Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Scam and threats Blondie sb from Bournenouth  (Read 3752 times)


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The above bid on a reverse booking of mine and would urge anyone out there to avoid like the plague.

She claims to live in Bournemouth but comes to London often and have to say I am pretty much at fault for what happened and it is the first time in my rather long punting experience this has happened to me.

To cut a long story short I spoke to her and all sounded good for a meet she sounded nice and I can usually judge someone on the phone (how wrong was I !). She sent pictures and no alarm bells went off as we discussed a few likes and dislikes, but a few hours before we met asked if I could send her £20 petrol money by bank transfer which I did (I know big mistake)

She turned up about half hour late no problem, we had a chat and all going well and gave her the fee which she put in her handbag had a drink and then she said she had to go and move her car as was badly parked, I was not too worried as her handbag was left behind and I let her out (you can guess the rest!).

Never came back and must have palmed the fee into her pockets when I was distracted, and handbag pretty empty. I tried sending texts and calling her but phone off. About half an hour later some guy phones up from her number saying he will come back and knows where I live etc and threatening violence if I don't leave her alone.

Cleary this is a disturbing situation and have decided to just put it down to my stupidity, however I have a lot of information on her as she does not realise her mobile comes up with her Facebook page if you search. I am asking for some advice if I should make this public here? What do you think? Her phone is now dead but I know the number, her bank details her full real name from Facebook and her family links to her mother and sisters! Also got full face pictures of her and lots on Facebook.

Any comments would be appreciated and please avoid her like the plague.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

she does not realise her mobile comes up with her Facebook page if you search

I expect she realises it now that you've posted about it on an open forum. IMHO you would have done better to message Admin first.

Offline Nagilum

Don't divulge personal info is against site rules.

The review and link is enough for the moment and the only time it's acceptable to post personal details (through Admin) is if they are thieves or have criminal convictions.  You would have to email Admin and ask him about the thieving part as you was robbed.  But don't do anything until you have asked for clarification.

- Privacy of service providers
It is generally not allowed to post personal info of service providers, such as real names and personal social networking profiles. Phone numbers may be posted in full only if they are published in adverts / profiles. Hotels may be named. General description of incall locations is acceptable, but not specific house numbers and street names. Modelling, porn and media-related work are acceptable to be posted, even if it includes their real names as they actively sought publicity / higher-profile. News items may be posted depending on certain circumstances,. All aforementioned restrictions do not apply to thieves and those with criminal convictions. Past name changes are never censored, regardless of reasons.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 07:08:22 pm by Nagilum »


  • Guest
Thanks her number is on adultref so feel comfortable posting it here
07745 816602

Offline Marmalade

There's a few problems with this.

The OP has only made posts about this one woman, provides no describing details to authenticate having met her and doesn't even provide a link (which would be quite admissable)
presumably: External Link/Members Only

So the first point is, we have no idea about the OP, apart from him acting like an idiot, which he admits. It might be that he has suddenly come out of the woodwork, which no doubt he will swear to, or it may be that he is a competitor or has it in for SammyBrown for one reason or another. I'm not implying that, just point out that we don't know.

The phone number is not particularly helpful as it is very easy to change, whereas a full description of her would have been potentially more useful. Although the OP says it is on her profile, it is only visible to persons logged on to that site. I am curious at to why the OP, on the first punt which he then decides to review, has chosen a website that is not a major player.

On the other hand if he has indeed been threatened, our sympathies.


  • Guest
She is on three websites her adultwork profile is gone and I did post a link to her adultzone profile as well on another thread
External Link/Members Only
I have copies of her text messages but obviously dont want to post this. I really just want to warn others and was advised to do this by a regular girl I see to post here.

Offline Nagilum

She is on three websites her adultwork profile is gone and I did post a link to her adultzone profile as well on another thread
External Link/Members Only
I have copies of her text messages but obviously dont want to post this. I really just want to warn others and was advised to do this by a regular girl I see to post here.

Ok, there is enough here for punters to form an opinion.  Plenty more SP's out there to worry about then dwelling on this one.

