Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Its a lonley hobby this  (Read 4613 times)


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In the pub last night with them all going on about the weekend.

What about you Neal?

Nothing much, was working and watched a bit of football on the telly.

When in fact I had not just one but two first class punts ( reviews to follow) with new to me WG's.

Short notice phone calls on the Saturday revealed one to go to and on Sunday morning I noticed one which has been on my hotlist for ages but is only part time is available so off I trot to that one as well.

Quite a result as I notice just how many WG's do not work weekends.

When they were all banging on about the weekend I wanted to shout out "well I spent most of it balls deep in a twenty something prostitute"

Its a lonely hobby this as no one at all knows I am a punter.

Just glad I found UKP so I can sound off once in a while.

Offline Jimmyredcab

It is only a lonely hobby if you want it that way.

Everyone knows that I am a punter, I share my experiences with friends that I have known all my life ---------- even though none of them are punters.    :hi:

Why should I be ashamed of being a punter.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:


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Circumstances Jimmy

As with most married punters it would be endsville if I was outed.

Just glad that I can share on here.

Offline Deepstroker

I'm sure your not alone. Do you think that punting can be psychologically damaging?


  • Guest
For some people, its the cloak of secrecy that makes it all the more exciting.

If you could tell your mates and family what you do for a hobby, would not part of the excitement go away.

I love the thrill of seeing an indie or walking into a parlour, its my thrill and I intend to keep it that way between escorts, parlours, and punters, I see nothing wrong with it.

Offline Matium

You can never feel lonely when you've got thousands of fellow punters to talk to on UKP.

Regard UKP as your virtual pub.


Offline Jimmyredcab

You can never feel lonely when you've got thousands of fellow punters to talk to on UKP.

Regard UKP as your virtual pub.


Unless I have met them personally they are just names on a screen, nothing more.    :hi:

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Dunno Redcab, sometimes the on line persona isn't that removed from whats someone is really like.

Probably more so than if you know them face to face. People can be far more open on line.

As to the other its great being a smug bar-steward just remembering that young hottie you were with the other nite when in polite company:).

Offline cueball

I've started threads along the same lines as the op, it's a strange one ain't it, mega hobby that you only discuss on here. I agree with comment earlier, I think you CAN be yourself online, there's nothing to gain at all to being false. I'm always myself on here and give my honest opinion.

And yes, I too feel the silent smugness of fucking the arse off a hot wg whilst my workmates talk about going to the supermarket or throwing up a good punts worth of beer at the end of Saturday night.

Welcome to the ukp inn, where the beers cheap and its full of available fanny every night

Offline Wilson85

I find it quite refreshing in the age of arsebook and tweeting, to have a hidden secret hobby of punting that nobody knows about. I don't find it psychologicaly damaging or taxing.

Despite the liberal society that we live in, punting still seems to have a stigma attached to it. Even prossies on SAAFE say they would avoid punters in civy life. So discretion is very important. If my family and friends ever found out I'd disown them, as much as I could, out of pride and annoyance for being caught.

As for online personas I'm the same online and on punts as I am in everyday life.  The only time I've seen other punters is at parties, and while a good time is had, the fraternizing stops when the time is up. 

Offline Turtle Z

Not as lonely as having a wank though!

Offline cueball

Not as lonely as having a wank though!

Ha ha, don't think there are any wankers forums

Offline Deepstroker

I suppose it could be looked on as a hobby if you did it regularly. I never really saw it as that as i was a very infrequent punter. For me it was often spur of the moment/feeling horny and the right girl was available at the right time. After a while it lost its novelty value. The big switch off for me was having a bad punt in a certain semi detached house in Bolton a few years back and i just thought,,WTF am doing this?


  • Guest
If you are not attached, why not ''come out". Sure you would lose some ''friends'' but you may pick up some more that you can really enjoy free time with and exchange stories about "'Bareback Betty from Bude"' etc (add disclaimer wording so as to not insult BBB)?

I remember many years back that all the guys went to the pub after a Bukkake event - great fun, and I made the guy that hit me with ''friendly fire'' buy me a port and lemon!

Offline Stiltskin

I know exactly what you mean. It can be frustrating sometimes.

I remember once being in the pub on a Friday night with my married mates. They were all ogling some rough looking tart, standing there with their mouths open. They couldn't understand why I wasn't impressed, but just a few hours earlier I'd been balls deep and tongue deep in something far younger and prettier.

Offline GreyDave

I know exactly what you mean. It can be frustrating sometimes.

I remember once being in the pub on a Friday night with my married mates. They were all ogling some rough looking tart, standing there with their mouths open. They couldn't understand why I wasn't impressed, but just a few hours earlier I'd been balls deep and tongue deep in something far younger and prettier.

