Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Any one ended up in a relationship with a wg or even casual sex outside of "work  (Read 24949 times)


  • Guest
There is a bit of that.  Put yourself in a WG's shoes for a minute.  She has to tell lies all the time.  She has to lie during bookings telling customers you're really good or wow, you are handsome.  She has to lie to her family about how she makes a living and is able to afford her lifestyle.  Most of them lie to all but their closest friends about what they really do.  And almost all of them have to lie in civie type situations where they might meet another man.  I'm sure they can get lonely at times.  [note: I'm not feeling sorry for them as they choose their occupation]

Then she meets a guy through a booking and during conversation becomes attracted enough to want to meet outside of work.  The guy already knows that she is an escort so she is able to drop her guard a bit and focus on having fun and just being herself without worrying about letting something slip out that she fucks guys for a living.  Many of them aren't looking for something serious.  They too want to have fun and something to look forward to outside of work.

Focus on the fun bit rather than emotional attachment and you would be surprised at how many WG's really enjoy being with someone where they can just be themselves without any fear of discovery.

Hit it right on the head, and why is the ending so much more dramatic than civvie street, the nutter i dumped in January still emails here thoughts on me every now and then, where as when or if this ends it,s only a block of a number and go get another punt.
The seeking arrangement thing is no different, she is fucking you for payment, and how many other ads has she answered? the fact you end up getting it for free does not make it any different from a wg giving for free with someone she enjoys.
All i can say is i am going to enjoy while it,s good and get out if it goes bad, done that enough on civvie street won,t be any different now. Dust myself down get on with life. I met both the ex wives this week and there is no resentment so i am sure i can deal with a wg getting bored and moving on, the next mission is to take her on a couple punt lol, focus on the fun not the eas is the best way it has been put.

What will i do if she wants to make a serious thing of it and give up the game? no idea never happened before and not my first time.

would i ask her to stop or offer money to help? Never, not my business and as for financial help i will win a game of debt poker, my credit card debt will only get beaten by a big mortgage lol. Without forcing the issue it is clear she is not after money because there ain,t none. picked the wrong one for that.

what will i do if we met another punter out somewhere? would not give a fuck, he ain,t going to come clean in front of his mates/wife/gf/bf . he is going to think i am paying by the hour and giggle inside, i will do the same knowing i am not.

Does her meeting other men for sex bother me.?  not at all, i bet my wives or partners have at some point without my knowledge, been swinging with one often and if you still want to fuck her after several w/e fellas just have while i was there her doing so for work and to pay the bills won,t bother me. You cant call it cheating lol.

Like anything it,s horses for courses, right now this arrangement suits me just fine, that of course could change but after the last civvie street girlfriend turned into a bunny boiler i don,t want to be going there for a while lol. Life is short has been said several times, lose 6 years of it to illness and get given a second go when it is not what you thought or wanted to happen you get a very different prospective of life, and trust me any type of relationship ending won,t bother you.

Offline Sebco

Just before I got married (arranged) I went for a punt in a parlour in Birmingham. I met this lovely English girl. During the punt we clicked, I went on to ask her if she wanted to see me outside this parlour. Anyway I gave her my number, and a few days later she called and we met. She had a daughter but was in a abusive relationship with Muslim guy. Anyway she left him for me, she packed in being a WG. This girl was amazing, never asked for money, everything was perfect. Was ready to cancel my arranged wedding. Anyway her ex was a nut job, he threatened to kill her and her daughter and me. Cut a long story short we had the police involved this was serious. Anyway as I was working long hours she decided to move in with her dad putting her daughters safety first. Weeks turned to months and distance caused us to drift.. in the end we split. I got married and have kids. I’m happy but I know I made the biggest mistake of my life!!! I still punt now because my true happiness and love was with her. Never told anyone this. Ain’t life a bitch!

Online Doc Holliday

Yes and yes to both.

If I’d had a pound for every one of the posts on this topic I have read over the years on various forums …. :)

I am sure it must be a recurring one on UKP also? Boring the pants of established members, but still of great interest to some others and to the newer audience.
Relationships of various kinds and on different levels, can and do develop, but the subject has the tendency to bring out the fantasy (even fabrication) in posters and EAS inclined readers get’ false hopes’ raised.
It has the potential to be a dangerous topic for those punters inclined to get attached, which can result in obsession and even stalking further down the line, where there is nothing more than the normal paid relationship between SP and punter, but the latter perceives otherwise.

