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Author Topic: Viagra / Cialis (Tadalafil) - Discussion Thread  (Read 78132 times)

Offline AnthG

I am starting this topic knowing that its a bit of an embarrassing subject but also hoping both that it will be of use to others and also as I had found it so difficult to get info on this (as nobody seems to want to admit they take these and thus offer any meaningful advice on them).

I have for the last week been googling and also hunting this forum and %%% for some definitive info on this issue and as I could not find any I have today went to my GP and then Asda pharmacy to hopefully get this resolved. And now am going to pass this on hoping it is of use to people also.

Ok so you have two options (that I know of). Going to your GP or Go to Asda.

Going to your GP.

Your GP can give you either Cialis or Viagra. My GP was auto going to give me Viagra until I specifically enquired what about this other one people mention called Cialis. He then explained the difference and gave me the choice. I picked Cialis. The registered name for Cialis is Tadalafil. Tadalafil is what my prescription is for.

The difference between the two Cialis works faster - after taking a pill it should start working after about 30 mins.
With Viagra after taking the pill it will start to work in about 2 hours.

So basically what this means if you have Viagra and a punt at 3pm. You need to take a tablet before 1pm.

Cialis also stays in your system longer than Viagra (they did not say by how long they just said hours) so this means you can have more sex basically after taking a Cialis as it will say in your system for some hours longer.

Your GP can only prescribe you 4 tablets of either nothing more. And the only way you can get a prescription via the NHS is if you have either a spinal injury or Diabetes. So therefore your GP can only prescribe as a private prescription that you have to pay (a lot) for.

There are two strengths of tablets of both the Cialis and Viagra a 10mg and a 20mg. They can only prescribe 4 tablets of either. What they recommend is to try out 4 tablets of the lower dose see how you get on and then they can up them to the 20mg on the second prescription.

What my GP also said is you can cut the larger dose tablets in half so get effectively 8 tablets of 10mg by getting 4 of the 20mg. He also suggested to me for the very first time I take it to cut one of the lower dose tablets in half to provide 2 x 5mg for two days use.

There are no other tablets your GP can give over than Viagra or Cialis.

Today I have got 4 tablets of 10mg Cialis and it has cost me £32.39 from Asda. I am not sure if the 20mg will be the same price or not.

Going to Asda

I went to Asda to get my prescription as at Asda they have a leaflet all about Erectile Dysfunction. What this is at Asda you can buy 4 tablets of Viagra from them without needing to ever see your GP. They cost £25 for 4 tablets.

You cannot get Cialis from Asda's pharmacist without a GP private prescription as they are much stronger tablets and can only be got on a prescription (I know people on Pnet say they have got them without a prescription, this is just what he said).

One thing that has also been made clear is the tablets do not in themselves cause an erection. They work in conjunctions with the chemicals released in the body which get released when you are sexually aroused (for lack of a better description of it all) I say this as my honest belief before today was I took one and then you got the erection and it stayed there until the tablet dies off.

I also enquired about the "cock rings" that adult website sell (I phrased it better than that though). The GP does not recommend them at all he used an analogy of if you filled a balloon up with water than then tied up the end that is all these will do. So you need to have the full erection in the first place to have them work as you are basically forcing the blood to stay in there. If you do not have a full erection in the first place then they are useless. And you also need to make sure you do not have it on too long as it can cause permanent damage to the blood vessels by having something like this on for too long.

The side effects of these tablets is they can cause severe headaches. And also can cause fainting (something I am worried about hence why he said to cut it in half for first use) as they are vasodialtors.

Am hoping this has been the full on answer to this and it is of some use to anyone.
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  • Guest
do you really need it? i am a fairly  healthy male aged under 30 , a few years ago i took 2  tablets from a sex shop dragon king, or dragon something for ED just to try it out  i felt like i was about to die , i had to stay in hospital for a week to recover, my heart rate was so fast as well as blood pressure and my face turned black , my advice is to stay away from viagra/ cialis unless you are 1110% fit and do regular exercise , try arginine 3 grams

Offline Jimmyredcab

I get the impression you are quite young, if that is correct you should have no need for these type of pills.

