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Author Topic: Message For White Knight Fluffies.  (Read 9866 times)

Online Placebo88

Arguing and throwing accusations every time someone writes something you don't like about a Lady not only makes you look bad it also makes her look bad as some will think she has put you up to it which will ruin her business far more than a neutral review

I don't get all this arguing over favourite ladies or ladies you feel need your protection. They don't give a toss about you no matter how much flirting is done on UKE. The flirting is to gain business not to become a friend. Leave it out and stop making it all look so much worse

Dani did a top job of summing it up on the East Midlands review.White Knighting , as the name suggests , is the behaviour of fantasists who aren't willing to accept that they have nothing more than a business relationship with their chosen WGs.If you want to use punting as a form of escapism , then fine , but show some sense and leave the fantasies in the bedroom.Like Dani says the WGs don't need or want this rubbish , they have their own lives and families , keep it professional and save everyone the embarrassment.
   From all I've read I suspect the WGs themselves are a lot more troubled by these creepy , boundary blurring obsessive punter types that someone making blunt , no nonsense comments on a forum.Some idiot texting and messaging every hour of the day , wanting to know all her business , acting like they somehow own her , and speaking on her behalf.People like this are not fit to be punting and are the ones who cause the girls all the serious problems.Of course , the girls will usually humour it to some extent for the obvious £reasons£ , but I bet they'd prefer a no strings attached set of clientelle ; part of the reasons for Little Katie's rejoining Adultwork ?

  Some reviews are going to be inaccurate ; unrealistically generous to the WG which will lead to others being disappointed , or overly harsh or unfair which does not help punters either.Criticism and analysis of all reviews is a good thing , but keep it sensible and as objective as possible.I have commented in the past in favour of WGs who have been negatively reviewed ( for the benefit of punters as well ) , but sticking to the review contents , things I know or other references that anyone can see , I don't pretend to know anything that I don't , nor do I believe someone can do no wrong.In the EMids thing going on now , only the reviewer and the two duo girls know the truth of the matter ; all the others only know what they have been told second hand .The frenzied defense of her by certain punters and some of the stuff that has inadvertently been said during it has done her more serious damage than a review saying that she let herself down in one booking , which would barely have made a dent against many positive reviews.If you want to add to such a thread , a simple comment about it not matching your own experience and commiserating the reviewer is all that is needed , you weren't at the reviewer's booking so cannot say for sure what happened in that particular instance.

  Excellent thread topic Smiths , something that seriously needs addressing as it is so misguided and undermines the purpose of this site.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 03:59:01 pm by Placebo88 »

Offline Cuntminion

That's what staggers me the most, we're meant to be a bunch of grown men

Never assume maturity

We all have our triggers , just depends how big a cunt you will be once someone tips ya

Offline bristolbcfc

Also some of these white knights just cant stop themselves bragging, they actually think its some kind of great achievement to punt with a WG, its NOT pulling FFS. And some have even given the time and date of a forthcoming punt as part of their bragging, that's a really bad idea to post on the open forum in my view safety wise.

One of the said fluffies was recently bragging that he had seen a certain WG every week for the past year, if that isn't EAS then I don't know what is. That alone should have had the alarm bells ringing when he was defending the WG in question.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Even the pro$$ies are pissed off with their own white knights 

Mister Jim, You are not even a black night, how about a review from you?

Offline SamLP

This hobby does attract the nasty and weird people too. While most normal people punt for enjoyment & variety, others do so because they can't socialise with civvy's, and then delude themselves into thinking a WG actually likes them when in fact she's just doing her job. Add the keyboard anonymity and their lack of social ability they actually feel they are protecting their favourite WG when they go into full scale WK'ing.

Offline smiths

This hobby does attract the nasty and weird people too. While most normal people punt for enjoyment & variety, others do so because they can't socialise with civvy's, and then delude themselves into thinking a WG actually likes them when in fact she's just doing her job. Add the keyboard anonymity and their lack of social ability they actually feel they are protecting their favourite WG when they go into full scale WK'ing.

