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Author Topic: Would a Stoma and stomach pouch bother you?  (Read 4776 times)

Online madmania

I think I have a better understanding know. I pretty much agree as well. We can't tell exactly from the profile or even reviews on here how good looking they're going to be and since we would expect them to mention the bag on their profile, they do have a right job on their hands to jump to the top of the list. For some reason I was getting carried away with the thought of this imaginary girl being a 10/10, when actually that's very unlikely, just as it is for any other escort.

As you also say, the quality of the service is usually more important anyway.


It's definitely hard to make any real assessment without seeing the girl and knowing how willing to please she is but I think we're in agreement that she'd have to be something special to pick her.

Offline Marmalade

She has a Stoma and stomach pouch and is thinking of escorting
intends to hide the fact by keeping the pouch under a basque
The advice I did give is that she absolutely must declare it on her profile because I'd be utterly fucked off if I was to discover this mid-punt. I suspect my advice fell on deaf ears
1.No mention of whether she is young, old, pretty or ugly, the more basic 'requisites'
2.She intends to lie -- not a good start either
3.She doesn't even listen to advice

quick gear change, not bothered about the girl, make it into a discrimination issue:
Quote from: Turtle Z
Would you be bothered by this and moreover, would you pay a WG for sex with this condition?

even Rebecca has her feet on the ground and makes sense:
as a person on the other side paying for it i can see why it may put you off and i think for sure she should mention something in her faqs x
= states the obvious though a little too gently

It is an issue, and she knows it by the fact she plans to try to hide it  :music:
by looking at it from the girl'd POV uncovers a further obvious

So far we've established nothing about her suitability for pressing except that she's a liar and she's embarrassed about her bag.

This would be the standard normal response:
When I book a wg, her appearance and services need to fulfil a fantasy. I don't have a fantasy that includes any type of medical bag, so I wouldn't book a wg who has one.
At pro$$ie prices it is ridiculous that people would pay large amounts of money and then find she either won't take her basque off or that she has a bag underneath. A prose is hired for her physical ability, looks and attitude. So far she's not doing very well on all three counts.

Physical appearances play a huge part in booking a prostitute. Colostomy bags and such are not attractive.

Not for me.
... Except for some weirdos who want to make out that you are prejudiced if you find it "unattractive" of course ... It's not saying that she would get a customer. Just that 1.Basically the bag, the only physically factor we've been presented with, is not in itself attractive. 2.The girl should be thinking twice about prossying if she intends to lie, even if she has thought through the other problems.

Although our AW profile is our 'shop front' where we put our best points we do also need to mention anything that a client may find unsettling or a turn off.  A stoma is not something that is known to be sexy or a 'turn on' so it does need to be mentioned on the main profile text. Not in the FAQs as many don't read them.
She will probably get bookings as some won't be bothered by it and some will go for the fetish side of it as their is quite a large fetish group for medical accessories such as stomas, artificial limbs, feeding tubes etc.

She should use it as her USP as she will appeal to those with the medical fetish and should also advertise on fetish sites

Harsh but true. Listen to a woman who has been in the business long enough to know and is not in the habit of posting rubbish.

Turtle boy gets in flap, which was clearly his original objective:
Quote from: Turtleboy
Who the fuck said the potential WG concerned was  fat or ugly and what if she was? Yet more body politic creeping in
Utter crap. You posted. You refused to say whether she was page 3 material. You stated she intended to be a liar. Now you deny that the body is an issue. You've found a nice juicy little leftwing flag to wave haven't you?  :vomit:

I would feel sorry for you and even more for the girl for asking you!

Someone at last concerned about the girl herself and pointing out the medical risks as well as the basic facts:
I'm in a unique position to answer this as I have a colostomy myself (2 in fact),

I very very much doubt I would see a WG with a colostomy or pouch of any kind.

[b}ultimately stomas are a disfigurement and are not sexy.[/b] Whilst the stoma still doesn't bother me per se, I can't imagine I would ever pick to see the girl over any normal SP without one and I imagine this might be the same for a lot of others. There is a difference between dating, relationships and civvies who come with good and bad, warts and all; and punting where you only want the best, even if it's just for the hour.

Dani raised a good point about using it as a USP to those with a medical fetish but that would actually worry me. You should never EVER penetrate the colostomy itself and whilst the thought will make most of us shiver, I know this is something that does happen and I would fear that a sick individual would take advantage and cause permanent damage to this girl.

