Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Changing punting habits  (Read 3048 times)

Offline RedKettle

There are many very useful threads on here about how to protect yourself punting that I have read and absorbed since joining UKP - I was quite an experienced but I now think naive punter at that point.  I thought it might be useful to focus on changing to good practices and trying to minimise the damage of past mistakes.

I used to use my smart phone and I cannot now change the number.  I now use a punting phone but what to do about WGs previously contacted on my old phone?  Regulars I have told that I no longer have that phone so in a fairly short time they will stop using it.  However it is possible that they and other WGs I have seen will keep the number stored.  Not alot I can do about that - asking them to delete it would be a waste of time.  However risk of a problem gets less over time.

I have now stopped using my smart phone for punting related internet activities such as UKP and AW and I have deleted stored numbers so that phone is now completely clean - unless an old WG texts but as noted above not alot I can do about that.

I think that covers the phone - cannot see that I could do anymore to correct my past without changing number.

I have always used my real first name - I have now created a false ID that I use for all punting related activities other than WGs I have seen before.  I have set up a punting email in this name.  I never used emails (other than AW) before so nothing to do there.  I have changed the first name given on my AW profile to the new one.

I used to have the same nickname on AW and UKP and have now changed the AW one.  I don't think I can do anything about the past but as I have not had any hassle from WGs I have seen hopefully that is OK. 

I used to rely on my laptop being password protected but I now regularly clean the browsing history.  Having read several of the secret squirrel posts about proxy servers and the like I have an intention to hit google and find out what the bloody hell they mean!!!  If I can work it out I will try and improve that aspect of my security.

My intention is not to repeat the excellent threads on good practice but to think about changing from bad habits to good.  The above are the changes I have made - I already followed the advice on the actual meetings, my weaknesses were phone/computer/ID related.  Any comments or thoughts on changes you have made would be interesting.


  • Guest
I always sleep with my head wrapped in tin foil so 'they' can't get at the goodies inside. You can never be too paranoid in this game

Offline Johny Stone

I changed my aw nickname too. Just in case.

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

What exactly is all this to protect yourself from? 


  • Guest
I used to rely on my laptop being password protected but I now regularly clean the browsing history.  Having read several of the secret squirrel posts about proxy servers and the like I have an intention to hit google and find out what the bloody hell they mean!!!  If I can work it out I will try and improve that aspect of my security.

You're not hiding from the Stasi, you're just hiding from someone you might share your lap top with. It's easier to fire up chrome in incognito or firefox in in private browsing before than it is to clear all the history after (especially post ejaculatorally, if you like to browse adult interest sites left handed). 

Proxies are for hiding yourself the website you're browsing, i.e. from Admin or from Adultwork, or for watching videos in russia that have only been released in america etc.  Adultwork are just interested in taking your money through credits and Adam already knows where you live, what you had for breakfast and where your kids go to school.  You don't need a proxy.

Also make sure this is your laptop not your work laptop. 

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

"There are many very useful threads on here about how to protect yourself punting that I have read and absorbed since joining UKP - I was quite an experienced but I now think naive punter at that point.  I thought it might be useful to focus on changing to good practices and trying to minimise the damage of past mistakes.

I used to use my smart phone and I cannot now change the number.  I now use a punting phone but what to do about WGs previously contacted on my old phone?  Regulars I have told that I no longer have that phone so in a fairly short time they will stop using it.  However it is possible that they and other WGs I have seen will keep the number stored.  Not alot I can do about that - asking them to delete it would be a waste of time.  However risk of a problem gets less over time".


Are they ever likely to call you up and ask you if you want to pop round for a quick pop;?.

I very much doubt the sensible ladies would ever do that and the romulians touring, I bet they can't even be bothered to store the number post punt unless you've serioulsy upset someone?.

Seeing that hardely any can speaka der lingo but only txt "Txt me bby" I wouldnt let it worry you at all surely you get odd junk calls on your mobbie?.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 11:14:27 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline Boundless

There are many very useful threads on here about how to protect yourself punting that I have read and absorbed since joining UKP - I was quite an experienced but I now think naive punter at that point.  I thought it might be useful to focus on changing to good practices and trying to minimise the damage of past mistakes.

