Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Im married, I get limited sex so I see prostitutes, are there many like me here?  (Read 7485 times)

Offline Thepacifist

Seeing nothing but WGs must be a pretty lonely and empty existence.

It's not so bad  :hi:


  • Guest
It's not so bad  :hi:

Not bad at all !

No idea why people that don't have it judge it to be empty ?

We fact is its not !

Offline Vivago

« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 09:05:18 am by Vivago »
Banned reason: For taking the piss after being advised
Banned by: Head1


  • Guest
So been seeing a WG once every 2,weeks since November and been getting some sex from the OH mostly when she's had a bottle of wine, so came in last night after seeing a young WG and felt quite bad about it. Gave my OH a cuddle and went to undo her dressing gown belt and I was told to stop. I didn't feel bad anymore. This morning I feel sad about the whole situation.

Offline cueball

So been seeing a WG once every 2,weeks since November and been getting some sex from the OH mostly when she's had a bottle of wine, so came in last night after seeing a young WG and felt quite bad about it. Gave my OH a cuddle and went to undo her dressing gown belt and I was told to stop. I didn't feel bad anymore. This morning I feel sad about the whole situation.

I don't think you'll find the answers your looking for on here. You sound like this might not be the game for you. I think you should sit down and go through it by yourself bud.

I'll say this though, punting is way way better than an affair. With punting you pay your money, have your fun and walk away baggage free.

I'm not sure you've got the mind set to carry it off though.

No offence intended though.


  • Guest
I don't think you'll find the answers your looking for on here. You sound like this might not be the game for you. I think you should sit down and go through it by yourself bud.

I'll say this though, punting is way way better than an affair. With punting you pay your money, have your fun and walk away baggage free.

I'm not sure you've got the mind set to carry it off though.

No offence intended though.
Thanks Cueball
Thing is its better than the alternative where I am just so frustrated. Now I don't feel frustrated but just sad. That will pass, it's just because it's so soon after seeing a wg.
I can't stop now it's too nice.
No offence taken - I know you only speak your honest mind

Offline cueball

Now I don't feel frustrated but just sad.

Use my method bud, I want to sit there as an old man with a head full of great memories and no should have's, could have's and would have's


  • Guest
So been seeing a WG once every 2,weeks since November and been getting some sex from the OH mostly when she's had a bottle of wine, so came in last night after seeing a young WG and felt quite bad about it. Gave my OH
a cuddle and went to undo her dressing gown belt and I was told to stop. I didn't feel bad anymore. This morning I feel sad about the whole situation.

Totally get where you're coming from Tallboy, but look at it this way.

She is being extremely selfish by denying you a basic human need.
Men NEED to fuck so it helps if you can do it somewhere, as it will take away some of the resentment and hopefully improve your relationship with her.

Is divorce better? Personally I think not when you look at all the implications, especially if kids are involved, so it's better to make the most of what you've got and justify your punting with her selfish rejection of you.

Offline freeze44

Good thread this. A partner I had a while ago found out that her husband had been punting during their marriage and they split up. When I got with her she was very keen to keep me entertained in the bedroom and often checking that I was satisfied etc. I think those who comment that men need good regular sex are spot on. Good luck in your journey and would finish by agreeing with those comments about having one life and making the most of it.


  • Guest
Use my method bud, I want to sit there as an old man with a head full of great memories and no should have's, could have's and would have's

+1  Well said CB;  that's my exact outlook now.  Life is too short  :hi:

When I'm old and useless,  sat in a care home high chair, I want to have a permanent smile on my face,
thinking of all the horny shit I got up to with WG's!  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Or think about it this way. If you were diagnosed with Prostate cancer tomorrow and needed treatment which will render you impotent for the rest of your life, how would you feel about all the missed opportunities, while you were able, to fuck nubile young women, if you gave up punting?

Life is temporary, death is permanent make the most of it!


  • Guest
i am pretty sure lot of us are like that.