You say Viagra takes 2 hours to work, I think you will find it is nearer to one hour --- on an empty stomach.

There is a third option, that is to buy Kamagra online at a fraction of the price ----------

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Kamagra is an Indian copy of Viagra, works just as well.

Offline AnthG

do you really need it? i am a fairly  healthy male aged under 30 , a few years ago i took 2  tablets from a sex shop dragon king, or dragon something for ED just to try it out  i felt like i was about to die , i had to stay in hospital for a week to recover, my heart rate was so fast as well as blood pressure and my face turned black , my advice is to stay away from viagra/ cialis unless you are 1110% fit and do regular exercise , try arginine 3 grams
I don't know if I "really" need it. It is embarrassing as it takes a long time and a lot of effort to get things totally useable if you know what I mean. And then I start to worry that she is thinking I don't find her attractive and this just adds pressure and also sorts.

I was hoping there were more options. I did not go to my GP expecting or wanting a prescription for Viagra. But there is nothing else they can give other than this or Cialis.

I am really worried about taking it as I am someone who gets light headed easy due to blood pressure issues. And if I am driving to a punt I am worried about causing a crash. I am also worried about looking an idiot in the punt or get accusations of I was drunk or something.

The pharmacist was basically downplaying them saying its nothing to worry about. But the GP was putting the fear of god into me basically. As in he also says if you get an erection and it lasts for longer than 3hrs. You need to head straight for the emergency room as they are a potentially lethal side effect of them. The pharmacist said that is incredibly rare though and more so a side effect of the previous tablets used before Viagra was invented.
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Offline AnthG

I get the impression you are quite young, if that is correct you should have no need for these type of pills.

You say Viagra takes 2 hours to work, I think you will find it is nearer to one hour --- on an empty stomach.

I am 32. And with regards to the 2hrs. This is just what my GP said. And I asked again the pharmacist and he also said 2hrs.

But I know I come across much younger. Everyone I meet thinks I am closer 25. They are truly shocked when I tell them my real age - which I class as a good thing. So I know I both look and act younger than 32.
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Offline Jimmyredcab

Don't listen to the scaremongers, I would like to get an erection that lasts three hours, I should be so lucky.  :D

Offline AnthG

There is a third option, that is to buy Kamagra online at a fraction of the price ----------

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Kamagra is an Indian copy of Viagra, works just as well.
Is there an Indian copy of Cialis?

I am not bothered about the staying in your system longer. I am liking the 30 mins for effect though as like I say I am someone who gets lightheaded. And do not want to have any issues driving to a punt.

Can I also ask, has anyone used that supplier before? Am just worried about getting something with potentially rat poison in (you may think daft but you hear it on the news all the time about fake viagra)
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  • Guest
i bought indian  kamangra over the counter in euston , it really works but dont have any alcohol/ energy drinks with it and drink lots of water , for me it worked in 30 mins and you get rock hard , best to take half a tablet

Offline AnthG

i bought indian  kamangra over the counter in euston , it really works but dont have any alcohol/ energy drinks with it and drink lots of water , for me it worked in 30 mins and you get rock hard , best to take half a tablet

Why this one. Does it cause Dizzyness/Dehydration/Excessive Sweating?

I am, to admit, a little worried about trying these out. My GP said just try one when by yourself and not when planning on having sex to see what happens in terms of side effects.

I thought for about £8 per tablet it is an expensive test.
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  • Guest
why drink water? to help flush it out and get it working faster , dehydration? about the same as a coffee
 it was £20 for 4 tabs , yeah its a good idea to try it out before you visit a girl

Offline AnthG

The website JRC linked to it seems has Cialis there too for £2.45 each.

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Has anyone used this supplier before as I feel like ordering either 8/12 of the Cialis. But am worried both about my Credit Card being used by thieves. Or on the flipside my being sent a load of placebo junk in the post.
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Offline Jimmyredcab

why drink water? to help flush it out and get it working faster , dehydration? about the same as a coffee
it was £20 for 4 tabs , yeah its a good idea to try it out before you visit a girl

If you buy online it works out at £1-70 a pill (12 pills for £20-40)

I have sometimes had alcohol beforehand, only problem is that the combination of the two can make it hard to cum.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Has anyone used this supplier before as I feel like ordering either 8/12 of the Cialis. But am worried both about my Credit Card being used by thieves. Or on the flipside my being sent a load of placebo junk in the post.