I used to use my smart phone and I cannot now change the number.  I now use a punting phone but what to do about WGs previously contacted on my old phone?  Regulars I have told that I no longer have that phone so in a fairly short time they will stop using it.  However it is possible that they and other WGs I have seen will keep the number stored.  Not alot I can do about that - asking them to delete it would be a waste of time.  However risk of a problem gets less over time.

I have now stopped using my smart phone for punting related internet activities such as UKP and AW and I have deleted stored numbers so that phone is now completely clean - unless an old WG texts but as noted above not alot I can do about that.

I think that covers the phone - cannot see that I could do anymore to correct my past without changing number.

I have always used my real first name - I have now created a false ID that I use for all punting related activities other than WGs I have seen before.  I have set up a punting email in this name.  I never used emails (other than AW) before so nothing to do there.  I have changed the first name given on my AW profile to the new one.

I used to have the same nickname on AW and UKP and have now changed the AW one.  I don't think I can do anything about the past but as I have not had any hassle from WGs I have seen hopefully that is OK. 

I used to rely on my laptop being password protected but I now regularly clean the browsing history.  Having read several of the secret squirrel posts about proxy servers and the like I have an intention to hit google and find out what the bloody hell they mean!!!  If I can work it out I will try and improve that aspect of my security.

My intention is not to repeat the excellent threads on good practice but to think about changing from bad habits to good.  The above are the changes I have made - I already followed the advice on the actual meetings, my weaknesses were phone/computer/ID related.  Any comments or thoughts on changes you have made would be interesting.

A quick point re names.

I have a complete false identity for punting including address, job, family details etc and I also have an e-mail account set up in that name. Prossies must know that it's all either fake or I'm very naive as no-one in their right mind would do that. So now I'm thinking I'd better get a new e-mail address to pretend that I'm trying to cover what they think is my real name which is false anyway!

Help!! I'm going to where's that tin foil??

Offline Jimmyredcab

You can never be too paranoid in this game

Oh yes you can.      :dash: :dash:

Some guys on here should give up punting and switch to knitting.    :rolleyes:

Offline Matium

There are many very useful threads on here about how to protect yourself punting that I have read and absorbed since joining UKP - I was quite an experienced but I now think naive punter at that point.  I thought it might be useful to focus on changing to good practices and trying to minimise the damage of past mistakes.

I used to use my smart phone and I cannot now change the number.  I now use a punting phone but what to do about WGs previously contacted on my old phone?  Regulars I have told that I no longer have that phone so in a fairly short time they will stop using it.  However it is possible that they and other WGs I have seen will keep the number stored.  Not alot I can do about that - asking them to delete it would be a waste of time.  However risk of a problem gets less over time.

I have now stopped using my smart phone for punting related internet activities such as UKP and AW and I have deleted stored numbers so that phone is now completely clean - unless an old WG texts but as noted above not alot I can do about that.

I think that covers the phone - cannot see that I could do anymore to correct my past without changing number.

I have always used my real first name - I have now created a false ID that I use for all punting related activities other than WGs I have seen before.  I have set up a punting email in this name.  I never used emails (other than AW) before so nothing to do there.  I have changed the first name given on my AW profile to the new one.

I used to have the same nickname on AW and UKP and have now changed the AW one.  I don't think I can do anything about the past but as I have not had any hassle from WGs I have seen hopefully that is OK. 

I used to rely on my laptop being password protected but I now regularly clean the browsing history.  Having read several of the secret squirrel posts about proxy servers and the like I have an intention to hit google and find out what the bloody hell they mean!!!  If I can work it out I will try and improve that aspect of my security.

My intention is not to repeat the excellent threads on good practice but to think about changing from bad habits to good.  The above are the changes I have made - I already followed the advice on the actual meetings, my weaknesses were phone/computer/ID related.  Any comments or thoughts on changes you have made would be interesting.

Are you sngle?

If so, you have nothing to worry about anyway.

If you're married, you were taking a heck of a risk with your previous punting habits.

Married men have to be discrete because they know their wives will turn into raging harpies if they ever find out, other than your wife finding out, you have nothing to fear.


