Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Being left alone by a wg  (Read 10161 times)


  • Guest
Hi everyone I am a working girl and have been reading your posts with interest. This forum has been an invaluable source of information and opinions from the clients perspective and so a huge thanks to you all.

I have until recently been working from home. I would answer the door in my escort clothes and after taking payment from a client, I could discretely leave this in the kitchen before we went into the bedroom (both ground floor). This always worked out fine and never caused any problems.

Since working from a separate incall apartment I have two problems that I did not foresee. The outer door to the apartment block has been changed and no longer works with the door entry buzzer system (Landlord failed to mention this before signing contract). This means I can no longer greet clients wearing only my escort clothes as I personally let them in the main doors and walk them to my apartment. Payment tends to happen once we are upstairs and I excuse myself for a second to place this in a separate room and quickly remove my outer layer of civvy clothes before returning.

I am concerned that my absence will cause unnecessary alarm for clients who may have had a previous negative experience and it causes an interruption to the booking flowing smoothly. This was apparent recently with a client who was very nervous due to previous two punts being scammed out of money once the wg in question took the payment and left the room. I am also concerned about leaving people waiting in general as it is not the way I like to work. Moving apartments is not an option and the buzzer system is now redundant with no plans to fix in the future.

What are your opinions on wgs who leave the room to put the money somewhere safe as opposed to leaving it in plain view?

Would any of you be put off by paying money downstairs before you have even seen the bedroom. Would this feel cold and too business like?

If you were my client, would it bother you that I need a minute to remove my outer layer of civvie clothes? Would you prefer I did this in the room with you? Or disappear for a minute and return ready?

In general what are your thoughts on being left alone for a few mins, does it make you nervous or am I worrying about nothing? Any thoughts, ideas or experiences from a punters point of view would be very much appreciated.

Thank you and apologies for the longish post!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 12:10:07 pm by Missfilan »


  • Guest
Just in case there is any confusion, my apartment is a duplex hence the upstairs.


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  • Guest
I think the vast majority of people wouldn't have an issue with this as I would be amazed if the WG did leave the money in the room. Sounds like you just had a nervous punter.

Offline bigjim

I have been left alome many times and as long as it dosent take more than a couple of minutes then there is no problem with it

as for the money in the room for me its not an issue but i can understand you wanting to put it out of the way


Offline welshpanther

My suggestion would be to strip off the outer layers before leaving the room, and maybe offer a drink. If you leave the room in a state of undress then it is more obvious that the you are happy that nothing is amiss.

Offline mh

I have been left alome many times and as long as it dosent take more than a couple of minutes then there is no problem with it

If it takes longer than 30 seconds I presume it is a time-wasting tactic. There's no need at all for it to take even a minute.


  • Guest
With the greatest of respect James, I am not here looking for business and so have no want or need to post links to my profile or website.  I am genuinely here because it is the only forum I have found that will give an honest view rather than someone telling me to just do what works for me when that is not necessarily best for my clients.

@seekingthetruth thanks for the reply. He was very nervous which is not surprising given what happened. I was already feeling that I needed to tweak my way of working and then seeing him has made me question it even more.

Offline Jimmyredcab

"I would answer the door in my escort clothes"

What exactly are "escort clothes".      :unknown: :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

It is quite normal for the girl to leave the room to stash the money ------------ unless the client is a known regular.   :hi:

Offline ForrestGump

The lack of ability to open the communal door remotely sounds like a right pita. Imo you should be more concerned about reducing the amount of time your punters spend standing outside that communal door. This, I know from personal experience, seems to feel like an eternity, especially if the door is overlooked. That's more likely to get a nervous punter feeling uneasy.

The bit about taking the money and then leaving the room briefly to file it is what all punters expect to happen.


  • Guest
With the greatest of respect James, I am not here looking for business

I did not mention business, I asked what your profile name is  :hi:
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 01:11:47 pm by James999 »


  • Guest
The lack of ability to open the communal door remotely sounds like a right pita. Imo you should be more concerned about reducing the amount of time your punters spend standing outside that communal door. This, I know from personal experience, seems to feel like an eternity, especially if the door is overlooked. That's more likely to get a nervous punter feeling uneasy.

The bit about taking the money and then leaving the room briefly to file it is what all punters expect to happen.

