Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: 'I was kidnapped in London and trafficked for sex'  (Read 7973 times)

Offline PepeMAGA

You can pontificate as much as you like about possible future legislation, but the reality is punting has a trafficking problem now, and the only way we can help solve it is by reporting trafficking when we suspect it.
Who knows? Maybe if we could collectively help clean up the industry by reporting incidents of exploitation whenever we see them, then there would be no need for new legislation
think most folks are worried about getting in trouble, their number/ IP tracked etc.
if there was an easy anon way of doing it that only ended in the girl being made safe and the pimp locked up/ deported many more would do it. could even be facilitated through AW. though no doubt many would use it for revenge.

Offline bearcat69

I wonder if in Romanian the state sponsored national press writes articles about British students studying over there getting snatched by gangs of nefarious British scumbags to be forced into prostitution, and then uses it was it as an argument towards why they should change the law for everybody in Romania.

I'm guessing they probably don't.


  • Guest
think most folks are worried about getting in trouble, their number/ IP tracked etc.
if there was an easy anon way of doing it that only ended in the girl being made safe and the pimp locked up/ deported many more would do it. could even be facilitated through AW. though no doubt many would use it for revenge.

there is crimestopers or External Link/Members Only

you don't need to put yourself at risk.

If worried about IP use tor browser to do the report.   External Link/Members Only

Offline TheOracle

If trafficking happens I suspect it is rare. I think trafficking is being used disingenuously as a pretext by those pursuing a religious/ moral agenda to justify legislation.  We should be wary of confirming the assumptions on which they are building this case without first subject those assumptions to scrutiny.

Of the 200 + WG’s I have met over the last five years the only time I had concerns that the SP may of been coerced these were later proven to my satisfaction to be untrue (she just hates the job). One other SP reported to me that, before I met her and at the start of her time as an SP, she was trafficked.  I have seen plenty of signs of drug use and alcoholism; I suspect I can tell if someone uses coke just by looking at them.  But I have never seen signs of suspicious looking injuries or had any indication of coercion.

Read the BBC article again.  Can anyone here relate a single punting experience reminiscent of this?  If there are hoards of women bonded into sexual slavery being held prisoner in our cities it is a bit odd than none of us have ever met them!

This is bollox.  A tiny fraction of WG’s may be in slavery.  The overwhelming majority whore for completely obvious financial motives.  Campaigners are pursuing a moral agenda because they don’t like men buying sex from women.  Trafficking is just an excuse campaigners use to try and stop it.

Completely agree. Stories like these ones are capitalised by people with a regressive agenda that want to criminalise sex work and clients for reasons completely related to their personal views of what is right and wrong. Indeed frequently influenced by religious motives. It is important to fight back, taking the courage to speak up publicly (without necessarily declaring that we are also customers), it's not just a matter of protecting the hobby, it's a matter of protecting an individual freedom from the preying hands of people who want to score easy political points by aiming at an easy and vulnerable target that most people don't care about or are not open to declaring they care about.

Offline PepeMAGA

there is crimestopers or External Link/Members Only

you don't need to put yourself at risk.

If worried about IP use tor browser to do the report.   External Link/Members Only

Offline LLPunting

One option, the one I’m sure everyone is hoping for, is that you get banned for posting retarded logic that led to you accusing someone of a serious crime simply because he has awareness..  btw fuck your little “I’m not a Dr this is not medical advice” disclaimer you’re still a grade a cunt.

Why only 2 week ban?  Others have been booted permanently for less Troll-like behaviour...  :unknown:


  • Guest
Why only 2 week ban?  Others have been booted permanently for less Troll-like behaviour...  :unknown:
Who knows, maybe he had a few that night and usually offers value. But tbh the more Scutty goes on the more he contradicts his “caring punter” thing and seems to be exaggerating his knowledge or empathy.

He says trafficking, I’m guessing he means forced,  goes on more then we realise. He says he has come across trafficked girls many times, I’m guessing in both ways. So why does he still punt? Has he ever reported any and tbh are any of his reviews legit and if they are how could a man who has had such experiences and feels so strongly then go out and review a girl UNLESS if it’s to say “this girl is trafficked” and do any of his reviews mention that?

