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Author Topic: How to stop seeing escorts for good?  (Read 10286 times)

Offline king tarzan

If they all got ugly then yes.
But they just get prettier and prettier and prettier so makes it mission impossible for myself to STOP!!
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Exarch

Open a fixed term savings account and put any extra money you'd spend on wgs into it. Or maybe find a hobby. And definitely don't come on to ukp 😁

Offline geostorm1

That could have been written by me a few years ago, at one point I was doing it twice a week and 90% of the time I would be thinking "Well that was a waste of fucking money" as I left.  For me the problem is the buzz actually came from the planning and searching, not from the actual act itself.

I would be sitting at work bored and the idea would come into my head, then the rush of excitement and that was it I couldn't stop myself I would be on AW on my phone searching.  The rush as it got to lunchtime and I was free and the walk to the girl were all part of it.

But eventually after about 7 or 8 years I just started to get bored of the whole thing, even more so now it is virtually impossible to actually find an English girl.   I have barely punted in 4 years, maybe one massage and a party but that is it.   I think I have just grown out of it and the prices now are so stupid that it has put me off even more.

However, for the first time in over a year I have a week to myself which I have been looking forward to for months.  Started looking on AW and it has got even worse that before,  no English girls in my area and all the reviews I check of rom girls seem to be bait and switch.

I would not be surprised if in this whole week to myself I don't actually bother in the end, I am literally not getting any sort of buzz from searching.

If I look back over all the punts I have ever had, I can hardly remember any of them and I think there is maybe a handful that I thought were worth it.   I think there is only one I can think of where I thought "that was fucking amazing" and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I'm curious where are you from? Here in the East Midlands it is pretty easy to find a decent girl, and failing that, go somewhere like Directors Lodge or that one in Lutterworth and there is some proper fit fanny, English too.

Why don't you travel a bit further afield to find someone better?

I would highly recommend you keep browsing AW and wait until a pair of fitties offer a duo session in a hotel on their little "tour", there is just nothing better than 4 big tits in your face, and that for me is what makes punting worth it!

If I wasn't doing this dirty little hobby then when would I EVER get that sort of experience? My wife is absolutely closed off to a threesome or moresome, boring as fuck, I'd die a threesome virgin. But now I could book one whenever a girl is offering it  :wacko:

I love this hobby! For every 10 mingers and timewasters and B&S and just overall cunts, there is that blessed angel or two who make it all better.

Offline bedhedred

I can't offer advice on how to stop punting altogether. The reasons for getting into it can be complicated.

Here are my techniques for trying to put myself off doing any punting on a given day :

Remember a shit punt that you have had. Pick out the bits that annoyed you and roll them over several times in your mind's eye to get that "glass half empty" risk averse feeling going strong.

Pick out a good punt you've had and start nit picking about how it could have been better,
Usually even the good punts have an element of short timing. Alternatively, remember how the feeling of elation afterwards quickly drained away and you were back where you started mood-wise.

Do think about the high likelihood of being short timed and paying 20 to 30 quid of your fee for absolutely nothing.

If you're thinking about seeing a new girl (with good feedback), focus on the risk of the punt being a failure just for you. That's happened to me where everyone else has a good time and I'm the victim.

If it's an unknown girl, do focus on the high risk of it being shit, because most WG are in fact crap. Think of all the extras you'll have to pay, especially the undisclosed ones.

Do use negative feelings against the Nationality of the girl (bloody Roms and Brazilians), if it helps to put you off.

Do let the laziness factor prevent you from trying to go to an interesting or promising prospect at the other end of a tube journey that's slightly too long.

Do dither and procrastinate until the clock forces you to go home. You may be glad you did.

Eat something and spoil your breath. Drink booze and that can have a dulling effect on libido and performance too.

Invent some money worries or exaggerate ones you already have.

Finally, it is a lot harder to talk yourself out of a reliable regular who rarely puts a foot wrong. I just tell myself that it's too soon to go back to her, or the next fantastic session won't be any different to the last one. That often works. But I think can think of several girls who - when they text me - I find it impossible to refuse or ignore. I'm visiting a personal invite today because it's too good to pass up.