The reverse side of the coin is that these threads bring out the cynical “it can never work” and “ it will end in tears” brigade. Not to mention the “she will just fleece you like every woman does” from those who are likely cynical of any relationship. These are sweeping generalisations, admittedly based on some truth, but which often apply to any new or developing relationship, although I accept there can be different pressures unique to this situation added into the mix.

The reality is that we are all human and mutual attraction of some kind can occur leading to a relationship outside of the normal paid arena.
However to those at risk of EAS I would warn the occurrence is very small in comparison to the number of perceived or ‘hoped for’ relationships, although to the cynics I would also say the number is probably larger than you may think?

My comments are based on quite a number of genuine real life stories of others (as against those posted anonymously in threads like this) as well as my own personal experiences, the last one of which culminated in a successful long term relationship of 12+ years ... despite severe reservations from both of us in the early stages.

Offline Oldishgit

Indeed this is an excellent and educational thread, we are all human (punters and hookers all). But I am reminded of a great quote from someone - “paid for sex is always cheaper than free sex in the long run”.

Offline Lp1975

I don't know if could ever date a WG. I think the post further up this thread was bang on - you'd be sitting there watching TV thinking "I wonder how many guys have spunked all over her face today?" I'm not sure I could get rid of those thoughts, and I think that would inevitably encroach on a 'normal' relationship.

You would probably choke on your popcorn after she told you “I had a good day darling - made good money today swallowing some cum that tasted like popcorn, and almost gagged when deep throating someone twice you size”...!

Of course I say that in jest - but it’s not million miles from the truth!!

Online Doc Holliday

I don't know if could ever date a WG. I think the post further up this thread was bang on - you'd be sitting there watching TV thinking "I wonder how many guys have spunked all over her face today?" I'm not sure I could get rid of those thoughts, and I think that would inevitably encroach on a 'normal' relationship.

You would probably choke on your popcorn after she told you “I had a good day darling - made good money today swallowing some cum that tasted like popcorn, and almost gagged when deep throating someone twice you size”...!

Of course I say that in jest - but it’s not million miles from the truth!!

Despite initially thinking otherwise that turned out to be a huge issue. So I stopped my prolific punting within a few weeks and she retired after about 4 months.

Others I've known seem to manage this successfully for years ie husbands/partners are fully aware, although most of those did not first meet as a punter/girl.

Offline Home Alone

Two friends of mine met as Escort and client about 10 years ago. They got married 7 years ago and are still together.

I've no doubt that they're the exception than the general rule, though.

Offline Murray Mint

Looking back over the years, I have known several WGs who had developed relationships with clients and sailed off into the sunset – presumably to live happily ever after.

I have genuinely developed a fondness for a couple of ladies myself over the years, and greatly enjoyed their company and looked forward to seeing them. I doubt those feelings were reciprocated, but in any event, I was always careful to limit that meeting to once every 4-6 weeks, and for me the fee has always been the perfect barrier anyway.

I don’t want to break this board’s rules, but there is a parallel post on another WG-centric forum at the moment on the subject of ‘Client relationships that have developed.’ It’s probably worth a read to see a view from the other side of the fence.

Offline randyrobert

As Murray Mint points out there are a ton of threads on the WG SAAFE  forum on this topic-jut put "relationship" in the search box.

Mostly the advice is that client WG relationships often end in tears-but some do not and some end up in marriage.

One big danger for the WG is that if the relationship breaks down vengeful boyfriends have outed escorts to their families.

Offline GMontag

Another story that I think I've mentioned on this forum a while ago in a similar thread. Met this lady in through an agency in London. Cracking punt! She was also fun to chat with. We exchanged numbets and subsequently would book her as an independent. Always paid for 1 hour but we would spend at least 2-3 together. Then a gap of a year and I moved in to London. Called her and she zaif she was no longer working but was keen to see me. Came over and sex was still great. The thing though was she was now living with a guy she had met as an escort. She eventually got married to him but still kept coming to see me. Not sure why but eventually problems developed between them and she got pregnant for him. She even came over once to spend the night while pregnant. No sex though.
She had her kid and moved out of husbands place. We kept in touch and even had sex once. She kept trying to make our thing serious but I wasn't having it.
She's now married again. Another kid. And we still are in touch but hopes of sex way gone.