I’m honest enough to say I make a distinction between willingly and forcefully trafficked, and I used the example of traditional Thai Girls(from years gone by)  as those that were willingly trafficked to the U.K.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 10:57:06 am by InstaPunt »


  • Guest

Read the BBC article again.  Can anyone here relate a single punting experience reminiscent of this? If there are hoards of women bonded into sexual slavery being held prisoner in our cities it is a bit odd than none of us have ever met them!

Note, UKP is the main forum for punters in this country no one has provided a similar example. What we see in the media is reminiscent of the moral campaign that led to prohibition in the US. 

Offline RogerBoner

Asians are trafficked, if we’re talking about Thais specifically then yeah most have been trafficked wilfully and fully knowing what they are doing, but the fact remains they arrive with everything  set up for them to enter prostitution and they have a debt to pay off.
I agree with everything you have written on this thread. Thais that I know are happy to be making so much money for their families back home. I've never met one that is unenthusiastic or miserable. Well, there are a couple who are disagreeable. The young Chinese girls that work alone can be very lonely.

S.B. has named Cecilia Chung as trafficked. I've met her and had a laugh or two despite the language inadequacies. I don't believe that she is a slave as she came down with me in the lift to go shopping unsupervised. Both Chinese and Thai girls are constantly on social media corresponding with family and friends.

Claiming insider information, when untrue, appears to be an attempt at self-importance.
If I thought that the Chinese girls had been forced into sex slavery I simply wouldn't punt with them. Sympatico.

Offline wristjob

Note, UKP is the main forum for punters in this country no one has provided a similar example. What we see in the media is reminiscent of the moral campaign that led to prohibition in the US.

65,000 punting reviews. One guy thinks loads of girls are trafficked but can't talk about it. Pretty much everyone else thinks it's rare as hell. A few people said the law would make it scary to report it - but nobody has sad they didn't report it because they were scared. The BBC wants to push the agenda so they dig up a story from 7 years ago - what's wrong with the stories from last year or this year that somehow managed to fail to get reported anywhere - I'm sure there were thousands of them.

If you want a slave to do manual work I get that. Your own personal sex slave in your basement sure. A slave WG who gets to speak to many people each day just seems way more risk than the reward justifies.


  • Guest
Note, UKP is the main forum for punters in this country no one has provided a similar example. What we see in the media is reminiscent of the moral campaign that led to prohibition in the US.
Prossies love money and cocks.
Noone would ever read this on BBC!

Offline RogerBoner

Offline AndreaM

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While I do believe that the woman in the story was somehow coerced into prostitution, I find most of the details quite hard to believe and I'd be more inclined toward 'media trying to manipulate public opinion to support the upcoming Nordic Model'. This is my only kinda personal encounter with media bullshit: When I was in the 11th grade (about 17 years old), a girl in my class died in a car crash along with her aunt and uncle (he was driving) while coming back from some holiday place. Horrible situation. Several national and local media outlets reported that in the accident a 10 year old girl died. A 17 year old dying wasn't tragic enough, they took 7 years off her age to make it even worse, because they could! That thought me to take whatever I see on the news or read in the papers with a pinch of salt!

Back to the OP story. It has too many holes. Firstly, EU students are entitled to tuition fee loans but not any maintenance loans. Applying for a tuition fee loan would be the first thing a wannabe romanian student would apply for as soon as they got the conditional offer from their chosen university. So I am confused on how the imaginary girl in the story came to the UK in the first place, she wouldn't have started her course or even got on the plane if finance wasn't sorted beforehand.
Secondly, studying in the UK is expensive and families need to make sure they are prepared to keep up with the costs if they're gonna send their offspring to university here or in any other country. University abroad is a luxury and not everyone can afford it. London is very expensive, so it's highly likely that most Romanian students there come from well to do enough families to be able to afford to fully cover the cost at least for the first year. So the chances of some low life pimps randomly grabbing some innocent student off the streets of  London in a van are low. That student is highly likely to come from a family that can afford her studies here and that means they have enough money and contacts to try and find her should anything happen. There is poverty in Romania, but not everyone there is dirt poor. People that can afford to send their kids to uni abroad are far from poor. Pimpy criminals don't want nor need that kind of complication.

