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Author Topic: A guide on how to cure erection problems in punting  (Read 57432 times)


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(Warning long post)

A member recently sent me a PM thanking me for information on how to maintain a erection during sex and that it worked for them. This makes me happy as I am glad that I helped someone. I do not claim to be any kind of guru or medically educated I can only say what worked for me.
I was definetly a stubborn case. I just wanted to write a quick guide and invite others who have been in the same situation in the past to say what worked for them. I originally had a back story to tell but decided to skip it as to not bore anyone..

Porn - If you're having erection problems quit porn for good. When you masturbate to porn it trains your mind to need a certain amount of stimulation. Remember when you could wank to only images in your head? Same thing. Porn increases the stimulation we need. I bet when you picked up your first porn magazine it was a game changer right? Same thing for video porn. However our sensitivity can decrease even more. I bet when you first picked up internet porn you could wank to any video and nowadays it takes you a while to find that 'video' which gets you off. I bet you're into some really niche fetishes. This is what happens.. not only can our sensitivity decrease but it can decrease even further with video porn. It will take longer and longer to find that special video.. Just look at Ted Bundy. In a interview he stated that this stimulation reliance was so far he became turned on by violent porn. Over time even porn was not enough stimulation he needed to do it for real. Not saying porn will turn you into Ted Bundy but to decrease your stimulation reliance you need to quit porn for good for starters. Not saying you cannot watch it ever again but for the time being log out of redtube and put mr floppy away.
Masturbation/death grip - Masturbation can decrease our sensitivity. This is why people say the first fuck feels rubbish. It is because as young teens we had a high sensation reliance and a pussy doesn't feel like the tight grip of our hand. The opposite to this is a guy with too high of a sensitivity. He will cum just with a brush of a girls hand. His sensitivity is too high. Quit masturbation for 3 weeks as well. No edging and no touching. What this does is re-wire your brain to get turned on to real women again. After a few months you might experience a flat line. This is basically a period where you lose your sex drive. This happens because I believe your mind is just confused. It has lost its ability to get turned on by porn and lost its ability to get turned on by women so it experiences a complete hibernation. Over time you will get your sex drive back as the mind becomes re-tuned and gets turned on by real women again. Results vary. Those who started internet porn earlier in life will experience a longer flat line. Time periods have been noticed as 1-2 months to 6 months and the longest I have seen is 2 years.

Death grip - This can decrease our sensitivity as well. Basically this is when you wank your cock at a force which is much tighter and firmer than a vagina. You train your mind to need more stimulation than a vagina can provide. So quit the death grip. If you need to masturbate quit porn/wanking for 3 weeks and you can only use two light fingers. If you can't cum on the first session wait another week and try again. Eventually you will be able to cum and it will feel as good as you did it with a whole hand watching your favourite niche porn.

So as a summary if you're having erection problems do this

- Quit internet porn and wanking for at least three weeks.
- When you masturbate you can only do it with two fingers and using your own mind. There will be no porntube present when you're fucking a girl only your own mind and vision. If you cannot cum using two fingers wait another week and try again.

 When you have decreased your sensitivity try and have sex again. I promise it will be the best sex you have ever had! Basically you want sex to be the hardest/tightest sensation reliance that you can get. No more wanking hard and just use fingers. Sex needs to be the tightest most firmest sensations your penis gets. Only then will it stay hard. All without using viagra and any other not neccessary herbal essences!

This is what cured me of a 7 year erection problem in punting. Hope that it cures someone else too!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 09:57:50 pm by Ben4454 »

Online Trenlover

abstention always brings back cock sensitivity and libido but abstention is really hard even 24 hrs without knocking one out can be a challenge,

recently I got a bit frustrated lack of performance in a punt and went 4 days without a wank, jesus that was hard but that was all that was needed to fully return libido and penis sensitivity./


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abstention always brings back cock sensitivity and libido but abstention is really hard even 24 hrs without knocking one out can be a challenge,

recently I got a bit frustrated lack of performance in a punt and went 4 days without a wank, jesus that was hard but that was all that was needed to fully return libido and penis sensitivity./

Of course! My case was extremely stubborn. With a lot of people just going without wanking for a week will be enough. Although when you have experienced erection issues for 7-8 years it really was hard-wired into my mind. Glad that worked for you!

