Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: What would you do?  (Read 2092 times)

Online ardsman99

Just a light hearted question...

I had a massage appointment this week (I have already previously reviewed and there are no changes)

It came to the good-bye and at this stage no mention of paperwork had been mentioned.
I was her first appointment and she was only just into the apartment so I assume she was a bit flustered and just forgot.
The door was open and I could have just walked. I didn't I brought the paperwork up and went back in and left it on the side table.
Obviously I would never be able to have gone back if I had walked without paying.

Anyhows, for a bit of craic, my question is "What would you have done?" in a similar situation.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 12:07:01 pm by ardsman99 »

Offline conno7777

Not a massage but a booking with SexySally, after the hour, she was said "you've already paid me" which I hadn't but I also did the right thing as I want to go back there.

Offline sim0256

Several of the reg girls I see (all locals) never ask for payment up front. First time it happened I was a little confused but went with the flow and paid up on leaving.
Only once did I almost leave without paying but it was because we were having good conversation. I suddenly realised and we had a laugh about it and the Wg said ' of course I would let you back.  Just to get the money of you!).
I feel only girls that know you will enjoy yourself will let you leave it to the end.

Offline KeenPunter

On my first ever punt she never asked fir it at the start and I realised afterwards that I hadn't paid and went back, never saw her for a punt again but had a drink a few times.  Not sure if she just doesn't ask anyone for the money up front or not

Offline evilsooty998

I'll qualify what I said earlier.

I would always pay no matter what, if the service received was as decribed in the ad. I'm sure we've all been there when we've opened the door and the girl doesn't remotely resmeble the ad; in fact, she's a bit of a dog, but you proceed due to necessity.

I would be tempted not to pay then, as I was deceived.

Offline webpunter

Back in the day on a trip to the south west i was seduced & ravaged by Jaycee in Plymouth  :yahoo:
£200 for 2 hours IIRC
Was getting the wallet out & she said like 'later'
Inviting me into her gaff & to the lounge with a white leather [maybe leatherette] sofa
She was more interested in getting me in front of her sofa pulling my jeans right down then pushing me backwards
Flopped onto the sofa & straight onto noshing, this was just the start ...
Wind it forward its departure time [on 2 hours 30] double cheek kiss goodbyes & i said like wait a minute i havent paid you
Fuck knows how i remembered i was all over the place
I will never know if she'd overlooked this or a test
Anyways apologies by me & i wedged her up
A big thankyou from her DFK snog
Do her out of 200 sheets, no way josé

Been in a large chain supermarket & the till went haywire, at least a ton less than it should have been
Did i mention did i bollox
Sailed outta there with a full trolley a very short receipt with all of the confidence like sailing past hotel reception
Now let me think how do i spend the ton ?  ;)

Offline Bryan11

Depends on the girl
If I wanna see her again, then yes, I’d pay her
If I don’t wanna see her again, then I wouldn’t.

Funny story
I arranged a meeting with Megan, back ages ago.
Was driving over to her place in titanic quarter when she txt saying something came up and she would have to put out meet back by a few hours. Was annoyed but ok.
Went back to my flat, and set my money and wallet down
Megan then txt back to say I could come over

I requested that she answer the door in the nude. Which she did
In the lift I remembered that I left my wallet down, and didn’t pick it up
She opened the door in the nude and let me in
I then told her my predicament. She said that was ok, and I could pay her later
She agreed and we went and did the deed
I rocked up the next day and paid the sun owed

Interestingly enough, it was £120 for a hour
God I love to go back there

Offline vityaz

I'd make sure I paid the WG. Don't get me wrong, if I had the situation mentioned here with the supermarket, or being given too much cash from a bank machine, those sort of things I'd just keep schtum about