Agreed the wait at the door can seem like forever particularly for a new punter, the room issue not so much a problem if you are quick 30 seconds no more or it also becomes a time wasting issue and will make the guy even more nervous because of the door. The entry to a building for a punt, can be a big issue for some guys, I would suggest you push the landlord with this matter if you want to help your punters. If you can not get this fixed quickly, then communicate before hand what will happen so the punter is not caught on the hop.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Agreed the wait at the door can seem like forever particularly for a new punter, the room issue not so much a problem if you are quick 30 seconds no more or it also becomes a time wasting issue and will make the guy even more nervous because of the door. The entry to a building for a punt, can be a big issue for some guys, I would suggest you push the landlord with this matter if you want to help your punters.

The landlord may be curious as to why this is such a big issue.    :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
The landlord may be curious as to why this is such a big issue.    :thumbsdown:

Maybe, but if I was paying rent, I would want all the services working, and if they weren't I would push the landlord.  :unknown: Seems reasonable to me.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Maybe, but if I was paying rent, I would want all the services working, and if they weren't I would push the landlord.  :unknown: Seems reasonable to me.

Yes, but you would not be using the flat for "business" purposes.    :hi: :hi:


  • Guest
Yes, but you would not be using the flat for "business" purposes.    :hi: :hi:

You make a fair point Jimmy.


  • Guest

Offline inch

Almost universally the WG has left the room to stash the money in my experience. I've never had an issue with it - it's understandable to me that she'd want to keep it somewhere out of reach in case I turned out to be a loon and wanted to 'get myself a refund'.

I think the suggestion above is the best. Give the punter a brief kiss - take off a little of your clothing and then explain you are leaving the room to put the money away and finish getting undressed.

But then, I'm not of the mind that every second a WG isn't hoovering my cock is time wasted. For me it's about a relaxed and enjoyable experience, not a conveyor-belt fuck that had better take every one of my allotted 3600-seconds.


  • Guest
Thanks everyone, I did not to get so many replies so soon  :)

Regarding the door it is a pain but it a few have commented that it is nice to be greeted there rather than walking into an unknown situation. I ask people to call me when they reach the corner of the street and then head towards my building. By the the time they reach the door I am there so waiting so it's never an issue. It is a very discrete building with the entrance set back from the street. That's one of the main reasons why I chose it.

I have already asked the landlord and his hands are tied. The door was replaced at the request of all the other tenants due to issues with security apparently. My landlord owns 3 apartments out of 20 and so is outnumbered. Apart from this the place is perfect, I just wish I had known before as it would have been a deal breaker.

Escort clothes aka pros side clothes lol = short dress with suspenders or hold ups, not really what I want to get seen in if a neighbour passes me on the stairs. I have never bumped into anyone but it's not worth the risk.

It's good to know that it is expected for a wg to leave the room with the payment. I had got the impression (perhaps wrongly) from some of the posts here that it was generally frowned upon.

When I leave the room I am very quick as it's just a case of removing the top layer. I will definitely consider doing that in the room but thought it might seem a bit rushed and not particularly sexy and so avoided it.

And James, you would only google my name so it would be the same as posting a link lol

Offline Happyjose

Why don't you pay for the door buzzer to be fixed yourself. You could ask the landlord to deduct the cost from your rent over a period, but why bother as I'm sure a successful WG can more than afford it, and it's less likely to put punters off from returning or posting negative reviews.


  • Guest
Yes my landlord would think its weird if I push for something to change that everyone else is happy with. I would rather keep my head down (no pun intended) until my tenancy is up.

I would pay for the door but my landlord does not own the building and as there are multiple landlords and private owners then the majority rules. Also if I paid and one of the other tenants damaged it by misuse (previous problem) then it would be a grey area on who would be responsible for maintenance and repairs. It's not the buzzer that's the problem, they changed the doors completely which makes it redundant. It would cost thousands for a whole new door entry.

Offline Matium

One girl I knew would simply toss the money on to a table with the greatest of insouciance, which I found quite charming.

If the guy is your regular there's no need to stash the money away. You can just put it on a table in the same room.

Otherwise, if the landlord won't fix the buzzer, pay for it yourself.

With a WG's hourly rates, you can more than afford it.


  • Guest
I would have thought that you could remove your Civvy clothes in the bedroom first and then pop out for a few seconds to stash the money. If you explain before you disappear you should be okay.