Offline Sonny Crockett

I also feel that eating certain things to help your sex drive helps, on top of not watching porn and going 4 or 5 days without masturbating. I did that for one punt I had in September 2015. I must say that I was totally sensitive when my cock went in the WG's pussy that I came within a few minutes. That is something that didn't happen to me in a punt for a long time.

Of course going a few days without watching porn and masturbating is easier said than done.

Offline MintRoyale

Great post! Although this topic comes and goes frequently, this one seems quite concise

Offline Nagilum

Most of it is psychological. If you think you won't perform, then you won't.

Interesting tips though.

Online Trenlover

Most of it is psychological. If you think you won't perform, then you won't.

Interesting tips though.

i think its more physical and hormonal. orgasms release prolactin and oxytocin and other hormones which sexually satiate you. its same with food, carbs/fats/proteins release hormones from the intestine which satiate you and remove appetite.

best way to enjoy food is to not eat any for awhile so appetite upregulates

same with sex, abstain from wanking a few days and sexual appetite will be re-stored.

as other guy said 4 days of no wanking and my cock is so sensitive takes only 2-3 mins of pussy before I blow. if ive been wanking alot prior it can take 15-20mins of pussy and i still may not cum


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Thanks for taking the time to write this. My boner problem is psychological in that I must take Viagra on a punt to maintain an erection yet I have no such problems when with my regular partner (and without the Viagra). I think it's the pressure to perform. I.e if my cock doesn't work on a punt then the money is wasted. If the same thing happens at home - who cares?!

I'm not sure whether abstaining from wanking could cure me. What do you think, OP?

Offline cueball

Good post op

I agree with the points made, especially the porn and the death grip


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Yea good post Ben. Im going to try and give this a shot.
I think biggest issue which affects me the most when punting though is the use of condoms which Im not used to in civvy life. Usually owo from the wg brings satisfactory results then the tight condom usually kills it :dash: so its back to oral.

Id love to be able to cum in missionary during a punt but I think for the reasons you've outlined I find it difficult.

A 30+ year habit is not an easy thing to break, although I do find the amount of time spent on this forum is a great distraction from porn and will hopefully help achieve what you did :thumbsup:


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I find i can't masturbate and have a normal orgasm. When i watch porn i need to hold myself back from cumming and really concentrate on giving myself a strong orgasm. I know how my body is tuned and i now know how to give myself a strong enough orgasm, and when i do it leaves me horny throughout the day and the days following.

If i was to have a half hearted orgasm from masturbation, i would feel a bit deflated and my libido would be a lot weaker. Maybe some guys aren't able to give themselves a strong orgasm through masturbation, which in turn leads to a lacking libido. I am sure guys here have higher libidos after they have a fantastic orgasm, right or wrong?

When i have sex, i have to edge for a while and hold back from orgasm and it's sometimes hard to get my girlfriend to do it properly, and if i cum too quick it really bothers me and afterwards i become uninterested in sex entirely. I think it's all about knowing your body and how someone can get you off, or how you get yourself off.

Online Trenlover

Thanks for taking the time to write this. My boner problem is psychological in that I must take Viagra on a punt to maintain an erection yet I have no such problems when with my regular partner (and without the Viagra). I think it's the pressure to perform. I.e if my cock doesn't work on a punt then the money is wasted. If the same thing happens at home - who cares?!

I'm not sure whether abstaining from wanking could cure me. What do you think, OP?

I had this problem aswell, I think this is due to conditioning and expectation/anticipation of reward,    rather like how your taste buds start ringing just before you tuck into your favorite take-away.  Once you learn a certain thing is pleasurable ( sex with your partner ) when you are close to "getting it" in the future, I.E. anticipation you get a huge dopamine rush and I suppose in the context of sex it makes you get rock hard instantly because youve learned and are expecting to get some nice sensations on your cock.

my Ex from a long time ago wasnt particularly attractive, BBW size 18 and after I had had sex with her a few times I found myself getting highly aroused ultra quick whenever we got into bed together and got close to having sex. Meanwhile the sexy WG's I was seeing at the time couldnt do anything for me.

I remember in 2010 I had a super hot young girl bouncing up and down on my lap and I still couldnt get a boner until I rubbed myself off a bit.

Offline dc0582

It's not the first round that's a problem for me, it's the second one within the time allowed. I've even gone soft half way through the past couple of times, although that has been a second meeting scenario both times.  Anyway I reckon it's psychological.

