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Author Topic: Being left alone by a wg  (Read 10159 times)


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Think MissFilan makes good point there.  Besides, do guys have to prove they're punters with their AW usernames?

Offline CatBBW

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I've been incognito since Day 1 here, and no one's called me out on it. I know there's been some trolling and badmouthing recently, but I'm not getting any vibe like that from the OP at this time.

There's no rule on UKP that states anyone - WG or Punter - has to prove who they say they are, so Missfilan should be treated exactly the same as any other female/new poster here. Adam/Admin may have a pretty good idea that she is/isn't who she says she is (as he most likely does with me), and until/unless it's proved she's here to troll and cause trouble, then a SEEMINGLY well-balanced prozzy should be tolerated/welcomed.

Of course that's just my opinion :hi:
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 07:47:59 pm by CatBBW »


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Think MissFilan makes good point there.  Besides, do guys have to prove they're punters with their AW usernames?

No you are right they don't,  but this is a forum for punters and as such it is not, nor should it be imo a level playing field. I have no issue with the new member but personally I believe a healthy sceptical view is best.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 07:46:53 pm by vorian »


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afford me the benefit of the doubt

I did, I twice asked you what your AW profile link was not forthcoming so benefit given and result = Troll

As I said above post your link and prove me wrong  :hi:

Offline CatBBW

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I did, I twice asked you what your AW profile link was not forthcoming so benefit given and result = Troll

As I said above post your link and prove me wrong  :hi:

There's no rule that states UKP females/WGs need to prove who they are. You didn't call me out on it when *I* joined, but perhaps that was cos I made it clear that I'm one of the fat old prossies that no one's interested in? :unknown:

Ultimately, it's up to Adam as to whether she has to prove anything.

Offline Dani

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How s your duplex get away with not having the entry buzzer working.  My landlord tried to not pay to get mine fixed as he owns all three apartments in mine so I popped to the council just to see where I stand and it turns out if there are stairs and no lift then the buzzer has to be in working order in case of emergency services needing to be let in.  A disabled person could not rush downstairs to let them in. 
If I was you I would have another word as you will get sussed very quickly if you are forever walking downstairs to meet men at the door then walking back in with them.  It is not discreet at all and your neighbours will cotton on very quickly.
In fact ring the agency that is responsible for building maintenance as they know they have to have it in working order and cannot refuse to do it.  There is no security issue if it does not have a tradesmen button and just works when people are buzzed up from an apartment


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Sense from Dani - as usual



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There's no rule that states

No one has mentioned any rules, I've just called out a TROLL  :timeout


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No you are right they don't,  but this is a forum for punters and as such it is not, nor should it be imo a level playing field. I have no issue with the new member but personally I believe a healthy sceptical view is best.

True, but I was thinking about the recent SPs posting as punters not being asked - far as I've seen - to verify this way.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 08:21:28 pm by GeeWiz »


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True, but I was thinking about the recent SPs posting as punters not being asked - far as I've seen - to verify this way.

Up the the individuals concerned and of course the site owner.  :unknown:


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Hi everyone I am a working girl and have been reading your posts with interest. This forum has been an invaluable source of information and opinions from the clients perspective and so a huge thanks to you all.

I have until recently been working from home. I would answer the door in my escort clothes and after taking payment from a client, I could discretely leave this in the kitchen before we went into the bedroom (both ground floor). This always worked out fine and never caused any problems.

Since working from a separate incall apartment I have two problems that I did not foresee. The outer door to the apartment block has been changed and no longer works with the door entry buzzer system (Landlord failed to mention this before signing contract). This means I can no longer greet clients wearing only my escort clothes as I personally let them in the main doors and walk them to my apartment. Payment tends to happen once we are upstairs and I excuse myself for a second to place this in a separate room and quickly remove my outer layer of civvy clothes before returning.

I am concerned that my absence will cause unnecessary alarm for clients who may have had a previous negative experience and it causes an interruption to the booking flowing smoothly. This was apparent recently with a client who was very nervous due to previous two punts being scammed out of money once the wg in question took the payment and left the room. I am also concerned about leaving people waiting in general as it is not the way I like to work. Moving apartments is not an option and the buzzer system is now redundant with no plans to fix in the future.

What are your opinions on wgs who leave the room to put the money somewhere safe as opposed to leaving it in plain view?

Would any of you be put off by paying money downstairs before you have even seen the bedroom. Would this feel cold and too business like?

If you were my client, would it bother you that I need a minute to remove my outer layer of civvie clothes? Would you prefer I did this in the room with you? Or disappear for a minute and return ready?

In general what are your thoughts on being left alone for a few mins, does it make you nervous or am I worrying about nothing? Any thoughts, ideas or experiences from a punters point of view would be very much appreciated.

Thank you and apologies for the longish post!

Ok, i see your concern, but you are looking at the problem the wrong way around.

Lets assume you get a wrong un, in leaving the room, obviously to stash the money, you are actually advertising " you have a stash" and if he is a wrong un you are risking him "hurting you" to find out where it is, and narrowing down where it is (as its obviously not in the room he's been left in!

On the other hand if you simply leave "his money in full view" he has no idea if there is anymore money or not, and as above if he's hell bent on stealing it he may just take whats on view, so your loss is less than if he slaps you about until you divy up the lot.

many WG i visit leave the money on view, and usually move it discretely at the end when i'm getting dressed or leave it till i have gone, and then secure it before the next client. IMO the least attention you draw to the money the more relaxed the punter and WG.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 08:53:42 pm by taffdan »


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Seems missfilan registered as a WG who has viewed the forum for a long time and found it useful within a few minutes of girlthattalks (a WG who has viewed the forum for a long time, found it useful and so trolled it without knowing who NIK or James were) was banned.

Seems a coincidence to me... :unknown:


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There's no rule on UKP that states anyone - WG or Punter - has to prove who they say they are, so Missfilan should be treated exactly the same as any other female/new poster here. Adam/Admin may have a pretty good idea that she is/isn't who she says she is (as he most likely does with me), and until/unless it's proved she's here to troll and cause trouble, then a SEEMINGLY well-balanced prozzy should be tolerated/welcomed.

Thank you Catherine and to everyone who else has responded positively. If I am allowed to stay then people will see that I am not here to cause any trouble and I am not the sort of person to stir the pot and create drama.

No you are right they don't,  but this is a forum for punters and as such it is not, nor should it be imo a level playing field. I have no issue with the new member but personally I believe a healthy sceptical view is best.

I absolutely agree with this. It is not and should never be a level playing field and I came here fully respecting that.

I did, I twice asked you what your AW profile link was not forthcoming so benefit given and result = Troll and
No one has mentioned any rules, I've just called out a TROLL  :timeout

You are of course entitled to your opinion but I am not going to respond any further to your troll comments. I have chosen not to provide a link to my profile and you can take of that as you will.  :)

How s your duplex get away with not having the entry buzzer working.  My landlord tried to not pay to get mine fixed as he owns all three apartments in mine so I popped to the council just to see where I stand and it turns out if there are stairs and no lift then the buzzer has to be in working order in case of emergency services needing to be let in.  A disabled person could not rush downstairs to let them in. 
If I was you I would have another word as you will get sussed very quickly if you are forever walking downstairs to meet men at the door then walking back in with them.  It is not discreet at all and your neighbours will cotton on very quickly.
In fact ring the agency that is responsible for building maintenance as they know they have to have it in working order and cannot refuse to do it.  There is no security issue if it does not have a tradesmen button and just works when people are buzzed up from an apartment

Thanks Dani, I did not know that it may be against regulations so that's really helpful. There are three floors of flats with communal stairs. There is a lift but that has apparently been out of order for quite some time (again I was not told this) there is one main door (discounting fire escapes) and it's this outer door that has been replaced. I will look into this on Monday with the council before I approach the landlord. I hope this is a standard rule for all council areas as that would be the best way of getting the work done.

Seems missfilan registered as a WG who has viewed the forum for a long time and found it useful within a few minutes of girlthattalks (a WG who has viewed the forum for a long time, found it useful and so trolled it without knowing who NIK or James were) was banned.

Seems a coincidence to me... :unknown:

I am aware of the post in question but it will be clear to admin that I am not that person and will be evident from our ip addresses which I would assume is visible to the admin and site owners. I have never said that I had viewed the forum for a long time. I recall stumbling across it a while back but I did not hang around as I have been very busy with my personal and working life. At the most, I have been actively reading is for the last couple of weeks. Hopefully this is something the site admin can verify as again my IP address would hopefully have been logged. Surely it is not that strange for a wg to find the information provided here to be very useful.


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I am not going to respond any further to your troll comments.

That line sounds stramgely familiar  :thumbsdown:


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Ok, i see your concern, but you are looking at the problem the wrong way around.

Lets assume you get a wrong un, in leaving the room, obviously to stash the money, you are actually advertising " you have a stash" and if he is a wrong un you are risking him "hurting you" to find out where it is, and narrowing down where it is (as its obviously not in the room he's been left in!

On the other hand if you simply leave "his money in full view" he has no idea if there is anymore money or not, and as above if he's hell bent on stealing it he may just take whats on view, so your loss is less than if he slaps you about until you divy up the lot.

many WG i visit leave the money on view, and usually move it discretely at the end when i'm getting dressed or leave it till i have gone, and then secure it before the next client. IMO the least attention you draw to the money the more relaxed the punter and WG.

Some good points to think on. Thank you

Offline CatBBW

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Not biting  :cool:

Then don't  :thumbsup:

Thick skin and a good "ignore" instinct will serve you very well here  :kissgirl:


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« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 11:46:02 pm by richie »


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I did, I twice asked you what your AW profile link was not forthcoming so benefit given and result = Troll

As I said above post your link and prove me wrong  :hi:

I don't believe your a real punter, could you post your name, address and phone number so I can pop round and check please?

She's not touting for trade, not being rude or abusive and thus far has only asked constructive things. I say just let her be and see how she pans out.


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I would have thought that you could remove your Civvy clothes in the bedroom first and then pop out for a few seconds to stash the money. If you explain before you disappear you should be okay.

The reason clients will get nervous is that they might start thinking that instead of you coming back, some burly bloke is going to appear and rob them/throw them out. That's happened to me (more than once) and I am personally very wary of girls doing a disappearing act before we have established any rapport. I stand my ground when it happens and unfortunately it can get very nasty, but it's a risk you take going to unknown and untested incalls. It's a common scam in the sense that there are groups who tour the country doing it in different areas. I've seen some old posts on the subject.

Don't know what area you're from, maybe it happens in your locality but to be honest I'd be surprised unless you're daft enough to be going to real shit holes... every town has got one.  You say you've been left in a room by a WG and then some guy came in and threw you out after robbing you... and it happened more than once.  People doing that wouldn't last five minutes. The risks of that going wrong are too great.  What if the punter is tooled up?.. or a right hard cunt?... or a copper? ..
I only know of one situation where that happened.  I was inside at the time and some guy turned up on our wing... totally head fucked.  He'd just won newsagent of the year award (I'm not fucking joking).. this guy was mister 9 to 5 married with 2.2 kids and living in suburbia. was from Chepstow I believe.  The presentation was due to take place in the Holiday inn Cardiff.  Well, for some reason our boy's misses couldn't make it to the show so he decided to stay the night in the hotel and get himself a little WG action for the celebration. 

Said night arrives and our boy gets his prize... he managed a branch of Fourboys apparently.. not sure if they're still about.  Anyway after the show he retired to his room and his escort arrived shortly after she entered the room this guy handed her a monkey at which point she ran for the door and gave it to a waiting accomplice who legged it with the cash.  He, (understandably) grabbed the girl who then took off her clothes, tearing some of them and screamed. He was on remand for attempted rape and sexual assault. The guy was so headshot he never came out of his cell... he got shifted to the hospital unit after about a week .... don't know what happened to him after that.  They might have nutted him off.

Offline Jimmyredcab

No one has mentioned any rules, I've just called out a TROLL  :timeout

Well the Jury is still out but for a brand new member (18 posts) she has mastered how to post on here, including multiple quotes.  :rolleyes:

Offline Johny Stone

One girl I knew would simply toss the money on to a table with the greatest of insouciance, which I found quite charming.

If the guy is your regular there's no need to stash the money away. You can just put it on a table in the same room.

Otherwise, if the landlord won't fix the buzzer, pay for it yourself.

With a WG's hourly rates, you can more than afford it.

sounds like my regular, shes just pointing the TV table and says thank you, I never saw her touching the money.
I asked her once why shes not taking and hiding them and if she does the same with any client and she said yes, she never had an issue or felt the need to hide the money.
Maybe because shes not a size 8  :lol:

To OP, maybe you can put the money somewhere in your room, like a drawer for example, so you dont have to leave the room?

Offline Jimmyredcab

It does put you off, but this activity is habit forming and you try to be more careful in future. Such things always seem to happen when you least expect it though.

Jimmy red cab denies it ever happens though, which is amazing. Maybe since, as he boasts, he has been at it for 30 years he is a bit more streetwise than average.

