Sugar Babies

Author Topic: White knight/fluffy behaviour  (Read 4979 times)


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I'm really interested in opinions on this topic guys
If I have a great punt with a wg that has previously had a negative review & post a positive review does that make me a white knight or fluffy?
If I've had a great punt with a wg & post my opinion on somebody else's negative/neutral review does that also make me fluffy/ white knight?
So here's an example
I booked teen Jade when she was getting slated for being a time-waster & had a great time so I post a positive review because I had a great punt am I a white knight/fluffy or just posting about my experience?

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

As long as you post honestly about your own experience, I don't think it matters what others think.

Offline maxxblue

The whole point of a review is to provide feedback on your experience. Worrying about being a white knight/fluffy shouldn't come into it.

Being 'fluffy' and providing a positive review are completely different.

Just say it as it is!


  • Guest
The whole point of a review is to provide feedback on your experience. Worrying about being a white knight/fluffy shouldn't come into it.

Being 'fluffy' and providing a positive review are completely different.

Just say it as it is!
Thanks appreciate your reply
Totally agree with your comments & honestly don't care what others think
I'll always be honest about my meetings just trying to get to the bottom of the white knight/fluffy comments made by punters on other members reviews

Offline Gothic D

Your review is yours and should honestly reflect the experience that you had,be it good,bad or indifferent.
Whether others accuse you of those things shouldn't matter.
What I find distasteful however is the systematic rubbishing and humiliation of people who dare to post a negative about one of the forums "sweethearts".
No one can deny that it goes on,the evidence is clearly there.Just in the last few days we have had another of the seemingly endless Lilly sagas and also the Zara reviews,which is I suspect what you are talking about?

I have always thought that no WG should be beyond criticism,but apparently for a certain few that is not the case and should anyone actually be brave enough to speak badly against them then the whole of their fan club promptly turn on them like a pack of Wolves.
This can only be a bad thing and is detrimental to the whole ethos of this forum.
If people become afraid to post anything for fear of the backlash then all we end up with is a site that resembles all the other sites,and who wants that?
I have in the past been accused of touting for posting a positive after someone else posted a negative.I have also been accused of being a rival WG for posting a negative.All of which were untrue.
To my knowledge I have never accused anyone of those things nor have I ever verbally attacked anyone for there views.
Apologies for the long post.

Offline stanleyjohn

I have strong feelings about this, it is a real downside of this forum. I have seen and experienced members being called "fluffy or a white knight" for merely expressing an opinion. It can be unpleasant , it was for me. I was called a White knight merely for giving a Positive review to a WG I had a great punt with. As a consequence I sometimes now don't post reviews as I can't be arsed to deal with the fallout. I have had at least half a dozen punts recently that I haven't posted reviews for and I consider the possible reaction to any review I post which is a shame.

Offline Uniformad

Your review is yours and should honestly reflect the experience that you had,be it good,bad or indifferent.
Whether others accuse you of those things shouldn't matter.
What I find distasteful however is the systematic rubbishing and humiliation of people who dare to post a negative about one of the forums "sweethearts".
No one can deny that it goes on,the evidence is clearly there.Just in the last few days we have had another of the seemingly endless Lilly sagas and also the Zara reviews,which is I suspect what you are talking about?

I have always thought that no WG should be beyond criticism,but apparently for a certain few that is not the case and should anyone actually be brave enough to speak badly against them then the whole of their fan club promptly turn on them like a pack of Wolves.
This can only be a bad thing and is detrimental to the whole ethos of this forum.
If people become afraid to post anything for fear of the backlash then all we end up with is a site that resembles all the other sites,and who wants that?
I have in the past been accused of touting for posting a positive after someone else posted a negative.I have also been accused of being a rival WG for posting a negative.All of which were untrue.
To my knowledge I have never accused anyone of those things nor have I ever verbally attacked anyone for there views.
Apologies for the long post.

Well said I for one had a not so favourable  punt with one of the so called favourites but declined from posting a review as I knew there would be more hassle that I would have to defend like an accused criminal. We should all be able to post without thinking we will get hassled or accused of touting etc etc.


  • Guest
As others have said, just post an honest review/appraisal of your meeting, the rest is up to those that read it to glean the information they need.

The white knight/fluffy bit is more to do with trying to defend the undefendable. There will be some that will ignore a review, that's their choice.