Offline Cunning Punt

Sorry to hear that.

Normally, I would suggest a punter sets up a fake Facebook account and tells her family and friends what sort of thieving prossie she really is.

Trouble is that could work both ways as you unfortunately made a bank transfer.

Offline Royd30

Sorry to hear about you're experience, you did well to inform others. I am a firm believer in name and shame. With the site administrator permission you should show and publish all you know even pictures of the "LADY" if you can. Thanks for your report


  • Guest
She tried scam me and Barton street police station in Gloucester have a record of her, op is genuine and I've sent admin details if they wish to contact me.


  • Guest
You could always post/email her bank details to some Nigerian scammer for their use.   :lol:
I'm serious, they'd let rip..

And another thing, everyone gets stung once in a while - and it's part of the learning experience - whether it's mobile phones, laptops, DVD players or prossies.

Rule of thumb is to NOT TRUST anyone.
Walk if you have any bad vibes, never hand any money over if there's an opportunity for the girl to con you. Be extremely careful - as when conned, there is NO ONE you can turn to - so keep your wits about you until her clothes are off and your balls deep in that pussy
I had a street hooker steal my missus Sat Nav from my glove compartment - and it took inventive genius to try and explain that away to her.


  • Guest
Tyrese999 what happened with her ? How did she try and con you?

Offline Tonyleung

Well if its possible I would report her to the police. Theft and threats of voilence.
Any information posted here is useful to protecting punters, however any recourse or action you wish to see taken is best done through the authorities.
Good luck.


  • Guest
Yep see review up to you if report to cops but they are aware '!!
Would be good if you did then we can cut out some of these people and get them prosecuted. 


  • Guest
giving her details to a Nigerian scammer sounds good!


  • Guest
Her facebook profile is back up and am tempted to post her picture here is that against the rules?

Offline Royd30

I don't believe it against rules as she is public in any event. Others have posted pictures of other wgs. You would be doing us all a favour by putting up her picture so we don't all end up in a situation....

Offline Cunning Punt

I don't believe it against rules as she is public in any event. Others have posted pictures of other wgs. You would be doing us all a favour by putting up her picture so we don't all end up in a situation....


Punters need to be warned and, while a girl can change her name, she can't change how she looks so easily.
You are well within your rights to name and shame her as much as possible.

Offline Royd30

I think we all agree name and shame, post what you have. This will teach a lesson to others as well

Online distortedbase


Punters need to be warned and, while a girl can change her name, she can't change how she looks so easily.
You are well within your rights to name and shame her as much as possible.

You have never seen Face Off then...


  • Guest
You going to put an image up or leave to me to do it and get banned 😐


  • Guest
Would not want to be banned so can admin confirm its ok to put her picture up?


  • Guest
ok not having much luck how do I insert a picture?

Offline Turtle1

I smell a rat: story doest add up. If she's So clever at scamming then why is she using her real phone number. why do I get the feeling that this is a huge winde up? I wouldn't bet against tyrese and pepperoni being the same person trying to out get revenge on this girl?

If it was me I'd let her know in a private message I want my money back and I know all your info. High chance you'd get it back. You could of even messaged her on FB.

As far as I'm concerned she could simply be an Ex GF, someone who's turned down your advances etc.

I'm pretty sure admin didn't give you permission to post that number.


  • Guest
Well I have messaged her on the day and got a call from her heavy saying he was going to come round and beat me up and put petrol through my letterbox if I did not stop calling or texting. I don't use facebook myself and don't want to give her any more of my details.
It's up to you if you believe me or not and her phone number is available on ukadultref have also asked admin before posting any of her details but got no answer just wanted to warn others.


  • Guest
I can assure you there is no conspiracy theory on my part!
I can privately email you station details who reported to and crime ref if you really are that paranoid,,, I can only speak for me and tell you this is genuine and similar thing attempted with me but as sussed I just had the threats part .


  • Guest
Listen it's not up to me to tell you what to do but I REPEAT... Contact police station i reported to and they will pursue this threat! Other than that sorry to be rude but no good bleating about it unless you are going to stand up and be counted and if not then just forget about it?


  • Guest
I think i already stood up to be counted by posting here not "bleating" about anything just answering the previous post and to be honest I could have just shut up about it and put it down to my own stupidity but was advised by a regular of mine to post a warning here. From what I can see she should not be able to get away with it thats all. 


  • Guest
Happened to me as well. Not the threats though.


  • Guest
I agree pepperoni
I was being tongue in cheek sarcastic as always people like turtle come along with conspiracy theories ,,, was not criticising .


  • Guest
If it was me I'd let her know in a private message I want my money back and I know all your info. High chance you'd get it back. You could of even messaged her on FB.

Obviously you live in cloud turtle land and have never had the pleasure of a cornered prossie trying to fuck you over !  :rolleyes:

A private message, heard it all now !   :wackogirl: :crazy: :wacko:

Offline Poopster

If it was me I'd let her know in a private message I want my money back and I know all your info. High chance you'd get it back. You could of even messaged her on FB.

Awesome idea, putting in writing something which may be construed as a threat/blackmail.  Contact her via FB too, cos that wouldn't be easily twisted into stalking and harassment! 


  • Guest
Awesome idea, putting in writing something which may be construed as a threat/blackmail.  Contact her via FB too, cos that wouldn't be easily twisted into stalking and harassment!

Turdle is showing what a dick he is !

Offline Royd30

Still fairly new to this forum/website, but been punting for many years and I really don't know what all the discussion is about. You been fucked over as many of us has been, I always tell facts as they happen and as I see them. I had an out call sometime back, arrived at my door with 3 guys hiding behind entrance and when I open door all piled in and went to different areas of house, upstairs , kitchen, reception room, I was alone so could not follow all 4 to include prossie, called police whilst still in house but they still helped themselves to what they wanted and left minutes before police arrived. Police said they knew time frame so scammers would leave before they arrived. Was I scared, think about it, but if I had pictures etc I would definitely post them so others would not find themselves in same situation. As I said name and shame for all our benefit and then put it all to bed, no point in this dialogue.....WELL MY THOUGHTS ANYWAY AND NO FEEDBACK NECESSARY ON MY POST....

Offline Qwerty

So it seems the same girl bid on my RB today, I have established with Tyrese that it's her.

Be warned folks - I'd post one of the photos she sent me, but can't see how to add pics on here.


  • Guest
Is she back on aw? What is her nickname now? I cant see how to post pics too.

Online hendrix

Is she back on aw? What is her nickname now? I cant see how to post pics too.

There's a guide here
External Link/Members Only

Offline Royd30

The method does work so post whatever you can so that genuine punters and wgs are protected and not tarnished by this bad disgusting piece of work.....look forward to seeing your post...regards

Offline Cunning Punt

External Link/Members Only works for me.

You don't need to sign up or sign in, just click on the upload photos button at the top of the screen, then drag the photo from your desktop onto the screen and crop and save as required.

You'll then see a series of links on the right-hand side of the screen. You want the link for 'forum/message boards'. Copy and paste that link into your post here.



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Offline Royd30



  • Guest
Turdle is showing what a dick he is !
Easy tiger. He's a good guy - contributor, established member - always been helpful.
So he has a different take on this story. No need to call him names.


  • Guest
She has a profile here with pictures and a couple of warnings on the reviews.

External Link/Members Only

Offline Marmalade

Could I ask something? The OP, on the only other thread I think on which he has written, under "What is your personal record for number of times you have seen a regular?" wrote:
54 and seeing her tonight so make it 55 over the course of 5 years!

That's quite a lot. Would you care to write a review and tell us who it is?


  • Guest
Yes julia ex from maxes angels seen her over the last 5 years dont feel she needs a review ok?


  • Guest
Yep its her 2 of these pics are on her facebook page!

Offline JamesRockford

A disturbing story.  But something about this whole thread just doesn't ring true - Sorry.