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Author Topic: Im married, I get limited sex so I see prostitutes, are there many like me here?  (Read 7483 times)


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Just wondered if the majority of blokes on here see WGs and get some sex at home. This is my situation: the good lady is not really bothered about sex but she does do it for me perhaps once every 1.5 weeks. She does have some woman's problems below but I think it's an excuse sometimes. She doesn't get turned on and encourages me to cum quickly. We do love each other but I'm left frustrated, this has been going on far too long and so 3 months ago I started seeing prostitutes and I'm in heaven for an hour or two. It's addictive and expensive, I feel guilty more for spending all the money rather than being unfaithful.
Sometimes I wish I'd never started this, but I don't want to leave her.
Are there many like me here?


  • Guest
Hundreds, I get 0 at home so after some 8 years of being the loyal husband , I hit 50 and thought is this it , never in my life to have sex again ? Fuck that,  A year on I'm happily shagging a couple of mid 20 somethings regularly,  have had a ffm  and a couple of mmf meets planing more  ffm's , thay've the bollox, touring girl next, I don't feel guilty, I'm going to dye in a few years and these memories have been the best sexual memories I have ever had, I'm down the gym , so to keep up with these girls, have lost waight and much fitter etc so it's all good, enjoy it, all my mates would  kill to do half I'm doing now, society will frown but I could't give a shit now .


  • Guest
That's the thing- you get to fuck a 20 something YO and well wow it's quite amazing as I thought those days were long gone


  • Guest
Are there many like me here?

Loads I should think.

I went through a period of being quite addicted in not dissimilar circumstances, and to be frank I enjoyed it immensely. Fucking a prostitute is one of the best experiences you can have in life - when it goes well. Although there are a high percentage that are a nightmare. Set yourself a budget and try to keep to it, and be very selective. Whatever happens it is extremely doubtful that you will stop now, so you need to manage it properly.

Offline RedKettle

lots of us - you will find quite a few threads on it


  • Guest
I think from my own experience be discreet and careful get over the guilt you have one life and time will not stand still if you get some pleasure and couple of hours away from the humdrum of daily routine grab it with both hands and enjoy if you don't punt you'll just have loads regrets and miss out on something good so good on yer go for it and enjoy  :yahoo:

Offline Nagilum

Just wondered if the majority of blokes on here see WGs and get some sex at home. This is my situation: the good lady is not really bothered about sex but she does do it for me perhaps once every 1.5 weeks. She does have some woman's problems below but I think it's an excuse sometimes. She doesn't get turned on and encourages me to cum quickly. We do love each other but I'm left frustrated, this has been going on far too long and so 3 months ago I started seeing prostitutes and I'm in heaven for an hour or two. It's addictive and expensive, I feel guilty more for spending all the money rather than being unfaithful.
Sometimes I wish I'd never started this, but I don't want to leave her.
Are there many like me here?

Indeed, and when women do this it should come as no surprise that their husbands are punting.  I have friends whose wives hold sex over them like its a prize or accolade to be won.

It certainly is addictive and expensive, luckily you have some release at least twice a month to save some dosh


  • Guest
Good thread, but I'll just add;

I'm single, I get limited sex so I see prostitutes, are there many like me here?

This punting affliction doesn't just affect you married blokes  ;)

Between my dogs and caring for a disabled relative I hardly have time to be pissed about by civvy girls.

At least with a punt, sex is a sure thing  :dance:


  • Guest
Loads. Please read the threads with advice about covering your tracks and not getting caught

Offline Jamboney

I've often wondered what the ratio between married & single punters is. I'd imagine it would lean heavily towards the married side.

Offline Nagilum

WG's prefer married punters because their time keeping is spot on, I guess it has to be!


  • Guest
Good thread, but I'll just add;

I'm single, I get limited sex so I see prostitutes, are there many like me here?

This punting affliction doesn't just affect you married blokes  ;)

Between my dogs and caring for a disabled relative I hardly have time to be pissed abounglent by civvy girls.

At least with a punt, sex is a sure thing  :dance:
I started when I was single just for something different and yes its a guaranteed fuck couldn't agree more about civvies but once your into punting its too good to give up now I'm too old and devious to give up just very careful.

