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Author Topic: Michelle Independent - June West Brompton tour (meeting never happen)  (Read 24239 times)

136 review(s) for Michelle Independent (134 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline kim88

Long time lurker here, but I feel it's time to finally break my duck to post a review for my fellow punters.

1st up, is the one and only Michelle Independent; one of the most well-reviewed and popular WGs on AW, UKP and UKE sites. Having read all the hype about her beforehand, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

I sent her an email via AW last month, regarding a booking which was meant to happen today during her June London tour at West Brompton. She replied, and suggested a different time than the one I initially asked for. And if I agreed with the change of time, I can send her the booking request, which I did and she confirmed it herself. Great, everything was sorted out and I waited for the day of our supposed meet with great anticipation.

However, on the day of our supposed meet... Things did not go exactly as intended. I send her a text this morning to confirm our booking, told her who I was. Instead of receiving a text back with the address, postcode and all that, I received an apology to say she didn't have any booking at that specified time, and that I must of confused her with somebody else?

Already, I was getting a bad vibe from this, but I decided to press on. I insisted we did email one another on AW and we confirmed the date/time. Tried to text her with the photo of our emails, but it didn't go through.

Even after she denies it with a seemingly, standoffish attitude, I clarified again with my AW profile name and the exact date we corresponded through the emails. She apparently checked her emails, and still believe she did not receive any booking requests from me. Then the last straw came, when she said she may be put me on the block list...

I'm a nice guy in general. I've been wrong numerous times before, but I usually just let things slide and move on. Life is pretty short enough as it is. But on this occasion, I feel this negative feedback for Michelle is well-justified and deserved, in addition to the one I left on her AW profile.

And Michelle if you're reading this, just remember you brought this upon yourself. You could have honored this booking, but you choose not to and instead decided to feign ignorance about it, pretending we never corresponded each other. If there was some reason you didn't wish to see me, I would have preferred a straight, honest answer, and I'd accepted it with no hard feelings. But you messed me about, which I do not fully appreciate.

I'm sure you're a wonderful lady, and the guys who have seen you, had a wonderful time with you. Well done to them. But on this occasion, you made a blunder, which you should have owed up. I know you're pretty busy, I can imagine the tons of emails you receive on a daily basis, but this is no excuse.

I'm aware this review isn't likely going to deter new clients, but I thought they deserve to know about the off chance of them getting mess around like this.

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Offline punk

9 months and your first post.


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Long time lurker here, but I feel it's time to finally break my duck to post a review for my fellow punters.

1st up, is the one and only Michelle Independent; one of the most well-reviewed and popular WGs on AW, UKP and UKE sites. Having read all the hype about her beforehand, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

I sent her an email via AW last month, regarding a booking which was meant to happen today during her June London tour at West Brompton. She replied, and suggested a different time than the one I initially asked for. And if I agreed with the change of time, I can send her the booking request, which I did and she confirmed it herself. Great, everything was sorted out and I waited for the day of our supposed meet with great anticipation.

However, on the day of our supposed meet... Things did not go exactly as intended. I send her a text this morning to confirm our booking, told her who I was. Instead of receiving a text back with the address, postcode and all that, I received an apology to say she didn't have any booking at that specified time, and that I must of confused her with somebody else?

Already, I was getting a bad vibe from this, but I decided to press on. I insisted we did email one another on AW and we confirmed the date/time. Tried to text her with the photo of our emails, but it didn't go through.

Even after she denies it with a seemingly, standoffish attitude, I clarified again with my AW profile name and the exact date we corresponded through the emails. She apparently checked her emails, and still believe she did not receive any booking requests from me. Then the last straw came, when she said she may be put me on the block list...

I'm a nice guy in general. I've been wrong numerous times before, but I usually just let things slide and move on. Life is pretty short enough as it is. But on this occasion, I feel this negative feedback for Michelle is well-justified and deserved, in addition to the one I left on her AW profile.

And Michelle if you're reading this, just remember you brought this upon yourself. You could have honored this booking, but you choose not to and instead decided to feign ignorance about it, pretending we never corresponded each other. If there was some reason you didn't wish to see me, I would have preferred a straight, honest answer, and I'd accepted it with no hard feelings. But you messed me about, which I do not fully appreciate.

I'm sure you're a wonderful lady, and the guys who have seen you, had a wonderful time with you. Well done to them. But on this occasion, you made a blunder, which you should have owed up. I know you're pretty busy, I can imagine the tons of emails you receive on a daily basis, but this is no excuse.

