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Author Topic: Txt message from GUM clinic?  (Read 20707 times)

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Excellent message in every respect Marty.  :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear the update but, I wish you all the best. Likewise, anyone else affected.

Offline claretandblue

How easily is this passed on?from what marty has said anyone who has punted with one of the popular London girls is at risk, that's half the board!


  • Guest
How easily is this passed on?from what marty has said anyone who has punted with one of the popular London girls is at risk, that's half the board!

All of a sudden London being far away is looking like a good thing.


  • Guest
How many escorts have you seen in central London? Not many of them are based there. I.r there are GUM clinics all over London. A girl would only visit this one in Soho if she worked in that area or close by. It's not your precious Lindsey is it? I think you should say who it is as perhaps not everybody exposed to risk by this girl (whoever she is) got a text. What if she only gave the clinic the numbers of her "favourites"?

I thank you for behaving the right way about this. Not punting again until you're in the clear shows respect for your fellow punters and the girls we see.

And good on the girl for letting you know. I caught an NSU from a well-known London girl and I told her about it earlier this week. She's still working and didn't even take a break. Of course she may have gotten herself tested. I hope she did. She never responded to my AW message, although I can see that she read it. Perhaps I should ask the clinic to contact her. She may take it more seriously then.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 08:26:26 am by LL »

Andre 3000

  • Guest
Good to see a safety first response. But if this lady is popular, I can see a lot of texts going out.

It should be unspoken and its a worst case scenario. But as a punter it's always on my mind when doing this. For those punters in a relationship, I pray you haven't passed anything on to your partners...

That would seriously be the end for me.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 08:33:48 am by Andre 3000 »


  • Guest
Scratch that last about about me saying you should tell us which girl it is. I've just realised how stupid that is - to turn this into a witch hunt. It would likely discourage other girls from contacting all their clients in the same way should they find themselves infected with something in the future.


  • Guest
How would Marty know which girl it is?  If he has seen 10-20 girls in the last 2-16 weeks it could be anyone.   Really does not help anyone here if members start speculating and guessing.  Every punter should be getting checked regularly anyway regardless.  Igor to the dean street clinic every 1st Friday of each month.  It takes 20-30 mins as Ian already registered there.  I live 20+ miles away from central London but I make the effort.  . The results are sent by text within 4-6 hours.  My last test was yesterday and it was clear.  Punters should not be waiting to be scared into the Gum clinic.  It should be the norm not the exception if you punt regardless of the numbers.


  • Guest
Scratch that last about about me saying you should tell us which girl it is. I've just realised how stupid that is - to turn this into a witch hunt. It would likely discourage other girls from contacting all their clients in the same way should they find themselves infected with something in the future.

Report to admin to delete.   No members should be speculating here on the forum with guessing games.  As I said previously every punter should be getting checked regular and not wait for situations where you may be forced to get tested. 


  • Guest
hats off so to speak for doing the right thing

Let me assure you that whoever the girl was that notified her clinic and provided them with telephone numbers of her clients, she does not deserve to lose her reputation for being kind and generous in helping to halt spreading this STI which in any case is treatable.

Whoever this escort is, she is very professional and courteous. I bet there are many that neither get regularly tested, or fail to disclose their medical problems to their clients. We should punish those escorts and not this lovely escort, whoever she may be.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

How would Marty know which girl it is?  If he has seen 10-20 girls in the last 2-16 weeks it could be anyone.   Really does not help anyone here if members start speculating and guessing.  Every punter should be getting checked regularly anyway regardless.  Igor to the dean street clinic every 1st Friday of each month.  It takes 20-30 mins as Ian already registered there.  I live 20+ miles away from central London but I make the effort.  . The results are sent by text within 4-6 hours.  My last test was yesterday and it was clear.  Punters should not be waiting to be scared into the Gum clinic.  It should be the norm not the exception if you punt regardless of the numbers.


Every responsible punter here should get checked out regularly.  By pure coincidence I went yesterday. I walked in for opening time and was out within 30 mins after oral swab, urine and blood test. I usually get my results within 2 weeks.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Scratch that last about about me saying you should tell us which girl it is. I've just realised how stupid that is - to turn this into a witch hunt. It would likely discourage other girls from contacting all their clients in the same way should they find themselves infected with something in the future.

Pleased to see you have scratched that. Whoever the girl is has done the right thing. She was obviously infected by someone in the first place and we don't know who that is and they in turn by someone earlier.

Anyone who understands anything about possible transferrance - and that should be all of us - should get checked out. Simple.