  • Guest
Thanks fellow punters. I've decided to just slow it down a little if I can, being new to the game, I have been wanting to try all different types of girls, like a kid in a candy shop. Apart from it costing a fortune ( and that's another guilt issue I have) the reduced punting will in turn reduce the risks and negative thoughts I have assosiated with this hobby. I will never be able to stop now, it's very addictive.

Offline dave_59

Im married, get at home....  Just greedy.
Also at 56 love fucking younger ladies.


  • Guest
Im married, get at home....  Just greedy.
Also at 56 love fucking younger ladies.
Love it!


  • Guest

Being honest with myself and indeed you all I punt because like most on here get limited amounts at home, but most of all where can a 50 plus year old have good sex with a good looking 20 year old Girl ?

Likewise. We had not had sex for about 4 years and I was getting really depressed seeing the guys with good looking women. So I said to the wife How about we start having sex again. "I'm not interested in THAT and I can't se why you are". Well that did it. Had a look in the local rag, nothing. Online I found Friday Ads. Started with a few Japanese girls. They were ok then EE. Then I found AW. It all took off from there. I do it once a week and it is great. Hits the pocket a bit heavy sometimes as I am on my pensions but what the hell!! I'm 75 so I will go out with a bang, quite a few I hope. Just hope the wife does not find out or could exit earlier!! I been having a 19 yr old Czech lately, makes me feel young again. Well not that young!


  • Guest
Likewise. We had not had sex for about 4 years and I was getting really depressed seeing the guys with good looking women. So I said to the wife How about we start having sex again. "I'm not interested in THAT and I can't se why you are". Well that did it. Had a look in the local rag, nothing. Online I found Friday Ads. Started with a few Japanese girls. They were ok then EE. Then I found AW. It all took off from there. I do it once a week and it is great. Hits the pocket a bit heavy sometimes as I am on my pensions but what the hell!! I'm 75 so I will go out with a bang, quite a few I hope. Just hope the wife does not find out or could exit earlier!! I been having a 19 yr old Czech lately, makes me feel young again. Well not that young!
Hope I'm still up for it at 75!

Offline fatboy

Agree with all of the previous posters. For me finding AW and the varied WG's was a revelation. I thought that the glory days of my early 20's was long gone but now feel that I have gone to heaven in my mid 60's ! I'm like a kid in a sweet shop. I have found doing the research helps rather than just ringing up someone you like the look of. Anticipation is half of the fun, the other half is in her mouth ! Hooray for the 21st century !

Offline budz

The OH and I had amazing sex for the first couple of years,  going at it almost every day then after getting married things began to slow down. Bjs stopped altogether and slowly over a period of time sex became non existent.  It's been 4 years now since our last time and even though I love her I need more. We don't have kids so can't blame them for the lack of action in the bedroom. I also need to feel a pair of boobs again as OH is flat chested and this means I can't keep my eyes of other women (15 years since I last had a pair in my hands! ). I have thought long and hard as to whether this is the right thing to do and can only come up with this answer, YES it is to keep me sane, wanking is so boring!


  • Guest
I've worked out that I don't feel bad about having sex with other women. I do feel bad about the scheming and lies associated with it. I lie that I'm going somewhere when really I'm off to see a prostitute. The lies about the money I earn as I have to syphon cash off to pay the WGs.
Lieing doesn't work for me easily.
The delightful escorts are so addictive. Once you've had a taste of the honey there's no way out.

Offline MJ.spritzen

I'm 31 and married to a woman 5 years my junior. The sex stopped when i was 27!! (and she was 22).

Think im gonna live a celibate life at 27? Fuck that. I've been with well over 80 girls since. A variety of ages, races and body types. Now im a lot more selective.
It's an expensive thing punting but needs must.

She doesn't know about my hobby and stopped feeling guilty about it when i learned she had a one night stand with her work colleague who was older than her father! Hmmm... doesn't give her husband sex at home, says she doesn't like sex, i be all nice about it and not pressure her and next thing she's fucking a 55yo in a hotel room? Fuck-That.