  • Guest
When it comes to protecting your anonymity, I'd suggest remembering that you are a face in a very very large crowd. You may think you are a special and unique flower, but you are just a guy that punts. There is very little reason why anyone would spend time tracing you, over the thousands of other people that punt every hour.

It's a legal activity, you are not buying guns/drugs.

By all means, take sensible precautions. Don't imagine that it makes you an elusive Jason Bourne type, flitting in between the shadows of society, you're still you. It's possible to track you, trace you if you have the equipment knowhow and time, but (and this is important) nobody fucking cares and the girls you are visiting are not elite Russian trained counter agents.

Unless, of course, you work for GCHQ. In which case, you boss is probably reading this and pissing himself.

Offline Daffodil

RedKettle, all very sensible punting precautions and, in my view, the minimum that anybody with a partner needs to do.

Even those guys who are single, is that always going to be the case? Get into good habits now.

And ask yourselves this; is there any benefit at all to giving a prossie your real name? Or your real job? No there isn't, but are there downsides? Yes. Then are there downsides to using a false name or job? No, but there are plenty of positives in my opinion.

So well done on changing your behaviour for the better  :drinks:

Offline Daffodil

"There are many very useful threads on here about how to protect yourself punting that I have read and absorbed since joining UKP - I was quite an experienced but I now think naive punter at that point.  I thought it might be useful to focus on changing to good practices and trying to minimise the damage of past mistakes.

I used to use my smart phone and I cannot now change the number.  I now use a punting phone but what to do about WGs previously contacted on my old phone?  Regulars I have told that I no longer have that phone so in a fairly short time they will stop using it.  However it is possible that they and other WGs I have seen will keep the number stored.  Not alot I can do about that - asking them to delete it would be a waste of time.  However risk of a problem gets less over time".


Are they ever likely to call you up and ask you if you want to pop round for a quick pop;?.

I very much doubt the sensible ladies would ever do that and the romulians touring, I bet they can't even be bothered to store the number post punt unless you've serioulsy upset someone?.

Seeing that hardely any can speaka der lingo but only txt "Txt me bby" I wouldnt let it worry you at all surely you get odd junk calls on your mobbie?.

Sensible prossies are very few and far between, so yes there is always the chance that they will do a bit of cold calling  :hi:

Offline ForrestGump

What about the possibility of being covertly photographed or videod when turning up for an incall or when actually on the job? I'm aware that punters who've shared related experiences in this forum.

Should I don a disguise, perhaps?

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline wristjob

It's easier to fire up chrome in incognito or firefox in in private browsing before than it is to clear all the history after (especially post ejaculatorally, if you like to browse adult interest sites left handed). 

That's adequate unless you are maybe on a work network - which probably is a really really bad idea.

As far as historical WGs are concerned I wouldn't stress it. If they were going to do something they would have done already - I doubt they hold on to info for months before launching vendettas. Most likely your number was never saved, has gone from your call log and if anything popped up on a website deny, deny, deny if you need to. If you aren't continuing to use if for that purpose it's unlikely to be an issue.

Yahoo lets you have virtual email accounts, so you have a common root and upto 200 suffixes and can add/delete as you see fit. The root isn't directly connected to your base email address (eg can have roots that are, and the XXX bit can be anything) so easy to avoid unwanted spam, see who is doing it and close an account on someone at will.

Offline wristjob

What about the possibility of being covertly photographed or videod when turning up for an incall or when actually on the job? I'm aware that punters who've shared related experiences in this forum.

Unless the WG is super sneaky (like some recent ones) then it's unlikely someone would know you were going punting and where. Some nob like Carvath wouldnt have your identity and I'm not sure if he could have your face on websites like YouTube? Biggest problem I guess but low risk.

Offline itk

My precautions are different names on different sites, they never match up. Punting name is always different to real name. Most importantly, a punting phone with untraceable SIM, made the mistake of using my day-to-day phone and got hounded by texts of when a WG had special deals, or if I wanted to see her.

Offline Jimmyredcab

When it comes to protecting your anonymity, I'd suggest remembering that you are a face in a very very large crowd. You may think you are a special and unique flower, but you are just a guy that punts. There is very little reason why anyone would spend time tracing you, over the thousands of other people that punt every hour.

