Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Leaving  (Read 4327 times)


  • Guest
I'm off. It's been an interesting experience with lots of positives and negatives along the way. I've decided to put this closing statement out there for personal reasons with the thought that maybe it will help some people. At the very least some of you will have a laugh at my expense.

I started punting about 3 years ago as an escape from a family situation that was getting pretty unhappy. During these 3 years I've been pretty low and to say I attempted suicide would be a bit too strong but on a few of occasions I've tried to invoke accidents that would have resulted in serious injury or death. Clearly, I was unsuccessful but it gives you a perspective of where I was at.

As an escape and possibly out of anger or frustration I spent many, many hours and days looking for paid sex. In the main, despite some really great times, i've remained pretty unfulfilled by the experience but drawn to it like a buzz. The anticipation for me has often (but not always - ellie rose, fantasy courtesan and khloe sexy girl being notable exceptions) been greater than the experience.

So what has changed? Well in many ways not a lot, for the entire duration I've been trying to stop. I have gone several months in the past with not punting and then suddenly i'll be overcome with desire and I will come back with a lustre that I can't physically or financially keep up with but the true catalyst is that my wife found out. So faced with the possibility of my marriage ending and the impact this would have on my children I've sought professional help - better late than never. One thing that was truly apparent from the instance that I was confronted is that I was not prepared for either the devastation this brought to my wife or how much I really felt for her. I thought I no longer loved her, I thought I was just seeking satisfaction to stop me going crazy, I thought she didn't really care what I did. I had genuinely misled myself with a series of things that were based on real events but did not reflect reality. As a mechanism to avoid pain I had buried my real feelings towards my wife and sought solace elsewhere - not only punting but travel for work, drinking with friends, any number of excuses other than to be at home to feel small and inadequate and, in my opinion, undervalued. As it turns out - and this was news to both of us - I have been avoiding confrontation and dealing with my issues and my wife has been trying to accommodate my depression by giving me as much space as I needed. I interpreted this as she didn't care, she was trying to give me what she thought I needed.

Long story short I've spent 3 years or so thinking about and fucking as many women as I could to escape my life - or the life I thought I was trapped in - my wife has been lost wondering what else she can do to support me. This situation coming to a head has forced us to look at each other in a different light and realise just how much we have to lose. Not only as a family but as a couple. In addition, the danger has gone, I no longer worry about being court and as a result I seem to have lost all desire for punting. It's like a weight has been removed and I can now thing clearly again and see what it is I've really been missing (and it wasn't sex, that was just something to make me feel temporarily better - and as I've mentioned not particularly successfully.).

That's my story. Everyone has their reasons but if, like me, you feel like you're trying to escape something - then maybe you'll be better off trying to find some help to deal with those problems because this is sure is not the answer.

I'm worried that I will resume activities and put my life back at risk and all the personal and family consequences this brings - not least that I will have suicidal tendencies again. Researching how to break from this world has led to the realisation that it's not easy. So I'm taking practical steps to make it as hard as possible. These are the things I'm doing...
1. I closed a second bank account I had where I could squirrel away money from various things - selling stuff on ebay, refunds, presents, bonuses, overdrafts, etc.. all to fund punting
2. getting rid of accounts on here, aw and ukescorting is hard so I've instead deleted my email account that allows me to recover passwords.
3. I'm now about to change the password to something totally unmemorable so I'll not be able to logon or request a new password because I wont get the email.
4. I've turned on adult site controls on my phone and wifi

these are little practical steps that will make it harder for me to drift back in. Hopefully they are successful to slow me down enough to think twice and stop.

I'm not saying that punting is bad or being judgmental I just don't want to do it. It wasn't satisfying enough for me and even when it was it was pretty short lived.  Is punting wrong - the jury is out for me. I've benefited, If i hadn't found an escape I might be 6 foot under now. Many ladies enjoy what they do and should have freedom of choice for a profession, they should also have the protection of the state - whether it's legal or not. Unfortunately, I fear these ladies are in the minority and some people out of the need to pay the bills bit more worryingly some do it because they are forced. I always tried to ensure that the people I saw where unlikely to be in this category but it's impossible to tell. So for this reason alone, put aside that I want to try and resurrect my marriage, I just don't want to be doing this anymore and I am thankful that I have the support of my wife to give this up and feel confident that I wont drift back into it.

Good luck people and thanks for all the reviews.