If we didn't have a child id've walked. Instead i choose to fuck pretty girls and keep a family separate. And the best thing is no matter how old i get, 18 year old girls will always be 18 years old. :yahoo:

Offline leedsfella

Im a single guy who has been single now for about 6yrs and I think my first punt was when I was 17-18 but have only punted when I have been single and for me punting is not only about the sex but also the affection which is why I go for the GFE as opposed to a PSE and this has got me into trouble once, but we live and learn  :)

Offline JAYZ

I have a partner but we haven't had sex for around 4 years now, but we stay together for the sake of a child. Her happiness is what is important. But as I work with and mentor a lot of young attractive women sex is never far from my thoughts, so punting is the route I use to satisfy my desires.


  • Guest
I have a partner but we haven't had sex for around 4 years now, but we stay together for the sake of a child. Her happiness is what is important. But as I work with and mentor a lot of young attractive women sex is never far from my thoughts, so punting is the route I use to satisfy my desires.


Offline Snoozy

I have a partner but we haven't had sex for around 4 years now, but we stay together for the sake of a child. Her happiness is what is important. But as I work with and mentor a lot of young attractive women sex is never far from my thoughts, so punting is the route I use to satisfy my desires.

Don't know how you can put up with that for four years, when I was with my missus I started to resent her for the lack of sex, even told her so. When I reached 30 I thought fuck this I'm off. I've got kids and they are none worse off now than when I stayed there. I

Offline MrMatrix

I'm 31 and married to a woman 5 years my junior. The sex stopped when i was 27!! (and she was 22).

Think im gonna live a celibate life at 27? Fuck that. I've been with well over 80 girls since. A variety of ages, races and body types. Now im a lot more selective.
It's an expensive thing punting but needs must.

She doesn't know about my hobby and stopped feeling guilty about it when i learned she had a one night stand with her work colleague who was older than her father! Hmmm... doesn't give her husband sex at home, says she doesn't like sex, i be all nice about it and not pressure her and next thing she's fucking a 55yo in a hotel room? Fuck-That.

If we didn't have a child id've walked. Instead i choose to fuck pretty girls and keep a family separate. And the best thing is no matter how old i get, 18 year old girls will always be 18 years old. :yahoo:
MJS. How did you find out she had been with a 55 year old in the office. You need to try and assert yourself her and threaten to leave if she doesn't start coming across. There is surely leverage for her to start being a bit more sensible. Breaking family up may kick start her I hope.
Don't let it get like my marriage, fully of resentment that eats you up. You need to capitalize on her mistake...........yea and carry on punting if you wish..

Offline MrMatrix

The OH and I had amazing sex for the first couple of years,  going at it almost every day then after getting married things began to slow down. Bjs stopped altogether and slowly over a period of time sex became non existent.  It's been 4 years now since our last time and even though I love her I need more. We don't have kids so can't blame them for the lack of action in the bedroom. I also need to feel a pair of boobs again as OH is flat chested and this means I can't keep my eyes of other women (15 years since I last had a pair in my hands! ). I have thought long and hard as to whether this is the right thing to do and can only come up with this answer, YES it is to keep me sane, wanking is so boring!
Yea and eventually your bellend loses some of its feeling. As one prossie said to me "too much wanking doesn't feel the pussy". TRUE.

Offline MJ.spritzen

MJS. How did you find out she had been with a 55 year old in the office. You need to try and assert yourself her and threaten to leave if she doesn't start coming across. There is surely leverage for her to start being a bit more sensible. Breaking family up may kick start her I hope.
Don't let it get like my marriage, fully of resentment that eats you up. You need to capitalize on her mistake...........yea and carry on punting if you wish..

She broke down and told me the next day. She worked in a hospital, told me they'd call her in for a night shift. In reality this old prick had booked a hotel room so they could "talk more privately". Doesn't take a genius to figure out his intention.
Anyways, I am more assertive now since that. And I forgave her because she doesn't know if been with about 45 women since marrying her. So in my head it's even. Difference is I wasn't emotionally involved with the ones I'm fucking.

Offline thefoxman

Punting is far less risky than having an affair or a secret second.

Any married dude having an affair must have some fear of a jilted mistress coming knocking at the door he's at home with wife and the kids.
Yes, punting is safer as you're not being too emotionally attached, or risking being found out by a jilted lover.