The reason clients will get nervous is that they might start thinking that instead of you coming back, some burly bloke is going to appear and rob them/throw them out. That's happened to me (more than once) and I am personally very wary of girls doing a disappearing act before we have established any rapport. I stand my ground when it happens and unfortunately it can get very nasty, but it's a risk you take going to unknown and untested incalls. It's a common scam in the sense that there are groups who tour the country doing it in different areas. I've seen some old posts on the subject.


  • Guest
I like the idea of removing some clothing and then leaving briefly.

Refunding a client would not be an issue for me as I would rather do that if someone was unhappy than have a confrontation.  would be upset to find that it was taken without my knowledge by someone who just did not want to pay. I think I have got so used to doing things a certain way at home that everything in the new place feels alien and it has probably knocked my confidence a little.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I would have thought that you could remove your Civvy clothes in the bedroom first and then pop out for a few seconds to stash the money. If you explain before you disappear you should be okay.

The reason clients will get nervous is that they might start thinking that instead of you coming back, some burly bloke is going to appear and rob them/throw them out. That's happened to me (more than once) and I am personally very wary of girls doing a disappearing act before we have established any rapport. I stand my ground when it happens and unfortunately it can get very nasty, but it's a risk you take going to unknown and untested incalls. It's a common scam in the sense that there are groups who tour the country doing it in different areas. I've seen some old posts on the subject.

Total complete nonsense.
It's not that common, if it were we would be reading about it all the time on here.    :crazy: :crazy:

Offline CBPaul

Not very discrete for the OP to have to go to the main door to let every punter in. If the landlord won't fix it wait for the contract to run its course and move on.

By working clothes I guess you mean underwear of some description. Or a latex nurses outfit with fuck off massive enema. There has been a recent thread about clothing which you may find interesting. Personally I prefer civvy clothes as I wrote on that thread.

It wouldn't bother me if you left the room to stash the cash. Quite a few have kept the cash in the room and of course they have to if the punt is in a hotel. It doesn't have to be in plain sight. I'd also find nothing wrong if you took the civvy clothes off in the room, you can make that part of your usual process quite easily. The main worry if you spend too long in another room is the punter thinking that the clock is ticking and you should be getting down to business. 

Offline LanceVance

I would concur with those who say get it done yourself and ask for a deduction in rent if the landlord still won't budge. In the mean time you could incorporate the need to initially wear civvies into your business with 'real girl' schtick that punters would go for. Many guys like a naturally sexy appearance anyway, so meeting a punter in a tight pair of jeans and a shirt could make a guy much less nervous once he sees you.  :hi:


  • Guest
Regular clients tend to pay me downstairs or on the way out as we are comfortable around each other and so just go with the flo.

@Aspen, that is exactly where I am coming from. I have heard some horror stories from clients and I think it is a lot more common than realised. People tend not to post out of embarrassment or fear of reprisals and quite often the bookings are taken in a way that feedback can't be left unless you know all about the punting forums which many don't.

The guy who saw me recently had two very bad experiences and as his English was not great, he did not know how to report these incidents without involving the police. One involved a woman who left the room with the money, took a loud call on her phone and then ran in to say her mum was in hospital and her boyfriend was on his way to collect her. Next thing he knows, this very large and aggressive man storms in an asks him who he was and why he was there before punching him and telling him to get out of the house. He left and she followed to tell him he had paid for her time and it wasn't her fault she was now busy. The other one was a girl who promised him all the services he wanted and then refused them all as soon as the money was handed over. She threatened to call the police and report him for rape if he didn't leave. As he was going a car full of men pulled up and he ran.

I was amazed that someone with two bad experiences and such a nervous disposition would carry on when there were no positive ones to counteract them. It would have put me off for life.


  • Guest
It seems too "massage parlour" for my liking, but I do see your POV and if you gotta get drinks at same time then no problem I guess.  I just don't see this MO these days with outcall/hotel room bookings.


  • Guest
Money is never an issue with me, I find that most (good) girls are happy to take the cash after the service has been given on repeat visits.

and I don't see any great advantage to hiding it in another room, if the punter kicks off and wants his money back is it not better to give it back than to risk injury to yourself or home

or are you going to fight a irate client off risking injury, also whats to stop him looking for the cash and then finding your entire days stash.  far better to toss the cash on a table and not leave the room in my opinion

hope this helps

Offline smiths

Hi everyone I am a working girl and have been reading your posts with interest. This forum has been an invaluable source of information and opinions from the clients perspective and so a huge thanks to you all.

