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Author Topic: Jessica1974  (Read 1972 times)

4 review(s) for xxxJessica1974xxx (3 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline fleshgordon

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First review for me, so please bear with me guys

She's a very bubbly and well experienced woman.  Makes you feel very welcome when opening the door.  Parking is easy and free. Directions to apartment very simple. 

Very nice snog on first entering apartment, well dressed in a dress that falls off very easily! Showing nice lingerie, stockings and suspenders.

Now, so far so good... However, I would guess she's a little older than 41, a cute body, slightly saggy boobs, but her personality makes up for it.

She loves to play, (her words not mine) so plenty of oral, albeit OW. Even so, she knows what she's doing and aims to please.

If there are guys out there that like a sensual kiss/cuddle experience ... This is the woman for you.

I very nearly put this as a neutral post, however, she knows what she's doing, aims to please, no clock watching and has no issues with any requests... She's very open minded.

Negatives .. I think she's older than stated
No OWO offered

No clock watching
Nice and clean apartment
Good communications
She talks the hind legs off a donkey

Would I return, no, only due to the distance I travelled to see her.


  • Guest
Nice one Fleshgordon.

Mirrors my experience and review.

I always review bearing in mind how I felt walking away and I was feeling great after this one.

Yes I expect she is a bit older and the lack of OWO is a downer.

It's her attitude and sense of fun that made up for it for me.

For me she was one of my best punts so far.


Offline sxman

Good review, now in my HL because of you guys.

However she does list OWO at discretion, did any of you guys ask for OWO.

Offline Hackneylad1

I was going to ask about OWO as well. Its on her likes list, both of you seemed to click with her yet it was covered which when I read neals previous review put me off.


  • Guest
Don't know about Fleshgordon  but here is my take on it.

No I did not ask about OWO.

My reasoning is that with a GFE you are having an illusion created for you. If this is done well then the sex goes with the flow.

Stopping and asking for a specific service would break that illusion.

Fluffy I know but for me if a GFE is delivered well then they are my best punts.

I am fully expecting to see Jessica again so will add to my own review if the Oral is with or without.

If it is anything like my last visit I will not be complaining.


Offline sxman

Don't know about Fleshgordon  but here is my take on it.

No I did not ask about OWO.

My reasoning is that with a GFE you are having an illusion created for you. If this is done well then the sex goes with the flow.

Stopping and asking for a specific service would break that illusion.

Fluffy I know but for me if a GFE is delivered well then they are my best punts.

I am fully expecting to see Jessica again so will add to my own review if the Oral is with or without.

If it is anything like my last visit I will not be complaining.


Cheers Neal, I normally ask all them questions before booking, that way she knows what I want and I know what im getting.

Only once have I been told "you will have to see when you get here" when it lists OWO at discretion, most of the time they say yes.


  • Guest
Fair enough sxman.

I was just saying my thoughts on why I did Not ask and I had to have a little think about it.

My reasoning does sound a bit fluffy reading back  :wacko:

But WTF we all punt differently and if you don't ask then you don't get so I can see where you are coming from.

I will go for OWO if it is on offer but it is not a deal breaker for me as long as the rest is good.

As for CIM or COF then if I could guarantee 2 pops then I would go for it but these days I cannot and would rather unload during the shagging.

My ideal would be one pop inside and one from OWO and CIM. Not bothered about COF or anywhere else at the moment but never say never.