  • Guest
You were clearly punting for the wrong reasons.

It sounds as though you are now making the right decisions for you and your family.

I wish you all the luck with that and I hope that you are able to mend your relationship with your wife and bring your family closer together again.

I hope never to see you here again (and I mean that in the nicest way).

All the best to you.

Online Waterhouse

A heartfelt post by all accounts.  Good luck in moving on and best of luck to you and your family.

Wishing you success.


  • Guest
Normally people shrug and say why the fuck are you announcing your retirement, but some food for thought in this one!
Wish you best of luck!

Oldy worldy

  • Guest
Would be interested to know how his wife found out?


  • Guest
thats pretty deep and just in the last 5 minutes reading this really makes  me wonder what im doing here and why im hurting my wife. not that I punt a lot maybe one or two times a year when I get that desire.

Offline DrConners

In addition, the danger has gone, I no longer worry about being court and as a result I seem to have lost all desire for punting.

It's "caught" - This is what happens when you share your woe at 3.47 am  :dash:

Yes, that's all I took from your post  :unknown:

Offline seeker

Wish you the best of luck  :thumbsup:
We all make our own decisions.

Offline Jonestown

I wish you well with your future, and good luck, especially good luck with getting your wife to put this behind her and move on, not many women are able or even willing to do that.

Online finn5555

Would be interested to know how his wife found out?

He booked her via AW  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline bitofanovice

I wish you well for the future.

A cautionary tale for some of us I think.  The grass certainly is not always greener.

Take care and cherish what you have.


  • Guest
What did I take away from that OP.

Nothing to be totally honest.
It’s one persons perception of why and wherefore.
I don’t see having sex with someone that I’ve given money too as being anything other than that.
I’ve never thought the grass is greener on the other side because if I’m not content with my own grass then I dig it up and grow some more.

Paying for sex is not me looking for something meaningful. It’s simply that.

What about all those other successful marriages that are so because the man in the relationship doesn’t look for an affair. But simply pays for sex because he likes it. He works hard, provides well and his family is a happy unit. So what if he gets his rocks off with a SP every so often.

It’s this whole idea that paying for it is dirty and disgusting and that there is something wrong with us all who choose to do it. Religious nonsense comes into play here but I can’t be bothered to chat shit about morals etc.

The only thing I would say is that I don’t agree with married men getting into financial difficulty because of their sideline. Those guys need therapy because it’s not just them it affects.

As for me I’m one of life’s marriage statistics and ain’t looking to re-enroll. So punting is an enjoyable pastime.

But then again I may need therapy for all kinds of offer reasons  :scare:
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 12:24:23 pm by Stevensmiles »

Offline Metalgear2018

Of course some women are forced into sleeping with us by the pimp. We are paying for sex at the end of day. These escorts would no bat an eyelid at us any other day.

Don't feel bad. Think positive.


Offline MilleMiglia

Good luck, and be sure to find something positive to fill the void.

Offline winkywanky

Thanks for taking the time to write that edmay.

It sounds like so much in your marriage went unspoken about, and as a result of you getting caught punting, now you have addressed this. That in itself is a salutary tale, if all is not well it's normally good to talk frankly. But of course, that can go either way! Some here will have tried that route and it didn't work, so they stick at it for their family's sake while getting 'relief' on the outside - it can work.

But things have worked out well for you, in that you and your wife now have a second chance, and that's something you both want. So that's good.

All best wishes to you - you possibly won't get to read this for obvious reasons - although part of me thinks you can't resist seeing the response. So, good luck to you and your missus  :hi:

Offline Mothball15

I'm off. It's been an interesting experience with lots of positives and negatives along the way. I've decided to put this closing statement out there for personal reasons with the thought that maybe it will help some people. At the very least some of you will have a laugh at my expense.

I started punting about 3 years ago as an escape from a family situation that was getting pretty unhappy. During these 3 years I've been pretty low and to say I attempted suicide would be a bit too strong but on a few of occasions I've tried to invoke accidents that would have resulted in serious injury or death. Clearly, I was unsuccessful but it gives you a perspective of where I was at.

As an escape and possibly out of anger or frustration I spent many, many hours and days looking for paid sex. In the main, despite some really great times, i've remained pretty unfulfilled by the experience but drawn to it like a buzz. The anticipation for me has often (but not always - ellie rose, fantasy courtesan and khloe sexy girl being notable exceptions) been greater than the experience.

