Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Ex-barebacker - advice please  (Read 7448 times)

Offline LM19

I'm going to say this. Bitch fucking please. I'm going to guess you have no background in science and are just a doctor/nurse, and considering you guys think you can squeeze 3 years of my first degree into 1 term, more bullshit.

Just a skim of the data on the meds would prove you wrong. That people are suffering less from kidney and liver problems are because they're being put on different meds. As per guidelines, the fact that they want to hand out PrEP like candy at GUM clinics, including to someone like myself already on meds that can cause kidney and liver damage, speaks to lack of knowledge on the medical community (and yes it's in my file).

Also, I never said Acidosis kills many people, I said it can kill, check your reading comprehension.

Whilst yes, it viewed as being pretty much the same as without HIV, it is not the same. Hence why the NHS still has guidelines on getting pregnant from someone who has HIV that is undetectable. Also the acknowledgement on there that there are multiple forms of HIV (over 100) which all respond differently.

Also as to the HIV strains, I didn't just say HIV2, which also isn't that well studied, but that HIV1 substrains that account for 95% aren't that well studied outside of the 12% caused by B. External Link/Members Only here's a basic primer for you. Feel free to hunt down pubmed to disprove, I'll happily fire back with several others that shout down your argument. HIV1B is the best studied, even fucking studies into it recognise it, despite the fact that it is only about 12% of the incidence. I in fact pointined out HIV1C about 50% as being very understudied, which those same studies point out. Or do you only think there are two types of HIV?

Edit: just read more replies, they're a motherfucking idiot. I highly doubt they're a gum doctor or nurse, but if they are, I pity anyone who meets them. Nothing they have said is accurate without a lot of qualifications, most are just flat out untrue and no good medical practitioner or scientific researcher would dare utter such shite.

1) Not that I want to get into a game of one-upmanship on the internet, but I have a first class medical science honours, an MSc in infectious diseases, and then my medical degree. But sure buddy, keep those assumptions going

2) you didn't address any points I made, except to say lactic acidosis does kill. Lmao. It doesn't. People just switch meds you clutz.

3) O+G screen heavily for HIV as EVERYONE gets it regardless of status. It's nothing to do with undetectable/detectable. Hilariously inaccurate

You clearly know nothing at all. Enjoy pretending science degrees make you know everything about clinical medicine.

Online Waterhouse

Arriving late to this thread.

Advice to OP is to avoid meeting an SP with a history of having engaged in BB. Period.

Re. Gonorrhoea vs. HIV... well that is a no-brainer in my book.  I've never had any form of STD/STI ever (not luck but careful hygiene routine and choice of who I see) but if I had to choose between catching something that is currently very treatable with a one off or short course of anti-biotics or something that is a complete life-changer for the rest of my life... like I said above - a very simple and easy decision.

Offline Benjboy87

To add my point here.

There has been many articles inside and outside the medical world about gonorrhea becoming stronger and more resistant to antibiotics.

I have a friend (gay) who has HIV. Has done so for several years.
He lives a normal, healthy life and will continue to do so.

It's also well documented that HIV treatment is far more simple these days and when undetectable will not pose a threat to your health.

I'm surprised the amount of people here who perhaps should Google the subject. Plenty of information from the top medical professionals.


  • Guest
1) Not that I want to get into a game of one-upmanship on the internet, but I have a first class medical science honours, an MSc in infectious diseases, and then my medical degree. But sure buddy, keep those assumptions going

2) you didn't address any points I made, except to say lactic acidosis does kill. Lmao. It doesn't. People just switch meds you clutz.

3) O+G screen heavily for HIV as EVERYONE gets it regardless of status. It's nothing to do with undetectable/detectable. Hilariously inaccurate

You clearly know nothing at all. Enjoy pretending science degrees make you know everything about clinical medicine.

2) Lactic acidosis can and does kill, often quite quickly. Here is just one paper serious and fatal the condition is: External Link/Members Only

Of course with early identification and intervention, fatality rates have dropped, but it still sits between 30% and 70%. And changing meds isn't always the simplest matter. I believe of all the NRTIs only abacavir isn't associated with causing LA.

Along with hyperlactatemia it's one of the most serious and life threatening side effects of NRTIs. It doesn't kill many as it's not a common side effect, but of those who get it, it is often fatal.

Where you asleep in class that day?

