Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Herpes  (Read 6329 times)

Offline davy321

As an infrequent punter over the last few years I sought to minimise risk by making sure I met with only respected indies and I was fully covered, though was happy to accept kissing and RO. Now it has been said on here that punting is not for the faint hearted. A view I can endorse having been diagnosed  today with oral herpes. Unfortunately my symptoms is not a small single sore on the lips but a mouthful of sores making eating difficult and a number of blisters and sores on the side of my face, so no shaving. Both of which require explanation to those around.

So I have decided to called it a day, but offer a few departing words. To those who have obtained much pleasure from this past time without incident I hope this continues. To new punters I don’t say don’t as life is full of personal choices, but simply recognise the risks that are out there and make sure you are prepared to acknowledge the implications.

Keep safe.


  • Guest
Two-thirds of the worlds population has herpes.

External Link/Members Only

Sorry to hear you have it bad

Offline davy321

Thanks for that.

I know several people that have reoccurring sores, even the ex. Think I was just unprepared for the degree of infection.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 01:05:33 pm by davy321 »

Offline ViperKai

Really sorry to hear that you have such a bad case. Is this def from a punt? we all carry the virus in our bodies anyway, could you just be really run down? Hope it calms down soon for you

Offline Thecunninglinguist

I now carry a tube of cold sore lotion when l go on a punt and start using it as soon as l get back in the car and continue for a couple of days regardless of symptoms. Touch wood l have not had herpes since starting this regime. I had several attacks prior.

Offline davy321

Thanks ViperKai. No I can't be sure, which itself is frustrating, but comparing the primary symptoms and the incubation period stated in the following article would imply a recent punt.

External Link/Members Only

Offline Jonestown

Thanks ViperKai. No I can't be sure, which itself is frustrating, but comparing the primary symptoms and the incubation period stated in the following article would imply a recent punt.

External Link/Members Only

Have you let that SP know ?

Offline davy321

Not yet, her AW profile is offline at the moment. I save nothing on my punting phone; once meet is over any calls or texts are deleted.

Offline Jonestown

I had thought that herpes was not a continuous issue, and that it could only be passed on when the carrier was actually having an “attack” - did you notice any sign during the punt that something might be amiss ?

Offline davy321

Certainly herpes should not be stigmatised, and it is not my intention to do so nor is it to assign blame, the issue in my case I supposed comes from a father explaining to his grown up sons not to use his towels, etc. for the first time and possibly the misguided belief of "it won't happen to me".

No, there was nothing obvious and there was plenty of light - a particular requirement of mine, why meet a good looking woman half ones age and not be able to see her clearly?- otherwise I would have avoided.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 04:39:43 pm by davy321 »

Offline ViperKai

Shit Davy...... hope you get it cleared up fast not to mention stress free  :(

Offline jawill

Herpes is one virus can you pick up off a towel....... Just saying


  • Guest
One need not swear off punting. As pointed out above, prevention is better than cure. Just rub walnut oil and wash profusely within 1 hour of every punt.

Offline Bangers and Gash

... prevention is better than cure. Just rub walnut oil and wash profusely within 1 hour of every punt.

Thank you, Doctor Brooks.  :hi:

WTF?  :wacko:


  • Guest
As an infrequent punter over the last few years I sought to minimise risk by making sure I met with only respected indies and I was fully covered, though was happy to accept kissing and RO. Now it has been said on here that punting is not for the faint hearted. A view I can endorse having been diagnosed  today with oral herpes. Unfortunately my symptoms is not a small single sore on the lips but a mouthful of sores making eating difficult and a number of blisters and sores on the side of my face, so no shaving. Both of which require explanation to those around.

So I have decided to called it a day, but offer a few departing words. To those who have obtained much pleasure from this past time without incident I hope this continues. To new punters I don’t say don’t as life is full of personal choices, but simply recognise the risks that are out there and make sure you are prepared to acknowledge the implications.

Keep safe.

Oh for fucks sake, you probably already had oral herpes, most get it by the age of 5, but can flare up later due to stress/illness. 70% of the population have it by the age of 40, 90% exposed by then.