I am in the most understanding position possible when it comes to all things stoma and even I am realistic that I just don't see myself going with someone with a pouch.
Exactly. She will attract the weirdos and the chances of trouble are further increased.
If she tries to hide it she may just encounter enraged punters.

Let's add some more tasty medical stuff about stomas.
People who have a colostomy, but have an intact rectum and anus, often experience a discharge of mucus from their rectum. Mucus is produced by the lining of the bowel to help the passage of stools.

The lining of the bowel continues to produce mucus, even though it no longer serves any purpose. The longer the length of the remaining section of your bowel, the more likely you are to experience rectal discharge.

This is not one of those "External Link/Members Only" situations.

The girl (if there really is a girl) is turning to prostitution, probably for the usual reasons, and also has not got over the fact that she is wearing a bag and wants to hide it while taking most but not all of her clothes off and hoping that a punter won't notice or else won't mind either about the bag or about being deceived. I can just imagine the first review on UKP of such a creature.  :rolleyes:

Then you have the temerity to write:
At times you do seem to struggle to piece together a coherent thread in your posts.
No, I don't. You do. You produce a trollish question as a grandstand for "rights of people with colostomy bags" You tell us very little about your supposed wanna-be-a-WG except she has a bag and intends to lie.

You are looking like a sad twisted fuck, turtleboy.

For me, who deals with medical problems for hours a day and has been doing so since he was a kid, might even put more importance than most on a WG being without medical issue. Perhaps it is just the idea that a good looking girl without any problems medically could be really attracted to me. Even though ofc they are acting, I like being able to pretend for an hour that they're not.

Back to what I said above, I don't have a problem with a bag and wouldn't reject a sp for having one, but in a world where there's 50 quality girls available for you to pick from, I really can't imagine that a girl with a colostomy would be top of the pile for me :unknown:


It's definitely hard to make any real assessment without seeing the girl and knowing how willing to please she is but I think we're in agreement that she'd have to be something special to pick her.

Exactly. It's "all about the bag."  :rolleyes:

Turtleboy has fuck all consideration of the girl and even less for punters. A disgusting piece of shit of a thread (no pun intended)

Online madmania

Anal mucus

Not commenting on the rest of what you said, but would like to point out that you don't produce vast quantities of anal mucus - it's not gonna be a leaking discharge that causes lots of problems. As your link said, everyone makes it, so it's not a particular issue for people with bags.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Listen to a woman who has been in the business long enough to know and is not in the habit of posting rubbish.

You sure about that?

On the upside. A pro$$ie who doesn't poo the standard way is going to have the tightest ring on the planet.

Online madmania

You sure about that?

On the upside. A pro$$ie who doesn't poo the standard way is going to have the tightest ring on the planet.

Sorry again to be a party pooper (pun intended) patients with colostomies are advised not to have anal sex and in many cases it's impossible. Depending on what caused the girl to have a stoma and the place in the colon she was cut has a dramatic effect on her anal capabilities.

Generally patients are told not to have anal sex as the tissue there is normally pretty fried and anal sex can cause long term damage. Also, Crohns patients will normally have a lot of scarring around the anus and rectum and unfortunately scar tissue doesn't stretch (you physically can't ran a dick in, as tight as it would be). Also, if her colon was cut close to the anus, their physically won't be any colon to ram into - personally I only have an inch of colon above the anus so unless you have a tiny dick then that won't be enough. I was particularly sad by this as I used to love pegging but now I just can't do it.

Finally, if the girls stoma is permanent there's a good chance she won't have an anus at all. Because after about 10 years with a stoma you begin to develop rectal cancer so they cut out the rectum and sow up the anus. Lack of anus makes anal sex particularly difficult :lol:

Offline Turtle Z

1.No mention of whether she is young, old, pretty or ugly, the more basic 'requisites'
2.She intends to lie -- not a good start either
3.She doesn't even listen to advice

quick gear change, not bothered about the girl, make it into a discrimination issue:
even Rebecca has her feet on the ground and makes sense:= states the obvious though a little too gently
by looking at it from the girl'd POV uncovers a further obvious

So far we've established nothing about her suitability for pressing except that she's a liar and she's embarrassed about her bag.