Thing is - from a woman's point of view punting is worse than any amount of affairs.

discovery of punting = instant divorce, lose kids and she'll tell all family and friends - and you'll be ostracised, and people will always whisper.
discovery of affair(s) = very often relationship survives, and even if family/friends told etc, its still generally forgiven, people even side with you.

A friend has recently gone though this (my punting is secret!) - and his soon-to-be ex wife is often chatting to my gf:
 "I wish he'd just had an affair, I could've dealt with that", and her friends saying something like "seeing prossies is calculating - an affair is something he can't control"
- women thinking with emotions again  :rolleyes:

Offline MJ.spritzen

"seeing prossies is calculating - an affair is something he can't control"

If only there was a definitive guide to understanding the female mind. Step aside Lau Tzu, Aristotle, Sartre... this blokes missus contains all the rules for what's acceptable and what isn't.

Offline Marmalade

If only there was a definitive guide to understanding the female mind. Step aside Lau Tzu, Aristotle, Sartre... this blokes missus contains all the rules for what's acceptable and what isn't.

I think you might be well-advised to leave Sartre out of it: he did, after all, have an 'open marriage' and on his terms.

Offline turbostar

after we got married and daughter came along sex was on a downward spiral it seemed to be i was always asking but got the usual excuses (and some wierd ones too) after being told when i want sex i will tell you , i stopped pestering (her words) for it and waited and waited
5yrs and she's not made a move . even her friends one night she was in the house told her (i overheard the conversation) if your not giving him it some other female will be
any time i try and have a fumble with her its stop pawing me
it was her 50th last yr we went away for the weekend and nothing happened i thought about coming home early from our weekend away she made it so obvious that sex wasnt going to happen
its my 50th this yr and she is talking about taking me away ive told her to save her money might as well sleep in my bed instead of paying a hotel a few hundred pounds for a couple of sleeps
i actually said to her that the inside of the fridge is warmer than her
she gets into bed and hugs the edge of the bed and when i try and reach round to try and cop a feel she makes it so obvious that she doesnt want sex
ive seen a few girls in the last 5 yrs was really nervous the first time but gradually got into it met one girl a few times
i always treat myself just after pay day


  • Guest
after we got married and daughter came along sex was on a downward spiral it seemed to be i was always asking but got the usual excuses (and some wierd ones too) after being told when i want sex i will tell you , i stopped pestering (her words) for it and waited and waited
5yrs and she's not made a move . even her friends one night she was in the house told her (i overheard the conversation) if your not giving him it some other female will be
any time i try and have a fumble with her its stop pawing me
it was her 50th last yr we went away for the weekend and nothing happened i thought about coming home early from our weekend away she made it so obvious that sex wasnt going to happen
its my 50th this yr and she is talking about taking me away ive told her to save her money might as well sleep in my bed instead of paying a hotel a few hundred pounds for a couple of sleeps
i actually said to her that the inside of the fridge is warmer than her
she gets into bed and hugs the edge of the bed and when i try and reach round to try and cop a feel she makes it so obvious that she doesnt want sex
ive seen a few girls in the last 5 yrs was really nervous the first time but gradually got into it met one girl a few times
i always treat myself just after pay day
That's a sad story. You do right treating yourself. As has been said so many times - enjoy life we only get one go at it

Offline flintstone

Really enjoying this thread.  I'm in the married not enough sex camp.  I think I still have good relationship with OH, just different sex drive.   Sex a bit more routine now but enjoyable and at least we know how to push each other's buttons.   Sex with OH about every 3 weeks on average and I thought it was bad until I read the stories from some of you guys.   

I've done affair before, not going down that road again the emotional attachment is too much.  The transaction with WG is much better IMHO plus other benefits.

Don't know if it is being frustrated at sex or mid-life crisis but started feeling a bit of resentment of not experiencing this and that in life... I also had a small fantasy for simply being able to tick off that I had been with a WG.  Then light bulb moment, I'm going to tick off all the other things too, e.g. threesome (still on list to do).   Thanks to the internet in general, AW is like ebay for WGs and this site is hotukdeals.  I salute the experienced punters that guide the new guys through this with advice and reviews.

