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Author Topic: Advice Needed: Punting When you Have a Wife who has Sex with your all the Time  (Read 4169 times)

Offline MrLo

Hi all,

I’ve been a member of this site for many years and have always been interested in the idea of punting. I came to the forum asking for advice a few years ago and received great advice and support regarding whether to use a WG despite not really needing to (link:

I received great advice from you guys and even had personal messages from purple
Who had gone/were going through the same thing

As an update to that post I can now confirm that I finally went ahead with it and just wanted to make a post giving some advice to non-seasoned punters/guys who are curious but unsure as I was previously by mentioning the two biggest things that played on my mind

Guilt - this was my biggest issue; I was really concerned with not being able to I live with the guilt etc after doing the deed; I think if you’re interested in punting but you are unsure of how you may feel after then don’t bother setting up a meet or risking getting caught with a burner phone etc. It will be a waste of money and hard to explain - considering you would have done nothing other than look through aw profiles. I managed to lose this feeling before my first meet as the “I’ll only live once” mindset took over as I got older and I knew I’d have regret not trying this and being with somebody other than my wife  at least once in my life

Planning the “perfect crime” - there are some great posts and advice here so no need to really discuss how to plan getting away with this: but one consideration I did not make was how to plan for after the encounter. I ended up chickening out of the full experience and ended up just getting a OWO w/ CIM. However what I failed to consider was that if by some horrible luck I have caught something from this I will end up passing this to my wife and it will be clear I have cheated despite never being caught. So if you are planning to do this think of the post testing etc time frame too not just the time frame to get your punt in

Advice Needed from this great community:
I have since gone for a STI test at the GUM clinic but was advised that because I came to them 48 hours after my encounter that the tests wouldn’t really show anything as I needed to wait for 2 weeks before taking the tests for anything to show

How the fuck can I hold off having sex with my wife for 2 weeks + the week it takes for results to come back... plus the follow up week of taking meds if I’ve caught something. Have any of your been in this situation before?

The nurse told me there is a reduced risk of catching an STI from OWO however I’m more
Than weare that there is still a risk and can’t take chances passing this on to my wife

This experience was a great in that in got rid of the curiosity I’ve always had and made me appreciate what I have; I have huge respect for you guys who have then balls of steel and continuously go through this without panicking
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline MrLo

I’m not trolling bud; it was a genuine question to the community

I have a wife who I am happily married to but wanted to try something with a new woman as I had very limited experience with other women

I arranged a punt and bottled it but got OWO CIM

I’m freaking out a bit in case the worse case scenario happens
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Online Doc Holliday

There are many threads on this subject including a very recent one.

To save you time searching for them the consensus of opinion was to just do it in the dark and wear a condom when shagging the missus and she will be safe .... unless she notices of course and then an STI is the least of your worries.

Offline RedKettle

I never have a problem avoiding sex with the OH  :(

I am with James on this thread.

Online wristjob

This experience was a great in that in got rid of the curiosity I’ve always had and made me appreciate what I have; I have huge respect for you guys who have then balls of steel and continuously go through this without panicking

No kidding, I am amazed they don't have a statue of me in the local town for services to punting and the queen has been a bit tight with that CBE.

Offline MrLo

I have no reason to troll - you can even see from my original post years ago that this was something I wanted to do but didn’t need to do (in terms of my wife is sexually actively with me)

Maybe it’s because we are newly married this hasn’t become an issue yet I don’t know

The reason I did this was because I had limited experience with other women and was curious; punting was a way where there was no emotional attachment and where I wouldn’t have to worry about the other person telling my wife

I don’t get why people would think this is a joke or take the piss?
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline Retep64

Pretend that you have hurt your lower back or pulled something down below. You might need to take an acting course or be forced to see a doctor but best way of avoiding giving the true reason. Good thing with a soft injury is that it is easily feigned. Just look at footballers falling over for tips.

Offline winkywanky

Mr. Lo, this might all seem a little more real if you'd actually put up a review of your meet.

And bearing in mind your circumstances (which you have been at pains to explain), some details of how you felt before, during and afterwards wouldn't go amiss.

Then you might actually add a little something to the site, and to your credibility.

