Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Putting the cost of punting into perspective.  (Read 4334 times)

Offline NIK

Thought about going for a birthday punt today. Those of you who have read my book will know I have often marked the occasion with a  punt, not always successfully. As far back as '92 I recall spending some time lying on my back being ridden cowgirl by some old minger in a Sheffield parlour thinking 'if this is what punting's about they can keep it!' And that was in my early days!  Whilst as recently as 2010 I had an equally less than enjoyable experience with a pair of mingers at Bluebelles in Sheffield. Between these I had a good birthday punt with Amy in Paddington, so they haven't all been disappointing presents.

I was thinking about going to see Chelsea Hart in Mansfield who is the only local prossy who remotely interests me. There are a couple in Nottingham, but I can't be arsed to go that far these days, whilst Sheffield holds fuck all interest at present, although I do have to travel there later.

However what put me off was when I considered the cost. I have two jobs later today for which I will earn £44, an hour with Chelsea would be £100 which I suppose is fair enough for indies. However when I think that I will have to do two hours plus travelling time to earn less than half of what I would be splashing out for a punt is sobering. Even for half an hour with her I would have to add another six quid and I can't be arsed to travel to Mansfield for half an hour. The round journey would take me longer than that.

Basically I have to work for around four and a half hours to earn the average cost of an hour punt. And that is round here. If I was to see someone like Nicoletta in London  I would have to work around nine hours.
I am aware that some people, on the minimum wage for example, would have to work over twelve hours to fund a £100 hour punt.
This is something I never used to think about when I was financially stable and earning a guaranteed reasonable monthly salary, but now I'm working for myself and, although currently busy, every pay day is uncertain, my attitude to spending money on punting has totally changed.

Offline bronson24

Yea this is what gets me also. I only earn average of 10ph and not to mention i get taxed and ni  on that too, so for a 1hr punt that costs £100 i roughly have to work 13hrs. And considering how quick 1hr goes anyway when your shagging it barely seems worth it.

Thats why i dont punt as often as id like too, so god knows what type of jobs some punters have on here when they do  2+ punts a week

But i also dont go-out or drink or do drugs or have many hobbies apart from  having a blast out on my motorbike or a game of pool, so i guess i have fuck all else to spend it on really
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 02:51:57 pm by bronson24 »

Offline The_Don

Its not cheap and most punters (including me) work, many hours to pay for a 1 hour punt.

Even then some of these W/G try to mug us off with a crap service and just as bad (matching) attitude.

In the last few days I was thinking about a punt. But I chose to go out for meal, a film and I brought some basic clothing and a little shopping at the supermarket. Cost wise all for under £75 and time wise 7 + hours of my day!

The fact is I normally work a full day, 9 to 12 hours to fund a 1 hour punt. If I spent that money else where I could still have something to show for it.

Because to be blunt it can be easy to punt and punt and punt even more, if funds, the mind and body allow. But Its down to a choice and can the punter afford to punt and are they willing to punt 


Offline m5000

Interesting discussion.  I have a particular mindset when it comes to punting and money. I never allow myself to equate what i could have bought with the money I spend on it, or how long it took me to earn it. I focus on the experience and the memories i take from it. I have a rough figure in mind of what I have spent over the last 5 years, but what can you do? When retirement from work comes, I have a feeling that is when I may think back to the reality of splashing all that cash.


  • Guest
I have had £20 soho punts which I thought "what a fucking waste" and £200/hr+ punts which I will remember forever.

For me, its less about the price and everything about the experience. But expectations do rise the more expensive a punt is

Offline Urban_G

I've never really thought about it in these terms. For me, about half a days wages will earn me a punt, not including travel costs. I just think about how much disposable income I have and portion some of that to 2-3 punts a month.

I do sometimes think about how much I'm spending on a punt equivalent to a night out or another treat for myself then weighing up the feel good factor, and no matter how good a punt is, that feeling doesn't quite last as long.


  • Guest
I live a meagre existence, don't earn a great amount and spend less, the cash I have left over I use to buy memories. The choices I have available are punting or holidays or better still combining the two. As I get older I worry the sex drive will finally wear out and I'll be left with, "If only."

I will look back on this little adventure with more happy thoughts than regrets, screw the money and the pro$$ies.   :)

Offline Jimbo38

I'm really focused on saving for early retirement. Would rather be in a position to tell my boss to fuck off, than spend it on fucking.

