Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Belfast Massage  (Read 303703 times)

Offline Bigron365

Yes, Julie formerly of SH, PH and AT. The takeaway was her fallback option during a previous sabbatical from massage. Maybe,  she moved elsewhere for a fresh start?

Offline Bigron365

PH is under new ownership which is the third change since Jenny's tenure. More stability at Watford FC.u

Offline Bigron365

As well as PH and AT, SH is under new ownership. Betty, the former owner of SH has a new business venture in Portadown.

Offline Belfastpunt69

Bigron do you actually do any punting or are you just on this to provide information that most people don't really care about.

Offline Bigron365

You may not be interested however others may think differently.

Offline scarfiman

Offline Bigron365

Information posted on UKP does have the same relevance to every member e.g. members of UKP aged 25+ may be familiar with Betty (her alias) but younger members would not be expected to know who I was referring to. More generally, why should members not know the links between certain massage shops in Belfast, especially when there could be price fixing which is not in the interests of members? I do know that Betty is on friendly terms with Mandy (her alias) and while Betty may/may not have been on friendly terms with Jenny (her alias), there is a link between them. Ultimately, members could end up paying higher prices because of the links. Equally, members can make up their own minds whether the changes of ownership of certain massage shops in Belfast actually means anything.

Offline petebelfast123

I'm a bit lost now, but the more info the better. I would imagine the majority on here do not want to be involved with anyone who is not a complete willing participant in the services provided. So keep with the info please. But I have no idea who Betty, Mandy or any of the other people are and I'm guessing most on here are the same. Then factor in alias names etc! No clue.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2023, 04:44:25 pm by petebelfast123 »

Offline Bigron365

I was not seeking to confuse members. I was merely pointing out that aliases are used.

Offline Bigron365

Like some other members of UKP (aged 25+ years), I got to know Betty from the escort service which provides Asian SPs. She wanted to become involved in opening a massage shop with me and I wanted to know her real name however I decided not to proceed with the venture. Betty disappeared for 3+ years, possibly because she lived in the greater London area. I found out by chance that she was the owner of SH  because I knew her real name. I also found out that the she was the owner of another massage shop in Newcastle Upon Tyne which has recently closed. Neither the provision of extras nor the rotation of SPs at SH surprised me. It is my own opinion but I regard SH as an extension of the escort service. The provision of extras with massage in Belfast is not new. I can remember the Black Magic Massage Parlour in Great Victoria Street from the early 1980's but the provision of massage with extras in Belfast really took off when SH opened.

Offline Bigron365

Betty had been trying to offload SH from at least March 2022.
Apparently, Miko, with whom some members will be familiar, wanted to buy the business. Miko, who was identified as Taiwanese, worked for the unidentified agency which I have mentioned on the Massage thread and came to Belfast from Dundee. SH is now owned by a person from Hong Kong with whom I am not familiar. As stated, I believe that SH was set up as an extension of the escort service for which Betty worked. As well as offering outcalls, the escort service typically used terrace properties in locations which are known to some members but curtain-twitchers could become a problem whereas SH has been able to trade uninterrupted, except for COVID. It does not seem likely that the owners of the escort service would allow Betty to operate a rival service or that she would compete with it. Given that the unidentified agency supplies SPs to the escort service and SH, it would seem more likely that the unidentified agency is in overall control of both and that SH was set up to primarily benefit whoever owns the unidentified agency which I would estimate has at least 500 active SPs on its books at any one time in GB and NI. AT and PH were, I believe, set up for the same reason i.e. to primarily benefit whoever owns the unidentified agency. Some members will be familiar with the 3.5 storey terrace property off the Lisburn Road, the one about 200 yards down an incline with panoramic views of West Belfast which was used by the escort service. I was directed to the property by the call handler for the escort service and later found out to my surprise that it was the registered business address for AT. Betty and Jenny, the former owner of AT can therefore be linked to the same escort service. To outsiders, SH was competing with AT and PH but in reality, they have been working together to generate more revenue from massage and extras which benefits the owners of the unidentified agency because it is another lucrative revenue stream. The same applies to Lotus which uses the same unidentified agency. Members should be wary that they are not fleeced in particular by charges for extras at SH, AT, PH, MM and Lotus and can make up their own minds why Betty and Jenny distanced themselves from their respective massage shops. I hope that this information is a helpful heads up to other members of UKP as nobody should be scammed.