It's not the end of the world by far, and is generally not transmitted by sexual contact, but kisses by grandparents/aunts/uncles/family friends/etc as a small child.

Oral herpes is quite frankly overblown with how benign it is.

Offline Itsnotshy

Oh for fucks sake, you probably already had oral herpes, most get it by the age of 5, but can flare up later due to stress/illness. 70% of the population have it by the age of 40, 90% exposed by then.

It's not the end of the world by far, and is generally not transmitted by sexual contact, but kisses by grandparents/aunts/uncles/family friends/etc as a small child.

Oral herpes is quite frankly overblown with how benign it is.
Best reply yet, most people carry the virus but only a few show symptoms. If You've been punting or otherwise sexually active you will have encountered this but just be asymptomatic.

Offline Fat Bob probably already had oral herpes, most get it by the age of 5, but can flare up later due to stress/illness. 70% of the population have it by the age of 40, 90% exposed by then.

TS, if I may tweak your nipple so-to-speak ;). I get oral herpes flare ups occasionally (for a good number of years), not down to sexual activity may I add, but due to food sensitivity/allergy. Is this something you are aware of?  I appreciate that the general opinion is that if you are prone to flare ups you should stay away from rich/spicy foods, etc., but my experience over the years has confirmed a number of common mass produced (non-rich) food products that cause flare ups and therefore have no choice but to completely eliminate these from my diet (which I have done with success). From an immunological perspective, I liken my flare ups to type 1 IgE immediate reactions because the burning sensation on the lips will develop within an hour of consuming certain foods, albeit the flare up must have some sort of herpes basis. Perhaps some sort of cross-sensitivity?  Any thoughts on this slightly off-topic observation would be appreciated :rose:
« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 04:23:27 pm by Fat Bob »

Offline Slowjoe

That is bad luck, but as TS says most people have the virus and easy to explain away (dormant for years etc). You must be suffering a severe flare up at the moment. Hope it clears up soon. A months time you may think differently about your retirement. Maybe.


  • Guest
TS, if I may tweak your nipple so-to-speak ;). I get oral herpes flare ups occasionally (for a good number of years), not down to sexual activity may I add, but due to food sensitivity/allergy. Is this something you are aware of?  I appreciate that the general opinion is that if you are prone to flare ups you should stay away from rich/spicy foods, etc., but my experience over the years has confirmed a number of common mass produced (non-rich) food products that cause flare ups and therefore have no choice but to completely eliminate these from my diet (which I have done with success). From an immunological perspective, I liken my flare ups to type 1 IgE immediate reactions because the burning sensation on the lips will develop within an hour of consuming certain foods, albeit the flare up must have some sort of herpes basis. Perhaps some sort of cross-sensitivity?  Any thoughts on this slightly off-topic observation would be appreciated :rose:

Flair ups are almost never a result of sexual activity, using a dip in the immune system (fold, flu, other illnesses, or stress).

If you find you are developing, redness, rashes, or sores around your mouth, especially that quickly, it sounds like an allergic dermatitis. You'd be best going to a doctor to get assessed, as that pattern really doesn't sound like herpes.

Kinky Foxx

  • Guest
 :hi:  Hey Mr Davy321,

That is real back luck if indeed you did contract it via punting.   Most of the literature out there say that it is really low risk to catch it via oral sex.  It is something that will be at the back of all our minds now especially those POPs  (Purveys of Pussy) who enjoy a yodel in the pink canyon, (me included).  I only hope those medical science type boffins can hurry up and discover a vaccine or cure for this shit like the one those 12 year old girls get at school.

It's a very uncomfortable topic you raised there Mr Davy321 but thanks for doing so.  It is up to us the Punters now as to how we proceed, and as you put it, 

" simply recognise the risks that are out there and make sure you are prepared to acknowledge the implications.   

So come on you medical types and get your finger out....

