Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Things prossies do to annoy...  (Read 8567 times)

Offline Cityfan1880

Insist on phone calls only/no texts.

Is there ANY logic at all behind this ridiculous rule?


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have a think
if some one sounds 12yrs old . if someone sounds drunk . if some sounds like they are on drugs
if some one you banned got a new sim card
Would you see them 

Offline PLeisure

From what I read on UKE, it's to limit the amount of timewasters they have to field.
Many of them feel they can get a sense of how genuine the punter is during a brief convo

Offline Silver Birch

Insist on phone calls only/no texts.

Is there ANY logic at all behind this ridiculous rule?

I like to speak to a wg on the phone so I can assess her attitude and friendliness. My guess is that wgs do the same, plus if a punter is too nervous to speak on the phone, it probably increases the chance that he will bottle out of the punt too.


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If you speak to wg yourself it takes sergi out of the deal .


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I prefer calls to but if it makes my life easier will switch to text or aw.

Saves playing ping pong every thing sorted in one go !

Also for short notice if no answer just move on to next rather than waiting for texts or messages back.


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I can understand why they insist on a call... but I'd rather texts.

Also, a bit of double standards when they don't answer and then text you back to ask when you want to book.


  • Guest
I can understand why they insist on a call... but I'd rather texts.

Also, a bit of double standards when they don't answer and then text you back to ask when you want to book.

Life is full of double standards, if you pander to the ones that piss you off you will change nothing !

Offline Silver Birch

I can understand why they insist on a call... but I'd rather texts.

Also, a bit of double standards when they don't answer and then text you back to ask when you want to book.

The real double standards occur if they are not busy. Sometimes calling is not an option if I am tied to the office, so I have texted a number of wgs whose profiles state 'texts will be ignored', and have received replies if they are available.

Offline two20

I can understand why but I'd much rather make initial contact by text or email, I just don't like ringing straight off.

Offline OakTree

Texting or ringing? Can't say that pisses me off.

Sitting in my car having spent 45 minutes in traffic with that sinking feeling, this girl isn't going to answer, that pisses me off.

Offline Wilson85

Maids trying to guide me into a flat on the phone. Despite me being a repeat customer.

Asking questions and making me feel uncomfortable. In my last punt the prossie (who I have seen 4 times) started asking me personal questions, disecting my life it seemed, all because she thought I wasn't smiling enough! FFS. She knew she had ballsed up at the end of the punt, not sure if she was trying to help me or make me feel bad. Very annoying.

Offline Jamboney

When they tell you you've got a massive cock. We both know that's not true so why the fuck do they say it!


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Not a fan of the prossie who creates a major wall of text in her profile with hidden hoops lodged inside. Do not text me before 5pm. Message me with a introduction message stating who you are, information about yourself and what you propose our meeting will consist of. These types will never get my business. A overly pedantic attitude is not one which will secure a large amount of regulars. If punters wanted the princess type whos shit doesn't stink then punters would go pick up spoilt cunts on Plenty of Fish.

I think the last one is prossies who state on their profile not to time waste them and how they hate punters who are late but make you wait 15-20 minutes AFTER your original booking time has begun. After 20 minutes I will state I can no longer make the booking and leave out of principle. I am happy to go home without a punt and bide my time to let a more professional girl part me with my money and jizz.

That being said there are some decent girls on AW you just need to find them.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 09:15:02 pm by Ben4454 »


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On AW have likes with "at discretion" and fail to elaborate on these "likes" on their profile  :rolleyes:

Offline Bangers and Gash

Asking questions and making me feel uncomfortable.

I recently remember being questioned on many women I've shagged. Can you imagine what you'd get if a punter asked that.


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I recently remember being questioned on many women I've shagged. Can you imagine what you'd get if a punter asked that.

I usually tell them that they're my 10th today if they ask that.


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Being given the sssshhh finger on lips gesture when I (quietly mouselike) enter the joint.  A) I'm polite, well-mannered, quiet and discrete. B) I'm hardly likely to be shouting or singing about what I'm doing. C) I can get that at home.


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Flattering AW profile photos from +10 yrs ago - I'll start bringing Monopoly money too if that's ok?


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I recently remember being questioned on many women I've shagged. Can you imagine what you'd get if a punter asked that.

Yes, get some funny looks when i give them an honest answer !   :D

Offline HighlyMotivated

I'm the opposite - hate when a prossie says to text her after not answering a call

Although that usually means they've got a bloke/Sergei texting for them

Arley Hall

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Displaying really poor photographs on their AW profiles - dark, out of focus, sideways, not showing their body clearly, etc etc.

British girls are often the worst offenders here - a lot of them need to raise their game if they want to compete with the foreign girls. I'm not talking about photoshopping - I hate that - but just posing somewhere where the light is good (near a window, outdoors maybe - though not in strong sunlight). The annoying thing is that with modern digital cameras anybody can take good photographs. All they need to do is shoot a couple of hundred and choose the best dozen. It doesn't have to be an SLR - a compact camera would be fine or even a phone would be OK at a pinch. Given that it's so crucial to their business and so easy to do I can't understand why more of them don't get it right.


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I hate when a WG, who has CIM on her profile of likes and even has 'no extras' in the text, waits until your cock is purple, swollen and fit to burst at the end of a BJ to say 'You wanna come in my mouth baby, ees extra, OK?'  SERIOUSLY?!?  😡😡😡


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Rod trotter

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Then they close their mouth at the point of splash down.



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Was she Mexican  :D

No - almost always South American though. 😛  Maybe I've been unlucky, but that's why I don't see any new SA WGs.  They're so often overpriced, and tend to over-promise and vastly under-deliver!

Redhead Lover

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Profile says they're available (and online most days), but takes them 2 days or more to even read your email request!