Offline Bigron365

Accounts published online show that SH received £39,412 income from the taxpayer via the Department of Finance in NI in the form of COVID-19 business support grants to compensate for being unable to trade. Even in adversity, Betty, the owner appears to have come out sunny side up. Only micro-entity accounts were submitted because SH was exempt from submitting audited accounts. The average number of employees was 2 which could have included the owner herself. There is no mention of any temporary staff being supplied by an agency. As a business where most transactions were cash in hand, the micro-entity accounts for SH could reflect what the owner wanted. Whether the accounts reflect income from HE and B2B is unknown as the transactions are untraceable which could be significant as HE and B2B probably represented at least 35 per cent of SH's income. As usual, members can make up their own minds.

Offline Belfastpunt69


Totally agree, that's all Bigron posts about, it's not that it's worthwhile everyone knowing the information he provides as it's not going to influence whether someone avails of the services at the shop. Maybe if they actually did a review 🤷🏼‍♂️

Offline Rastamouse88

I was thinking something similar but didn't want to put the guy down. Lots of unnecessary info. I would rather know if he got his willy tugged, how much it was and if it was any good  :lol:

Offline Bigron365

It is easy to state something online e.g. that certain massage shops are an extension of the escort service for Asian SPs however I have explained why this is the case. What may be of no interest to some members, could be of interest to others. SH, AT, PH and Lotus were set up to specifically to generate more revenue from massage by upselling extras. When it comes to availing of extras, there never has been a challenge for punters. It was not a case of testing how far boundaries could be pushed because the answer was obvious. How members spend their money is as always at their discretion however I believe that it is best to be streetwise and play the owners of SH, AT, PH and Lotus at their own game. While I respect the views of other members which like mine, are offered on a take it or leave it basis, the best advice that I have read on UKP is to take a set amount of money when visiting massage shops which provide extras, as common sense can go out of the window in the heat of the moment, and thereby lessen the likelihood of being fleeced by upselling rather than having post event regrets. The former owner of SH is first and foremost a businesswoman who sees punters as cash cows who are there to be milked regardless of whether they can afford it. It is not a perception on my part because she has conveyed her understanding to me that sex sells and has tried to involve me in her activities however I was not prepared to take the rap for her because controlling and directing prostitution is an offence in NI. Her most telling comment to me in a text is that "staff (at SH) for money do everything" which is the reason why she brought them there in the first instance.

Offline scarfiman

Bigron, how do you explain the notices on rhe walls at AT during Jenny's time, warning girls against offering any extras?

Offline Belfastpunt69

I'd say that was a "I told them not to" but if they do then she can say "that out of my control, I didn't know that they did that" it's like ads on Gumtree saying not sexual services but we all know some do.

Offline scarfiman

Is SH still open?

Anyone been to the 2 newish places in Botanic Ave yet, Mandarin and Botanic?
Remember going to Relax in Botanic one time. Sore wouldnt be the word...and strictly legit!

Offline MartyW

Bigron you've been cordial and point taken that info useful to some may not be to others twas ever thus. I've two questions. I'm asking in the spirit of a punter, I'm no.waanabe mod. I think Dsvie already asked the first. Are you a punter? How regularly? Question 3, I suppose, are you a member of or associated with what the average person on here would call the security forces or law enforcement or have ever been?

No offence intended.

Offline MartyW

Sorry for the typo in previous post. I meant Daviemac as the person who had asked previously if you were a punter. Sorry.

Offline Bigron365

It is known to some members that Jenny (her alias), the former owner of AT and PH did not perform handjobs but was at ease with getting a member of staff to do so. I have previously commented on how I linked Jenny and Betty (her alias), the former owner of SH to the same escort service for Asian SPs. Betty indicated to me in a text that Julie left SH because she provided FS and wanted to return however Betty apparently would not have her back. According to another text from Betty, Jenny liked having Julie at PH because "she make shop very busy" for reasons which are known to many members and would also have been known to Jenny but she probably would not admit to knowing. After Julie returned from her much commented on sabbatical, she worked again for Jenny at AT on a part-time basis. The answer to the query about signage is that Jenny was probably trying to convey the impression to police that she did not approve of the provision of massage with extras however at the same time she was willing to facilitate handjobs and the operation of the escort service for Asian SPs. Contrary to speculation, the signage at AT and elsewhere about extras did not have anything to do with Belfast City Council as Environmental Health is only responsible for the enforcement of health and safety law. SH, AT, PH and Lotus were set up to operate as private limited companies to limit the liability of owners in the event of claims which should explain to members why they have not be asked to complete any forms because it would discourage punting. The downside of setting up a massage shop to operate as a private limited company limited is that the name(s) of the owner(s) can be accessed online by anyone who visits the Companies House website. This is is how I found out that Betty was the owner of SH. Any member who wants to find out Betty's real name and the details of her new business venture in Portadown can do so by accessing the Companies House website. The same applies to the identification of the current owners of SH, AT, PH and Lotus. It is not police work but rather basic business research. Betty told me that police visited  the massage shops on 08.04.22 which could be true however there is no reason to believe that any action is imminent. Nevertheless, Betty predicted that the massage shops would be closed but it has not come to pass. If it was going to happen, it would have happened years ago. The same applies to the escort services for Asian SPs in Belfast and Portadown which have been operating for almost 10 years. Members can make up their minds whether police are wary of the Chinese Consulate in Belfast which is very influential and would be extremely displeased with the negative publicity.

Offline MartyW

I see you answered neither question as is your right, of course. One further question (and I'm deadly serious), are you a Chatbot??

Offline Bigron365

With respect, I have answered the questions. I was sitting in the former internet cafe off the Dublin Road one evening in January 2020; visited the Companies House website; entered Sakura House Limited in the search box ; clicked on the people link and the name of the owner appeared with which I was familiar for reasons which I have previously commented on. For any recent information about private limited companies, I have only used my smartphone.

Offline MartyW

With respect you haven't. Anyway none of my business really, I'll leave it there. Feel free to have the last word. Enjoy your weekend. Be safe whether punting or "on shift".

Offline omega81

I see you answered neither question as is your right, of course. One further question (and I'm deadly serious), are you a Chatbot??

Jesus, I thought I was the only one thinking that  :drinks:

Offline MartyW

I have access to a story generator bot where you can throw various storyline, names, nature (intrigue, crime, mystery etc...), fixed "factoids", story length etc, you know how they work.

In ten minutes it generated me a cut down approximation of this sort of story and a prescis version when questioned. Given an hour, but I can't be arsed, I reckon I could get it to generate something close.

Anyways you can all make your own minds up. But he's no punter, either a troll or a chatbot. Or there's always the final option.... "Evenin' All"....

Offline Bigron365

I am not on any so-called shift and like any other member if police have evidence, I could be charged. I have read your comments that you are not interested in the massage scene which I have not questioned even though you have apparently made 2 visits to massage shops. It is difficult to understand why you question my comments and insinuate that I have used a story generator which is utterly ridiculous when other members have commented that my comments make sense.

Offline Belfastpunt69

I was looking for your so called visits to a massage shop and I can't see the reviews of them and if they were a positiv, negative or neutral, reviews don't mean the financial comings and goings and who runs which shop blah blah blah. Perhaps you could get a mod topit them in the review section which would then clear up any issues for yourself.

Now if the mods are happy with your posts then so be it and we will all keep quiet about your posts. 🤫

Offline Bigron365

I have previously addressed your point about the posting of reviews on the Escorts thread i.e. if members believe that they could be identified from posting reviews, it would be best to exercise caution and not do so. It seems that you do not believe that you could be identified. I do not share your belief.

Online rebelscum

I have previously addressed your point about the posting of reviews on the Escorts thread i.e. if members believe that they could be identified from posting reviews, it would be best to exercise caution and not do so. It seems that you do not believe that you could be identified. I do not share your belief.

Though you've shared other info that could identify you.  Like mentioning you were going to buy a massage shop with one of the current owners massage shops. 

Offline scarfiman

Has nobody tried the 2 newish places in Botanic yet? The Mandarin and the Botanical?

Offline blackjackketchum

I'm afraid to go get a rub and tug now incase big Ron is across the street with a telephoto lens taking pics and notes of sexual preferences, as he seems to be well in with every brass in belfast

Offline sim0256

Scarfiman , thanks for a question that actually relates what this review subject is about.

