Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: No sex marriage and masturbation  (Read 10732 times)


  • Guest
There’s an old joke that kind of rings need a time and place to have sex, women need a reason.

If she’s not fucking you anymore, it usually means she already has what she wants/needs from you. For a lot of women, that want/need (consciously or subconsciously) is security...particularly social and financial security.

The possibility of that security being taken away, or the possibility of getting that security elsewhere,  will suddenly turn them into horny teenagers again.

Offline shant999

Late at everything...

Been punting since I was 17/18 when I got introduced to the walk ups in SOHO and street walkers. Now in my 50's married with kids and still punting with AW and this site.

Lack of confidence in approaching women and a few rejections made me continue this pastime all the way through my early 20's. Is that the same as marriage? Getting rejection and thinking I can just pay for it and live out my fantasy.

Then just as I am getting confident in my mid 20's and successful with women, I have to follow tradition and get married, semi arranged, both agreed! I am a good boy really, keeping up family traditions blah blah. Sex was good for a few years after OH let me! (long story, another time) But alas OH let herself go in that time, although pretty, I know refer to her as pretty big. OH wants it, but I can't do big girls. I've been nice, cruel and everything in between if she doe not want to help herself  :timeout: Divorce is not an option for a number of impractical reasons. I had tasted the forbidden fruits and knew how to get satisfied with limited risk so I carry on punting....

Age/relation has nothing to do with it..If I started at 17/18 I must have been with a number of women in their 30's, 40's I honestly cant remember. In my 50's Ive been with 20's, 30's, and some 40's.
When I go to a restaurant, I order a Steak because I like it and get fish and chips when I fancy them in the middle of the day! One day I fancy Thai, another day I fancy Hungarian, when I can I go for Brazilian   :unknown: If I could afford it I would buy a Ferrari, in my 50's and know that all the young women would go wow at the car and see me and go err he's old. Do I give shit?

Sex is just another thing that we are made to feel guilty about as the lady on U tube says.

Your only here for short time enjoy what you can within reason, just try not to hurt anyone in the process. Difficult, but as mentioned men have to have sex! and I am not going to feel guilty for it.

Offline Marmalade

I have refined the point.
I think its a point well made, and the 'I'll fuck'em if they can advertise' is just a bit sad (not you, another one) - but each to his own.
I do think there's an element of hypocrisy, sometimes.  And I suspect its down to 'don't shit on your own doorstep because you'll get found out' more than any moral compass.
Don't you look in the mirror while you are shaving?  What do you see if you do?
We allow 'robust debate' here, no?
Or is it just that we allow ourselves to robustly piss on noobs?
There will be no apology.

All right no apology. And good on you for responding at least.

I don’t think there’s any question of anyone wanting to shag their daughter. The point is that loose words can make life hell for someone.

It’s true that for many people with 18yr old daughters shagging a prostitute of that age can seem subjectively repulsive and a good enough reason not to do it. Yet that it reminds you of incest does not make it incest, which is objectively repulsive. It isn’t fair to feel that someone else should or would make the same mental comparison that you do.

I’m going to get a bit technical here, but it’s in fairness to everyone as far as I can manage and I hope my comments are maybe found to be constructive.

The ‘repulsiveness’ is based on two factors, as I see it. One is a fear that the 18yr old is somehow less mentally competent than a person much older (and is therefore persuaded against her will), and has less ‘capacity’. This is the reason why the law thinks it is a heinous offence for a mature man to have sex with a 16yr old but not so bad for a 17yr old to do so. But although the 18yr old may not have the knowledge and experience of a 21yr old or a 36yr old, the law deems her fully competent age-wise.
    Unfortunately even when she’s 21 or even older, her father will still tend to see her as his daughter under his protection. With your own daughter it’s natural and forgivable: with anyone else it can be frankly insulting.
    I’ve taught classes of 18yr olds (formally and no, I didn’t shag any of them) and one or two were already vastly superior to me in intelligence and life-skills. Yet a drug addict or sex slave would probably be lacking competence whatever her age.
    Repulsiveness based on taking advantage of someone who doesn’t have capacity, whether by dint of being a minor, being forced, drugged, or mentally incompetent, such as someone in an institution, is justifiably and objectively repulsive and the law agrees. Having sex with someone when simply someone else finds the act repulsive is not in itself justifiably and objectively repulsive — otherwise according to Julie Bindel anything involving a prostitute is repulsive and probably anything that involves heterosexuality!

