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Author Topic: "Out of hours meets"?  (Read 4498 times)

Offline PD11

Hi I'm new to the forum, so first of all, let me say "hi".

Basically I was just wondering if anyone had lit a spark with a WG on a punt and then carried on meeting her 'out of hours?'

If so, how was your experience? Was if purely sex? How did it end? Did your attitude to the girl change (do you become more 'caring' towards the girl? More arrogant?)

This has happened to me on several occasions and I have always wondered if it was a common occurrence.

Most of the time my meets with the girl have been purely sexual; but there was one occasion where things got a little hectic with feelings and it fucked up all the chemistry we had and she went back to charging me for her time. With hindsight I've normally been a dick in these situations and been a little too arrogant (mostly I'd cancel meetings and just assume I could go when I felt like)and not realised I was on to a good thing.

I'd be interested in your thoughts.

tony allen

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Hi I'm new to the forum, so first of all, let me say "hi".

Basically I was just wondering if anyone had lit a spark with a WG on a punt and then carried on meeting her 'out of hours?'

If so, how was your experience? Was if purely sex? How did it end? Did your attitude to the girl change (do you become more 'caring' towards the girl? More arrogant?)

This has happened to me on several occasions and I have always wondered if it was a common occurrence.

Most of the time my meets with the girl have been purely sexual; but there was one occasion where things got a little hectic with feelings and it fucked up all the chemistry we had and she went back to charging me for her time. With hindsight I've normally been a dick in these situations and been a little too arrogant (mostly I'd cancel meetings and just assume I could go when I felt like)and not realised I was on to a good thing.

I'd be interested in your thoughts.

happened with me once. it's a fantasy that the WG you see enjoys you so much that she gives you a freebie or whatever, but this did happen to me in Nov last year.  Got messed up as on one of these social visits we had BB sex and it terrified me.  met her again as a paying customer next time but my feelings were all over the place to be honest.  would definately avoid doing it again (meeting socially) as the real reason i see WGs is so that the boundaries are fixed and they don't call or text me ever!

Offline PD11

happened with me once. it's a fantasy that the WG you see enjoys you so much that she gives you a freebie or whatever, but this did happen to me in Nov last year.  Got messed up as on one of these social visits we had BB sex and it terrified me.  met her again as a paying customer next time but my feelings were all over the place to be honest.  would definately avoid doing it again (meeting socially) as the real reason i see WGs is so that the boundaries are fixed and they don't call or text me ever!

Sounds very similar to my experience. Things were getting more and more heated in the bedroom and how it didn't move onto BB is a minor miracle.

Roland D Hay

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Been covered many times this one. Yes a few of us have done it and it almost always ends very badly.


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Twice... both a few years ago now.

Once with a girl who hadn't been a great punt and that I didn't really feel I had anything in common with, but when she offered to see me FOC it was hard to say no, even if the sex wasn't the best... it ended by me not returning her calls/texts.

Another with a girl that I really liked.  Stunning body, awesome sex, pretty, intelligent, funny, the whole package.  I easily could have fallen for her, in fact I guess I had, but she was keeping it just sex.  I had an inkling that she was starting to develop feelings towards me when she tragically died in a car accident at the young young age of 25 :(


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keep it business as 99% of the time ends badly


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Happened a couple of times to me with no bad endings. The friendships ran their course and I still chat via WhatsApp / email to both.

Offline mr-oraltastic

Yes it happened to me and I still cannot get her out of my head, if I was brave enough to leave my wife I would definitely try and make it work but I am not brave enough. Keep on at her to give up escorting and it would be easier to do get with her if she did but she cannot get a proper job and so we are stuck in limbo, I try to avoid her to diminish my feelings but they are as strong as ever after 4 years. I hate her going with other men ... how fucked up is that? She doesn't want to carry on escorting but its hard to get everything sorting. Life sucks

Offline PD11

Wow, it's crazy reading sum of the situations you guys have found yourself in. I thought my situation was difficult, but it seems like I've got off lightly.


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Only the once.  Never again.  It was fun but I have too much to lose.


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I am a WG and on 2 occasions I felt a very strong rapport with punters and saw them out of hours and had my heart shattered into a million pieces on both occasions! :cry:

It's very hard on the mind as well to work whilst you have strong feelings for someone else and this is 1 of the sacrifices us WGs have to make although on both occasions, I was ready to quit working for these guys.

On both occasions I envisaged a 'Pretty Woman' scenario, a 'happy ever after' ending though neither of the guys were rich but on both occasions I got the feeling that they were just after a more authentic experience which can't be had when money changes hands and when they got it a few times and got bored they were off!


