Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Emotional Attachment Syndrome  (Read 113925 times)

Offline punk

What, Hard and/or Robots, i have found some EE WGs to be robotic, and i have also met some really hardfaced WGs, fortunately many more that werent though. :hi:

both, but also some that are nice  :rose:


  • Guest
That's true as we do form emotional attachments at times to our clients.  it can be hard not to when you see them regularly and spend a lot of time talking and kissing before play time.  It can be very hard to try and keep things professional and keep that needed distance as when you have been seeing someone every week for over a year they do tend to know a lot about your real life and you know about theirs too so you do become friends but sometimes feelings run deeper than that.
Personally I have had two clients I had to stop seeing as I had feelings for them and felt it better to stop contact than to complicate things.
Some people tend to forget we are humans too and do have feelings and don't always see men as just money machines

I'd say you're quite unusual. I've talked to several prossies about how they feel about their clients, men in general etc. As you do. Usually she kicks that discussion off by complaining about a time waster or something like that. At no time has the response been particularly positive, and most times downright negative. The classic was the one who was talking about her daughter and how she related to the rest of her family - none of them know - and she had no partner. I said that at least she had some interaction with men, to which she said no way! She then asked me how I would feel in her position. She spends much of the day seeing men in various states of arousal and seeing or feeling them ejaculating several times a day, and it gives her distorted and revolting feelings about men in general. She said that you don't see the real person when you meet them in everyday life, that's what they are like underneath and it's not a pretty sight.

That made me think quite a lot about it, and I suppose it's true. I don't get the same feeling about women being aroused etc, because it's all good, but I do get what she meant. I've often thought most if not all prossies must feel like that, and they must be relieved to get away from it. Another one told me she can't stand the smell of semen, and it's because she gets exposed to so much of it, and all the other girls she knows feel the same.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 03:34:53 pm by overhead »

Offline punk

Sounds like burn out.

   Charge careers, as most treat it like a job any way.   :)


  • Guest
Im a fairly experienced punter although havent punted for couple of years but still like to `look`on aw etc.
Im now  married with a young girl,  but have had 3 relationships with working girls I met on aw, 1 lasted a month, the other about 6 months and the 3rd and most serious about 2 years. I don't regret any of them even if they were perhaps all ultimately doomed to failure for one reason or another, so I would never put anyone off getting too close to a working girl. For one thing they are as genuine as any other women and also they tend to be pretty good in the sack ;)

Offline punk

For one thing they are as genuine as any other women and also they tend to be pretty good in the sack ;)

And its free, do you mind me asking were they still working?when seeing you. 


  • Guest
Yes all 3 were still working (only 1 of them still is now). The longer relationship we never actually met as punter escort , just started texting . I texted to book her and we got chatting , met up for a drink etc. I do seem to have this ability to engage with working girls I don;t know why its cant be my looks thats for sure! Ironically my wife who I met on works for the police!

Offline punk

Thanks for the info. Yes its strange that your wife turned out working for the police, still you have a beautfully wife and family so life turned out good.    :)

Offline biker-boy

I've been following this topic with great interest and wondering whether I could be as brave as the OP in 'fronting up' his dilemna. On a personal note I can totally empathise with him having completely fell for the most alluring woman I've ever met a couple of years ago. Yes, she was your stereotypical EE, but from the first meeting I was immediately caught up in her. In the short time she was 'working' (I've always used that word sarcastically) here I saw her at least twice a week, one week FOUR times, we had meals out, occasional freebies at her insistence and even a free overnight (which I've never experienced before or since given the extortionate and obscene amounts charged for such an occasion). Anyhow, she has since returned to her native homeland and family, we still keep in touch and wishing to re-unite but we both know that will never happen.
Being a glutton for punishment I'm currently besotted with a local-ish escort who I think the world of, have helped and would continue to help if necessary, but despise everything to do with her being in the 'business'. This is MY dilemna for ME to deal with. I'm not a particular fan of whisky either so the OP's solution is a non-starter!
Good luck to all other similarly affected punters.