Offline Blackpool Rock

I have strong feelings about this, it is a real downside of this forum. I have seen and experienced members being called "fluffy or a white knight" for merely expressing an opinion. It can be unpleasant , it was for me. I was called a White knight merely for giving a Positive review to a WG I had a great punt with. As a consequence I sometimes now don't post reviews as I can't be arsed to deal with the fallout. I have had at least half a dozen punts recently that I haven't posted reviews for and I consider the possible reaction to any review I post which is a shame.
Your opinions on a girl and your review are valid providing the facts are accurate and you don't have any vested interest in the girl.
You should post the review despite fear of any criticism so that members get a truly balanced appraisal of the girl and if challenged point out that these were the facts of your experience.
What we don't want to happen is that a girl with variable service never gets a bad review as she is put on a pedestal and deemed "untouchable", likewise a girl with a bad review may have had an off day but normally gives a really good service in which case people need to see the good review.

Offline Gothic D

What we don't want to happen is that a girl with variable service never gets a bad review as she is put on a pedestal and deemed "untouchable"

Exactly,you have put my point across nicely and in a lot fewer words.
Unfortunately we are seeing more and more of this on the North East boards.

Offline AnthG

The thing with the whole white knighting scenario that nobody has mentioned is sometimes things just don't feel right with what people have said in their review. Even if you have never seen the girl. It just doesn't feel right what was said.

This is a punting forum so really it is for another punter to raise that discrepancy for further discussion as if the girl herself came on here and raised it she risks getting banned for it.

For example the first review of LillyD that a lot of people raised issue with. The guy who left it Jack Chan has not been back since.;u=18151

You can argue he was scared off the forum. But if you read the topic, nobody rounded around him nastily, people just asked him questions for things that didn't sound right and he never returned after posting that review. It just seems odd.

Then there is the other situation where people make comments just to be malicious. This is a good recent example of this with Mike Hunt did it about Keeva.

The thing with negative reviews I would say is to describe how the punt was bad for you. This then allows people to see if they agree with you and it would have been bad for them too. This also cuts off the chance of any comebacks if the girl comes along and responds.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

walking dead

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For me the white KnightING rears it's head not when someone posts a review, that's their experience.  It when someone posts a negative or neutral about a popular girl then the punter gets a hard time from the fluffies


  • Guest
Gothic D was correct on his assumption it was reading Anthg's review recently that made me start this thread
He correctly posted a positive review about a girl who recently received a negative review & sure enough the white knight name calling was posted by a member
Here's my opinion
in life not everyone will get on that's a fact so why would it be any different in the punting world so one persons bad punt may be another's good punt
As long as the reviewer includes facts to back up his review why would it deemed to be white knight behaviour?
It's already been admitted by a member that he hasn't posted reviews recently because he doesn't want to have to defend his reviews is that really what we want or do we want him to post his reviews whether they are  negative or positive so it helps us all in the future?

Offline Mansell

The thing with the whole white knighting scenario that nobody has mentioned is sometimes things just don't feel right with what people have said in their review. Even if you have never seen the girl. It just doesn't feel right what was said.

Lots of good sensible comments on this, I totally agree with Anth's comments above, having been on here a while now you can really feel when something isn't right and if you have seen the girl then you want to challenge this as we are all expecting reviews to be a fair and accurate summary of the punt.

I think one of the biggest problems is that we actually meet the girls, so get to talk to them (OK not much maybe) and form an opinion of what they are like as a person. Where as we never actually meet any of our fellow punters on here, so really don;t know what each other are like in person. If we met down the pub then we would know who the bullshitters are and who gives genuine good advice and act accordingly. Over a period of time, I would like to think we do form an opinion of who to trust, but anyone new wouldn;t know that.

The other big issue that's not been raised is that negative or positive reviews on here can actually directly affect the earnings of a WG. No bad thing if they are rubbish, but equally not good if they are a generally well respect good WG who the vast majority of people who have seen her reckon gives good or great service. We don't to see them put out of business, as we want to be able to keep seeing them, hence why they get defended.

You might have noticed I have a particular hate of people signing up and having an immediate go at a WG, then so often vanishing never to be seen again, often ending up being proved to have been another WG or Agency just trying to give bad press. I do think I when this is proved that we should be able to delete that bad review or topic so that it cannot be found in the search.

Offline stanleyjohn

Yeah but it also happens if you give a good review and another member either has had a bad experience with her or on some occasions hasn't even met them but decides that they don't like your opinion. If you defend your review then you can be accused of Whiteknighting. That is why I don't post reviews for all the WG's I see.