Yes indeed.


  • Guest
Just been reading up on the latest Little Katie drama. My word, she doesn't half seem to attract them, doesn't she?!!

The North East reference was more about what d00fer posted, not you apologies. So if d00fer or someone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate this.

To be fair it wasn't a specific white knight thread I was referencing. Just that it seemed more like a knitting circle up there than a punting forum. I only had a look in after the recent mademan2 saga and I can't fathom who to rely on if I wanted to punt in the NE due to the stranglehold agencies seem to have and that there's a fair bit of super secret squirrel nonsense going on. I could easily have mentioned the East Midlands after the recent Mandy farrago.

Offline rockharders

Thank you for the excellent post smiths.

I would be curious if any of you white knight fluffy cunts reading this have the balls to stand up for yourselves on this thread and explain why you behave like you do?

Offline claretandblue

Great thread,as has been said admin does a great job banning these wankers, I spotted a new  (probably previously banned) poster on the top 5 punts of the year thread who labelled anyone questioning lk as a troll,within a few minutes of flagging this post he was gone.

It's important all punters keep on the ball to spot these posters and contribute positive and negative reviews  :hi:


  • Guest
Many thanks for starting this thread Smiths it reinforces my view of what UKP is all about.

One of the reasons I punt is so that I don't have to put up with all the baggage associated with women. I don't care if they are having a bad day or any other personal bull shit that might be going on in their lives. When paying £100+ an hour I have certain expectations, if they take my money then they should deliver. If the WK wants to build them up on a very high pedestal then when they don't deliver they can expect complaints.

If nobody writes negative reviews there are two possibilities, all is perfect in the world of punting or bull shit reigns supreme. If I was a pro$$ie I would prefer a punter to arrange a meet, turn up, pay and not hear from him again until the next time.


  • Guest
Of course when challenged some white knights will call non white knights trolls and/or bullies designed to get others to support them and close the discussion down. It WONT succeed though.
To often happens, then finally the misogynist accusations come after the bully, have you done no reviews and other nonsense like all +1 to some fluffy bullshit.

Offline Kerosene

So I'm a bit fluffy and I saw a review I didn't agree with. Wrinkled my nose a bit and didn't post on it. Aside for not wanting to make an arse of myself, if I post on the thread it'll get bumped to the top of the list and it'll attract more attention.

Is this not obvious?


  • Guest
Great thread,as has been said admin does a great job banning these wankers, I spotted a new  (probably previously banned) poster on the top 5 punts of the year thread who labelled anyone questioning lk as a troll,within a few minutes of flagging this post he was gone.

It's important all punters keep on the ball to spot these posters and contribute positive and negative reviews  :hi:
Atticus said we made a sport of attacking the popular girls, how wrong all attacks are on the fluffs and their obsessive delusional behaviour and they persist in effect causing their maiden to get caught in the crossfire.

I pitty any escort reviewed by USH, he cannot see any negative and clearly does it to troll smiths now !

Offline smiths

Many thanks for starting this thread Smiths it reinforces my view of what UKP is all about.

One of the reasons I punt is so that I don't have to put up with all the baggage associated with women. I don't care if they are having a bad day or any other personal bull shit that might be going on in their lives. When paying £100+ an hour I have certain expectations, if they take my money then they should deliver. If the WK wants to build them up on a very high pedestal then when they don't deliver they can expect complaints.

If nobody writes negative reviews there are two possibilities, all is perfect in the world of punting or bull shit reigns supreme. If I was a pro$$ie I would prefer a punter to arrange a meet, turn up, pay and not hear from him again until the next time.

Indeed, exactly how I feel, I don't want to be hearing excuses, once my booking has been accepted by the WG if the punt doesn't happen it WILL be the WGs fault and as I have a zero tolerance policy nowadays a negative review WILL follow. Its irrelevant in that scenario to me how good the WG has been with other punters, good for them, shit for me though.