Offline Tailpipe

Biker Boy

Another Brave post , there are many out there waiting to come forward , all of which have been sucked into the
Black hole. It's interesting that many find the allure of the EE girl too much to resist.

The Key trigger to those fucks up is " but despise everything to do with her being in the 'business'

So stage three you now want her to give up the work but have not got 3k month spare to pick up the short fall
If she stops. Even if you did have the money most would baulk at this idea.

You are not alone as you can see from this thread.

This will not help but may straighten your head , Once they stop working and you give them a few quid
They ask for more as they are not used to not having it. Then you are for ever paranoid that they may
Turn the odd trick when you are not looking just to top up the income.

To me and others with experience of such situations , the Slavic mentality is based around need,
They enjoy love and attention but needs must always come first , often family which means money.

Having unconnected sex can be just like any other Dailey task for the harden Slavic Girl , Just
Like clearing a floor.

Having said all that my personal view is they are nice people who have a lot of good in them.

Offline punk

+1  I think like any other english women out there enjoy yourself but be prepared to walk.   :rose:


  • Guest
Hi, this is my first post.

I have been reading this thread with great interest as I have put myself in the same situation as the OP.

I have been seeing my regular punt for a couple of months now and have grown very fond of her.

My personal situation has led to me being alone and feeling very down.

When I first met Zoe (Not her real or working name to protect her) I was very low and in need of relief.
We instantly clicked and I had a great time. After the clock had stopped and I was dressing we got talking and found we had the same views.
A couple of weeks later I went to see her and asked for an hour booking. I actually spent over 2 hours with her, most of it just DFK and cuddling. She knew something was wrong and started to ask questions. I ended up spilling my guts to her about my situation and she listened and tried to give advice. It helped.
She even told me to text or ring if I needed to talk to someone.
I have been going back on a regular, almost weekly, basis and have always had extra time.
Anyway last week I was at rock bottom and made the mistake of texting her asking if I could ring. She replied "yes", so I rang. Within 1 minute I had made a booking for the hour. Now this was not my intention. Anyway I instantly felt a lot better and looked forward to the date.
I met Zoe at the agreed time and I just instantly grabbed and hugged her. She responded with the same and started to snog my face off. A shared bath with a lot of chatting followed.
Without too much detail, we were talking and I asked about the possibility of seeing her outside of work. "Not a chance" was her reply as she has been burnt by this before. OK I know where I stand.
It does not stop me thinking about her all the time though, and if I am not busy and bored then she always pops into my head and I get that butterfly feeling in my stomach.
I know it is stupid, should not be done, and can be dangerous but I can't stop it.
I sympathise with the OP and understand his predicament.
I have been fortunate in that I met another escort and only punted once with her before a friendship was struck up and we see each other quite regularly to walk her dog. That relationship is now friends only and there is no way that I could even think about having sex with her even though I fancy the pants off of her.
Only time will cure my problem.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 12:56:02 pm by GrumpyoldGit »

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Welcome to the club [and I don't mean ukp], GoG.

At least, "Zoe" was honest [blunt, even!] with you but saying, "Not a chance", when you asked about meeting outside work.  Hopefully, that will help you come to terms with things.


  • Guest
Unfortunately it hasn't yet.
She lives quite close to me and I have punted with her mother. I only found that out by accident.
I have even given her both my phone numbers and told her she can contact me if she wants somebody to talk to.
I hope it is only infatuation that I have got towards her.
The big problem is that the sex is the best with her and it just happens naturally, to me anyway.
Hopefully when my situation improves, then "Zoe" will not be in my thoughts as much.

Offline Tailpipe

Unfortunately it hasn't yet.
She lives quite close to me and I have punted with her mother. I only found that out by accident.
I have even given her both my phone numbers and told her she can contact me if she wants somebody to talk to.
I hope it is only infatuation that I have got towards her.
The big problem is that the sex is the best with her and it just happens naturally, to me anyway.
Hopefully when my situation improves, then "Zoe" will not be in my thoughts as much.

You have punted with her mother  :scare:  Best do the three some and get it off the bucket list  :cool:

Sorry could not stop my self  :drinks:


  • Guest
That was a weird situation.
Met Zoe at a different address. When we had finished and I was leaving the mother appeared and said "Hi".
I recognised her but I don't think she recognised me. It had been a couple of years back.
Next meet the mother turned up and then Zoe called out something and said "Mum".
At the end I quizzed her. That was when I found out. I had already told her that I had seen the "other woman" on the previous meet.
No way would I go for the 3some as Mum is now looking too far gone for me.


  • Guest
Kudos to all you guys coming forward as this thread will help a lot of your fellow punters.

Devil Man

  • Guest
She lives quite close to me and I have punted with her mother. I only found that out by accident.


You have punted with her mother  :scare:  Best do the three some and get it off the bucket list  :cool:

Wait for 'Zoe' to have a daughter of her own and he'll have a hat-trick  :sarcastic:


  • Guest

Wait for 'Zoe' to have a daughter of her own and he'll have a hat-trick  :sarcastic:

He might not have to wait - perhaps her granny is still alive


  • Guest
The worst thing is that I am seriously considering asking for an overnighter.
Would that be just too dangerous?

Devil Man

  • Guest
The worst thing is that I am seriously considering asking for an overnighter.
Would that be just too dangerous?

All jokes aside, and for your mental-wellbeing, yes it would be too dangerous.

Delete her phone number and never contact her again. This is not good for you.

You want something she has already said she will never give you and you'll end up very hurt in the long-run.


  • Guest
The worst thing is that I am seriously considering asking for an overnighter.
Would that be just too dangerous?

I think the fact that she has said 'not a chance' should be ringing warning bells that if you
have an overnight, you will only feel 'worse' and feel more attached, I wouldn't advise it.


  • Guest
Sorry but did you and she both know you had punted with her mother before you asked her about seeing her outside of work?  Surely that alone would make for an emotional and mental minefield


  • Guest
I knew about it before I asked about seeing her outside of work.
She only knew about it after.

Devil Man and Mystique46m, Many thanks for your answer. Good advice me thinks.

Devil Man

  • Guest
I knew about it before I asked about seeing her outside of work.
She only knew about it after.

Devil Man and Mystique46m, Many thanks for your answer. Good advice me thinks.

No problem.

Just to reiterate again: this whole situation is one big mess. I have a question to ask. What was her reaction to you having sex with her mother? Was she shocked, or did she not give a fuck?

This is just not good for you and you really should step away from it immediately. She has said she is not interested and even if she did giveyou a slight chance, I think it would make for awkward family encounters in the future. There are a lot of girls out there. I am sure you can find someone more suitable for you, because this current situation will only cause you more pain in the long run (as well as being very costly if you continue to book her).


  • Guest
Devil Man,
Her reaction was a bit strange. It wasn't shock and it certainly wasn't a couldn't give a f*ck one either.
They both work and have been know to work together.
Both are straight and I think the family are aware of what they do.
It is a very strange situation, but "Zoe" is very open about it.
She has said that if she saw me in a pub she would acknowledge me and try to work a way to come over and say "HI".
To clarify my situation, I have been left alone for the last 5 months after SWMBO was sent away. This has left me VERY lonely and down.
I have become very vulnerable, especially after finding 2 cats of mine dead. "Zoe" has helped me a lot to cope with this.
I know I have to stop this but am finding it very hard, hence this posting.
Hopefully when SWMBO comes back home things will change.
Thanks for your help.

Offline akauya

Only a very hard bastard could punt for 30 years and not have feelings for at least one pro$$ie --------- just bear in mind that they are working and they want your money ------- nothing else.    :hi:

Ahem... that would be me I'm afraid. But in my defence I must say that I haven't punted continuously for 30 years. I did start in my late teens but I had long periods when I had girlfriends, a wife, lovers, swingers and only then prossies in between.