Thirdly, how did the so called kidnappers knew she had her passport on her? Not everyone walks around with ID. Without her full details they couldn't have got her on the plane or threatened her family.

I am not denying that there is some truth to the story. Most likely she was brought here under false pretence and told that she would be a barmaid or whatnot. There are also loads of girls who come here and choosing to be prostitutes for a while and make an agreed amount of money before going back, some people on this thread called it trafficking by choice. While it's illegal and I don't personally approve of it, it does involve women making those choices for themselves knowing exactly what they're expected to do. I think coercion should be tackled, obviously, but at the same time I don't think the  issue is big enough to change the laws for those of us who are just trying to get our rent  paid.  :hi:

« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 12:51:09 am by AndreaM »

Offline peter purves

While I do believe that the woman in the story was somehow coerced into prostitution, I find most of the details quite hard to believe and I'd be more inclined toward 'media trying to manipulate public opinion to support the upcoming Nordic Model'. This is my only kinda personal encounter with media bullshit: When I was in the 11th grade (about 17 years old), a girl in my class died in a car crash along with her aunt and uncle (he was driving) while coming back from some holiday place. Horrible situation. Several national and local media outlets reported that in the accident a 10 year old girl died. A 17 year old dying wasn't tragic enough, they took 7 years off her age to make it even worse, because they could! That thought me to take whatever I see on the news or read in the papers with a pinch of salt!

Back to the OP story. It has too many holes. Firstly, EU students are entitled to tuition fee loans but not any maintenance loans. Applying for a tuition fee loan would be the first thing a wannabe romanian student would apply for as soon as they got the conditional offer from their chosen university. So I am confused on how the imaginary girl in the story came to the UK in the first place, she wouldn't have started her course or even got on the plane if finance wasn't sorted beforehand.
Secondly, studying in the UK is expensive and families need to make sure they are prepared to keep up with the costs if they're gonna send their offspring to university here or in any other country. University abroad is a luxury and not everyone can afford it. London is very expensive, so it's highly likely that most Romanian students there come from well to do enough families to be able to afford to fully cover the cost at least for the first year. So the chances of some low life pimps randomly grabbing some innocent student off the streets of  London in a van are low. That student is highly likely to come from a family that can afford her studies here and that means they have enough money and contacts to try and find her should anything happen. There is poverty in Romania, but not everyone there is dirt poor. People that can afford to send their kids to uni abroad are far from poor. Pimpy criminals don't want nor need that kind of complication.

Thirdly, how did the so called kidnappers knew she had her passport on her? Not everyone walks around with ID. Without her full details they couldn't have got her on the plane or threatened her family.

I am not denying that there is some truth to the story. Most likely she was brought here under false pretence and told that she would be a barmaid or whatnot. There are also loads of girls who come here and choosing to be prostitutes for a while and make an agreed amount of money before going back, some people on this thread called it trafficking by choice. While it's illegal and I don't personally approve of it, it does involve women making those choices for themselves knowing exactly what they're expected to do. I think coercion should be tackled, obviously, but at the same time I don't think the  issue is big enough to change the laws for those of us who are just trying to get our rent  paid.  :hi:

With regards to the facts surrounding this case. There must be a written judgement regarding the facts.

I am sure someone who has access to the various law reports databases should be able to find the case and put it up here - Hint Hint!!!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 12:58:43 am by peter purves »
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Jonestown

These stories always have the girl charged out at circa £150/hr, they are always forced to see dozens of clients day, and these clients always include business men, lawyers, politicians, etc, all of whom are apparently happy to pay out top whack for an obviously bruised and brutalised girl. There is a lot doesnt ring true there.

If EE and SE Asian girls are mostly trafficked it amazes me that these gangs of hardened cunts go to the trouble and risk of transporting a girl upto half way round the world and then say, sorry luv, for health and safety reasons you cant do DFK, OWO, or anal, or any number of other things, I know its going to hit my profits, but thats the way it is.


  • Guest
yes horrible story and the perpertrators should never see the light of day again.

