Oh no, a couple of messages had gone back and forth.  She tells me that she had to change her number, so I don't have the new one.  She did say she ought to go back to the old one though, so hopefully I'll still be able to contact her. :(  Best to not worry and move on if not though.

But didn't give you her new number  :rolleyes:

Have you an explanation for why her profile disappeared? Perhaps her cat got stuck up a tree.

You guys that let prostitutes wrap you round their little finger are pretty pathetic. In my opinion  :hi:

Offline dboy74

I guess it had been a while.....


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  • Guest
And I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I know what you think, I know what I think.  The two don't match, but that's fine.  She has moved on.  I had a random one off, that worked out just as I'd hoped, with much less hassle and time wasting than others.  If she doesn't take any more bookings, oh well, I will move on.  I just assume I'm going to be lied to in all cases.  Most do not want to share private info, so creating a false story protects them from others finding out too much about them.  I accept it and don't care.  She says no more bookings, and I believe that.

Offline Daffodil

And I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I know what you think, I know what I think.  The two don't match, but that's fine.  She has moved on.  I had a random one off, that worked out just as I'd hoped, with much less hassle and time wasting than others.  If she doesn't take any more bookings, oh well, I will move on.  I just assume I'm going to be lied to in all cases.  Most do not want to share private info, so creating a false story protects them from others finding out too much about them.  I accept it and don't care.  She says no more bookings, and I believe that.

I look forward to your about turn when she accepts bookings again  :hi:

You've gone from giving her excuses the benefit of the doubt to knowing that she lies  :rolleyes: That's what I've said from day one  :dash:

She fucks punters about, the reason for which we'll never know for definite. But we do know that she wastes time and we do know that she lies. Your protestations are pretty naive  :music:

Offline dboy74

Offline Daffodil

.....and on and on

Indeed. At least he now accepts she lies and is a time waster. I'll bow out  :hi:

Offline dboy74


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Just fuck off and leave me alone. I've tried the polite way, but you clearly have some serious head issues with her.  I'm going to see whomever I fucking please. I can give her the benefit of the doubt, and at the same time act as if I'm being lied to.  If I just assume I'm being lied to, and don't care, then what the hell is the problem.  I could point out the clearly flawed logic on your part.  I said "maybe somebody died, like a sibling or parent" you jumped all over it, claiming she is unlikely to have a sibling.  I pointed out, quite rightfully, that she is actually more likely to have a sibling Than not have a sibling, based on logic.  You then jumped all over me for using that as evidence.  You are a fucking moron, who is picking and choosing.  I have clearly said, I don't care about being lied to.  If she or anybody else wants to lie to me, I don't care.  If I get messed around, more than usual, I just won't see that person  again.

You clearly just want to do everything you can do destroy her, and can't hack it that people won't listen.  This childish behaviour on your part won't get people to.


  • Guest
Profile active again (with a slightly different name), but she's ignoring my messages.  A shame, I enjoyed the visit and wanted to go back, but not happening now.  As previously stated, I'm ok with it, as long as I'm not messed around too much.  Ignoring messages is too much hassle, so I'm moving on.

She had agreed another visit would be fine, right before the disappearance (due to family finding out, as I was told).  Shame, she has so many attributes I find attractive.  No Emotional attachment syndrome developed, despite that being the popular opinion, so I'm not too fussed, just annoyed that I'd found one that I found to be very attractive, who's ok with my tastes, but now she won't see me.I have been slowly trying to find somebody else that fits the bill, but no luck as of yet.

Sexy Brit Sarah looks ok, slightly older than I like (listed age as older than I am).  I tried to book a few times, but times just weren't matching up.  Coincidentally, she appears to work from exactly the same building as Jenny.  Had good reviews here though, and I can't be bothered with hassle.  Been too busy with life to be able to visit any, despite DESPERATELY wanting to.

edit:  last online today, I saw the same yesterday.  Message sent 2 days ago, with her appearing online for 2 days, not replying to messages, I'm just assuming she's purposely ignoring.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 02:00:10 pm by Mwtp »

Offline Talbear

You know what.... I've seen her... And she is a fucking magnificent punt...


  • Guest
Yes, she is.  What a tangled web of lies though.  I was told she wasn't working for the stated reason, but she continued to work.  Despite me giving a very clear message saying she only had to say if she found me too odd.  She still agreed to see me again, carried on working, but told me she wasn't.  I can provide a clear explanation, and evidence (though I'd have to show you texts to prove it's true), but don't want to give away how I know right now.  Too easy for her to read.  I'll share the explanation later perhaps, after she has been online and tried to worm her way out of the message I sent telling her I know the truth.


  • Guest
I've had her bail on me too...which miffed me a little, but only because I wanted to satisfy my sexual hunger....ROAAAR!

I've done a positive review on her too, but MWTP, you need to let it slide mate...who matters can't go back on what you've said'll look like a desperado otherwise...and you're better than that.  Like you've said, she has every right to do as she pleases, it's her body...but you could also do us a service by writing a negative review about her so punters know what to expect.  My first experience with her was positive...I didn't think to write anything negative about her cancelling on me...since it was done way before the agreed time and I took the hint...'NOT INTERESTED', so I sought someone else.

Whatever the reason for her cancelling on me matters little, but we move on and find something new...and look the experiences I've had...each one better than the next....


  • Guest
Meh, you're right, and I have no intention of going back.  I pointed out the obvious lie to her.  She was working under a different name, but insisting she wasn't able to work at all.  I care little if somebody doesn't want to see me, but when I specifically say "tell me if you don't want to see me again, and I'll move on" then that's the polite thing.  She didn't though, she made a big lie.  Small lies are fine, they're the normal self-protection thing, but the big lies... No, I won't be happy with it.  She actually said specifically "Yes, I'll see you again" and "No, I thought you were very down to earth" etc.

How do I know?  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
She has another account, the mobile number is the same, it's written in the same style.  I have a text giving me all the "I can't, I'm under watch" stuff, dated right after she has feedback indicating she is working.


  • Guest
We ALL lie when we punt...I lie to my family and friends EVERY time I punt. I consider the financial implications when I punt...I consider the harm it could cause to those close to me when I I lie...I lie...I lie...but you know what? It's Paige Green/Jenni Brum/Jenni Black lies and she lies to you...a complete stranger in comparison to her friends and loved ones...and what is she to you...flesh...nothing more...a personable prostitute? Yes...but this hobby of's not's a flimsy contract of sex...we invest mentally, emotionally...ofc we do...but we can walk have done...leave it it as a negative...we come together....we regulate and we assure better services for leaving reasonable and constructive feedback...we understand she's let you down...but it's not constructive to defend her at one stage and then blast her because she's upset you...that's not fair to this forum who have supported your views and it casts a shadow on your future 2 cents...peace. :drinks:


  • Guest
Look, relax, I'm moving on.  I've no intention of seeing her again.  I merely shared my experience for the sake of others, who can then make up their own mind.  I gave the additional account because it's only fair.

I tried to be fair with her, and she didn't want me to post about her at all, to keep her profile low.  So by giving me such a blatant lie, and being disrespectful enough to not follow through the one request of "just be honest and tell me if you don't want to see me again" she lost the respect I try to give everybody.  I may not be perfect at it, but I try.  She lost that basic respect level, so now I'll talk as openly as I want.

She should have just told me, and I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to re-book.  I gave it time and waited for her to become active, where I simply would have given up on her and moved on.  I waited for the sole reason of her telling me yes, she'll see me again.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 01:13:02 am by Mwtp »


  • Guest
Look, relax, I'm moving on.  I've no intention of seeing her again.  I merely shared my experience for the sake of others, who can then make up their own mind.  I gave the additional account because it's only fair.

I tried to be fair with her, and she didn't want me to post about her at all, to keep her profile low.  So by giving me such a blatant lie, and being disrespectful enough to not follow through the one request of "just be honest and tell me if you don't want to see me again" she lost the respect I try to give everybody.  I may not be perfect at it, but I try.  She lost that basic respect level, so now I'll talk as openly as I want.

She should have just told me, and I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to re-book.  I gave it time and waited for her to become active, where I simply would have given up on her and moved on.  I waited for the sole reason of her telling me yes, she'll see me again.

No, I think you need to relax...hence the reason why I posted my satirically stupid and woefully poetic post.  Your post is almost an admission to leaving malicious feedback for her and why? Because she's lied to you and you've lost all respect for her? What you've just done gives you little credit...also it's totally obvious that Paige Green is Jennifer Brum...I think punters have either done two things...they were willing to chance getting fucked around or just simply moved on to other WGs with genuine and good feedback...if you have moved on...stop mentioning after EVERY response that's she's lied to you....make a negative review in the review section... :hi:


  • Guest
Ok, I'm sorry.  I was tired and annoyed, still am.  But I'm trying to be a reasonable person.  My upset is that by making it clear that I don't mind being told no, and would much prefer that, I had hoped she'd a least be rational enough to be honest about that one thing.  Her lying despite having made that as crystal clear as humanly possible suggests she is mean and spiteful.  Despite that, she was asking me to not say anything here.

Maybe I am drawing attention to it out of spite.  It's done now though.  No takebacks allowed.  I should have taken the advice offered, but chose not to.  I gambled and got burnt.  I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

As to the suggestion I'm giving false feedback, I have not done so.  Anybody can believe I'm lying, that's their prerogative.  The one experience in the flesh was good, simple, fulfilling the objective exactly as agreed.  No qualms there, but she likes to play games it seems, and one was exposed.  I just wish it hadn't involved me.  It's all part of this punting game though isn't it.  Learn from it and carry on, or get out of it.  I'm still in for now, and had a great evening as planned.  As predicted, not my type, but a good evening was had.  And as it turned out, not only was it in the same building as Jenni, but the same flat, room, and bed!