Offline SJ772

It seems a common thread here that many are in your situation, although every 1.5 weeks seems a lot better than many so you're not doing bad. Personally, I don't punt through lack of sex, just lack of variety and the desire to fuck beautiful 20-somethings at my age.

Offline pewpewpew

My girlfriend is a hot early twenty year old. Gives me sex every 2 weeks or so and the occasional bj. Still punt sometimes for the variety i guess

Offline purple_t

Good thread, but I'll just add;

I'm single, I get limited sex so I see prostitutes, are there many like me here?

This punting affliction doesn't just affect you married blokes  ;)

Between my dogs and caring for a disabled relative I hardly have time to be pissed about by civvy girls.

At least with a punt, sex is a sure thing  :dance:

Yep I'm in this boat too.
Work full-time, care for an unwell relative, exercise regularly and have non-punting related hobbies, oh and I try and see friends at the weekend.
So when it comes to women, I can try and go out and meet someone, talk the usual bollocks etc and spend time / money impressing them in the hope of having sex, which nine times out of ten doesn't happen, and when it does, she doesn't know really know what she's doing or doesn't want to do certain activities...
Or I can find a much better looking girl, schedule a meet with her around everything else I do and have a guaranteed (usually good) shag, and then leave.
Easy choice really!


  • Guest

It certainly is addictive and expensive, luckily you have some release at least twice a month to save some dosh

Yes but even after the sex with my wife I'm still frustrated a lot of the time as it seems it's just another household chore for her, thing is shes the one I want sex with more than any other but she just isn't into it!
I want to tell her ' look all this money, I could be spending it on you'
An impossible situation


  • Guest
Yes but even after the sex with my wife I'm still frustrated a lot of the time as it seems it's just another household chore for her, thing is shes the one I want sex with more than any other but she just isn't into it!
I want to tell her ' look all this money, I could be spending it on you'
An impossible situation

That's my situation too tallboy. I would much rather have sex with my wife than some prossie, but she is interested about once every few months whereas I would like to fuck her every night, but would settle for once a week.
I've tried talking about it to her but it usually turns into an argument so I'm at the stage where I'm like "fuck it" I need to look after myself.
If  I ever get found out I will tell her this.


  • Guest
Just wondered if the majority of blokes on here see WGs and get some sex at home. This is my situation: the good lady is not really bothered about sex but she does do it for me perhaps once every 1.5 weeks. She does have some woman's problems below but I think it's an excuse sometimes. She doesn't get turned on and encourages me to cum quickly. We do love each other but I'm left frustrated, this has been going on far too long and so 3 months ago I started seeing prostitutes and I'm in heaven for an hour or two. It's addictive and expensive, I feel guilty more for spending all the money rather than being unfaithful.
Sometimes I wish I'd never started this, but I don't want to leave her.
Are there many like me here?

If I was getting it that often, I wouldn't punt!


  • Guest

If  I ever get found out I will tell her this.
If I ever got found out I would be dead and divorced in an instant


  • Guest
Most of us? :unknown:
Let me ask you a question though. If your wife's sex drive returned and she made sex available to you every night from now until you die - would you quit punting for good?

It's a question only you can answer but my personal response would be that I doubt I could quit now that I've gotten the punting habit.

Furthermore, for some punters the, "I don't get enough sex at home" reasoning might just become their own way of covering up guilt. They might not even realise they're doing this. Again I can't speak for others but deep down I know that I shouldn't really be a punter as I'm married. And I don't judge others like Quesadilla used to do. I can only judge myself. I have to stop blaming my wife for my being a punter and just accept my own decisions and try to live with the guilt.


  • Guest
I've often wondered what the ratio between married & single punters is. I'd imagine it would lean heavily towards the married side.

I've often wondered that too.
I was listening to a debate on BBC radio about whether prostitution should be made legal because it would allow disabled men to have sex. I was like WTF, surely its a small percentage of punters who are disabled and the majority are married but no mention of the married ones  :dash:

Online webpunter

I have friends whose wives hold sex over them like its a prize or accolade to be won.
The key thing for blokes faced with this, who also punt, is to keep up the chase for the prize.  Well the pretence of doing so.  Otherwise the more intelligent OHs may figure & start thinking why
Funny when you write 'prize / accolade' as looking at some of my mates wives then if i was them then i'd rather knock one out than make all the effort for not a lot in return.  More their awful attitude than lack of looks


  • Guest

Being honest with myself and indeed you all I punt because like most on here get limited amounts at home, but most of all where can a 50 plus year old have good sex with a good looking 20 year old Girl ?