3) I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about with O+G screening of HIV. At no point have I said that people aren't screened for HIV if they go in for it (although, actually I was discouraged from getting the tests when I was just fucking women).

1) I don't just have degrees in this area, I work in research in this area. I also teach PhD students and medical students about this shit, having an medical science, infectious diseases, or medical degree means buttkiss.

I know shit loads of doctors and researchers, no one is an expert in everything. You specialise. That is where in-depth knowledge comes from. Just having a degree or three that might cover it briefly doesn't make you a specialist.

Offline prophethezikah

Quite a few people want demon seed. You only have to read about it in the papers. Some see people with demon seed as a God giving them life.

These people have very low self esteem.


  • Guest
Quite a few people want demon seed. You only have to read about it in the papers. Some see people with demon seed as a God giving them life.

These people have very low self esteem.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you mean bug chasers? As they're generally not about it being "God giving them life", but being fucked in the head and thinking getting HIV makes them special, or some other bullshit.

Online Waterhouse


What on earth are you on about?  Sounds like crazy religious rubbish to me.

Offline no2punter

So long as you use protection, you'll be safe from most things. Remember, you don't know *any* of these women. Any prostitute could've been a barebacker in her old country or before she started using Adultwork to sell herself. A lot of them will do bareback if paid an amount so ridiculously high to make ti worth the risk - and there's people from places like the Arab Gulf who are willing to pay. Every girl who has done porn barebacks - they get tested once a month but not every day. And that's not even getting started on their personal life. You don't know whether they do drugs, or are promiscuous in their personal life, or have/have had various other bareback sexual arrangements with other individuals who may or may not be at-risk of sexual transmitted diseases, whether that's pimps, boyfriends, landlords, whatever, at any time in their personal history. Also, a lot of these girls have manipulative tendencies, mental disorders or financial desperation so will try to deceive you and it's important to be wary of that and approach punting as a transaction rather than developing any level of emotional attachment or sympathy.

With OWO, you are taking a risk. The act itself is fairly low risk, so you may decide it is worth it personally, but it is there. I think it's worth it with certain girls who are particularly talented, but I wouldn't do it with every girl I've punted. Nowadays I try to avoid RO simply because I feel I get nothing out of it and thus exposing myself to that risk is unnecessary.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 01:09:01 pm by no2punter »

Offline fallentrees1321

So long as you use protection, you'll be safe from most things. Remember, you don't know *any* of these women. Any prostitute could've been a barebacker in her old country or before she started using Adultwork to sell herself. A lot of them will do bareback if paid an amount so ridiculously high to make ti worth the risk - and there's people from places like the Arab Gulf who are willing to pay. Every girl who has done porn barebacks - they get tested once a month but not every day. And that's not even getting started on their personal life. You don't know whether they do drugs, or are promiscuous in their personal life, or have/have had various other bareback sexual arrangements with other individuals who may or may not be at-risk of sexual transmitted diseases, whether that's pimps, boyfriends, landlords, whatever, at any time in their personal history. Also, a lot of these girls have manipulative tendencies, mental disorders or financial desperation so will try to deceive you and it's important to be wary of that and approach punting as a transaction rather than developing any level of emotional attachment or sympathy.

With OWO, you are taking a risk. The act itself is fairly low risk, so you may decide it is worth it personally, but it is there. I think it's worth it with certain girls who are particularly talented, but I wouldn't do it with every girl I've punted. Nowadays I try to avoid RO simply because I feel I get nothing out of it and thus exposing myself to that risk is unnecessary.

I agree that any prossie could be doing or have done BB and  I think it would be rare to find a prossie that has not BB'd with at least one person in questionable circumstances , be that a client , pimp or some random they met on civvie street . I think sleeping with prossies that have or do advertise BB service on sites like adultwork exposes you to greater risk than a prossie that claims not to do BB but might have once BB'd a bloke on civvie street or a regular or BB's her pimp . Prossies that advertise BB are more likely to attract clients who engage in BB with multiple prossies  and that is clearly a higher risk than a Prossie who rarely BB's  and does not have BB with clients who also have BB with lots of other prossies  .

Offline Cceon

Banned reason: Abusive tosser.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Colston36

No ones offended you soppy tart, just calling you out for posting bollox.  As usual, a whore has no worthy contribution to ukp.

Read the forum if you wish but try to only open your mouth for what its good for.

What a deeply unpleasant person you must be.