Arguing and throwing accusations every time someone writes something you don't like about a Lady not only makes you look bad it also makes her look bad as some will think she has put you up to it which will ruin her business far more than a neutral review
I don't get all this arguing over favourite ladies or ladies you feel need your protection. They don't give a toss about you no matter how much flirting is done on UKE. The flirting is to gain business not to become a friend. Leave it out and stop making it all look so much worse
Dani did a top job of summing it up on the East Midlands review.White Knighting , as the name suggests , is the behaviour of fantasists who aren't willing to accept that they have nothing more than a business relationship with their chosen WGs.If you want to use punting as a form of escapism , then fine , but show some sense and leave the fantasies in the bedroom.Like Dani says the WGs don't need or want this rubbish , they have their own lives and families , keep it professional and save everyone the embarrassment.
From all I've read I suspect the WGs themselves are a lot more troubled by these creepy , boundary blurring obsessive punter types that someone making blunt , no nonsense comments on a forum.Some idiot texting and messaging every hour of the day , wanting to know all her business , acting like they somehow own her , and speaking on her behalf.People like this are not fit to be punting and are the ones who cause the girls all the serious problems.Of course , the girls will usually humour it to some extent for the obvious £reasons£ , but I bet they'd prefer a no strings attached set of clientelle ; part of the reasons for Little Katie's rejoining Adultwork ?
Some reviews are going to be inaccurate ; unrealistically generous to the WG which will lead to others being disappointed , or overly harsh or unfair which does not help punters either.Criticism and analysis of all reviews is a good thing , but keep it sensible and as objective as possible.I have commented in the past in favour of WGs who have been negatively reviewed ( for the benefit of punters as well ) , but sticking to the review contents , things I know or other references that anyone can see , I don't pretend to know anything that I don't , nor do I believe someone can do no wrong.In the EMids thing going on now , only the reviewer and the two duo girls know the truth of the matter ; all the others only know what they have been told second hand .The frenzied defense of her by certain punters and some of the stuff that has inadvertently been said during it has done her more serious damage than a review saying that she let herself down in one booking , which would barely have made a dent against many positive reviews.If you want to add to such a thread , a simple comment about it not matching your own experience and commiserating the reviewer is all that is needed , you weren't at the reviewer's booking so cannot say for sure what happened in that particular instance.
Excellent thread topic Smiths , something that seriously needs addressing as it is so misguided and undermines the purpose of this site.