I'm aware this review isn't likely going to deter new clients, but I thought they deserve to know about the off chance of them getting mess around like this.

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Close the curtains, switch if the lights, have a wank at what could have been.

Nah I'm just messing.

Its annoying when things go wrong, but it maybe work calling models on the day to see them.

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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Brought it on herself
?? Hmmm sounds like a mess up on maybe both behalfs and  u sound like a guy with a chip on his shoulder 9 months zero post dodgy some might say .... Call me a a cynic if u wish
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1

Offline Steve2

Suggest you post a screenshot of your booking confirmation on here

We would need to be convinced to take you seriously



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Brought it on herself
?? Hmmm sounds like a mess up on maybe both behalfs and  u sound like a guy with a chip on his shoulder 9 months zero post dodgy some might say .... Call me a a cynic if u wish

You are a cynic.

(You brought that on yourself "Call me a cynic if u wish")

Nah, I'm just messing with you too.

Offline kim88

Close the curtains, switch if the lights, have a wank at what could have been.

Nah I'm just messing.

Its annoying when things go wrong, but it maybe work calling models on the day to see them.

On her profile, she claims her phone has problems and is unable to answer calls, so I thought texting her was best.

Yes, it's a shame things go wrong like this. Just ruins the mood completely.

Offline kim88

Suggest you post a screenshot of your booking confirmation on here

We would need to be convinced to take you seriously


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Offline The_Don

Brought it on herself
?? Hmmm sounds like a mess up on maybe both behalfs and  u sound like a guy with a chip on his shoulder 9 months zero post dodgy some might say .... Call me a a cynic if u wish

Every poster, starts somewhere

benefit of the doubt

Suggest you post a screenshot of your booking confirmation on here

We would need to be convinced to take you seriously



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Good call, but he managed to leave a negative, which means SOMEONE at her end has indeed clicked to Confirm the booking. So while he DID have a booking, the time/date needs to be clarified.
EDIT - Just saw his screenshot. Yes, he had a booking that has been confirmed (as taken place, according to AW's rules on "Scheduled" (as good to go) and "Confirmed" (having happened) bookings).

And *IF* Michelle has blocked him previously, and a booking slipped through, his feedback would have shown up as a *feedback only* comment.

Currently, negative feed back left on A.W

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 06:36:56 pm by The_Don »

Offline CatBBW

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Suggest you post a screenshot of your booking confirmation on here

We would need to be convinced to take you seriously

Good call, but he managed to leave a negative, which means SOMEONE at her end has indeed clicked to Confirm the booking. So while he DID have a booking, the time/date needs to be clarified.
EDIT - Just saw his screenshot. Yes, he had a booking that has been confirmed (as taken place, according to AW's rules on "Scheduled" (as good to go) and "Confirmed" (having happened) bookings).

And *IF* Michelle has blocked him previously, and a booking slipped through, his feedback would have shown up as a *feedback only* comment.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 06:33:53 pm by CatBBW »


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On her profile, she claims her phone has problems and is unable to answer calls, so I thought texting her was best.

Yes, it's a shame things go wrong like this. Just ruins the mood completely.

Agreed, but directing your frustration at the model who is a member just ain't cricket man.

But hey, there are plenty more out there that are callable on the day. Have faith.

Offline smiths

Agreed, but directing your frustration at the model who is a member just ain't cricket man.

But hey, there are plenty more out there that are callable on the day. Have faith.

IF this is genuine he has every right to direct his frustration at the WG in my view, thats what I do and that's what UKP is for as well as informing others and praising good service. IMO its not cricket to think because a WG is a member on here its not cricket to direct your frustration at her.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 06:42:31 pm by smiths »

Offline The_Don

there are plenty more out there

I just move on and book elsewhere, if I can't get a time and date that works for me, with a W/G.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 06:41:57 pm by The_Don »

Offline kim88

Agreed, but directing your frustration at the model who is a member just ain't cricket man.

But hey, there are plenty more out there that are callable on the day. Have faith.

I'm merely expressing an honest review. And regardless of the popularity of the WG in question, punters deserve to know the positive and negative. That's what this site is here for, right?

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Agreed, but directing your frustration at the model who is a member just ain't cricket man.

But hey, there are plenty more out there that are callable on the day. Have faith.

When did we start calling them models?
Sounds like a confirmed booking was made about a month ago ... personally I'd have reconfirmed nearer the actual date rather than wait a month then just turn up .... but you live and learn. 