I think I said it on another thread I do not become a regular. I have visited a few prossies a few times but I'm well aware that I could easily become infatuated with the good ones. Very easily. That, being married, would be a disaster for me and my family. So I make a conscious effort not to get too close or emotionally attached to prossies, no matter how amazing they are.


  • Guest
Grumpy, I think you are just suffering a bout of simple infatuation over the first girl - and she is taking advantage of you. Her simple response of "no chance" of seeing her outside of work should have had your alarm bells ringing - though yours are probably not working too well at the moment.  As nice as she may be to you, she is taking you for a ride and you should run like hell in the opposite direction.  Having to pay to see her still should be the first indication of your true worth to her, no matter how much you think you click, her priority is money first, then I will be your friend.   If she plays you right, you will spend more time chatting for the money and less time having sex...  Walk away whilst you can!

Devil Man

  • Guest
Sorry, I don't think you've mentioned it before, but who is SWMBO? A friend or partner? I've scanned your posts and don't think you've explained it.

I think your situation is certainly difficult, but continuing with Zoe will not help. Is she significantly younger than you?

I dunno. If you find it unbearable, then maybe have one last heart-to-heart with her. See what she says and whether she'll change her mind. If she still says no, then you have your absolute final answer.


  • Guest
Devil Man,
SWMBO stands for She Who Must Be Obeyed. It is the Wife I am talking about.
Yes she is very much younger than me.
She has been very good to me by listening to me pouring out my heart.
She has even told me to only book a 1/2 hour but we will spend at least an hour together.
We actually spent an hour and a half, though the 1/2 hour paid was only for the sex part which just seemed to happen about 1/2 way through.
Yes it has totally f*cked my brain and I know I must end it, but I have come to depend on her. VERY STUPID.
I will try to follow your advice.
Thank you to all of you for your help

Devil Man

  • Guest
Without question, definitely wait for your wife to return and fix your relationship with her.

I think you are right. You are probably lonely and just want someone to talk to.

I think, even if something did work out between you and Zoe, it wouldn't last in the long term. I think even you know the situation isn't ideal. Leave aside the fact she is an escort (because that doesn't matter. Escorts quit and obviously can have perfectly normal relationships like anyone else) I think the fact you had sex with her mother would make it weird for you at some point. It's not a normal situation at all.

Things will almost surely be better when your wife comes back :) Fix it with her and then just put the last couple of months down to life experience.


  • Guest
Emotional Attachment Syndrome - not yet but I am scared it is slowly happening or it has and I am in denial.

A couple of months ago I saw a lovely girl for just a quick 30 mins. We had a great time and she was very keen for me to return. I took that with a pinch of salt, normal prossie bollocks etc and thought no more of it. I did try and book again  but for various reasons we couldn't meet up, she is a part timer.

About a month ago I put up a reverse booking for 3 hours. Got a load of crap bid as usual. One night when I had drunk a few sherberts I messaged the wg I had seen the month before asking if she really was keen for me to return and if so was she interested in an overnight. I offered her about 30% of her normal fee. Yes I was taking the piss or at least I was pissed and expected a swift and negative response. To my surprise she agreed.
The night was great we got on well and I have never had soo much sex in one night.

A week later she contacted me through aw and text. She wanted to meet me again - no charge. We had had a great time and no way was I going to turn that down.  Have now seen her several times off the clock not just for sex but also chatting etc.
Now she wants me to do another overnight with her - again no charge and she gave me a choice of a couple of dates. Again I didnt hesitate in accepting. And I am looking forward to it. Since I accepted we have been communicating constantly by calls and texts every day.

This thread has really made me question how I feel about her and her me. I am now scared shitless.
But I know I will go ahead with the night anyway.  That knowledge scares me even more.

I have been deliberately vague to protect the guilty.

Offline punk

Emotional Attachment Syndrome - not yet but I am scared it is slowly happening or it has and I am in denial.

A couple of months ago I saw a lovely girl for just a quick 30 mins. We had a great time and she was very keen for me to return. I took that with a pinch of salt, normal prossie bollocks etc and thought no more of it. I did try and book again  but for various reasons we couldn't meet up, she is a part timer.