I have until recently been working from home. I would answer the door in my escort clothes and after taking payment from a client, I could discretely leave this in the kitchen before we went into the bedroom (both ground floor). This always worked out fine and never caused any problems.

Since working from a separate incall apartment I have two problems that I did not foresee. The outer door to the apartment block has been changed and no longer works with the door entry buzzer system (Landlord failed to mention this before signing contract). This means I can no longer greet clients wearing only my escort clothes as I personally let them in the main doors and walk them to my apartment. Payment tends to happen once we are upstairs and I excuse myself for a second to place this in a separate room and quickly remove my outer layer of civvy clothes before returning.

I am concerned that my absence will cause unnecessary alarm for clients who may have had a previous negative experience and it causes an interruption to the booking flowing smoothly. This was apparent recently with a client who was very nervous due to previous two punts being scammed out of money once the wg in question took the payment and left the room. I am also concerned about leaving people waiting in general as it is not the way I like to work. Moving apartments is not an option and the buzzer system is now redundant with no plans to fix in the future.

What are your opinions on wgs who leave the room to put the money somewhere safe as opposed to leaving it in plain view?

Would any of you be put off by paying money downstairs before you have even seen the bedroom. Would this feel cold and too business like?

If you were my client, would it bother you that I need a minute to remove my outer layer of civvie clothes? Would you prefer I did this in the room with you? Or disappear for a minute and return ready?

In general what are your thoughts on being left alone for a few mins, does it make you nervous or am I worrying about nothing? Any thoughts, ideas or experiences from a punters point of view would be very much appreciated.

Thank you and apologies for the longish post!

I am always cautious and suspicious with newbie WGs to me whatever their incall set-up. Speed of return is the top priority for me, it takes literally no more than a minute to stash the cash so you should return ready to punt within a minute in my view. The longer i am left waiting the more suspicious i become. Some WGs use this time as a timewasting tactic though of course so i always bear that in mind.


  • Guest
Total complete nonsense.
It's not that common, if it were we would be reading about it all the time on here.

It's not total complete nonsense. I encountered one of these in Bedford just over a year ago, and I noticed the following week they were operating in Northampton using the same AW profile, and then a few days after that in Peterborough.

It happens. You denying that it does will not help people stay alert.


  • Guest
It's not total complete nonsense. I encountered one of these in Bedford just over a year ago, and I noticed the following week they were operating in Northampton using the same AW profile, and then a few days after that in Peterborough.

It happens. You denying that it does will not help people stay alert.

Not saying it does not happen, just that it is a rare exception and not common. Punting is a risk of course, but a B&S or a lackluster service is more a danger than being robbed.


  • Guest
Some great ideas and interesting points here! Thank you.

I will definitely be moving on when the tenancy runs out next year. The really annoying thing is that it took me a long time to find what I thought was the right place.

Lol at the nurses outfit with enema! :D I would feel incredibly silly wearing a uniform or PVC and dress sexy provocative whilst remaining demure. I never greet clients in lingerie, it's usually a loose fitting dress that skims the hold ups. I have been throwing a pair of jeans on to meet people but never considered turning that into a plus point until now with real girl shtick (love the phrase)

I'm not quite sure what was mean by the massage parlour comment as I have no experience of working in one.


  • Guest
I was amazed that someone with two bad experiences and such a nervous disposition would carry on when there were no positive ones to counteract them. It would have put me off for life.

It does put you off, but this activity is habit forming and you try to be more careful in future. Such things always seem to happen when you least expect it though.

Jimmy red cab denies it ever happens though, which is amazing. Maybe since, as he boasts, he has been at it for 30 years he is a bit more streetwise than average. But we all have to start somewhere, and it is easy in the face of sweet talk from someone who is offering sex to forget the hidden dangers. I've actually seen someone else robbed just as I was arriving at a house in Leicester for a booking. That was a very sobering moment.


  • Guest
Some great ideas and interesting points here! Thank you.

I will definitely be moving on when the tenancy runs out next year. The really annoying thing is that it took me a long time to find what I thought was the right place.