Offline smiths

What will be will be is my way of looking at it. If soft cock central occurs which its does sometimes plenty of other things I can do at a punt. I have no interest in Viagra or similar.


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Thanks for taking the time to write this. My boner problem is psychological in that I must take Viagra on a punt to maintain an erection yet I have no such problems when with my regular partner (and without the Viagra). I think it's the pressure to perform. I.e if my cock doesn't work on a punt then the money is wasted. If the same thing happens at home - who cares?!

I'm not sure whether abstaining from wanking could cure me. What do you think, OP?

Yes it will work. I noticed when I tried this I had real physical results not just psychological advancements. As in my boner was rock solid even when the position/moment wasn't my optimum choice. For the first time I could cum via a girl riding me and missionary. Something I could only achieve in doggy 20% of my punts. Nowadays I can cum in any position and with any type of girl.

Offline fantasticmrfox

The abstinence thing works but it has to be balanced you don't want to stop for too long. I think three weeks would be optimal....although the first few days would be the hardest. No pun intended. This is just a personal observation...I'm not medically qualified or a nutritionist or an advertising agent. But I PERSONALLY find abstaining combined with exercise specifically heavy weight sessions, I'm talking big compound movements (eg squat, bent over rows) has an impact within 10days!!! I'm not a fitness freak but when training hard I usually have a smoothie...recently I've been adding nuts seeds and MACA powder to my shakes and no kidding I've noticed the difference to morning errections since using the MACA. I'm not saying its a miracle cure, I'm not foolish to believe that...but its prob a combination of the exercise and nutrients etc. By the way I wasn't taking maca for reasons associated with down below. It's supposed to help you recover quickly from gym workouts....but it works...for me. I may try abstinence combined with exercise and my maca smoothies!!!!!! Watch out ladies  :bomb:


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It is very difficult to abstain but I found it is easier when you have removed yourself from the gateways. As in not spending too much time on the PC where it will be easy to bring up redtube. I have conditioned my mind in that I can abstain for as long as I want. Although I do not have wet dreams so I find my balls too heavy after the 3 week mark and constantly thinking about sex. So much so that I cannot think or do anything else. The slightest touch to my dick and my body tries to orgasm.

Offline fantasticmrfox

A lot of guys excessively do it as theyrr bored or stressed. So the other lesson in all this is do other things to stimulate the mind and body and seek other avenues to relive stress....I know it easier said than done

Offline uutarn

Excellent advice ben and i couldn't have put it better myself. I personally have a problem with delayed ejaculation not erectile dysfunction, but the same rules apply.

I done all this research about a 2 months ago and i'm choosing the long road; ie - no porn, no wanking but still seeing SP's.
Means that it will take longer to achieve where i want to get to, but i also don't have to go without sexual stimulation and i hate flat-lining.


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I actually find it beneficial to watch porn. If I watch loads and loads of porn, but don't masturbate, just before going to visit a wg, I tend to find I'm rock hard on the way to the punt, rock hard all the way through the punt and I usually get hard again on the way home.  Even if she's ugly and even if she's a bloater.

Offline MintRoyale

Exercise generates testosterone which can keep your hormones in check. Thighs are the biggest muscle the body has so working on them will generate lots of the stuff. Also it'll help during your doggy style :lol:

Offline Donnie69

I've struggled a bit to get erect for the last 3 weeks.  I have still managed full sex and to cum everytime, but it's been much more effort and work.

I think stopping wanking and stopping watching porn is a good idea.
I've also given up booze (2 weeks now so far), as I want to get my libido back.

I'm also trying to diet and exercise more.

Offline Nagilum

Surely the abstinence thing is age related too.  When I was 17 I was like a jack rabbit and wanted it every day, no need for extended recovery.  Now in my 30's I could punt every day, but after about 1 week I become jaded.

The older you become the greater the need for recovery.  I guess its similar to a sport, the older you get the more prone you are to injury and fatigue.  Look at the kids playing at your local park, they can play football for hours without needing to rest. 

Yeah... I went and compared this hobby to sport  :D

Offline MintRoyale

The older you become the greater the need for recovery.  I guess its similar to a sport, the older you get the more prone you are to injury and fatigue.  Look at the kids playing at your local park, they can play football for hours without needing to rest. 