This would be the standard normal response:At pro$$ie prices it is ridiculous that people would pay large amounts of money and then find she either won't take her basque off or that she has a bag underneath. A prose is hired for her physical ability, looks and attitude. So far she's not doing very well on all three counts.
... Except for some weirdos who want to make out that you are prejudiced if you find it "unattractive" of course ... It's not saying that she would get a customer. Just that 1.Basically the bag, the only physically factor we've been presented with, is not in itself attractive. 2.The girl should be thinking twice about prossying if she intends to lie, even if she has thought through the other problems.
Harsh but true. Listen to a woman who has been in the business long enough to know and is not in the habit of posting rubbish.

Turtle boy gets in flap, which was clearly his original objective:Utter crap. You posted. You refused to say whether she was page 3 material. You stated she intended to be a liar. Now you deny that the body is an issue. You've found a nice juicy little leftwing flag to wave haven't you?  :vomit:

I would feel sorry for you and even more for the girl for asking you!

Someone at last concerned about the girl herself and pointing out the medical risks as well as the basic facts:Exactly. She will attract the weirdos and the chances of trouble are further increased.
If she tries to hide it she may just encounter enraged punters.

Let's add some more tasty medical stuff about stomas.
This is not one of those "External Link/Members Only" situations.

The girl (if there really is a girl) is turning to prostitution, probably for the usual reasons, and also has not got over the fact that she is wearing a bag and wants to hide it while taking most but not all of her clothes off and hoping that a punter won't notice or else won't mind either about the bag or about being deceived. I can just imagine the first review on UKP of such a creature.  :rolleyes:

Then you have the temerity to write:No, I don't. You do. You produce a trollish question as a grandstand for "rights of people with colostomy bags" You tell us very little about your supposed wanna-be-a-WG except she has a bag and intends to lie.

You are looking like a sad twisted fuck, turtleboy.

Exactly. It's "all about the bag."  :rolleyes:

Turtleboy has fuck all consideration of the girl and even less for punters. A disgusting piece of shit of a thread (no pun intended)

You are a tedious little twat. Yet again, you've failed to follow your own posts, your own comments and your own dumb logic but posting war and peace has taken you even further off track as you attempt to lay down a massive smoke screen in the hope of covering your own ignorance and stupidity.

 You're now claiming it's a 'trollish' question to justify the stupidity of your posts, but the fact remains that we all agree the condition leaves a limited market for the girl. If you thought the OP was 'trollish' then why didn't you say so rather than contributing your own ignorant views you fuckwit!

Only you think she has no right to work because you're a bigoted and superior prick. It's no more complicated than that and I can happily sit here satisfied in the knowledge that it's you who is the  'sad twisted fuck'

Offline Marmalade

You are clearly afflicted with limited comprehension and attention level. Gave you enough silken thread and you graciously knotted it and went in for self - strangulation.


Accusing me of things I never said? Is it worth pointing out you take the bait and swallow the fishing line? Nah! have a nice day.


Offline Turtle Z

You are clearly afflicted with limited comprehension and attention level. Gave you enough silken thread and you graciously knotted it and went in for self - strangulation.


Accusing me of things I never said? Is it worth pointing out you take the bait and swallow the fishing line? Nah! have a nice day.


That's classic psychological projection :lol:

Offline stevedave

For what it's worth, I think TZ's OP was fair enough...and the majority have said, no, they wouldn't see the lass in question, or would be gutted once they found out what was lurking beneath the Basque. In fairness, and to give a balanced view, it would be good to have more info about the girl in she young, what size is she etc. But none of these questions, though asked, have been answered.

Niche market? Very, very much so. Long term business plan? Not so much.

Enjoying the chat between Marmalade and TZ though...

Offline Turtle Z

For what it's worth, I think TZ's OP was fair enough...and the majority have said, no, they wouldn't see the lass in question, or would be gutted once they found out what was lurking beneath the Basque. In fairness, and to give a balanced view, it would be good to have more info about the girl in she young, what size is she etc. But none of these questions, though asked, have been answered.

Niche market? Very, very much so. Long term business plan? Not so much.

Enjoying the chat between Marmalade and TZ though...

A fair question SD but I don't know the girl concerned, I was simply asked for my opinion and happen to think it's a reasonably interesting question.

Offline Home Alone

For what it's worth, I think TZ's OP was fair enough...and the majority have said, no, they wouldn't see the lass in question, or would be gutted once they found out what was lurking beneath the Basque. In fairness, and to give a balanced view, it would be good to have more info about the girl in she young, what size is she etc. But none of these questions, though asked, have been answered.