Offline Unknown_2727

I want to find out if this is legitamate, so if anyone else (bar marty) got a txt please private message me. I have only seen 2 girls in almost a year so can find out if this is legit if others have seen one of them. 

The reason I need to know is i'm currently dating a girl and don't want to sleep with her till I know, I also don't want her to find out about my past 'hobby'. To make matters worse she is a nurse and used to work in my local GUM and has no doubt shown my pic to her colleges there.

So this very important for me to find outif it is from an escort or an elaborate hoax ornot before i formulate a plan of going to clinic further afield.  Also note I am not showing symptoms, neither is marty i believe. He has also not seen sthe girls I. Have seen in the last few months, this is looking odd if you ask me.

Online hendrix

The girl clearly did the right thing. I'll add that I use Dean Street even though it's not the nearest for me because of the same day results  :thumbsup:  Similar to password, as a frequent punter, I get tested every 4 weeks without fail. Peace of mind, and it's so easy to do.

Offline claretandblue

How would Marty know which girl it is?  If he has seen 10-20 girls in the last 2-16 weeks it could be anyone.   Really does not help anyone here if members start speculating and guessing.  Every punter should be getting checked regularly anyway regardless.  Igor to the dean street clinic every 1st Friday of each month.  It takes 20-30 mins as Ian already registered there.  I live 20+ miles away from central London but I make the effort.  . The results are sent by text within 4-6 hours.  My last test was yesterday and it was clear.  Punters should not be waiting to be scared into the Gum clinic.  It should be the norm not the exception if you punt regardless of the numbers.
as you said earlier you need to wait two weeks to be sure if an infection is present so a clear test yesterday means jack shit unless of course you haven't punted in the last two weeks

It won't happen but you could argue that any punter who has punted in this part of London in the last two weeks should hold off in punting for a couple of weeks to be sure they haven't had it passed on

I have definitely seen one of the same girls as marty in that period so will probably leave the punting for a fortnight just to be sure

Online hendrix

Also, that text looks genuine to me. I've seen exactly the same wording/number from Dean Street previously.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

as you said earlier you need to wait two weeks to be sure if an infection is present so a clear test yesterday means jack shit unless of course you haven't punted in the last two weeks

It won't happen but you could argue that any punter who has punted in this part of London in the last two weeks should hold off in punting for a couple of weeks to be sure they haven't had it passed on

I have definitely seen one of the same girls as marty in that period so will probably leave the punting for a fortnight just to be sure

Yes, I have a long awaited meet with someone I would not wish to miss out on.

I am now going to cancel my scheduled punts before and get checked out at Dean St Express once my 2 week window has passed.


  • Guest
Having checked the Dean Street website, they open at 11 am on Saturday, so I will phone them and verify whether they actually sent the text.

I will keep everyone posted.

Sadly, I happen to be the biggest sufferer in all this. The irony is that I waited a long time to see a very busy girl, and now my appointment has been cancelled by the girl as she is worried, and rightly so.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 09:57:23 am by marty_mcfly »

Offline Clooney

Both the girl concerned and Marty have done the right thing.

I would not speculate on identities, but if I knew who she was, the last thing is be is angry and lashing out. She had taken the compassionate, honest and correct approach to this, as has Marty.

If you punt, these are the risks of run. Very small risks with reasonable precautions obviously but risks nonetheless.

Passing blame or witch-hunting is counter-productive and benefits nobody.


  • Guest
Hope you get all clear Marty.  Great attitudes from all involved.

Offline The_Don

Sadly, I happen to be the biggest sufferer in all this. The irony is that I waited a long time to see a very busy girl, and now my appointment has been cancelled by the girl as she is worried, and rightly so.

Sorry to hear this, but at the end of the day there may be risks with any part of life.

But your A/W account is linked to your UKP account (near same user names)  :unknown:


  • Guest
As I said previously every punter should be getting checked regular and not wait for situations where you may be forced to get tested.
We should all be checked regularly yes, but if we're told that we've been exposed to something, as Marty has been told, then we should take the additional step of abstaining from punting whilst we get checked out again (as he is doing).
So I do hope that the girl in question contacts all of her recent clients and not just a select few.


  • Guest
Sadly, I happen to be the biggest sufferer in all this. The irony is that I waited a long time to see a very busy girl, and now my appointment has been cancelled by the girl as she is worried, and rightly so.
Sadly she cancelled?
I thought you'd stated that you would be abstaining from punting until you found out that you were in the clear!  :unknown:

Offline smiths

We should all be checked regularly yes, but if we're told that we've been exposed to something, as Marty has been told, then we should take the additional step of abstaining from punting whilst we get checked out again (as he is doing).
So I do hope that the girl in question contacts all of her recent clients and not just a select few.

Indeed and I do. If this is genuine which will only be confirmed as fact once the OP gets verification that the GUM did send the text then the WG whoever she is clearly has a responsible attitude and hopefully would have contacted ALL her punters. Where a problem could occur is some punters change their sim from time to time so she might not have their new number.


  • Guest
Sadly she cancelled?
I thought you'd stated that you would be abstaining from punting until you found out that you were in the clear!  :unknown:

I said she cancelled and rightly so.

Of course I am abstaining for punting until I have the all clear.


  • Guest
Indeed and I do. If this is genuine which will only be confirmed as fact once the OP gets verification that the GUM did send the text ....

I phoned the clinic but they have no telephone operators on Saturdays. It is walk-in only. I will call them again on Monday.

Offline smiths

I phoned the clinic but they have no telephone operators on Saturdays. It is walk-in only. I will call them again on Monday.

Yes the same as my most local GUM, anyway if it is genuine I wish you the best.


  • Guest
I phoned the clinic but they have no telephone operators on Saturdays. It is walk-in only. I will call them again on Monday.
Would get your self checked anyway, whether the original message is fake or not.  Who ever cancelled will want to see a clean bill anyway, as she would only have your word it was a fake message.


  • Guest
Would get your self checked anyway, whether the original message is fake or not.  Who ever cancelled will want to see a clean bill anyway, as she would only have your word it was a fake message.

The only reason why I am trying to find out if it is a fake text is to see if my AW account has been hacked.

As for being checked, I will get that done regardless. I am not taking any chances, as I value my health, both physically and mentally.


  • Guest
The only reason why I am trying to find out if it is a fake text is to see if my AW account has been hacked.

As for being checked, I will get that done regardless. I am not taking any chances, as I value my health, both physically and mentally.

Good one, assume you have checked your sent items, on AW this is where email hackers usually fail !   Obviously you have changed password and checked email address and all the usual security things !

Have a good weekend !



  • Guest
Good one, assume you have checked your sent items, on AW this is where email hackers usually fail !   Obviously you have changed password and checked email address and all the usual security things !

Have a good weekend !


Thanks for the tips. This is Very Wise (VW) of you.

Offline Clooney

Guys, can we please get real here!

This text is not the work of some ingenious hacker or a malicious scam.

IT IS 100% LEGIT!!!!

It is identical to one I got sent a couple of years back. Thankfully I was clear, but get yourself tested!!!!

If you don't you put us all at risk of an epidemic. Not to mention partners/spouses.

PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Take this seriously and get yourself tested. It is quick, easy and treatable at the early stages.

I am not prone to panic or hubris, but there is some serious denial going on here.


Offline smiths

Guys, can we please get real here!

This text is not the work of some ingenious hacker or a malicious scam.

IT IS 100% LEGIT!!!!

It is identical to one I got sent a couple of years back. Thankfully I was clear, but get yourself tested!!!!

If you don't you put us all at risk of an epidemic. Not to mention partners/spouses.

PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Take this seriously and get yourself tested. It is quick, easy and treatable at the early stages.

I am not prone to panic or hubris, but there is some serious denial going on here.


No in reality its not a fact its a genuine text until Marty gets that confirmed, that's being real in my view. And he has made it clear he is going to get tested anyway so no idea why you are pleading about getting tested, he IS going to be.

Offline punk

What pissed me off is that some cunt of a punter gave this prossie an STI in the first place, some one's been bare backing and punting other prossies or civilians and passed this crap on.

hopefully its a jab and four pill job and then gone,not what happen with my mate.


  • Guest
If it was from mega popular prossie I understand the others should get this sort of text message.

Where are they? All quiet now?


  • Guest
If it was from mega popular prossie I understand the others should get this sort of text message.

Where are they? All quiet now?

You know why

Cos if their AW profiles are cross referencable, like Marty's, they will worry about future bookings

Offline claretandblue

What pissed me off is that some cunt of a punter gave this prossie an STI in the first place, some one's been bare backing and punting other prossies or civilians and passed this crap on.

hopefully its a jab and four pill job and then gone,not what happen with my mate.
or a cunt of a prossie was barebacking and gave it to a punter!

Offline Clooney

No in reality its not a fact its a genuine text until Marty gets that confirmed, that's being real in my view. And he has made it clear he is going to get tested anyway so no idea why you are pleading about getting tested, he IS going to be.