+1 But thats the great thing about punting I never eye up chatup or flirt = waste my time funny thing is when women who are use to attention dont get often I ve been asked "wots up ? " The thrill of this hobby is the world of choice is yours to shag  :D :D Been to swingers events, bukkakes and partys have enjoyed chatting with other punters to get the tips on who and where best thing was being told about this site by another punter who I bump in to in real life month ish. no conections we just park in same place some times we chat others we have gone to parties :D :D the thing is if your freinds are not in to punting dont tell em the word will be spread and its still not to aceptable. I have to say some times I d like to tell my mates of my 30 years of shags and all but I reckon they would think its a lie (woops some of its on dvd :cool: :cool:)

Offline superchamp

Ha ha, don't think there are any wankers forums

There's a few on here who should start one though.  :D


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That's the wonder of UKP, always someone on here you can talk to about what ails you as a punter!  :drinks:

I have, in the past when under the influence, confided in a few close friends what I do. The look on their faces when I tell 'em the bird in their latest favourite porno has been tonsils deep on my old chap is priceless :D It's tricky figuring out which ones are trustworthy enough to tell though. Mainly I keep it to UKP these days.

Offline superchamp

It is the stigma attached to punting isn't it? If I outed myself no doubt one of my mates wives/gf's would eventually gob off and say that I see prossies because I can't get a woman any other way. Possibly true, but so what, I've come to realise that the single life has more positives than negatives IMO.
  Some of my mates might shun me, but only under pressure from their OH's I suspect. They know I've punted, but on stag do's abroad where what happens on tour stays on tour (so that's ok then?  :dash:).
 At work I'd have not only people laughing behind my back but some would actively make life difficult for me (responsibility to employer and that sort of bollocks).
 So, like many, when my mates are ogling some fat English slapper I'll just keep my mouth shut and look forward to the next gorgeous girl that I can bone all for less than they spend keeping their OH's sweet with shopping money, holidays etc.


i have 3 close male friends 1 of which knows ive been sandys a few times but not nowhere near how often i do punt, but the other two are way closer to me than him and i know they would be fine about it even have a good laugh but im still a little hesitant to tell them and i dont know why but strangely i want to probably, to brag hahaha. i know theyd keep it quite i trust them 2 more than anyone else on earth so should i tell them?

Offline myothernameis

It is only a lonely hobby if you want it that way.

Everyone knows that I am a punter, I share my experiences with friends that I have known all my life ---------- even though none of them are punters.    :hi:

Why should I be ashamed of being a punter.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

My brothers know that I punt, and at first they judged me, mostly because were roman catholic, and its something I shouldn't be doing

But as time went on, and got older, they began to understand, for me it was a way to get some companionship

Al though all my brothers know, its not something we discuss, they know what I get up to, and I always make sure Im discreet, making sure none of my nephews or nieces know of my hobby

Offline myothernameis

It is the stigma attached to punting isn't it? If I outed myself no doubt one of my mates wives/gf's would eventually gob off and say that I see prossies because I can't get a woman any other way.

One of the guys in my work, did exactly this, he let it be known to a few guys, that he punted, now these guys couldn't keep there mouth shut

It soon spread round the work place, and when I heard the news I thought, what a pollock; it wasn't longs till some of the girls in the work place avoided him, and jokes were being made about him, 10 years on its not an issue, but every one in the work place knows what he does, and some of the colleagues think its disgusting what he does, and wouldn't want him near any of there daughters
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 06:50:51 pm by myothernameis »

Offline cueball

i have 3 close male friends 1 of which knows ive been sandys a few times but not nowhere near how often i do punt, but the other two are way closer to me than him and i know they would be fine about it even have a good laugh but im still a little hesitant to tell them and i dont know why but strangely i want to probably, to brag hahaha. i know theyd keep it quite i trust them 2 more than anyone else on earth so should i tell them?

No, don't tell them.  best mates now but you can never be 100% sure in the future, you might want to stop in the future for any number of reasons and a drunken blurb can see you in a sticky situation.

Brag on here til you're hearts content, but trust no one


you sound like your speaking from experience cueball

Offline cueball

you sound like your speaking from experience cueball

No, I've never told anybody but I've been around long enough to see best mates come and go and I've worked in enough places to know that there are never really any secrets, it all comes out of you've got loose lips pal.

If you want to keep it secret then the only sure fire way is to say nowt to no bugger


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I would say that if you're going down the pub with your mates then you're not really lonely.  Many times in the past I have shunned friends when they've invited me out - not because I'm busy but in order to save money towards my next punt.  I don't have tonnes of spare cash so like most people I have to choose between punting and other things.  On many occasions my friends have been my second choice, with punting coming in first place.  However, I soon realised that this made me feel very lonely as of course prostitutes do not care about us.  It's very important (for me, and perhaps others) to make time for friends and not to spend too much cash on punting, to leave some for other things that I enjoy.

