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Author Topic: Foreskin troubles  (Read 5994 times)


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Anyone else have trouble with foreskin?

Have a docs apointment in couple weeks but it's a bit embarrassing to talk about so thought I'd ask on here as well!..

Basically for the past 4 - 6 months I've had trouble with my foreskin, even on my trip to Thailand early Feb I wasn't at my best and had issues, I seem to remember it started after a fairly normal session, after finishing the foreskin was a bit sore/split at end and there was a little blood, I've tried everything I can think of, creams, saltwater soak and abstaining for a month, now when I get an erection and fold foreskin back it is very tight or even too tight to fold back and is sore, if I fold foreskin back whilst flaccid it is very painful when I get an erection, i haven't seen any action since early Feb due to this.

I always wear protection, have tried lube but no difference.

Anyone else suffered in past/now? Looking for a possible solution, Considered foreskin removal but reading on the way it desentisizes puts me off and not sure of pros or cons.

Any advice appreciated and thanks for looking

Just Some Bloke

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I had a friend who told me he suffered from phimoses. That is the tightening of the foreskin so you cannot pull it back. Go to your GP and sort it out.


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Any idea of pros and cons of circumcision? Can it be done privately?

Offline cueball

If I were you op I'd be at the quacks looking at the possibility of having it circumcised, I'd rather not have a foreskin than one that gives me bother podging.

Offline Jamboney

Any idea of pros and cons of circumcision? Can it be done privately?

The biggest pro is that there will no longer be any issues with foreskin. Before I was circumcised my foreskin never fully retracted and it eventually got to the point where any kind of sexual contact was impossible due to pain. You said that you are put off possible desentisization (is that even a word?) It works both ways and this is the only con I personally experienced, I ended up with increased sensitivity to the point where for the first few weeks the sensation of the head of my penis rubbing on my boxes when walking used to give a raging hard on and on one occasion even made me cum! Also, sex was over pretty quickly as well but that has greatly improved over time.

I had my op done on the NHS and it was around 9 weeks from my appointment with my GP to when I had the op done. No idea if it can be done privately though.

Offline Picti

Had a similar experience and was circumcised in my mid 20s. I've never regretted it. You experience a degree of lesser sensitivity due to the process of keratinisation as the skin on the glans changes. However even many years later I haven't noticed any marked reduction in sensitivity.

With your presentation you would be eligible to have a circumcision on the NHS, or you could opt to have it done privately (often the same group of local surgeons combining NHS and private practice anyway). Surgery would be undertaken by a Urologist or Cosmetic Surgeon.  You can have a local or general anaesthetic and you'll have disolvable stitches. The first couple of days are uncomfortable but fine thereafter.

Left as it is this will likely be a recurrent problem so I recommend that you go see a Doc, get a proper medical opinion and discuss your options. Good luck.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 12:57:09 pm by pictisunum »

Offline CatBBW

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You don't have to have a full circumcision. Check out this: External Link/Members Only

However, it would be a good idea to try to find out why this has suddenly occurred, cos there's a few things that could have caused it.
External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 01:03:50 pm by CatBBW »

Online threechilliman

Start with your GP. Remember, they've seen it all before if you're concerned.


Offline budz

Had mine done when I was 13, foreskin was closing up over the end of my penis making it difficult to pee and blooming painful with an erection.  Get it cut off and join the cleaner willy brigade ;)


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Had mine done when I was 13, foreskin was closing up over the end of my penis making it difficult to pee and blooming painful with an erection.  Get it cut off and join the cleaner willy brigade ;)

Maybe you are cleaner now becuase you were  to lazy to wash before  !  Genetics sent you a free pass ! 

Offline LoneWolf2020

if you got foreskin,  then every day pull it back to wash your bellend, tight foreskin will be a thing of the past.

Offline bfl

Have a wank after a long soak in the bath. After a few weeks it won't be tight

Offline Nagilum

Have a wank after a long soak in the bath. After a few weeks it won't be tight

 :lol: The key that all of medicine somehow missed  :sarcastic:

Offline Nagilum

Get to the Doc OP.

Nobody can diagnose this for you.

