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Author Topic: Sexy slut Irene - Birmingham B23  (Read 8869 times)

27 review(s) for Irina Valentina (19 positive, 3 neutral, 5 negative) [Indexed by ]


  • Guest
This little pixie has returned from her extended trip to Liverpool and immediately went near the top of my must see soon list because of the previous good meet I had with her.
She was not my intended punt for the day, but I was let down by plan A and plan B was busy, so I chanced a quick call to Irene, she said she was available so off I went.

The young woman in question:

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

The venue is a bit off putting from the outside, but is actually ok once you are inside. Parking is non existent, so I had to park in a side street and walk back.

Physically: Still the attractive young woman in the pictures, the only one negative physically is the little knot of flesh near her ass hole.

The meet: She recognised me from my previous visit and I was greeted accordingly with a hug and smiles.
She provides something akin to a dirty girlfriend experience, bordering on PSE. She has an excellent OWO deepthroat technique and squirms and gags erotically when you push your whole length in, I spent most of my meet enjoying the oral in different positions, finishing with a little fuck and then a CIM / Facial combo, which she takes well, and considering I had abstained for 2 weeks she was well and truly splattered  :yahoo:

She allows you to take pictures (for personal use) which I took advantage of again, as I said before, guys be sensible with this, if you publish it she will likely stop allowing which would be a shame.

Had a nice chat with her after and actually overran by about 15 minutes, she was completely relaxed, speaks English well and is generally a nice person.

The only downside was that the little knot of flesh by her ass hole I referred to in my previous review has got a little larger.

Good punt, nice girl and a Romanian  :scare: :D

Ming  :hi:
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 08:23:49 am by Ming »

Offline Juankerr

Offline misterjt111

I had booked in with Irene for tonight but as always I had a quick look through her previous clients to see if they had seen anyone offering bareback.  Sure enough a recent client has seen a girl recently who offers bareback on her profile.

I can post the name of the escort if you guys wish to check it out, I can't find anything on here about her and neither of the reviews on aw specifically mention it, but bareback is definitely in her likes list.  Might just be a girl who ticks everything but I'm not sure I want to take that risk. Pretty annoyed as I was looking forward to it given her great reviews!


  • Guest
I had booked in with Irene for tonight but as always I had a quick look through her previous clients to see if they had seen anyone offering bareback.  Sure enough a recent client has seen a girl recently who offers bareback on her profile.

I can post the name of the escort if you guys wish to check it out, I can't find anything on here about her and neither of the reviews on aw specifically mention it, but bareback is definitely in her likes list.  Might just be a girl who ticks everything but I'm not sure I want to take that risk. Pretty annoyed as I was looking forward to it given her great reviews!

So if I understand you correctly, you won't see any girl, that has had a client, that has seen a girl, who has bareback on her profile?

I think your list of available WG's is going to be very small?  :unknown:  :dash:

To be clear, and I am sure others that have seen her will bear me out, Irene does not offer bareback, there has never been any suggestion of it on the meets I have had with her and if you are rubbered up for penetrative sex the risks are minimal.

Ming  :hi:

Offline misterjt111

Yeah, my theory is that these girls get tested surely as part of their routine so if they've seen someone recently and engaged in bb and not been tested they wouldn't know if they have anything.  I wouldn't rule out girls that have seen people offering be months ago.

Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'd rather not have to go through the worry of getting checked up and finding out I have something.  I've been in that situation before and it's not cool, my gf at the time didn't think it was particularly good either!

Just sharing the info and looking for some opinion on it anyway. But yeah I also know she doesn't offer bareback as it's not on her profile and it was never discussed.   I made this clear to her when I cancelled so as not to offend her.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 08:25:53 pm by misterjt111 »


  • Guest
Yeah, my theory is that these girls get tested surely as part of their routine so if they've seen someone recently and engaged in bb and not been tested they wouldn't know if they have anything.  I wouldn't rule out girls that have seen people offering be months ago.

Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'd rather not have to go through the worry of getting checked up and finding out I have something.  I've been in that situation before and it's not cool, my gf at the time didn't think it was particularly good either!

Just sharing the info and looking for some opinion on it anyway. But yeah I also know she doesn't offer bareback as it's not on her profile and it was never discussed.   I made this clear to her when I cancelled so as not to offend her.

Whilst your intentions are laudable I think that you may be engaged in an activity (paid sex with prostitutes) which does not suit you.

I have read your 4 reviews, 2 negatives and 2 neutrals, you are not having a lot of luck??