Offline Rich42

Very interesting discussion is the financial side of punting. I'm in a very fortunate position financially. I managed to retire 3 years ago at the age of 40 and i'm set for life. But i always wonder if a punt is money well spent. Don't think i'm tight, in the last couple of years i've bought my son a house, bought my daughter a house and paid off both my brothers' mortgages so i took a great deal of pleasure from that and i always help those closest to me where i can yet fear punting could become a costly habit whether or not funds are available. I suppose it's down to the individual. As somebody stated above, does the good feeling from a punt last long enough to justify the cost? I've often thought about booking a hotel for a few days and filling my boots while the body seems up for it but something's holding me back. Maybe i should go for it and put it down to experience. I've 8 girls on my hotlist and i'm tempted to work through it in one go but could be an expensive experiment... then again, you only live once!


  • Guest
I'm really focused on saving for early retirement. Would rather be in a position to tell my boss to fuck off, than spend it on fucking.
what a sad existence looking forward to telling someone to fuck off, bet you don't anyhow.  :sarcastic:

Offline Hertsgent

I go for a budget based on a fraction of disposable income rather than thinking how long I worked to earn it, but whilst not rich, I appreciate I'm fortunate that there is enough cash slopping around to allocate some this way. Generally go for £120 punts max.

Worth it ? Depends what you compare it to - a premier league footie ticket in London is £60 odd - I reckon a punt is better value than that?

Offline Hertsgent

I'm really focused on saving for early retirement. Would rather be in a position to tell my boss to fuck off, than spend it on fucking.

You might snuff it before early retirement, and wish you had been dipping your wick in an array of WGs :P

Offline NIK

Yes another aspect linked to this is that whilst a punter may only punt once every several months and may have saved up for weeks for a punt, for a prossy it's just another job. This is a fundamental difference between the two and what should be a special time for the punter is often just another routine job for the woman.
The good girls try not to make this obvious!


  • Guest
The punter is often just another routine job for the woman.
The good girls try not to make this obvious!
Thats why my current preference is part time, outcall only girls in my area, most of them seem to work less than I punt as far as I can see, and happy to fish in this pond !

Offline punk

Yes another aspect linked to this is that whilst a punter may only punt once every several months and may have saved up for weeks for a punt, for a prossy it's just another job. This is a fundamental difference between the two and what should be a special time for the punter is often just another routine job for the woman.
The good girls try not to make this obvious!

Thats why i get pissed off with the crap service and bait and switch,to a lot of these women but not all,the money you pay is nothing, to a lot of average non big head punters it can be hours or  days hard graft.

Rod trotter

  • Guest
I'm really focused on saving for early retirement. Would rather be in a position to tell my boss to fuck off, than spend it on fucking.

so why are you here?


  • Guest
Although I'm in quite a fortunate financial position now, I haven't always been like that and I do know what it's like to watch the pennies.
I do find myself comparing the cost of things, like going to the pictures with popcorn etc and saying fucking how much? Then realising its less than the cost of a half hr punt!

Likewise getting a bill from the garage and realising that if I did the work myself I could get a free punt for an hr of my time.
I earn nowhere near prossie rates in my real job though!


  • Guest
so why are you here?

I am assuming that they work as a rent boy and so thats why they are saving hard for early retirement. You got to aim for early retirement in that industry before the prolapse kicks in and the adult nappies become a necessity
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 08:38:49 pm by cockneybstrd »

Offline punk

Offline Thepacifist

I don't make much so I have to work long hours at a job I hate so I can treat myself. I do a lot of overtime when it's there. I can only afford 2 punts a month max so I'm very picky about who I see.

Offline stevedave

I spend what I can afford, and try not to think about what else I could buy with's my money to choose what I do with. As long as the bills are paid etc, it's all ok. That said, I don't punt (usually) for more than an hour at a time and work to a sensible budget that I stick to.

In other news - Happy Birthday NIK  :drinks:

Offline socks

Long lasting value is why I search out girls who are willing to be filmed fucking with me. Memories fade but video files are a gift that keep on giving!!

Offline Sonny Crockett

I've currently stopped punting, my last one occurring two months ago (thanks to being fucked about and told bullshit by Naughty Slut Soph over a period of several weeks), and it has enabled me to think the financial cost of this hobby.