Offline theejaculator

One question for all you chaps who have/had relationships with wgs ......did you bareback? whilst they were still working........

Offline king tarzan

Another story that I think I've mentioned on this forum a while ago in a similar thread. Met this lady in through an agency in London. Cracking punt! She was also fun to chat with. We exchanged numbets and subsequently would book her as an independent. Always paid for 1 hour but we would spend at least 2-3 together. Then a gap of a year and I moved in to London. Called her and she zaif she was no longer working but was keen to see me. Came over and sex was still great. The thing though was she was now living with a guy she had met as an escort. She eventually got married to him but still kept coming to see me. Not sure why but eventually problems developed between them and she got pregnant for him. She even came over once to spend the night while pregnant. No sex though.
She had her kid and moved out of husbands place. We kept in touch and even had sex once. She kept trying to make our thing serious but I wasn't having it.
She's now married again. Another kid. And we still are in touch but hopes of sex way gone.

You got me to reach for my box off tissues and dairy milk chocolates.. ever so sweet... :hi: :hi: :hi: :lol: :lol:
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline GMontag

Of course, story was meant for you as seems you can't but help keep coming here to read stories that you would never in a million years hope to experience. Yea yea you'll come back with your "mango mango yum yum" chant, all hiding your inability to get anyone interested in you past the bills from a grubby hands.

Online finn5555

Dating a pro$$ie  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Finding one that isn’t mentally unstable, having issues in general or just out to rinse you narrows the options down to around 5%  :music:

Offline claretandblue

the idea of a relationship certainly doesnt appeal, the one I cannot comprehend is a relationship with one who is still whoring, guys do it, in fact I can think of one who used to post on here  :D...

Offline tynetunnel

Offline Home Alone

Two friends of mine met as Escort and client about 10 years ago. They got married 7 years ago and are still together.

I've no doubt that they're the exception than the general rule, though.

Should have added she retired as soon as they 'became an item'. To the chagrin of at least one other of her clients.  :(

Offline rhub9

One question for all you chaps who have/had relationships with wgs ......did you bareback? whilst they were still working........

Doesn't matter if she's a pro or a civvie: condom always until satisfied that they're:
1) STD free
2) not shagging anyone else
3) on BC

Offline webpunter

IMO most blokes would never consider shagging a pro going commando
Yet they [incl. me] will shag a civvy commando - s.t. a few criteria as below
This logic is flawed
With a well established / well regarded, especially more mature pro then i reck the risks are lower not higher
Much lower
Not that is gonna happen of course punting
But if moving into the rare relationship type set-up the goal posts can move 

Criteria for civvies:  how well you know them / their background / what they are like, the list goes on & on 
These are only guides providing some clues shifting the odds this way or that
The chances of satisfying yourself on 1-3 with any degree of certainty are about zero

Unless you have amazing will power the lure of condoms going out of the window after a few meets is pretty irresistible
If the civvies are under 40 my biggest concern is gettin em up the duff
Not shootin inside em dramatically reduces the risk but is not bomb-proof
From speaking with my real mates [some of whom also punt] when going civvy shagging they virtually all end going in commando at some point or other [less than 5 meets usually]

Doesn't matter if she's a pro or a civvie: condom always until satisfied that they're:
1) STD free
2) not shagging anyone else
3) on BC

Online sparkus

Doesn't matter if she's a pro or a civvie: condom always until satisfied that they're:
1) STD free
2) not shagging anyone else
3) on BC

I refused OWO when I was flinging with one I was so paranoid about catching something.  She was quite weirded by that.  She did mention she was thinking of going on the pill now she was looking to 'date' men.

But I've had plenty of drunken one nighters with civvies and done it bareback, especially if they're over 40.