Can we please draw a line under parlour ownership and company registrations as they are not relevant this thread, indeed who owns your your local chippy might be more interesting.

Offline YorkshireLad

I’m looking for a b2b massage near Belfast city centre with happy ending, blowjob or sex…who do you guys recommend?

Offline sim0256

Mate we can't even keep a thread on topic never mind give a recommendation!  Read some of the above you'll see what I mean

Offline Belfastpunt69

I’m looking for a b2b massage near Belfast city centre with happy ending, blowjob or sex…who do you guys recommend?

Try Pure Harmony  on the Stranmills Road
External Link/Members Only or just Google pure harmony Belfast and it will bring up the number.
Best phoning before you go and if Coco is working she may be your best bet.
There has been reviews on her in the past but it's hard to say if she's still like that now.
She would have done b2b and HE, she'd even let you finger her but no sex or BJ, you'd be had pushed to get a BJ never mind sex in a massage shop these days but it has happened before.
You could also try Angel Touch on the Lisburn road, there's a girl in there who I believe is called Miko who used to work in Sakura on Donegal Pass,
She use to do b2b , I don't see why that would have changed

Offline pussylover76

I’m looking for a b2b massage near Belfast city centre with happy ending, blowjob or sex…who do you guys recommend?

Unfortunately your guess is as good as ours.
Not sure what dates you are here?
Check the last few reviews in the NI section here
You will probably have more success with an escort. Reviews here

You will pay nearly double here with a very limited selection.
Most punters use EI or AW sites for contact details.

If I was you, I would have a punt in Leeds before I leave and get a nice massage in Bradford when you get back.

The grubs not bad tho and the craic is ninety.  :drinks:

Offline smythm65

Could anyone recommend a more mature massage provider? Say 50+ and I'd even settle for a legit one! Belfast area preferred. Going back a bit was there a Zena and Susan bit both long gone.

Also on gumtree quite a few similar ads, generic picture then names Maria, Ellen, Sophia etc. Tend to all sound similar and names change. Are these independent Asain masseuses as such? Any recommendation to avoid or are they ok/same as PH/Angel etc?

Offline scarfiman

Preemey in Univ St is very good. Not 50+ and she's legit, but good.

Offline brokenagain

Could anyone recommend a more mature massage provider? Say 50+ and I'd even settle for a legit one! Belfast area preferred. Going back a bit was there a Zena and Susan bit both long gone.

Also on gumtree quite a few similar ads, generic picture then names Maria, Ellen, Sophia etc. Tend to all sound similar and names change. Are these independent Asain masseuses as such? Any recommendation to avoid or are they ok/same as PH/Angel etc?

Daphne in north belfast
definitely well over 50 and legit

Offline massagehunter123

Could anyone recommend a more mature massage provider? Say 50+ and I'd even settle for a legit one! Belfast area preferred. Going back a bit was there a Zena and Susan bit both long gone.

Also on gumtree quite a few similar ads, generic picture then names Maria, Ellen, Sophia etc. Tend to all sound similar and names change. Are these independent Asain masseuses as such? Any recommendation to avoid or are they ok/same as PH/Angel etc?

Check out my review for enchanting tantric massage. Jessica. Over 50 and a great massage.

Offline Soulsparc

External Link/Members Only

Looks interesting! I'm booked in next week. Has anyone had the pleasure?

Offline Bryan11

External Link/Members Only

Looks interesting! I'm booked in next week. Has anyone had the pleasure?

<iframe src="External Link/Members Only" width="500" height="589" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>

20% off Facials  :scare:

Offline schufd

Looking good. Finally something in Bangor area. But seems very legit. Pretty sure nothing will be on offer

Offline Soulsparc

You never know. I'll be happy with a good massage. At £40 per hour you can't go wrong

Offline schufd

That’s true. I’ll try but can’t today. Maybe Sunday or next week then.

Offline jakejack1981

External Link/Members Only

Any tried here?

Walked past the one in Finaghy and it looked to have closed up

External Link/Members Only

Offline jakejack1981

Have a good window of opportunity on Saturday. Other than PH has anyone any recommendations? Decent massage with guaranteed extras