And good point about white knights posting how good a WG is but a punter doesn't experience it, he gets a bad service or she fucks him about, as you say if the WG doesn't live up to the hype then the reviewer has every right to post his true experience, despite what some white knights think and some post.

Offline threechilliman I have a zero tolerance policy nowadays a negative review WILL follow.

Exactly my line on it now.



  • Guest

I pitty any escort reviewed by USH, he cannot see any negative and clearly does it to troll smiths now !

Sorry? So I only see girls now, and review them, to have a go at my good friend Smiths? Seriously? I know you all have strong views on fluffies like me but I really think that's a completely bonkers point.

Someone said in the middle of this wank-fest that they wanted one of the fluffy/ nuts/ personally deficient crew to stand up and make a response. Will certainly do, but am currently waiting for my o/n to start and then it's a family Christmas. In the spirit of live and let live, I wish you all a very happy Christmas.


  • Guest
Sorry? So I only see girls now, and review them, to have a go at my good friend Smiths? Seriously? I know you all have strong views on fluffies like me but I really think that's a completely bonkers point.

Someone said in the middle of this wank-fest that they wanted one of the fluffy/ nuts/ personally deficient crew to stand up and make a response. Will certainly do, but am currently waiting for my o/n to start and then it's a family Christmas. In the spirit of live and let live, I wish you all a very happy Christmas.
Have a good one to...  :hi:

Hope santa brings you some objectivity  !!

Offline smiths

Sorry? So I only see girls now, and review them, to have a go at my good friend Smiths? Seriously? I know you all have strong views on fluffies like me but I really think that's a completely bonkers point.

Someone said in the middle of this wank-fest that they wanted one of the fluffy/ nuts/ personally deficient crew to stand up and make a response. Will certainly do, but am currently waiting for my o/n to start and then it's a family Christmas. In the spirit of live and let live, I wish you all a very happy Christmas.

Its NOT a wank fest snide, its a thread about "punters" like you that seek to undermine this forum by NOT putting the punter first, in your case a concept you haven't any interest in doing as you have shown, even taking it a step further and digging a punter who dared post a negative review on a WG you love, and posted a love letter to her on here which you called a review, admin didn't agree it was a review though. :rolleyes:


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only
Great title, perfect for all our Christmas lists and a real conversation starter if left lying around on the coffee table - dare you??

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Excellent timely post and subject thread Smiths  :thumbsup:

Many excellent replies building on the same message too.

Really pleased to see there are so many here that wish to wrestle back the integrity of this site. The amount of WK'g going on recently has been sickening. It really had put me off posting at all tbh. Thanks to you, other like minded souls and Admin I feel encouraged once again.

Merry Christmas one and all.



  • Guest
Sorry? So I only see girls now, and review them, to have a go at my good friend Smiths? Seriously? I know you all have strong views on fluffies like me but I really think that's a completely bonkers point.

Someone said in the middle of this wank-fest that they wanted one of the fluffy/ nuts/ personally deficient crew to stand up and make a response. Will certainly do, but am currently waiting for my o/n to start and then it's a family Christmas. In the spirit of live and let live, I wish you all a very happy Christmas.

Was checking if that 'Atticus Finch' created a new account after his recent banning, but unusually seems to be using unclesweetheart's account, now banned:
Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Bigus Dickus

So was USH, AF and Sylvester all the same person?  :unknown:

Fucking hell!


  • Guest
So was USH, AF and Sylvester all the same person?  :unknown:

Fucking hell!

And who said that Father Christmas wasn't real  :sarcastic:

Offline Cuntminion

What the actual fuck?!?

Atticus was Sylvester and ush shenanigans!!!

I didn't like the bloke much that's no secret but didn't expect these shenanigans
Merry Xmas all

Offline cueball

So was USH, AF and Sylvester all the same person?  :unknown:

Fucking hell!


I don't see the point of multi accounts, well I do if you're an under handed devious fucker

Offline Cuntminion

Was checking if that 'Atticus Finch' created a new account after his recent banning, but unusually seems to be using unclesweetheart's account, now banned:
Hidden Image/Members Only

Don't wanna be a cunt but does this mean he is doing same on other site?