So what has changed? Well in many ways not a lot, for the entire duration I've been trying to stop. I have gone several months in the past with not punting and then suddenly i'll be overcome with desire and I will come back with a lustre that I can't physically or financially keep up with but the true catalyst is that my wife found out. So faced with the possibility of my marriage ending and the impact this would have on my children I've sought professional help - better late than never. One thing that was truly apparent from the instance that I was confronted is that I was not prepared for either the devastation this brought to my wife or how much I really felt for her. I thought I no longer loved her, I thought I was just seeking satisfaction to stop me going crazy, I thought she didn't really care what I did. I had genuinely misled myself with a series of things that were based on real events but did not reflect reality. As a mechanism to avoid pain I had buried my real feelings towards my wife and sought solace elsewhere - not only punting but travel for work, drinking with friends, any number of excuses other than to be at home to feel small and inadequate and, in my opinion, undervalued. As it turns out - and this was news to both of us - I have been avoiding confrontation and dealing with my issues and my wife has been trying to accommodate my depression by giving me as much space as I needed. I interpreted this as she didn't care, she was trying to give me what she thought I needed.

Long story short I've spent 3 years or so thinking about and fucking as many women as I could to escape my life - or the life I thought I was trapped in - my wife has been lost wondering what else she can do to support me. This situation coming to a head has forced us to look at each other in a different light and realise just how much we have to lose. Not only as a family but as a couple. In addition, the danger has gone, I no longer worry about being court and as a result I seem to have lost all desire for punting. It's like a weight has been removed and I can now thing clearly again and see what it is I've really been missing (and it wasn't sex, that was just something to make me feel temporarily better - and as I've mentioned not particularly successfully.).

That's my story. Everyone has their reasons but if, like me, you feel like you're trying to escape something - then maybe you'll be better off trying to find some help to deal with those problems because this is sure is not the answer.

I'm worried that I will resume activities and put my life back at risk and all the personal and family consequences this brings - not least that I will have suicidal tendencies again. Researching how to break from this world has led to the realisation that it's not easy. So I'm taking practical steps to make it as hard as possible. These are the things I'm doing...
1. I closed a second bank account I had where I could squirrel away money from various things - selling stuff on ebay, refunds, presents, bonuses, overdrafts, etc.. all to fund punting
2. getting rid of accounts on here, aw and ukescorting is hard so I've instead deleted my email account that allows me to recover passwords.
3. I'm now about to change the password to something totally unmemorable so I'll not be able to logon or request a new password because I wont get the email.
4. I've turned on adult site controls on my phone and wifi

these are little practical steps that will make it harder for me to drift back in. Hopefully they are successful to slow me down enough to think twice and stop.

I'm not saying that punting is bad or being judgmental I just don't want to do it. It wasn't satisfying enough for me and even when it was it was pretty short lived.  Is punting wrong - the jury is out for me. I've benefited, If i hadn't found an escape I might be 6 foot under now. Many ladies enjoy what they do and should have freedom of choice for a profession, they should also have the protection of the state - whether it's legal or not. Unfortunately, I fear these ladies are in the minority and some people out of the need to pay the bills bit more worryingly some do it because they are forced. I always tried to ensure that the people I saw where unlikely to be in this category but it's impossible to tell. So for this reason alone, put aside that I want to try and resurrect my marriage, I just don't want to be doing this anymore and I am thankful that I have the support of my wife to give this up and feel confident that I wont drift back into it.

Good luck people and thanks for all the reviews.

Insult the moderator. He will block you.
It's impossible to close acc if I'm correct on this site.

Offline winkywanky

He's changed his password to something un-memorable and deleted the email account to which a password prompt would be sent. That would do the trick.

....unless he has made a note of the un-memorable password for the time being, to see replies to his post  ;)


  • Guest
Maybe I’m being a heartless cunt but don’t the site rules state:

- Account deletion
Accounts are not deleted, simply log out and don't use the account again. Do not post resignation posts to announce you are leaving. Just logout and don't be a drama queen


  • Guest
Maybe I’m being a heartless cunt but don’t the site rules state:

- Account deletion
Accounts are not deleted, simply log out and don't use the account again. Do not post resignation posts to announce you are leaving. Just logout and don't be a drama queen

As a new member, I thought it a good idea to read the rules and can't help feeling that the above post is a fair point, although having read what the OP has written, it certainly was worth digesting what happened to him, even if to confirm that I am not on the same slippery slope he was!