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Guys, I think you should be very careful when accepting free sex from a working girl for her sake! Women have a lot more emotions involved in sex then men do but it's a funny thing that happens when money changes hands.

Money acts as a buffer, it stops our emotions from getting too involved therefore the guy can walk away from it guilt free and without worrying that the girl will feel used!

I think everything would be fine if everyone laid out their cards on the table from the very beginning but if girls are getting notions of romance then please be very careful!

Offline PD11

Thanks Miss Sparkle, it was good to have a ladies opinion.

Just out of curiosity, what sort of guys were these? Young/old, single/relationship.

The reason I ask, I'm a youngish guy (25) and most of the girls I have seen have been my age and the type of girls who I would hit on in a bar. I've always assumed it would be my age range where things like this happen as it tends to be my demographic that acts more impulsively and blurs the lines quicker - is that's something you'd agree with?

Sorry if I sound really nosey, it's just something that I'm really curious about as I've had some really differing and interesting experiences. In my post i referred to 'feelings getting hectic'; to be clear, that was on the girls side, not particularly mine. The fact I've never been hurt is lucky I guess, but it does still make you feel a bit shitty.

Offline PD11

Guys, I think you should be very careful when accepting free sex from a working girl for her sake! Women have a lot more emotions involved in sex then men do but it's a funny thing that happens when money changes hands.

Money acts as a buffer, it stops our emotions from getting too involved therefore the guy can walk away from it guilt free and without worrying that the girl will feel used!

I think everything would be fine if everyone laid out their cards on the table from the very beginning but if girls are getting notions of romance then please be very careful!

I hadn't actually seen this post when I typed my response. Yeah, I don't think toucan say fairer than that. Thanks for your comments, they're very informative.


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Women have a lot more emotions involved in sex then men do.

Most psychologists would agree there is no difference in emotions.

Some people would say that emotional is just another word for irrational.


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Hey PaperDraper, even though I have an age limit of 25 and being 34 myself (only a few years older then my stated profile age  :D) I do not believe that these relationships had age as a defining factor but rather rapport.

My favourite subject is psychology and the first guy I got with was a psychologist so there was a talking point and we would sit and chat psychology on the phone all night long. Sadly, shortly before I was ready to quit work he decided to make amends with his ex-wife and I was left feeling 'is there something wrong with me?' 'is it because I'm a hooker?'

On the second occasion the guy was a medical doctor and there was just natural chemistry. However, all he wanted to talk about was sex! All the time!! I kept trying to show him other parts of my character, engage him in other subjects of conversation but he kept bringing it back to that and he ended it saying 'it didn't feel right' just as I was starting to feel used.

I'm now very careful. While I still believe that an authentic experience makes the best experience, I know it's just sex for the guys so therefore it should just be a job for me. As the old saying goes 'men want to fuck whores and marry virgins'


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Most psychologists would agree there is no difference in emotions.

Some people would say that emotional is just another word for irrational.

Really Holly? Have you ever heard a man say 'she used me for sex?' How many times have you heard a woman say that? The point is that if a man pursues a woman for sex and then does not keep up the same level of attention that he did before he got her in the sack, chances are, she will feel used!


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Really Holly? Have you ever heard a man say 'she used me for sex?' How many times have you heard a woman say that? The point is that if a man pursues a woman for sex and then does not keep up the same level of attention that he did before he got her in the sack, chances are, she will feel used!

They tend to be more rational (as a generalisation)though.
'she used me for sex?' no, tends to be more "She used sex to..."  :lol:


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This is a very good point Holly and very funny! but this is one of the reasons that this industry exists. It's an honest and simple transaction that occurs between WG and punter.  Men will happily have sex and walk away. It's also true that most of them will say and do anything to get themselves laid.

Some girls in clubs are happy to partake in 1 night stands however she is the most vunerable one once the sex has taken place. The guy has now 'scored' and if he doesn't love her he will happily walk away.

But even though I'm a WG, I don't agree with women marrying guys and then milking it for every penny its worth. I would rather be a WG!


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I paid a visit to a stunning girl a few years back, she text me a few times afterwards and asked if I wanted to go out.
Went out for some food and she paid, so I ended up getting my money back ! weh heeey ! haha


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Most psychologists would agree there is no difference in emotions.



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Some people would say that emotional is just another word for irrational.
Jaded much?

Offline Strawberry

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This is a very good point Holly and very funny! but this is one of the reasons that this industry exists. It's an honest and simple transaction that occurs between WG and punter.  Men will happily have sex and walk away. It's also true that most of them will say and do anything to get themselves laid.

Some girls in clubs are happy to partake in 1 night stands however she is the most vunerable one once the sex has taken place. The guy has now 'scored' and if he doesn't love her he will happily walk away.