Having said that .... a booking is a booking... and I like Michelle but it does appear she's made a mistake here.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 06:49:20 pm by fredpunter »

Offline Hertsgent

Suggest you post a screenshot of your booking confirmation on here

We would need to be convinced to take you seriously

Agree with this as verification - just bung it on and then the overall review is valid.

Might be in a minority, but I'd cut out the "brought it on yourself" comments - at best it makes you look like a total wanker, at worst it makes it look like you think you control a WG .

Offline The_Don

@ fredpunter

I don't often book, in advanced and a avoid the A/W, booking and email system.

Most of my bookings are on the day (via a punting phone) and with in a few hours of my punt.

I won't waste my time traveling and I normally confirm details with several call and text, before doing so.

Sounds like a confirmed booking was made about a month ago ... personally I'd have reconfirmed nearer the actual date rather than wait a month then just turn up .... but you live and learn.

However, on the day of our supposed meet... Things did not go exactly as intended. I send her a text this morning to confirm our booking, told her who I was. Instead of receiving a text back with the address, postcode and all that, I received an apology to say she didn't have any booking at that specified time, and that I must of confused her with somebody else?

Having said that .... a booking is a booking... and I like Michelle but it does appear she's made a mistake here.

It human nature, to make mistakes. How a person deals with them, is what often make a difference (IMO)

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 07:02:11 pm by The_Don »


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@ fredpunter

I don't often book, in advanced and a avoid the A/W, booking and email system.

Most of my bookings are on the day (via a punting phone) and with in a few hours of my punt.

I won't waste my time traveling and I normally confirm details with several text, before doing so.

It human nature, to make mistakes. How a person deals with them, is what often make a difference  :hi:

If it works for you that's great ...

Different people have different preferences .... I have been know to book well in advance ... but I'm repeating myself ... if I'd booked a month in advance I'd always reconfirm nearer the day just in case anything has changed ... but if I'd booked e.g. a hotel and I didn't reconfirm and when I arrived the room was unavailable I'd still be pissed off ... I suspect this is a combination of a genuine mistake by Michelle and inexperience by the punter ... but it's only a guess.

As you say ... it's how the mistake is handled that counts.

I guess it's possible that there were subsequent communications between the two of them of which we are unaware but that is pure speculation on my part.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 07:08:31 pm by fredpunter »

Offline tantric talents

Sorry to hear you had this experience.
Frankly Michelle is not on my list of favourites either at the moment as she also let me down badly recently with a poor excuse.
I suspect she may be suffering from that WG Teflon syndrome.


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.... Call me a a cynic if u wish

It would be wrong to call you a cynic there is little evidence, however you are a COMPULSIVE LIAR AND TOUT that has been proven repeatedly  :hi:

Offline The_Don

If it works for you that's great ...

Different people have different preferences .... I have been know to book well in advance ... but I'm repeating myself ... if I'd booked a month in advance I'd always reconfirm nearer the day just in case anything has changed ... but if I'd booked e.g. a hotel and I didn't reconfirm and when I arrived the room was unavailable I'd still be pissed off ... I suspect this is a combination of a genuine mistake by Michelle and inexperience by the punter ... but it's only a guess.

As you say ... it's how the mistake is handled that counts.

I agree, even if a booking is made weeks, days or hours in advanced. Conformation before hand is a wise choice.

The OP preference was on the day.



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I'm merely expressing an honest review. And regardless of the popularity of the WG in question, punters deserve to know the positive and negative. That's what this site is here for, right?

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Its a fair review. That's true.

Offline Bangers and Gash

IF this is genuine he has every right to direct his frustration at the WG in my view, thats what I do and that's what UKP is for as well as informing others and praising good service. IMO its not cricket to think because a WG is a member on here its not cricket to direct your frustration at her.

Quite right. Disgruntled punters on UKP have every right and nothing to fear when pouring scorn on crap/dishonest pro$$ies - regardless of how many reviews/lapdogs they have.

This is a punters forum. :hi:

Offline punk

Looking at the AW email correspondence,seems the Golden one may be slipping.


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IF this is genuine he has every right to direct his frustration at the WG in my view, thats what I do and that's what UKP is for as well as informing others and praising good service. IMO its not cricket to think because a WG is a member on here its not cricket to direct your frustration at her.

It was this bit I was talking about. But, maybe I would not be so direct and others would. That's all.

"And Michelle if you're reading this, just remember you brought this upon yourself"


Offline SamLP

She has a habit of lying. She lied to me about not working on a Saturday when I enquired about a booking and then a review goes up a few days later with the punter mentioning he saw her in the day she told me she won't be working, and then she had the galls to say she saw nothing wrong in what she did when I made my remark. I see a lot of wrong in someone who lies and thinks it's ok.