Maintain a good punt / real life balance and you will not be lonely.


  • Guest
Two of my closest friends have been punting since we were all students and it's regularly a topic of conversation.

That said, it's because they too are married that I feel comfortable discussing the fact that I am a cheat and a liar for punting.

I trust them, but as mentioned above you never know what the future may hold. So that aspect of Mutually Assured Destruction seems to serve the three of us well.

Offline itk

Not for me, it's not. Started punting in the early 90's with two mates after a night on the piss. All three of us still punt, but individually mostly unlike when it began and the WG's were 90% on the  street . Meet up now and again and the first and sometimes only topic is punting. I've not yet punted this year, but one mate has already seen two WG's, one of which comes with good recommendations. I can trust their review so another is added to my hotlist.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 08:06:01 pm by itk »

Offline UltrasForLife

95% of my friends know about my hobby and most know I post here :) Nothing lonely here - just more topics of conversation, sometimes its good to be single. :hi:


  • Guest
I think for most people this is a lonely habit.

I'd imagine very few people in your lives know about this.

Offline Blackpool Rock

No, I've never told anybody but I've been around long enough to see best mates come and go and I've worked in enough places to know that there are never really any secrets, it all comes out of you've got loose lips pal.

If you want to keep it secret then the only sure fire way is to say nowt to no bugger
Agreed tell nobody as even if your mates are OK and don't use it against you they only have to tell one other "trusted" person who in turn tells another "trusted" friend of theirs and before you know it every fucker knows and your getting the come back from it.
I've seen some guy get ripped to pieces on a lads night out for saying he had paid for sex while on a stag do in Amsterdam, totally over the top some of the guys suddenly dipped out of the round they were in and moved to the other side of the pub then blanked him for the rest of the night, I felt really sorry for him but still didn't even confide in him.

Offline Bangers and Gash

I have other hobbies / interests that friends and family know nothing about so adding punting to that list isn't a problem. Especially with the punting, I like the fact I do things that people around me wouldn't think I'd ever partake in. As I've gotten older I do more things for me and if I need advice or to let off steam, well that's what UKP is for. As for it being lonely - how can you be lonely whilst getting your cock swallowed?


Offline mf_1101

It can be a lonely hobby, why I came here as I couldn't imagine telling anyone I know. Work would be awkward, friendships might get weird or end and many people will look down on me.

I am sure my Family would accept it, but it's not really any of their business at the end of the day, they don't need to know as I keep it away from them.

Coming here not just for the reviews but to share the experience of a good punt. It's not even the sex I enjoy as much as the excitement of a new WG to wet my appetite  :lol:

Offline Aramis

Echo a lot of comments re: keeping Stum.
One of my mates outed his brother for this and I feel sorry for the brother because it's definitely not just me that knows and this could spell trouble for him in his marriage.

I had the best night of the year before Xmas last year when out with the lads in Cardiff and I'd arranged a pre party punt with Mollie Matthews, who was smoking hot and gave me the best time I'd ever had. When I joined the lads on their night out I was already grinning from ear to ear. They the. Spent a fortune on getting pissed and letching over the one looker in the club. We all knew damn well they didn't stand a chance with her, but Id already sown my oats so was happy as Larry. I can't remember feeling that good for a long time.

So I actually love the fact that they don't know, and get a buzz knowing it's my secret. I travel about quite a lot so my hot lists are growing by the week. All I can think of is who cares that nobody I know knows - the banter on here is easily good enough to feel like you're not alone.


  • Guest
when you consider the kiddy fiddlers, rapists and various other sexual deviants out there then i think this 'hobby' is pretty innocent. its up to you whether you share with people in your real life but whats the point, its fuck all to do with them! never feel guilty about this.


No, I've never told anybody but I've been around long enough to see best mates come and go and I've worked in enough places to know that there are never really any secrets, it all comes out of you've got loose lips pal.

If you want to keep it secret then the only sure fire way is to say nowt to no bugger

i actually told my ex when we first got together that id been to a brothel and that turned out to be a bad idea lol, i work near street walkers so she was a bit paranoid an would use the prossie thing in arguments all the time and ive never used a street walker in my life

Offline maxxblue

when you consider the kiddy fiddlers, rapists and various other sexual deviants out there then i think this 'hobby' is pretty innocent. its up to you whether you share with people in your real life but whats the point, its fuck all to do with them! never feel guilty about this.