Lol at the nurses outfit with enema! :D I would feel incredibly silly wearing a uniform or PVC and dress sexy provocative whilst remaining demure. I never greet clients in lingerie, it's usually a loose fitting dress that skims the hold ups. I have been throwing a pair of jeans on to meet people but never considered turning that into a plus point until now with real girl shtick (love the phrase)

I'm not quite sure what was mean by the massage parlour comment as I have no experience of working in one.

Talking to a few WGs the recent clothing topic was an eye opener for many when it comes to punters likes.

Offline CBPaul

Not saying it does not happen, just that it is a rare exception and not common. Punting is a risk of course, but a B&S or a lackluster service is more a danger than being robbed.

Spot on  :thumbsup:

Being picky over the wording, of course this sort of thing happens but it's certainly not common.

Offline socks

Missfilan I much prefer civvie clothes and as a previous poster mentioned there's a thread on it which suggests that loads of punters feel the same way. Why not check with each punter what they want in advance and if you get a civvie style like me then all you need do is slip the fresh session undies on, get dressed and get to the door.

So many of us just want the girl/milf next door package but with the certainty of prescribed GFE/PSE activity when the present is unwrapped. So no idea who or where you are but if I visited you I'd be well happy with jeans and t-shirt, skirt and shirt, or a nice everyday dress, plain clean undies beneath, you stopping off on the way to the room to stash the money away from any wankers' discount schemes and then jumping on me as soon as the door closes behind you. HTH  :rose:

Offline CBPaul

Some great ideas and interesting points here! Thank you.

I will definitely be moving on when the tenancy runs out next year. The really annoying thing is that it took me a long time to find what I thought was the right place.

Lol at the nurses outfit with enema! :D I would feel incredibly silly wearing a uniform or PVC and dress sexy provocative whilst remaining demure. I never greet clients in lingerie, it's usually a loose fitting dress that skims the hold ups. I have been throwing a pair of jeans on to meet people but never considered turning that into a plus point until now with real girl shtick (love the phrase)

I'm not quite sure what was mean by the massage parlour comment as I have no experience of working in one.

A nice pair of jeans sounds great to me.

Just a tip, you mention that the tenancy runs out next year, personally, from the tenants point of view, I wouldn't go for a term longer than 6 months at first. Make sure you are happy with the place before going to a longer contract period and even then give it a lot of thought, you could end up paying a lot if you have to move out.


  • Guest
Missfilan I much prefer civvie clothes and as a previous poster mentioned there's a thread on it which suggests that loads of punters feel the same way. Why not check with each punter what they want in advance and if you get a civvie style like me then all you need do is slip the fresh session undies on, get dressed and get to the door.

So many of us just want the girl/milf next door package but with the certainty of prescribed GFE/PSE activity when the present is unwrapped. So no idea who or where you are but if I visited you I'd be well happy with jeans and t-shirt, skirt and shirt, or a nice everyday dress, plain clean undies beneath, you stopping off on the way to the room to stash the money away from any wankers' discount schemes and then jumping on me as soon as the door closes behind you. HTH  :rose:

Yep, that all sounds good to me.  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
And James, you would only google my name so it would be the same as posting a link lol

Nothing comes up on Google

My Troll detector is still twitching  :hi:


  • Guest
I'm not quite sure what was mean by the massage parlour comment as I have no experience of working in one.

After choosing a girl she'd lead you upstairs to a room then take money and go back downstairs to (I guess) give to the madam.  So always a disconnect and a loss of time.  Too clinical IMO.

I have been throwing a pair of jeans on to meet people but never considered turning that into a plus point until now with real girl shtick (love the phrase)
I prefer to see girls in casual, comfy clothes and request it.  Although this is often ignored.

Offline CBPaul

I prefer to see girls in casual, comfy clothes and request it.  Although this is often ignored.

Yes, all too often it is ignored or sod all effort is made.


  • Guest
I think I have the quote function sussed now.

it is easy in the face of sweet talk from someone who is offering sex to forget the hidden dangers.

I think there is so much emphasis on the safety of the wgs that it is easy to forget that punters are taking a huge risk too.

or are you going to fight a irate client off risking injury, also whats to stop him looking for the cash and then finding your entire days stash.

Definitely not worth a confrontation. I have given 2 refunds to guys who have pushed for and demanded bareback mid punt. Both occasions I felt unsafe due to their demeaner, gave a refund and told them to leave. Neither asked for one but I just wanted them gone with minimal fuss.