Offline webpunter

Declining OWO from a civvy is weird
Can see where she is coming from
Surprised she didn't mention to you that you were thinking she was a hooker
And / or that you were used to getting BJs from hookers
Me thinks not the best civvy shag you have had in which case concerns spring to mind

40 is the magic number

I refused OWO when I was flinging with one I was so paranoid about catching something.  She was quite weirded by that.  She did mention she was thinking of going on the pill now she was looking to 'date' men.

But I've had plenty of drunken one nighters with civvies and done it bareback, especially if they're over 40.

Online Doc Holliday

IMO most blokes would never consider shagging a pro going commando
Yet they [incl. me] will shag a civvy commando - s.t. a few criteria as below
This logic is flawed
With a well established / well regarded, especially more mature pro then i reck the risks are lower not higher
Much lower
Not that is gonna happen of course punting
But if moving into the rare relationship type set-up the goal posts can move 

Criteria for civvies:  how well you know them / their background / what they are like, the list goes on & on 
These are only guides providing some clues shifting the odds this way or that
The chances of satisfying yourself on 1-3 with any degree of certainty are about zero

Unless you have amazing will power the lure of condoms going out of the window after a few meets is pretty irresistible
If the civvies are under 40 my biggest concern is gettin em up the duff
Not shootin inside em dramatically reduces the risk but is not bomb-proof
From speaking with my real mates [some of whom also punt] when going civvy shagging they virtually all end going in commando at some point or other [less than 5 meets usually]

Its rare to see such honesty on a punting forum and you pretty much describe the reality of what is going on out there.

I assume your age of 40 is akin to an Adultwork age though? If not and pregnancy is your concern you may want to up it to 45?  ;) :)

Reminds me of a wg who on seeing her for the 2nd time (which was very rare for me) felt she would like to do it without a condom. Her main concern was if had I had a vasectomy? Nothing else.

I would say getting pregnant is also high up in the list of worries for many SPs but is mentioned much less frequently.

Online sparkus

Declining OWO from a civvy is weird
Can see where she is coming from
Surprised she didn't mention to you that you were thinking she was a hooker
And / or that you were used to getting BJs from hookers
Me thinks not the best civvy shag you have had in which case concerns spring to mind

40 is the magic number

She wasn't a civvy, it was a massage shop bird I'd started seeing. I couldn't be sure she wasn't still servicing blokes (”I'm just reception now" yeah right)

Offline Payyourwaymate

You men going into relationships with these type women is the equivalent of walking on an elevated tight rope high off cocaine, where the drop is 100ft down into a pit of heated spikes. Be careful please for your mental well being, it just seems like it would end in tears and angry wanks :lol:

Offline freeze44

Interesting read  :thumbsup:

Think you would need to be made of stone not to get on better with some wg's more than others, which to me makes the sex better. As one of the previous said, keeping those punts to every month or so and paying out the cash keeps things realistic.

It's got to be a head fuck if went into a relationship with a wg and she still working regularly and suppose most would want them to stop. As others have said, must also be difficult to trust knowing that both wg's and punters lie regularly to take part!

What I have noticed is that have become much more aware of sexual health since seeing wg's and when have civie encounters nearly always find it shocking how open these women are to bb straight away!!

Offline Hungarian Lover

"head fuck, heart fuck, drained bank account", says it all really!

Online Doc Holliday

"head fuck, heart fuck, drained bank account", says it all really!

Actually no ... that's rather simplistic and only scratches the surface of the many obstacles and permutations.

You men going into relationships with these type women is the equivalent of walking on an elevated tight rope high off cocaine, where the drop is 100ft down into a pit of heated spikes. Be careful please for your mental well being, it just seems like it would end in tears and angry wanks :lol:

I wouldn't disagree although the tight rope can apply to any relationship?