Offline MrLo

Thank you both for your responses

I didn’t appreciate that I may have had to add more. I can put up a full review at some point of the WG but in terms of how I felt before/during/afterr is as follows

Before: I was extremely excited in that there was a small window of opportunity available to me whereby I had a reason to be in the same location as the WG (if I bumped into somebody I knew etc I would have reason for being there), my wife was far away from the location and I had nobody keeping tabs on me at work/plans after work whereby people may look for me/contact me. It was the “perfect” opportunity for me and with a WG that had really interested me after about a year of lurking and looking at her review on this site.

I had come to the conclusion that I had only been with 3 women in my life - none of which had the body and what reviews had described and face of this woman. I’ve always looked at my partner and thought would another woman do it differently and how it would feel. After long thought I decided that I would regret not taking this chance and wondering all my life and decided to attempt a meet

Immediately before: I was very nervous, I couldn’t eat and was completely in my own thoughts, my mind was blank and it was as if I was in autopilot forcing myself to not chicken out. The thought of not knowing pushed me forward and I went ahead with the meet

During: As soon as I entered I greeted the WG and after sitting down immediately confessed I was really nervous. She kindly sat me down and asked me why and what I wanted out of the experience (I knew she would be accommodating as I had read this on one of her reviews). She suggested I take a shower and offered me a massage while we spoke. During the booking I kept looking at her thinking she had an incredible body and nice face - I was attracted to her but my dick was essentially numb from nerves; I knew I couldn’t go ahead and have sex with her so I just asked for a blowjob; she kindly performed OWO and after a bit of work was a able to get me hard (not as hard as I could be but still hard) and to climax. We sat and spoke after and then I showered again and left

After: I felt in shock in that I had actually gone ahead with it. I felt a small bit of guilt however I felt that after the experience it had made me more committed to my wife as I no longer have a wondering thought about other women and am now no longer tempted as I know how it feels now. Also I feel as if I won’t have regret in that I’ve done something I’ve always wanted to and calmed my curiosity. She will never find out so it won’t hurt her (bar the Owo thing I mentioned earlier which I have to deal with). The weird thing I found was that the technique used during the owo was very similar
To my wife so to me it’s all the same and has actually made me appreciate my wife more (I expected a WG to give a porn star style BJ stupidly from watching so much porn I guess)

I’m glad I did it but won’t be doing it again - my only concern now is avoiding sex (yes my wife likes
To fuck me) for another 3 weeks while I get tested again

I can’t use a condom as we don’t use them. I know I can just say I’m not feeling it once
Or twice but am freaking out about avoiding for that long

Where I play football I could pretend I took a heavy hit to the nuts I guess but just don’t know what to do

I’d like to think that the WG providing OWO has it in her own interest to be STI free anyway and that the chances of getting something are reduced from OWO anyway but am just being safe as there would
Be no explaining having an STI and passing it on
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline winkywanky

Go to the Home page and click on 'Escort Reviews' for the region in which you saw her.

Then click on the 'New Review' button in the top RH corner of the page.

Write your review there because then not only will others be able to find it, but also other reviews of the same girl will all be linked together so that people can mnake an informed choice about whether they want to see the girl.

Online daviemac

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MrLo, you claim to have caught something, to know this you must have symptoms, if you have symptoms you must be past the incubation period so tests would show what you have.

Why do you need to wait when symptoms are present.    :unknown:

Offline Happyjose

If your wife sucks cock like a whore you can safely cast aside any guilt from your own pecadillos

Offline MrLo

Dave - apologies for the confusion if I have created any. I don’t know if I have caught anything - this is why I went to then the GUM clinic

I had my encounter and then 48 hours after this visited the clinic to get tested to see if I caught something from OWO however the nurse after telling me she would send the urine sample off said to come back after 2 weeks as nothing is likely to show until 14 days after my encounter

I have not had any pain or puss since however from speaking with the nurse this could be because symptoms can take up to 2 weeks to show

My concern is that if I do have something and fuck my wife before
The results are back only to find I have chlamydia or something it will mean I would have oassed this to my wife while awaiting the results and I’ll be fucked

That’s why I’m trying to avoid sex till I have the test again in 10
Days time and get the results back from that which take a week
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Online Doc Holliday

Dave - apologies for the confusion if I have created any. I don’t know if I have caught anything - this is why I went to then the GUM clinic

I had my encounter and then 48 hours after this visited the clinic to get tested to see if I caught something from OWO however the nurse after telling me she would send the urine sample off said to come back after 2 weeks as nothing is likely to show until 14 days after my encounter

I have not had any pain or puss since however from speaking with the nurse this could be because symptoms can take up to 2 weeks to show

My concern is that if I do have something and fuck my wife before
The results are back only to find I have chlamydia or something it will mean I would have oassed this to my wife while awaiting the results and I’ll be fucked

That’s why I’m trying to avoid sex till I have the test again in 10
Days time and get the results back from that which take a week

So having read that in conjunction with your OP again it seems to be an extremely long winded way of asking members how you avoid having sex with your wife?