Offline Slow grinder

BedHedRed... if that hasn't helped him...your advice has certainly helped me with the same decision.a 70 yr old with 42 yrs service to punting, thanks you!

Offline bedhedred

If all of that doesn't put you off texting the girl, then you know you have the 💉🥴 addiction pretty bad! 😁

Offline surreyvisitor

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Remember a shit punt that you have had. Pick out the bits that annoyed you and roll them over several times in your mind's eye to get that "glass half empty" risk averse feeling going strong.

Do use negative feelings against the Nationality of the girl (bloody Roms and Brazilians), if it helps to put you off.

Do let the laziness factor prevent you from trying to go to an interesting or promising prospect at the other end of a tube journey that's slightly too long.

Do dither and procrastinate until the clock forces you to go home. You may be glad you did.

I think sub coconsciously I do all of these.  As I said earlier, for me the buzz came from the whole experience, the planning, the text, the reply, the drive to somewhere new, trying to find parking, finding a cash machine, the excited walk to the venue, the text to say "I am outside", the "5 minutes" reply, the walking around thinking "everybody knows why you are here, the knock on the door and wait for it to open.

Then it usually goes downhill from there.

The punts where I have done all of the above but the girl messes me around as I wait outside, or the ones who look nothing like the photos and I have walked are often a relief.   I am walking back to my car, money still in hand and realise I had a lucky escape and I am an idiot as I get carried away on the buzz.

Other times I have spent all day trying to find someone suitable, it gets to 8:00PM and I think "Too late now, I will forget it for today"

As I said, I have a week to myself and even the searching is boring as 99% of them are Roms.  I still get drawn in by the too good to be true photos and it is always B&S when I read the reviews on here.

I think the only way to stop is to have the realisation that you are not actually enjoying what you are doing anymore. 

Offline tynetunnel

I think the only way to stop is to have the realisation that you are not actually enjoying what you are doing anymore.

So is that where you are at, you’ve stopped punting having had the realisation?

Offline Blackpool Rock

So is that where you are at, you’ve stopped punting having had the realisation?
Strange, it appears the journey was what he liked rather than the destination so to speak, that being the case he could have done all that and arrived at the destination then found somewhere quiet to have a wank in the car  :rolleyes:  :hi:

Offline belfastpunter

Interesting that llanfair571 bowed out of this thread with no further contribution other than thanks and goodbye. Still it’s an interesting thread.
Here is my take on it, all of these methods I have used at some point or other.
1.   Don’t try to give up altogether. No point setting up goals that you are going to fail at then feel shit. For me it’s no more than one punt a year.
2.   For each punt write a mini review, 300 chars max. Rate out of 10. Pick on you own performance “came in two min, then kicked out”, “no hard on”. Keep the reviews. State if you regretted it, neutral, or positive.  Be sure to check this any time you get the urge, might remind you what it’s really like. Screenshot the ads if you can store them.
3.   Google “real escort sex videos”. These vids often remind me how far short of your fantasy these encounters can be. Better still pay an escort that allows filming. The footage will look like shit and you will think “what the fuck was I doing there”. P.S it’s a two year sentence for voyeurism so don’t even think about a hidden cam.
4.   Use your phone network’s adult filtering now and again just to clear your mind of escort sites and porn. Don’t keep any phone numbers in your phone.
5.   Set a very high bar. She must show a number, she must first answer a private message, no cum counters or time scammers, have x number of reviews, have recent photos etc.
6.   If you have regular monthly outgoings, spend them instead on something you want want like holiday, iPhone, watch, TV. Better still buy you partner something expensive.
7.   Squirrel money away for a punt. I used to add £10 when I have it to a hidden stash in a family bible. Never go on impulse to an ATM. You must pay from that stash. When there is enough maybe think about doing something nice instead for the other people in your life.

Offline surreyvisitor

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So is that where you are at, you’ve stopped punting having had the realisation?

Not 100% but I certainly don't get they excited urge any more.  I think the thing putting me off the most these days in the cost, £60 became £80 then £100 to £120 seems to be the going rate for half an hour with an English (not that you will find one) girl now.

7.   Squirrel money away for a punt. I used to add £10 when I have it to a hidden stash in a family bible. Never go on impulse to an ATM. You must pay from that stash. When there is enough maybe think about doing something nice instead for the other people in your life.