Offline Mansell

Yeah but it also happens if you give a good review and another member either has had a bad experience with her or on some occasions hasn't even met them but decides that they don't like your opinion. If you defend your review then you can be accused of Whiteknighting. That is why I don't post reviews for all the WG's I see.

It's a real shame you don;t post all your reviews as the more we have the better. Just allows us all to avoid the girls who are not for us and see the ones that we might have be unsure about.

Offline stanleyjohn

Mansell I totally agree and I do put most of my punts on here but not all it is a shame but experience has taught me to filter what I put on here as it can get ridiculous with some other members . Just look at some of the threads on here, they can go on for ever especially if you have to defend yourself.

Offline PlasticGeordie

With punting as in all aspects of life it's a matter of balance. We do get posts which are over the top to the point of White Knighting  a la Denyason. But at the other end of the scale there are those so desperate to prove how tough and non fluffy they are they resort to childish and unpleasant attacks on those giving honest reviews of their experiences. Generally they have never even seen the girls in question.

As said above it's a shame some are intimidated in to not posting reviews as it benefits punters and indeed escorts. This forum helps us avoid the scammers and girls who give dismally poor service reported on here lately and the good escorts benefit from the extra business good reviews inevitably bring.


  • Guest
For me the white KnightING rears it's head not when someone posts a review, that's their experience.  It when someone posts a negative or neutral about a popular girl then the punter gets a hard time from the fluffies
can you explain what you mean by fluffies just out of interest

Offline domino999

For me the white KnightING rears it's head not when someone posts a review, that's their experience.  It when someone posts a negative or neutral about a popular girl then the punter gets a hard time from the fluffies

my perception also.

There seems to be 2 or 3 girls that are untouchable and I wouldn't post a less than glowing report on any of them as it would soon turn into the Spanish inquisition.

When I first joined here, it was evident there was a definite boundary. It was us and them, however with each passing week, that line becomes more blurred. Some might say that's a positive move but I sometimes find it cringe worthy some of the virtual ass kissin and pussy licking that goes on.


  • Guest
my perception also.

There seems to be 2 or 3 girls that are untouchable and I wouldn't post a less than glowing report on any of them as it would soon turn into the Spanish inquisition.

When I first joined here, it was evident there was a definite boundary. It was us and them, however with each passing week, that line becomes more blurred. Some might say that's a positive move but I sometimes find it cringe worthy some of the virtual ass kissin and pussy licking that goes on.
So what your saying is if you had a bad punt with a top rated girl you wouldn't post a bad review?
Surely that totally defeats the purpose of this site.

Offline stanleyjohn

I agree, however thats what happens.

Offline cueball

I wouldn't post a less than glowing report on any of them as it would soon turn into the Spanish inquisition.

Not a chance, if I had a shit punt with a well reviewed lass then my review would reflect exactly what happened and how I felt. I rate my reviews as I see fit and I don't give a toss if others like them or not.

Offline marbella punts rule

I think this whole thing is taken a touch too serious...! you would think it was a forum discussing how to solve the worlds problems.! its paying girls to fuck! and commenting on if it was worth it or not..!! It seem there are a few who live there lives here, but hey each to there own..! don't get me wrong I enjoy some of the craic but seem to spend a lot of my time thinking "FFS fellas lighten up", were all strangers to each other if some guys wanna fly a flag for there fave girl let them crack on, I really couldn't care less just ignore it...!  :drinks:

Offline Gothic D

my perception also.

There seems to be 2 or 3 girls that are untouchable and I wouldn't post a less than glowing report on any of them as it would soon turn into the Spanish inquisition.

When I first joined here, it was evident there was a definite boundary. It was us and them, however with each passing week, that line becomes more blurred. Some might say that's a positive move but I sometimes find it cringe worthy some of the virtual ass kissin and pussy licking that goes on.

Absolutely spot on.
Perhaps we could have a list of the girls who aren't allowed to be badly reviewed no matter how crap their service is and lets be perfectly honest here Zara has given a pathetic service to many punters.The old "your too big"lie or "my teeth are coming through"rubbish.
Sure Anth got a good service,I have no doubt that his review was as he described but there have been many coming forward to say their meeting with her was crap.
Yet we still get people defending her.Reeson69 was abused over several posts the other day(since removed)for speaking out against her.

Offline Gothic D

I think this whole thing is taken a touch too serious...! you would think it was a forum discussing how to solve the worlds problems.! its paying girls to fuck! and commenting on if it was worth it or not..!! It seem there are a few who live there lives here, but hey each to there own..! don't get me wrong I enjoy some of the craic but seem to spend a lot of my time thinking "FFS fellas lighten up", were all strangers to each other if some guys wanna fly a flag for there fave girl let them crack on, I really couldn't care less just ignore it...!  :drinks:

So why don't we just discuss solving the worlds problems instead of trying to pass on useful punting information on a site soley dedicated to punters.
The whole idea is to prevent punters getting ripped off.
I don't know about you but I have to work fucking hard for my money and I really do not want to waste it on some lying,cheating slapper.
I would willingly give it to a WG who will provide me with the service I am wanting though.

Offline Gothic D

Not a chance, if I had a shit punt with a well reviewed lass then my review would reflect exactly what happened and how I felt. I rate my reviews as I see fit and I don't give a toss if others like them or not.

Which is exactly how it should be.
BUT you should also be aware that if it's one of the "untouchables" you will get a veritable shit storm of abuse from their fan club.


  • Guest
Not a chance, if I had a shit punt with a well reviewed lass then my review would reflect exactly what happened and how I felt. I rate my reviews as I see fit and I don't give a toss if others like them or not.
That's my point exactly but if a member decides that they've had a great punt they should also be allowed to post their comments
I think when members call other members white knights or fluffy it's just a childish way of disagreeing with them

Offline marbella punts rule

So why don't we just discuss solving the worlds problems instead of trying to pass on useful punting information on a site soley dedicated to punters.
The whole idea is to prevent punters getting ripped off.
I don't know about you but I have to work fucking hard for my money and I really do not want to waste it on some lying,cheating slapper.
I would willingly give it to a WG who will provide me with the service I am wanting though.

the point I was trying to make was some guys seem to live there lives here like its life and death....! which is fair enough, but just use the site for what it is..! somewhere where people put reviews of girls... just let all the other "your this" "your that" pass you by... I couldn't care less what people think of me or my opinions I give them, if people wanna listen then okay.... if they don't equally fair enough.... I'll say it again its only a site about reviews of  paying girls for sex...!

Offline AnthG

Perhaps we could have a list of the girls who aren't allowed to be badly reviewed no matter how crap their service is and lets be perfectly honest here Zara has given a pathetic service to many punters.The old "your too big"lie or "my teeth are coming through"rubbish.

I don't think Zara would be on that no bad comments list as it seems I am the one going against the trend by really liking my booking with her - if it is the case of she upped her game because she was told I was turning up by Diamonds. I really wish I had of asked for A-levels now as she may have tried it :)

But in terms of the topic. In my opinion I think the ones that possibly cause the issues on the forum are the ones who are not members here. So they cannot come on and provide any response to any negative reviews about them, or any negative comments. But they also sometimes want to respond. So have to do it through a punter, or they do it on a blog, which needs a punter to quote it or copy and paste it to the thread. The number one that jumps to mind for the north east for that issue above is Northern Kara / Tori Taylor.

She was a member here a long time ago but was banned. But she is also easily in the top three providers in the north east. She also it seems gets quite upset by negative comments about her. She also leaves the industry a lot, and constantly changes her name, which people worry /jump to conclusions is all due to those negative comments made about her. So this causes potential problems as it causes people to possibly feel  to themselves "I must challenge this as I don't want her to quit this industry as a result".

The other girl who at the moment is causing discussions is LillyD. However with LillyD she is a member here. She also seems very intelligent and knows this business well so she responds by herself very well needing no help from any punter. She also does not stick around so there is little chance of her ever getting banned as she only turns up to respond to criticisms, fixes them and then leaves the forum to only come back when any more turns up.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 01:29:22 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


In my opinion;

1 - If you are completely honest in what you post.
2 - What you post is based solely on YOUR own experience & not 'clouded' by other peoples experiences.
3 - If what you post is fact based and doesn't get personal / rude / obnoxious towards other forum members.
4 - If you are not being deliberately obtuse or offensive or trying to hijack a thread to suit your own agenda.
5 - If you are not a 'Troll' :thumbsdown:

Then I think all is well.


That's my point exactly but if a member decides that they've had a great punt they should also be allowed to post their comments
I think when members call other members white knights or fluffy it's just a childish way of disagreeing with them

I am 100% in agreement here.
Sadly, there are still some people who think it makes them more Alpha :unknown:

Offline Mansell

In my opinion;

1 - If you are completely honest in what you post.
2 - What you post is based solely on YOUR own experience & not 'clouded' by other peoples experiences.
3 - If what you post is fact based and doesn't get personal / rude / obnoxious towards other forum members.
4 - If you are not being deliberately obtuse or offensive or trying to hijack a thread to suit your own agenda.
5 - If you are not a 'Troll' :thumbsdown:

Then I think all is well.