Also it is only from one perspective. It takes two for a relationship to prosper or fail and the other side of the coin is that us punters are a pretty bad risk too.  :D

All part of life's rich tapestry  :)

Offline webpunter

Ah, noted.  Post by Rhub9 mentioned Civvie & this coloured my interpretation of your post.  Apologies

Thats a difficult one assessing a parlour burd - can be high high no's daily

I've been to a few ropy parlours & have made it crystal clear to the burd that OWO was not on my wish list

As for the maids if they are flirty & fit i usually make a playful enquiry mentioning how fab they look & asking do they do massages ?  One @ Ego in MK was FAF.  Deffo ex masseuse 110%.  The response has virtually always been no, however a couple have winked or smiled & said 'maybe' if i was to return another time

She wasn't a civvy, it was a massage shop bird I'd started seeing. I couldn't be sure she wasn't still servicing blokes (”I'm just reception now" yeah right)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 07:25:51 pm by webpunter »

Online sparkus

Ah, noted.  Post by Rhub9 mentioned Civvie & this coloured my interpretation of your post.  Apologies

Thats a difficult one assessing a parlour burd - can be high high no's daily

I've been to a few ropy parlours & have made it crystal clear to the burd that OWO was not on my wish list

As for the maids if they are flirty & fit i usually make a playful enquiry mentioning how fab they look & asking do they do massages ?  One @ Ego in MK was FAF.  Deffo ex masseuse 110%.  The response has virtually always been no, however a couple have winked or smiled & said 'maybe' if i was to return another time

All part of the fun, cajoling receptionists and owners into doing the deed...

Offline webpunter

Thank-you, i do like to say [write] it as it is

Note to self that my figure of 40 is on the low side.  Thanks also

I think along the lines of:  A/ would getting up the duff be a disaster for them [like hubby & kids in play] or B/ do they strike you as a bit lonely / on the shelf

If A then 'get in there' & if B proceed with caution [most likely getting the nodders out]

Only more question - can't resist.  Did you ? 

I've had a couple of times where its been half-a-helmet  :lol:  Brief but still feels nice
Its rare to see such honesty on a punting forum and you pretty much describe the reality of what is going on out there.

I assume your age of 40 is akin to an Adultwork age though? If not and pregnancy is your concern you may want to up it to 45?  ;) :)

Reminds me of a wg who on seeing her for the 2nd time (which was very rare for me) felt she would like to do it without a condom. Her main concern was if had I had a vasectomy? Nothing else.

I would say getting pregnant is also high up in the list of worries for many SPs but is mentioned much less frequently.

Online rubric

Actually no ... that's rather simplistic and only scratches the surface of the many obstacles and permutations.

I wouldn't disagree although the tight rope can apply to any relationship?

I’d tend to agree, I suspect that many of the issues arising from these kinds of relationships are mainly due to the potential punting has to throw together people of very different socio-economic backgrounds and expectations.  If if you fall for a girl who left school at 16 and worked casual jobs for the next 10 years, that one of was escorting may  not be the most important thing that guides her behaviours and so on, using that example as it’s easier to see the pitfalls at the margins.

Online sparkus

Always remember a convo in a Chinese brothel with a bird who I wasn't even that taken with (horrendous perm) who said to me that I was cute and perhaps we should start seeing each other.

Quickly wanting to end such talk (not sure what then missus would have had to say about it) I said "Sorry, I doubt I could afford to pay you all the time," which she replied "Boyfriend no pay every day!" and slapped my arm.

Online Doc Holliday

I’d tend to agree, I suspect that many of the issues arising from these kinds of relationships are mainly due to the potential punting has to throw together people of very different socio-economic backgrounds and expectations.  If if you fall for a girl who left school at 16 and worked casual jobs for the next 10 years, that one of was escorting may  not be the most important thing that guides her behaviours and so on, using that example as it’s easier to see the pitfalls at the margins.

Whilst a little stereotypical (Pretty Woman etc) I agree that could indeed be another factor in the mix, although remember both working girl and punter may fall into all socio economic backgrounds.

Online Doc Holliday

Only more question - can't resist.  Did you ? 

As I hadn't had a vasectomy we stuck to bareback anal instead  ;)

Seriously no ... I talked her out of it. It was just a 'getting carried away' moment on her part and would not have been advisable. Long and complex story which didn't end well.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 08:05:15 am by Doc Holliday »

Online rubric

Whilst a little stereotypical (Pretty Woman etc) I agree that could indeed be another factor in the mix, although remember both working girl and punter may fall into all socio economic backgrounds

Yes, it can occur the other way around too - though women tend to be more practical on this measure imho.  As I said, it’s most obvious at the margins, but you are more likely to share values with someone you met via work than someone you met purely randomly.

Offline Corky

Also been there and done that and it didn't end well.

At the end of the day, whether you care to admit it or not, WG's are generally bad people, liars and manipulators. They often have all sorts of issues and you will get caught up in all their problems.

Offline Home Alone

To me, it's a semantic issue.

I've never been in a 'relationship' with any woman since the OH pissed off with another bloke over 15 years ago. I began punting almost 2 years later and decided that this, rather than looking for a relationship was the [sex-]life for me from now on. The wisdom of this decision was clarified when I suffered from E.A.S. some years into my punting career.

However, I remained friends with three of my now-retired Regulars - I use the past tense because one of them died just over a year ago. I keep in touch with each of the two survivors, one of whom I mentioned earlier in this thread: - & her husband.

We exchange birthday & Christmas cards & presents and meet up whenever we're in the same area. All of them know I'm a confirmed punter, and expect that as & when I get a new Regular, I'll probably become friends - no more, no less - with her whenever she retires from Escorting or when age or infirmity force me into retirement.

There's quite a lot to be said for it, imo.


  • Guest
"head fuck, heart fuck, drained bank account", says it all really!

Having been in this situation before and am now i have to disagree with you, Yes it could be a head fuck for anyone of the jealous clingy persuasion but if your not and can reconcile this in your own head and accept it is going to end at some point there is great fun and great company to be had. Just enjoy for what it is and only think about it if you are single. As i have said before first sign of drugs or looking for cash block the number, move on and get back to punting. Horses for courses.

Heart fuck for the same reasons as above but if you are single,enjoy a ladies company with no expectations, and no want or need for a full on relationship you like me will enjoy. Most are human after all if you avoid the pimped,drugged conveyor belts. That is what this site is all about.

Drained bank account can happen if you are soft enough to let that happen, never happened to me, except 130 she needed sent to a friend and 60 quid for a train ticket, both paid for in cash. Currently i can,t spend any money on the women lol. my offers of nights out are answered with lets get a take away and some booze and chill. Not for the want of trying but i still have not paid for anything, she has all the aps on her phone for food, i don,t, and buys the booze before we meet. I honestly have never had cheaper ""Dates" in all my life. I give her the cash for the food and booze but it gets left behind untouched.

We punt because of the buzz and we are dirty sods or cannot or do not want to strike up a full time relationship, Wg,s do it for lots of different reasons, nearly always to do with money, but there are a few who do so just because they can, don,t want a full on relationship and like us enjoy sex with different people. They are not all pimped drug cash machines. If i were female i would be one of them lol.

Couple of weeks in and i know her story, and yes she has backed it up showing me info i never asked for, and i have found her to be one of the most honest,open, caring people i have met for many a year. There is no baggage of kids etc and we just enjoy our company.

Said it before but after 2 wives and recently out of a civvie relationship that went badly tits up i am in no hurry to get tied up again, this suits me at this point in my life.Yes there are the risks mentioned in other posts, she got checked as soon as we started, not because i asked but she wanted to prove to me she does not take risks but we use condoms simply to make sure and as she is much younger i don,t want a sprog. Already got those all older than her lol.


  • Guest
You men going into relationships with these type women is the equivalent of walking on an elevated tight rope high off cocaine, where the drop is 100ft down into a pit of heated spikes. Be careful please for your mental well being, it just seems like it would end in tears and angry wanks :lol:

If you read one of my previous posts on this thread between the lines you may understand a few things about poor mental health. Been given a second go at life and i am going to enjoy it in any way that comes. This is what life has thrown my way and i am not going to think to deep about it, I have learnt to live with myself and got a busy life again. I am just going to enjoy it for what it is and tomorrow is another day, i will still get up,go to work,have a pint with my mates whether she wants to see me again or not. If it,s a not back into the internet sweetie shop.


  • Guest
Just like in normal life, there are good people and bad people.  You'll be able to suss things out quickly.  In both my cases, there was no asking for money or any addictions.  People just saw a happy couple.  During holidays abroad, people asked us how long have two been married?, which always made us laugh.  I know several active AW escorts where we are just friends.  I've showed them pictures from both relationships, like holiday snaps or evenings out.  In both cases, it was good to get their feedback because they said That is genuine.  Look at her smiling and how happy she is.  I know when someone is faking, and that is not fake.  They then asked me all kinds of questions to confirm what they pictures showed.  It was a good sanity check to have other escorts validate things from their perspective, as let's be honest, they are brilliant at playing mind games with us blokes.