Two points.
First of all, I said it is not common to get robbed, I never said it NEVER happens.

Secondly, I don't boast about punting for over 30 years, not exactly something to be proud of.  :rolleyes:


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Why not get undressed infront of the punter or ask him to?

As for the money aspect - you can get a decent vibe from
The first 60 seconds - I don't know how most folk go but I just usually pay once I arrive and get it out the way

Usually what happens next is:
1- girl dumps cash in a room and gets lost for 60s on way back

2 - girl throws the money on a table infront of a client and starts attending to client

Going to assume your main appointment will be an hour and let's say £150

If someone is going to steal the cash - they wouldn't give u it first

Leaving a client in the room is "time wasting" - having clothes on f the client doesn't ask for clothes is also not professional - bad vibe - let client know that you will be wearing clothes for the client to take off before hand f you can or wear a robe.

Many new punters may want you to be fully clothed. It helps break the ice and allows the client to talk to your face than looking at your tits.

Leaving someone for a
Moment is bad news -
If your worries about the cash it's understandable you leave it in another room
For safety but if your alone then your not really 100% secure anyways.

My advice is to tell client before hand or why not get undressed etc and change when the client is having a shower - that way you don't twiddle your thumbs for a few moments

Note for girl- plenty time wasting tactics can be found on saafe!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 03:38:07 am by Glader »

Offline Strawberry

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Why not get undressed infront of the punter or ask him to?

As for the money aspect - you can get a decent vibe from
The first 60 seconds - I don't know how most folk go but I just usually pay once I arrive and get it out the way

Usually what happens next is:
1- girl dumps cash in a room and gets lost for 60s on way back

2 - girl throws the money on a table infront of a client and starts attending to client

Going to assume your main appointment will be an hour and let's say £150

If someone is going to steal the cash - they wouldn't give u it first

Leaving a client in the room is "time wasting" - having clothes on f the client doesn't ask for clothes is also not professional - bad vibe - let client know that you will be wearing clothes for the client to take off before hand f you can or wear a robe.

Many new punters may want you to be fully clothed. It helps break the ice and allows the client to talk to your face than looking at your tits.

Leaving someone for a
Moment is bad news -
If your worries about the cash it's understandable you leave it in another room
For safety but if your alone then your not really 100% secure anyways.

My advice is to tell client before hand or why not get undressed etc and change when the client is having a shower - that way you don't twiddle your thumbs for a few moments

Note for girl- plenty time wasting tactics can be found on saafe!

Utter rubbish. There are numerous cases I know of where the punter has taken the cash back, and sometimes more depending on where it's been left, two of whom are pretty notorious. It happens to new and experienced WGs alike.

My advice is have somewhere you can put it where it's not going to be temptation to take it back, or be taken back without your knowledge and not anywhere where there are other valuables. This should only take 30 seconds. Sometimes you can combine it with getting a drink if he so wants one. Another mistake some make is having their handbag out in say the kitchen - too much temptation and very basic security.

Regards the buzzer as Dani says get it fixed. I had to work once with a broken buzzer and it was a nightmare. There was actually 2 entrances to the block, so I sent clients to the entrance where the buzzer worked, I'd explain the buzzer in the car park didn't work, please come to the front, many misunderstood or forgot, ended up at the one that didn't work and would then buzz every other flat until someone let them in. The company who came to fix the buzzer required access to the flat, but wouldn't phone me when on the way as agreed, so turned up randomly when I was with someone and spent twenty minutes pressing the bell that work, whilst I apologised to the client. The company did exactly the same again, second time I was out so I gave up with them.

How about you wear a smart wrap or shift dress, or get a long wooly cardigan to put over your skimpies?Most men really like the 'dressed' up look and it enables you to go collect them. I have a big coat I can chuck on if I need to go outside to rescue anyone, one which covers any visible stocking tops. That reminds me I need to pick it up from the dry cleaners! :cool:

Isn't this getting a bit like saafe? :D


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Isn't this getting a bit like saafe? :D

God no, please anything but that.

Seriously though,  the OP was talking about,  what would make it better for the punter and how to make them comfortable,  which is a fair question.  What is good for her safety etc, has been mentioned by others and as you said is more  SAAFE territory. Although the two do overlap,  no point punting with a nervous and jumpy prossie.

Offline Strawberry

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One girl I knew would simply toss the money on to a table with the greatest of insouciance, which I found quite charming.

