Oh, and GIAC, I'm a little confused ..... I can understand That you made an appointment, she cancelled, she wanted to contrive a Positive Feedback Profile, it all makes sense. And hey, yes you gain too!
BUT, she had to "confirm" to give you feedback, thats over and done with! The Lady has lost the strategic initiative! She is in your hands so to speak ... She has cheated the system, and attempts to deceive us simple mortals, driven merely by out of control erections and AW Feedbacks!! WHY NOT EXPOSE THE DECEIVING MINX?????
You still have the opportunity to give her feedback! Spill the beans? What can she do?
Now certain punters, well they may shy away from a confrontation,
.... But, The Bearer of the Sword of Truth?? A man of Integrity and straight talking honesty such as yourself??
.....We look to your open insights to guide us through the dark tunnels of working girl deception, the GreatGiac, "Father of Fact". ....Is this not your Duty Man???
..... Where is your Spine? Man or Mouse? Wield your Weapon I beseech you Squire!
.....I put it to you that this Dastardly Deceptive Deed is beyond reprehension. Your Reputation is at stake! Why, if I were standing in front of you, leather gauntlet in hand, your cheeks would now be stinging!! This can only be a "swords at dawn" issue.
...You must do the honourable act, SURELY???? ....Prove your Probity - Put your Pen where your Penis Play was Prevented! Protect your Principles! Complete the accurate and truthful Feedback!