The second point is minor but was pointed out by the ethicist Julian Savulescu. That is, certain traits, such as finding incest repulsive, were adopted wholesale by most societies until they became instinctive and for very good reasons — i.e. close inbreeding produced weaker specimens. Given the state of modern science, he says, that is no longer technically true — but it is probably a good thing that it is still ingrained, a culturally inherited bias, and also in law, otherwise proper raising of children would probably fall to bits. — This for incest between adults, both of whom are 18 or over: it does not condone (even theoretically) incest with a minor for the very reason of lack of capacity.

Where the forum is concerned, we have robust discussion. But there’s pretty low tolerance for insinuating that anyone is a criminal (eg pedo, incest-lover) unless it’s true. So, with respect, maybe you should do the ‘look in the mirror’ bit , realise some people would think you were a fucking perv just for being a punter, but the line is drawn clearly on UKP. (I take the piss out of HP for his tastes which I personally find repulsive but I’d never liken him to a criminal for having them.)

It doesn’t sound like it to you just now, but I think the censoring remarks were meant in a friendly way (at least from me). Otherwise people would have just called you a fucking cunt.  :cool:

(I’ll probably get slagged for even attempting to introduce some rationality but one has to try.)

Offline Plan R

Saw a psychologist for a few months, back in early 2000's, when I was really cut up about a 7yr relationship ending..(cringe when I remember being such a soft cunt, but I felt that bad at the time).
He was an old boy, been practicing for decades - told me almost every man he had ever counselled regarding relationship problems was singing the same song. Even said his own wife had been that way and had condemned him to 20 sexless years.
Reckoned 95% of em pull-the-plug on sex when they can - looking to punish men.

I no longer wish to get financially webbed up with one of the cunts.
It's like the scorpion and the turtle - they just can't help themselves and feel fully justified in condemning another human being (that they are are supposed to love) to a sexless LIFE.
Fuck that - If it floats, fucks or fly's - hire it 

Offline threechilliman

Sex was good for a few years after OH let me! (long story, another time)

Can't wait!

Offline Punterenas

Try to get hold the book : The sex diaries: Why Women go off sex and other bedroom battles by Bettina Arndt.
I found it very useful. (Left it out for my OH to read).

Offline Boundless

There’s an old joke that kind of rings need a time and place to have sex, women need a reason.

If she’s not fucking you anymore, it usually means she already has what she wants/needs from you. For a lot of women, that want/need (consciously or subconsciously) is security...particularly social and financial security.

The possibility of that security being taken away, or the possibility of getting that security elsewhere,  will suddenly turn them into horny teenagers again.

The old saying:

Sex is the price a woman pays for marriage and marriage is the price a man pays for sex.

And a joke:
How do you stop a woman giving you a blow job?
Marry her!

Offline Boundless

Love the "lights out, nightie up, vanilla"

As many guys have said, the sort of things that are on offer with WG's would be extremely hard to find in a wife.

I've had a threesome with 2 delicious twenty year olds in school uniform, a girl answering the door wearing nothing but a collar and leash, coming over a girls face, tits, ass and in her mouth, sex in every position imaginable and even fucked a couple of TS's up the arse!

Offline threechilliman

Love the "lights out, nightie up, vanilla"

As many guys have said, the sort of things that are on offer with WG's would be extremely hard to find in a wife.

I've had a threesome with 2 delicious twenty year olds in school uniform, a girl answering the door wearing nothing but a collar and leash, coming over a girls face, tits, ass and in her mouth, sex in every position imaginable and even fucked a couple of TS's up the arse!

The school uniform reminds me of a 'School girls' party I attended. Two in porno type outfits, one in real uniform. Feckin' awesome!! Started with the one in real uniform...... ;)

Offline Boundless

The school uniform reminds me of a 'School girls' party I attended. Two in porno type outfits, one in real uniform. Feckin' awesome!! Started with the one in real uniform...... ;)


Offline NelsonH

Thank goodness someone fixed the spelling of "masturbation" in the title of this thread. Been bothering me.

Offline Marmalade

Thank goodness someone fixed the spelling of "masturbation" in the title of this thread. Been bothering me.