Niche market? Very, very much so. Long term business plan? Not so much.

Enjoying the chat between Marmalade and TZ though...

Are you, stevedave?  Honestly? :unknown:

As one who, early on in the thread, expressed the hope that the WG in question would be honest about her circumstances, I'm finding it their point-scoring a bit tedious now, tbh.

Mind you, as always in circumstances like these, we have the option is to swerve this thread. Which I will, although it all started so sensibly, too.

How sad of the pair of them, imo - not that my opinion will worry either of them, I'm sure.  But I won't read it.

Offline Marmalade

For what it's worth, I think TZ's OP was fair enough...and the majority have said, no, they wouldn't see the lass in question, or would be gutted once they found out what was lurking beneath the Basque. In fairness, and to give a balanced view, it would be good to have more info about the girl in she young, what size is she etc. But none of these questions, though asked, have been answered.

And TZ is the only one who can answer them. Which makes the OP question a bit useless. Would I see Scarlett Johansson at £120 an hour and a stoma? Course I would. Would I see some mixed up housing estate skank that can barely be bothered to wash between clients, is a size 18, lies, and says in the small print of her FAQ do I mind a stoma. Not only would I not see her I'd warn other punters off. The girl should go on Saafe and get advice. This is not a prossie support forum but she sure as hell needs it. TZ is not qualified to give it judging from his posts, and the question, being absent the necessary data, merely has the effect tabloidizing a non-issue. It's a variation on "Would you see a girl if she was black?" Utterly pointless when you analyse it.

Offline Turtle Z

And TZ is the only one who can answer them. Which makes the OP question a bit useless. Would I see Scarlett Johansson at £120 an hour and a stoma? Course I would. Would I see some mixed up housing estate skank that can barely be bothered to wash between clients, is a size 18, lies, and says in the small print of her FAQ do I mind a stoma. Not only would I not see her I'd warn other punters off. The girl should go on Saafe and get advice. This is not a prossie support forum but she sure as hell needs it. TZ is not qualified to give it judging from his posts, and the question, being absent the necessary data, merely has the effect tabloidizing a non-issue. It's a variation on "Would you see a girl if she was black?" Utterly pointless when you analyse it.

And the smoke screen continues to confuse what is actually quite a simple thread. If you think it is 'utterly pointless' then the usual caveats apply... Don't read it! However, your contribution, shit as it was, is clear evidence that you didn't think it was utterly pointless. You couldn't help but try to dazzle us with your superior wit and intellect though  :lol:
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 09:26:16 pm by Turtle Z »

Offline Turtle Z


How sad of the pair of them, imo - not that my opinion will worry either of them, I'm sure.  But I won't read it.

Yes, almost as sad as you trying to score points with your first review and pretending that you've not been here before under another Pseudonym!  :lol:


  • Guest
I sympathize with any poor sod that has a stoma
But unless you have deeper feelings for the person or have a fetish for it
Ask yourself do you find these pictures sexually simulating? And she is attractive

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Online madmania

I sympathize with any poor sod that has a stoma
But unless you have deeper feelings for the person or have a fetish for it
Ask yourself do you find these pictures sexually simulating? And she is attractive

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First pick is uncovered stoma (you wouldn't see) and picture two has a big appliance (I imagine a WG would wear a much smaller one).

I get what you are saying about attractive girl but stomas are unsightly but those are two particularly bad examples haha

Offline Marmalade

I sympathize with any poor sod that has a stoma
But unless you have deeper feelings for the person or have a fetish for it
Ask yourself do you find these pictures sexually simulating? And she is attractive

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Personally I don't. But if it was a regular who was that good looking, had a good record of excellent service with me, and then had an operation resulting in a stoma, I'd probably give her one more shot and call it a day. I think most prossies in that situation would either retire or market it in a very calculated way. TZ is clearly not cooperating in any discussion but I'm happy to discuss my views with any more 'balanced' people.

My objection to the post, as already stated is that it inflames argument to no good purpose. We are basing any yes/no response on gut reaction mostly. I'd probably also not see her as she sounds incompetent and I'd rather not encourage her in her downfall. But unless anyone has great experience of punting a reasonably representative number of stoma-WGs (which means you'd have to be an addict for that fetish) then it turns purely on the sort of gobshite that TZ wants -- probably for some poor unfortunate that feels fluffy over.

The majority of answers have been sensible with the limits allowed by the no-data question.