100%  :thumbsup:   Now where is that "Like Button "


  • Guest
In my opinion;

1 - If you are completely honest in what you post.
2 - What you post is based solely on YOUR own experience & not 'clouded' by other peoples experiences.
3 - If what you post is fact based and doesn't get personal / rude / obnoxious towards other forum members.
4 - If you are not being deliberately obtuse or offensive or trying to hijack a thread to suit your own agenda.
5 - If you are not a 'Troll' :thumbsdown:

Then I think all is well.
Spot on!

Offline Gothic D

Anth I agree with pretty much all you say about the only hearing one side of the story thing if they cannot post on here.
As regards the fluffyisms we all,me included have our favourites.I have about 4 or 5 who I see a lot and their service to me is always top notch.
But I accept that someone else might not get such a good service or she could have an off day.I would not however resort to abusing the poster of the review or any other posters that might have had similar bad or indifferent service from her.
Unfortunately there will always be reviews that are just done out of malice,we have seen a couple recently and you highlighted one for Keeva.
As regards the Lilly D review and the responses which went way over the top even for her.She handled it well as I stated at the time.She admitted fault and set about trying to rectify it which was done to the satisfaction of the OP.Both parties were happy with the outcome and in reality the thread should have ended there.
But the OP of the review still had to carry on defending himself against people who practically blamed him for everything.
That sort of thing is my biggest bug bear.

walking dead

  • Guest
I am 100% in agreement here.
Sadly, there are still some people who think it makes them more Alpha :unknown:

Absolutely not.  We all know there are some people in the world that are easily led and develop feelings and in some cases infatuations with people. It's great we get a balanced view on here and genuine fluffies need to be reigned in.

Let's just be clear in case of doubt.  We are paying to fuck girls. The good ones are great. they don't like us. They don't fancy us. They want us for money just as we want them for sex. They won't fuck us if it wasn't for the money. They give us no special treatment. We shouldn't give them any either in our minds or otherwise. It's just a business transaction.  Call out the good girls and even the good girls who piss people about.

I completely agree with the above there are two or three girls who are untouchable. I personally have been Pissed about by one and possibly another.  Everyone should be able to call that out. Equally people should be able to say they get good service and have never been messed about. But I know for a fact some popular girls piss lots of people around.  The more flames people get for calling it out, the less likely it's to happen in the future.

Don't we want to hear about it?

walking dead

  • Guest
One more thing.  It would be interesting to know how many people on here are known to post on here by any wgs. Those people, in my view, may be less likely to post honestly or overly defend girls

Offline AnthG

I completely agree with the above there are two or three girls who are untouchable. I personally have been Pissed about by one and possibly another.  Everyone should be able to call that out.


Don't we want to hear about it?

Yes, for many reasons. At the very least it may make the girl up her business attitude if she has messed people around. So can I ask, why didn't you post a negative or neutral about the two who messed you about?
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Uniformad

So what your saying is if you had a bad punt with a top rated girl you wouldn't post a bad review?
Surely that totally defeats the purpose of this site.

It does but as I have already stated I had a not so favourable time with a top girl and I did not post a review as I know I would get hassle from certain members and I can't be arsed to reply to all to justify what I would of wrote. I understand if a first time poster comes on and gives a negative for a top girl I would just have a balanced view and discard it. However for people who have contributed over the months or years I would take there word and still use all info to use a balanced judgment as to I see the girl or not.

Offline Bangers and Gash

I'm curious to know who these 'untouchable' pro$$ies are?  :unknown:


  • Guest
It does but as I have already stated I had a not so favourable time with a top girl and I did not post a review as I know I would get hassle from certain members and I can't be arsed to reply to all to justify what I would of wrote. I understand if a first time poster comes on and gives a negative for a top girl I would just have a balanced view and discard it. However for people who have contributed over the months or years I would take there word and still use all info to use a balanced judgment as to I see the girl or not.
I understand why you didn't post a bad review because of the repercussions but if their are others doing the same thing then some of the top girls probably aren't as good as we all think

Offline AnthG

I'm curious to know who these 'untouchable' pro$$ies are?  :unknown:

Most likely; LilyD, Tori Taylor, Savannah and Keeva.