A common mistake. Maybe people spend more time doing it than spelling it.

Online RogerBoner

I have to follow tradition and get married, arranged, both agreed! I am a good boy really, keeping up family traditions blah blah. But alas OH let herself go in that time, although pretty, I know refer to her as pretty big. OH wants it, but I can't do big girls.  Divorce is not an option for a number of impractical reasons.
Goodness gracious me :hi:

Offline wheeliebinwanking

Same old story really

I think back at laugh about the times I used to tell my OH to give me a break in the bedroom as I had an important meeting the next day!

I've tried what I feel is everything, no pressure, pressure, lost weight...she acknowledges at times I must been 'bursting' but now it's just unspoken

I can't be bothered to raise it again....Sex is just a release now which at times can be achieved by wanking....but sometimes I need more


Offline Plan R

Sex is just a release now which at times can be achieved by wanking....but sometimes I need more

Here ya go mate  :hi:
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Offline Marmalade

Here ya go mate  :hi:
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Ah... reminds me of one of my hottest mega quickie shags ever with some blonde leaning over some rubbish bins in it must have been Farringdon (somewhere between the old RLD and St Paul’s) as I shagged her from behind.

She was stinking hot. Two beautiful white orbs in the moonlight! But it was a bit open so we found some quieter off-road place to finish off. I think it was past knocking off time for her anyway and she was just enjoying the warmth of my coat round her as she sucked my meat and then let me leisurely fuck her. I arranged to meet her again the next day but it was a no show (maybe her dealer was late or the appointment fell out of the nice little sieve that used to house her sweet wee brain).  Ahhhhhh  :dance: :dance:

Offline Plan R

When WBW see this tomorrow morning he'll think Christmas has come early
A Wheelie Bin related pic and a Wheelie Bin related erotic story - back to back !

Offline Mr_Shins

I'm in a complicated relationship which is sexless and perhaps it's rubbish and I should end it but I guess it gives me other things I don't get in punting, and I get sex anyway just not from her.

Offline MrMatrix

I'm in a complicated relationship which is sexless and perhaps it's rubbish and I should end it but I guess it gives me other things I don't get in punting, and I get sex anyway just not from her.
A lot of us are in a sexless relationships which is why we punt. I find punting has put balance back into my life. I am far happier now.
However I would have rather she had seen the video clip that started this thread off so the best years of my sex life werent wasted on soeone who was never really interested. Silly girl. :hi:

Offline Mifune

I started as a way to scratch an itch I had for massive fake tits.  That just used to be once a year or so.

As I've been with the OH longer though, its morphed in to the classic substitution-for-lack-of-sex-at-home and frequency is way up.  For me it was either this or start resenting her and likely break-up as a result.

Offline wheeliebinwanking

When WBW see this tomorrow morning he'll think Christmas has come early
A Wheelie Bin related pic and a Wheelie Bin related erotic story - back to back !


Offline Spacecowb0y

For me it was either this or start resenting her and likely break-up as a result.

same goes for quite a lot of us mate. Stay calm and keep on punting.

Offline Plan R

same goes for quite a lot of us mate. Stay calm and keep on punting.

Available at Ronco, K-tel, Woolworths, BHS and all good drug dealers
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Hurry while stocks last
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:35:42 am by Plan R »

Offline MrMatrix

Available at Ronco, K-tel, Woolworths, BHS and all good drug dealers
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Hurry while stocks last
"Keep calm and carry on punting". They have hoodies for kids with this emblazoned on them.
I can see little Johnny asking Mummy, "Mummy what is punting".
Reply "not sure love, better ask Daddy"..

Offline Plan R

"A punt is a flat-bottomed boat with a square-cut bow, designed for use in small rivers or other shallow water. Punting refers to boating in a punt. The punter generally propels the punt by pushing against the river bed with a pole. A punt should not be confused with a gondola, a shallow draft vessel that is structurally different, and which is propelled by an oar rather than a pole."

Says dad as he concentrates on his newspaper..

Offline MaxDeane

I said a lot of what is below in another discussion reply but still very relevant to this, maybe this video link or the book mentioned in the thread above may have been some use to me about 4-years ago, but I'm happy where I am right now (punting once a month & getting a divorce) and can only image that I'll continue to feel better about myself when the sexless marriage is over and the OH is out of my life.

I'm mid 40's, been married for 20-years, had a very vanilla sex life for 5-years, then the wife went nuts (she's always been close to the 'stab-proof-vest' end of the scale :wacko:) about the time our 2nd kid was born. I left her and had an affair with a girl from work, a super hot girl about 10-year my junior who gave me a lot of the dirtier stuff wife never had (anal, real DT, CIM). Had a great time for about 6-months, but the wife was gonna divorce me (taking me to the cleaners :scare:) the new bird wanted me to marry her (FUCKING WOMEN :dash:).

So I dumped the new and back to the OH, after a couple of years of shite, things really picked up and I found out that my wife always had been a dirty bitch, she just needed me to leave her for a year to work it out.

Sex life was sweet for about 10-years, proper dirty, dressing up, outdoors, never quite got her BJ technique sorted and never CIM, but she would cum hardest after I'd already unloaded in her ass  :yahoo:. We had some lean times of course, but on the whole I was satisfied.

Then about 5-years ago the wife had a bit of a mental breakdown, spent a year dealing with that shite :dash:. Then as quick as the crazy began, it stopped :unknown:. But she was a changed woman, decided to get fit and lost about 2-stone (she is now super hot) but the sex went ultra vanilla and then dried up all together.

It'll be 4-years this April since the last time we had sex, I tried hard to rekindle things for a year, but just gave up asking and started punting just over 2-years ago, about 40 punts down and really mellow about it, some minor guilt after the first one, but never looked back.

I decided that I'd had enough of it (being married to someone who shows no interest in even spending any time or effort on our relationship), the only way our marriage worked was if I put in 75% effort to her 25%, just to keep it civil between us, and with that imbalance And no sex, it just wasn't working for me.

So earlier this year I just stopped trying to keep things on an even keel, and what would you know, the entire house of cards has come crashing down, I've been sleeping in the spare room for 8-months :bomb:.

Not so worried about the financials now, been lucky over the last couple of years, she's started working and I earn enough to buy her out of the house, kiddies are all grown up, youngest is 18 and off to Uni later this year, older one is already there, they also both know their mum is a nutter and want to live with me when not at Uni.

Divorce is well under way and I have no intention to get roped into another long term relationship.

Concerning punting, when it comes down to it, I see like this.

"if I had a bad back I'd go and see a professional to get it sorted out, which costs money and provides relief......I don't have a bad back"

Have as much sex as you can, whether you're young or old, whether it's free or for a price (and that does not just mean with WG's, as any married man will tell you that every fuck has a cost), because, when you choose to look back on your life, you're never going say to yourself "I really regret having all that sex"

Offline Trenlover

Interesting in the video that she says PEA declines after 2 years, oddly enough all my relationships have been 2 to 2.5 years long

Offline hmscossack

I am in the same boat , I got married since late 1990's - and sex was okay for 6 years , then it dwindled , to last 5 years of very little - and that was with her wanting it over Asap -
not a nice situation - so sick of that I thought , I will look around -- I am so glad I had a couple of affairs and 2 one-night stands
( I recommend Plenty of Fish for an affair - free to use ) do not try any of the so-called marital affair websites -
 total waste of time and money scams - also Ashley Madison was a total joke
on PoF I advertised openly I was looking for an affair and got two partners - but decided it was just okay sex , but not worth the risk , plus they were so-so looking frankly ..
anyway , I changed type of job and had a glaring opportunity going self-employed - which I have taken with both hands - and its paid off
I have yet to have one crap punt , and 2 of them were fabulous ..I now have the time and the opportunity to look for sexual release , and its terrific

best move I have made for a long time - I just need to be careful .

Offline MrMatrix

I said a lot of what is below in another discussion reply but still very relevant to this, maybe this video link or the book mentioned in the thread above may have been some use to me about 4-years ago, but I'm happy where I am right now (punting once a month & getting a divorce) and can only image that I'll continue to feel better about myself when the sexless marriage is over and the OH is out of my life.

I'm mid 40's, been married for 20-years, had a very vanilla sex life for 5-years, then the wife went nuts (she's always been close to the 'stab-proof-vest' end of the scale :wacko:) about the time our 2nd kid was born. I left her and had an affair with a girl from work, a super hot girl about 10-year my junior who gave me a lot of the dirtier stuff wife never had (anal, real DT, CIM). Had a great time for about 6-months, but the wife was gonna divorce me (taking me to the cleaners :scare:) the new bird wanted me to marry her (FUCKING WOMEN :dash:).