Offline JayEZ2K

I now carry a tube of cold sore lotion when l go on a punt and start using it as soon as l get back in the car and continue for a couple of days regardless of symptoms. Touch wood l have not had herpes since starting this regime. I had several attacks prior.
Which product do you use? I wonder if it prevents getting a new infection, or just prevents outbreaks with current infections.

Offline JayEZ2K

Sorry to hear that, Davy.

Any thoughts on how you got it? Deep French Kissing? Light kissing? Reverse Oral? Did you do specific acts lots of times, or just a few times and unlucky? Do you recall having any abrasions, or open skin from shaving?

As virtualwaster said, most people in the world have it. Even Rugby players can get it in odd areas like arms following abrasion and contact. There used to be a product like a heavy body cream that could reduce the chance of getting it.

Some thoughts I had to reduce the chance of catching herpes, warts, etc:
* Avoid having any abrasions, including shaving cuts or irritation
* Don't shave anything within 48 hours (suggestion from elsewhere on this forum)
* If possible keep some body peach fuzz (not sharp stubble) which acts as a natural barrier and dry lubricant
* Before the punt use a body cream (ideally with SDS which has been found to destroy viruses such as HPV)
* Before the punt use lip balm (probably also with SDS if they have it)
* A dry lubricant/body powder might be useful.
* Remove condom with paper towel, being careful not to touch cock with fluids on outside of condom. Wipe down base of cock and pelvis first. With a clean wipe, wipe bellend if desired.
* Rinse and spit with antibacterial mouthrinse, and shower with SDS-containing soap as soon as possible after the punt. Wash the base of the cock, pelvis, and balls first, which are the most likely to come in contact with her fluids. Then wash hands, then wash bellend.
* Use a normal body lotion and lip oil the rest of the days to keep skin healthy and intact

Offline fantasticmrfox

Hello Davy,
As with others, sorry to hear about your situation. I've read It's not uncommon for there to be a series of flare ups once people first get infected but once the body adapts, this settles and it could be years before you ever get a cold sore.

Like with other comments, its probably little comfort to you right now, but I agree with the wider comments but large sections of the population have the virius.

Offline davy321

Thanks for the various comments. Clearly one of the issues with herpes is the difficulty to pin point when any infection happened and under what circumstances. I simply know this is the first time I have experienced any obvious symptoms; so the infection could be recent, it could be from some time ago. The local GUM clinic took swabs at the beginning of the week and confirmed they were positive for HSV1. So on a course of Aciclovir. On a positive note the facial sores are scabbing and the inside of my mouth is much less painful   :thumbsup:

Offline RadioKid

Offline Mac72

Sorry to hear that, Davy.

Any thoughts on how you got it? Deep French Kissing? Light kissing? Reverse Oral? Did you do specific acts lots of times, or just a few times and unlucky? Do you recall having any abrasions, or open skin from shaving?

As virtualwaster said, most people in the world have it. Even Rugby players can get it in odd areas like arms following abrasion and contact. There used to be a product like a heavy body cream that could reduce the chance of getting it.

Some thoughts I had to reduce the chance of catching herpes, warts, etc:
* Avoid having any abrasions, including shaving cuts or irritation
* Don't shave anything within 48 hours (suggestion from elsewhere on this forum)
* If possible keep some body peach fuzz (not sharp stubble) which acts as a natural barrier and dry lubricant
* Before the punt use a body cream (ideally with SDS which has been found to destroy viruses such as HPV)
* Before the punt use lip balm (probably also with SDS if they have it)
* A dry lubricant/body powder might be useful.
* Remove condom with paper towel, being careful not to touch cock with fluids on outside of condom. Wipe down base of cock and pelvis first. With a clean wipe, wipe bellend if desired.
* Rinse and spit with antibacterial mouthrinse, and shower with SDS-containing soap as soon as possible after the punt. Wash the base of the cock, pelvis, and balls first, which are the most likely to come in contact with her fluids. Then wash hands, then wash bellend.
* Use a normal body lotion and lip oil the rest of the days to keep skin healthy and intact

Excuse my ignorance but what does SDS stand for?

