Sugar Babies

Author Topic: AdultWork "member no longer active"  (Read 1793 times)


  • Guest
Does anybody know how your profile on AW can become so, without your actually doing anything to make it so? It happened to mine, only noticed it when looking at a reg's profile where I'd left feedback a few months ago. I found out how to reactivate it. Is there a "time out" if you don't use it?



I had to reactivate mine a few days ago. I got an email saying that because I had been inactive for 2 months they were having a clean up.

Just go to the login page and you will find a link saying activate me.

Offline blackburnian

AW seem to be culling a lot of old profiles in the last few weeks - certainly from the offering services side , I have a hotlist of girls I have already seen over the years ,a fair number have retired and another for girls who caught my eye but then hadn't logged in for a while, about a quarter of the profiles in the first hotlist and well over 70% of the second have been deleted since December  - I cannot see that it is the girls themselves doing this as some of the profiles had not been logged in for 2+ years , ones that are part of a group seem to be unaffected.

Don't know if this is the case with punters though.


Offline Roth

I think it times out if you not logged in for a while. Maybe 3 months or so.  I think there is a help section on AW that tells you how to get it back. :unknown:

Offline redmist81

When your email inbox is full an you get a aw message the notification e mail can not be sent

Empty your e mail in box then go on aw try to log in a click send verification e mail

Offline Horizontal pleasures

When your email inbox is full an you get a aw message the notification e mail can not be sent

Empty your e mail in box then go on aw try to log in a click send verification e mail

Empty your e mail in box

copy the phone numbers and postcodes first!

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Does anybody know how your profile on AW can become so, without your actually doing anything to make it so? It happened to mine, only noticed it when looking at a reg's profile where I'd left feedback a few months ago. I found out how to reactivate it. Is there a "time out" if you don't use it?


This is terrible when it happens after you have made an appointment with a lady but before you actually met and the profile vanishes. This has happened to me more than once, even last week.