That is a very good idea, the amount of times I have been stood at a cash machine with one side of my brain saying "Don't do it" and the other saying "Take the money out, it could be great this time".  On the occasions where I got there and for whatever reason I ended up walking away with my money I have actually been pleased.

I think it is more an addiction to the whole process than just the sex.  I think it must be similar to the whole "Bet Regret" gambling thing where the person knows placing that bet is stupid, but they can't stop themselves and time and time again regret it once they lose.

Offline JamesKW

You are probably all thinking "Just don't go on adultwork and text them anymore dickhead" , but I always end up going back, browsing the whole southeast and London for a quickie, sending out texts to multiple wgs to try and arrange something, then I end up having a lacklustre time feeling very empty inside, maybe I am expecting too much from seeing strangers for sex. I saw a wg that I had visited quite a few times over the past few years and even that didn't satisfy me. I need to stop this now.

Is there anyone else that has felt similar? Is there any software I could use to block sites like adultwork so I can never go back or is it all just down to your own willpower?

How about spending all your money on other things so there is nothing left for prossies for example premiership football or largescale gigs,or expensive holidays.

Offline JPin

3.   Google “real escort sex videos”. These vids often remind me how far short of your fantasy these encounters can be. Better still pay an escort that allows filming. The footage will look like shit and you will think “what the fuck was I doing there”.

This is so funny, because it's absolutely true (in most cases I would guess).  :lol:

Offline belfastpunter

I think it is more an addiction to the whole process than just the sex.  I think it must be similar to the whole "Bet Regret" gambling thing where the person knows placing that bet is stupid, but they can't stop themselves and time and time again regret it once they lose.
True. It is such a thrill looking at ads, calling the number, sneaking into her apartment, following her up her stairs. When her gown drops to the floor and you see all the muscle definition on her tummy and perfect skin its’ a total “HOLY FUCK!” moment. Your cock hardens seemingly like never before.
Five min later you’re making fap, fap fap noises as you pump away without any sensation because of the condom, loose fanny and lack of sensation due to excessive masturbation.
Either you come pretty quickly or lose the hard on. The girl’s body language changes as she closes up, maybe even puts her clothes on to try to move you on for the next client.
Then you start to regret the money side of it, and the 2 hour round trip to get there.
Two months later all you can remember is the HOLY FUCK moment then off you go again.

Offline Thephoenix

True. It is such a thrill looking at ads, calling the number, sneaking into her apartment, following her up her stairs. When her gown drops to the floor and you see all the muscle definition on her tummy and perfect skin its’ a total “HOLY FUCK!” moment. Your cock hardens seemingly like never before.
Five min later you’re making fap, fap fap noises as you pump away without any sensation because of the condom, loose fanny and lack of sensation due to excessive masturbation.
Either you come pretty quickly or lose the hard on. The girl’s body language changes as she closes up, maybe even puts her clothes on to try to move you on for the next client.
Then you start to regret the money side of it, and the 2 hour round trip to get there.
Two months later all you can remember is the HOLY FUCK moment then off you go again.


Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline Crackpot11

I’ve definitely cut down and saved money which is a good incentive. I used to go once a month but it’s now more like once every 8 weeks. My plan next year is to go when someone pops up I like as a tourer. I’m done with regulars now as I prefer the buzz of a one off. The downside to this though is you never quite know what you will get, hence the importance of this forum.

Offline P Hughes

I can completely emphasize with the OP. Everything he stated, I have experienced. About 8 years ago, I was basically addicted to the habit of punting for nearly 2 years.  I would inevitably end  feeling empty and disappointed after every session. I was at a point in my life where I was experiencing a lot of uncertainty,  loneliness and an emptyness which I struggle to describe, which is perhaps not the best frame of mind to punt in. Looking back, I was using punting to try and fill a void which is a dangerous and expensive thing to do. I was booking threesomes, and even some pornstars at the time. I even booked multiple girls for the same day on a few occasions. For example I'd book one for 4 o'clock and one for 6 o'clock. I would be exhausted, I was out of control. But throughout all these sessions hardly any were very memorable and I felt like crap after. I felt like I was becoming insatiable. Like the OP  said, I too had began to expect way too much from sex with strangers. I knew I had to drastically scale back what I was doing. I can't lie, it was extremely difficult. I was lucky I found someone in civvy street eventually. I had to think of every crap punt I had experienced when I got the urge and ask myself if I really wanted to have sex with a girl who would rather be anywhere else? I would think of the regret and sometimes shame I experienced post punt. After a couple of relapses I eventually got down to 2 sessions a year and then one as a one off at the start of the year if possible. Some years I would see zero WG's.  I don't think you can ever fully quit. You can take extended breaks, but even after a year the thought will still cross your mind occasionally.