However its quite clear that the government is determined to bring in the Nordic model and is preparing public opinion for its introduction.


  • Guest
sorry to post again so quickly-working from home with news channels in background-now major campaign launched to ban lap dancing with all the familiar arguments.


  • Guest
I agree with everything you have written on this thread. Thais that I know are happy to be making so much money for their families back home. I've never met one that is unenthusiastic or miserable. Well, there are a couple who are disagreeable. The young Chinese girls that work alone can be very lonely.

Claiming insider information, when untrue, appears to be an attempt at self-importance.
If I thought that the Chinese girls had been forced into sex slavery I simply wouldn't punt with them. Sympatico.

Agree. Very strange. Very easy to pick apart whether it be his moral outrage( which is clearly false) or claims of “being in the know”.

Offline occasionalpunter

If trafficking happens I suspect it is rare. I think trafficking is being used disingenuously as a pretext by those pursuing a religious/ moral agenda to justify legislation.  We should be wary of confirming the assumptions on which they are building this case without first subject those assumptions to scrutiny.

Of the 200 + WG’s I have met over the last five years the only time I had concerns that the SP may of been coerced these were later proven to my satisfaction to be untrue (she just hates the job). One other SP reported to me that, before I met her and at the start of her time as an SP, she was trafficked.  I have seen plenty of signs of drug use and alcoholism; I suspect I can tell if someone uses coke just by looking at them.  But I have never seen signs of suspicious looking injuries or had any indication of coercion.

Read the BBC article again.  Can anyone here relate a single punting experience reminiscent of this?  If there are hoards of women bonded into sexual slavery being held prisoner in our cities it is a bit odd than none of us have ever met them!

This is bollox.  A tiny fraction of WG’s may be in slavery.  The overwhelming majority whore for completely obvious financial motives.  Campaigners are pursuing a moral agenda because they don’t like men buying sex from women.  Trafficking is just an excuse campaigners use to try and stop it.

I suspect it's more common than people in this forum think, although still nowhere near the majority of SPs. Most people here go for well reveiwed providers and don't do bareback, whereas i expect coerced providers are more likely to offer bareback and to have bad service, as well as to move around a lot and change profiles a lot so as to not have time to get reviews, making it less likely that they'll get reveiwed.

I haven't seen any providers that i thought were being coerced while i was seeing them, although one did mention something that made me suspect that she was originally trafficked before now becoming independant (she posts on UKE and is independant so i'm certain she isn't being coerced now, she mentioned an asshole guy related to how she came to this country originally).

Offline Steely Dan

I suspect it's more common than people in this forum think, although still nowhere near the majority of SPs.

I haven't seen any providers that i thought were being coerced
Sad story.  Very sad.  STORY.  My view? 90% fiction.

What is your suspicion based on if not your personal experience?  Crap you read?

People make up numbers.  Others report them.  Then others reference the report.  Soon it is fact.  And even punters think it might be true.

My view.  I believe what I see.  And what has been proven in court (90% of which is true).  Crap in the news or on the net? Not if it conflicts with my own experience.

Offline RogerBoner

Steely Dan it's a shame that you left Nottingham as I used to enjoy the reviews of the locals  :drinks:


  • Guest
Lets have some perpestive here, most of us are wage slaves, working foe the man to pay off the mortgage, ita just their work is different.
What we should look out for is physucal or mental abuse, though its hard to know in 30 mins.
I think the most vunerable seem to be the young chinese girls that are shipped from flat to flat. I get the sense that these girls dont have much id a say on their hours and conditions etc

Offline Steely Dan

I think the most vunerable seem to be the young chinese girls that are shipped from flat to flat. I get the sense that these girls dont have much id a say on their hours and conditions etc
Which Chinese girls are these Bigbob?  The ones you have seen yourself, or the ones you heard about on the interweb?  Or even maybe you saw on the BBC - they report facts made up by local councils not based on hard evidence. Where do you get this sense from exactly?

I am 100% against trafficking of any kind, but I am also 100% against any statements made about trafficking that are not backed up by hard facts.  Because they are likely spread to make a case to criminalise punting.  With current laws there is little need to traffic - and no profit in it. 