For instance. Some says,
"I failed maths at school and I'm thinking of becoming a computer programmer."
"I'm 5'2" with a big belly and I'm thinking of becoming at catwalk model."
"I'm deaf and want to be a classical music composer and pianist"
"I have a stoma and am thinking of becoming a prostitute"

Now there are exceptional people who go against the grain. There are fat models and people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who did very well without the 'necessary' qualifications. TOr Beethoven. These were exceptional people, among tens of thousands who are not exceptional. The default answer, the standard rational response to any of those questions must be, "based on the data, don't get your hopes up." or words to that effect.

There is a further point not in the girl's favour. She sounds not very bright (evidenced by lying and asking T for an opinion instead of going to Saafe or a medically qualified person). In other words, the chances that she might be exceptional, even as a prostitute, are logically further reduced.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 10:10:24 pm by Marmalade »

Offline Turtle Z

Personally I don't. But if it was a regular who was that good looking, had a good record of excellent service with me, and then had an operation resulting in a stoma, I'd probably give her one more shot and call it a day. I think most prossies in that situation would either retire or market it in a very calculated way. TZ is clearly not cooperating in any discussion but I'm happy to discuss my views with any more 'balanced' people.

My objection to the post, as already stated is that it inflames argument to no good purpose. We are basing any yes/no response on gut reaction mostly. I'd probably also not see her as she sounds incompetent and I'd rather not encourage her in her downfall. But unless anyone has great experience of punting a reasonably representative number of stoma-WGs (which means you'd have to be an addict for that fetish) then it turns purely on the sort of gobshite that TZ wants -- probably for some poor unfortunate that feels fluffy over.

The majority of answers have been sensible with the limits allowed by the no-data question.

For instance. Some says,
"I failed maths at school and I'm thinking of becoming a computer programmer."
"I'm 5'2" with a big belly and I'm thinking of becoming at catwalk model."
"I'm deaf and want to be a classical music composer and pianist"
"I have a stoma and am thinking of becoming a prostitute"

Now there are exceptional people who go against the grain. There are fat models and people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who did very well without the 'necessary' qualifications. TOr Beethoven. These were exceptional people, among tens of thousands who are not exceptional. The default answer, the standard rational response to any of those questions must be, "based on the data, don't get your hopes up." or words to that effect.

There is a further point not in the girl's favour. She sounds not very bright (evidenced by lying and asking T for an opinion instead of going to Saafe or a medically qualified person). In other words, the chances that she might be exceptional, even as a prostitute, are logically further reduced.

Zzzzzz, and you think it's utterly pointless  :lol:


  • Guest
also certain limits that effect the service to the punter

Advice from the NHS.UK site

There are several practical issues that could have an impact on your sex life and your relationships.

Women who have had their rectum removed may find that having sex in the traditional "missionary position" is painful,
 because the rectum no longer supports the vagina during sex. Trying different positions may help.

After surgery, many women also find their vagina is much drier, which can make sex uncomfortable.
 Applying a lubricating jelly before having sex may help.

Having weight placed on your stoma during sex can be painful, so you may want to avoid positions that could cause pain.
 Alternatively, you could protect the stoma with a cushion or pillow.
Your stoma nurse can give you more advice.

Other tips that may improve your sex life include:
•changing your appliance before having sex
•changing your appliance to a small stoma cap before having sex
•covering the appliance with a satin or cotton cover (if the feel of the appliance against your skin is a distraction during sex)
•keeping your sense of humour: embarrassing mishaps often occur during sex, whether or not you have a colostomy

You should avoid having anal sex (if the rectum hasn't been removed) after a colostomy,
 because this can lead to painful tearing and bleeding.
 You should also avoid using the stoma itself for penetrative sex, because this can seriously damage it.

Offline peter purves

Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Marmalade

also certain limits that effect the service to the punter

Advice from the NHS.UK site

There are several practical issues that could have an impact on your sex life and your relationships.

Women who have had their rectum removed may find that having sex in the traditional "missionary position" is painful,
 because the rectum no longer supports the vagina during sex. Trying different positions may help.

After surgery, many women also find their vagina is much drier, which can make sex uncomfortable.
 Applying a lubricating jelly before having sex may help.

Having weight placed on your stoma during sex can be painful, so you may want to avoid positions that could cause pain.
 Alternatively, you could protect the stoma with a cushion or pillow.
Your stoma nurse can give you more advice.