If the guy is your regular there's no need to stash the money away. You can just put it on a table in the same room.

Otherwise, if the landlord won't fix the buzzer, pay for it yourself.

With a WG's hourly rates, you can more than afford it.

This is another misbelief, I have heard of several incidents where established regulars have suddenly turned and stolen(and also done other things), so depends on how whether you can stand a loss from a good regular.

The trick is to be aware, and vigilant whilst making the punter feel at ease and this is quite possible! You guys only know how you behave, and not everyone is the same.

I've just read the post where the OP explains there is no option to pay for the buzzer being fixed. In this case I'd just find a throw over dress and go great them at the door.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 08:21:39 am by Strawberry »


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in my opinion if this is a real Pro$$ie she would be foolish to now post her link as she has stated that she works alone, and will refund the cash if feels  threatened, she states she has done this twice when  clients have tried to force her to do bareback.

I'm sure if she told admin who  she was he could then imform us she is legit and that would be an end to it, as the site owner I'm sure he would not reveal her idenity

just my thoughts  :hi:


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The OP has explained already that it isn't just a simple and cheap matter of fixing the buzzer - the whole front door was replaced and I presume that the electronic locks were chucked in the process and possibly the wiring around the entrance chopped. Unless you can find a company willing to just supply new electronic locks for the front door and link it in to the existing wiring to see if that works  (Feasible if you can find the right person) then she will be paying for the whole building to be rewired and a new entry system to be installed to all the flats....not cheap..

On the money front: some people get nervous by girls leaving the room at the start to stash the cash so don't do it but leave the money somewhere you can pick it up at "half time" when you go out to freshen up, or hide it in the room if he goes out to freshen up.  If the guy wants you dressed in a certain way that is not conducive to you answering the communal door then explain that you will be in civvies when you greet him and you will change once you are safely back into the apartment - and impress on him that this doesn't come out of his time... Then give him the choice of you changing into his request in the same room or going out and coming back dressed as required (if the latter, take the cash with you).

As for the cash stash, I would have multiple places to store it - the present punters cash and an 1/2 hr amount from the guy before - then if a robbery attempt is made you have just been having a quiet day....

Offline Jimmyredcab

Going to assume your main appointment will be an hour and let's say £150

If someone is going to steal the cash - they wouldn't give u it first

Complete nonsense.    :dash: :dash: :dash:

If the punter does not hand over the cash he is unlikely to get to shag her.

Stashing the money does not provide 100% security, the guy could simply pull out a knife and demand the money back along with any other cash she has taken that day ------------------ unless the pimp is on the premises. 


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No one has mentioned any rules, I've just called out a TROLL  :timeout

I may have missed something here but at what point has she trolled the forum?

Well the Jury is still out but for a brand new member (18 posts) she has mastered how to post on here, including multiple quotes.  :rolleyes:

I'm also a new member but it isn't rocket science to work out how to do multiple quotes. Even easier if you have used any other kind of forum before.

Offline ForrestGump

I don't see any evidence of mischief or or abuse of other forum members to justify the accusations that missfilan's a troll. And there's already a lot of privileged information about her set up. So it's inappropriate to pressurise her into revealing her aw profile purely for personal safety reasons imo. I say live and let live.

Rochdull lad

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I may have missed something here but at what point has she trolled the forum?

Come on, StT; surely you know by now that that's James' function on here! ;)

When I first posted on here, his avatar was a jar of Marmite.  I thought that was a lovely piece of self-depracatory humour on his part.

Offline Quatro

Unless it's a hotel punt it's almost 100% normal for the girl to disappear for a minute or two in my experience.

Doesn't create any issues for me as long as it's quick, but I suppose some might find it irksome.

Bob Cratchit

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I had a hotel meet where she had to leave the room for a good five plus minutes. Open handbag full of brown envelopes right in front of me in plain sight. Should have said something really, but scolding her about security may have spoilt the mood.


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Come on, StT; surely you know by now that that's James' function on here! ;)

When I first posted on here, his avatar was a jar of Marmite.  I thought that was a lovely piece of self-depracatory humour on his part.

And he does a damn fine job of keeping the forum clear of trolls, which is not an easy job as it becomes more and more popular and well known.

Offline Jimmyredcab

And he does a damn fine job of keeping the forum clear of trolls, which is not an easy job as it becomes more and more popular and well known.