Anyone involved in this hobby has to realise that it comes with risks!

I know that the young woman I am happily shagging now, was most likely in the arms of another man just a few minutes before I arrived, and will most likely be in the arms of another a few minutes after I leave, if one thinks about that too much you simply would not do it, so I compartmentalise it, I know I have to set standards of who I will see, what I will and won't do etcetera.

Maybe you should consider another hobby?

Ming  :hi:

Offline azrael

I had booked in with Irene for tonight but as always I had a quick look through her previous clients to see if they had seen anyone offering bareback.  Sure enough a recent client has seen a girl recently who offers bareback on her profile.

I can post the name of the escort if you guys wish to check it out, I can't find anything on here about her and neither of the reviews on aw specifically mention it, but bareback is definitely in her likes list.  Might just be a girl who ticks everything but I'm not sure I want to take that risk. Pretty annoyed as I was looking forward to it given her great reviews!

1/5 punters have seen a wg who offers bb, 3/10 when you go into larger numbers. There are wg's out there who offer bb to certain clients and dont advertise it. If you start looking at punting this way then you might as well pack it in as the odds are stacked against you.
Thanks for the review ming and thanks for putting her back in my headlights  :drinks:


  • Guest
I understand Misters observations/concerns. If there are plenty out there with good reviews that he feels safer with then it seems a sensible thing for him visit them. We know this shaggin about has risks but it does make sense to reduce the risk where you can.


  • Guest
I understand Misters observations/concerns. If there are plenty out there with good reviews that he feels safer with then it seems a sensible thing for him visit them. We know this shaggin about has risks but it does make sense to reduce the risk where you can.

Agreed, but how far do you go?

Let's say you want to go and see a popular reliable WG, she has feedback of say 400, so you look at her feedback and see that last positive she had was from a guy who has 50 feedbacks, you now trawl through his and analyse the 50 girls profiles to see if any of them provide BB, hypothetically the answer is no

You move onto the next guy that saw her, he has feedback of 70, you trawl through 70 girls profiles and find 1 that has provided BB - you now rule out this popular girl!?

I bet if we looked at some of the best girls we could find a reason to rule them out, but it is tedious and severely limits ones opportunities.

I am sure, as he mentions, that most girls get regularly tested and, most serious punters also do, along with covered penetration and the risks are minimised, not gone altogether, but for me at least, acceptable!

Ming  :hi:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 10:57:35 pm by Ming »


  • Guest
Agreed, I also wouldn't be arsed to check every angle to be honest but I wouldn't question someone who does.....I sort of think, fair do's, if you have the time and the inclination then get on with it.
I have to say she is still a tempting punt despite Misters warning.
Where roughly does she work from??
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 11:04:15 pm by Dodo »

Offline azrael

I understand Misters observations/concerns. If there are plenty out there with good reviews that he feels safer with then it seems a sensible thing for him visit them. We know this shaggin about has risks but it does make sense to reduce the risk where you can.

I understand what he's trying to say/do, i used to frequent a lovely wg in eastmidlands (no longer around/advertising). The question arose about work/places she asked me questions and i asked her same, one question i asked was does she see women as to only guys to which she replied yes. My point/question being how do women protect themselves from one another with guys its a condom, but how does that work with women, you cant always be 100% sure of the previous punters credibility just have to trust what the wg says in this game  ijs
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 01:04:44 pm by azrael »


  • Guest
Just seen she's put her prices up!

Ming  :hi:

Offline DipsyDoodle

Just seen she's put her prices up!
Probably a result of your review!  Glad you had a good punt.


  • Guest
Just seen she's put her prices up!

Ming  :hi:
She can naff off back to Liverpool then where the money is  :(

Offline BustaNut

She's put her prices up - a dusty phone will soon see to them coming back down again. Otherwise she can fuck off back to Liverpool.
I'm getting fed up with seeing prossies try to take advantage of a few positive reviews by putting their prices up. She may think it's only a tenner, buts she's only a tenner away from M.I and Pola's prices - I know who I'd rather see  :dash:


  • Guest
She's put her prices up - a dusty phone will soon see to them coming back down again. Otherwise she can fuck off back to Liverpool.
I'm getting fed up with seeing prossies try to take advantage of a few positive reviews by putting their prices up. She may think it's only a tenner, buts she's only a tenner away from M.I and Pola's prices - I know who I'd rather see  :dash:

Sadly I agree, a 20% increase is unwarranted.  :thumbsdown:

Shame as I was considering seeing her today  :unknown: oh well, there's plenty more... :cool:

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
I went to see her yesterday as a result of these reviews , like so many others may have done.
I was going to go for 30 mins but her phone was clearly busy and rather off putting ,
 I do not want to know about her other punters when I am there.
She is a nice lady and per price of 40 to 60 was fair.
I just went for the 15 mins as a result .
I will not pay her new prices and would hope fellow punters will not .
There are still plenty of ladies out there who do a good service for a fair price.
I see Pola has also put her price up .
What can we do to stop these prices rises as a result of reviews on this site ?
Perhaps we should put a limit on the number of reviews for a WG.
Perhaps we should not praise them as much as we do .
Are some punters holding back on putting a review in case their favorite lady is then swamped and puts her prices up .
I do not have the answer , perhaps we should have a separate thead on this.

Offline BillyBackDoor

Personally, I review a girl once if it's warranted.  Meaning, if she already has a fair number of reviews echoing a consensus I agree with, I generally don't bother.

If I see her again after I've left a review and get the same service I also see little point in elevating her ego and encouraging a price hike by repeating myself.

Not having a pop at anyone, just my MO, but we can be our own worst enemies.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 10:41:25 am by BillyBackDoor »


  • Guest
market forces determine how much a girl can get away with charging. If she's getting punters happy to pay the advertised price then she'll keep going. If her phone gets dusty she'll drop her price - simples.

Not much we can do about it unfortunately.
There's a girl in brum at the mo - hello Hun - looks gorgeous from photos but charging £180 for the hour :scare: - someone must be paying it but it certainly ain't me!

It's interesting that ms Artemis had some good reviews on here, upped her price, no reviews since but the price is still the same. Goes to show there's not much we can do apart from support the reasonably priced ones with our hard earned  :unknown:
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 10:39:26 am by bod666 »


  • Guest
Personally, I review a girl once if it's warranted.  Meaning, if she already has a fair number of reviews echoing a consensus I agree with, I generally don't bother.

If I see her again after I've left a review and get the same service I also see little point in elevating her ego and encouraging a price hike by repeating myself.

Not having a pop at anyone, but we can be out own worst enemies.

Likewise, I don't tend to review more than once, but it seems that even one good review from a respected forum member can elevate their ego's and set their phone ringing.......

Sadly they do not realise that the girls that can (arguably) get away with charging elevated prices have built up a solid reputation over a long period of time, provide a service above and beyond (excellent comms, attention to detail such as quality shower / towels, toiletries and singular attentiveness to the client) and usually have high standard accommodation.
It does not mean that we / I are willing to pay these prices for every single girl, providing an adequate service and living in low rent accommodation.

Oh well, her loss, I have just booked in with one of the top girls where I am willing to pay a little extra.

Ming  :hi:

Offline BustaNut

Personally, I review a girl once if it's warranted.  Meaning, if she already has a fair number of reviews echoing a consensus I agree with, I generally don't bother.

If I see her again after I've left a review and get the same service I also see little point in elevating her ego and encouraging a price hike by repeating myself.

Not having a pop at anyone, just my MO, but we can be our own worst enemies.

That's my M.O too mate. I don't see the need to post a positive review if the prossie already has several positive reviews - I don't see how it helps anyone except the prossie by adding another positive review to the list. I'd rather post a negative review which may help someone save some money.

I mentioned M.I and Pola in my earlier post; at £80 h/h I think both are overpriced, but, of the two, I think that Pola's pricing is the more unreasonable considering it's just a basic vanilla service she provides.

Offline BillyBackDoor

That's my M.O too mate. I don't see the need to post a positive review if the prossie already has several positive reviews - I don't see how it helps anyone except the prossie by adding another positive review to the list. I'd rather post a negative review which may help someone save some money.

I mentioned M.I and Pola in my earlier post; at £80 h/h I think both are overpriced, but, of the two, I think that Pola's pricing is the more unreasonable considering it's just a basic vanilla service she provides.

I'm curious BN. What have you had do that Pola wouldn't?

Personally, I found them both to be quite vanilla.

Offline BustaNut

I'm curious BN. What have you had do that Pola wouldn't?

Personally, I found them both to be quite vanilla.

M.I seemed to enjoy sitting and grinding on my face - Pola wouldn't entertain that suggestion. Also, light spanking/slapping of Pola's arse whilst fucking was a no-go, whereas M.I didn't seem to mind.
Small things I know, but they add up to either a vanilla punt or a passionate vanilla punt.