Offline alabama1

You seem to be doing ok now. Zero reviews on here since you joined.

Offline bedhedred

You seem to be doing ok now. Zero reviews on here since you joined.

😂 I'll have some of what he's having. It'll save me a fortune.

Offline Blackpool Rock

You seem to be doing ok now. Zero reviews on here since you joined.

Offline mrfishyfoo

😂 I'll have some of what he's having. It'll save me a fortune.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Moby Dick

Tell a WG you love them.
Get fleeced.
Get blackmailed.
Wife finds out. Wife leaves you.....:yahoo:
Start again from zero, can’t afford prostitutes, saving up for bigger card board box.
Eventually you meet someone new. Sex is great again (and free)
But whatever you do .....don’t let her move into your box, don’t move into hers.... keep separate everything and play “love” happily ever after  :sarcastic:

Until one day you fancy something different, you want to fuck a slut in a prossie uniform who gladly takes it up her arse and swallows your spunk. Once a punter always a punter.

Refer to reply #2
Burdizzo is the cure. The only sure way to remove the urge.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 11:04:49 pm by Moby Dick »

Offline kirpNew

 :hi:   I have not punted for over a year!

But sometimes  get the urge.I have saved thousands of £pounds as well  :drinks:.

For me there is just a too much poor quality meat in punting now, massively overpriced! 10 plus years ago, there were too many girls to see at good rates, now it's  nearly all p*ss and sh*t, hassle.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2021, 02:10:56 pm by kirpNew »

Offline Hobbit

If they all got ugly then yes.
But they just get prettier and prettier and prettier so makes it mission impossible for myself to STOP!!

Quit drinking and they'll all soon turn ugly.  :D

Offline alabama1

:hi:   I have not punted for over a year!

But sometimes  get the urge.I have saved thousands of £pounds as well  :drinks:.

For me there is just a too much poor quality meat in punting now, massively overpriced! 10 plus years ago, there were too many girls to see at good rates, now it's  nearly all p*ss and sh*t, hassle.
Two and a half years and no reviews. Thanks for fuck all mate  :hi:

Offline HailWood

Replacement therapy…
Get a girlfriend. Learn to skydive. Ride a motorbike.. Do trackdays. Find anything else which gives you an adrenaline rush.

Offline GingerNuts

There are many members on here who've never posted a review, or it's been years since their last one. You should drop them a PM and ask for their secret.

Offline Hobbit

Replacement therapy…
Get a girlfriend. Learn to skydive. Ride a motorbike.. Do trackdays. Find anything else which gives you an adrenaline rush.

And then you get horny again... :D

Offline mrfishyfoo

There are many members on here who've never posted a review, or it's been years since their last one. You should drop them a PM and ask for their secret.

It's all in the lips.  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline HailWood

And then you get horny again... :D
And that’s when you call a tried and tested SP who knows what you like and hits all the buttons.  :drinks:

Offline Random poster

You are probably all thinking "Just don't go on adultwork and text them anymore dickhead" , but I always end up going back, browsing the whole southeast and London for a quickie, sending out texts to multiple wgs to try and arrange something, then I end up having a lacklustre time feeling very empty inside, maybe I am expecting too much from seeing strangers for sex. I saw a wg that I had visited quite a few times over the past few years and even that didn't satisfy me. I need to stop this now.

Is there anyone else that has felt similar? Is there any software I could use to block sites like adultwork so I can never go back or is it all just down to your own willpower?

It turned into a compulsion for me when i was doing a lot of cocaine and boozing, as in wired and spending £1000 + cabs on whoring sesssions with drugs well into the mornings

Since giving up drinking, smoking and drugs its easy to say no.