It is quite handy that I also get time away with work, hoping they send me to EE at some point,  :D

Also thought punting was more of young guys game so good to hear stories for older gents.  I'm early 40s myself.


  • Guest
after we got married and daughter came along sex was on a downward spiral it seemed to be i was always asking but got the usual excuses (and some wierd ones too) after being told when i want sex i will tell you , i stopped pestering (her words) for it and waited and waited
5yrs and she's not made a move . even her friends one night she was in the house told her (i overheard the conversation) if your not giving him it some other female will be
any time i try and have a fumble with her its stop pawing me
it was her 50th last yr we went away for the weekend and nothing happened i thought about coming home early from our weekend away she made it so obvious that sex wasnt going to happen
its my 50th this yr and she is talking about taking me away ive told her to save her money might as well sleep in my bed instead of paying a hotel a few hundred pounds for a couple of sleeps
i actually said to her that the inside of the fridge is warmer than her
she gets into bed and hugs the edge of the bed and when i try and reach round to try and cop a feel she makes it so obvious that she doesnt want sex
ive seen a few girls in the last 5 yrs was really nervous the first time but gradually got into it met one girl a few times
i always treat myself just after pay day

It is uncanny how similar that is to my life. The only differences are age and that I have got sex about 2 or 3 times in the same time period. It was very reluctantly provided and I wasn't allowed to 'touch anything'.

Offline epoch1

I have just turned 40, been married for 5 years and I'd guess that my wife and I have had sex 6-7 times since getting married.  There was no sex on our wedding night or honeymoon.  It's been a year and half now with no action and I am absolutely desperate for a shag.  I really don't want to cheat as it were with a WG but I feel so frustrated and it's very hard to resist - you only live once and I want to enjoy sex while I can. 

When it did happen, sex with my wife was so boring, she doesn't do oral or like reverse oral and I got fed up of having to ask for it, one of the last times we did it she said I'll just lie here and you can do whatever you want, I just thought sod this there's got to be more to life.  We don't have kids as she doesn't want them and I do care for my wife but it's a painful existence.  It's helpful to know that there are a lot of other guys in similar situations.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 10:04:44 am by epoch1 »

Offline MrMatrix

I have just turned 40, been married for 5 years and I'd guess that my wife and I have had sex 6-7 times since getting married.  There was no sex on our wedding night or honeymoon.  It's been a year and half now with no action and I am absolutely desperate for a shag.  I really don't want to cheat as it were with a WG but I feel so frustrated and it's very hard to resist - you only live once and I want to enjoy sex while I can. 

When it did happen, sex with my wife was so boring, she doesn't do oral or like reverse oral and I got fed up of having to ask for it, one of the last times we did it she said I'll just lie here and you can do whatever you want, I just thought sod this there's got to be more to life.  We don't have kids as she doesn't want them and I do care for my wife but it's a painful existence.  It's helpful to know that there are a lot of other guys in similar situations.
Epoch. Some one needs counselling mate. This stalemate WILL break things up. It WILL only get worse with the guilt, anger etc. I've got the T Shirt and I don't want to see any one wear it. As you have no children there are 2 choices either threaten to leave and split up or counselling. But don't do nothing. You've taken the first step by joining us.
Where do you think your relationship will be in 5 years.......if you're not happy with that scenario then do something cos the OH won't. You cant buy happiness or peace of mind. BUT young pussy does take your mind off things for an hour or two.
Personally I'd rather be in a healthy sexual relationship. Best of luck mate. :hi:


  • Guest
I haven't read all 4 pages but I am not in this category.
 I am married and have had no sex with OH for 10 years.
I have been punting for 9 years.
The first year I wanked.


  • Guest
I haven't read all 4 pages but I am not in this category.
 I am married and have had no sex with OH for 10 years.
I have been punting for 9 years.
The first year I wanked.
No sex at all with OH
Why do you stay with her?


  • Guest
Because marriage is a lot more than sex pal. If there is no sex find a prossie. Simples. It took me a year to work that one out.