I have used them a couple of times, fast delivery in a plain envelope.


  • Guest
I have also used this supplier . My credit card was debited with no problems and the packet arrived the next day (I ordered before noon).  I  took 50 mg Kamagra (Viagra) and had no side effects, but haven't tried Cialis.  It works fine - takes about an hour but you need an empty stomach.  I certainly had no problems driving.  I know that some people get bad headaches  though.  I also read that plenty of water helps.

Offline AnthG

Thanks Steve/JRC, will drop them an order sometime today (I am thinking given I am off work I should probably try a half of the Cialis today before making another order for them incase they do have side effects)

Final quick question. Given the Cialis is so much better. Why did you guys not go for these? Is there a negative I am overlooking with the Cialis. Or a benefit I am missing with the Kamagra. Or is it just a case of you had not heard of Cialis before today and only heard of Kamagra?

I am asking as its, another, expensive order so just want to get things right and get the right tablets.
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Offline Jimmyredcab

Final quick question. Given the Cialis is so much better. Why did you guys not go for these?

Better in what way, as far as I know Cialis lasts up to 24 hours----- but why would that help me if I am visiting a pro$$ie for 30 minutes. ?????

Offline AnthG

Better in what way, as far as I know Cialis lasts up to 24 hours----- but why would that help me if I am visiting a pro$$ie for 30 minutes. ?????
Just the GP and Pharmacist said it was much better. They never explained why. I did not know it lasted for 24 hours.

But personally I think the 30 mins before effective is going to be a considerable benefit. Yes I know you can just plan your punt for after 2 hours and take a Kamagra. But my thoughts are if it only takes 30 mins to work. That means you don't get 2hrs of side effects - i.e light headedness so safer to drive to the punt. Anyone can sit around for 30 mins but sitting in your car for 2hrs is going to raise questions

I am saying this having never taken a tablet before when you guys have so you know how bad the side effects are.
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  • Guest
I've also bought Kamagra from the website Jimmy provided a link for. No confirmation email, so I emailed and got no response. Then I called and got an answerphone. No pills the next day, and then I had to go away on a trip. When I returned they had arrived in a plain padded envelope.

I bought a pill slicer for a quid from Asda. I find a quarter of a 100 mg pill works a treat.

12 pills cost £20.40 including carriage, so that's 43p a time. Stunning value. At that dosage I don't get a headache. If headaches were a problem I would take some ibuprofen at the same time.

Offline Jimmyredcab

12 pills cost £20.40 including carriage, so that's 43p a time. Stunning value.

You need to do the maths again.   :rolleyes:


  • Guest
You need to do the maths again.   :rolleyes:

With maths like that it could be a secret pro$$ie... :scare:


  • Guest
You need to do the maths again.   :rolleyes:

I cut the pills into quarters - so one pill = four goes.

4 times 12 is 48. £20.40 divided by 48 is 42.5p

Offline AnthG

I bought a pill slicer for a quid from Asda. I find a quarter of a 100 mg pill works a treat.

So what is 100mg the equivilant in Cialis? 20mg? 10mg?

I had a google and came across this website. Ignore all the trying to sell you the stuff blurb. But if you scroll down to half way it has a pretty good comparison table.

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The main reason I am quoting it is I like the sound of this. but again it may just be marketing blurb

If you are looking for drugs other than Cialis or Viagra, consider asking your doctor about Cialis Soft and Viagra Soft. They have less severe side effects and need not be taken with water.

All you have to do is put the pill under your tongue and wait until it dissolves. The drug will give erection even faster than traditional Viagra or Cialis. On top of that, Viagra Soft and Cialis Soft can be taken in combination with alcohol and greasy foods.

They sound like magic to me. But the common-sense in me screams; If they are that good why do drugs makers continue to make the tablets.

The website sells the Cails soft

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And it sells Kamagra Jelly which I *think* means soft.