I work in a normal 9 to 5 job where I earn a monthly salary. In order to punt, I need to book leave from work to free up time. I am not going to disclose my salary on a forum, however it is of the amount where I can only afford to punt about 2 to 3 times a month (in April this year I did 4 punts which is excessive by my financial standards).

The reasons for this are that I prefer to undertake PSE punts with A-Levels, which are in general more expensive than straightforward GFE punts. On some occasions, I've paid extra for A-Levels. On top of this, I prefer to travel to different cities for my punts by public transport (train and on some occasions tube, taxi or bus), which incurs further cost. For the furthest city I traveled for a punt (Newcastle), I paid £99 return. Also I take my Tibetan Herbal Supplement, which costs £30 for the 6 capsule pack. Plus I spend money on Adultwork private galleries. Therefore for me, punting can be a very expensive hobby.

On reflection, I do wish that I didn't punt as frequently as I did this year as I could saved a considerable amount of money and spent it on other things. However when I go through a great run of punts and as a consequence have the mood and enthusiasm for punting, then I tend not to think too much about the financial implications. A poor run of punts though, then I do think about how much money I have wasted.

I suppose what I should do, if I ever return to doing this hobby, is punt more sensibly by doing more research and finding good value in my home region, plus do this less frequently to ensure I still have money to spare.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 09:30:25 pm by Sonny Crockett »

Offline purple_t

I'm still young(ish) so just trying to enjoy what's left of my youth and not worry about money too much. I still budget etc, and yeah the cost of a punt seems crazy when I think what I could do with that money instead, but on the other hand I could be in a fatal car accident or something tomorrow. I don't think I get too carried away with punting, so going to keep enjoying it while it's still fun to me


  • Guest
Have to agree. I've cut back a great deal. I've seen two this year and only for 30 min rather than the full hour.

In that people say buying memories... you can buy memories of other stuff too.

I also agree with the other side as well. Whereby many don't seem to value money as much. Think of it this way. I was in a local knocking shop a few days ago and most of the WG were wearing Leboutins £700 pairs of shoes and many had multiple pairs of such shoes. Barely any material in it maybe some decent craftsmanship but £700  :wacko:

OTOH I have a pair of custom made world stompers from a Yorkshire shoe company. They cost almost as much as Leboutins but I have a life time free resoling and they are absolutely top notch and have been on my feet for around the world. Through the Anzob tunnel, to the Tenere tree to the Great wall. To the glaciers of Iceland. Month well spent!

Offline NIK

I've currently stopped punting, my last one occurring two months ago (thanks to being fucked about and told bullshit by Naughty Slut Soph over a period of several weeks), and it has enabled me to think the financial cost of this hobby.

And I thought I was the only one she'd fucked about and told bullshit to?  :rolleyes:

Offline jackdaw

And I thought I was the only one she'd fucked about and told bullshit to?  :rolleyes:

And that for me....the wasted time down to no just as big a factor as the dosh. (I live in a punting desert...can't be arsed to travel for half an hour on few times I bother often book an hotel and a two hour punt. So a no show wastes a big chunk of time. And we all know WG's seem to be unluckiest people on earth for domestic emergencies, etc, etc)

On money side one of Jim's posts of long ago always springs to mind. After a no show he used money put aside to have a slap up meal, bought some nice clothes, took in a show, etc, etc. And still had plenty of money left -over from money put aside for the punt.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 06:06:47 am by jackdaw »

Offline claretandblue

Surely rather than worry about the cost per hour or how many hours you would work to pay for a punt, you should think what your salary is and then agree in your mind what an acceptable percentage of your wages you are comfortable with to spend on punting

For me that's 5% tops but of course for others it will be much higher,the trick is then sticking to it!

Offline Marmalade

Punting gets out of proportion when you are paying an amount that registers enough to think about. We all like milk on our cereal or coffee but don't go reviewing all the different brands or whather Tesco's is better value. Punting abroad makes such sense (even if the airfare balances out the costs): at a fiver a time it doesn't matter very much whether she has more than two and a half brain cells, whether her phone's dusty, or even her name. It's just shagging, and if the milk isn't fresh enough you just get another one.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 08:49:37 am by Marmalade »


  • Guest
here a point for you for cost of punting
just back from berlin three days
  2 sessions airport girls £43 each  for 11am to 4pm sessions
and insomnia   £65 for 8 hour session
so wg cost  £160  18 hours of girls total  number of girls sampled  approx 20
cost to get and stay there  £160
so 3days fucking for £320
  see europe section  on this site
and steve 2 and wankings reports
the uk is a high price compared to germany
however no kissing , little oral , and no owo  but for cost amaissing

Offline Mansell

The older I get the more I regret not having done things rather than actually having done something.