  • Guest
Because marriage is a lot more than sex pal. If there is no sex find a prossie. Simples. It took me a year to work that one out.
It's not as simple as that for me, it's a mind fuck; the misses not wanting me.


  • Guest
Interestingly, having rediscovered my Game, I have had a little hiatus from punting in favour of banging married / recently divorced women.  You know the reason they ended their marriage / play away?

No sex with OH.   :dash:   :D

Offline MrMatrix

+1 Tallboy- its a mind fuck alright. What Monsignor doesn't say is how old he is and how long hes been married I also think age is a factor and children. I wouldn't leave whilst i had children and now at my age I punt.
If I had no children and there was no sex, I'd tell her that I want out and its up to her to change if she wants to keep our relationship. otherwise that would be it. :hi:


  • Guest
It's not as simple as that for me, it's a mind fuck; the misses not wanting me.

Same first sex went, then affection, then respect. Hence now moving from punting to affairs as sex doesn't cover it for me any more.  Much bigger risk of a blowup, but you're a long time dead.

Offline Marmalade

One guy i knew who ran a nightclub told all the wee civvie chicks he banged that he was married so they didn't bug him for relationships. If his wife challenged he just said they were little cunts trying to blackmail him.

Offline AgedCases

I'm a divorcee but I must admit I wouldn't have started punting while married. I'd have found the deceit too stressful.

Not being in a relationship is bliss. I need not please others and can fuck a lass young enough to be my daughter whenever my wallet permits.


  • Guest
I have just turned 40, been married for 5 years and I'd guess that my wife and I have had sex 6-7 times since getting married.  There was no sex on our wedding night or honeymoon.  It's been a year and half now with no action and I am absolutely desperate for a shag.  I really don't want to cheat as it were with a WG but I feel so frustrated and it's very hard to resist - you only live once and I want to enjoy sex while I can. 

When it did happen, sex with my wife was so boring, she doesn't do oral or like reverse oral and I got fed up of having to ask for it, one of the last times we did it she said I'll just lie here and you can do whatever you want, I just thought sod this there's got to be more to life.  We don't have kids as she doesn't want them and I do care for my wife but it's a painful existence.  It's helpful to know that there are a lot of other guys in similar situations.
If you haven't had sex with her since marriage, you can get it annulled.

Also - how the hell is it cheating if you're not shagging her? She's not holding up her end of the bargain!  Marriage is meant to be about meeting one another's needs, not signing up for celibacy.

Offline tantric talents

I have just turned 40, been married for 5 years and I'd guess that my wife and I have had sex 6-7 times since getting married.  There was no sex on our wedding night or honeymoon.
No sex, no kids - no problem!
Not healthy for mind body or soul. Life really is too short. Many of us here have been there and done that.
It's always painful but you will get over it and then probably wished you had jumped ship sooner.
You still love her, like her? No reason why after its all cooled down you can't still see her as a friend if you want to.  :hi:


  • Guest
There are some really sad situations being posted on here. I have found that I resent the fact that I have been driven to seeing prostitutes and although I feel I shouldn't, I hold my OH responsible in part. Now I've started seeing them and tasted the blood, I'm at a point of no return. Its addictive, as even when my OH does have sex with me, she doesn't ride me cowgirl like a size 8 25yo can, oh no, I saw English-Leah yesterday and 'Oh my days' did her arse look nice whilst I was fucking her doggy. Petite little thing with the firmest body. Only 28!
Now I lay in bed with my misses next to me, she's reading her book, I'd love to shag her doggy but I don't think she wants to😡😝
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 09:21:58 pm by Tallboy2 »

Offline yorkie

My Mrs has fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome. Partly due to that and partly due to her just not looking after herself she has gone from a size 12 to a size 28 in three years. Anything close to sex is painful for her. I just see her as a fat woman who I don't want to physically hurt. That's mostly why I went back to punting. Safer than an affair and it's strictly business. Why haven't I left? I love her as my best friend and just couldn't bring myself to. And the mortgage...
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 10:26:10 pm by yorkie »