Kinky Foxx

  • Guest
 :hi:. Hi Mr JayEZ2K,

You mention lotions containing SDS,

What is SDS?


  • Guest
:hi:. Hi Mr JayEZ2K,

You mention lotions containing SDS,

What is SDS?

It's a protein denaturing detergent, breaks up fats, and lyses cells. But is also used in household products as it makes things foamy.

Not sure it's in a high enough concentration to be effective as destroying the virus in personal hygeine products. As it's also noted as a skin irritant at 10%. For some people much lower. And obviously producers aren't saying what the concentration is.

So do a skin test before using. If you're sensitive to it, it'll potentially make things worse.

Most products only contain SLS, milder and not associated with much success post exposure unless thr conc is ramped up.

Offline JayEZ2K

Excuse my ignorance but what does SDS stand for?
SDS is Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, also known as sodium lauryl sulfate. It's a common ingredient in body lotions, soaps, toothpaste, mouth rinses, and even food products. It's been shown to destroy HPV and HSV, the viruses that cause herpes and warts. Since it's already found in body lotions, soaps, and mouth rinses, might as well use these products which contain it, before and after the punt.

Offline Mac72

SDS is Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, also known as sodium lauryl sulfate. It's a common ingredient in body lotions, soaps, toothpaste, mouth rinses, and even food products. It's been shown to destroy HPV and HSV, the viruses that cause herpes and warts. Since it's already found in body lotions, soaps, and mouth rinses, might as well use these products which contain it, before and after the punt.

Thanks, new one on me, every day is a learning day.

I use a lip balm before and after each encounter, fortunately I have never had cold sores but I use an spf lip balm everyday, morning, noon and night and it is now a routine. 

Maybe I am a little bit on the spectrum with my routine but hey ho so far so good.


Offline scutty brown

So its not even the virus normally associated with genital herpes.
Odds  are it really is a recurrence of an old infection, possibly triggered by stress or other illness. How is your general health?

Offline scutty brown

SDS is Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, also known as sodium lauryl sulfate. It's a common ingredient in body lotions, soaps, toothpaste, mouth rinses, and even food products. It's been shown to destroy HPV and HSV, the viruses that cause herpes and warts. Since it's already found in body lotions, soaps, and mouth rinses, might as well use these products which contain it, before and after the punt.

Have you got any references to that antiviral activity? On a quick search I couldn't find any.
I know it has some degree of antibacterial activity (most strong surfactants do) but at face value it looks the wrong kind of molecule for antiviral use.


  • Guest
Have you got any references to that antiviral activity? On a quick search I couldn't find any.
I know it has some degree of antibacterial activity (most strong surfactants do) but at face value it looks the wrong kind of molecule for antiviral use.

SDS can, we use it in the labs as a detergent, and it works against HSV1, shown in lab studies bathing the virus in it will stop contraction in monkey kidney cells in a dish, and in mice, or within seconds of exposure in mice (I'm sure many of you know just how much mice studies aren't reliable). What you have in personal hygeine products will be SLS, not really effective against HSV1 in the lab (SLS is a less pure form).

There have been no human trials, it's a cat2 irritant when above 10% solution. Ethics bodies will be hard pressed agreeing to it.

Household cleaners will often contain it, and are effective against it, but you'll be in a fair bit of discomfort trying to bathe with those.

With the degree of similarity between HSV1 and HSV2, anything that works on one, will generally work on the other.

Most people have HSV1, it's in part why it's not tested for routinely. Another reason why, the tests used are highly innacurate (the accurate expensive test is only routinely offered to pregnant women experiencing genital symptoms). As in lots of false positives and negatives, and the standard test is poor at differentiating between the strains. Herpes is diagnosed almost entirely based on symptoms.

I really wouldn't worry about it. Most of us have it, most of us are asymptomatic, it's pretty benign. Just uncomfortable if you have an outbreak. If you are prone to outbreaks, you get the pills and it clears it up fast.

Offline wannabe

Herpes can be passed on even when the carrier isn't having an outbreak, apparently.