Offline daveev

i remember years ago i had this happen to me, when soft the end skin looked very dry and when erect very tight, mine cleared up on it's own, not sure if i did anything to help this, but yours seem to be lasting a lot longer than mine did


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OP there are these 'stretch rings' you can buy for your foreskin. Basically you put the ring in your foreskin and it stretches it. They have various sizes in a pack so you can slowly stretch it to the required size. Look into it. Apparently though there was a punter who is now known in the community as the naughtier elephant man.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 03:39:00 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline buccdriver

I was circumcised when I was about 12 and the only problem I get is that the glans can get a bit sore because there is no foreskin to protect it from rubbing against underwear. Doc advised me to moisturise couple of times a week with aqueous cream. Works for me.........

Offline Sex Bob-omb

If you do get the bugger lopped off, you've nothing to worry about.
Pros - it's easier to clean and keep clean, some studies suggest you're less likely to catch or pass on certain STD's, a lot of women prefer it without.
Cons - you're used to the damn thing so might be a bit weird for a while, a lot of women prefer it with.

Anyway GP will know what to do


  • Guest
The best advice is to go and see your GP. It might be an infection or it can be something more serious. At least you will have some peace of mind.

Offline bfl

:lol: The key that all of medicine somehow missed  :sarcastic:
Worked for me  :drinks:


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When I mentioned I had phimosis and had an adult circumcision recently in another thread I received messages asking about it. For the sake of saving time I'll copy and paste the gist of it.

See your doctor, whip it out and get a referral to see a urologist then whip it out again. The circumcision was optional, I didn't have to go through with it, but I thought meh I may as well get a porno cock.

I have a love/hate relationship with my circumcision. Before I wanted to go slow and romantic, now I have to go hard and fast for a long time to enjoy it and I'm just not fit enough to keep up. But given time and some cardio I'll get used to it. It isn't better or worse, just different and I have to get over a lifetime of being used to one thing and now being stuck with another.

I was out of action for 6- 8 weeks. I have a grower, not a shower, but my limp cock swelled up to be as thick as a can of coke and as long as two stacked on top but it returned to normal after a few days. There wasn't much pain, there were plenty of drugs to take care of that so don't worry.

After the dressing came off my cock was super sensitive, soft cotton underpants felt like sandpaper. Over time it became less of a problem. I had to try and find a different way to wank and without the foreskin or possibly due to buildup etc, when I came it shot across the room with surprising force and made a mess I'm still trying to clean up to this day.

If you do go for a circumcision apparently it can be done in different styles and I never got a choice of which so I'm not entirely sure what I got in the end. I'm gonna guess I got low and loose. The main thing is my problem has been dealt with and yours can be too.  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 05:31:15 pm by 7x5 »

Offline Spawny Get

I had exactly the same problem over a decade ago. Each time the foreskin tore it would heal up but get that much tighter. It would not take mush to tear once again, and the cycle would repeat. Eventually I could only pull back the foreskin to reveal only the very tip, and it was only then that I decided to take action.

I went to my GP and showed him the problem. I was referred to the hospital and a circumcision was performed. After the operation the shaft of my penis was at least twice the width as normal, black and blue, and only the head was the right size. I had to suppress any erotic thoughts for a few days as any erection would cause the stitches to pull and cause rather unwelcome pain. I remember with no particular fondness the short trip from my hospital bed to the toilet dripping blood onto the floor every few seconds.

The good news is that after a few weeks the stitches dissolved and the shape and size returned to normal. The sensation I would say is as it was before. I thought prior to the operation that masturbation would be different and it is a little bit to be honest but not much. It certainly doesn't stop me and sex is perfectly pleasurable. More good news is that there is no cheesy build up as it is easy to clean, and in my experience I think it gives women more confidence when it comes to providing oral stimulation.

Offline Donnie69

My foreskin was too tight, a had a snip to loosen it.  I could cum thru intercourse after my treatment.  It was a vast improvement. 

Offline rg41

Offline regular_guy

hope you went to the docs for this,  a friend of mine had this recently,  eventually was referred for a circumcision,  first few days after were sensitive but now no issues and very pleased he had it done.

all in all was really disappointed he waited so long,  typical bloke thing,  didn't tell anyone.


  • Guest
hope you went to the docs for this,  a friend of mine had this recently,  eventually was referred for a circumcision,  first few days after were sensitive but now no issues and very pleased he had it done.

all in all was really disappointed he waited so long,  typical bloke thing,  didn't tell anyone.

That's the joy of this forum, All anonymous mainly male mutual interest forum.

My appointment with doc is on Monday, Couldn't get in before, Issue is same as before, It heals after a couple of weeks of leaving it alone but then tears easy again.