Offline legendinho

it seems her prices have come down to what there where

Offline BustaNut

it seems her prices have come down to what there where

A dusty phone will do that.

Offline legendinho

that will teach her a listen  :lol:

Offline Bumbuttass

it seems her prices have come down to what there where

Who's price are you referring to mate? Pola is still showing a ridiculous £80 h/h

Offline BillyBackDoor

All the fun stuff has disappeared from her list though, so confirm what you want is still included.

Offline BillyBackDoor

Who's price are you referring to mate? Pola is still showing a ridiculous £80 h/h

Irene mate.  Pay attention.

Offline legendinho

Irene mate, what stuff is not included anymore in the price?

Offline BillyBackDoor

Irene mate, what stuff is not included anymore in the price?

Look at her enjoys list.  FK, CIM, OWO and even penetration are gone.

Correction, OWO has reappeared.

Just double check she's not charging extras when you book.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 03:15:51 pm by BillyBackDoor »

Offline legendinho

that is strange want bother then, penetration  is a given is it  :unknown:

Offline BillyBackDoor

that is strange want bother then, penetration  is a given is it  :unknown:

I would assume so, but as it's no longer listed I would follow the punting checklist to the letter.  Confirm what you want is available and included before booking.

Just noticed that DT has gone too. Ffs.

Hopefully it's just a clerical cockup on her part.


  • Guest
I would assume so, but as it's no longer listed I would follow the punting checklist to the letter.  Confirm what you want is available and included before booking.

Just noticed that DT has gone too. Ffs.

Hopefully it's just a clerical cockup on her part.

Yes I noticed that too, she's brought her prices back down to what they were but as Billy says the likes have been drastically shortened, although DT etc are still in the narrative, would definitely double check just in case she is now doing extras.

Be great if you could let us know one way or the other please  :drinks:

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
Seems like someone messed with her profile... I ve just phoned her so everything is still on her enjoy list but owo is at discretion now thanks to the guy who didn t want to book her anymore jjust cause there were other clients that did bb with other escorts.... :(😩 30 min and 1 h has same prices, but de quicky is 50 now

Just took some sexy pics of her nice pussy

Hidden Image/Members Only


  • Guest
Seems like someone messed with her profile... I ve just phoned her so everything is still on her enjoy list but owo is at discretion now thanks to the guy who didn t want to book her anymore jjust cause there were other clients that did bb with other escorts.... :(😩 30 min and 1 h has same prices, but de quicky is 50 now

Just took some sexy pics of her nice pussy

Hidden Image/Members Only
Her profile on AW still shows 30 mins and 1hour £60 and £100 respectively !


  • Guest
Seems like someone messed with her profile... I ve just phoned her so everything is still on her enjoy list but owo is at discretion now thanks to the guy who didn t want to book her anymore jjust cause there were other clients that did bb with other escorts.... :(😩 30 min and 1 h has same prices, but de quicky is 50 now

Just took some sexy pics of her nice pussy

Hidden Image/Members Only

I think I mentioned that she won't like people publishing pictures taken during an appointment, it's stupidity like this why girls don't generally allow picture taking.  :dash:

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
She does show her pussy on her AW pubic pics.

Sorry that should be 'public pics'

Offline JJJ

Visited Irene since she came back from Liverpool.  Not too keen on the location, but she more than makes up for it with her service.  Seems to genuinely enjoys what she does.  Sure that's down to her not being in the game that long.

Good sense of humour.  Jokingly asked me if I had been seeing other girls behind her back while she was away.  Her dirty talking really gets me going, seems genuine and suits her imo.  Can't think of any other wg in wm who provides the service she does.  Top punt highly recommended.

Offline UK_T

I tried to pay her a visit on friday and she confirmed the time but when I got to the area she wouldnt pick up her phone...

I know I was coming rather late to see her but I had paid for a taxi and found it a little bit of a ball ache (literally) to just drive around aimlessly...

Still very interested in seeing her though due to the reviews here.

 If someone would be kind enough to PM me her actual address as she only gave me her post code which didnt help as the area is huge...

Thanks guys  :hi:


  • Guest
So stuck in central Brum after a delayed meeting, what to do?

Decided I had a need to get rid of some seed! So text to one of my favourite girls, predictably she politely declined as she was busy and then a thought occured to me, I had not seen Irene in a while.....mmmmmm

Quick shufty on AW, found her profile, quick text, reply with a positive five mins later and 20 mins after that I was nuts deep down her throat.