Sex life was sweet for about 10-years,
Then about 5-years ago the wife had a bit of a mental breakdown, spent a year dealing with that shite :dash:. Then as quick as the crazy began, it stopped :unknown:. But she was a changed woman, decided to get fit and lost about 2-stone (she is now super hot) but the sex went ultra vanilla and then dried up all together.

It'll be 4-years this April since the last time we had sex, I tried hard to rekindle things for a year, but just gave up asking and started punting just over 2-years ago, about 40 punts down and really mellow about it, some minor guilt after the first one, but never looked back.

I decided that I'd had enough of it (being married to someone who shows no interest in even spending any time or effort on our relationship), the only way our marriage worked was if I put in 75% effort to her 25%, just to keep it civil between us, and with that imbalance And no sex, it just wasn't working for me.

So earlier this year I just stopped trying to keep things on an even keel, and what would you know, the entire house of cards has come crashing down, I've been sleeping in the spare room for 8-months :bomb:.

Blimey MD, sound so so familiar. There are several similar account on this thread already. When I look back at that lady who gave the "Ted" speech , her advice was ladies you need to make more effort or your man will look else where or theres always some one looking for a decent guy and it could be your husband. So make the effort.

However you say that "she was a changed woman, decided to get fit and lost about 2-stone (she is now super hot) but the sex went ultra vanilla and then dried up all together". Sometimes when they smarten up it may mean shes having an affair. This does fly in the face that you were having great sex running up to this. Do you think thats likely. :unknown:
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 05:11:47 pm by MrMatrix »

Offline Cmuthas

All this sounds very familiar. I think Mumsnetters ought to read this thread and then ask themselves why it is that the Dearest Darling (or whatever phrase they use has got Adultwork in their web history

Offline Plan R

All this sounds very familiar. I think Mumsnetters ought to read this thread and then ask themselves why it is that the Dearest Darling (or whatever phrase they use has got Adultwork in their web history

They won't get it.

They don't do responsibility for their actions and every woman is a solipsist  - the view that the self is all that can be known to exist (inability to see things from another's view)
External Link/Members Only
Tons about female solipsism on the net - but from that article..
"I see two areas where female solipsism is most obvious.  The first is the tendency of women to think anything being discussed is about them personally. "
"The other example I see very often is the amazing lack of empathy women have for men. "

If  a husband has sex outside marriage  "it's because he's a bastard"
If a wife has sex outside marriage          "it's because he's a bastard"

alchemy 21

  • Guest
Agree with a lot of you here, my wife decided 2 years ago that sex was finished everytime I went near her even for a kiss or cuddle it was "get off I'm not interested" however she is happy to carry on as normal with everything else, she wanted me to jump through all these hoops to get the sex back but after me trying have learned that nothing will change with her. So I started punting and have found some great girls, my wife is lazy and can't be arsed to make the effort then that's her loss, I don't feel guilty ,I will look back on all the good times I've had!

Offline MrMatrix

Agree with a lot of you here, my wife decided 2 years ago that sex was finished everytime I went near her even for a kiss or cuddle it was "get off I'm not interested" however she is happy to carry on as normal with everything else, she wanted me to jump through all these hoops to get the sex back but after me trying have learned that nothing will change with her. So I started punting and have found some great girls, my wife is lazy and can't be arsed to make the effort then that's her loss, I don't feel guilty ,I will look back on all the good times I've had!
Has she given you any reason as to why shes not interested. How long have you been married if I may ask? :unknown:


  • Guest

Have as much sex as you can, whether you're young or old, whether it's free or for a price (and that does not just mean with WG's, as any married man will tell you that every fuck has a cost), because, when you choose to look back on your life, you're never going say to yourself "I really regret having all that sex"

Just about sums my feelings up and the reason I will never get married.

Offline Plan R

Just about sums my feelings up and the reason I will never get married.

Getting married for sex is like buying a 747 for the peanuts 
Trouble is when we're young and horny we don't think logically

Offline MaxDeane

However you say that "she was a changed woman, decided to get fit and lost about 2-stone (she is now super hot) but the sex went ultra vanilla and then dried up all together". Sometimes when they smarten up it may mean shes having an affair. This does fly in the face that you were having great sex running up to this. Do you think thats likely. :unknown:

Hi MM, this is a valid point and I did suspect for a while, did some digging a couple of years ago and found nothing suspicious.

Also, when I say 'a changed woman' I seriously mean she is like someone else, she is not the same person I've knew for the first last 22-years of our relationship.

The sudden flip from Crazy to apparently Sane was an overnight thing and came the day after a major psychotic incident where "she had heard people whispering that someone was coming to kill her" even though she hadn't left the house in days. This was so obviously voices in her head, but she wouldn't accept that, she was so panicked she called the Police and I had to explain to a copper that she was just nuts.

Then BANG, the next morning she is right as rain, no stress, no panic, no paranoia and over the following weeks I slowly realised that there had been a major shift in her psyche.

The sex got good, very good, for a while, almost every day when she got home from the gym I was dragged out of my home office to fuck the ass off her for an hour in the middle of the day. On one hand I thought all my Christmas's had come at once, but there was something off about her.

Over the next year the sex tailed off, then stopped completely, then there was no touching allowed, then complete close down of all affection. That was 4-years ago this coming Easter. Like I say, I tried hard for over a year to get to the bottom of the change and make the relationship work. But after 18-months of living in the deep freeze of zero sex/touching/affection, I thought fuck this and started punting.

Been feeling better about myself generally since.

And right now if I found out that she had (or is still having) an affair I wouldn't give a toss, Decree Nisi is on the way and I'm on my way out of this sham of a marriage. I only hope the next guy is ready for her next mental breakdown.

Offline BlueRock

It's all cases of mis-sold goods. You start off with something that your led to believe goes like a train but once you've committed yourself your left with non runner. Women say men are liars, we may lie little and often but they play huge deceits. I stuck a sexless relationship for a year then punted. When it comes down to it the best thing in life is sex so why go without it.  Often jealous of the chavs they have fuck all material in life but seem to have plenty of the basic pleasures of life namely booze and sex

alchemy 21

  • Guest
In reply to mrmatrix we have been married for 20 years, and like previous post above the sex got less and less then no touching or affection either, she has issues regarding her weight & size but I've told her she looks great to me she says it not about what I think. I am a model husband do more than my fair share and have been understanding to her issues needs etc but she has got no better. As long as sex isn't mentioned she's happy. You can only be pushed away so many times so now I don't bother and she never initiates anything, I do sympathise with many of the guys in similar situations, I have friends at work who have similar situations with their wives,seems more common than you realize, it's a shame that these women go like this. But glad I've found a good parlour I like with some great girls who do the business.

Offline MrMatrix

In reply to mrmatrix we have been married for 20 years, and like previous post above the sex got less and less then no touching or affection either, she has issues regarding her weight & size but I've told her she looks great to me she says it not about what I think. I am a model husband do more than my fair share and have been understanding to her issues needs etc but she has got no better. As long as sex isn't mentioned she's happy. You can only be pushed away so many times so now I don't bother and she never initiates anything, I do sympathise with many of the guys in similar situations, I have friends at work who have similar situations with their wives,seems more common than you realize, it's a shame that these women go like this. But glad I've found a good parlour I like with some great girls who do the business.
Blimey Alchemy- she'd be a fool to lose a model husband. She risks a lot by ignoring you. There are many women out there who would like a decent guy like you or me or others above.
I stopped asking after 25 years. Now its a passionless relationship. She knows shes screwed up and say I wont let it get better. Err dont you think I've tried to make it better, short of begging like most here I tried every thing. So many excuses. She looks great and always has to my eyes. Shes not over weight either , never really has been I've always fancied her and my reward for this commitment was "No". Its bloody hurt me all this , I'm very B&T over it..
I was telling a Polish girl about this when she asked the one question no one had ever asked. "Are you happy", well no I wasn't. Told her my story and she said " I get this all the time , what is up with English Women"..... Will some one please give me an answer cos I dont know.
All such stories are on a similar line. We just want to be with the one person(Ok not all of us) but in the main and enjoy decent sex with the OH. And so we end up wanking for most of our marriage.
The link on item 1 of this thread shows an enlightened lady who knows the pitfalls of ignoring your partner. Think all women should see this TBH. May save a few marriages in the process. Perhaps some one ought to stick it on to Mumsnet as some of the femanazi  needs a fucking shake up :hi:

Offline wheeliebinwanking

Great thread MM.....

