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Author Topic: Havent got a punting phone? You will after reading this  (Read 10051 times)


  • Guest
Apologies to someone who posted about this ,tried to find you but now lost in the ether  Poster suggested googling wg phone number for more info . This got me thinking, googled my own, and after a little experimentation with the gaps between the letters there I was , a bit more digging would have brought up my company directorship and home address! Even worse the oh is also named on there as a director !! Ever put your number on an add in the paper with your adress as well? up it comes !  Straight down to Tesco for a pay as you go this morning.
Sorry to say but this may have put the idea into the festering curds that pass for brains of pimps that lurk on here, but i felt I had to warn you all . "Hey lets be careful out there" Joe

Offline Cityfan1880

I find having to explain a secret phone a bigger risk for me.


  • Guest
Perhaps use the same phone but change the sim ,that would be easier to hide .


  • Guest
Up to the individual punter ho they do it after assessing their own risk, obviously you checked to see implications and the risk was very high for you !

Glad you discovered before any damage was done !   :hi:

Offline OakTree

I find having to explain a secret phone a bigger risk for me.

My problem exactly, it was just something else to worry about. Plus the fact texting on it was a fucking chore as it wasn't a smart phone so I'd have to press some letters numerous times till I got to the one I wanted.

I never bothered with a punting phone for years and in the end I just went back to using my normal phone. I do wonder about the paranoia that's banded about, I know some treat punting like an SAS mission and their circumstances might dictate that but for me I'm keeping it just a low key affair.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

I do wonder about the paranoia that's banded about, I know some treat punting like an SAS mission and their circumstances might dictate that but for me I'm keeping it just a low key affair

IMHO the greatest risk is getting ratted on by a rogue WG, and that isn't dependent on "circumstances" :hi:

Offline smiths

My problem exactly, it was just something else to worry about. Plus the fact texting on it was a fucking chore as it wasn't a smart phone so I'd have to press some letters numerous times till I got to the one I wanted.

I never bothered with a punting phone for years and in the end I just went back to using my normal phone. I do wonder about the paranoia that's banded about, I know some treat punting like an SAS mission and their circumstances might dictate that but for me I'm keeping it just a low key affair.

Its NOT paranoia to be careful if you have something to lose in my view, and as has been said all that is required is a punting sim NOT another phone. Sure some people go well over board which is up to them but rather that than getting caught out. Where I see it as a problem is where real paranoia stops a punter enjoying punting.

The fact is punters have been outed or threatened by low lifes so its not even as though there is no risk, there is a risk dependent on what you use and say, the risk may be very small but for me using a punting phone/sim and spinning WGs bollocks about myself is the wise thing to do.

Offline Taggart

WHile some say a punting sim is the easiest answer, how does that square with an iphone, where, surely, you will need to delete messages and call history from WGs are they are no stored on the sim.
Ditto browser history?

I use a punting phone, which is keypad locked and all msgs/call history deleted after a session. Mrs Taggart not suspicious as I've sold some cars, furniture and other shit on Gumtree, so plausible excuse not to use my work phone. And she doesnt know the code for the punting phone.... :D

Offline Bangers and Gash

A phone specifically for punting! Jeez, why didn't I think of that sooner.. :dash:

Offline Mansell

A phone specifically for punting! Jeez, why didn't I think of that sooner.. :dash:

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Widescreen

And she doesnt know the code for the punting phone.... :D

That's what you

Offline agcnospam

Someone posted a link not too long ago to an app which gives you a different phone number but does not require a second sim?  Feedback seemed good from people who had used it. Will try to post link later when i get on the PC.

Offline smiths

Someone posted a link not too long ago to an app which gives you a different phone number but does not require a second sim?  Feedback seemed good from people who had used it. Will try to post link later when i get on the PC.

Yes I vaguely recall that but cant remember any detail, my advice is use a non Smartphone for punting and pen and paper, going basic has served me well for many many years. If using a Smartphone know exactly how it works inside out and how any apps work.

Offline psplit

It was I've installed and tested it and seems to be an excellent solution


  • Guest
This thread comes up time after time , and if you have nothing to lose great, but for those that take privacy and security seriously, then use a separate means of comms, we've had smart phones and social media for a while and people tend to forget that modern technology leaves electronic footprints,so don't assume that just because you use it all the time it can't come back and bite your arse! "Familiarity breeds contempt" and that's what catches most  people out,and if anyone thinks they have nothing to lose just look at your life and check all the possibilities, you may have a shock. :hi:


  • Guest
There's an app called 'Hushed' that provides a 2nd number on a smartphone. A number costs a couple of dollars and lasts a month. You can top up if you want to continue with the same number. I get a new one quite frequently. Works well. Not sure how secure it is for linking into other stuff like facebook but I've not encountered any problems.

