Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Jennifer Pussy - Good In Bed But Not Enough To Justify Eccentricities  (Read 2065 times)

20 review(s) for jennifer pussy (4 positive, 3 neutral, 13 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline morganstar

External Link/Members Only

Location: 5 minute walk from Marylebone station

Comms: Fantastic - flirtatious and fun.

Cost: £120 for one hour

Services: BJ with condom, sex in various positions

One of the strangest punts I have experienced. Having read up all the reviews before visiting her I got the impression that I knew what I was in for. Upon arrival she kept insisting she was the craziest b*tch I would ever meet and I just kept telling her I didn't buy it. That was until she went into the drawer next to her and pulled out a pretty big knife and pointed close to my face. I was fairly certain she wasn't going to do anything with it but that's not the sort of behaviour one enjoys on a punt.

During this initial period she was smoking in front of me, answering the phone and doing everything possible to annoy me. When I finally calmed her down and got down to the action itself it was terrific. BJ was terrific (I asked for the condom) and the sex, in various positions was great and she was extremely patient with my 'nervousness'. After finishing I was certain that I would leave her a positive or a neutral review. But then she asked me where I was 'from' and made some racist remarks about my background and insisted if she had known where I was from she wouldn't have accepted my booking.

Is a good punt worth all the bulls*it attached with it. Absolutely not. I would strongly urge avoid her because she seems genuinely unhinged and would not be surprised if she did something that would jeopardise your safety.


Offline rockharders

After all the negative reviews and warnings on this forum about this girl and you still went ahead with this?

Offline HighlyMotivated

After all the negative reviews and warnings on this forum about this girl and you still went ahead with this?

I went ahead with her after all the negative reviews and had a great punt. From what I understand OP had a good punt too as he said he'd have left her a Positive/Neutral if not for her racist remarks afterwards.

The reviews give a good indication of what to expect from her - a good shag but an unpredictable, marmite personality. She pulled out the knife on me too and honestly, it turned me on  :unknown:

Offline JamesRockford

She pulled out the knife on me too and honestly, it turned me on

... she's just being flirty.

If she REALLY REALLY liked you, she'd turn green and goggle-eyed, and start speaking in strange tongues with a man's voice, while her head rotated 360 degrees.  Then shit would start flying around the room.

Then you'd have great sex.

Offline morganstar

The sex was brilliant - as good a punt as I have had this year. But there was too much crap before and after to make me consider going back.

I was well aware of the feedback going into this but there were hints that the sex itself would be terrific and that feedback was 100% correct.

Offline HappyandLucky

Fucking crazy girl. The only weapon that should be pulled in a booking is the purple headed sword.

Offline SamLP

External Link/Members Only
After finishing I was certain that I would leave her a positive or a neutral review. But then she asked me where I was 'from' and made some racist remarks about my background and insisted if she had known where I was from she wouldn't have accepted my booking.

Sorry to hear that, I don't know why that made me laugh. I would have replied "If I had known I was booking a racist bitch I would have fucked you hard and then told you where I'm from just before jizzing all over your face". Sometimes the only retort is to be rude back. I had it once to my face and I ended up walking.

Another one for some reason though I was Romanian when I was trying to make a booking over the phone, fuck knows why she thought that. She was Romanian herself and I was laughing and asking her why she thought that I was. She sounded high and put the phone down. She then sent me a text saying not to book her and I replied I wouldn't be booking her racist arse anyway. This resulted in a few insulting texts to & fro.

Offline JamesRockford

Guys - keep an open mind and don't be so hard on her. She does have two positive reviews out of ten.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Thanks for the review, fella.  :drinks:

So, apart from the racist remarks and threatening to turn you into a handbag..... what were her services like?
Does she squat fuck enthusiastically, is she a dirty bitch and does she DFK like a monitor lizard?  ;)

Offline lewisjones23

Anyone who feels the need to tell people how ' mad ' they are is generally speaking a boring twat i've found

Offline HighlyMotivated

Anyone who feels the need to tell people how ' mad ' they are is generally speaking a boring twat i've found

I tend to agree but in this case, the talk is backed up considerably


  • Guest
Hang on, she pulled a knife on the OP?

Unless she was about to carve up Sunday lunch the punt should have ended right there. What a fucking dumb bitch.

Offline 2old4thisshit

Sorry,  but how the hell pulling out a knife at someone whether Male or Female be class as flirting especially when it's a complete stranger!!! Personally I would of got to fcuk out. If your life it worth a high risk for good sex then go bareback.

Offline bestbefore

Why anyone sees this girl is beyond me. I did, about 3 years ago before I discovered this site, and she was deranged then. Sounds like there has been no improvement.

Just avoid this one. Go see the lovely Ellie Rose instead.

Offline jesus_jones

Why anyone sees this girl is beyond me. I did, about 3 years ago before I discovered this site, and she was deranged then. Sounds like there has been no improvement.

Agreed. I received a headbutt to my forehead when I visited a couple of years back.

Compared to the knife, I guess I got off lightly!