I don't know what it is about our modern lives that  women to forgot about the basics of intimacy

The annoying thing I am really low maintenance, I'd take vanilla sex once a week.

I feel myself getting annoyed and wound up when I don't get a release (after 7 -10 days). Also, I don't like always having morning wood or being arouse by the faintest touch all due to the lack of fact the longer I don't have sex the more I think about it. I don't want to be this person that obsesses about sex but what hope do we have?


Offline Rih6647

Great video sums up a lot of my life. Not sure Mrs rih will even entertain watching it

Offline MrMatrix

Great thread MM.....

I don't know what it is about our modern lives that  women to forgot about the basics of intimacy

The annoying thing I am really low maintenance, I'd take vanilla sex once a week.

I feel myself getting annoyed and wound up when I don't get a release (after 7 -10 days). Also, I don't like always having morning wood or being arouse by the faintest touch all due to the lack of fact the longer I don't have sex the more I think about it. I don't want to be this person that obsesses about sex but what hope do we have?

Thanks WBW. I too at one time would have been grateful for vanilla sex once a week. Alas I think i do obsess about sex. Long past the point of no return.

Offline bazwelsh

I've been somewhat of a voyeur on here for a while I've been debating whether or not to take the plunge into this world of secret sexual gratification.

Although I can relate to many of your stories which has made me feel a lot better about my thoughts
my situation is this .....

Despite a happy relationship of 8 years and an active sex life with OH I have always felt that there is something missing and I've been very hard on myself about it... so far haven't acted on my impulses as I've felt like I have no right to be unhappy and my thoughts are perverted. I would never entertain an affair but I often find myself scanning AW for WGs in my area and just the mere fact that its an option has been a turn on in itself, I have done several walk-ins in the past between relationships before my current OH but nothing whilst being with her.

My OH is very attractive and sexually available when the opportunity arises, sex is passionate and loving. She likes to dress up and take photos which I enjoy and I've bought her many sex toys which she gets embarrassed about and is reluctant to use with or without me. she is very submissive but doesn't like it rough, Oral is the same every time, no DT, no A levels and she would freak the f**k out If I suggested introducing anyone into the bedroom! she had a meltdown last year when i suggested a fantaflesh pocket pussy for working away, she thinks that I should get by wanking over the dirty pics that she sends me of her tits in a push-up bra (i have over 4000 pics the only thing that changes is the bra)  :dash:  so there's no chance of going into this together if I get rumbled she will leave me for sure.

I'm very open about what I what I want from her but as I'm a joker she thinks I'm bloody joking all the time and keeps laughing at me LOL 

I'm turning 40 this year so this could well be my mid-life crisis, I had money saved for a boat but she made me buy a static caravan for the all the family to enjoy, Family life is great but every now and again I just get the urge to PM some cock hungry slut on AW and live out some fantasies!  that doesn't make me a bad husband now does it? what do you guys think?


  • Guest
I wish I was  your age again ...ur pretty lucky with ur wife but if you have an itch scratch it harm done if it is just your little secret never no it may well enhance your relationship !

Offline workinallweek

My mate (i know but its true) ended up in a long bitter divorce for a similar no sex marriage ,half way through the proceedings she met up with him in a short skirt etc etc and absolutely fucked him sensless for the first time in10 years . Then suggested they get back together  :dash: luckily after seeing each other for a month he saw the sexless woman in the background and carried on with the divorce.

So after seeing this
i have no regrets  but good reliable girls are getting hard to find ....
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
No sex (nowadays) in our marriage due to wife's long term illness (not terminal, but not going to get better) :(

To be honest, I think she suspects I might have visited WGs (the idea of me going elsewhere has been discussed, but I've always said "oh, no, I couldn't do that"), but think she'd prefer that to me having an affair. Certainly not going to admit to it, though.

Offline MrMatrix

I've been somewhat of a voyeur on here for a while I've been debating whether or not to take the plunge into this world of secret sexual gratification.

Although I can relate to many of your stories which has made me feel a lot better about my thoughts
my situation is this .....