Offline itk

Yes but even after the sex with my wife I'm still frustrated a lot of the time as it seems it's just another household chore for her, thing is shes the one I want sex with more than any other but she just isn't into it!

Exactly the same situation as myself, so I got fed with asking and when getting it, it was same old shite, me spending time down on her to make her cum, then it was a crap bj for a minute then the same one position every time. It just got to the point when I thought, what's the point?
I will add though, I'd been seeing WG's way before I met her, I'd just eased up in the first few years we were together, but it's the only opportunity I'm going to get to fuck a fit 20 y.o. I feel zero guilt, as if the sex was like it was when we first got together, including swinging which she enjoyed I wouldn't be punting. (Possibly  :D)


  • Guest
This is the main reason Harriet Harman wanted the Nordic model so women are not victimised when they refuse their husbands their love so the husbands find relief elsewhere. Feminist agenda for more female control.

Should you punt if married and not getting sex? Of course as a last alternative. Ex girlfriend refused sex for one week and i got rid of her and went to punting.

Offline waspuser

The sex at home is totally different from seeing a WG! You expect and get what you asked and pay for from a WG in all its glory.... I prefer  a more mature girl, as my daughters are 30's and 40's. So don't like seeing 20's working girls.


  • Guest
Most of us? :unknown:
Let me ask you a question though. If your wife's sex drive returned and she made sex available to you every night from now until you die - would you quit punting for good?

It's a question only you can answer but my personal response would be that I doubt I could quit now that I've gotten the punting habit.

Furthermore, for some punters the, "I don't get enough sex at home" reasoning might just become their own way of covering up guilt. They might not even realise they're doing this. Again I can't speak for others but deep down I know that I shouldn't really be a punter as I'm married. And I don't judge others like Quesadilla used to do. I can only judge myself. I have to stop blaming my wife for my being a punter and just accept my own decisions and try to live with the guilt.
If her sex drive returned I would love that and the visits to the WGs would reduce dramatically, I'm not sure they would stop altogether.
I don't blame my wife, I feel sorry for her she deserves a better husband than me . I love her but I love sex too. I can't live without good sex.


  • Guest
Ex girlfriend refused sex for one week and i got rid of her and went to punting.

Patience Ben!


  • Guest
Single and punting here.

For a guy fucking is like breathing. You keep producing sperm and you want to dump it somewhere all the time. If we could switch sexes for a month I think women would understand it a lot better and we would understand them. People have hard time putting down sweets or not drinking coffee. Sex is far more tempting, it's wired in to you and it's an automatic desire. Feeling guilty for having sex is like feeling guilty for being thirsty.

If your wife doesn't get in to it and sex is not that great feeling frustrated seems logical. If you visit a prostitute and everything happens (sex, OWO) but it's bad, you leave a negative review and never comeback. From what you're all saying it seems a lot of wives would get a negative and you can't feel guilty for that. So you all look for better elsewhere.

I'm single and this logic might be very flawed through lack of married life experience so don't be to harsh :) Trying my best here.


  • Guest
I've often wondered what the ratio between married & single punters is. I'd imagine it would lean heavily towards the married side.

Just thinking the same :thumbsup:

Offline regular_guy

if i get it every 1.5 weeks i'd virtually give up punting.  I get it about every 6-8 weeks and to be fair it's pretty good with Mrs RG.  I never feel guilty when i punt,  it's not an emotional thing,  simply a transaction.

Offline Thepacifist

Good thread, but I'll just add;

I'm single, I get limited sex so I see prostitutes, are there many like me here?

This punting affliction doesn't just affect you married blokes  ;)

Between my dogs and caring for a disabled relative I hardly have time to be pissed about by civvy girls.

