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Author Topic: Brexit : Good or bad for punting  (Read 5322 times)

Offline Sheer Tights

Currently there are about 4000 WGs listed in the London region of which 854 are Romanian, 469 Hungarian & 312 Polish or 20% of the total. A Brexit will mean less EE girls and large price rises probably to the pre 2000 levels. On the other hand higher prices could bring more English girls but nowhere near enough to replace the EEs.

What other affects could a Brexit have on punting? How will you vote?

Offline Hertsgent

You need to pass this info to David Cameron - the clearest reason to vote in  :thumbsup:

Offline LanceVance

Terrible for punting. Brexit would see the steady supply of £100ph Eastern European lovelies dry up and be replaced by £200ph Brits who are all fake tan, hair extensions and shit service.

I'm voting to stay in.

Offline Jimmyredcab

If Brexit means those lowlife Romanian scumbags depart then that can only be a good thing.  :hi:


  • Guest
I didn't think about this angle.

All of a sudden I am much more interested in the Brexit debate.

Vote no to Brexit!!

Now where do I register to vote?


  • Guest
There are EE girls throughout the rest of the country, but if the interest here is only London, then it would fit better in the London section.

Offline One Eyed Snake

If Brexit means those lowlife Romanian scumbags depart then that can only be a good thing.  :hi:

Offline Sheer Tights

There are EE girls throughout the rest of the country, but if the interest here is only London, then it would fit better in the London section.

As I can only search on one region at a time, I chose London as it has most listings. I expect similar percentage of EEs elsewhere so the Brexit is a national issue.


  • Guest
You can search the whole country. For example, there are 589 Hungarian WGs listed nationwide.


  • Guest
Staying in means being subjected to more laws made in Brussels. How long before before the EU rolls out the Swedish model (I.e punting illegal and punters face prosecution) across all member states?


  • Guest
Staying in means being subjected to more laws made in Brussels. How long before before the EU rolls out the Swedish model (I.e punting illegal and punters face prosecution) across all member states?

Isn't that discussion happening quicker in the UK without any "Brussels" influence?

Offline NelsonH

Absolutely no chance we will vote to leave!


  • Guest
Brexit will be good, especially as when Turkey join millions of them will flock here  :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
I'm voting to stay in. I like all of these discounted EE pussy's.  :thumbsup:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Absolutely no chance we will vote to leave!

Why don't you take out a second mortgage and put the lot on us staying in the EU, the current odds are 1/3.

Borrow £30,000 and win £10,000

Easy peasy.    :hi:

Offline Marmalade

Terrible for punting. Brexit would see the steady supply of £100ph Eastern European lovelies dry up and be replaced by £200ph Brits who are all fake tan, hair extensions and shit service.
We don't know that. A lot of British prossies rightly recognise that being British is a selling point and most, not all, now charge more than EEs. Top end EEs tend to charge more based on looks alone. Vicious circle. Anyway, on here I put the punter first. Doesn't mean I'm going to advocate pushing the country down just on some theory anout cheap pussy.

Plenty of third world countries have cheap pussy. I like to visit them. Not be like them.

The main obstacle to decent good-looking prossies with good attitude and good prices is the existence of abolitionist anti-sex control freaks.

Offline Marmalade

And I would add the abolitionist anti-sex control freaks are not good for our country. Just like other countries that want to own us and dictate to us.

Offline NIK

My prediction is it would make fuck all difference.

Mind you we won't leave anyway.

Offline Donnie69

Good riddance to EE prossies, most are at best average or crap.

If the EEs go, British girls might start to come back.  There might be more choice of quality girls.
I know before the EE prossies arrived, parlours were mostly British girls, many of them good.

Online Sonny Crockett

Good riddance to EE prossies, most are at best average or crap.

If the EEs go, British girls might start to come back.  There might be more choice of quality girls.
I know before the EE prossies arrived, parlours were mostly British girls, many of them good.

There are good and bad WGs...... EE and British!!!

Doesn't make a difference IMO whether there is Brexit or not!!!

Offline Fututor

Simple supply and demand, surely? A reason prices have been relatively stable for so long could be attributed to the constant supply from Central/Eastern Europe. Anything that serves to reduce supply pushes up prices.


  • Guest
Why don't you take out a second mortgage and put the lot on us staying in the EU, the current odds are 1/3.

Borrow £30,000 and win £10,000

Easy peasy.    :hi:

Have you put your bet on yet then Jimmy?


  • Guest
My prediction is it would make fuck all difference.

Mind you we won't leave anyway.

I don't think we will either NIK.


  • Guest
Good riddance to EE prossies, most are at best average or crap.

If the EEs go, British girls might start to come back.  There might be more choice of quality girls.
I know before the EE prossies arrived, parlours were mostly British girls, many of them good.

MIGHT Donnie69. Small word, big meaning.


  • Guest
Simple supply and demand, surely? A reason prices have been relatively stable for so long could be attributed to the constant supply from Central/Eastern Europe. Anything that serves to reduce supply pushes up prices.

Totally agree Fututor


  • Guest
Whichever way it goes, we should be pleased that we are getting a choice. A lot of people dislike the PM but none of the other EU leaders are giving their countries a choice.

Offline Marmalade

There are good and bad WGs...... EE and British
just a lot more EEs.

(I didn't even have to write the word 'bad' in that sentence.)

Offline Marmalade

Whichever way it goes, we should be pleased that we are getting a choice. A lot of people dislike the PM but none of the other EU leaders are giving their countries a choice.
If we were technically weak at protecting our borders, and the EU technically strong, there might be some point in not telling the EU to fuck off. But the EU is mentally weak. Germany, the EU self-appointed EU messiah, found out they fucked up bigtime. Cameron is only slightly less weak (head probably addled with spastic genes). The only problem Greece has had from giving them the big finger is all the unwashed Albanians and Isis-style mongol degenerates flooding their country (and Greece was, and still is, a real EU country, not some raghead selling illegal deals under-the-Strasbourg table.

Most people, even on this forum, probably couldn't even name the EU president.

Offline Jimmyredcab

A lot of people dislike the PM but none of the other EU leaders are giving their countries a choice.

That could change if the UK manages to withdraw, other countries will want to do the same.  :hi:

Offline Sex Bob-omb

If we did vote to leave, which is unlikely IMO, we wouldn't be out for at least 2 years, maybe more.  Once we do leave I doubt the ports will be full of Romanians getting on boats straight away.  How many of them pay taxes?  Do the authorities know who and where they all are? I doubt it.

I suspect their profiles might suddenly change to show 'british'

Of course I may be totally wrong in all of this :dash:

Offline Marmalade

Think of it like this: which future is most likely to see Birmingham declare Sharia law?

Offline Mansell

Think of it like this: which future is most likely to see Birmingham declare Sharia law?

That's a very scary thought, but 10 years ago we might have all said never. Now it's much more of a possibility  :scare:

Offline TomR

I can only speak about the area in which I live. At one time the local parlours were full of British girls, not all angels
it has to be said, but at least it was possible to communicate with them. Then over a period of time they were replaced
by all sorts of EE rubbish, most of whom couldn't speak english except for 'no', 'that costs more' etc., who weren't interested
in providing a good service and didn't even want to be there. I will be voting to leave the German dictated-to union for non-punting
reasons but if it means that the sex industry in this country will return to what it was pre (say) late 90s then that is a good thing.

I might consider returning to a parlour if I thought I wasn't going to get some scraggy, drug-filled romanian or albanian who can't
speak english and is only interested in fleecing me and getting me out of the room asap.

I know that I am generalising and that there are some non-british girls who do try to provide a good service but the majority don't
and just see as a market for a rip-off.

Offline hantshagger

I dont think it will make much difference to the punting scene - (at least for quite a while) -  in london or elsewhere in country. The EE girls here, will still be here, and people can still travel - especially if just working on the side (eg  black market), nothing to stop people getting on a plane and coming for a "holiday" and doing a bit of AW work before heading back home!! 

However, for other reasons, I hope we will leave - but if we (the people) do decide to leave, on that vote in June, i would hate that decision to be squandered by politicians still sucking up to the EU "project" and not bothering to seriously work for a better deal (eg a better trade deal with the whole world)  outside - as they didnt agree with BREXIT!!  Resulting in a missed opportunity maybe?   We shall see.....  David Cameron's so called negotiation on EU terms in recent months shows us how lucklustre on this issue  our PM can be! Maybe he needs a good seeing to - maybe we could club together to get him a full-on session with a AW  Dom!   ;) :cool:

Offline S.X. MacHine

A valid point, Hantshagger, post Brexit any girl could come to the UK and work without permission for a period of weeks, possibly months, then return home.
If you think about it, quite a few Brazilian WGs do this at the moment. Brazil is not, of course, an EU member, but it doesn't stop their hookers coming over here to work.

Offline Jimmyredcab

A valid point, Hantshagger, post Brexit any girl could come to the UK and work without permission for a period of weeks, possibly months, then return home.
If you think about it, quite a few Brazilian WGs do this at the moment. Brazil is not, of course, an EU member, but it doesn't stop their hookers coming over here to work.

You make a good point --------------- should we withdraw from the EU that would not stop EU pro$$ies coming here for "holidays" ------------- as you say, many girls from Brazil work here already.  :hi:

Offline Mansell

As the UK is likely to get richer, then there will only be more incentive for girls to come over. Hopefully if they have no "right" to be here they might actually be interested in providing a good service ?

Offline anchorage

There's no shortage of Asians so, I assume, there would be no shortage of EEs either.

We are, after all, the 5th largest economy!


  • Guest
Staying in means being subjected to more laws made in Brussels. How long before before the EU rolls out the Swedish model (I.e punting illegal and punters face prosecution) across all member states?
How can you say this? Germany, Netherlands, Greece and Austria have fully legalised prostitution. Or do you think Germany will ever vote or accept to close their brothels? And we saw what pile of shitty laws we created ourselves regarding that matter and without any influence from the EU. UK's prostitution law (especially about the definition of a brothel) is the most ludicrous in the entire Western world.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 04:25:47 pm by Jason »


  • Guest
Why don't you take out a second mortgage and put the lot on us staying in the EU, the current odds are 1/3.

Borrow £30,000 and win £10,000

Easy peasy.    :hi:

Its 4/11 on Betfair  which is better than 1/3 of course. I'm one of the people who thinks we will be all better off staying in.Having said that, I've punted £140 at nearly 11/4 to leave.This a saver taking into account the £ will sink against the $ and other currencies if we leave.


  • Guest
I don't recall either side mentioning the positive or negative punting impact on staying/leaving. Seems like the punter vote is being ignored, kept out of sight or is immaterial.   :hi:

Offline tantric talents

post Brexit any girl could come to the UK and work without permission for a period of weeks, possibly months, then return home.
If you think about it, quite a few Brazilian WGs do this at the moment. Brazil is not, of course, an EU member, but it doesn't stop their hookers coming over here to work.
Well the Brazilians often get in via an EU family history ticket.
Many Ee girls do already to and fro to take their hard earned "winnings" home.
It won't change.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 01:33:28 pm by tantric talents »


  • Guest
Some great punts with EE girls.

Remain in europe!

Offline Jimmyredcab

Its 4/11 on Betfair  which is better than 1/3 of course. I'm one of the people who thinks we will be all better off staying in.Having said that, I've punted £140 at nearly 11/4 to leave.This a saver taking into account the £ will sink against the $ and other currencies if we leave.

The pound may go down in the short term but once we get stabilised Britain can be great again, we will no longer be ruled by Germany. Merkel has done what Hitler failed to do.

Offline Turtle Z

I'll be voting for Brexit and since I rarely punt with EE's I couldn't give a monkeys. I firmly believe we'll all be better off when we shake off the EU.

Offline Jerboa

Currently there are about 4000 WGs listed in the London region of which 854 are Romanian, 469 Hungarian & 312 Polish or 20% of the total. A Brexit will mean less EE girls and large price rises probably to the pre 2000 levels. On the other hand higher prices could bring more English girls but nowhere near enough to replace the EEs.

What other affects could a Brexit have on punting? How will you vote?

You need to live in the real world, if and when UK leaves the EU, all foreign hookers are not going to head off home, we are not talking about legit builders and factory workers who are paying UK tax, we're talking about prossies, who even before the single labour market were working in UK, leaving the EU will make no difference at all, just as the other year when Romanian and Bulgarian workers got the right to work here, some people were saying oh there will be a flood of new hookers, wrong, the sex trade doesn't work like that.  :hi:

Offline Donnie69

The pound may go down in the short term but once we get stabilised Britain can be great again, we will no longer be ruled by Germany. Merkel has done what Hitler failed to do.
Fucking Germans, controlling Europe for their own ends.  I think the Amsterdam sex scene has been ruined by EE prossies.  I had some great punts in Holland 20 years ago, with mostly young pretty Dutch and Thai prossies.

I say Fuck off EU and your Euro.  The Euro also pushed up prices a lot in all Eurozone countries.

Offline Malvolio

I don't see that leaving the EU will make much difference to the supply of EE WGs - the idea that immigrants will be forcibly repatriated is unworkable, given the amount of Brits living in the EU.


  • Guest
The pound may go down in the short term but once we get stabilised Britain can be great again, we will no longer be ruled by Germany. Merkel has done what Hitler failed to do.

It's a shame such a great country like England can't deal with Merkel. Small Hungary told her to fuck off!