Despite a happy relationship of 8 years and an active sex life with OH I have always felt that there is something missing and I've been very hard on myself about it... so far haven't acted on my impulses as I've felt like I have no right to be unhappy and my thoughts are perverted. I would never entertain an affair but I often find myself scanning AW for WGs in my area and just the mere fact that its an option has been a turn on in itself, I have done several walk-ins in the past between relationships before my current OH but nothing whilst being with her.

My OH is very attractive and sexually available when the opportunity arises, sex is passionate and loving. She likes to dress up and take photos which I enjoy and I've bought her many sex toys which she gets embarrassed about and is reluctant to use with or without me. she is very submissive but doesn't like it rough, Oral is the same every time, no DT, no A levels and she would freak the f**k out If I suggested introducing anyone into the bedroom! she had a meltdown last year when i suggested a fantaflesh pocket pussy for working away, she thinks that I should get by wanking over the dirty pics that she sends me of her tits in a push-up bra (i have over 4000 pics the only thing that changes is the bra)  :dash:  so there's no chance of going into this together if I get rumbled she will leave me for sure.

I'm very open about what I what I want from her but as I'm a joker she thinks I'm bloody joking all the time and keeps laughing at me LOL 

I'm turning 40 this year so this could well be my mid-life crisis, I had money saved for a boat but she made me buy a static caravan for the all the family to enjoy, Family life is great but every now and again I just get the urge to PM some cock hungry slut on AW and live out some fantasies!  that doesn't make me a bad husband now does it? what do you guys think?
Welcome to the forum Bazwelsh. Good first input as well. Things seem to fall into 2 categories. Those like me who've had a shit sex life and those who are bored with a good sex life the likes of me would love to have had and feel they should have more variety.

I dont think you are a bad husband as I have friends who have great sex lives and they think like you. However if I were in your shoes I wouldnt take the chance. Theres many punters on this thread who would love to be in your shoes, me included for I wouldnt be here now if I were in your shoes, but we are all different.
You have to weigh up the risks whether its worth jeapordising your marriage for the extra high you may get. Its bloody addictive and expensive, you have a family who no doubt love you. Your OH will freak out as she seems to look after your needs and she is attractive. Personnally I would think long and hard about this. Your call and welcome. :hi:

Offline MrMatrix

half way through the proceedings she met up with him in a short skirt etc etc and absolutely fucked him sensless for the first time in10 years . Then suggested they get back together
So what the fuck was her problem then. She clearly had the ability to avoid the divorce - clearly silly woman was playing mind games and it back fired after a few years.Silly girl. :unknown:

James JJ

  • Guest
My sex drive has always been pretty high so I've supplemented whatever sex I'm getting with a fair bit of wanking.   Since having kids and my wife's career really taking off though the sex has dried up but my appetite for it is higher than ever.  It's still great (although very vanilla) when we have it but nowhere near on a regular enough basis.   I turned 40 this year and something inside me snapped and wanking is no longer enough.  I started fantasizing about fucking escorts and then after discovering this site I'd even throw the odd wank out over some of the reviews I'm reading.   It was only a matter of time before I took the next step.   I feel a bit of a cunt really because she's a fucking babe and a wonderful person who sacrifices a lot to give us a great quality of life but I've got needs that need attending to.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 06:42:40 pm by James JJ »

Offline tantric talents

My sex drive has always been pretty high so I've supplemented whatever sex I'm getting with a fair bit of wanking.   Since having kids and my wife's career really taking off though the sex has dried up but my appetite for it is higher than ever.  It's still great (although very vanilla) when we have it but nowhere near on a regular enough basis.   I turned 40 this year and something inside me snapped and wanking is no longer enough.  I started fantasizing about fucking escorts and then after discovering this site I'd even throw the odd wank out over some of the reviews I'm reading.   It was only a matter of time before I took the next step.   I feel a bit of a cunt really because she's a fucking babe and a wonderful person who sacrifices a lot to give us a great quality of life but I've got needs that need attending to.
Interesting post. Imho if she is such a babe, then when you do next have sex, why not go out of your way to make it a bit less than vanilla? Maybe learn some new techniques and try some new things.
You obviously still love her a lot and with the greatest of respect, I suspect that if you start punting you may get EAS and it could lead to fucking up a good marriage.
On the other hand depending really on your personality and proclivities the occasional punt may be just the thing you need for the relief. It’s certainly better than an affair imho.