But like you, I never went in thinking I fancy dating a prossie and maybe she is right.  I've had some fantastic bookings and quite a few that went well over the scheduled booking time, like hours over time.  I even had one outcall where it was our third meeting and she showed up with her overnight bag telling me I thought I would just spend the night if that is OK with you.  But those bookings were just sex and I never fancied seeing them outside of a booking. 

But twice now, things have just clicked.  Take things slow, give her space, and focus on having fun.  Don't lower your guard too much until you are certain she can be trusted.  Another AW WG that knows of my situation because we are just friends once told me don't put her in a position where she has to choose.  It was good advice.  So in both cases, we agreed a schedule in advance that allowed her the freedom to manage her work whilst at the same time allowed for time together.  It made our time together predictable, more enjoyable, and gave us both something to look forward to outside of work.

Best of luck.

I think you are the first person reading the thread that actually sees a wg as a human being lol.

Offline Crouching Rat

Just my personal experience. I'm possibly sliding into a relationship with a WG. I was a regular customer 5 years ago but stopped seeing her for paid sex because I felt I was getting emotionally attached. We remained platonic friends which was fine. Recently we've spent more time together (coffee, shopping, Lunch, just talking) and she has strongly hinted that she wants the relationship to go further. I have resisted due to her still working - in fact I felt bad when I saw her reviewed in this  very web site plus I was a bit wary because WG are suspected of being less honest then politicians or estate agents. However, she has always been a loyal friend, caring and extremely generous - generous to the point I feel bad as she won't let me pay for anything. In being her friend I've learnt of the other side of the WG life they have to put up with: the coke heads, robbers, inadequates that like to hit women, time wasters, awful Madames etc etc. If she wasn't a WG I'd be all over her like a cheap suit. We are the same age - I may give in and just go for it. Any relationship will have ups and downs.

Offline One Eyed Snake

I would say you definitely can as I am going through this very thing at the moment.

I went to visit a lady in Leeds and the first meeting was absolutely fantastic and stupid or not, felt a great spark and connection between us. Over the next few months I visited her a further twice and it just seemed to get better (not only the sex but the general chit chat, banter, flirting etc) and I then went abroad for business and being the nice guy I am I bought her a bottle of perfume and some chocolates which I gave to her the day after returning from my trip. Later that evening I got a whatsapp msg from her private phone thanking me for the present etc and basically what ensued over the next 2 weeks was almost 3000msgs (dont ask how)discussing anything and everything from personal history, dreams, family etc with us making plans to spend xmas day and new years eve together. Around 2 weeks after we started chatting she came round to mine for Sunday dinner and everything went really well (no hanky panky but wasnt expecting any either) but was great just to hang out and chill, she left telling me that im totally her type and that she really really likes me and we kissed passionately. 3 days later all of a sudden her msgs get very cold and distant and I put it down to a mood swing (she told me she gets these and issues to do with the flat she works from and its manager) and I ease off saying im there if she wants to talk and give her some space, we would send each other good morning and good night messages and these carried on but then they stopped so I sent her an email asking if everything was ok and that I am there for her) she then starts texting again and getting warmer but is now blowing hot and cold so I sent a message asking her to tell me whats going on, if I know then I can understand and deal with it accordingly and we end up having a argument and she gives me 3 reasons why she has changed (nothing to do with a mood swing) and they are 3 reasons that she was fully aware of right from the start before getting to close so seems more to me like shes using these as an excuse and I think she has all of a sudden built this wall (hurt a lot in the past she said) Unfortunately this girl has really got to me and as such half of me doesnt want to give up too easy and the other half wants to walk away and after our row which was on Xmas Eve, I left it for a week until yesterday to give her some time to figure out whats going on and text her yest wishing her good luck in her new flat (shes just moved into her own apartment) and saying if she was 100% sure she wants to call it off then all she needed to do was block me on whatsapp and if she wasnt, dont block me and lets talk, she text me back saying she was going to call last night, she didnt and this morning I text her to say good morning and she said she forgot to call me and I will call today. I am probably going to be slated for this but would really like to hear the thoughts of others out there as it has affected me a hell of a lot more than I thought possible.