So on that basis whilst I can't think of anything else I want to spend the money on I enjoy what I can get and the memories they will bring rather than fret about the money. Just don't spend more than you can afford. But i'd rather be a miserable old bugger sat in a crap care home remembering all the fit young girls I punted with than in a slightly better care home, thinking fuck me why didn't I shag her and her and her !!!


  • Guest
  It's easy with hindsight to think that you've wasted a lot of money on crappy punts, but before the internet and UKP there was really no way of knowing if the girl was any good or not. Pretty much every punt was TOFTT.
  I'd say that, in the North West at least, the cost of punting has risen much less than other things. When I first started about 20 years ago, a decent parlour punt cost £40 plus a tenner for extras i.e OWO and CoB, nowadays a decent parlour punt costs £50 plus 30 quid for extras - OWO+CiM. Pretty good value really.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Punting in this country is simply not good value, a young, pretty and slim English girl can charge £150 an hour and not suffer from a dusty phone.

Prostitutes tend to lose touch with the real world and the value of money, that is why very few retire, in the real world they would be back to stacking shelves at £6-50 an hour.

I have to work 8 hours to pay for a one hour punt, which is why I rarely indulge now.   :hi:

Offline NIK

Surely rather than worry about the cost per hour or how many hours you would work to pay for a punt, you should think what your salary is and then agree in your mind what an acceptable percentage of your wages you are comfortable with to spend on punting

For me that's 5% tops but of course for others it will be much higher,the trick is then sticking to it!

This is what I used to do when I was receiving a decent monthly salary. However now (apart from a monthly pension which is totally accounted for) I am paid hourly, and if I don't get any clients I don't get any money, I find thinking of it that way gives a more sobering perspective.

Offline thetinman007

1% of my gross income. I have been pretty good at sticking to this


  • Guest
They all want to take the cream of the crop, to whom money is no object.

No room for ordinary folk.


  • Guest
That i agree with if a normal working man is forced out by increasingly vast prices charged it hard to make ends meet your means !

Offline punk

That i agree with if a normal working man is forced out by increasingly vast prices charged it hard to make ends meet your means !

prossie inflation is another example of fanasty land that they live in.

Offline Jimbo38

so why are you here?

UKP sometimes tips me off to some girls who are worth the cost (Pola this year and Arabellaxx for a year or two ago). Plenty of disposable income, but it's mostly really hard to justify spending over saving and investing. I just lurk until people start raving about some girl.

There is clearly a balance to be struck, but I'll take financial independence over memories of fucking EE girl number #74 in a 'luxury' flat.


  • Guest
UKP sometimes tips me off to some girls who are worth the cost (Pola this year and Arabellaxx for a year or two ago). Plenty of disposable income, but it's mostly really hard to justify spending over saving and investing. I just lurk until people start raving about some girl.

There is clearly a balance to be struck, but I'll take financial independence over memories of fucking EE girl number #74 in a 'luxury' flat.
So your a leech, who can't share because you have no info.  Fair enough not against the rules.  Bet your looking for ABM really and afraid to ask, disposable income bragging often means disposable nappy fantasy, its a known fact.

Offline Jimbo38

Assuming your 15 reviews cost you £100 per time, that would account for an actual cost of around £4000 at an average compound market return of 5% over 20 years. External Link/Members Only

If five of those were amazing and fuel your wank bank in the nursing home, five were mediocre and the remaining five were nightmare fuel, then you've still wasted around £2700. Punt weekly and you're looking at something like the cost of a family home over 20 years.

It's bad enough if you earn a salary. If I was self-employed like the OP, then I'd expect fannies made of solid gold.


  • Guest
I've had punts which have left me feeling on top of the world, for the same cost as taking my OH out for dinner, which I'm lucky to get a thank you for, so I view punts as good value compared to that.

Offline Hertsgent

Assuming your 15 reviews cost you £100 per time, that would account for an actual cost of around £4000 at an average compound market return of 5% over 20 years. External Link/Members Only

If five of those were amazing and fuel your wank bank in the nursing home, five were mediocre and the remaining five were nightmare fuel, then you've still wasted around £2700. Punt weekly and you're looking at something like the cost of a family home over 20 years.