The longer i am left waiting the more suspicious i become. Some WGs use this time as a timewasting tactic though of course so i always bear that in mind.

I had not considered that before today as I am very relaxed regarding time. The booking does not start until chat, drinks, shower and money have all taken place. I quite often run over time too but don't mind too much as long as they are not purposely taking the pee. I will definitely emphasise this more now so that they won't fear missing out on private time.

Talking to a few WGs the recent clothing topic was an eye opener for many when it comes to punters likes.

I am off to search for it now, it sounds like an interesting read.

Why not check with each punter what they want in advance and if you get a civvie style like me then all you need do is slip the fresh session undies on, get dressed and get to the door.

So many of us just want the girl/milf next door package but with the certainty of prescribed GFE/PSE activity when the present is unwrapped. So no idea who or where you are but if I visited you I'd be well happy with jeans and t-shirt, skirt and shirt, or a nice everyday dress, plain clean undies beneath, you stopping off on the way to the room to stash the money away from any wankers' discount schemes and then jumping on me as soon as the door closes behind you. HTH  :rose:

This is so refreshing to hear. I will ask from now on as the only clothing requests I get are for uniforms which I don't do. I thought suspenders or hold ups were the minimum essentials!  I have learned more today than I have since I started. Very enlightening  ;)

Just a tip, you mention that the tenancy runs out next year, personally, from the tenants point of view, I wouldn't go for a term longer than 6 months at first.

Yes lesson well and truly learned on that one. Next time will be a 6 month contract. I had seen that many places that were unsuitable that I overlooked what I thought was a minor compromise as everything else was spot on. Apart from the door which I didn't know about.

Nothing comes up on Google

My Troll detector is still twitching  :hi:

Missfilan is not my working name and I am certainly feeling the twitchy vibe, which is fine as I can see from recent postings that you do get more than your fair share of trouble makers here.  I do not come with any malicious intent and unlike some wgs I do really want to provide the best possible service to my clients. That can only come from insight into punting from a male perspective and so I am very pleased to be here and hope to contribute to the forum.

After choosing a girl she'd lead you upstairs to a room then take money and go back downstairs to (I guess) give to the madam.  So always a disconnect and a loss of time.  Too clinical IMO.
I prefer to see girls in casual, comfy clothes and request it.  Although this is often ignored.

Thank you for clarifying. It's interesting that you mention the disconnect as that was a concern that I couldn't put into words. It interrupts the flow for me and so potentially this would be a problem for them too.


  • Guest
Ok surely there has to be a faster way of doing multiple quotes lol I am opening each one into a new window and copying/pasting them into one reply. Is there an easier way?


  • Guest
Offer your punter a drink, tea, coffee etc. if they accept said offer you will be gone a couple of minutes to make it.
TBH I usually find the ladys disappear for a couple of minutes at beginning anyway.


  • Guest
I have been left alome many times and as long as it dosent take more than a couple of minutes then there is no problem with it

as for the money in the room for me its not an issue but i can understand you wanting to put it out of the way


^^^ This. Except I would say it's every time I've been for a punt, the girl excuses herself for a couple of minutes.


  • Guest
Missfilan is not my working name

Well I'm Calling BULLSHIT on this, you're not a pro$$ie, just someone here to Troll the forum

Hurry and and prove me wrong before your Ban  :hi:


  • Guest
Well I'm Calling BULLSHIT on this, you're not a pro$$ie, just someone here to Troll the forum

Hurry and and prove me wrong before your Ban  :hi:

James I am not sure what I have done that gives you justifiable reason to call me a troll and imply that I am soon to be banned.

I can assure you that I am an independent escort but I have no way of proving this without giving my working name. That is not something that I am happy doing as I am a private person and would not feel free to post in a forum such as this if my posts are linked to my working name.

I have not seen any rule that states that I must do so and as I am not here to tout, I see that it has no relevance to me being here. Imo it's always good to have a balance of opinions from both sides as has been clearly evident from some of the female posters already here.

I respect that this is a punting forum and yet despite numerous girls being banned, I was open about being a wg rather than pretending to be a punter and prepared myself for a backlash. I have been very pleasantly surprised by the response on here and yet I somehow seem to have offended you. As a new member, I obviously can't start off with a large amount of posts behind me. I have come here with a very open mind. Perhaps you could afford me the benefit of the doubt rather than just assuming the worst. Not every new female is a troll.