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Author Topic: 'High class' but illiterate!  (Read 1465 times)

Offline Drstrangelove

FAQs hilarious inability to spell!

Q. What type of alcoholic drink do you enjoy the most?
A. I enjoy a dry white whine and of cause champagne

Offline uutarn

That sort of shit makes me laugh.

Seriously though i know a lot of people have trouble spelling, and its not linked to intelligence, but i can't help but judge somewhat from the spelling/grammar of a profile.


  • Guest
Does anyone ever make a booking after checking that the spelling and grammar are correct?

Personally I want a good fuck not a girl who knows how to use a spell checker.

Offline uutarn

You're right wazzer and i agree.

Just the pedant in me can't let it go, my bad. :blush:

Though seriously, how long does it take to proof read something you've typed? I do it all the time and its not that hard.

Offline NelsonH

I don't book girls with spelling and grammar errors.

My reasoning is that if you are a serious professional, looking for business, you would bother to get this right.

So if you don't, your not.

Probably you are a lazy, sloppy bitch, who just wants to get a few quid without much effort.

It's stood the test of time as a selection criterion.


  • Guest
To be fair, i am not that intelligent, but i am pretty good at spelling so wouldn't judge too much.

Online madeinwales56

Offline sxman

Looks more like typo error than spelling mistake, I have seen a lot worse.

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Offline Garden69

In the world of punting the expression "High Class" usually equates to "Expensive". Yet to see someone advertising as "High Class" with rates us average Joe's can easily afford.

Offline Hackneylad1


Q. What age of gentleman do you see?    
A. I see gentleman of 30+ although I am willing to make acceptations