Offline MrLo

Yeah I guess so - apologies

I just thought i would have to give some background as to why I was asking this

I also did this as I know some members were in the same boat as me and wanting to try but not having the bottle to do it for similar reasons so wanted to pass on the experience
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Online Doc Holliday

You have two options.

Carry on as normal as the chance of having contracted anything is extremely low. (many active punters still have unprotected sex with their wives)


Abstain and only you will know how much suspicion that will raise as nobody here knows your personal circumstances.

The first option is likely to be the lesser of two evils.

Online daviemac

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I would read this and make my own decision based on risk levels. No one except you knows how you wife would respond in any given situation.

External Link/Members Only

Offline tynetunnel

I’m with the Doc.  :thumbsup:

Carry on enjoying sex with your wife, since (a) you are very unlikely to have caught an STI (and if you have you could accuse the wife of being unfaithful!) and (b) enjoying sex with your wife is unlikely to be a permanent thing. Which means it is likely the punting world will at some point see you return for subsequent encounters  :hi:

Online Waterhouse

Offline scutty brown

FFS just take the wife along to the next punt and have a threesome.
All women are lesbians at heart, so its bound to be OK as a surprise. Make it a special treat for her.

Offline bhudda

So having read that in conjunction with your OP again it seems to be an extremely long winded way of asking members how you avoid having sex with your wife?

Not a problem most members will have much experience of i suspect ... i have absolutely no problem avoiding sex with my wife.

Online stampjones

Im sure it will cheer you up immensely to hear that the only time I caught anything in 30+ years of punting was from owo.
You’re welcome

Offline Lilywhite

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Say you have thrush from recent antibiotics for toothache or something.

Offline MrLo

I was feeling positive after Doc had said the chances were extremely low and after reading the link Dave sent which said the chances of catching anything was low and even lower if receiving and not giving

Then I read your post haha - I’m sorry to hear that; may I ask what you caught and how soon the symptoms came?
Banned reason: Troll contributed fuck all in 3 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline BoroPool

Am I the only one thinking how lucky he is having a wife want sex often? Make the most of that bud, my missus never wants sex so easy to avoid this dilemma lol

Online Xtro

If one of your bollocks ends up getting infected, swells up and is ultimately heavier than the other bollock,
would you consider changing your username to OneHungLo?  ;)

Online Waterhouse

I was feeling positive after Doc had said the chances were extremely low and after reading the link Dave sent which said the chances of catching anything was low and even lower if receiving and not giving

Then I read your post haha - I’m sorry to hear that; may I ask what you caught and how soon the symptoms came?
Jokes aside, the risk of a guy catching something from OWO is very low.

In the unlikely event something was passed on, chances are it would probably be Gonorrhoea. That being the case (this all highly unlikely and speculative, remember) then typically, but not always, a guy could expect to see symptoms in around three days or so, give or take a day. BUT we are all different so an STI could take longer to show or very rarely, exhibit no symptoms at all.

Statistically speaking I would think you are on very safe ground but it wouldn't hurt to get checked again in a couple of weeks time just to be sure.

Online Doc Holliday

Say you have thrush from recent antibiotics for toothache or something.

But they are newlyweds .. .."You poor darling let me have a look at it and see if it is getting any better?"    :D

Online daviemac

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But they are newlyweds .. .."You poor darling let me have a look at it and see if it is getting any better?"    :D

That's some honeymoon, he first asked about this 3 years ago.   :sarcastic:

Offline Payyourwaymate

FFS just take the wife along to the next punt and have a threesome.
All women are lesbians at heart, so its bound to be OK as a surprise. Make it a special treat for her.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Online Doc Holliday

That's some honeymoon, he first asked about this 3 years ago.   :sarcastic:


I think he must have ditched that first one. He said she was his first ... I think this is now his third?