Other tips that may improve your sex life include:
•changing your appliance before having sex
•changing your appliance to a small stoma cap before having sex
•covering the appliance with a satin or cotton cover (if the feel of the appliance against your skin is a distraction during sex)
•keeping your sense of humour: embarrassing mishaps often occur during sex, whether or not you have a colostomy

You should avoid having anal sex (if the rectum hasn't been removed) after a colostomy,
 because this can lead to painful tearing and bleeding.
 You should also avoid using the stoma itself for penetrative sex, because this can seriously damage it.

Well said. I didn't want to base it entirely on medical issues as that is her concern; but plenty of reasons for a punter to be wary.

Offline Marmalade

just a reminder that if you shit in a bag, it bypasses your rectum and anal sphincter so you can't "shit on demand". She'd have to have a scenario where the bag (which she had zero control over) worked after her last punter, keep it in the bag until the hard sports punter and then empty it onto/into them. I can't imagine the lucky timing being something she could ever realistically rely on. Oh and people with colostomies often have low residue diets, further reducing the appeal to a hard sports punter

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Offline Marmalade

Former Model Poses in Bikini with Colostomy Bags

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Very nice. Lots of politically correct poop bags ou there.

Here's one TeZ knitted for his little flower earlier:
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How unfortnate she really looks like this
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Got a free shag yet TZ?  :sarcastic:

Online madmania

Why you being a cunt marmalade?


  • Guest
If you’re paying for it, it’s an acquired taste, I am afraid

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Offline cueball

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The flowery one is much more becoming.... quite summery  :lol:

Kind of like a summer fashion accessory  :D

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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I have to agree her marmalade you are coming across as a total arrogent ass on this thread , the girl doesnt appeal to you, why cant u just leave it at that?


No need to be a total horrid person is there? stop putting people with disabilities down .
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1

Offline NigelF

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With the bag on, I would almost definitely TOFTT if she was £60 for 30 mins incall in my neck of the woods (Manchester). I might push to £70 if her profile was well written and she was offering FK. I would also see her if she was slightly more expensive but a review on here said she gives a very good service. 

Offline Jonestown

It's all getting a bit Dear Marge Proops isn't it ? You just have to look through AW to realise that the only thing that stops a woman being able to offer herself for sexual services is lack of a pulse or some other sign that life has actually been extinguished. What to me is interesting is why she would want to do it, was she a working girl before, if not, then why now ? There is presently no reference to stoma on AW so she would have a USP if she declared it, but she better be prepared for the idiosyncrasies of those trying to book her, and also perhaps some unpleasant and humiliating put downs from punters turning up who don't know what a stoma entails.


  • Guest
If she's up front about it and just says she has one on her profile and what services are and aren't possible then if anything it shows she's got a good attitude.  I'm curious already thinking about a WG with a unique extra orifice, but I'm guessing Stoma play is a big No No.

I can't be arsed to google any further to find the official medical advice (google image search was enough for me) but isn't one's partner's stoma something a couple need to be extra careful of in bed?  Given some punters just want to pound WGs.  She'd have to be quite careful to get the sort of punters she wants.

Online madmania

If she's up front about it and just says she has one on her profile and what services are and aren't possible then if anything it shows she's got a good attitude.  I'm curious already thinking about a WG with a unique extra orifice, but I'm guessing Stoma play is a big No No.

I can't be arsed to google any further to find the official medical advice (google image search was enough for me) but isn't one's partner's stoma something a couple need to be extra careful of in bed?  Given some punters just want to pound WGs.  She'd have to be quite careful to get the sort of punters she wants.

By god the "extra orifice" is most definitely a big no no  :scare: Does that even appeal to you?

And I've never had a problem with sex in any position, as long as she has a well fitted appliance and doesn't act stupidly then she should be good to go, even with passionate/rough sex

Offline lewisjones23

would i fuck see a WG with one


  • Guest
By god the "extra orifice" is most definitely a big no no  :scare: Does that even appeal to you?

Hahaha ;-)  I don't know what the deal is.  I don't want anyone to do anything stupid or see anyone get medically injured.  But I can't promise you I wouldn't watch porn of it out of curiosity.

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1


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I would still want to see Englishrebecca if she had a stoma for example.

Online madmania

wow nice attitude there

If that's his view what's wrong, he's just being honest :unknown:

Hahaha ;-)  I don't know what the deal is.  I don't want anyone to do anything stupid or see anyone get medically injured.  But I can't promise you I wouldn't watch porn of it out of curiosity.