Have to say she is still a dirty little mare, told her I wanted to fuck her face - "no problem"  :yahoo:

20 mins of face fucking, she even gagged and vomed a little, thought she would stop at that point, but no, it was "mmmm more", so got three fingers worked into her pussy and pounded her throat, cock, balls and her face were covered in saliva, felt the sap rising so on with the mac, quick fuck, off with the mac and she greedily slurped away while I fed her my balls while I wanked, three of four strokes, took aiim at her open mouth and splattered her tonsils and face, little more sucking to make sure I was empty and then she wiped my cock over her face rubbing in the man juice.

I don't often go for such a raunchy mix but she was up for it and I went with the flow, have to say it was bloody good.

Out of the door bang on 30 mins, no chance for a shower though I was covered in sweat, but well satisfied!

She is still a fine fuck.

Ming  :hi:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 11:00:55 pm by Ming »


  • Guest
hopefully get a booking in this week. Is she located inner city or outskirts.  :rolleyes: great reveiw again.

Offline Juankerr

hopefully get a booking in this week. Is she located inner city or outskirts.  :rolleyes: great reveiw again.
Irene's in the Gravelly Hill area near Erdington.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 06:18:07 pm by Juankerr »

Offline Spurt

I travelled there in a downpour and the phone was not answered. I believe the parking is poor . Is the address on the main drag?


  • Guest
As Juan says, on Gravelly Hill, parking is not good, need to park in adjacent streets and walk to her address. Her comms are a bit hit and miss I understand, though she does seem to respond when I contact her, maybe because I have seen her a few times????

Worth the effort if you can muddle though the comms, she is a good choice if you fancy a raunchy fuck!  :blush:

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
much appreciated. I can now plan my travel in the midst of work  :crazy:

Offline UK_T

When I tried to see her I ended up just roaming around in the Taxi as she didn't respond..

I haven't tried to see her again but still hoping one of you gents give me a more precise location.



  • Guest
After a few ping pong text  and aching balls the day had come. skipped work early and decided to see if  this lass was free, last few days was busy but hit jackpot. text with a time n reply came soon after. 4.30 agreed.

location on very busy road, pulled up n parked next street n walked down.  Instructions asked to Text when outside. Not as decreet as I prefered but considerin my last punt was 100 mters away from my office, I took the plunge.

ok the place looks a bit run down from the outside n as well inside. though saying that bed n room was clean.

Ir greetted me at the door in a dressing gown. A little took back as she looked less fresher than the photos on her aw. body looked sweet though i was comparing with my last punt when I should not have done,
l was led in to the bedroom. decent size room, with  an ensuite kitchen, Wtf. . i was expecting a bathroom,  guess she wanted me to fill the kitchen sink u dive in.

Anyway paperwork out of the way. Ir pops out to stash the dosh,  time to undress on on to the bed. ir has back in the room, dressing gown off n sexy black lace undies. well pleased with the goods.. oh i forgot to mention popped the blue pill prior to the punt.

ok laid back with some great owo,  technique was enough to nearly blow my load, licking,  sucking,  kissing my little man untill he was solid as a rock.

on with the hat n first cowgirl. ir nows how to keep up the wood. tickling my balls n telling me how hard i was inside her.
again to boiling point as i has refrained from popping a load for a week,swapped in to mish. need to take control as if she carried on ill be shot out in 5 mins. boy oh boy rammed in hard n slow, she seemed to be loving it, loved the clock hanging on the wall,, helped me pace my time. Next on to doggy. 5mins of some decent fucking. ass is hot, but as Ming mentons,, she has a little tennis ball just next to her ass. I mean small peanut size fleshy thing, didnt stop me though from enjoying the view. 10 mins to go n on my bk with some dirty sucking n tugging. fook me she drained me, busted my load on her lips n chin n a large wad on her fingers.

drained to the max.. we wipes exchanged with 5mins to spare chatted n out through the door.

ok so i finally got to see what the hype was all about. was I happy,  some what as she delivered the goods,
would I see again, ?may be,  only if i want a good bj n facial.
overall, 8/10, this is mainly due to last punt,  cant remember her name,  as she ticked all the boxes that I would look for,

IR is a great punt, 

time in total 25 mins, .no clock watching either and very happy to please.
happy punting all.


  • Guest
oh my last punt was christina sweet if i recall right.


  • Guest
Thanks for that Ash, nice little review.

If she could get better accommodation in a slightly better area I am sure she would get more repeat business, but still, she is my top choice when I need a dirty fuck.

Ming  :drinks: