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Author Topic: So why do we do it?  (Read 2473 times)

Offline Clattypats

Why do we choose to go down the WG route?
For me it's a good buzz,and quite exciting seeing who is at the other side of that door..your opinions?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 10:41:52 pm by Clattypats »


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simples. i love fucking young women and getting blow jobs from them. no big deal. :yahoo:

Offline Clattypats

Lovely young women at that..a luv the buzz..especially when there is no face photos..u turn up,and they're 10× better looking than what u thought they might horn tammy was that for me :thumbsup:


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""Oh, boy. Well, some of my patients prefer walking, some prefer bicycling. But for best results, to guarantee satisfaction, most of them like fucking. You know, poonta-poonta-poonta. I like it myself, you know. One in the morning, and late at night.""

Offline Clattypats

""Oh, boy. Well, some of my patients prefer walking, some prefer bicycling. But for best results, to guarantee satisfaction, most of them like fucking. You know, poonta-poonta-poonta. I like it myself, you know. One in the morning, and late at night.""
I meant without the sarcasm :D everyone has reasons..I love fuckin, but rather than take drugs,luv the buzz..still luv drink though :drinks:


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Haha. It's not sarcasm. Just made me think of that quote. From one of my top 3 films.

Offline Clattypats

""Oh, boy. Well, some of my patients prefer walking, some prefer bicycling. But for best results, to guarantee satisfaction, most of them like fucking. You know, poonta-poonta-poonta. I like it myself, you know. One in the morning, and late at night.""
incase you doubt my credentials, I will post a couple of reviews up by sunday at the latest Mav.if I don't then have a go :dance:


  • Guest
Think we've just got crossed wires mate.
The question just made me think off Gene Wilder.
That's all. I look forward to the reviews.

Punts lined up for Wednesday and probably Friday. Girls I've already reviewed.
Any for you this week. ??

Offline Clattypats

Think we've just got crossed wires mate.
The question just made me think off Gene Wilder.
That's all. I look forward to the reviews.

Punts lined up for Wednesday and probably Friday. Girls I've already reviewed.
Any for you this week. ??
no probs m8.should of prob titled it:what floats our boats  :lol:

Offline Clattypats

Who you got anyway..Monday is mainly my punting day..think Tuesdays and weds r better..but work dictates that :(
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 11:15:24 pm by Clattypats »


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Yeah. Sorry to sidetrack the thread.

I do it purely for sex. I like the thrill of the first meet , I like the thrill of the second meet having had a good first meet.
I enjoy the thrill of a girl doing something better than any girl has done before.

Offline AVGscot

Well I'm currently single apart from a couple of fwb (more for when they want/need it). So since I've got the time and money I started seeing escorts. Stops me wanking myself silly and a punt costs the same as a couple of dates except you're guaranteed a shag.

Offline hoopbhoy

I like getting sex when I want it without having to pretend I'm interested in a relationship. It's that simple really.

Offline Clattypats

Yeah. Sorry to sidetrack the thread.

I do it purely for sex. I like the thrill of the first meet , I like the thrill of the second meet having had a good first meet.
I enjoy the thrill of a girl doing something better than any girl has done before.
no probs..I like seeing different ones just now (Though have seen some a few times)Realistically I would only see one again a second time,in between seeing others,but I'm  no gonna come across as a fluffy..Although she was gr8,I thought

Offline Clattypats

I like getting sex when I want it without having to pretend I'm interested in a relationship. It's that simple really.
relationships..I'm  done with right have a friends with benefits bird,but u would nae ride her into battle :lol: :lol:

Offline bigmike32

Between relationships and i like fucking good wgs with big tits.


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"So why do we do it?"
Because it's there.

Offline Clattypats

That's all I was asking..we all have objectives/reasons.probably phrased it a bit wrong.well no everyone does it..that was my point  :hi:

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

After some years being unable to shag I'm just getting my rocks off going through the "explore and experiment" routine again. Between work, health, moving cities and what not haven't had the time to meet women so I see nothing wrong with meeting somebody for some "exercise."

Offline Clattypats

After some years being unable to shag I'm just getting my rocks off going through the "explore and experiment" routine again. Between work, health, moving cities and what not haven't had the time to meet women so I see nothing wrong with meeting somebody for some "exercise."
that's a good non sarcy answer :)..thanks..everyone has different reasons..luv fuckin/the buzz/ split up fae sum cunt etc etc..the list goes on :unknown:
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 12:43:56 am by Clattypats »

Offline Clattypats

By the way guys..they were all good answers..I look fwd to nxt monday :dance:

Offline tazman1002001

I'm single and don't have have either the time or commitment just now for a relationship but I'm lucky enough to have more than enough money to fulfil my needs...desires ......
Banned reason: White-knight abusing facility to change another punters negative review and then getting abusive after his touting and white-knighting is exposed. Previously banned for similar reasons.
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Offline Clattypats

I'm single and don't have have either the time or commitment just now for a relationship but I'm lucky enough to have more than enough money to fulfil my needs...desires ......
we canny aw be loaded m8 :)

Offline solway

I meant without the sarcasm :D everyone has reasons..I love fuckin, but rather than take drugs,luv the buzz..still luv drink though :drinks:
Agree totally.
Nothing wrong wi the drink.Totally cheaper & nearly always a good result

Offline TommyMoundfrigger

With all the money in the world I doubt I could chat up a young thing in a pub and end up fucking her.
With a set price on AW I give them a call and I can.
Ain't this world great?

Offline DickDiver

especially when there is no face photos..u turn up,and they're 10× better looking than what u thought they might be

I have to say this is why i am getting disillusioned with it.  Used to love that buzz but now it generally leads to disappointment as they are uglier, older, fatter, or B&S from the tantalising glimpse on the profile.

Could just be my standards have got higher and I need better to justify the excitment.


  • Guest
With all the money in the world I doubt I could chat up a young thing in a pub and end up fucking her.
With a set price on AW I give them a call and I can.
Ain't this world great?

spot on

Offline auldie63

With all the money in the world I doubt I could chat up a young thing in a pub and end up fucking her.
With a set price on AW I give them a call and I can.
Ain't this world great?
In a     
Hidden Image/Members Only

I'm gettin all the sex I can handle and at the time I want. It ain't cheap but I ain't seen a shroud with pockets either.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 12:01:09 pm by auldie63 »


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spot on auldie and u 2 big bell. :cool:


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I like getting sex when I want it without having to pretend I'm interested in a relationship. It's that simple really.



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its great to fuck a burd and have her suck u of and then get cleaned up and go for a good bevvy with no strings attached. and punting is the only way to do that :dance: :yahoo: :lol: :D


  • Guest
Easy answer, as It's something new, and different.
I get a buzz from meeting a woman I've never seen before, and all if she's a good punt or not. :unknown:

Offline travellingwilly

I just wanted to get an Asian bird on the record.


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and did you. review please if you did

Offline Reverend_Steven

Personally I like getting the opportunity to do the things I could never get a civvy to do. Face fucking, gagging, rough sub stuff. The kinda stuff you do in your head but don't get to act out in a relationship unless you are a real lucky fucker!!!  :wacko:

That and the opportunity to fuck tidy young lassies. Takes me back to my imaginary youth!!  :D :P

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

what was that game of thrones line? "got to get the poison out somehow?" Nobody said what the poison actually was ;)

Offline Mr_Shins

 - More likely to be able to get a "date"
 - in particular at a time that is suitable for me
 - without having to make any kind of commitment
 - and being able to see date women too if I want
 - and being more "in control", e.g. being able to tell her what to or what not to wear.
 - and feeding my strange fetish, something I wouldn't expect a normal date to do.

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

My 'why'

Brew a cuppa and have a read  :scare:

Have you contacted the writers for hollyoaks?

That aside, as good a reason as any.

Imo getting your rocks off is a part of life but its a matter of how you do it. If you cant do it one way then...hmm...who is to judge?


  • Guest
Why do do it?

I've been doing it since I was very young. like teens. I'm into unusual stuff and I couldn't find anyone into the stuff I wanted. Prostitues were a good way of me getting off without having to worry about them wanting more from me than I wanted to give.

In my real life I've got no problem meeting girls or pulling them. But they always want to own me and I can't be fucked with that. Too much baggage and bullshit. Better pay a pro and have fun without all the aggro and needy shite.

I used to get a thrill out if it too. The risk, the unknown. I've been doing it far too long to get that now. I'm jaded and kind if sick of the BS now. I did start specifically going to dodgy locations just for the added thrill but that doesn't do it for me now.

My libido has calmed down now but I was pretty horny when I was younger. My record is four different WGs in one day. First one was so awful I was angry, just left without finishing. Next two were meh but I came both times but the last girl got me off good and propper.

I've not got much on my "to do" left in sex, kinda done most things I wanted to and figured out what doesn't do it for me. Still fancy fucking a Japanese chick. Done most of the rest of the far Eastern girls.

I almost never see the same girl twice. It has happened but almost never. The most I've ever seen a girl was about four times.

I've befriend a couple WGs after we've met a few times. Then you don't really want to see them as WGs. You can meet some pretty interesting people doing this you'd never have met in civvy world because different circles. One thing I've definitely learned is there is no "type" which you can be sure they'll be freaky in bed. Some plan Jane looking girls have been the best fucks I've ever had, some of the best looking have. Even the worst and most boring. But I've had some filthy hotties too.

Will I stop?

I'm pretty jaded of it all now to be honest. But I keep an eye out for anything interesting.

Offline wheeliebinwanking

Why do do it?

I've been doing it since I was very young. like teens. I'm into unusual stuff and I couldn't find anyone into the stuff I wanted. Prostitues were a good way of me getting off without having to worry about them wanting more from me than I wanted to give.

In my real life I've got no problem meeting girls or pulling them. But they always want to own me and I can't be fucked with that. Too much baggage and bullshit. Better pay a pro and have fun without all the aggro and needy shite.

I used to get a thrill out if it too. The risk, the unknown. I've been doing it far too long to get that now. I'm jaded and kind if sick of the BS now. I did start specifically going to dodgy locations just for the added thrill but that doesn't do it for me now.

My libido has calmed down now but I was pretty horny when I was younger. My record is four different WGs in one day. First one was so awful I was angry, just left without finishing. Next two were meh but I came both times but the last girl got me off good and propper.

I've not got much on my "to do" left in sex, kinda done most things I wanted to and figured out what doesn't do it for me. Still fancy fucking a Japanese chick. Done most of the rest of the far Eastern girls.

I almost never see the same girl twice. It has happened but almost never. The most I've ever seen a girl was about four times.

I've befriend a couple WGs after we've met a few times. Then you don't really want to see them as WGs. You can meet some pretty interesting people doing this you'd never have met in civvy world because different circles. One thing I've definitely learned is there is no "type" which you can be sure they'll be freaky in bed. Some plan Jane looking girls have been the best fucks I've ever had, some of the best looking have. Even the worst and most boring. But I've had some filthy hotties too.

Will I stop?

I'm pretty jaded of it all now to be honest. But I keep an eye out for anything interesting.

Interesting post . . . why do you think your jaded? Thrill of the chase evaporated? Have you had proper civvy relationships running at the same time as your dabbling or you stayed well away?

How long you been doing this? Or how old are you?

Perhaps you may prefer something like SA's?;topicseen

Plenty of people do



  • Guest
great post and good questions about it above. keen to hear more


  • Guest
Every month or two , I go through periods of self questioning , and after a punt can sometimes feel I regretted it.

For about an hour , then I'm thinking about the next one!


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only time i ever regret a punt if its been a bad one. :( and thanks to this site its a long while since i had a bad punt :yahoo:

Offline 7iron

For me AW has been a life changer. So glad I stumbled upon it. I have been very happily married in excess of 20 years, to a woman who in all honesty has never been enthused by sex. It got less frequent by every passing year. Probably shagged 3 times in the last 4 years. I did start to resent her for it, although knowing its not her fault. Now, I am perfectly content. I can shag young birds and in positions my mrs would never dream of. It was a major step taking the 1st punt. But I weighed up the options and the fact I am not getting any younger, I felt if I didn't do it I would regret it. I thought I would have a major guilt trip. Surprisingly I didn't. Once a month I treat myself, I think I deserve it :hi:


  • Guest
For me AW has been a life changer. So glad I stumbled upon it. I have been very happily married in excess of 20 years, to a woman who in all honesty has never been enthused by sex. It got less frequent by every passing year. Probably shagged 3 times in the last 4 years. I did start to resent her for it, although knowing its not her fault. Now, I am perfectly content. I can shag young birds and in positions my mrs would never dream of. It was a major step taking the 1st punt. But I weighed up the options and the fact I am not getting any younger, I felt if I didn't do it I would regret it. I thought I would have a major guilt trip. Surprisingly I didn't. Once a month I treat myself, I think I deserve it :hi:

a good mature rationale

Offline Clattypats

For me AW has been a life changer. So glad I stumbled upon it. I have been very happily married in excess of 20 years, to a woman who in all honesty has never been enthused by sex. It got less frequent by every passing year. Probably shagged 3 times in the last 4 years. I did start to resent her for it, although knowing its not her fault. Now, I am perfectly content. I can shag young birds and in positions my mrs would never dream of. It was a major step taking the 1st punt. But I weighed up the options and the fact I am not getting any younger, I felt if I didn't do it I would regret it. I thought I would have a major guilt trip. Surprisingly I didn't. Once a month I treat myself, I think I deserve it :hi:
well said that man :thumbsup:


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The anonymity. The fact I've no desire to be in a relationship. I can spend an hour in bed with a hot woman and part ways no strings at the end.

Offline auldie63

Because we are a bunch of pervy, cunt struck, pathetic, sick, horny twats.