James999 is not always right but I would say he is right 90% of the time, not a bad average.    :hi:


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James999 is not always right but I would say he is right 90% of the time, not a bad average.    :hi:

I know he has a great track record but I think on this one he has got it wrong. Time will tell I suppose but I haven't seen anything posted that suggests a troll or troublemaker so far.


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I know he has a great track record but I think on this one he has got it wrong. Time will tell I suppose but I haven't seen anything posted that suggests a troll or troublemaker so far.

And you may well be right,  but it is part of the screening process,  I hope the OP stays and contributes. People get pushed and prodded to see how they react. It's not always nice to watch but it is necessary imo.


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the touts/pimps and anti-UKP trolls are a cancer which has to be treated in the most aggressive manner or UKP will slip into the PN malaise in which punters are treated as second class citizens.

 Vorian I think you already summed this up nicely.....

Offline Dani

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 I will look into this on Monday with the council before I approach the landlord. I hope this is a standard rule for all council areas as that would be the best way of getting the work done.

No point approaching your landlord as it is not down to him to fix it.  It is down to the management company.  The one your landlord pays each year to keep up the area, to clean the communal areas and windows and to put the bins in and out.  Their number is always either on the door or in the hallway.  They are the ones responsible and they know that there has to be a way for emergency services to be let into the building in case of emergencies.  Be it Police ambulance or Fire brigade. 


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No point approaching your landlord as it is not down to him to fix it.  It is down to the management company.  The one your landlord pays each year to keep up the area, to clean the communal areas and windows and to put the bins in and out.  Their number is always either on the door or in the hallway.  They are the ones responsible and they know that there has to be a way for emergency services to be let into the building in case of emergencies.  Be it Police ambulance or Fire brigade.

walk down any street which has buzzers and there will be maintenance companies sticking their stickers on the buzzer if it fucks up.

phone them and get it sorted. wont cost alot.


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My advice is have somewhere you can put it where it's not going to be temptation to take it back, or be taken back without your knowledge and not anywhere where there are other valuables. This should only take 30 seconds. Sometimes you can combine it with getting a drink if he so wants one. Another mistake some make is having their handbag out in say the kitchen - too much temptation and very basic security.

If only working girls count count to thirty. Usually its near 5 mins which raises concerns:
if the TV is on a punter might assume someone else is in the house

Theres no ideal way to stash the cash and come back. If its prompt its never a worry but getting dressed or something after the client has turned up is a piss-take as escorts always want clients to get in on time whereas they aren't ready themselves obviously leads to time wasting tactics.


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Note for girl- plenty time wasting tactics can be found on saafe!

I am very quick and do not factor this into the booking. My concern was solely about how a client would feel being left alone (eg. Anticipating a scam or robbery etc) and it has been useful to find that most people expect it to some degree. When I worked from home, the only time a client was left alone was when they took a shower so it is a new way of working for me and I wanted to gauge opinion so as not to cause an unnecessary anxiety in clients who have never met me before.

How about you wear a smart wrap or shift dress, or get a long wooly cardigan to put over your skimpies?Most men really like the 'dressed' up look and it enables you to go collect them.

Thanks strawberry, some great ideas there.   :)

This is another misbelief, I have heard of several incidents where established regulars have suddenly turned and stolen(and also done other things), so depends on how whether you can stand a loss from a good regular.

The trick is to be aware, and vigilant whilst making the punter feel at ease and this is quite possible! You guys only know how you behave, and not everyone is the same.

I've just read the post where the OP explains there is no option to pay for the buzzer being fixed. In this case I'd just find a throw over dress and go great them at the door.

So far I have not had any money taken but perfume, underwear and men's deodorant have all been taken by regulars who you would least expect to do something like that.  :thumbsdown:

in my opinion if this is a real Pro$$ie she would be foolish to now post her link as she has stated that she works alone, and will refund the cash if feels  threatened, she states she has done this twice when  clients have tried to force her to do bareback.

I'm sure if she told admin who  she was he could then imform us she is legit and that would be an end to it, as the site owner I'm sure he would not reveal her idenity

just my thoughts  :hi:

I would not feel able to post freely if there was a chance that clients could google me. Also like you said, it would be very foolish to post a link as people could easily seek me out knowing the above and try to take advantage. Regarding admin knowing my work name, that is something I would consider however that would be placing a lot of trust in someone who is not legally bound to maintain confidence and I am not sure that I would be comfortable with that.