I dont have the compulsion to do it, i find exercise and doing better at work and getting promotions and engaging work stops me needing a "release".

Shit gets boring after a while when youve done it all - you arent going to get the same rush of excitement.

I saw a guy pick up a can of beer in the newsagent and he was 10p short so had to put it back, i bought it for him - everyone looked at me as if i was "odd" but i was thinking - ive been there and that beer is going to be amazing.

Part of me was jealous as the euphoria of a "fix" whatever the addiction is something i dont think i can feel again

This is coming from someone whose done an all nighter with a duo and coke, rolled into work after a shower and then in the pub at 12pm smoking and drinking to take the edge off.

My life was careering out of control and i wasted £10'000s so had to slow down.

Maybe you need to hit rock bottom and scare yourself onto the straight and narrow?

I will pick the odd punt with girls i particularly like but its never like how it used to be when i started or some of the drug and drink sessions i havbe had.

Simikarly im not going to kid myself a meaningful rlationship is going to be great sex, witty banter and non stop fun....i am not a teenager

« Last Edit: October 10, 2021, 08:14:17 pm by Random poster »
Banned reason: White knight
Banned by: daviemac

Online Punterperson1971

I can completely emphasize with the OP. Everything he stated, I have experienced. About 8 years ago, I was basically addicted to the habit of punting for nearly 2 years.  I would inevitably end  feeling empty and disappointed after every session. I was at a point in my life where I was experiencing a lot of uncertainty,  loneliness and an emptyness which I struggle to describe, which is perhaps not the best frame of mind to punt in. Looking back, I was using punting to try and fill a void which is a dangerous and expensive thing to do. I was booking threesomes, and even some pornstars at the time. I even booked multiple girls for the same day on a few occasions. For example I'd book one for 4 o'clock and one for 6 o'clock. I would be exhausted, I was out of control. But throughout all these sessions hardly any were very memorable and I felt like crap after. I felt like I was becoming insatiable. Like the OP  said, I too had began to expect way too much from sex with strangers. I knew I had to drastically scale back what I was doing. I can't lie, it was extremely difficult. I was lucky I found someone in civvy street eventually. I had to think of every crap punt I had experienced when I got the urge and ask myself if I really wanted to have sex with a girl who would rather be anywhere else? I would think of the regret and sometimes shame I experienced post punt. After a couple of relapses I eventually got down to 2 sessions a year and then one as a one off at the start of the year if possible. Some years I would see zero WG's.  I don't think you can ever fully quit. You can take extended breaks, but even after a year the thought will still cross your mind occasionally.
Does it ever cross your mind to do a review

Offline Subboy1980

Banned reason: Your fucked now mate I really cant take any more of your shit
Banned by: Head1

Offline Payyourwaymate

Offline datwabbit

Lockdown got me out of punting out of habit. Didn't know it was habit until I found myself constantly looking at my punting phone but couldn't do anything with it.

Then crap at work and a drive to learn to keep myself occupied distracted me.

My massages have now increased but nowhere near as often as pre covid.

It sounds easy to say get a hobby but if you can get into something as much as you did punting then that will help. Plus a good, long massage with HE should satisfy your urge for less money and if done right, should leave you knackered for a while.

Offline kirpNew

I can completely emphasize with the OP. Everything he stated, I have experienced. About 8 years ago, I was basically addicted to the habit of punting for nearly 2 years.  I would inevitably end  feeling empty and disappointed after every session. I was at a point in my life where I was experiencing a lot of uncertainty,  loneliness and an emptyness which I struggle to describe, which is perhaps not the best frame of mind to punt in. Looking back, I was using punting to try and fill a void which is a dangerous and expensive thing to do. I was booking threesomes, and even some pornstars at the time. I even booked multiple girls for the same day on a few occasions. For example I'd book one for 4 o'clock and one for 6 o'clock. I would be exhausted, I was out of control. But throughout all these sessions hardly any were very memorable and I felt like crap after. I felt like I was becoming insatiable. Like the OP  said, I too had began to expect way too much from sex with strangers. I knew I had to drastically scale back what I was doing. I can't lie, it was extremely difficult. I was lucky I found someone in civvy street eventually. I had to think of every crap punt I had experienced when I got the urge and ask myself if I really wanted to have sex with a girl who would rather be anywhere else? I would think of the regret and sometimes shame I experienced post punt. After a couple of relapses I eventually got down to 2 sessions a year and then one as a one off at the start of the year if possible. Some years I would see zero WG's.  I don't think you can ever fully quit. You can take extended breaks, but even after a year the thought will still cross your mind occasionally.