But even though I'm a WG, I don't agree with women marrying guys and then milking it for every penny its worth. I would rather be a WG!

Not all can walk away and separate sex, some do want love or some form of connection and won't have sex without it, others might like casual sex for a while, sometime a long time then something changes. It's not as straightforward as we might think. My experience is that quite few men do want a relationship, don't like it if there's not follow up and do want a relationship after a shag.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 08:47:47 am by Strawberry »

Offline Convince Me

Years ago, I met this stunning black chick in Cavendish Ave, West Ealing who invited me after the punt to join her & her friends at Rio's. I didn't dismiss the invitation as I thought why would she be touting for a sauna? Suffice to say never made it to Rio's & she disappeared.

Roland D Hay

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I am a WG and on 2 occasions I felt a very strong rapport with punters and saw them out of hours and had my heart shattered into a million pieces on both occasions! :cry:

It's very hard on the mind as well to work whilst you have strong feelings for someone else and this is 1 of the sacrifices us WGs have to make although on both occasions, I was ready to quit working for these guys.

On both occasions I envisaged a 'Pretty Woman' scenario, a 'happy ever after' ending though neither of the guys were rich but on both occasions I got the feeling that they were just after a more authentic experience which can't be had when money changes hands and when they got it a few times and got bored they were off!

That's an excellent and very wise post Miss S, yes lots of punters fall for WG's all the time but it is my view that they lack emotional intelligence or they simply want a bit of free fun for as long as they can get it. In the final analysis the vast majority of us that have gotten involved with a WG don't really aspire to having long or life time relationships with WG's. Sub consciously I'm sure we all still have that shopping list of important points we'd like in prospective partners and being a hooker isn't one of them.

Offline PD11

Not all can walk away and separate sex, some do want love or some form of connection and won't have sex without it, others might like casual sex for a while, sometime a long time then something changes. It's not as straightforward as we might think. My experience is that quite few men do want a relationship, don't like it if there's not follow up and do want a relationship after a shag.

I have found myself in this situation 4 times. The first 3 have all been purely based on physical / sexual attraction.

One girl fizzled out because I could sort of sense she was realising she should of been earning money for it.

Another I simply got bored and the girl didn't bother chasing me up on my vanishing act so I assume she wasn't too fussed either.

Another girl i didn't even pay for. We exchanged texts and built up a rapport and then after swapping photographs she just asked me to come see her with a bottle of wine and to she what happens! That ended similarly to the second girl.

On all three occasions the speration between sex and a relationship was clear. The reason I mentioned my age was because I though this was just a case of young people messing around.

The 4th girl I seen was the hectic case. I booked her and after a meeting I sent her a text saying how much I enjoyed myself; she replied something along the lines of "come back then"... I told her I couldn't afford her but she wanted me back anyway.

This girl used to work out of hotels and every lunch time she'd cancel whatever she had on and let me come see her. By now I'm thinking I'm some sort of stud, this is the 4th time this has happened to me, I must be great in the sack, right? Anyway, I asked her, "am I the best you've ever had?" The answer was a resounding 'no'. She just liked me the most for casual sex, she liked my personality, thought I was a lovely guy.

From there things sort of changed. Her attitude to sex was different; she'd take the condom off me for oral, she'd let me cum in her mouth, for foreplay she'd rub herself on my dick without protection. It was all stuff that I sensed she was doing not for sexual gratification, but because she like me. The lines were 100% blurred. There was even one occasion where I was practically about to go bareback but just resisted at the last moment.

I felt shitty after a while because i could see this girl was head over heels in love with me, whilst to me, it was just great sex.

Eventually after me cancelling to see her a few times she just blew up on me and that was that. I could tell she was fucked off withe because obviously by then she could tell i was only casual with her.


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Sometimes I think, that guys want to see WGs after hours not so that they can save money but because it could be said that if there is no money changing hands that this will make for a more authentic and therefore enjoyable experience which I can agree with.

However, it is a dangerous path to tread as there are now feelings involved!


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As a WG who has fallen for what I guess could be called a punter it's just a boundary now that I think should never be crossed from both sides. For me it was an emotional journey that I dont really want to re visit again. Him thinking it was okay to treat me like a free shag but then telling me all this romantic stuff to manipulate me e.g. 'one day we'll make it work' etc. Also sometimes I would lie about the amount of guys i'd seen in order to not hurt his feelings - it's just not nice from both sides. It's probably worse from a punters point of perspective I imagine.

Rochdull lad

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@ peterdraper:  You might not have immediately associated this title: with your OP but, rather than my rehearsing comments others and I posted on it, I thought you might want to read through it; it covers most of the issues you raised.