Yeah... I went and compared this hobby to sport  :D

That's a fair comparison. A few years ago I could 2 pop. Now I'm generally 1 pop and I'm bloody nakered after the first round. Leg's tend to get sore and have to finish in mish or cowgirl

Online webpunter

then the tight condom usually kills it
Have mentioned to WG using condoms i've brought.  A good number in a box so they can take their pick.  Skyns XL - problem solved.  Its a fact that baby-oil is not good for latex condoms & if the WG speaks good english then i've said this.  And they're usually fine.  But some NO response.  More likely to succeed with these on 2nd / subsequent visits when some trust built up.  Give them a whirl.  But make sure the OH doesn't find these  :scare:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 10:46:53 pm by webpunter »

Offline Sonny Crockett

Condoms kill punts as far as I'm concerned. They limit performance!!

Offline Nagilum

That's a fair comparison. A few years ago I could 2 pop. Now I'm generally 1 pop and I'm bloody nakered after the first round. Leg's tend to get sore and have to finish in mish or cowgirl

Yep I find myself in a similar position.

I can get two pops with a new girl, but with regulars I struggle.

Offline Nagilum

Condoms kill punts as far as I'm concerned. They limit performance!!

I once heard an expression "it's like eating a mars bar with the wrapper on", but the alternative is much worse!

If only it were safe...

Offline Sonny Crockett

I once heard an expression "it's like eating a mars bar with the wrapper on", but the alternative is much worse!

If only it were safe...

That I agree, which is why I have a frustrating relationship with condoms.

Making sure you stay hard when wearing a condom on a consistent basis when punting, is one of the great challenges, something which I often failed to do. I suppose it depends on how well the punter physically prepares himself pre-meet, and the condom that the WG uses.

Offline Nagilum

That I agree, which is why I have a frustrating relationship with condoms.

Making sure you stay hard when wearing a condom on a consistent basis when punting, is one of the great challenges, something which I often failed to do. I suppose it depends on how well the punter physically prepares himself pre-meet, and the condom that the WG uses.

I get that sometimes, during the second round especially. I find it hard to maintain a hard enough erection and seriously considering some Viagra.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I get that sometimes, during the second round especially. I find it hard to maintain a hard enough erection and seriously considering some Viagra.

I find trying to get hard on the second round really hard work, that is if I ever manage to cum early (a rarity for me these days). I am a one pop guy. I do hate it when WGs put massive pressure on the punter to cum multiple times. I had that once.


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To the punter who said about the psychological side - you're paying so she doesn't care if you perform or not  :thumbsup:

Online threechilliman

I'm going to give this a go as I have difficulty cumming from penetrative sex.

Porn and wanking ban started at the weekend before the OP posted, but for exactly the reasons stated.

So far, so good, although resisting temptation is difficult.

Will let you know how I get on.



  • Guest
I'm going to give this a go as I have difficulty cumming from penetrative sex.

Porn and wanking ban started at the weekend before the OP posted, but for exactly the reasons stated.

So far, so good, although resisting temptation is difficult.

Will let you know how I get on.


I agree! One thing that catches me out is when I click on a Adultwork profile from a review and see she is completely naked in her profile picture. Have to watch out for that one !

Online threechilliman

I agree! One thing that catches me out is when I click on a Adultwork profile from a review and see she is completely naked in her profile picture. Have to watch out for that one !

Fortunately I don't trawl AW very often as there's nothing new to see!

Hands up anyone else that'll give this a go? It would be good for a few of us to try it and see what the consensus is.



  • Guest
Have mentioned to WG using condoms i've brought.  A good number in a box so they can take their pick.  Skyns XL - problem solved.  Its a fact that baby-oil is not good for latex condoms & if the WG speaks good english then i've said this.  And they're usually fine.  But some NO response.  More likely to succeed with these on 2nd / subsequent visits when some trust built up.  Give them a whirl.  But make sure the OH doesn't find these  :scare:

I have actually got something similar to skyns which I'm going to try on my next punt, whenever I get a chance to escape next.
And yea it's another thing to hide.


  • Guest
Fortunately I don't trawl AW very often as there's nothing new to see!

Hands up anyone else that'll give this a go? It would be good for a few of us to try it and see what the consensus is.


Well I'm on day two, so see what happens and how long I last, but more importantly how the next punt goes!
Logging in to you ISP home page and switching your porn filter on might help with spontaneous porn use.