So all I can say guys is be very careful as a lot of these ladies have baggage etc etc

FFS delete her no. It’ll only end one way if you don’t, I’ve been there 20yrs ago, I learned the hard way she’ll end up screwing you big style.

Offline professorlove

FFS delete her no. It’ll only end one way if you don’t, I’ve been there 20yrs ago, I learned the hard way she’ll end up screwing you big style.

Your advice maybe 3yrs a little too late on that one eye snake  ;)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 11:32:41 pm by professorlove »


  • Guest
Just my personal experience. I'm possibly sliding into a relationship with a WG. I was a regular customer 5 years ago but stopped seeing her for paid sex because I felt I was getting emotionally attached. We remained platonic friends which was fine. Recently we've spent more time together (coffee, shopping, Lunch, just talking) and she has strongly hinted that she wants the relationship to go further. I have resisted due to her still working - in fact I felt bad when I saw her reviewed in this  very web site plus I was a bit wary because WG are suspected of being less honest then politicians or estate agents. However, she has always been a loyal friend, caring and extremely generous - generous to the point I feel bad as she won't let me pay for anything. In being her friend I've learnt of the other side of the WG life they have to put up with: the coke heads, robbers, inadequates that like to hit women, time wasters, awful Madames etc etc. If she wasn't a WG I'd be all over her like a cheap suit. We are the same age - I may give in and just go for it. Any relationship will have ups and downs.

Only you know your own head and if you can handle the situation, i would go for it, it is the only way you are going to answer that question going round in your nut. there are not any virgin brides anymore lol, you might regret not trying or you might think it,s not for you but only one way to find out.

Offline Crouching Rat

Thanks NiftyFifty, I probably will take the plunge and give it a shot. I can always walk away easily as we have no financial ties or arrangements.

Online bobby1973

over the years i have seen many ladies out of their normal working hours
and yes i have had relationships with some too

you get them to come to you and as time goes by
if you forget to pay them and they dont ask for it
just text them the next day a say sorry it was on the side
and if they say that's ok or don't worry
your in

the longest relationship i had was over 5 years
but she did give it all up after 6 months of us being together

Online Doc Holliday

We punt because of the buzz and we are dirty sods or cannot or do not want to strike up a full time relationship, Wg,s do it for lots of different reasons, nearly always to do with money, but there are a few who do so just because they can, don,t want a full on relationship and like us enjoy sex with different people.

No with very rare exceptions, they always do it for the money. Some may enjoy the sex with some punters some of the time ... but it doesn't come close to compensating having to tolerate most of the encounters.

Regarding risks?

.. as she is much younger

Depends on "much" but that may be a high risk factor for you both?

Said it before but after 2 wives and recently out of a civvie relationship that went badly tits up

A punter with that history could be a high risk for her?  ;)

Online Doc Holliday

I have resisted due to her still working - in fact I felt bad when I saw her reviewed in this  very web site

Yes reading the reports is a killer.

Offline lebon121

Just my personal experience. I'm possibly sliding into a relationship with a WG. I was a regular customer 5 years ago but stopped seeing her for paid sex because I felt I was getting emotionally attached. We remained platonic friends which was fine. Recently we've spent more time together (coffee, shopping, Lunch, just talking) and she has strongly hinted that she wants the relationship to go further. I have resisted due to her still working - in fact I felt bad when I saw her reviewed in this  very web site plus I was a bit wary because WG are suspected of being less honest then politicians or estate agents. However, she has always been a loyal friend, caring and extremely generous - generous to the point I feel bad as she won't let me pay for anything. In being her friend I've learnt of the other side of the WG life they have to put up with: the coke heads, robbers, inadequates that like to hit women, time wasters, awful Madames etc etc. If she wasn't a WG I'd be all over her like a cheap suit. We are the same age - I may give in and just go for it. Any relationship will have ups and downs.
Who is she ?
Can you post the review link please ?
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