About a month ago I put up a reverse booking for 3 hours. Got a load of crap bid as usual. One night when I had drunk a few sherberts I messaged the wg I had seen the month before asking if she really was keen for me to return and if so was she interested in an overnight. I offered her about 30% of her normal fee. Yes I was taking the piss or at least I was pissed and expected a swift and negative response. To my surprise she agreed.
The night was great we got on well and I have never had soo much sex in one night.

A week later she contacted me through aw and text. She wanted to meet me again - no charge. We had had a great time and no way was I going to turn that down.  Have now seen her several times off the clock not just for sex but also chatting etc.
Now she wants me to do another overnight with her - again no charge and she gave me a choice of a couple of dates. Again I didnt hesitate in accepting. And I am looking forward to it. Since I accepted we have been communicating constantly by calls and texts every day.

This thread has really made me question how I feel about her and her me. I am now scared shitless.
But I know I will go ahead with the night anyway.  That knowledge scares me even more.

I have been deliberately vague to
 protect the guilty.

enjoy yourself   :blush:


  • Guest
Sorry to sound negative but she's most likely a gold digger.

Offline punk

Sorry to sound negative but she's most likely a gold digger.

  if so, bang the shit out of her and walk :thumbsup: ie shag her


  • Guest
Sorry to sound negative but she's most likely a gold digger.

Not sure if this is in response to my post or not.
If it is she is out of luck and picked the wrong guy. I have very little money and waste what I do have.
She hasnt asked for any money since I paid her for the overnight.
But she is a woman so god knows what she is thinking. I don't really know if to ask her about what she is thinking or not. I don't want to give her the wrong impression.

Offline punk

Not sure if this is in response to my post or not.
If it is she is out of luck and picked the wrong guy. I have very little money and waste what I do have.
She hasnt asked for any money since I paid her for the overnight.
But she is a woman so god knows what she is thinking. I don't really know if to ask her about what she is thinking or not. I don't want to give her the wrong impression.

good luck

Devil Man

  • Guest
Emotional Attachment Syndrome - not yet but I am scared it is slowly happening or it has and I am in denial.

A couple of months ago I saw a lovely girl for just a quick 30 mins. We had a great time and she was very keen for me to return. I took that with a pinch of salt, normal prossie bollocks etc and thought no more of it. I did try and book again  but for various reasons we couldn't meet up, she is a part timer.

About a month ago I put up a reverse booking for 3 hours. Got a load of crap bid as usual. One night when I had drunk a few sherberts I messaged the wg I had seen the month before asking if she really was keen for me to return and if so was she interested in an overnight. I offered her about 30% of her normal fee. Yes I was taking the piss or at least I was pissed and expected a swift and negative response. To my surprise she agreed.
The night was great we got on well and I have never had soo much sex in one night.

A week later she contacted me through aw and text. She wanted to meet me again - no charge. We had had a great time and no way was I going to turn that down.  Have now seen her several times off the clock not just for sex but also chatting etc.
Now she wants me to do another overnight with her - again no charge and she gave me a choice of a couple of dates. Again I didnt hesitate in accepting. And I am looking forward to it. Since I accepted we have been communicating constantly by calls and texts every day.

This thread has really made me question how I feel about her and her me. I am now scared shitless.
But I know I will go ahead with the night anyway.  That knowledge scares me even more.

I have been deliberately vague to protect the guilty.

I bet she's already pregnant by someone else and she'll pretend its your baby.


  • Guest
I bet she's already pregnant by someone else and she'll pretend its your baby.

Now that is something I didn't consider!!!
Sex has always been protected


  • Guest
Wow. I must say that I never expected this thread to get the response it has done.
It looks as if it is almost a rite of passage. Maybe that's what gets rid of the last vestiges of fluffiness :unknown:!

Offline punk

Now that is something I didn't consider!!!
Sex has always been protected

+1 another good reason to use a rubber.  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Ok I'm totally new to this scene but what I think this thread demonstrates is that men aren't all just about sex and don't just think with their cocks.  We're emotional human beings too and whereas we might like to think we're just seeing a WG for a shag there has to come a point if you see someone regularly that you connect on a deeper level.  It's something that I have thought about myself because I definitely have a fluffy side, and I've been on my own for a while, and I'm probably a romantic at heart.  At the moment I'm getting into to this to fulfil a physical need but I do worry in case I start to look for emotional fulfilment too.  I can't see it ending happily if I do

Devil Man

  • Guest
Now that is something I didn't consider!!!
Sex has always been protected

No children sleeping in the bedroom with this one, I hope!

Offline punk

Ok I'm totally new to this scene but what I think this thread demonstrates is that men aren't all just about sex and don't just think with their cocks.  We're emotional human beings too and whereas we might like to think we're just seeing a WG for a shag there has to come a point if you see someone regularly that you connect on a deeper level.  It's something that I have thought about myself because I definitely have a fluffy side, and I've been on my own for a while, and I'm probably a romantic at heart.  At the moment I'm getting into to this to fulfil a physical need but I do worry in case I start to look for emotional fulfilment too.  I can't see it ending happily if I do

 i can understand what your saying, for me its a physical thing, emotional for civil women,but i do treat escorts as females,no nasty stuff.


  • Guest

Not sure if this is in response to my post or not.
If it is she is out of luck and picked the wrong guy. I have very little money and waste what I do have.
She hasnt asked for any money since I paid her for the overnight.
But she is a woman so god knows what she is thinking. I don't really know if to ask her about what she is thinking or not. I don't want to give her the wrong impression.
Yes it was aimed at you.
Ask her for your money back.  That would be a good test of her true feelings for you.
I really hope it works out for you, honestly.  I've just learned the hard way to be very cautious in this situation.


  • Guest
No children sleeping in the bedroom with this one, I hope!

 :lol: Don't go there!!

This woman is quite normal or appears to be so far and has no kids.
the other you refer to is quite insane as you could tell from her posts.
No comparison between the two. One I would never return to see again (even before that thread)
The other I am not sure I want to stay away from at the moment - I know I sound so fluffy

Devil Man

  • Guest
:lol: Don't go there!!

This woman is quite normal or appears to be so far and has no kids.
the other you refer to is quite insane as you could tell from her posts.
No comparison between the two. One I would never return to see again (even before that thread)
The other I am not sure I want to stay away from at the moment - I know I sound so fluffy

My advice to you is don't do what LL said as that would be tacky. Don't ask for your money back.

If you like her then just be honest and tell her that you want to pursue it further. See where it goes with her.

You never know. She could be 'the one'! Just go into it with an open mind and see where it takes you.

Offline punk

My advice to you is don't do what LL said as that would be tacky. Don't ask for your money back.

If you like her then just be honest and tell her that you want to pursue it further. See where it goes with her.

You never know. She could be 'the one'! Just go into it with an open mind and see where it takes you.



  • Guest
My advice to you is don't do what LL said as that would be tacky. Don't ask for your money back.

If you like her then just be honest and tell her that you want to pursue it further. See where it goes with her.

You never know. She could be 'the one'! Just go into it with an open mind and see where it takes you.

I wasn't going to ask for my money back. We agreed a fee for a set appointment and she earnt it. The fact we had a good time and she wants to see me off the clock now is completely different.

I don't know if I want it to go further yet. I don't want to get emotionally involved but am wondering if I already am.
Time will tell. Just don't want it to blow up in my face. At the same time I don't want her to think that I am stringing her along.
I suppose I am scared that by talking about things with her will burst the bubble and ruin what we are enjoying

Offline punk

yes but you are just going round in circles


  • Guest
My advice to you is don't do what LL said as that would be tacky. Don't ask for your money back.

If you like her then just be honest and tell her that you want to pursue it further. See where it goes with her.

You never know. She could be 'the one'! Just go into it with an open mind and see where it takes you.

Tacky?  How much pride do you have left once you've started dating someone who sucks cocks for a living!?