Offline Itsnotshy

Which Chinese girls are these Bigbob?  The ones you have seen yourself, or the ones you heard about on the interweb?  Or even maybe you saw on the BBC - they report facts made up by local councils not based on hard evidence. Where do you get this sense from exactly?

I am 100% against trafficking of any kind, but I am also 100% against any statements made about trafficking that are not backed up by hard facts.  Because they are likely spread to make a case to criminalise punting.  With current laws there is little need to traffic - and no profit in it.
Agree with this 100%. When it comes to trafficking there are games being played by people with a moral agenda, often very clever, very devious controlling people.
Remember back in the 90s when all the talk was of decrim and the moral bigots appeared to have lost the argument, suddenly along comes this new word 'trafficking' and repression is back on the table. All very convenient.
I'm sure it does happen, but exceptionally rarely. Certainly something I've never encountered.
At the heart of this some people just want to put women back in the box and end all promiscuity. We should be wary of buying into their agenda.

Offline notcalledchris

Surely the issue is sex which is coersed and not willingly sold.  The trafficking angle is a red herring.   If the Romanian of the story was forced to fuck against her will in Romania that would be equally wrong.  It is the coersion that makes it wrong not that it takes place in Ireland.

Offline Hotdogboy88

2 week ban the idiot wont learn though.   :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Fingers crossed you don't return.   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Sorry to disappoint but I’m back.  :D

How you been keeping?? Did you miss me.  :drinks:


  • Guest
Sorry to disappoint but I’m back.  :D

How you been keeping?? Did you miss me.  :drinks:

As predicted trolldog88 you wont learn.    :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline magnetico

So the BBC brought back to life a story from 2011,showing that making prostitution illegal in Ireland (2017) would avoid anything like that to happen again in Ireland?

I guess that it should be done all over the UK as well isn't it?  :dash:

Offline Heph

My own obersvation from visiting Chinese-run parlours, which was frequent, regular and of long duration, was that UK Border Force was on permanent sick leave, or else staffed by stooges taking kick-backs from trafficking groups. How else to account for the almost continual turnover of staff in the parlours?

Rotating staff throughout different city sites would imply that parlour ownership was concentrated in very few hands, or else was unusually co-operative, and I'd also expect to encounter familiar faces at different venues, though that rarely happened. Rotation throughout the country therefore seemed more probable, but that's just not the way that most people want to live, if they have much choice in the matter.

The following 'review', if it is given credence, is about a parlour in a mid-sized town

There simply isn't the cover in a town like Bishop's Stortford to mask a rotating staff of Chinese happy-ending hawkers; and indeed, the link for the gumtree ad is already dead, though the review was only posted less than 2 months ago.

This seems to leave the issue unresolved. On the one hand, it's not possible to sustain a high turnover of meat-for-the-sausage-grinder without a constant cycling of that talent, invisibly, around the country and all of the organisation that implies. On the other, most people just don't or can't enjoy that kind of existence - which, furthermore would be made all the more difficult by the typically poor quality of English the parlour staff speak; their ages, and the lack of other obvious skills which might better explain their presence here.

I'm having difficulty squaring off those observations, but for one thing which would bridge them and make sense.

Offline peter purves

'Doing Money' BBC2 Monday 5th November:

"A young Romanian woman is snatched in broad daylight from a London street, trafficked to Ireland and used as a sex slave in a series of pop-up brothels. Her shocking true story offers a tense and thought-provoking thriller exposing how, in modern Britain, slavery can hide in plain sight."

External Link/Members Only
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac


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You have to show identification even on domestic routes, normally a passport.

yea you need ID now, usualy passport now, you used to be able to just use your driver licence or some other form of ID but lately its just been passports.

I'm pretty sure there brought into via ferry these days as it seems a soft route now.

Online scutty brown

My own obersvation from visiting Chinese-run parlours, which was frequent, regular and of long duration, was that UK Border Force was on permanent sick leave, or else staffed by stooges taking kick-backs from trafficking groups. How else to account for the almost continual turnover of staff in the parlours?