Offline Nagilum

Will be interesting to hear what Michelle has to say on the matter.

OP - Thank you for the review.


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The fact that the OP was able to leave her a RATED negative feedback on Adultwork was already sufficient proof that Michelle had confirmed the booking. If she hadn’t confirmed the booking request then the OP would have not been able to leave her rated feedback, but just an unrated “feedback only” comment instead. There was no need for him to post a screenshot of the email exchange, though of course it is a further evidence.

And a reminder for the pro$$ie who posted on here with white-knighting intentions. This is a forum for punters. It is NOT a forum where pro$$ies are allowed to surround and discredit reviewers and chip in the defence of their fellow pro$$ies. What do you think is here? Pro$$ienet? And if a review happens to be fake it is something that, we, the punters, can easily sniff out and sort it out ourselves. We don't need your worthless input for that. The only WG that has legitimate reason to comment on a negative review is the WG that is reviewed in order to give her own account of events and/or offer an apology. Usually they post bullocks and lies and get banned but that’s another story.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 08:35:58 pm by Jason »

Offline CatBBW

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The fact that the OP was able to leave her a RATED negative feedback on Adultwork was already sufficient proof that Michelle had confirmed the booking. If she hadn’t confirmed the booking request then the OP would have not been able to leave her rated feedback, but just an unrated “feedback only” comment instead.

Yep, just as I said in post #10  :drinks:

Offline SamLP

It was aimed at the other one that posted. I would even add to Jason's comment that there has been some subtle wk going on with some punters quick to give MI excuses calling it a genuine mistake. How would they know? And even placing blame on the OP for not confirming it days earlier. A booking was confirmed and that should have been that. She didn't specify and ask him to confirm x days before or even on the day as other wg's would.

Offline azrael

Will be interesting to hear what Michelle has to say on the matter.

OP - Thank you for the review.

+1, fascinating to see what happened there :hi:

Offline Michelle Independent

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She has a habit of lying. She lied to me about not working on a Saturday when I enquired about a booking and then a review goes up a few days later with the punter mentioning he saw her in the day she told me she won't be working, and then she had the galls to say she saw nothing wrong in what she did when I made my remark. I see a lot of wrong in someone who lies and thinks it's ok.
Absolute fucking bollocks. I told you I can't see you. Fully booked or not working IT IS NOT RELEVANT! I couldn't see you at the day you wanted to book-simple as that.

Offline SamLP

Absolute fucking bollocks. I told you I can't see you. Fully booked or not working IT IS NOT RELEVANT! I couldn't see you at the day you wanted to book-simple as that.

You lying isn't bollocks at all. Telling someone you're fully booked is different to telling them you're not working that day. You're a liar with a bad attitude.

Offline Michelle Independent

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You lying isn't bollocks at all. Telling someone you're fully booked is different to telling them you're not working that day. You're a liar with a bad attitude.
You are entitled to your opinion.

Offline SamLP

You are entitled to your opinion.

I don't need you to tell me that. Had you been truthful I would have said nothing but I don't like someone who makes lying ok. To me that lacks class and stinks of a bad attitude.

Offline Michelle Independent

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I don't need you to tell me that. Had you been truthful I would have said nothing but I don't like someone who makes lying ok. To me that lacks class and stinks of a bad attitude.
Yes I am sure you are right and 86 other punter from this forum are wrong. That's all I got to say in this thread.


  • Guest
It was aimed at the other one that posted. I would even add to Jason's comment that there has been some subtle wk going on with some punters quick to give MI excuses calling it a genuine mistake. How would they know? And even placing blame on the OP for not confirming it days earlier. A booking was confirmed and that should have been that. She didn't specify and ask him to confirm x days before or even on the day as other wg's would.

I don't think anyone claimed to know ... Quite the contrary ... and suggesting that someone reconfirm a month old booking is just common sense ... it's not defending the prossie or blaming the punter ... it's passing on experience which is what this forum is here for ... prossies generally are often criticised for being unreliable so making a booking a month in advance and then not reconfirming until you arrive is very optimisitic .... thats not making excuses for michelle .... thats just a fact of life ... a booking was confirmed ... as I stated quite clearly ... and a mistake appears to have been made ... as I stated quite clearly.... so the negative, in the absence of any further evidence is justified .... as i stated quite clearly ... I think you need to take a few deep breathes


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Yes I am sure you are right and 86 other punter from this forum are wrong. That's all I got to say in this thread.