If it is confirmed as herpes, and future attacks are also severe, your doctor can prescribe acyclovir tablets, which may be more effective than cold sore creams. Acyclovir won't cure it, but if you start taking the tablets as soon as you get the first signs of an outbreak, it can stop the outbreak (if you're lucky) or at least shorten the duration.

Acyclovir has to be taken 5 times a day, so it's pretty inconvenient. You can ask for valacyclovir tablets, which you only take twice a day, and some research suggests is more effective than acyclovir.

Offline JayEZ2K

Have you got any references to that antiviral activity? On a quick search I couldn't find any.
I know it has some degree of antibacterial activity (most strong surfactants do) but at face value it looks the wrong kind of molecule for antiviral use.
This was mostly answered by TailSeeker, but if you want more info there should be several publications if you search these terms: Sodium lauryl sulfate topical herpes

Although they've only demonstrated its effect at a basic level, since it's already present in body lotions that I have no problem using, I figure it won't hurt. Even if the protection is only slight, I'll take it. Keeping the skin healthy will hopefully also reduce any small breaks in the skin that the virus can enter through, and a thicker body cream could produce a very thin, artificial mucous layer to entrap pathogens. Might seem a bit paranoid, but in practice it takes no added effort.


  • Guest
This was mostly answered by TailSeeker, but if you want more info there should be several publications if you search these terms: Sodium lauryl sulfate topical herpes

Although they've only demonstrated its effect at a basic level, since it's already present in body lotions that I have no problem using, I figure it won't hurt. Even if the protection is only slight, I'll take it. Keeping the skin healthy will hopefully also reduce any small breaks in the skin that the virus can enter through, and a thicker body cream could produce a very thin, artificial mucous layer to entrap pathogens. Might seem a bit paranoid, but in practice it takes no added effort.

SLS won't work post. It's an impure form of SDS (as SDS is a skin irritant, the mixed form less so).

The best protection against HSV1 is to already have it, which most of us do, you can't get reinfected. HSV2 the genital strain is much rarer, about 15%, certain groups are more likely to have it. Having HSV1 gives some protection against it.

The best bet otherwise is to have a good skin care regime. Exfoliate regularly, moisturiser daily, avoid razor rash (opens up the skin), and keep a good immune system (good diet, well rested, and plenty of vitamin C - raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrents, etc, not so much oranges).

If you shave downstairs, don't shave every day, then you can comfortably do it 1 to 2 days before and still be pretty smooth. For the face. Conditioner, softens the bristles by a lot to reduce beard burn.


  • Guest
SLS won't work post. It's an impure form of SDS (as SDS is a skin irritant, the mixed form less so).

The best protection against HSV1 is to already have it, which most of us do, you can't get reinfected. HSV2 the genital strain is much rarer, about 15%, certain groups are more likely to have it. Having HSV1 gives some protection against it.

The best bet otherwise is to have a good skin care regime. Exfoliate regularly, moisturiser daily, avoid razor rash (opens up the skin), and keep a good immune system (good diet, well rested, and plenty of vitamin C - raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrents, etc, not so much oranges).

If you shave downstairs, don't shave every day, then you can comfortably do it 1 to 2 days before and still be pretty smooth. For the face. Conditioner, softens the bristles by a lot to reduce beard burn.
You should change a job babe. Help line at NHS would fit you


  • Guest
You should change a job babe. Help line at NHS would fit you
I do that for many people, but work in biomedical research. Trying to run away to finance. Looks a touch more stable with Brexit soon to kick in.

However in the meantime. SLS is purely for foam, unless you pretreat the cells it does budkiss all. SDS (Sodium dodecyl sulfate) is not remotely the same as SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), the latter has fuck all anti viral effect. It's just a tiny amount. Why we don't use it in the lab.