Rotating staff throughout different city sites would imply that parlour ownership was concentrated in very few hands, or else was unusually co-operative, and I'd also expect to encounter familiar faces at different venues, though that rarely happened. Rotation throughout the country therefore seemed more probable, but that's just not the way that most people want to live, if they have much choice in the matter.

The following 'review', if it is given credence, is about a parlour in a mid-sized town

There simply isn't the cover in a town like Bishop's Stortford to mask a rotating staff of Chinese happy-ending hawkers; and indeed, the link for the gumtree ad is already dead, though the review was only posted less than 2 months ago.

This seems to leave the issue unresolved. On the one hand, it's not possible to sustain a high turnover of meat-for-the-sausage-grinder without a constant cycling of that talent, invisibly, around the country and all of the organisation that implies. On the other, most people just don't or can't enjoy that kind of existence - which, furthermore would be made all the more difficult by the typically poor quality of English the parlour staff speak; their ages, and the lack of other obvious skills which might better explain their presence here.

I'm having difficulty squaring off those observations, but for one thing which would bridge them and make sense.

I've just recently come across a case where a parlour was flying in Chinese girls under false pretences and then making them work 12 hour days without breaks. All the money - even the extras - went to the house. The girls got nothing. One of the girls told me "she HAD to work there for another month" before she was allowed to leave. They were turning the girls round every few weeks,  kept under contol by a bloke who looked like a dock worker or similar.
Place was busted, girls released and repatriated.
Can't  ID it for legal reasons
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 06:55:36 pm by scutty brown »

Offline Steely Dan

I've just recently come across a case where a parlour was flying in Chinese girls under false pretences and then making them work 12 hour days without breaks. All the money - even the extras - went to the house. The girls got nothing. One of the girls told me "she HAD to work there for another month" before she was allowed to leave. They were turning the girls round every few weeks,  kept under contol by a bloke who looked like a dock worker or similar.
Place was busted, girls released and repatriated.
Can't  ID it for legal reasons
You fucked one of these trafficked girls, or you walked in and walked out, or you heard about this down the pub?

Offline puntingpumping1920

You fucked one of these trafficked girls, or you walked in and walked out, or you heard about this down the pub?

I spoke to a prostitute the other day in my booking, she told me most Romanians are trafficked.

She admitted to me she had a Pimp when she started. Eastern European Pimps usually take 50% cut or more.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 11:39:55 pm by puntingpumping1920 »
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Heph

I've just recently come across a case where a parlour was flying in Chinese girls under false pretences and then making them work 12 hour days without breaks. All the money - even the extras - went to the house. The girls got nothing. One of the girls told me "she HAD to work there for another month" before she was allowed to leave. They were turning the girls round every few weeks,  kept under contol by a bloke who looked like a dock worker or similar.
Place was busted, girls released and repatriated.
Can't  ID it for legal reasons

This sounds plausible to me - I can't see how these women are getting visas to be here legitimately.

Offline Steely Dan

, she told me most Romanians are trafficked.
Hearsay falls into the trap of the shit heads that want to ban punting or adopt the so called Scandinavian model.  I wish punters would not fall in to the trap.  Clearly, I don't know what kind of bull shit is going on out there.  maybe there is lots of trafficking.

But I have never seen it.

And it is unhelpful when people spread second had news which later on the BBC reports as fact, which later on turns into a law that ruins our past-time.

Offline Jonestown

I spoke to a prostitute the other day in my booking, she told me most Romanians are trafficked.

She admitted to me she had a Pimp when she started. Eastern European Pimps usually take 50% cut or more.

Golden rule, never assume anything a WG tells you is actually true.


  • Guest
Ask yourself a question: how often have you seen any punters here state that they've called the police because of trafficking fears? I can't remember one in the couple of years I've been a member here. If anything, when suspicions are voiced, those who raise them often get shouted down.
Now we're supposed to be the more knowledgeable of the punting fraternity -and if we don't report these girls, then who else will?