BTW was flicking through the TV channels the other night with the OH and had a slight chuckle to myself when we came across TCM Turner Classic Movies!

Online threechilliman

....had a slight chuckle to myself when we came across TCM Turner Classic Movies!

Yeah, I laughed when we got a TV guide at Christmas and suddenly noticed the TCM channel :scare: I wondered for a moment whether my punts had been secretly filmed and were being relayed to the rest of the world. Not nice after your Xmas pud. In fact, not nice at any time.

I started on Sunday, so four days in. Not watching porn is really quite hard.


Offline tikika

Over the last year I have had major problems with ed, I can get it up but not keep it up for long, I was hoping it would be to do with my testosterone levels but they are good, quite high actually so it seems I have psychological ed, however that happened.

The annoying thing is when I had some problem before I would pop some viagra and be able to go for ages, however I had a major operation end of 2014 and ever since even the bill pill doesn't work anymore for some reason.  Its very frustrating.

I'm getting booked in to see an urologist but I think I'm going to give this a try again, I managed a week without porn before and that was hard work, so just have to persevere and do another 2 weeks on top of that.  :scare:

Offline Rockhead

Great post. I have no trouble getting hard - my problem is that I can't feel anything during sex, and almost inevitably this leads to erection loss and disappointment. Maybe this is the answer. I like the wanking with two fingers idea - it is surely the reliance on a firmer grip that leads to the issues in the first place. Women's parts just aren't designed to do that.

Offline Hungarian Lover

16 years without real sex waiting to see if the other half might change her mind and agree to sex, in the mean time the only sex was that with the PC. Totally agree with what was said in the first post and the lack of desire for a real women. The longest I went without porn was two months and it made a huge difference with the next punt although I didn't last more than five minutes. I'm now on week three without porn and feel better and of a night I've started dreaming again which with excessive porn had stopped occurring. As someone who is knocking on a bit in years I think you have to accept that your erection to not be as good as when you were 18. Anyone used a cock ring on a punt? I've found this a great aid to a strong erection and will try this on my next punt. Good night from Hungary.

Offline Strokemeplease

A cock ring certainly works for me.


  • Guest
Great post. I have no trouble getting hard - my problem is that I can't feel anything during sex, and almost inevitably this leads to erection loss and disappointment. Maybe this is the answer. I like the wanking with two fingers idea - it is surely the reliance on a firmer grip that leads to the issues in the first place. Women's parts just aren't designed to do that.

This sounds like death grip syndrome. Drop the death grip.

Offline S.X. MacHine

Before setting off to a punt, I've always popped a 5mg Cialis; dearer than Viagra, yes, but with no side effects and is longer lasting. I only take this for reassurance since, like a previous contributor, I don't need it when I'm with my regular partner.
On a couple of occasions, I forgot to take the thing and was shagging happily anyway! Remembered mid-shag, but finished fine.
The condom wearing doesn't interfere despite being over sixty (years, not inches), maybe because in my student days it was invariable practise to use one.


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This sounds like death grip syndrome. Drop the death grip.
Hidden Image/Members Only

I don't like to use a death grip when I crack one out. But I've gotten so used to my own technique that it's very difficult for a WG to make me cum by tugging me off (especially if they use a death grip!). If I'm at the end of my paid time and I'm being nagged to cum on a punt I can bring myself off in just a few seconds using my own technique. It's more like a magic grip than a death grip :lol:

Offline Bigus Dickus

I normally bang my knob off the radiator and I am like gherkin building in moments!  :D

Offline PaintBrush

Great lines Ben.

Now I'm + the big 5 0 I may need to try some of this stuff out. Never had a problem but found I need of a bit of a kick go get me going

Offline anonymous1

I do have a problem keeping it up and I do think it's because I've watched too much porn, I try stopping but usually only manage 2 or 3 days but I'm planning to stop for a month and see if there's a difference.


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I think porn and death grip go hand in hand. Consider jerking off in new ways such as a loose sex toy which gets you out of the death grip technique.

Offline uutarn

I do have a problem keeping it up and I do think it's because I've watched too much porn, I try stopping but usually only manage 2 or 3 days but I'm planning to stop for a month and see if there's a difference.
There will be mate, i noticed a difference in 2 weeks.
Give the mofo no attention. You will flat-line then you will get morning wood and higher libido, well thats what happened to me... but i keep relapsing  :(.