Offline MrMatrix

Thanks for the various comments. Clearly one of the issues with herpes is the difficulty to pin point when any infection happened and under what circumstances. I simply know this is the first time I have experienced any obvious symptoms; so the infection could be recent, it could be from some time ago. The local GUM clinic took swabs at the beginning of the week and confirmed they were positive for HSV1. So on a course of Aciclovir. On a positive note the facial sores are scabbing and the inside of my mouth is much less painful   :thumbsup:
You've done every thing right in sorting this out. Yes its a bloody nusance- Pleased to here you are feeling better.  :thumbsup:

Offline JayEZ2K

SLS won't work post. It's an impure form of SDS (as SDS is a skin irritant, the mixed form less so)...

SLS is purely for foam, unless you pretreat the cells it does budkiss all. SDS (Sodium dodecyl sulfate) is not remotely the same as SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), the latter has fuck all anti viral effect. It's just a tiny amount. Why we don't use it in the lab.
Can you explain the discrepancy? "Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), an anionic surfactant with protein denaturing potency, is a potent inhibitor of the infectivity of several enveloped (Herpes simplex viruses, HIV-1, Semliki Forest virus) and nonenveloped (papillomaviruses, reovirus, rotavirus and poliovirus) viruses...  results suggest that SLS and LS, alone or combined, could represent potent candidates as microbicides in topical vaginal formulations to prevent the transmission of herpes and possibly other pathogens that cause sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1."

Either way, if it does no harm and helps in any way, good. If not, no worse off.

Regarding exfoliating, I'd be cautious as it removes some of the protective barrier and could create small abrasions that would increase risk of infection. Or at least limit like shaving to no sooner than two days before.

Offline scutty brown

Sodium lauryl sulfate is the same chemical as Sodium dodecyl sulfate. External Link/Members Only
I have a feeling that someone is getting confused with Sodium laureth sulfate (= Sodium dodecyl ether sulfate) External Link/Members Only

Both are used commercially as soaps/detergents

Sodium dodecyl sulfate is the one reported as having a degree of antiviral activity, but virtually all the reports appear to date from one author back in 2002, and mainly were in-vitro tests. The only in-vivo tests appear to have involving inserting a dilute solution into the vaginas of rabbits and mice before attempting to infect them (imagine putting mouse-fucker on your CV). And even then the tests were on a restricted range of cell types.
There doesn't appear to have been any work on humans - though its possible there may have been and its not accessible via Google. A search of Chemical Abstracts/STN would probably find something, but there's no way I'm paying for that.

The key paper appears to be External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
I do that for many people, but work in biomedical research. Trying to run away to finance. Looks a touch more stable with Brexit soon to kick in.

However in the meantime. SLS is purely for foam, unless you pretreat the cells it does budkiss all. SDS (Sodium dodecyl sulfate) is not remotely the same as SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), the latter has fuck all anti viral effect. It's just a tiny amount. Why we don't use it in the lab.
Ah. I thought you were a prostitute

Offline billyjo

This thread has me slightly panicked.  I usually only do oral with  condom and avoid ro, however yesterday I did partake in ro.  How long does it take for any sores /rashes to develop?  is it immediate or after a few days?


  • Guest
This thread has me slightly panicked.  I usually only do oral with  condom and avoid ro, however yesterday I did partake in ro.  How long does it take for any sores /rashes to develop?  is it immediate or after a few days?
Don't panick and keep punting.
Herpes is nothing to worry about it anyway.

Offline Xtro

Don't panick and keep punting.
Herpes is nothing to worry about it anyway.
..... Until your cock drops off!  :D


  • Guest
..... Until your cock drops off!  :D
Your brain did already.

All these scaremongering std stories and std trolls should have no space in ukpunting  :thumbsdown:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 02:01:57 pm by holland »

Offline Marmalade

I don’t think contacting the prossie the poster has in mind is a good idea. People can live with herpes for a long time and no symptoms until it is ‘triggered’ for some reason (reasons even include stress).


I know very effective natural remedies:

It is to rinse mouth with a solution of white vinegar, salt, water.
Another is: mouthwash of water, lemon and salt.
And also: rinse baking soda and water.
These are also very effective to wash the intimate areas in case of external genital infections.

I hope you get well.