I agree with all of the above.
However, in my limited review writing experience, I have tried to assign a rating from the UKP picture-calibrated FACE beauty scale
(Version 2), see the link here: External Link/Members Only for the benefit of other punters, so they at least have someidea of what to expect, but as others have said, it's all very subjective.
My 8.9 could be your 6, etc
Its amazing when you ask the question of, how many girls have you seen who you would class as gorgeous, the amount of people who are saying looks are completely irrelevant to them.
I think looks are the most important thing
first of all to any prospective punt. If the girl looks unattractive to me on her AW profile, she is not getting a booking. So how her attitude and services are don't even come into the picture at all if she does not get me through the door.
Plus when I posted a review a couple of days ago. People were replying saying to me that it was not a review as it did not comment on how attractive the girl was.
Furthermore, when there was a recent "Reviews, what do you prefer?" topic.
https://www.ukpunting.com/index.php?topic=79816.0Many people were saying they want short reviews including how facially attractive the girl is. And many were agreeing the 1-10 score system seemed a good way to convey how attractive the girl was.
So what I am asking is, as a follow on to that topic somewhat, is for people using your own personal score chart - forget what other people would think of the same girl, using your own personal score chart. How many girls have you booked who you could class as gorgeous. Where if you had to scale her on a chart you would say she is a definite 9 out of 10.
Finally if looks are totally and completely unimportant to you and thus punting with a totally unnactractive girl means the same to you as punting with a truly fit gorgeous babe. It seems odd why you are even replying to a topic asking how many girls have you booked who you would class as gorgeous. Some people
it is important to them.