You can fully quit. I have not paid for sex in about 2 years now!  :hi:I don't plan on going back either  :hi: Would walk form any escort or sugar escort baby....My tip is that if you decide to stop, don't go back and you'll be fine. When you pay for sex, you become addicted to doing it in that pattern, it becomes repetitive.

In this time I have had my fair share of women, in my normal life.The savings I have made alone were crazy. I am also getting some good looking women too. I had met one good looking woman and have been doing her for some time.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 05:32:01 pm by kirpNew »

Offline alabama1

I have not punted/paid for sex almost 2years now! I don't plan on going back either  :hi: My tip is that if you decide to stop, just don't go back and you'll be fine. When you pay for sex, you become addicted to doing it for what ever reason.

In this time I have had my fair share of women, in my normal life.The savings I have made alone were crazy. I am also getting some good looking women.

I still look at websites of escorts, but can never pay for sex.
But you have been a member on here for 3 years  :thumbsdown:
And if you don't plan on going back, why are you still here  :unknown:
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 05:30:01 pm by alabama1 »

Offline kirpNew

But you have been a member on here for 3 years  :thumbsdown:
And if you don't plan on going back, why are you still here  :unknown:

I did have experience punting so can give help and tips. I do like looking at escort profiles as well  :lol:

Offline alabama1

I did have experience punting so can give help and tips. I do like looking at escort profiles as well  :lol:
Reviews would be more helpful  :rolleyes:

Online daviemac

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I did have experience punting so can give help and tips. I do like looking at escort profiles as well  :lol:
I've just been looking for your 'help and tips' I couldn't find any though, care to point them out?

I did find this though so you might want to explain why you haven't posted any reviews. 


I've had quite a few Roms cut my 30 minute bookings down to 10minutes, never thought I could get back the £20 owed on any visits.

Offline Payyourwaymate

I can completely emphasize with the OP. Everything he stated, I have experienced. About 8 years ago, I was basically addicted to the habit of punting for nearly 2 years.  I would inevitably end  feeling empty and disappointed after every session. I was at a point in my life where I was experiencing a lot of uncertainty,  loneliness and an emptyness which I struggle to describe, which is perhaps not the best frame of mind to punt in. Looking back, I was using punting to try and fill a void which is a dangerous and expensive thing to do. I was booking threesomes, and even some pornstars at the time. I even booked multiple girls for the same day on a few occasions. For example I'd book one for 4 o'clock and one for 6 o'clock. I would be exhausted, I was out of control. But throughout all these sessions hardly any were very memorable and I felt like crap after. I felt like I was becoming insatiable. Like the OP  said, I too had began to expect way too much from sex with strangers. I knew I had to drastically scale back what I was doing. I can't lie, it was extremely difficult. I was lucky I found someone in civvy street eventually. I had to think of every crap punt I had experienced when I got the urge and ask myself if I really wanted to have sex with a girl who would rather be anywhere else? I would think of the regret and sometimes shame I experienced post punt. After a couple of relapses I eventually got down to 2 sessions a year and then one as a one off at the start of the year if possible. Some years I would see zero WG's.  I don't think you can ever fully quit. You can take extended breaks, but even after a year the thought will still cross your mind occasionally.

Ah...So this guy has been a waffler for a long time huh. First talking about having it for free and prefering to pay and also asking himself about having sex with a SP who would rather be somewhere else? Would have never noticed if the random leech member did not bump this thread.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 05:59:41 pm by Payyourwaymate »

Offline petetheknight

I periodically give up punting but always come back. When I'm punt free I'm usually spending a fortune doing something else like modifying my car or revamping my wardrobe.
I guess the thing to do is to find something to occupy the time and keep busy. Exercise works for me, reading I know it sounds silly but a good book which you can't put down can be a great distraction. I cycle quite a lot in the warmer months too. I learnt how to ride a motorbike and bought one which was a great distraction....the wife was too chuffed though.
The other thing I've done once was everytime I felt the urge..and started looking to see who was available....was have a wank .... and then I took the money out of the bank and putted it into an envelope.....
I hope you find an approach that works for you ....
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 06:40:48 pm by petetheknight »

Offline king tarzan

I periodically give up punting but always come back. When I'm punt free I'm usually spending a fortune doing something else like modifying my car or revamping my wardrobe.
I guess the thing to do is to find something to occupy the time and keep busy. Exercise works for me, reading I know it sounds silly but a good book which you can't put down can be a great distraction. I cycle quite a lot in the warmer months too. I learnt how to ride a motorbike and bought one which was a great distraction....the wife was too chuffed though.
The other thing I've done once was everytime I felt the urge..and started looking to see who was available....was have a wank .... and then I took the money out of the bank and putted it into an envelope.....
I hope you find an approach that works for you ....

I remember da ford Capri kitted up ruus cluut boombacluut maan yes yes yes yes 🥊🥊🥊👊🥊👊
In those days still a fortune!
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline petetheknight

I remember da ford Capri kitted up ruus cluut boombacluut maan yes yes yes yes 🥊🥊🥊👊🥊👊
In those days still a fortune!

Sorry I was a Mondeo man..had an ST220 put a stainless exhaust system on it for about £400 and the noise gave me a beamer every time I put my foot down!!

Then stuck some 19inch wheels on it..... :D :cool:

Offline dpicardsalvage

Bloody hell. Is it as bad as all that.
From reading some of these posts I can't understand why some of you lot punt in the first place.
One guy talking about feeling suicidal etc.

Jeez........get a feckin life.

Punting is surely a simply recreational thing innit. Well it is for me. I do it when I fancy it and don't when I don't........does that make sense  :D

Sigh.....but I guess we are all different of course and will have different lifestyle and different needs .
But as far as the OP is concerned (don't know why I am writing this he said goodbye did'nt he)..........just bloody stop if your hearts not in it anymore. Bit like smoking. All these folk who find something else to take the crap. Just stop.
Its called will power and you are in control of it.

Easy game for you life Steve

I presume you are a millionaire or should be as you appear to have the cure to millions of peoples ills and addictions

Will Power real original thinking that Steve amazing advice

Online LLPunting

I periodically give up punting but always come back. When I'm punt free I'm usually spending a fortune doing something else like modifying my car or revamping my wardrobe.
I guess the thing to do is to find something to occupy the time and keep busy. Exercise works for me, reading I know it sounds silly but a good book which you can't put down can be a great distraction. I cycle quite a lot in the warmer months too. I learnt how to ride a motorbike and bought one which was a great distraction....the wife was too chuffed though.
The other thing I've done once was everytime I felt the urge..and started looking to see who was available....was have a wank .... and then I took the money out of the bank and putted it into an envelope.....
I hope you find an approach that works for you ....

Did you put the envelope on your bedside table for the missus to find or just give it to yourself ?

Offline petetheknight

Did you put the envelope on your bedside table for the missus to find or just give it to yourself ?

Kept it for myself....actually used to hide it..bottom of my socks drawer or in an old suit pocket or back of a cupboard but the most important thing was that the bank balance went down so when I checked it I thought I had less money... :unknown:

Offline doyouforgetit

SAA- sex addicts anonymous

If you have genuinely tried to stop and been unable to and it’s negatively impacting you that is the definition of addiction.

Offline Geko12

Looks like the original person who started the post may have been successful in stopping seeing escorts, not been logged on from when he said Goodbye!

Seeing escorts is fun, its only a negative thing when it takes control over you and your finances. Life is short. Have fun.  :hi:

Online scutty brown

When you're stuck in a problem like this, the best advice comes from those who know you the most, like your close family.
A problem shared often resolves itself. Chat with your wife and daughter, explain that you've realised that punting prossies isn't for you and it costs too much money, and ask for their help in stopping. I'm sure that if you're wholly truthful they'll  find a way to end your confusion.