Offline Riprock

When you ask a WG a very simple question via A/W email.

And you get this:

'Hi darling call me pls'

Just answer the question!


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No CIM despite it being offered. Even when 'at discretion' I always try to ask in email how likely this is after my first ever naive punt years back. Was expecting a quality BJ, when she's barely keeping me hard, I say "You're not gonna make me cum like that", in a friendly way, of course! And she looks up and says "Er, yeah, I don't really do that". "What? It's on your enjoys!" "Yeah I just put that there so people'll see me".
Atleast the cow was honest. Too late for me, but honest.

My personal pet hate is girls who do CIM then run off to the loo or immediately spit into tissue, or even worse open their mouth whilst you're cumming and let it spill back all over me. Just feckin' swallow.

Girls who promise a passionate experience but only do closed mouth kissing, normally grudgingly. Or the head turners. Worst for this was that pig SA Babe in Reading. The term 'babe' only applied because of her porcine quality presumably. I ended up sucking her chin, her cheek, her nose at one point. Everywhere but the lips, god not the lips!
She had the most disgusting stinking vagina I've ever encountered too. Covered in disgusting, crusty white shit that stunk to high heaven. Even before her pants came off i knew my mouth wasn't going anywhere near it! Thought twice about my covered cock. The only time I've ever really had serious erectile disfunction on a punt.

Find no kissing to be particularly crazy when I'm gonna cum in your mouth in a bit. Is it a boyfriend thing? That they tell themselves it's not cheating if there's no kissing? Any decent boyfriend who isn't a scumbag/pimp is not gonna be ok with you taking it up the wrong 'un from dozens of blokes a week as long as you don't kiss :lol:

The difference in girls wanting Texts/Calls.
Girls not reading emails despite logging in is annoying. Girls reading emails and not replying is waay more annoying.
Girls who want to know "what you want to do in the booking?" after I've said I don't really want bdsm or roleplay, just gfe/pse/most things on her enjoys. I'm not coming to see you to form a sewing circle love. Other girls'll ban you for being very specific. There are fine lines to tread...

Inaccurate/Old photos

Profiles that try to be Mills and Boon

Profiles that promise the earth, a trend in young British girls it appears recently; some amazing porny experience, then you meet and the girls fit enough, but fucking boring and very vanilla. Just be honest!

Bad skin/ excessive makeup. Obvious drug use. Will write a review of one of them soon. She fits another category or two here too.

There's a lot more. This is enough for now i think.

Offline wheeliebinwanking

+1 on the not kissing

I had an overnight lined up and to be fair the girl didn't put kissing on her likes but she intimated that it's possible if the chemistry is right only for her to say she hates kissing.

Not even close mouth on the lips. Anyway I like to add

Bait and Switch

Offline jame75

Talk too much - just get on with it!


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Filling up their profile "about me" section with loads of squiggles and symbols that either spell "sexy" or the silhouette of a woman... WHATS THE POINT!?!?!?


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Filling up their profile "about me" section with loads of squiggles and symbols that either spell "sexy" or the silhouette of a woman... WHATS THE POINT!?!?!?

I would dearly love to slap whoever invented the "prossie profile pointless text picture". Dearly.


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Filling up their profile "about me" section with loads of squiggles and symbols that either spell "sexy" or the silhouette of a woman... WHATS THE POINT!?!?!?


Makes going through her profile a wrench and leaving it so easy. Just stick with the basic info, that's all we need.


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Not carrying out services paid for or false advertising :mad:

Pro$$ies who have a bad attitude or otherwise do shit that just kills the mood during the punt :angry:

Offline Bangers and Gash

A luxurious incall appartment that turns out to be a sink estate shit hole.

Offline Gooner

Reading and not replying to emails asking for a phone number to arrange a booking as she doesn't display it on profile.  :dash:

Offline jame75

Says she's available but doesn't display her number  :dash:

E.L. Wisty

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Following confirmation and agreement that a meet is to go ahead, the WG does not respond to e-mails or texts requesting the services the punter wants in the booking

Also reading AW e-mails but not having the courtesy to respond to them.

Cancelling with bullshit reasons at the last minute.


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wearing civvies when you have made a special request :mad:

E.L. Wisty

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wearing civvies when you have made a special request :mad:

Failure to wear an outfit I requested her to wear, has happened to me a couple of times.


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wearing civvies when you have made a special request :mad:

Girl not dressing sexily is not often a good sign, but personally I'm not that fussed, as I generally want em naked as quick as possible. Have had a former reg just be in her jeans/jumper civvies a couple times, as she lives a way away from where she works, and had just arrived, i liked it cause it was a monday and she didn't work weekends either, so i knew she'd be gagging for it :thumbsup:

Offline Malvolio

Asking you to call again to get the address when you're in the general area.  What's the point - just send me a text with the address once we've confirmed the booking.


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Things prossies do to annoy.....seem ill-prepared when you arrive.  If you asked for stockings and shes has said "lol yes bb" then bloody put some on  :angry:

E.L. Wisty

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Never giving their exact location, but instead giving a random one.

Offline sonyvaio

Says she's available but doesn't display her number  :dash:

As above, not having a phone number!

Offline Technicolour_trilby

Taking a call from the next punter mid-thrust.


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When they dodge doing anything sexual for half of the booking.

And this one time after a girl did that, (I punt as a couple) she started to say shit like "oh I'd love just watching you two have sex" and dodging our requests for anything more sexual than HR on him. :angry:

Hopefully UKP will help me avoid such rubbish punts in the future.


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Insist on phone calls only/no texts.

Is there ANY logic at all behind this ridiculous rule?

Did it ever occur to you that she may not be able to read English?