It's a legal activity, you are not buying guns/drugs.

Brilliant post.    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I am aware that some pro$$ies are totally crazy but most will just delete your number once the punt is over.

Just remember you are a walking wallet to the girl, nothing more, once you leave their premises you are long forgotten.  :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

My precautions are different names on different sites, they never match up. Punting name is always different to real name. Most importantly, a punting phone with untraceable SIM, made the mistake of using my day-to-day phone and got hounded by texts of when a WG had special deals, or if I wanted to see her.

I am Jimmyredcab on all the forums.

My real name is Jim.

I don't use a punting phone, the SIM is registered in my name.

In 35 years of punting I have never been hounded by unwanted texts.   :hi:

Offline wristjob

I am Jimmyredcab on all the forums.

My real name is Jim.

I don't use a punting phone, the SIM is registered in my name.

In 35 years of punting I have never been hounded by unwanted texts.   :hi:

Put simply your circumstances are different to many other people's

Offline Jimmyredcab

Put simply your circumstances are different to many other people's

There is far too much paranoia in this business, you are shagging prostitutes for cash not trying to infiltrate ISIS.  :rolleyes:

Offline ForrestGump

There is far too much paranoia in this business, you are shagging prostitutes for cash not trying to infiltrate ISIS.  :rolleyes:

Many of us are soft targets for extortion. And there are plenty of folks out there, including some wgs, who are keen to do nefarious things to wring as much cash out of us as possible. JRC, You're not susceptible to blackmail so are not in the least bit worried. Or so it seems.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Many of us are soft targets for extortion. And there are plenty of folks out there, including some wgs, who are keen to do nefarious things to wring as much cash out of us as possible. JRC, You're not susceptible to blackmail so are not in the least bit worried. Or so it seems.

The odds of a pro$$ie trying to blackmail you is about the same as you taking up residence at 10 Downing Street  --- unless your real name is Boris Johnson.    :hi:


  • Guest
That's adequate unless you are maybe on a work network - which probably is a really really bad idea.

Yes definitely.  The standard advice is never to use work computers or a work network!  If you really must, then be sure you know what you're doing.

Offline Daffodil

I am Jimmyredcab on all the forums.

My real name is Jim.

I don't use a punting phone, the SIM is registered in my name.

In 35 years of punting I have never been hounded by unwanted texts.   :hi:

Perhaps not, but am I right in thinking that some prossie did try to/succeeded in outing you?

You might not care, but that would be disastrous for most of us.

I don't think you should be claiming it's paranoid behaviour to maintain anonymity, especially when you've been a target yourself. Just because your circumstances allow you to act foolishly doesn't mean you should be advising others not to worry or belittling those who do  :hi:

Offline smiths

Perhaps not, but am I right in thinking that some prossie did try to/succeeded in outing you?

You might not care, but that would be disastrous for most of us.

I don't think you should be claiming it's paranoid behaviour to maintain anonymity, especially when you've been a target yourself. Just because your circumstances allow you to act foolishly doesn't mean you should be advising others not to worry or belittling those who do  :hi:

I agree, the only time a punter becomes too paranoid in my view is when that paranoia stops him enjoying punting. And spot on about redcab moaning about punters being paranoid for being careful which is the wise thing to be in my view. And we have had enough recent threads about it to show its really important to be very careful IF you dont want anyone to know you punt.

Offline smiths

There is far too much paranoia in this business, you are shagging prostitutes for cash not trying to infiltrate ISIS.  :rolleyes:

Absolute bollocks. :rolleyes: Its VERY wise of a punter who doesnt want anyone else to know they punt to be very careful.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Perhaps not, but am I right in thinking that some prossie did try to/succeeded in outing you?

Maybe you mean that lunatic Brynn Lamont, she put my photo on her web-site, I contacted the American hosting company and told them if it was not removed within 24 hours I would start legal action -------- it was removed.

So, yes, one problem in 35 years.

Two important points.
1) Brynn Lamont was mentally unstable.
2)  I deliberately provoked her ------------ that gave me immense pleasure.