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Looking also at that website it says

Viagra helps block PDE-5 enzymes for 4 hours, whereas Cialis, known as "the weekend pill", generally works for 17-36 hours.

I don't want a tablet working for upto 36 hours. 4hrs is enough. So I may order the Kamagra Jelly.

To say again it just seems odd if the Kamagra Soft has all these benefits. Why people buy the tablets. Has anyone Tried Kamagra Soft or Kamagra Jelly?.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 04:37:54 pm by AnthG »
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Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Jimmyredcab

I cut the pills into quarters - so one pill = four goes.

4 times 12 is 48. £20.40 divided by 48 is 42.5p

If you only need a quarter you don't need them at all, it is hard enough to cut them in half let alone quarters.


  • Guest
I've also bought Kamagra from the website Jimmy provided a link for. No confirmation email, so I emailed and got no response. Then I called and got an answerphone. No pills the next day, and then I had to go away on a trip. When I returned they had arrived in a plain padded envelope.

I bought a pill slicer for a quid from Asda. I find a quarter of a 100 mg pill works a treat.

12 pills cost £20.40 including carriage, so that's 43p a time. Stunning value. At that dosage I don't get a headache. If headaches were a problem I would take some ibuprofen at the same time.
I got a confirmation e-mail and an update to say they were dispatched but this was in March.  Anth  - let us know if they are still as efficient in e-mailing and dispatching.  I will need to re-order at some point  :)


  • Guest
So what is 100mg the equivilant in Cialis? 20mg? 10mg?

A completely unscientific search on Google suggests 5 mg Cialis = 25 mg Viagra / Kamagra. Maybe a pharmacist would have a better answer.

To say again it just seems odd if the Kamagra Soft has all these benefits. Why people buy the tablets.

The tablets are cheaper.

Offline Jimmyredcab

And it sells Kamagra Jelly which I *think* means soft.

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Kamagra Jelly is in a liquid form, comes in a small sachet, you tear off the corner and drink it. Comes in different flavours so it tastes OK.


  • Guest
If you only need a quarter you don't need them at all, it is hard enough to cut them in half let alone quarters.

It made a significant difference to me. I once tried 100 mg Viagra and had a bionic hard on for hours. This was the same, but without red face or headache. It may be a placebo effect. If it is I don't care!  :)

I find it easy to slice the tablets up into quarters using this pill cutter

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Offline Jimmyredcab

It made a significant difference to me. I once tried 100 mg Viagra and had a bionic hard on for hours.

Well that is not supposed to happen.
You should not even get an erection until you get some sexual stimulation, after ejaculation it is normal to lose the erection.


  • Guest
Well that is not supposed to happen.
You should not even get an erection until you get some sexual stimulation, after ejaculation it is normal to lose the erection.

Let me rephrase it - so long as there was sexual stimulation I was rock hard, and this was the case for hours.


  • Guest
With maths like that it could be a secret pro$$ie... :scare:

Tbh I'm taken aback that you think that.


  • Guest
Tbh I'm taken aback that you think that.

I don't....
My attempted humour was obviously missed.  ;)


  • Guest
I don't....
My attempted humour was obviously missed.  ;)

No problem - sense of humour failure on my part then.  :D

Offline AnthG

I got a confirmation e-mail and an update to say they were dispatched but this was in March.  Anth  - let us know if they are still as efficient in e-mailing and dispatching.  I will need to re-order at some point  :)

I have ordered the Kamagra Jelly. But I was still unsure on clicking submit. It is so difficult to find information on this stuff - hence why this topic I am hoping will be useful to people.

The only thing I am concerned about is if I find the 5ml of Jelly (equivalent to 100mg of Viagra) is too potent am I able to half the "jelly". I tried googling for any pictures of the opened packet to see if its easily 'halfable' but couldn't find it.

Ordered anyway. I was in real two minds on what to get as on googling I found further mention of a drug called Levitra that was apparantly made after both Viagra and Cialis and has less side effects, more potency, can be taken on an empty stomache. less side effects and better duration (than Viagra, not Cialis which is crazy long). But I could not see it on the website linked so held off going elsewhere to get it.

On further googling about the Kamagra vs Cialis I noticed this review someone gave (this is just a persons review, not a professional one)

Viagara vs. Cialis for ED
I have used both Viagara and Cialis. I have "mild" ED, it works without, but it's nice to have some help to make sure it doesn't fade away after the first 15 minutes.

Viagara. I have a prescription and get the 100 mg pills and break them into 4 or 5 pieces, so 20 to 25 mg. That's plenty for me.

Pro's: Produces a steel hard boner that the cat couldn't scratch. Works in 15 to 30 minutes for me. Effects are still noticeable the next day (16 hours), but not hard steel. Gone by 24 hours.

Con's: Sometimes makes it a little harder to ejaculate, sort of like the trigger is gone if that makes sense. After an hour my wife is saying finish up already...Can cause a headache, if you get a bad one then you might be taking too much. Makes me grumpy, sometimes causes sleeplessness.

I got a sample pack of 20 mg tabs from the doctor, broke in half so 10 mg. Takes 30 min to an hour to take affect. Whan it does get ready for 2 or 3 solid days of "I'm 18 again!" Boner is not as "twang" hard as the viagara stiffy, but it's more than good enough.

I got some lower back muscle pain (maybe I pulled something when I was going for #5 on day 2). I didn't sleep well for a couple nights.

I guess I give the edge to the Viagara because it works faster, but I really like the extended effect of the cialis. Both can cause a headache, red face flush, irratablility, sleep try small doses, use the smallest amount that works for you.

Good luck

PS: Pfizer has the patent thru 2019 so any claims of generic viagara is a scam, check the news reports on that one. They just got the extension from the FDA.

What I am also going to say. I have took this 5mg Cialis at 3pm. And it has done nothing. So took the other half of the chopped pill at about 4.15pm. And still nothing. All that has happened is its made my eyes harder to focus. But that could just be paranoia after hearing this is what it can cause. And yes before someone says it I have looked at some stimulus. And still nothing. £32.39 down the drain it seems.

With regards to the emails. I have received Three! emails from them already.

One an invoice, one a Welcome to our side, and the final a sales one.

It said it wont ship until tomorrow (I could select the day of shipping) and I have selected special delivery before 1pm. So they should be here before 1pm Wednesday.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 06:06:54 pm by AnthG »
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  • Guest
It said it wont ship until tomorrow (I could select the day of shipping) and I have selected special delivery before 1pm. So they should be here before 1pm Wednesday.

I'm already looking forward to the thread you post of your new harder experiences... :music:

Offline AnthG

I'm already looking forward to the thread you post of your new harder experiences... :music:
Sorry I am quite vocal about my experiences. But I often think if someone else is worried and hesitant. Now they don't need to ask as I have covered everything.
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  • Guest
I tried Viagra, not recommended if you are young and healthy with a big nose, all the blood rushed there and it was like having hayfever or a cold without the mucus dripping, had to breath out my mouth for the rest of the evening, still it was probably my own stupid fault.

Noticed no other effects different to normal.

Offline AnthG

While its being discussed. Has anyone tried Levitra?

Cannot believe I have spent £32 on these 4 tablets. I wish I started this topic before going to the GP. These Cialis are rubbish and I am hesitant to use a second of my 10mg Tablets just as my "test". That would be £16 for a test.
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Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Jimmyredcab

The only thing I am concerned about is if I find the 5ml of Jelly (equivalent to 100mg of Viagra) is too potent am I able to half the "jelly". I tried googling for any pictures of the opened packet to see if its easily 'halfable' but couldn't find it.

Jesus H Christ, you are hard work.
A sachet of Kamagra jelly costs under £3, just drink half of it and throw the other half away.  :dash:


  • Guest
just drink half of it and throw the other half away.  :dash:

I've heard it doubles the effect if rubbed onto your ear lobes...

*now seeing an image of Anth rubbing onto his ears*  :lol:

Offline AnthG

Jesus H Christ, you are hard work.
A sachet of Kamagra jelly costs under £3, just drink half of it and throw the other half away.  :dash:
Obviously I thought of that. But without seeing the actually jelly first I was not sure. What it claims to be is a solid substance that you place under your tongue that dissolves and enters the blood stream.