The OP has explained already that it isn't just a simple and cheap matter of fixing the buzzer - the whole front door was replaced and I presume that the electronic locks were chucked in the process and possibly the wiring around the entrance chopped. Unless you can find a company willing to just supply new electronic locks for the front door and link it in to the existing wiring to see if that works  (Feasible if you can find the right person) then she will be paying for the whole building to be rewired and a new entry system to be installed to all the flats....not cheap..

Yes it would be no small task and very expensive. I am very surprised that all the other flats agreed to have it taken out in the first place. It can't be fun coming down from the top floor just to let someone in every time.

And thank you to Forest Gump and Seeking The Truth  :drinks:

I had a hotel meet where she had to leave the room for a good five plus minutes. Open handbag full of brown envelopes right in front of me in plain sight. Should have said something really, but scolding her about security may have spoilt the mood.

Crazy woman! It never fails to amaze me when clients leave their valuables including wallets in the room when they take a shower. Some people are way too trusting and even clients who say they have been scammed in the past do not seem to have learned from the experience.

No point approaching your landlord as it is not down to him to fix it.  It is down to the management company.  The one your landlord pays each year to keep up the area, to clean the communal areas and windows and to put the bins in and out.  Their number is always either on the door or in the hallway.  They are the ones responsible and they know that there has to be a way for emergency services to be let into the building in case of emergencies.  Be it Police ambulance or Fire brigade.

Sorry Dani, I meant that I would get onto the council on Monday regarding regulations and then approach the landlord again armed with the info. I have looked in communal areas and can not find any info regarding any management company. It was my understanding that the landlords were jointly responsible rather than there being an outside company because there is a cleaner employed by my landlord and he only cleans outside my flat and the two others owned by him and not the whole block. Will do some digging and find out for sure.

getting dressed or something after the client has turned up is a piss-take as escorts always want clients to get in on time whereas they aren't ready themselves obviously leads to time wasting tactics.

Absolutely, I am dressed already so just take the top layer off in a whip and fling motion lol


  • Guest
Isn't this getting a bit like saafe?

Starting to look that way  :vomit:


  • Guest
Starting to look that way  :vomit:

If I had asked this on Saafe then I doubt very much that I would have got such constructive feedback. The advice would have been for me to set the rules and for the client to like it or lump it. That is the impression I have got from some of the posts on there.  Thats not the way I like to work and as the client pays good money to see me then I must be adaptable and be willing to try different approaches to ensure that the entire experience is positive rather than just the activities on offer.  I have only been doing this since October and so it's pretty much a constant evolvement. I started out by following much of the advice on Saafe but found that some of the approaches were putting clients off and my own style was lost in the midst of rules, do's and dont's. No offence to Saafe members, it does have its place and can be a very helpful resource but there is no balance of opinions and it felt very much like it must be their way or it's wrong.

Offline Dani

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Well I post on Saafe and would say the same there as I would here.  I don't leave the room to put the money somewhere else.  I pop it into a drawer next to the bed.  If a client is the sort to steal or rob you then he is also the sort that will as jimmy said take a knife to your throat.  However you do get the odd chancer hence I put it in a drawer but personally I find it shouts I don't trust you if I leave the room to hide the money.

If he is the sort to attack you to get all your money then he only knows for sure that the money he gave you to put in the drawer is all you have and I would sooner lose one bookings worth of money than say a busy days worth.

Everyone is different so you can only do what you feel is best and no one can tell you how to work but even if you do put the money away it should take 30 seconds at most and his booking time starts when you get back in the room
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:43:26 pm by Dani »

Offline Strawberry

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If I had asked this on Saafe then I doubt very much that I would have got such constructive feedback. The advice would have been for me to set the rules and for the client to like it or lump it. That is the impression I have got from some of the posts on there.  Thats not the way I like to work and as the client pays good money to see me then I must be adaptable and be willing to try different approaches to ensure that the entire experience is positive rather than just the activities on offer.  I have only been doing this since October and so it's pretty much a constant evolvement. I started out by following much of the advice on Saafe but found that some of the approaches were putting clients off and my own style was lost in the midst of rules, do's and dont's. No offence to Saafe members, it does have its place and can be a very helpful resource but there is no balance of opinions and it felt very much like it must be their way or it's wrong.

You need to pick the things that work for you - I find a variety of places better than just one. I also fish around on other ladies' websites, listen to clients and ask ladies who I think know what they are doing for ideas.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 05:44:26 pm by Strawberry »