Offline winkywanky

Well he's decided to be a drama queen, as is his prerogative.

If he gets banned it probably won't bother him!  :D But yes, his posts will always be there, in perpetuity.

Offline seeker

Ain't this a open forum ...
You don't need to be a member to lurk?
So he could still have a wee lurk ?
Just he won't be able to post or see reviews .

Offline winkywanky

Ain't this a open forum ...
You don't need to be a member to lurk?
So he could still have a wee lurk ?
Just he won't be able to post or see reviews .

Ah yes, you're quite right. You can view up to 5 topics a day without being a member/logging in.

Offline ars.mav

Best wishes for the future, OP.. thanks for sharing your viewpoint and feelings

Offline Taggart

He booked her via AW  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Not funny.
Wish the OP good luck on the straight and narrow.

Offline shyboy1

You were clearly punting for the wrong reasons.

It sounds as though you are now making the right decisions for you and your family.

I wish you all the luck with that and I hope that you are able to mend your relationship with your wife and bring your family closer together again.

I hope never to see you here again (and I mean that in the nicest way).

All the best to you.
Exactly my thoughts.
I too wish all the best, hope it works out for you  :hi:


  • Guest
Given due care and attention the freedom to pay for sex is absolutely liberating and extremely enjoyable, but if you cannot afford it and it causes you guilt then I suppose, much like drugs and gambling, it becomes an addiction. If the post makes him feel better then fair play to him because he does need help - but for me I see it as his self-reflection rather than a 'proceed with caution' exercise. I could punt every week, every month or once a year but life is better for having that option. 

Offline bitofanovice

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

It's like anything that makes us feel good or gives us a buzz.

Take it for what it is and be adult enough to either knock it on the head if it becomes too much, or as the OP said, understand the root cause of any issue and deal with it.

I wish him good luck

Offline tynetunnel

A heartfelt post by the OP. Depression is a thing that when you have it, you often don’t see it, and that’s why it’s such a killer. As far as the depressed person feels, they are ok and it’s every other fecker that doesn’t care or give a shit. And the despair leads to thoughts of suicide.

It sounds like you are out the other side OP, I hope you get everything back on track and move forward from this difficult time. Good luck  :hi:

Offline Shearer1955

I appreciate the Op has offered his comments and I have no doubt they are genuine
From my perspective I found this site ...not sure how exactly but I was interested in punting and it helped me immensely to understand not only who to book but the generalities of what to ask and to allow me to question and interpret everything I might read and we should all know anyway this is a problematic business and cheats thrive if you aren't aware of all the pernicious activity from those intent of relieving you of your cash
Best thing I have ever done is finding UKP and becoming a member..I'n no longer married and won't upset anyone with my hobby in any way but I now have a far better understanding of the mechanics of prostitution and the personnel involved ...more importantly how to avoid trouble for the most part
I love to partake in sexual activity with some lovely young women with no thoughts of anything else other than my enjoyment
There is no hurt involved to anyone else in a visceral (emotional) sense and I look forward to each and every meet
Perhaps i'm very superficial but I think the escorts prefer that in the main instead of some guys who permeate a lust for involvement...that is a destructive option you best avoid as some escorts will do untold damage to you and your wealth if you fall for an illusion...and that is all it is...the reality is many of the girls in the business suffer from insecurities which it is best to ignore...some are very level headed but others are not!
Having said all of that do I intend to stop anytime soon
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 08:27:21 pm by Shearer1955 »

Offline LLPunting

Don't see the new "A Star is Born"

Fair winds and plain sailing it probably won't be as her lack of trust will be a poison pill unless she's truly one of the Holy Host.

Offline Slowjoe

That is one heavy "bye". Mental illness is a bitch and punting ain't the cure.  Hope it works out for OP.

Offline Pondy

It's a reason why its the oldest profession in the world,  having said that, I wish the op good luck, however look out for lots of reviews from me in 2019  :hi:

Offline Antztheman

I wish you the best of luck buddy.

I am not going to lie I respect you man.

I wish you all the best in life & your family life too.

I have to be honest not many guys would say what you have, I respect it many guys suffer in silence they are made to feel a certain way.
I lost a friend & now I’m older I wished he just talked to me or somebody.