Offline RedKettle

in my view being as open and honest as possible with the OH is the way to go....

....well with certain things, like for example buying a cheap pay as you go phone to use at times when you do not want to risk your expensive smartphone.  This will probably be hobby related and I am not going to give mine away here - but for example if you go canoeing and are worried about falling in.

The danger is that she knows about it and may ask to use it sometime, so you need to keep it clean of texts, contact details etc but I do that anyway - and pray no stupid WG calls you.  However you might just casually mention it one time and not make a big deal of it and keep the phone out of sight.  If found you remind her of the conversation.

Or you buy two identical phones and leave one at home as a family spare.  If your punter phone gets spotted she will (unless you are really unlucky) think it is just the spare.

Yes all a little james bond like but for some of us we need to be, and it all adds to the thrill!!!


  • Guest
Even a pay as you go phone isn't a guarantee for safety.

A civvie on tinder found out where I worked a couple of years ago as when we swapped numbers and exchanged texts she had some sort of tracking device that enabled her to see where I was texting from!!

She justified this by saying she had previously had a stalker and the police recommended she download it! Turns out the only stalker was in fact her!!!

Basically don't even communicate with hookers from your home or work, or even for that matter girls off SA or civvie flings you maybe having an affair with but giving her false details.

Yes, this may seem a bit extreme, but as smiths says above, it's better to be overly cautious rather than have a lapse in security.


  • Guest
got busted with a 2nd phone, not a good thing to try and explain

Offline Gordon Bennett

? If I Google my mobile it throws up name and address of some guy in USA. But then again I don't use social media and my phone is not linked to anything like Gmail or whatever. If Google finds your phone it's because you have it showing somewhere like Facebook or on some sort of public/searchable database.

Offline Cunning Punt

got busted with a 2nd phone, not a good thing to try and explain

Try keeping it away from home or car then, in a lockable drawer or locker at work/gym/golf club. Easier to have phone rather than SIM you've got to keep changing and may lose as it's so small.

Offline Hertsgent

I've got a separate SIM - works well, as less likely to be found than another phone and easier to keep on me. Of course, you then need your personal phone to be easy to swap SIM cards in and out of (ie not an iPhone). I think using a different number just keeps it simple for me....

Offline claretandblue

As has been stated its down to the individual,I use a punting phone as I can lock it away in my work draw and as I only punt during the week this works fine for me

,the only downside is that if I punt after work I have to head back home via the office to drop it off,bit of a pain if you are shagged out! :D
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 07:35:10 am by claretandblue »

Offline maxxblue

Even a pay as you go phone isn't a guarantee for safety.

A civvie on tinder found out where I worked a couple of years ago as when we swapped numbers and exchanged texts she had some sort of tracking device that enabled her to see where I was texting from!!

She justified this by saying she had previously had a stalker and the police recommended she download it! Turns out the only stalker was in fact her!!!

Basically don't even communicate with hookers from your home or work, or even for that matter girls off SA or civvie flings you maybe having an affair with but giving her false details.

Yes, this may seem a bit extreme, but as smiths says above, it's better to be overly cautious rather than have a lapse in security.

Was your phone a smartphone? My understanding is that such tracking isn't available with a basic £10 Nokia type phone - though I stand to be corrected.

Offline SamLP

I bought my punting phone as an excuse to put a foreign sim card when I go on holiday. I'm single so no OH to worry about but I keep it in the car. Never had to explain it to anyone but if I do need to, I'll tell them it's for when I go on holiday.

Offline MancSean

I am single too and these days do not have a punting phone. I don't really need one as up to now have never had issues with being blackmailed or threatened by pimp or WG. Anyway I assess my risks depending on my situation. Currently I couodnt care less if I was outed to work or my family as I don't find it a big deal.
However if I did have something to lose I would get a simple phone and keep it out the house and probably at work. I think the most important thing whether you have a punting phone or punting sim is to be careful never get blasé and realise one important thing women are nosey and are likely to check what's on your phone at some point so NEVER give them the opportunity to catch you out.
Years ago when I was in a relationship I was living in Moscow whilst my gf was living here. There is a huge amount of punting fun to have in Moscow and many websites like aw. One day I decided to write the names of about 50 girls down with number then add a rating next to them when I saw them. This was done the old fashioned way with pen and paper. When I came home one weekend somehow stupidly enough the paper ended up in my suitcase and low and behold my gf found it when I unpacked. Obviously she decided to snoop in my case. She asked me what the fucj is this but I was quick on my feet and told her i had no idea it must belong to mt mate who she knew was a serial punter. It was early days in our relationship and she made me write a few things to compare the writing which I managed to convince her it was different to mine. I also gave my mate a heads up and he texted her to say it was his list. Who knows what she really thought but I got away with it. But it made me realise how careful you need to be at all times especially if you have kids a mortgage etc. however once you get paranoid the more likely you are to slip up so keep a cool head at all times.

Offline tesla

the only phone I have is for punting, cant seem to find a use for another one


  • Guest
I keep one of my old phones as a punting phone.  No need for explanations if it is found.

Offline Huawei

I keep one of my old phones as a punting phone.  No need for explanations if it is found.

This - I have several old Nokia's sculling around, one in the car, one in a desk, one at work - also use them for travelling. Only I know which is the punting phone, and nothing looks odd with them scattered around.

Swansea lad

  • Guest
I keep mine in a plastic bag in the mowers grass collection box.

Ive ditched sims a few times when things have become awkward.


  • Guest
With regulars I don't (as punting phone has limited functionality, and I don't have OH etc to worry about) BUT this morning was I glad to have used the old Nokia punting phone :angry:

Met with new girl (absolutely lovely), but whilst she went out to stash the cash, overheard some raised voices from the rooms (very pleasant 2 bed flat in nice new 'complex', pretty upmarket area) next door.

Some jerk had come in claiming to be the police, robbed the 2 girls of their cash and phones.

Definitely not a scam as the poor girl came back, visibly distraught(and bollocks naked now), and explained the situation.
She apologised and said she had a little cash the jerk had not found and gave me a full refund (not my original crisp 20's).

It was only when I eventually left, that it dawned on me that the jerk now had my number and all the txt comms (her comms were brilliant)

So lesson learnt
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 03:06:33 pm by JW.Bobbitt »


  • Guest
For people who can't have a second phone or sim card there's also an app called Hushed that gives you a virtual number. Not sure how well it works. Maybe Skype also?


  • Guest
I keep mine in a plastic bag in the mowers grass collection box.

So, if anyone spots their OH searching the lawn mower, they'll know she reads this forum!

Offline smiths

So, if anyone spots their OH searching the lawn mower, they'll know she reads this forum!

Indeed, that's the problem with saying where you hide the phone/sim or giving other info mumsnetters and others who read UKP might read and take notice of, posted too detailed stuff myself in the past but try not to nowadays, and have ensured I have changed what I do since then.

Offline RedKettle

just in case OHs read this forum I always hide my punting phone right deep down in a pile of horse shit! :D


  • Guest
just in case OHs read this forum I always hide my punting phone right deep down in a pile of horse shit! :D

So If the OH comes in smelling of horses then you know she reads this forum too.  :cool:


Offline paul_2407

I'm somewhat late to the party but this is another genuine option for punters.

Instead of using your primary phone number or a second phone, you can use an app called Vyke if you have an iPhone to text and call.

It's a bit like Skype without all the hassle of a profile and traceability. If your OH checks your iTunes bills, then create a new iCloud account and download the app with that. You can get credit for said iCloud account at a local shop so no immediately obvious transactions on the bank statement.

Best thing about it that I've found is that if you delete the app and re-download it on 3G, your past conversations are still there which may be useful for tracking your various preferences.  :thumbsup:

Offline walras

I keep one of my old phones as a punting phone.  No need for explanations if it is found.


If the OH found it in my bag/jacket I have the excuse that the battery life on my smartphone is so bad, it's worth carrying a back-up just in case

Offline AlwaysLooking

I'm of the knackered old non-smartphone, in case of emergency. OH has no idea of the number for it (although I've also got a second SIM for it) but I take it with me whenever I don't want to take the new smartphone (i.e. walking the dog, away for a lads weekend, as back up for normal phone etc). So she see's it lying around all the time (although always with the non-punting SIM in). I often swap the normal SIM anyway as if you don't use a SIM in a few months the number is disconnected - hence she knows as it's not used much it can be cut off.

Offline Kryten

On a related topic, I did know of someone who's wife installed some key-loggging software on his PC. I believe you can also get programmes that take screenshots every so often.

The modern phones are certainly an issue with how much information / history they store about your use in parts of the software you would never think of looking.

Offline OakTree

On a related topic, I did know of someone who's wife installed some key-loggging software on his PC. I believe you can also get programmes that take screenshots every so often.

The modern phones are certainly an issue with how much information / history they store about your use in parts of the software you would never think of looking.

If someone goes to that sort of trouble, there's a fair chance they're already onto what you're getting up to.

Offline Happylad

After reading this thread, and out of sheer curiosity I googled both my punting `phone number and my punting nickname.  I almost felt offended that I could find absolutely no mention at all of either.  It almost feels as though I had never existed.

Offline wheeliebinwanking


If the OH found it in my bag/jacket I have the excuse that the battery life on my smartphone is so bad, it's worth carrying a back-up just in case

This x2

There is EVERY reason to have various old phones about. Earlier gen iPhones and Androids

Or basic Nokias and Blackberries.

I wouldn't trust any apps that create a new line, still part of virtual footprint. Unless there was an app that perhaps create like a Virtual Phone on your phone?

Anyway, still easier to have 2nd phone

I use a 2nd phone for buying/selling gumtree. Like one of the posters before, I run my own business and a google search brings up way too much info. I therefore only use my personal mobile (I've had the same no for over 15 years) only when necessary

Offline Rimmington

I would say that a punting phone is essential.  Even if you are currently single, do you want to be outed to friends, family, work colleagues?  Stalked by a mental prossie or pimp?  Always leave as small a footprint as possible.

I suggest a second punting phone should be cheap and as dumb as possible.  If it's found, like others have said, it's just a cheap backup in case your main phone gets broken or runs out of battery.  I delete all txts and call history as soon as the punt is over.

And a dumb phone because unless you really know what you are doing, smart phones are far too keen on tracking your location and syncing everything to "the cloud".

Have a read on the likes of mumsnet for countless examples of blokes betrayed by either their call or browsing history on a phone, or by having their phone sync with a shared ipad or whatever.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I would say that a punting phone is essential. Even if you are currently single, do you want to be outed to friends, family, work colleagues?  Stalked by a mental prossie or pimp?  Always leave as small a footprint as possible.

I have managed for 35 years without a punting phone ----------------- I can't be "outed" ------------- I have been out for years.  :drinks: :drinks:

Offline dubs

I have managed for 35 years without a punting phone ----------------- I can't be "outed" ------------- I have been out for years.  :drinks: :drinks:

You post this fact on *every* thread about punting phones and it is of no use whatsoever to those punters do need to use one.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 10:33:12 am by dubs »

Offline Jimmyredcab

You post this fact on *every* thread about punting phones.

Yes, and I will continue to do so ---------------- if that's OK with you.     :hi:

Offline OakTree

I tried a punting phone for a while but it was more bother than it was worth. In all the years I've been punting I've always used my own phone and will continue to do so. The things that have nearly caught me out are silly things like leaving a paid parking ticket in my car and questions asked why was I in Manchester on that day.

Honestly if my wife was going to start tracking my location history or hack into my phone to see texts ( Which I delete anyway) then chances are she's already onto me and me using another phone isn't going to stop her. As for loony WGs outing me or tracking me down, again in all the years I've been punting I've never had a single incident of that nature.

I appreciate that for others that may be their way of security but I do get sick of being told that I'm some sort of mug because I use my own phone. For me punting is not some sort of super clandestine operation. 

Offline RedKettle

We keep going around and around on this but it is pretty simple - consider using a punting phone taking into account your personal circumstances!

I was a complete mug when I started punting, I used a phone provided by work and the number could easily be tracked to not only me but my job - it would have got anyone straight to my firm's website.  I would have been massively exposed to blackmail on a number of fronts.  Now I could say that I punted like that for years and never actually had a problem, which is true.  However to recommend that to others on that basis would be mad. 

I got a punting phone within a week of discovering UKP  :hi: :hi:

Offline Allnewman

I have cheap thing cost £4 and a pound a week for 25 tx an minutes plus easy to hide at work or in car
Plus also had escorts tx me on previous phone also just in case other have check phone bill works well plus all ways can say it's a work phone