Not for me to advise you but I think rather than arguing with Sam you may be better explaining what happened with the op ... or even just saying sorry to him

Offline SamLP

Yes I am sure you are right and 86 other punter from this forum are wrong. That's all I got to say in this thread.

What a crap response. What does 86 other people have to do with you lying and excusing yourself that it's fine to do so? Do they all know you personally? That's all the hot air up your arse giving you the sense that because your highly reviewed, you can act like a prima donna and not be questioned.

Offline sushi

If a prossie can't organise her bookings a month in advance she shouldn't accept them so far ahead of time.
Getting rich of UKP then thinking its OK to lie and forget bookings isn't a good trait.
86 x £120 = £10,320 as a conservative estimate based on her reviews fucking ungrateful if you ask me.

Offline smiths

Absolute fucking bollocks. I told you I can't see you. Fully booked or not working IT IS NOT RELEVANT! I couldn't see you at the day you wanted to book-simple as that.

No apology to the OP I note. :rolleyes: As to SamLP, I would take his word over yours every time, or indeed any WGs as he has proved himself to be an honest punter and great asset in my view to UKP.


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Would the OP kindly share some more reviews of girls he has seen. More reports help us all.


Offline smiths

What a crap response. What does 86 other people have to do with you lying and excusing yourself that it's fine to do so? Do they all know you personally? That's all the hot air up your arse giving you the sense that because your highly reviewed, you can act like a prima donna and not be questioned.

Absolutely, its forum darling syndrome, the fact is a WG must offer ALL her genuine punters or potential punters a good service or it risks getting on here irrespective of the number of positive reviews the WG has.

I am glad to see few white knights so far charging to her rescue, thankfully admin cut some down and the London review board is generally by far better for it in my opinion. NO WG is immune from criticism.

Offline The_Don

86 x £120 = £10,320 as a conservative estimate based on her reviews

Some punters haven't reviewed her on here.

As to the amount (of £) the reviews may have contributed, is truly an unknown (IMO) 

In east London Michelle, rates were £100 P/H and some may have returned or had booked more or less than 1 hour

Rate wise, in Burm (currently £120) London tours £130 - £140 P/H

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Reminds me of the Hill  ;)

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 09:28:30 pm by The_Don »

Offline sushi

Yes agreed, who knows how much she has made off the back of these 86 UKP reviews, it could be hundreds of thousands and not an apology in sight. Ungrateful and up her own arse comes to mind.

Offline SamLP

Absolutely, its forum darling syndrome, the fact is a WG must offer ALL her genuine punters or potential punters a good service or it risks getting on here irrespective of the number of positive reviews the WG has.

I am glad to see few white knights so far charging to her rescue, thankfully admin cut some down and the London review board is generally by far better for it in my opinion. NO WG is immune from criticism.

I got a dose of it in our comms. There were several times when she would not even reply to my texts. In this instance she replied a day later with an abrupt what time do you want to come. Not even a hello even though I was polite. When I enquired about an evening time her reply was along the lines of sorry to disappoint you. At the time I thought what a condescending reply. Why would I be disappointed, and it was when I asked if she were available the following day on the Saturday she told me she sometimes works weekends but isn't doing so the next two weeks. I took her word for it, and as it turns out she was lying. Had she said sorry I'm fully booked, I wouldn't have given it another thought but it's her reaction to thinking its fine that made me state at the time that I won't be trying to book her again. I have principles and liars don't fit into my punting plans.

Offline Placebo88

kim88 , did Michelle give you any instructions as regards contacting her closer to the booking time to give a final confirmation that you were still attending ? This is standard practice with advanced bookings I have made.

Evidence shows that the booking was made and confirmed and so should have been clearly marked in her schedule .

If there is extenuating evidence it is Michelle's prerogative to supply it .

Offline Cunning Punt

Even after she denies it with a seemingly, standoffish attitude. She apparently checked her emails, and still believe she did not receive any booking requests from me. Then the last straw came, when she said she may be put me on the black list...

Mistakes and oversights happen, but, for me, it's her attitude afterwards
- repeatedly denying a booking was made (when evidence clearly shows it was)
- being dismissive of the OP and putting him on her black list when she was at fault
- then coming on here and not addressing the issue
- Not only that, but being very aggressive, having a pop at another member and boasting of all her positive feedback, which apparently proves she is incapable of making mistakes.

Yes I am sure you are right and 86 other punter from this forum are wrong. That's all I got to say in this thread.

The OP seems a reasonable guy. An immediate recognition she had made a mistake and an apology plus an offer of an alternative booking at a reduced rate would have been the best way forward.