Online daviemac

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I think he must have ditched that first one. He said she was his first ... I think this is now his third?

Must like wedding cake.    :sarcastic:

Offline One Eyed Snake

Thank you both for your responses

I didn’t appreciate that I may have had to add more. I can put up a full review at some point of the WG but in terms of how I felt before/during/afterr is as follows

Before: I was extremely excited in that there was a small window of opportunity available to me whereby I had a reason to be in the same location as the WG (if I bumped into somebody I knew etc I would have reason for being there), my wife was far away from the location and I had nobody keeping tabs on me at work/plans after work whereby people may look for me/contact me. It was the “perfect” opportunity for me and with a WG that had really interested me after about a year of lurking and looking at her review on this site.

I had come to the conclusion that I had only been with 3 women in my life - none of which had the body and what reviews had described and face of this woman. I’ve always looked at my partner and thought would another woman do it differently and how it would feel. After long thought I decided that I would regret not taking this chance and wondering all my life and decided to attempt a meet

Immediately before: I was very nervous, I couldn’t eat and was completely in my own thoughts, my mind was blank and it was as if I was in autopilot forcing myself to not chicken out. The thought of not knowing pushed me forward and I went ahead with the meet

During: As soon as I entered I greeted the WG and after sitting down immediately confessed I was really nervous. She kindly sat me down and asked me why and what I wanted out of the experience (I knew she would be accommodating as I had read this on one of her reviews). She suggested I take a shower and offered me a massage while we spoke. During the booking I kept looking at her thinking she had an incredible body and nice face - I was attracted to her but my dick was essentially numb from nerves; I knew I couldn’t go ahead and have sex with her so I just asked for a blowjob; she kindly performed OWO and after a bit of work was a able to get me hard (not as hard as I could be but still hard) and to climax. We sat and spoke after and then I showered again and left

After: I felt in shock in that I had actually gone ahead with it. I felt a small bit of guilt however I felt that after the experience it had made me more committed to my wife as I no longer have a wondering thought about other women and am now no longer tempted as I know how it feels now. Also I feel as if I won’t have regret in that I’ve done something I’ve always wanted to and calmed my curiosity. She will never find out so it won’t hurt her (bar the Owo thing I mentioned earlier which I have to deal with). The weird thing I found was that the technique used during the owo was very similar
To my wife so to me it’s all the same and has actually made me appreciate my wife more (I expected a WG to give a porn star style BJ stupidly from watching so much porn I guess)

I’m glad I did it but won’t be doing it again - my only concern now is avoiding sex (yes my wife likes
To fuck me) for another 3 weeks while I get tested again

I can’t use a condom as we don’t use them. I know I can just say I’m not feeling it once
Or twice but am freaking out about avoiding for that long

Where I play football I could pretend I took a heavy hit to the nuts I guess but just don’t know what to do

I’d like to think that the WG providing OWO has it in her own interest to be STI free anyway and that the chances of getting something are reduced from OWO anyway but am just being safe as there would
Be no explaining having an STI and passing it on
Mr Lo, if you’re not interested in sex with your wife pm me I’ll cum and fuck her for you, I’ll do it for free and I’ll let you watch and wank as long as you’re quiet.  :D :D

Offline Colston36

Yeah I guess so - apologies

I just thought i would have to give some background as to why I was asking this

I also did this as I know some members were in the same boat as me and wanting to try but not having the bottle to do it for similar reasons so wanted to pass on the experience

I would be astounded if you caught anything

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1

Online houseboot

Total troll

Is this the first time you and James have agreed on something?  :unknown:

Offline Happylad

Buy a Walking Stick, practise a convincing limp, and say that you pulled a muscle in  your groin running up the stairs at work - pulled groin muscles don`t swell or show any other visible sign and only a hands-on physiotherapist would rumble you.  It`s also an excellent excuse for not being able to dig the vegetable patch, ride a bicycle, run a marathon, or go on long healthy country rambles.  It should also convincingly take at least three weeks to get better.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 05:36:52 pm by Happylad »

Offline Laudanum

I'm not convinced I'd bother with WGs if I had a wife who had sex with me all the time...

Offline The Owl

OP should just tell his wife that he fucked a prostitute and is concerned that he may have contracted something. Once he gets the all clear his wife will probably do all kinds of kinky shit with him from bandage to anal to sloppy deep throat CIT as a reward for thinking about her sexual health.