Ah, that's reassuring then. What you are saying is that in comparison to paedophiles and sex offenders punting is okay.

Punting and the crimes you refer to are not comparable - its like comparing 'cheesy wotsits' to 'ladies umbrellas".

Punting is not a crime, and you are not doing punters any favours with comments like yours.


  • Guest
I have other hobbies / interests that friends and family know nothing about so adding punting to that list isn't a problem. Especially with the punting, I like the fact I do things that people around me wouldn't think I'd ever partake in. As I've gotten older I do more things for me and if I need advice or to let off steam, well that's what UKP is for. As for it being lonely - how can you be lonely whilst getting your cock swallowed?


I think this was what I was getting at with my OP.

Most people would see me as a steady sort and could not imagine that I could be capable of engaging in a hobby like this.

It just struck me the other night when everyone was going on about the weekend and what they had been up to that I felt I could have shocked everyone to the core if I had actually said what I really had been up to.

I suppose its just the need to brag a bit but I must say that its quite fun to sit there feeling all smug when you know that you have just spent the last weekend fucking some very hot women but unfortunately cant tell anyone.

I have a semi regular meet up with a few friends in the pub on a certain night of the week and my favourite thing is going there after I have had a punt if the OH is away. Having a beer when you are still basking in the post punt glow is great.

Thankfully we have UKP


  • Guest
Ah, that's reassuring then. What you are saying is that in comparison to paedophiles and sex offenders punting is okay.

Punting and the crimes you refer to are not comparable - its like comparing 'cheesy wotsits' to 'ladies umbrellas".

Punting is not a crime, and you are not doing punters any favours with comments like yours.

either you got the wrong end of the stick or you're knitpicking, if my post looked like it was comparing then it wasnt meant to. i dont understand why people even ever get into a quandry about shall i share with people that i punt or shall i not? its nobody's business as nobody is doing anything wrong.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 11:34:39 am by StPunt »


  • Guest
when you consider the kiddy fiddlers, rapists and various other sexual deviants out there then i think this 'hobby' is pretty innocent.

erm, what do the above have to with punting?

You are seriously equating punting with sexual deviancy ... on a PUNTING forum?

Oh dear. :crazy:

Offline threechilliman

Lonely? Not for me. I like the excitement of having a secret life away from non-punting folk.



  • Guest
I do not find it lonely in the least. Any info I wished to share can be done cyberly on UKP and I feel I know the community well enough to engage in pretty much the sort of banter one would have with one's mates anyway. Plus I do not have to buy anyone a drink.

Offline cueball

I do not find it lonely in the least. Any info I wished to share can be done cyberly on UKP and I feel I know the community well enough to engage in pretty much the sort of banter one would have with one's mates anyway. Plus I do not have to buy anyone a drink.

I agree with this, it's good to come on here n share views and experiences.

Offline Denhamhoop

My 2 best friends know and its generally one the guys  greetings to me after ive been to an away girl to ask me what the girl was like as he knows i tend to punt on the way to a game.Im single so not really bothered if either of the 2 of them outed me but pretty unlikely to as ive known them both for since school .Like LL i also like to try and get a punting and social life balance


  • Guest
On Saturday I'm going abroad and will be staying with a friend who punts so it would be good to share for a short period of time but in general wouldn't want to share this because of the stigma attached.

Been single so long my friends think I must be gay when in reality I've shagged more girls (and prettier too) than the lot them combined!  :D

Offline livlad

nobody knows that I do this but must admit I wouldn't mind having a pal that did punting as well. we could chat about who we shagged last night, plan long distance punting trips etc

Offline blackburnian

It is a lonely hobby , no matter how "sad" or oddball your other hobbies may be few would bat an eyelid if you were a member of an online forum about them  - how many members would admit to friends/family that you were a member on a punting forum ?

Other than tips/reviews it is one of the main benefits of forums like this - it makes those who are social outcasts into part of an online community.


Offline socks

Two of my closest friends have been punting since we were all students and it's regularly a topic of conversation.

That said, it's because they too are married that I feel comfortable discussing the fact that I am a cheat and a liar for punting.

I trust them, but as mentioned above you never know what the future may hold. So that aspect of Mutually Assured Destruction seems to serve the three of us well.
Do they know you're west8 from off of here?


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Offline thefoxman

Anyone you tell will probably at some point "share" the secret, so don't bother confiding in the pub at all !

Attitudes are odd. I've had plenty of positive conversations about punting with various mates (male and female)
but when someone at work was caught punting they all changed their mind and the guy was forever branded a pervert.
It's over a year ago now, and it still follows him around - he'd be better off moving firm IMO

My secret is still safe, but that experience was an eye opener...