99.9 % of punts are instantly forgotten the minute you leave, a girl who only sees 2 punters a day 5 days a week will see 500 punters in a year, why would they single you out for blackmail ------------- unless you are a famous footballer or TV personality.

Offline Daffodil

I agree, the only time a punter becomes too paranoid in my view is when that paranoia stops him enjoying punting.

Very well put.

Offline smiths

What about the possibility of being covertly photographed or videod when turning up for an incall or when actually on the job? I'm aware that punters who've shared related experiences in this forum.

Should I don a disguise, perhaps?

Hidden Image/Members Only

IMO this is highly unlikely to happen often but what some punters on here do is post they will be punting with a specific WG on a specific day, i dont see that as smart personally. Discuss specific punts by PM or afterwards on the open forum is my advice.

Carveth that fucking nutter in Manchester has done this and posted the punters pictures up online coming and going from brothels. In this scenario he just waits around and takes pictures of any guy who goes into or out of the brothel.

Offline smiths

Like your invalid review .     :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The one that is still up. :rolleyes: Your pathetic attempt at undermining me is woeful redcab, a punter who advises a WG to raise her prices but keep you on her old rate which works against the interests of punters actually thinks he can undermine ME. You couldnt make it up. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Daffodil

Maybe you mean that lunatic Brynn Lamont, she put my photo on her web-site, I contacted the American hosting company and told them if it was not removed within 24 hours I would start legal action -------- it was removed.

So, yes, one problem in 35 years.

Two important points.
1) Brynn Lamont was mentally unstable.
2)  I deliberately provoked her ------------ that gave me immense pleasure.

99.9 % of punts are instantly forgotten the minute you leave, a girl who only sees 2 punters a day 5 days a week will see 500 punters in a year, why would they single you out for blackmail ------------- unless you are a famous footballer or TV personality.

It only takes one to bring a life crashing down  :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

The one that is still up. :rolleyes: Your pathetic attempt at undermining me is woeful redcab.

I don't have to undermine you, by submitting a negative review on a girl you never booked and never met you have shown your true colours, a total fraud.    :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Offline smiths

I don't have to undermine you, by submitting a negative review on a girl you never booked and never met you have shown your true colours, a total fraud.    :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Classic. The review is still up. :rolleyes: As the review is up for anyone to read your logic doesnt make sense. :rolleyes: As i said your pathetic attempt at undermining me is woeful, the last time you tried it you made yourself look a right dick, doing the same again. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Unlike you i dont advise WGs to raise their prices or try to put punters off punting with ANY WG who charges under £100 an hour posting they are ALL skanks despite the fact you did a positive review on a WG who charged you £80 for the hour and you made no mention of her being a skank, you only confirmed she was the other day when i challenged you about it. So you didnt even make punters aware she was a skank till a long time later, again not helping punters. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Happylad

I have 5 different email accounts - 2 google, 2 hotmail and 1 Outlook Express; on every social networking (including punting) if which I`m a member I have a different false name; and I use a Pay-as-you-Go `phone (cost £11 from Argos).

Unfortunately I now have the greatest difficulty remembering which email address, name and password apply to which sites, and there are several which I can no longer visit because I can`t remember who I am when I get there.

Offline webpunter

Just send yourself an email via one of the addresses with all the details
Regards - J.Bourne

Offline Johny Stone

Or open a text document on your pc/laptop and make a note of emails and paswords there.
Or write them in your phone (notes or calendar).


  • Guest
For web browsing, isn't Firefox best, as it clears your history once you close it down? (Or you can at least set it to do so.)

I only store two types of phone number: regular clients, and those I want to avoid seeing again. I would never text a client randomly.

It pays to be sensible/cautious, but remember that the need for discretion works both ways!

Offline tesla

I have 5 different email accounts - 2 google, 2 hotmail and 1 Outlook Express; on every social networking (including punting) if which I`m a member I have a different false name; and I use a Pay-as-you-Go `phone (cost £11 from Argos).

Unfortunately I now have the greatest difficulty remembering which email address, name and password apply to which sites, and there are several which I can no longer visit because I can`t remember who I am when I get there.

you could use a desktop safe, I use Mobile Witch Password safe, its a free download and easy to use