That's how it works right?  :sarcastic:

Offline Ali Katt

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Yeah I guess so - apologies

I just thought i would have to give some background as to why I was asking this

I also did this as I know some members were in the same boat as me and wanting to try but not having the bottle to do it for similar reasons so wanted to pass on the experience
You've been a member since 2016 and contributed the square root of fuck all in that time. Most punters have contributed more in a week. You're fucking the wife, presumably unless it is Jackanory, either leave her, man up and stop feeling guilty or shut the fuck up.


  • Guest
Hi all,

I’ve been a member of this site for many years and have always been interested in the idea of punting. I came to the forum asking for advice a few years ago and received great advice and support regarding whether to use a WG despite not really needing to (link:

I received great advice from you guys and even had personal messages from purple
Who had gone/were going through the same thing

As an update to that post I can now confirm that I finally went ahead with it and just wanted to make a post giving some advice to non-seasoned punters/guys who are curious but unsure as I was previously by mentioning the two biggest things that played on my mind

Guilt - this was my biggest issue; I was really concerned with not being able to I live with the guilt etc after doing the deed; I think if you’re interested in punting but you are unsure of how you may feel after then don’t bother setting up a meet or risking getting caught with a burner phone etc. It will be a waste of money and hard to explain - considering you would have done nothing other than look through aw profiles. I managed to lose this feeling before my first meet as the “I’ll only live once” mindset took over as I got older and I knew I’d have regret not trying this and being with somebody other than my wife  at least once in my life

Planning the “perfect crime” - there are some great posts and advice here so no need to really discuss how to plan getting away with this: but one consideration I did not make was how to plan for after the encounter. I ended up chickening out of the full experience and ended up just getting a OWO w/ CIM. However what I failed to consider was that if by some horrible luck I have caught something from this I will end up passing this to my wife and it will be clear I have cheated despite never being caught. So if you are planning to do this think of the post testing etc time frame too not just the time frame to get your punt in

Advice Needed from this great community:
I have since gone for a STI test at the GUM clinic but was advised that because I came to them 48 hours after my encounter that the tests wouldn’t really show anything as I needed to wait for 2 weeks before taking the tests for anything to show

How the fuck can I hold off having sex with my wife for 2 weeks + the week it takes for results to come back... plus the follow up week of taking meds if I’ve caught something. Have any of your been in this situation before?

The nurse told me there is a reduced risk of catching an STI from OWO however I’m more
Than weare that there is still a risk and can’t take chances passing this on to my wife

This experience was a great in that in got rid of the curiosity I’ve always had and made me appreciate what I have; I have huge respect for you guys who have then balls of steel and continuously go through this without panicking

Mumsnet strike again..And get plenty hooked perhaps.

Offline tynetunnel

You've been a member since 2016 and contributed the square root of fuck all in that time. Most punters have contributed more in a week. You're fucking the wife, presumably unless it is Jackanory, either leave her, man up and stop feeling guilty or shut the fuck up.
A perfectly mellow and measured response...  :lol: :D

Offline Ali Katt

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Online Doc Holliday

Who remembers Mr Lo's greatest hit, the same shit in 2016:

To be fair he did put that link in his OP

Offline Romney

It seems like it may have been a good idea to have a plan for how you were going to avoid sex with the OH till all tests came back normal BEFORE seeing a wg, not after, but a tad late for that advice I suppose.

Of course OWO carries some risk, but at least according to several nurses at my GUM clinic, most wg's are very good about frequent testing at treating when necessary, and they told me that your risk of catching something from a "responsible" wg is much lower than if you just pulled someone at a pub....Now you just have to hope the wg you saw is one of the responsible ones who is tested frequently and doesn't work when being treated for an STI.

Offline Ali Katt

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To be fair he did put that link in his OP
Nearly 3 years on and he makes the same post after people gave him good advice the first time around. Either he has been in a coma or he's playing silly fuckers.

Offline Silver Birch

However what I failed to consider was that if by some horrible luck I have caught something from this I will end up passing this to my wife and it will be clear I have cheated despite never being caught.

You probably have Chlamydia. Some times called the Silent Disease because it has no symptoms. If as you say, you have no symptons, that's probably what you have caught.