True, likewise as much as I enjoy the porn I don't see myself raping Japanese school girls with my 20 ft long octopus tentacles  ;)

Offline Turtle Z

wow nice attitude there

I don't think its about attitude Rebecca. I think you're missing that some punters will just naturally react with revulsion.

Offline lewisjones23

wow nice attitude there

if im paying £150+ p/h i want young ( max 35 ) , slim, pretty and ready to go like the clappers

not someone with half their intenstines about to fall out  :thumbsup:

Offline dubs

Maybe irony is lost in monkeys.

Similarly if she has zero intelligence she could apply to be astronaut. She won't stand a chance at that either.  :rolleyes:

What have monkeys got to do with it?

Offline Marmalade

Why you being a cunt marmalade?

Probably because I post here for the benefit of punters. Not just your personal feelings on stomas or people with stomas. On a disability rights board I would post quite differently.

Online madmania

Probably because I post here for the benefit of punters. Not just your personal feelings on stomas or people with stomas. On a disability rights board I would post quite differently.

You're just coming across as pretty hostile and at times attacking things that were never said to you?

I agree with a lot of what you've said but you seem quite angry and aggressive for seemingly no reason :unknown:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 10:23:16 pm by madmania »

Offline Marmalade

You're just coming across as pretty hostile and at times attacking things that were never said to you?

I agree with a lot of what you've said but you seem quite angry and aggressive for seemingly no reason :unknown:

Really?? Did I call you a "cunt"? No.

If you differentiate between what I said -- and that you agree with -- from what you imagine I seem to you, or other people imagine I seem, it might clarify a lot of things for you. Just think with your own brain instead of letting yourself get swept along by sentiment -- including prossies or people even less intelligent than you are. When you've been around long enough you'll probably realise I don't get angry. I don't bear grudges. I don't really give a fuck about what idiots "think" -- they're not my responsibility - and I'm not even that interested in the forum. I post to help other punters, in the ethos of the forum, and occasionally enjoy the intelligent debate. I take breaks of months or a year from the forum so really, I really am not that bothered. (I respect what Nik and Admin and JRC and other people have done in setting up the board and feel it's worth supporting: but honestly, punting and all connected with it is an amenity, like shopping for some basics, not something to care overmuch about in my opinion.)

Offline Turtle Z

Really?? Did I call you a "cunt"? No.

If you differentiate between what I said -- and that you agree with -- from what you imagine I seem to you, or other people imagine I seem, it might clarify a lot of things for you. Just think with your own brain instead of letting yourself get swept along by sentiment -- including prossies or people even less intelligent than you are. When you've been around long enough you'll probably realise I don't get angry. I don't bear grudges. I don't really give a fuck about what idiots "think" -- they're not my responsibility - and I'm not even that interested in the forum. I post to help other punters, in the ethos of the forum, and occasionally enjoy the intelligent debate. I take breaks of months or a year from the forum so really, I really am not that bothered. (I respect what Nik and Admin and JRC and other people have done in setting up the board and feel it's worth supporting: but honestly, punting and all connected with it is an amenity, like shopping for some basics, not something to care overmuch about in my opinion.)

But none of this has anything to do with the shit you posted. You say you enjoy 'intelligent debate' but you dragged a reasonable intelligent discussion into the gutter with your aggressive bigoted shite. None of which was 'for the benefit of the punter',  once again your ego got the better of you and you came across as a complete arsehole. You say you don't care what others on here think, but you care deeply, which is why you cant leave this thread alone.

Offline Marmalade

But none of this has anything to do with the shit you posted. You say you enjoy 'intelligent debate' but you dragged a reasonable intelligent discussion into the gutter with your aggressive bigoted shite. None of which was 'for the benefit of the punter',  once again your ego got the better of you and you came across as a complete arsehole. You say you don't care what others on here think, but you care deeply, which is why you cant leave this thread alone.

You, Sir, are an arse!  :hi:

Offline Turtle Z

You, Sir, are an arse!  :hi:

As you well know, whatever you say now is only damage limitation, so I'll give you that because you need it a damn sight more than me!   :lol:

Offline Marmalade

you need it a damn sight more than me! 

I don't think so somehow.

Offline Turtle Z

Offline Marmalade

No, your ego wouldn't allow it.  :lol:
Maybe it won't. Maybe it's in the right place. I am always happy to accept the judgement of Admin.