It's bad enough if you earn a salary. If I was self-employed like the OP, then I'd expect fannies made of solid gold.

You could make that justification against any discretionary spend, and live like a hermit.....seems a bit of a miserable post retort to me....but then if you lurk and don't review perhaps it is par for the course.....


  • Guest
Assuming your 15 reviews cost you £100 per time, that would account for an actual cost of around £4000 at an average compound market return of 5% over 20 years. External Link/Members Only

If five of those were amazing and fuel your wank bank in the nursing home, five were mediocre and the remaining five were nightmare fuel, then you've still wasted around £2700. Punt weekly and you're looking at something like the cost of a family home over 20 years.

It's bad enough if you earn a salary. If I was self-employed like the OP, then I'd expect fannies made of solid gold.
Accountants know the price of everything but the value of nothing !

If your obsessed with money like you sound, bet your a right laugh to be around. 

In the pub I expect you have a Jimbo38 dance where when its your round you dance a round tapping every pocket to avoid your round.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I've had punts which have left me feeling on top of the world.

So have I, and I have also had punts where I feel like cutting my wrists.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Offline Bangers and Gash

So have I, and I have also had punts where I feel like cutting my wrists.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Maybe you're hard to please, or just have a negative attitude toward pro$$ies?



  • Guest
Maybe you're hard to please, or just have a negative attitude toward pro$$ies?

Maybe, they have the wrong sort of dog ?

Offline smiths

Thought about going for a birthday punt today. Those of you who have read my book will know I have often marked the occasion with a  punt, not always successfully. As far back as '92 I recall spending some time lying on my back being ridden cowgirl by some old minger in a Sheffield parlour thinking 'if this is what punting's about they can keep it!' And that was in my early days!  Whilst as recently as 2010 I had an equally less than enjoyable experience with a pair of mingers at Bluebelles in Sheffield. Between these I had a good birthday punt with Amy in Paddington, so they haven't all been disappointing presents.

I was thinking about going to see Chelsea Hart in Mansfield who is the only local prossy who remotely interests me. There are a couple in Nottingham, but I can't be arsed to go that far these days, whilst Sheffield holds fuck all interest at present, although I do have to travel there later.

However what put me off was when I considered the cost. I have two jobs later today for which I will earn £44, an hour with Chelsea would be £100 which I suppose is fair enough for indies. However when I think that I will have to do two hours plus travelling time to earn less than half of what I would be splashing out for a punt is sobering. Even for half an hour with her I would have to add another six quid and I can't be arsed to travel to Mansfield for half an hour. The round journey would take me longer than that.

Basically I have to work for around four and a half hours to earn the average cost of an hour punt. And that is round here. If I was to see someone like Nicoletta in London  I would have to work around nine hours.
I am aware that some people, on the minimum wage for example, would have to work over twelve hours to fund a £100 hour punt.
This is something I never used to think about when I was financially stable and earning a guaranteed reasonable monthly salary, but now I'm working for myself and, although currently busy, every pay day is uncertain, my attitude to spending money on punting has totally changed.

I pay what I know I can afford when punting and look for VFM as I see it. The good thing for me about punting is there are WGs to suit most pockets from Soho Walk-Up WGs charging from £25 or so for a quickie to hundreds an hour or more. IMO its wise a punter doesn't punt when he cant actually afford to though that is obviously up to him.

If a punter knows about UKP then he at least has an advantage I didn't for decades when punting blind was the norm for me not knowing any other punters for many years. A real irony is by posting good reviews up on here about good WGs some will then become harder to book and/or put their prices up to cash in while they can. The former has happened a lot in my experience, the latter fortunately has been rarer but it does mean I have held off doing a good review until I have filled my boots and got bored. A fortnight next Tuesday as a WGs earliest booking is NO good to me as I wont know whether I will fancy a booking then.

Over the last 10 years on average my punt costs have gone down, that's a mixture of meeting other punters, reading punting forums and not being prepared to pay as much per punt, putting an arbitrary maximum cap on. On the other hand A/W has got worse in my opinion and especially in the last couple of years, thank you and admin for UKP. :thumbsup:

Offline NIK

Maybe you're hard to please, or just have a negative attitude toward pro$$ies?


You'd know.