You’re doing the best thing for you & yours hopefully this can help somebody going through something similar.

Offline MrMatrix

Thanks for taking the time to write that edmay.

It sounds like so much in your marriage went unspoken about, and as a result of you getting caught punting, now you have addressed this. That in itself is a salutary tale, if all is not well it's normally good to talk frankly. But of course, that can go either way! Some here will have tried that route and it didn't work, so they stick at it for their family's sake while getting 'relief' on the outside - it can work.

But things have worked out well for you, in that you and your wife now have a second chance, and that's something you both want. So that's good.

All best wishes to you - you possibly won't get to read this for obvious reasons - although part of me thinks you can't resist seeing the response. So, good luck to you and your missus  :hi:
+1 OP. I found your story enlightening and wish you all the best in you both having a second chance. I too wonder how your OH found out.
As for just not coming back and not being a drama queen, I dont think you have been. You put it quite eloquently. Hope not to see you back for the right reasons. :hi:

Offline Rocket Scientist

Maybe I’m being a heartless cunt but don’t the site rules state:

- Account deletion
Accounts are not deleted, simply log out and don't use the account again. Do not post resignation posts to announce you are leaving. Just logout and don't be a drama queen

And the audience chants "Go see Oprah,.."

Offline albert56

Good luck to the OP. I hope things work out for you.


  • Guest
This post is exactly why I don't punt in relationships and would divorce my wife before punting if a dead bedroom situation came up (or at least seperated). For me personally, it's too easy to beat a man over the head with his flaws when as a culture we're much more forgiving of the wife. But that misses the point here, which is OP has kids, who only know mum and dad could be breaking up. P4P isn't worth your kids hating on you.


  • Guest

Offline Trapperjohn

Good luck and best wishes for the future Edmay, here's hoping everything works out well for you and yours.  :hi:


  • Guest

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I hope missus HP does not find out.

Offline starnatalia

  • Service Provider
  • Posts: 176
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Wow that's so strong man to stop,hope it's works for him, didnt no its can be so addictive for sure its deferently so ecspensive habit nice to read real stuff ,he need real love and happynes.Well his family its real love and happynes .Oh that's so sweet .

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Well it can be addictive and as an aid to supress depression don't know about that one. Barstard evil ilness that is, lost Two female family menbers to that dark side.

I thought you were going the say I've found Jeses there at the end LOL!, but whilst i in my late sixties now no longer married,  matters not anyone finding ou,t there is still a buzz of 'bangin hot twenty somethimngs but there is another side thats missing that companion part.

Would be nice to settle down again as long as the sex side works once a week would be fine now for me, but untill i find a suitable other then its where's the next target for tonite:)

Hope it all works out for your goodself!.


  • Guest
Best wishes good luck but it is said once s punter (wish you defeat this )always a punter  but still best wishes wish you happy life


  • Guest
Hogwash & Twaddle...fab words and the 1st time in my life found the perfect place to try them  out  :hi:

I ditched Facebook because its pretty much people attention seeking....poor me,  poor me , pour me another drink.

This forum a refreshing breathe of fresh air for guys resisting the onslaught of polital correctness .A common bond in

the love of SEX being fun and not actually a sin. Paid for no strings and everyone is a winner.

Ok the harvey weinstein types should be isolated and some infiltrators belong on the offenders registerer , but all this

Fluffy boo hoo bullshit ..really ????

Only of course in my opinion , but I expect the trolls will surface.

Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 10:22:25 pm by Rome66 »

Offline shagmore

He has left now no doubt, but all the best
I started punting when I got divorced,
There are times `i have punted to get back at the partner, - even though she didn't know, the was stupidity on my behalf, and she didn't deserve it.
I feel it is like a drug, you can pull away for a while, but it then lures you back
Good luck to him.
Need to get my life back on track, and think what is important
Its just that I can not live without sex

Offline Mr Kent (Not AW)

Fair play and good luck to the op.

We all punt for different reasons but what I have noticed in myself is that as the years go by I am becoming less interested in it, I'll probably punt forever but fewer and fewer and fewer times each year.   

Online sparkus

We all have our own cross to bear really and it sounds like a bloody rough time for OP.

I've punted the hell out of 2018 and not really enjoyed the last few so have resolved to take a bit of a breather (discussed on other threads and PMs) until 2019.  Only log on here for the LOLs now.