Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Warning about Emma (and G-E in general)  (Read 2240 times)


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Some of you might remember that I posted a very positive review of 'Emma of G-E' a few weeks ago - she was genuinely one of the best escorts I'd ever seen.  My reward for that has been to be subjected to some pretty nasty mind games from her.  She texted me the day afterwards, and asked me to delete the review (I explained to her that wasn't allowed by the rules of the site).  She wasn't happy with some of the specific things I'd written, but in general she just seemed to feel that I shouldn't even have posted a review without asking her permission first.  I didn't think that was a realistic attitude - obviously if she'd specifically asked me not to review her, I would have respected that, but when someone is paying for a service it seems a bit odd to expect them to actively ask permission before posting feedback.  But I didn't say any of that - I just apologised to her for any upset caused, because she obviously was genuinely very upset.

She started hinting that she wouldn't be willing to take any more bookings from me (because she wanted to stick to people she could "trust"), so I told her if that was her decision I'd respect it.  She responded by saying she would text me if she decided to see me again.  I said "fair enough".  I then received a text from her out of the blue last weekend saying "I'm available again, it would be great to see you, just tell me what day and for how long".  So - and hopefully this is understandable - I took her at her word, and yesterday asked her if she'd be free today for a half-hour booking.  She said she'd be free, but only for the full hour rate.  Then a couple of minutes later she sent a follow-up text emphasising that in particular she'd only be willing to see ME for the full hour rate, after all the trouble I'd caused.  I told her that the hour rate was a bit too steep for me, so I would just leave it, but I basically said no hard feelings and I wished her well.  But she wouldn't let it go and sent quite a sarcastic text telling me about all the abuse she'd received because of my review (which was a positive one, remember!), and finished by saying "so I'm not willing to see you for £100, sorry".

I felt like this was leaving me in no man's land, so I decided that just this once I'd pay the full hour rate if it would help to smooth things over.  I asked her if she'd see me, and she said "I'll confirm by 2pm tomorrow (ie. today) once I know my schedule".  But by 2.05 I hadn't heard anything, so I texted her, and she said she was going to be busy until 8 or 9.  I asked her if that meant she was fully booked for the day, or if she'd be free after 8 or 9, and she sent me a strange reply that didn't answer the question at all.  So I asked again if a booking would be OK after 9, and she said "can I confirm by 8?" I said OK.  Then two minutes later she sent a text saying "actually I don't want to see you again after the comments I've had about your review, so don't bother contacting me again or any of the other girls!"

Now, I fully appreciate that an escort can refuse to see a client for any reason, or for no reason at all.  But I would never have contacted her again unless she had sent me a text giving me the green light, so I just think her behaviour has been totally unprofessional and deeply unfair.  I'm not sure whether she was deliberately playing mind games with me, or if she was just finding it hard to work out whether she wanted the £150 badly enough that it would be worth holding her nose and seeing a client she has a grudge against.  (It was probably the latter, actually.)

There certainly were a number of very unpleasant comments posted on my review, but I wasn't responsible for those in any way, and lashing out against me in this extreme way seems bizarre.  After the way she's treated me, I probably wouldn't have been comfortable seeing her again anyway (and perhaps not any of the other girls from the group either), so in that sense being blacklisted in no great loss.  But it's not been a nice experience at all.

My attitude remains the same, though - I think we've got a basic right to review escorts as long as we're discreet and respectful, and I'm going to carry on doing it unless I'm specifically asked not to.  I'm probably not going to enjoy writing the reviews in future, but there's an important principle at stake.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 03:09:12 pm by acqua »


  • Guest
she sounds like a nutter and/or junkie


  • Guest
No, I don't think she's either of those things - she's a very intelligent and highly-educated young woman.  I just don't think she was acting fairly or professionally.


  • Guest
well have it your own way but my advice to you would be to stay away from hoors. you aint built for it. btw she says she is 23 and has been a member for 5 years. work it out. its possible but unlikely.


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You may be right that I'm not built for it, but I'm going to carry on anyway.  I do understand that many girls lie about their age, but Emma is certainly in her 20s at any rate.

Online auldie63

FFS ignore the wee madam! There are plenty more where she came from and remember it's your cash she will be going without, and there are enough who will bend over backwards or frontwards to get it. Touchy wee cunt.

Offline CMacFarlanes7s

There certainly were a number of very unpleasant comments posted on my review, but I wasn't responsible for those in any way, and lashing out against me in this extreme way seems bizarre.  After the way she's treated me, I probably wouldn't have been comfortable seeing her again anyway (and perhaps not any of the other girls from the group either), so in that sense being blacklisted in no great loss.  But it's not been a nice experience at all.

There were, and I don't blame Emma at all if she's angry or offended by those particular comments (which were uncalled for, IMO). 

But it's worth noting that some of the comments were made by posters who have now been banned from the forum and the people who made them were criticised at the time by other posters.  To take it out on you personally just for writing the review - which was very positive - is a bit unfair.

I hope Emma doesn't let things like that get to her too much because she really is a breath of fresh air - a young, stunning home grown lassie who really knows her stuff in the bedroom dept.

Offline wannabe

A reminder not to use the same name on AW as you use to post reviews on UKP (or elsewhere).

Online David1970

No wonder she is pissed off. OP was fine with his review, but the comments on the thread, pure vindictive, not only by those banned.  What I do not understand is if she is pissed of why would she see you, even if it was extra money. My best advice is to forget about her and carry on, not your fault.

Online Jock D

My attitude remains the same, though - I think we've got a basic right to review escorts as long as we're discreet and respectful, and I'm going to carry on doing it unless I'm specifically asked not to.  I'm probably not going to enjoy writing the reviews in future, but there's an important principle at stake.

One of the fundementals, of being a punter is protecting your own anonymity. By that, I mean not only do you not give out your real name, where you live, job etc. You also don't ask or tell a hoor that your going to do a review  :dash: In fact, if asked about UKP, you should deny all knowledge of it, and don't post your review straight away either, leave it a few days or even weeks.


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David : Yes, that's what I've done.  To get the whole thing out of my system, I saw a different girl tonight, with no connection to that group (as far as I know).  It went fine, thankfully.  I'm going to write a positive review, so heaven only knows what disasters will ensue this time...

Wannabe : I'm not currently a member of Adultwork anyway.  I'm not sure what happened to my account, because I never had any problems with anyone there.  Maybe it was deleted for inactivity, because before last month I hadn't booked an escort for a couple of years.

Offline Rossco100

Having just read the review and its very positive manner throughout I can see no reason for said girl to take the hump,she is obviously an insecure girl if she has problems with anything you have written and she has done herself no favours whatsoever by her behaviour because nobody in their right mind would go near her after what is written in this thread.
Banned reason: Duplicate account
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Matrix

Having just read the review and its very positive manner throughout I can see no reason for said girl to take the hump,she is obviously an insecure girl if she has problems with anything you have written and she has done herself no favours whatsoever by her behaviour because nobody in their right mind would go near her after what is written in this thread.
She clearly wants to fuck you about and waste your time. It would be wise to cease all communication with her. You should never go back.


  • Guest
my point exactly. ignore the stupid cow.

Offline Reiver

She could have had a couple of guys in the flat when you arrived and give you a kicking for doing the review . Take care out there .