Will be the ones most will be referring to as the North East's versions of it. Each region will have its few. I can bet for example Michelle Independent is one down south in the region she works, as she is very popular it seems.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 08:58:21 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline johnr1

I understand why you didn't post a bad review because of the repercussions but if their are others doing the same thing then some of the top girls probably aren't as good as we all think

Hmmm  I think that is true and some of the so called top girls are not now as good as before but getting away with it ...just  :( but nothing lasts for ever and they will tumble sooner or later

Offline Mansell

Hmmm  I think that is true and some of the so called top girls are not now as good as before but getting away with it ...just  :( but nothing lasts for ever and they will tumble sooner or later

Every market always changes and this is just what is happening here.

Anth, I think you might have missed some of the agency girls, and how about Brooke Knight ?

Offline Bengeo13

My own view on this thread is to ask how do the 'untouchables' achieve such status? I pretty much agree with the 4 who are mentioned above, all of whom I have seen enjoyed my time with them, but they don't include any of my personal favourites. The 4 girls mentioned are all great communicators as well as highly skilled in what they do. They all have the ability to make us feel special during our time with them, perhaps to share some personal stuff, holiday and career plans, maybe some wg gossip. But as Walkingdead so eloquently puts it "they're only there because of the money", nowt else, let's not kid ourselves! So on balance the untouchables are there because they are very good, most of the time. I rarely leave reviews about the top performers because there is a lot written about them already, but if I did have a poor experience I like to think l would share it.


Yet we still get people defending her.Reeson69 was abused over several posts the other day(since removed)for speaking out against her.

As my final addition to this particular thread I would like to make a couple of things clear.

I may have abused Reeson69 for a comment he made on AnthG's report on Zara where he more or less accused Anth of being a White Knight
 - a pointless and antagonistic post in my opinion although I fully accept that he is entitled to his own opinion, it just seemed deliberately provocative towards AnthG (who is a very trusted member in my eyes) - those posts I made were removed and I completely respect Admin's reasons for removing them.

Second thing to say - Although I may have appeared to be 'supporting' Zara - I have never seen this WG in any capacity so I have no links to her nor can she be a favourite of mine. For the record, I was simply trying to take a balanced view.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 11:00:08 pm by FLYING BLUE »


  • Guest
As my final addition to this particular thread I would like to make a couple of things clear.

I may have abused Reeson69 for a comment he made on AnthG's report on Zara where he more or less accused Anth of being a White Knight
 - a pointless and antagonistic post in my opinion although I fully accept that he is entitled to his own opinion, it just seemed deliberately provocative towards AnthG (who is a very trusted member in my eyes) - those posts I made were removed and I completely respect Admin's reasons for removing them.

Second thing to say - Although I may have appeared to be 'supporting' Zara - I have never seen this WG in any capacity so I have no links to her nor can she be a favourite of mine. For the record, I was simply trying to take a balanced view.
Your spot on again the thread wasn't about who the top girls are, or if their above getting a negative review it was about how other members react to other members reviews.
If anybody posts a review negative or positive should they then be abused for posting their opinions


  • Guest
from above  so a  cut above the rest so deserve their place at the top of the tree for now?

 girls mentioned are all great communicators as well as highly skilled in what they do. They all have the ability to make us feel special during our time with them, perhaps to share some personal stuff, holiday and career plans, maybe some wg gossip. But as Walkingdead so eloquently puts it "they're only there because of the money", nowt else, let's not kid ourselves! So on balance the untouchables are there because they are very good, most of the time.


  • Guest
My own view on this thread is to ask how do the 'untouchables' achieve such status? I pretty much agree with the 4 who are mentioned above, all of whom I have seen enjoyed my time with them, but they don't include any of my personal favourites. The 4 girls mentioned are all great communicators as well as highly skilled in what they do. They all have the ability to make us feel special during our time with them, perhaps to share some personal stuff, holiday and career plans, maybe some wg gossip. But as Walkingdead so eloquently puts it "they're only there because of the money", nowt else, let's not kid ourselves! So on balance the untouchables are there because they are very good, most of the time. I rarely leave reviews about the top performers because there is a lot written about them already, but if I did have a poor experience I like to think l would share it.
Your right  you should be able to leave a review about your experience without having to defend it, it's all personal to your experience with the lady your reviewing

walking dead

  • Guest
Yes, for many reasons. At the very least it may make the girl up her business attitude if she has messed people around. So can I ask, why didn't you post a negative or neutral about the two who messed you about?

Because I didn't meet them. I did comment in other threads about it