Given that in theory under femenazi-inspired UK sex laws, any man who books an escort in all innocence for a quick knee-trembler, and then reports that they think she is being trafficked to the filth, they then risk being charged with rape (or simply publicly vilified as a punter with all the career-ending, marriage wrecking, Google shaming life sentencing social consequences to follow) why would anyone risk it? The law in this country had the chance to treat punters as a source of intel on bad actors in the sex industry, and it chose to continue to see us as vile criminals who need to be kept at arms length for ideological reasons. Then there's the ever increasing number of crimes you can be charged for over one single incident and the ever lengthening sentences for sex crimes as feminist influence over the legal system grows. Why would anyone risk it over a mere suspicion?  If the feminazis, the law and the rest of society want us to be their eyes and ears, let them stop treating us like social pariahs.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2018, 03:45:55 pm by Autopunter »

Offline Rochelle

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Given that in theory under femenazi-inspired UK sex laws, any man who books an escort in all innocence for a quick knee-trembler, and then reports that they think she is being trafficked to the filth, they then risk being charged with rape (or simply publicly vilified as a punter with all the career-ending, marriage wrecking, Google shaming life sentencing social consequences to follow) why would anyone risk it? The law in this country had the chance to treat punters as a source of intel on bad actors in the sex industry, and it chose to continue to see us as vile criminals who need to be kept at arms length for ideological reasons. Then there's the ever increasing number of crimes you can be charged for over one single incident and the ever lengthening sentences for sex crimes as feminist influence over the legal system grows. Why would anyone risk it over a mere suspicion?  If the feminazis, the law and the rest of society want us to be their eyes and ears, let them stop treating us like social pariahs.
It's been mentioned on the thread that tip-offs can be given to the police anonymously.
Also, if it's true, what is wrong with lengthening sentences for sex crimes? Sentences handed out for various crimes tend to be too lenient.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 05:49:16 am by Rochelle »

Offline Horizontal pleasures

External Link/Members Only

Doing Money BBC2 this evening all about just this, a Romanian who ends up in a Brothel,  'I was kidnapped in London and trafficked for sex' to Belfast.

I shall have to watch it on catchup later in the week as Missus HP is at home this evening.

Does this need a new thread or is it OK on here?

Offline Baxter63

Read the title of the thread and the opening post, HP. It's what started this thread.
Banned reason: Anti UKP wanker Kelvin on another forum
Banned by: 90125

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Read the title of the thread and the opening post, HP. It's what started this thread.
I did read it and it said 2011 so I thought it was old and this is new. Silly me.

Offline Baxter63

Just thought that I'd bring this thread up the board as the film was shown on BBC2 and was very good. Let's hope it ups the ante, even further, against the Romanian scum.
Banned reason: Anti UKP wanker Kelvin on another forum
Banned by: 90125

Offline peter purves

'Doing Money' BBC2 Monday 5th November:

"A young Romanian woman is snatched in broad daylight from a London street, trafficked to Ireland and used as a sex slave in a series of pop-up brothels. Her shocking true story offers a tense and thought-provoking thriller exposing how, in modern Britain, slavery can hide in plain sight."

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Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Online scutty brown

Just thought that I'd bring this thread up the board as the film was shown on BBC2 and was very good. Let's hope it ups the ante, even further, against the Romanian scum.

not just Romanian
add (for starters)

Offline peter purves

not just Romanian
add (for starters)

Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline puntingpumping1920

Golden rule, never assume anything a WG tells you is actually true.


It was just one of those post-punt discussions you have when you're getting dressed to leave.

TBF, not sure the angle in why she would lie.

I asked her what made her come to London, and she said her Pimp brought her here voluntarily.

She even told me she likes the freedom her job gives her.

Then told me the issues she and others have faced dealing with pimps

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Londonpunter30

Just thought that I'd bring this thread up the board as the film was shown on BBC2 and was very good. Let's hope it ups the ante, even further, against the Romanian scum.
Nationality doesn't be come into it.. it's the scum that force girls into this.

Never seen a girl I thought was trafficked but doesmake me wonder why no punter reports these girls

Online scutty brown

Nationality doesn't be come into it.. it's the scum that force girls into this.

Never seen a girl I thought was trafficked but doesmake me wonder why no punter reports these girls

Sometimes punters do inform - thats how the police make arrests.
Without info from the public they are powerless as they don't know where to look. My guess is you'll find most police antitrafficking work is the result of punter tip-offs