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You can have it done privately, yes. If you got the funds I suggest this route as you can be seen reasonably quickly which for me was ideal as I knew I would worry about it between making the appointment and getting it done. I think I had a wait of around 7-10 days and the cost was around £800 (though I have private medical cover through my employer so I got it all back). One of the best decisions I ever made, just wish I'd done it sooner.

You may be walking a bit like John Wayne for a couple if weeks after though so expect questions!! Keeping it infection free post op is the key and bear in mind the swelling will increase for 2-3 days following the op. Stock up on ibuprofen and paracetamol. Bloody weird looking down at the old fella and it looking like Chucky has had a go at it!  :scare:

Offline Sex Bob-omb

So Spanky,
Don't leave us with the cliffhanger, how did it go at the docs?

Offline Carpy

I had the exact same circumstances about 10years ago. I aggregated mine fucking a girl on a toilet and got the angle wrong or summat.

Mine had always been very tight and never really fully retracted, I went to the doctors and thought id have to have it cut, instead I was given some cream to apply every night to loosen its up, think I did it for a month.

For me it worked fine and although it's not like a wind sock now, it is loose enough to fully roll back.

Offline MrMatrix

Have a wank after a long soak in the bath. After a few weeks it won't be tight
I'd Try this first as a soft  option (no pun intended)  :D  Got to be worth a try with some stretching rings or whatever. Best of luck mate let us know what you do and how you feel afterwards. :unknown:

Offline bigjohn1987

this is really good  :yahoo:
External Link/Members Only

or buy a External Link/Members Only

this one
External Link/Members Only

basically same as
phimocure stretchers, tbh phimocure is a lot more smoother around the edges

leave in and after about 20mins you dont even realize its in

good luck  :drinks:

Swansea lad

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My foreskin was tight when younger, it used to tear occasionally if I had lots of sex or the girl was to dry. I started to roll it back several times per day and it helped a lot, I did it for maybe 3-4 months. Its not really loose now but okay. It's probably more common than you think.

Offline Wilson85

In the daily shower I pull it back and give it a good clean. Keeps the moving parts from seizing up. Never had any bother.


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So Spanky,
Don't leave us with the cliffhanger, how did it go at the docs?

Doctors given me some tablets, 1 a day for a month, If the tablets don't work or I have to stop taking them due to the long list of side effects they can give then he will refer me, I've also got to have a blood test for diabetes as having looked at it he says diabetes can cause it. Off for blood test today.

Thought about going private to have it done but quoted 2k by Bupa, An Asian friend has told me he knows of a walk in clinic who can do it for 200, unsure of this option!

Offline Sex Bob-omb

Good luck with the tablets.

Fuck a £200 walk in clinic! It might be walk in but I doubt you'd walk out!
If tabs don't work isn't NHS an option?

Offline Kensal

As a younger man this was a major cause of destress for me. I was adamant I didn't want it off so being a young man I suffered in silence. It actually help me back in terms of performance as I was so terrified of doing damaged, ironically it probably make me an uncharetrically 'tender'  :lol: lover for a young man.

By pure fluke I pretty much got to ideal outcome, although it was a horrific scene at the time, going at it on a friends beige sofa with a mutual friend I'd met that night once our host had gone to bed and 'snap' yep my bango went and there was blood everywhere, it looked like a murder scene.

I sat on the loo gushing blood which was literally pumping out with my boner talking to the NHS saying "I've snapped my, errr don't know the technical name for banjo". I really though that was it and it would have to go but nothing was actually flapping about or anything.

I was so careful cleaning the blood away and did anything to avoid getting aroused for about 3-4 weeks but actually it healed quite nicely. The banjo is actually attached by tissue on each side of the J-eye and one side had cleanly detached meaning it didn't look strange but gave me that extra give I needed.

As some have mentioned I got cuts on my foreskin around the head which were a pain because they'd scab up and re-tear which took a good two months further to heal completely and actually returned the next winter but you've jut got to be careful with how much you exert yourself when they get bad.

I used to apply Bio-oil (there is a much cheaper and almost identical product in Asda which is good at a third the price right next to it called -re-gen or something) at least once a day to the affected area and it worked a treat. I'm sure you could get similar results with anything pregnant woman use to lessen the appearance of stretch marks such as cocoa or ea butter, stuff with vitamin e.

I guess I got lucky but I would talk to your GP to at least discuss the options, you may feel getting circumcised liberates you or you may decide you'd try other things first and keep that as a last option. I just do't know what is on offer from the Docs.

I'd suggest you avoid getting aroused or touching it at all when you have scabs and it is still healing but when they are about ready to fall off just Bo-oil it as much as possible, three times a day if you can and gently pull it back in a controlled fashion where by you can feel it stretching but not to the point of splitting.

Looking back to the distress this issue used to cause me and how I take it for granted now is actually amazing, when I tell anyone they usually ask me what it looks like. I tell them pretty much as a typical one, just my Jap's Eye looking like he's about to weep salty tears and to be fair he probably is!

Offline Marmalade

Kensai, you're getting to sound like a certifiable weirdo. Did anyone tell you you were abducted by aliens as a child??   :sarcastic:


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Never got scabs, It heals ok after a few weeks but then tears/bleeds at next piece of action.

Doctor will refer me if tablets don't cure it and/or if blood test is ok, I'm also going to try the stretching rings mentioned on this topic.

Offline ducksoup

I had something very similar. The GP thought it may be Zoon's Balinitis (google it). He suggested using Dermol 500 lotion instead of soap or shower gel, and this did the trick. It's simply an (expensive - £12 or so) lotion. I use it every day while showering and haven't had a recurrence.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 04:21:48 pm by Horizontal pleasures »

Offline latecomer

Lots of good advice on here, showing that it's a not uncommon problem.  If you're worried about a circumcision operation (and I'll be honest, I would be) then can I suggest a completely different angle?

Presumably on this Forum we're talking about sex with prostitutes, therefore I hope that will always be with a condom, therefore does it matter whether the foreskin is retracted or not before putting on the condom?  Any views?


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I tried to live with an ever constricting foreskin over a three year period, eventually visiting my GP who went through the various non invasive protocols with me over a period of months involving potions and lotions.  It was clear to both of us at the end of the six months that the situation was still advancing, even to extent that it was painful to retract to wash - and when an erection became to painful to even consider masturbation, let alone sex, my GP put me forward for a circumcision. Nervous? Yes, as professionally I had been associated with the unit where the procedure was to take place - however, I can only report that I was dealt with the utmost professionalism throughout. Passing urine for the first time was weird,  and panic inducing as I was fearful that my stitches would fall apart etc, but  all skin involved held their newly aligned positions and then it was a matter of no sexual activity for six weeks - with the rewards so high and the potential penalties so harsh it can be done!
And now, some 10 years after the event it was if it was never there, although I do sometimes think that there  has been a slight loss of sensation in the glans, but a small price in my mind to resolve an increasingly painful and potential infection causing complaint. Good luck to all adult circumsees! :drinks:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Mine was stolen from me by a skilled operator when I was a small baby, I am so glad not to have one.

Offline Picti

Presumably on this Forum we're talking about sex with prostitutes, therefore I hope that will always be with a condom, therefore does it matter whether the foreskin is retracted or not before putting on the condom?  Any views?

The foreskin can tear and bleed which aren't great prospects in sex irrespective of whether it's a WG or not. Imagine how you'd both react if on pulling out there was a wee pool of blood in the teat end of the condom, or if the condom had split. I won't reiterate my post above but such difficulties require examination and treatment.


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Swanky Bum Time

I suspect you have got such a good (thorough, serious and sympathetic) reaction to your post because many of us feel we have similar experiences.  The route your treatment is taking makes me think that there may be more to this for than an inherited tendency to tight foreskin in your case so I will share my experience with acknowledgement that it may be a different cause to you.

Both my brother and I have had problems with a tight foreskin.  As a teenager I was only able to retract my foreskin with difficulty and discomfort,  Once I became sexually active my foreskin both stretched and the membrain connecting the underside to my glans tore repeatedly (!).  Through this painful and rather frightening process my willie was transformed to a state where ir "works." Masturbation and good hygiene "help."

My brother was less sexually active than me and, after repeated problems, ultimately ended up having a circumcision at the age of 40.  While acutely embarrassing for him it has ultimately fixed the problem.

I hope your treatment is successful.



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The problem is still ongoing, Tablets not having much effect, Bought the phimocure kit to try, Still got another 2 weeks of tablets and if I'm not back to 100% I'll be asking for a referral.


  • Guest
The problem is still ongoing, Tablets not having much effect, Bought the phimocure kit to try, Still got another 2 weeks of tablets and if I'm not back to 100% I'll be asking for a referral.

You could have asked for a referral from the start and tried all this other stuff in the meantime as the system doesn't work miracles overnight. I'd get on it sooner rather than later.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 11:58:51 am by 7x5 »