Because any responsible person would do the same. I'll bet my house on this being legit.

Prevaricating is dangerous and some people are.


  • Guest
What pissed me off is that some cunt of a punter gave this prossie an STI in the first place, some one's been bare backing and punting other prossies or civilians and passed this crap on.

hopefully its a jab and four pill job and then gone,not what happen with my mate.

It could be oral gonorrhea punk from owo not necessarily BB?

To be honest reading some of the reviews of the popular girls & what they get up to it not a huge surprise (not speculating who it may be) that this would happen sooner or later.

However we all know of the risks involved in not only punting but casual sex in general & catching the odd infection shouldn't be such of a shock. If you're not prepared for this eventuality then maybe punting isn't really for you.   

Offline smiths

Because any responsible person would do the same. I'll bet my house on this being legit.

Prevaricating is dangerous and some people are.

It might well be but its not a fact it is until its confirmed but as Marty is getting checked out anyway he is doing the responsible thing.

Offline smiths

It could be oral gonorrhea punk from owo not necessarily BB?

To be honest reading some of the reviews of the popular girls & what they get up to it not a huge surprise (not speculating who it may be) that this would happen sooner or later.

However we all know of the risks involved in not only punting but casual sex in general & catching the odd infection shouldn't be such of a shock. If you're not prepared for this eventuality then maybe punting isn't really for you.   

I agree, but it isn't definite its been caught off a punter. If the WG has a partner or had sex with a non punter which is hardly out of the question they could of infected her. The fact is as I always say punting isn't for the squeamish and its wise in my view to consider the risks involved very carefully and certainly go to a GUM on a regular basis.

Offline punk

It could be oral gonorrhea punk from owo not necessarily BB?

To be honest reading some of the reviews of the popular girls & what they get up to it not a huge surprise (not speculating who it may be) that this would happen sooner or later.

However we all know of the risks involved in not only punting but casual sex in general & catching the odd infection shouldn't be such of a shock. If you're not prepared for this eventuality then maybe punting isn't really for you.   

True,but your think they would be careful in their line of business, thats why i say use a condom if your fucking a non-prossie as well.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 01:25:08 pm by punk »

Offline punk

I agree, but it isn't definite its been caught off a punter. If the WG has a partner or had sex with a non punter which is hardly out of the question they could of infected her. The fact is as I always say punting isn't for the squeamish and its wise in my view to consider the risks involved very carefully and certainly go to a GUM on a regular basis.

Knowing the risks you would think that the prossie in question would use rubbers if it was a one night stand.

Offline smiths

Knowing the risks you would think that the prossie in question would use rubbers if it was a one night stand.

I wouldn't bet my health on that Punk, but if it were her partner going BB as she trusted him wouldn't be unusual of course.

Tony Montana

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I'm in two minds as to whether the girl should be named (if Marty is 100% sure who it is).  It would stop speculation but on the other hand it might dissuade others WGs from contacting clients in the same circumstances.

Offline punk

I wouldn't bet my health on that Punk, but if it were her partner going BB as she trusted him wouldn't be unusual of course.

True, though seeing that they fuck men for a living and use condoms?They would have sense to do the same for one night stands.

Partners are a whole different level, though i did know one WG, who had a bf and was seeming to be using condoms, when i asked her why?Her reply was that when she was not with him how did she know who he was fucking.

Offline punk

I'm in two minds as to whether the girl should be named (if Marty is 100% sure who it is).  It would stop speculation but on the other hand it might dissuade others WGs from contacting clients in the same circumstances.

no it should remain private, its to her credit she did what she did.


  • Guest

To be honest reading some of the reviews of the popular girls & what they get up to it not a huge surprise (not speculating who it may be) that this would happen sooner or later.

Some of these "reviews" really put me off  :vomit:


  • Guest
no it should remain private, its to her credit she did what she did.
Agreed, she has done the right thing.  Would advise people to check their punting phone for messages is they haven't turned on since last punt just in case !

Offline smiths

True, though seeing that they fuck men for a living and use condoms?They would have sense to do the same for one night stands.

Partners are a whole different level, though i did know one WG, who had a bf and was seeming to be using condoms, when i asked her why?Her reply was that when she was not with him how did she know who he was fucking.

The point for me is its unprovable what another person really gets up to and with whom which is why I don't trust the unprovable, it might be true but then again it might not.

Now being a cheat myself I can easily imagine a WGs partner may be a cheat as well, no idea how many WGs would use condoms with partners as that's again unprovable but at least some wouldn't that's for sure.