Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: I Walked! I Fucking Walked!  (Read 3770 times)


  • Guest
So in reference to my previous thread, I followed my own advice. The is the girl I went to see: External Link/Members Only

This isn't a review because nothing happened.

Go ahead and read all those amazing fucking reviews on her profile. She's English and the same age as me so I thought I should go and see what the fuss was about and boy was I disappointed. I fell prey to the false integrity of agency reviews. However, this agency has a tendency where the girls actually look better than their photos and I've used them before and not been disappointed.

Everything seemed so promising; I was excited, weather was fantastic, I was listening to a great song on the way and I was genuinely for the first time not nervous. I was outside ringing her apartment through the intercom and she was taking a very long time to respond. So many people were walking past me on the streets, no discretion here. A man and a woman walked past right in front of me to get into the building. Get to her apartment and I see a very lacklustre face. She looked a bit lifeless too. Her expressionless face whilst looking at me didn't help either.

I walked in, she closed the door and made her way through the bedroom. At this point I said "Actually, I've changed my mind" and started walking back towards the door. I mumbled what I said, so she didn't understand. She then said "Oh, you need a minute?"

I opened the door and walked away. For me the whole point of seeing escorts is to be intimate with women way out of my league. On this occasion, I certainly did not find her attractive. It was so relieving knowing that the money was still in my pocket and it was certainly not the end of the world because there are better encounters out there to be made.

Well it seems like walking away is more of a psychological than a physical affair, for me anyway. Why are we afraid to walk away? Is it because we don't want to offend the escort? Bullshit! We all know these women do not give a fuck about us other than the paper in our pockets. I mean, the recent Channel 4 documentary gave an insight in what they really think of us.

Walking back home, I contemplated on what would have happened had I stayed. Maybe those critically punter acclaimed reviews on her profile were true. I don't know. If I didn't find her attractive then there was no point in going any further.

The rest of the day consisted of me sneaking in someone's back garden and pretending I was a carrot.

Offline Ramone78

Well done you !
I walked on 2 occassions last year, and did not feel bad in anyway.
Theres no obligation to go through with a Punt if you feel you're not going to click or if the WG is not as expected.
Voting with our feet and using this site are the only tools at our disposal, so the more Punters that make a stand the better it will become


  • Guest
I think this post gives the impression that punters can walk if you didn't 'click' which I think is wrong. Technically we should be able to walk if 

- the working girl does not reflect her pictures
- does not do the services she said or give the impression she will not do them
- has a rubbish attitude
- makes you wait past the agreed booking time

so you were right however -  If the working girl looks as the pictures and does everything she says with a good attitude punters should not be able to simply walk. Putting myself in the prossies situation I would be annoyed if I was honest and polite and this happened and a deserved negative would take place on AW.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 02:00:19 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline EddieThead669

Hey well done for walking.
I have walked on two occasions.
The first was some skank in Bristol whose AW page was pretty good but she worked from a very high block of council flats and when she opened the door and I stepped in, bloody hell those photos must have been photo shopped to the hilt.
I made my excuse and started to head for the door only to be challenged by her. She then made a call to someone saying to come and sort this guy out.
Well me being me and not being Bruce Lee or even Tripple H for that matter panicked when the raster guy came upstairs. She was asking him to beat me up, so I had no alternative but to cash out....pretty bad really.

The other was in Milton Keynes:
Again, the old magic door with a good profile on AW.
It is the same old thing if they aren't showing their face then you know why....
Yes she was god damn ugly and much larger in person than her profile suggests.
I made an excuse that a customer that I had just visited was calling me to go back in urgently.
So I left a bit red faced....

I bloody should have walked out on at least 6 though, but for some stupid reason, when you get the old magic door and you are in the room, I find it hard to turn them down even though they probably don't give a fuck...

Offline mh

This isn't a review because nothing happened.

No matter, post a review anyway. From the site rules:
A new review thread can only be created once a service provider has agreed to a booking. A meet does not need to take place, money does not need change hands, the only criteria is that the she had accepted the initial booking.

Online Corus Boy

No matter, post a review anyway. From the site rules:

I agree post a review with a Negative or Neutral and explain why.  On this forum you don't have to have completed the punt to pass an opinion.  If you weren't happy outline the reasons in a fair way so that other punters can assess for themselves.

As to the comment above about "not clicking" not being a reason to walk, I strongly disagree.  For me, not clicking will mean a lack of enthusiasm on my part and it is my £££s being spent, so I decide if I want to pay or leave.

Offline Silver Birch

I think this post gives the impression that punters can walk if you didn't 'click' which I think is wrong.

I didn't get that impression. I got the impression that her 'welcome' was enough to decide it would be a poor punt. 100% down to her attitude.

I have NEVER walked, but should have last year when I got a similar welcome. I think a punter is entitled to walk if he doesn't think he will get VFM.


  • Guest
I think this post gives the impression that punters can walk if you didn't 'click' which I think is wrong.

It's not wrong, it's the clients choice, if he sees the girl and for soem reason doesn't fancy her or whatever he can choose to walk, in the same way if you look at a car brochure and the prices but when you actually see the car in the showroom or speak to the salesman and you are nto 100% happy with the car / salesman then you walk.

Buyers choice.


  • Guest
It's not wrong, it's the clients choice, if he sees the girl and for soem reason doesn't fancy her or whatever he can choose to walk, in the same way if you look at a car brochure and the prices but when you actually see the car in the showroom or speak to the salesman and you are nto 100% happy with the car / salesman then you walk.

Buyers choice.

In this particular scenario it came down to her attitude and the girl not looking like her photos (photoshopped) which is a good reason to walk. However if the prossie looks like her photos (non photoshopped and clear) and not hiding any distinguising features or given a 5 year old photo and has a good attitude then you have already decided you fancy her and walking on the day is just a time waste and not fair on the prossie in my opinion.

Do not get me wrong I am always for the punter but in a future scenario if the girl was 100% true to her profile with pictures, services and attitude then what exactly would be your reason for walking?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 03:23:24 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline Silver Birch

In this particular scenario it came down to her attitude and the girl not looking like her photos (photoshopped) which is a good reason to walk. However if the prossie looks like her photos (non photoshopped and clear) and not hiding any distinguising features and has a good attitude then you have already decided you fancy her and walking on the day is just a time waste and not fair on the prossie in my opinion.

Yes, but you wouldn't walk in this scenario would you?

The op made it clear the prossie had poor attitude so I struggle to see why you feel the post gave the impression it is ok to walk if she was all of the above?


  • Guest
I think we are all pioneers.

Offline The Hound

I have walked - it feels great because you either fuck them and its a cracking experience or they fuck you - I work to hard for my 'hard earned' to piss it down the drain....

I walk if I don't click and have done a couple of times - getting this down to a fine art - always ask for glass of water buys time to weigt things up just a little longer before the 'hand over.'

Shit comms is easier to walk from - unreliable text messaging, unfriendly phone manner, shit entry to the building, shit directions...I just fuck off.

In the room - that 5 minutes (water) buys me that time to see if she has the right attitude: no welcoming kiss (amazing how many don't), general unfriendly demeanor, accent, voice.

To many tattoos, smoker breath, halitosis, BO, shit room (unkempt)...

Fuck I am so demanding its amazing I'm amazed I even put at times 

A good whore though knows her business - and none of the above apply - they don't shit on the hand that feeds them - like I always say when I walk: don't worry darling its only business!

Oh and I am getting good at walking with a smile on my face - fuck em.


  • Guest
The original post changed when I read it. It had a paragraph about them 'not clicking' and additional details seemed to be added.

Offline Ramone78

The original post changed when I read it. It had a paragraph about them 'not clicking' and additional details seemed to be added.

I walk if we don't click and why not ?
Why give money to someone you cant connect with ?
I've been around long enough to judge when I'm going to get shit service, be it from a Whore or from a Supermarket

Offline phillips

Well done young man,Its your hard earned money and if you do not like what you see do not pay for it.. :)

Offline Cuntminion

Good for you

You should of had a cheeky pint to compound the win

After a good trip I like to go do something nice to capitalize on the good vibes

Don't drink really so go for a coffee

Offline purple_t

I have walked on two occasions.
The first was some skank in Bristol whose AW page was pretty good but she worked from a very high block of council flats and when she opened the door and I stepped in, bloody hell those photos must have been photo shopped to the hilt.
I made my excuse and started to head for the door only to be challenged by her. She then made a call to someone saying to come and sort this guy out.
Well me being me and not being Bruce Lee or even Tripple H for that matter panicked when the raster guy came upstairs. She was asking him to beat me up, so I had no alternative but to cash out....pretty bad really.

I've never been tempted to walk (been lucky so far and enjoyed all my punts, and I always do as much research as I can on the girls beforehand), but if I did want to walk, this is the sort of thing I would be afraid of. Even if there was no violence I'd be gutted about having to hand over the cash to the girl / her pimp / hired goon.

Offline Cuntminion

I bet you walked like this for rest of the day though

Nothing worse than a promise falling through

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline NottsNylonLuvr

Pro$$ies should offer a 7 day cooling off period where you can get your money back if you change your mind about the quality of the service.
Especially if the service was interest free.

Offline Cuntminion

Pro$$ies should offer a 7 day cooling off period where you can get your money back if you change your mind about the quality of the service.
Especially if the service was interest free.

Gift vouchers?

Online threechilliman

.....getting this down to a fine art - always ask for glass of water buys time to weigt things up just a little longer before the 'hand over.'......

......In the room - that 5 minutes (water) buys me that time to see if she has the right attitude.......

A punter can walk for whatever reason IMO - you might get there and just not feel like it - in which case keep your money in your pocket for another day when you do feel like it. Might just be a bad vibe that you get. Doesn't matter.

There were 2 occasions last year when I should have walked. First one had a +ve on here, loads of pics but from carefully selected angles and appeared to be genuinely attractive. Those pics were a misrepresentation. She was a fuckin' mousse and I should have walked for that reason

Second one was just a bad vibe, kept hanging about in the cold. I should have run off. The punt was hideous. Proper DD would have saved me and with the checks I do now, I'd never have booked her. This one still needles me.......

Now I'm prepared to walk when I get there. When she opens the door I just have one question to answer - yes or no? It's as simple as that. Even when I've answered yes, I like to exchange a few pleasantries whilst she fetches a drink as it just gives me a minute to make a further assessment about personality and attitude. Only when I'm happy with her general demeanour do I get my money out of my pocket. Had I done this last year there would have been one further punt I'd have walked from. I liken it to a good football referee who takes a moment to assess a situation before waving his cards around

Since adopting better DD following the third one I haven't had a bad punt since although in fairness I've reduced the risks by not punting blind. This year I've had 18 punts, 4 with girls I've seen before, 9 with girls who are well reviewed or were personally recommended, so only 5 carried risks associated with not having much info to work with.

Last weeks punt was one such case. Walked in and whilst I knew she was 'well made', she was a little larger than I expected but greeted me with a big smile and looked genuinely pleased to see me. Quickly answered 'Yes' to myself then just struck up a bit of small talk as she got me a drink, to see how she comes across. No problems, so at that point I offered payment.


Offline Trevor12

For me the whole point of seeing escorts is to be intimate with women way out of my league. On this occasion, I certainly did not find her attractive.

Having booked Maria too, what was it about her that you didn't find attractive? Of the escorts I've seen so far, her face was one of the prettiest. She looks her age (19), slim. I would imagine that anybody attracted to her pictures would be even more attracted to her in person. She seemed nice enough when greeting me.


  • Guest
Having booked Maria too, what was it about her that you didn't find attractive? Of the escorts I've seen so far, her face was one of the prettiest. She looks her age (19), slim. I would imagine that anybody attracted to her pictures would be even more attracted to her in person. She seemed nice enough when greeting me.

As soon as the door opened she did not say hello or even smile. Even when I came inside (no pun inte.., sorry) she still was not smiling. The first thing she said was; "Is it half an hour?"

So, no greeting at the door, growly look on her face and the way she enquired about the booking length conveyed a possible mechanical punt so I evacuated.

Offline jsparky

Having booked Maria too, what was it about her that you didn't find attractive? Of the escorts I've seen so far, her face was one of the prettiest. She looks her age (19), slim. I would imagine that anybody attracted to her pictures would be even more attracted to her in person. She seemed nice enough when greeting me.

OP has explained clearly her attitude/mannerism is the main reason for walking, to me that would be the 'main' reason, I could put up with untidy place, a less than accurate presentation from photoshop image. I am paying for a service to relax and enjoy the company of a young woman, I don't care she doesn't like me as long as she is a good actress and deliver the service as her enjoy list. But with poor attitude? I don't care if you're as pretty as monalisa or Miss Universe, I won't pay a single penny to put up with that.

Offline BillGoldberg

As soon as the door opened she did not say hello or even smile. Even when I came inside (no pun inte.., sorry) she still was not smiling. The first thing she said was; "Is it half an hour?"

So, no greeting at the door, growly look on her face and the way she enquired about the booking length conveyed a possible mechanical punt so I evacuated.
Exactly the right course of action
Bad vibes from the get go = a swift exit before handing over any cash

If she can't be bothered to put an effort into making you feel even vaguely welcome at the start then it's a fairly sure guarantee that the sexual activity will be subpar too
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 11:57:42 am by BillGoldberg »

Offline smiths

Exactly the right course of action
Bad vibes from the get go = a swift exit before handing over any cash

If she can't be bothered to put an effort into making you feel even vaguely welcome at the start then it's a fairly sure guarantee that the sexual activity will be subpar too

Spot on Bill. :thumbsup: ANY doubts nowadays and I am gone to ring a regular instead.

Offline smiths

So in reference to my previous thread, I followed my own advice. The is the girl I went to see: External Link/Members Only

This isn't a review because nothing happened.

Go ahead and read all those amazing fucking reviews on her profile. She's English and the same age as me so I thought I should go and see what the fuss was about and boy was I disappointed. I fell prey to the false integrity of agency reviews. However, this agency has a tendency where the girls actually look better than their photos and I've used them before and not been disappointed.

Everything seemed so promising; I was excited, weather was fantastic, I was listening to a great song on the way and I was genuinely for the first time not nervous. I was outside ringing her apartment through the intercom and she was taking a very long time to respond. So many people were walking past me on the streets, no discretion here. A man and a woman walked past right in front of me to get into the building. Get to her apartment and I see a very lacklustre face. She looked a bit lifeless too. Her expressionless face whilst looking at me didn't help either.

I walked in, she closed the door and made her way through the bedroom. At this point I said "Actually, I've changed my mind" and started walking back towards the door. I mumbled what I said, so she didn't understand. She then said "Oh, you need a minute?"

I opened the door and walked away. For me the whole point of seeing escorts is to be intimate with women way out of my league. On this occasion, I certainly did not find her attractive. It was so relieving knowing that the money was still in my pocket and it was certainly not the end of the world because there are better encounters out there to be made.

Well it seems like walking away is more of a psychological than a physical affair, for me anyway. Why are we afraid to walk away? Is it because we don't want to offend the escort? Bullshit! We all know these women do not give a fuck about us other than the paper in our pockets. I mean, the recent Channel 4 documentary gave an insight in what they really think of us.

Walking back home, I contemplated on what would have happened had I stayed. Maybe those critically punter acclaimed reviews on her profile were true. I don't know. If I didn't find her attractive then there was no point in going any further.

The rest of the day consisted of me sneaking in someone's back garden and pretending I was a carrot.

I have done the same for the same reason, I simply didn't fancy the real in the flesh WG. I certainly wouldn't stay and punt out of some kind of obligation, I punt to suit ME.

Offline Turtle1

Iv lost count on the times iv walked and lost count on the times i should of walked. when im paying the higher end i tend to be extra selective but to be fair iv only ever walked once on a £150hr plus punt. when im paying basment prices like £70ph i couldnt care less if the girl dont smile as long as she provides the things we agreed on.

Offline The_Don

I bet you walked like this for rest of the day though

Nothing worse than a promise falling through

Hidden Image/Members Only


Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 02:56:21 pm by The_Don »

Offline GreyDave


Walked away from 6 girls in walk ups today till I found a nice one, thats part of the fun plus looking at the tourists look at me as I enter or leave  :cool: makes me feel famous :cool: :cool:


  • Guest
I've walked once. Went to a small flat where there were two oriental chicks practising Asian fusion behind curtains in front of me while a third was getting some sleep. Not only that but the maid was walking around peeking in to see what was taking place. I'm sat there thinking WTF when another punter comes in and sits next to me. Now I know lots of WGs have a high turnover but this was proper express style fucking, more chip shop service than fine dining. Clearly thought girls had been trafficked and didn't fancy sticking my pecker where a guy would have been 3 minutes earlier so got up and walked. Place made SoHo walk ups look height of sophistication.