Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Bethy XXX Warrington  (Read 1069 times)

2 review(s) for bethyXXX (1 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]


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Seen this girl a while ago and fairly recently. I'll start with the good:

Good comms, chatty, friendly and approachable. Pictures are a genuine reflection, curvy young Mum type. Lovely bum, particulary walking up the stairs in a very short skirt and stockings. Instant boner as a result...

Location very residential, safe housing estate, decent properties. Plenty of places to park and walk ( I never park outside the house)

I'm not going to do that " what a stud I am " review, but she's a good, bouncy shag and enjoys it.

The not so good:

On my first visit a while ago, she mentioned her ex and how pissed off he would if he knew she was working etc..Lives round corner. Now, at this point I had a raging boner and threw caution to the wind.

On the recent visit, i'm just through the door and it's the same story about the ex...She looked flustered and slightly stressed. I just walked back out of the door. She was very apologetic and said she needed to get an apartment blah blah.

It's a shame and I don't do neutral reviews for no reason, but she needs to decide whether she's safe being a WG or not. She doesn't set the scene well for a relaxing time!  I shouldn't have gone back, but she is a good shag, but lessons learnt etc..

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Offline JohnEv

She's got face pic on AW, how can she be worried about ex finding out  :wackogirl:  :dash:

Offline lewisjones23

Suspect it is the first part of the tale of woe why she needs to borrow £££ of punters desperate to save her

Offline bozzo63

yes this woman has a nice curvy body nice house and yes nice view going up the stairs as for the ex finding out the ex I got told about was female and very butch and a control freak and bethy was a bit to chatty for me in between oral and sex tbh other than that gives a good bj and seemed to enjoy getting her clit licked would I go again yes but I would take ear plugs  :D