Offline cueball

Don't wanna be a cunt but does this mean he is doing same on other site?

That thought crossed my mind too

Offline MeesterNeek

What the actual fuck?!?

Atticus was Sylvester and ush shenanigans!!!

I didn't like the bloke much that's no secret but didn't expect these shenanigans
Merry Xmas all

+ 1

Makes you wonder why one of the WGs that has been reviewed by both/all of them has not mentioned the fact that they are one and the same bloke........I can guess why but still....cannot be good for them to have multiple reviews from a single punter

Offline Cuntminion

+ 1

Makes you wonder why one of the WGs that has been reviewed by both/all of them has not mentioned the fact that they are one and the same bloke........I can guess why but still....cannot be good for them to have multiple reviews from a single punter

Well I am gomnna hold fire on guessing as if it same person then would mean fluffy darling M's rose was well aware or had to be

I would put past ush sharing his log in with the fluffternity


  • Guest
I have met and been reviewed by both Unclesweetheart and Sylvester/Atticus Finch.

They are not the same person.

I believe Admin was referring to the fact that they were using each others accounts.

Offline Cuntminion

I have met and been reviewed by both Unclesweetheart and Sylvester/Atticus Finch.

They are not the same person.

I believe Admin was referring to the fact that they were using each others accounts.

Fair play Lindsey that gives some clarity, still a stupid thing to do

Merry Christmas

Offline Cuntminion

That thought crossed my mind too

Oh if not same person (clarified by Lindsey) they would have no need as both are okay there in terms of access

Offline cueball

I have met and been reviewed by both Unclesweetheart and Sylvester/Atticus Finch.

They are not the same person.

I believe Admin was referring to the fact that they were using each others accounts.

Strange , your post only shows a "?" On the board but the above when I quote it


Offline cueball

Oh if not same person (clarified by Lindsey) they would have no need as both are okay there in terms of access

Must be a team then :D

Offline Cuntminion

Must be a team then :D
I must admit that's the vibe I got safety in numbers , I had a lot of back and forths with finchy held my hands up to not being able to bite my lip

I get no personal pleasure from this as I would rather it be we just didn't get on as opposed to another pair of devious cunts as the punting world don't need them


  • Guest
Whatever is going on multi profiles & sharing accounts are not only against the rules but a deceptive cuntish thing to do.

Offline Cuntminion

Sylvester got banned too and he had review of same working girl flavour of month

His banning reason was atticus finch , so M's rose might of known one and the same, could be wrong as he is devious

One thing that bothers me with multi account people how do they manage to seemingly manage split personality its a medical issue I'm sure

Back to shenanigans again!!!

Offline cueball

So, for them all to post from the same ip.....

Do they all have to be in the same house using the same hub?

Not a loaded question, I'm not that savvy with all this milarky

Offline Bigus Dickus

Strange , your post only shows a "?" On the board but the above when I quote it


I get the same!  :unknown:


  • Guest
Yes forum darlings get the most white knights but it will spread if they think they can get away with it, as you say the bosses axe is sharp though which is much appreciated. He cant read every post and thread though of course so I ask those of us who don't want UKP to be infected by these people to be vigilant, challenge and if necessary report them to him in blatant cases.

I am not though convinced all the WGs cringe, quite the opposite in fact, I think some actively ask the white knight to defend them whether that's for nothing in return so pure manipulation by the WG, or they offer something to the white knight in return.
I know for a fact that certain white knights of LK get priority bookings.  They were once my buddies on here and told me so. So their actions on here are based purely on maintaining their self interest and not supporting this forum. One knight has seen her 30 times and as she only meets 15 x per month he has managed to block her effectively for 2 months in the past year, to the detriment of other genuine punters trying hard to get a booking.

Offline Cuntminion

So, for them all to post from the same ip.....

Do they all have to be in the same house using the same hub?

Not a loaded question, I'm not that savvy with all this milarky

I had to read a few times but from what I understand you have to physically be using close proximity devices
External Link/Members Only

Where they having a sleepover or ush gave finchy his log in

Offline Cuntminion

I know for a fact that certain white knights of LK get priority bookings.  They were once my buddies on here and told me so. So their actions on here are based purely on maintaining their self interest and not supporting this forum. One knight has seen her 30 times and as she only meets 15 x per month he has managed to block her effectively for 2 months in the past year, to the detriment of other genuine punters trying hard to get a booking.

Wouldn't worry she has constantly shown lock of professional tact

I would of lost interest pretty fucking quickly

Offline cueball

I had to read a few times but from what I understand you have to physically be using close proximity devices
External Link/Members Only

Where they having a sleepover or ush gave finchy his log in

Aahh, cheers

I can see all three of em lined up on the settee with their ipads, chatting away, proof reading each other's posts.


Offline Cuntminion

Aahh, cheers

I can see all three of em lined up on the settee with their ipads, chatting away, proof reading each other's posts.


Bag of marshmallows, glade winter berry plug in , mariah Christmas album adding background music

Occasionally doffing top hat and complimenting each each others reviews


  • Guest
I'm fairly new to all this, apologies the lack of posts from me.

That cunt Sylvester/Attics had a totally unnatural obsession/EAS with a number of popular London girls.

He is one of the reason why I have sofar refrained from posting reviews. The attacks from White Knights totally undermines the whole review system IMHO.

Now he has fucked off I promise to make it my New Years resolution and get some reviews in.

Happy Christmas all

Offline cueball

Bag of marshmallows, glade winter berry plug in , mariah Christmas album adding background music

Occasionally doffing top hat and complimenting each each others reviews
Ha ha

I'm fairly new to all this, apologies the lack of posts from me.

He is one of the reason why I have sofar refrained from posting reviews. The attacks from White Knights totally undermines the whole review system IMHO.

Don't let that put you off, give as good as you get. There's always a plonker with a plastic sword waiting to save a fair maiden.

Believe me, they look a bigger cunt than you ever will if you give a honest review

Offline rockharders

I'm fairly new to all this, apologies the lack of posts from me.

That cunt Sylvester/Attics had a totally unnatural obsession/EAS with a number of popular London girls.

He is one of the reason why I have sofar refrained from posting reviews. The attacks from White Knights totally undermines the whole review system IMHO.

Now he has fucked off I promise to make it my New Years resolution and get some reviews in.

Happy Christmas all

Look forward to your contributions.

I don't think there's anything to fear from a White Knight throwing a tantrum on the board. Stand your ground. They will get called out and they make themselves look like twats anyway. The fawning love letter reviews are enough evidence as to how misguided they are.

Kind of like fanbois who obsess over the newest Apple gadgets and how perfect they are, but are incapable of even considering the slightest criticism.


  • Guest
Was checking if that 'Atticus Finch' created a new account after his recent banning, but unusually seems to be using unclesweetheart's account, now banned:
Hidden Image/Members Only
And I thought Sylvester's disappearance was die to McFly and outing and the fall out in the "Crowd Punting Community" that they inhabited. 

Thanks admin for a great Christmas present banning that odd ball creep.


  • Guest
Well I am gomnna hold fire on guessing as if it same person then would mean fluffy darling M's rose was well aware or had to be

I would put past ush sharing his log in with the fluffternity
They all are a bit cosy outside the punts !


  • Guest
I know for a fact that certain white knights of LK get priority bookings.  They were once my buddies on here and told me so. So their actions on here are based purely on maintaining their self interest and not supporting this forum. One knight has seen her 30 times and as she only meets 15 x per month he has managed to block her effectively for 2 months in the past year, to the detriment of other genuine punters trying hard to get a booking.
Sounds like a Madness External Link/Members Only

I suspect that is the not banned but temporarily banned twat that is her official spokesperson here, correct me if I'm wrong.