So depending on how "solid" it is, it may involve cutting. It may be it a Lipid slow release capsule (which cannot be halved)

It is an expensive purchase as I have bulk bought to get the multibuy discounts so wanted to be sure.

If people are curious I will let them know when I test it on Wednesday (But I may be back at work then so may not be able to test it till the weekend).

To also add. I kind of started this topic to hopefully be a good and definitive information source on this issue. So I am being thorough. As I genuinely searched and searched the forums and came up with only very limited info.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 07:09:42 pm by AnthG »
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Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline haystacks79

I tried Viagra, not recommended if you are young and healthy with a big nose, all the blood rushed there and it was like having hayfever or a cold without the mucus dripping, had to breath out my mouth for the rest of the evening, still it was probably my own stupid fault.

I'm like that quite often without taking anything, so that's yet another reason for me to steer well clear of any of these things!


  • Guest
I'll be interested to hear how you get on, Anth.  I've only used it on punts  - so jumped right in rather than having a dry run with porn.  I'm just wondering if there are levels of stimulation, so actual sexual contact is always going to be a higher level of stimulus than sitting front of a screen.  ;)

Offline pilgrim

Ive had a shitty day but coming onto this board and reading AnthG's comments and Softlads wind ups really cheers me up. I was in the chemists today and found myself looking at all the Veet products, but couldnt see any for men.

I now have visions of AnthG cutting himself whilst shaving nipples and pubes with a new blade pre punt then rubbing a kamagra sachet into his scrotum and drinking a sachet of Veet. No disrespect meant but you lads keep me smiling with your exploits. AnthG, I think you should stay with JRC for a while and let him take you under his wing.


  • Guest
Ive had a shitty day but coming onto this board and reading AnthG's comments and Softlads wind ups really cheers me up. I was in the chemists today and found myself looking at all the Veet products, but couldnt see any for men.

I now have visions of AnthG cutting himself whilst shaving nipples and pubes with a new blade pre punt then rubbing a kamagra sachet into his scrotum and drinking a sachet of Veet. No disrespect meant but you lads keep me smiling with your exploits. AnthG, I think you should stay with JRC for a while and let him take you under his wing.
Learn 'The Knowledge' so to speak.  :D

Joe Blob

  • Guest
I'll be interested to hear how you get on, Anth.  I've only used it on punts  - so jumped right in rather than having a dry run with porn.  I'm just wondering if there are levels of stimulation, so actual sexual contact is always going to be a higher level of stimulus than sitting front of a screen.  ;)

I find it better with the real thing

Offline brooksey

At his age, AnthG does not need Cialis, Viagra or any generic equivalent. What he clearly needs is placebo, which may be which his GP agreed to prescribe it. 

Joe Blob

  • Guest
At his age, AnthG does not need Cialis, Viagra or any generic equivalent. What he clearly needs is placebo, which may be which his GP agreed to prescribe it.

What AnthG needs is a life outside this forum 

Offline Jimmyredcab

At his age, AnthG does not need Cialis, Viagra or any generic equivalent. What he clearly needs is placebo, which may be which his GP agreed to prescribe it.

I have to agree with you, maybe he could try a packet of smarties.  ;)

Offline mh

I've purchased Viagra via Tesco Pharmacy. An expensive way to do it I know, but safe, convenient and discreet. I think it was about £60 for 8 tablets, so not a budget option. They give you a health check (including blood pressure and blood sugar), before prescribing, which is reassuring given the purpose of these tablets is constriction of blood vessels.

I first got them as after a few successful punts I had some where nerves ruined my performance and also once or twice I could not get hard enough for anal.

They work well for me and are effective after about an hour. I find they prevent me coming a second time, though, even though I do get hard again after coming once.

I have read that some other equivalent items provide a persistent hard-on that doesn't go away so easily. I find Viagra provides the hard-on and goes away when you need it to go away!

Offline Jimmyredcab

I've purchased Viagra via Tesco Pharmacy.

They work well for me and are effective after about an hour.

An hour sounds about right to me despite what Anth has been told to the contrary.  ;)