At least with a punt, sex is a sure thing  :dance:

I'm single. I get no sex, so I see prostitutes. I hate being rejected, have been so many times now that I refuse to put myself out there anymore.  I don't want a relationship or children, mainly because I think they'll leave me like my ex did. Then they'll have control over my money ie: child support, divorce etc. I don't make much money so I'm very protective of myself.

Offline Weathersmo

Of course , most of us are in the same boat , bored at home a easy release punting with sure fire sex with lovely girls


  • Guest
WG's prefer married punters because their time keeping is spot on, I guess it has to be!

Never been married never been late,m imagine its prossie bullshit to make you married guys feel good !

Never had a WG say to me I wish you were married you would be so much better.

 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline dc0582

It (should be) more discrete and less risky than having an affair and probably cheaper too for the most part. Assuming you don't get caught of course!

Offline Lister

as one of the married brigade, I also punt because the OH has a much lower sex drive than me. It was not too bad in my youth when we had sex once or twice a week and I could crack one out myself in the days in between, but since hitting the menopause it has reduced down to once every 2 weeks or so.

Not too bad I hear you say, but it feels a bit like she is doing me a favour rather than a mutual experience. She has always been extremely vanilla in her tastes - no oral either way for instance - but now we have no foreplay at all. she almost never touches me and I am only allowed a quick fondle before she grabs me and hauls me on top! everything is always in the dark in bed so no visuals either. I punt because I get to have great foreplay, oral both ways and with a great looking girl. Fills in the blanks as it were.

even so I would much rather do the same with the OH if she were willing.


  • Guest
Never been married never been late,m imagine its prossie bullshit to make you married guys feel good !

Never had a WG say to me I wish you were married you would be so much better.

 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

+1 What  VW said  :D

Offline escortman

Good thread

I get it twice a week and its so boring the same old regular regular.

I dont want a GFE when seeing a wg.. I like girls of all shapes sizes, squirters and girls with a little imagination.


  • Guest
I'm single for a few years and started punting just thinking I would get some exciting easy sex in between relationships. Now I don't see myself ever stopping whether in a relationship or not, or if that relationship is giving me regular sex or not. The variety of women and activities punting allows can't be matched by the lackluster blowjob and a bit of a hump that constitutes most real world sex (if you're lucky!).

 Even in a fantasy where I could find and get a relationship with a 20yo, size 8, 32DD, who I had any personality compatibilty with to let me do anal and cum on her face etc etc, I'd probably still want to see a WG every now and again just for a different skin colour or something.

Offline dkn

she does do it for me perhaps once every 1.5 weeks.
Sheer bloody luxury!

Like others, it's more like 4-12 weeks for me.  Worse still, it's all a bit one way - never had oral from her in over 20 years, despite it happening frequently the other way.  Always with the lights out, no dressing up, no toys, nothing that isn't pretty vanilla.

That's why I punt - keeps me sane...

Offline rockharders

I get sex on tap at home and I punt quite regularly so I get the best of both worlds. It keeps me sane and eliminates my need to chase women.

I couldn't contemplate a life of boning just WGs because it's no substitute for being with a woman who loves you. Seeing nothing but WGs must be a pretty lonely and empty existence.

Punting is far less risky than having an affair or a secret second.

Any married dude having an affair must have some fear of a jilted mistress coming knocking at the door he's at home with wife and the kids.

Offline MrMatrix

Sheer bloody luxury!

Like others, it's more like 4-12 weeks for me.  Worse still, it's all a bit one way - never had oral from her in over 20 years, despite it happening frequently the other way.  Always with the lights out, no dressing up, no toys, nothing that isn't pretty vanilla.

That's why I punt - keeps me sane...
O thats more frequently than me, not even once a year. And yes OP i still feel bad as my OH does love me just not enough to have sex. Fed up of her lies , excuses etc, I was left with no choice but to punt. Expensive yes, its been and still is an amazing journey. Hopefully off to see a 22 year old tomorrow same one as last week. love it.....


  • Guest
Seeing nothing but WGs must be a pretty lonely and empty existence.


Ain't that the truth  :(

It's no wonder that some of us occasionally get the EAS pangs when we find one we really like  :unknown:

That's why it pays to remember;

Although they may provide an excellent "service", the mean, nasty, cruel, heartless bitches only want our cash  :sarcastic:

Yes; I've learnt that the hard way!

« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 10:26:14 pm by DoberManic »

Offline escortman

I get sex on tap at home and I punt quite regularly so I get the best of both worlds. It keeps me sane and eliminates my need to chase women.

I couldn't contemplate a life of boning just WGs because it's no substitute for being with a woman who loves you. Seeing nothing but WGs must be a pretty lonely and empty existence.

Punting is far less risky than having an affair or a secret second.

Any married dude having an affair must have some fear of a jilted mistress coming knocking at the door he's at home with wife and the kids.

what excuses do you get 4-12 weeks ?

I am pissed off twice a week i wont discuss it because it seems like i want pity sex

 its only because i cant be bothered to find a mistress.


  • Guest
I've been married for 7 years I have 2 small children I've started seeing wgs and going to Thai
Massage places for the last couple of years mainly because sex with my wife is boring
We go through the same routine every time, but what I would like to ask you guys is do you worry about stds I just stick to hr and covered oral I would like to go further but if I cought something and gave it to my wife it would be the end of my marriage and I couldn't bare not seeing my kids every day what's your thoughts

Offline Nagilum

Never been married never been late,m imagine its prossie bullshit to make you married guys feel good !

Never had a WG say to me I wish you were married you would be so much better.

 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Not married  ;) I don't fancy contracting that deadly virus called one-gina.  Thank you Russel Peters for that gem  :lol:

I'm the same, punctuality is spot on and I demand it in return.

Offline Nagilum

I've been married for 7 years I have 2 small children I've started seeing wgs and going to Thai
Massage places for the last couple of years mainly because sex with my wife is boring
We go through the same routine every time, but what I would like to ask you guys is do you worry about stds I just stick to hr and covered oral I would like to go further but if I cought something and gave it to my wife it would be the end of my marriage and I couldn't bare not seeing my kids every day what's your thoughts

many threads on this already
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 11:19:30 pm by Nagilum »

Offline MrMatrix

I've been married for 7 years I have 2 small children I've started seeing wgs and going to Thai
Massage places for the last couple of years mainly because sex with my wife is boring
We go through the same routine every time, but what I would like to ask you guys is do you worry about stds I just stick to hr and covered oral I would like to go further but if I cought something and gave it to my wife it would be the end of my marriage and I couldn't bare not seeing my kids every day what's your thoughts
No matter which way you dress this up you are taking a chance, eventually you will go the full distance. I was in your shoes 20 years ago. Risking the family was non negotiable for me. Kids have now gone, I'm free to do what i want at the moment. Punting was never on my radar and whilst i enjoy it I wish things were better sex wise between me and the OH. Can't trade back in my case, much too late.

It would be better to get your sex life back on track rather than risk the family. There's a book called "she comes first" or "she cums first" cant remember who its by (could probably find out), but this could revitalise the OH's interest as its all about pressing her buttons. She will then be more interested pressing yours as well. Got to be worth a try. You have another 15 years with your family minimum, don't let the resentment build up. I don't want you to feel the way I do- its of luck :hi:


  • Guest
Hindsight is a wounder full thing, I dispised  my o h for not wanting sex, for years , well , we're in early 50's , I'm no Brad Pitt but have lost waight and eat healthy and go to the gym, the o h, was a stunner, 30 odd years ago, mother hood ( 2 ) and various medical problems plus about 4 / 5 stone ( and I don't do fat on my chosen wimin ) and I'm fucking chuffed she shuns me now as I'm shagging similar or better looking girls to the wife, some 35 years on, who I must add do things she never would do.  So , even if she was up for it now , quess who would be doing the shunning .

Offline MrMatrix

Hindsight is a wounder full thing, I dispised  my o h for not wanting sex, for years , well , we're in early 50's , ............... I'm fucking chuffed she shuns me now as I'm shagging similar or better looking girls to the wife, some 35 years on, who I must add do things she never would do.  So , even if she was up for it now , quess who would be doing the shunning .
+1  But I wish i hadn't been reject by the OH the way I have- it hurts even now when i think about it. Not what i signed up for :dash: