Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Honestly, how many were really that good?  (Read 3354 times)

Offline Colston36

How do you rate your experiences?

I've seen 26 girls since I started renting rather than buying, some several times. I count them instead of sheep to get to sleep.

I don't know about all you seasoned experts but immediately after a meet I tend persuade myself it was good. Better than it really was. Maybe I hate the idea that I wasted the money. Maybe I don't want to think I was conned.

Anyhow, I've been trying to work out the real ratios.

I've had one in Manchester that fucked me about - pretended she didn't know about a confirmed booking - so she doesn't count.

Out of the rest 4 were too fat for me or worse- “Oh shit what am I doing here?” hideous.

5 were very ordinary, willing but nothing more

11 good

6 fantastic – but one of them is incapable of communicating.

I'm pretty amazed at the standard really.

Offline Billy no mates

I don't know about all you seasoned experts but immediately after a meet I tend persuade myself it was good. Better than it really was. Maybe I hate the idea that I wasted the money. Maybe I don't want to think I was conned.

I think that statement in particular is very accurate. I find myself doing a very similar thing (not only with working girls). When I spend a lot of money, I have to convince myself I did the right thing after, even after I was blindly robbed once in Portugal (story for another day). I suppose the answer would be to have a cooling off period before writing reviews, so as to gain a more realistic vision of the punt.

Offline Nagilum

Honestly - I have reviewed all the girls I have seen. Some girls I have seen several times. All my reviews are honest Generally you should wait a day or two to write them.

So what I'm saying is, write some reviews to liberate yourself from this feeling you have.  You clearly have had some awful punts. Now you can help us all avoid them particular girls.


  • Guest
Honestly - I have reviewed all the girls I have seen. Some girls I have seen several times. All my reviews are honest Generally you should wait a day or two to write them.
Should I?
If I'm going to review a girl I'll do it right after I see her. For me it's part of the healing process - if it was shit, or a chance to relive the experience and cement the details into my mind if it was good.

Offline WelshClipper

To be absolutely honest I haven't actually had a shit punt or an astounding punt compared to what I have seen on here, if punting was a bell curve then most of mine would either side of the median.

I think it is partly because I still see myself as a novice even though my 2015 year was quite good, it was only at the end that I felt that I had finally figured it out. Hence my one review so far.

Offline nigel4498

I'm very risk-averse after my second punt was a disaster.
Don't like wasting my money so I do my research to lessen the change of a bad punt. Not 100% effective though but if in doubt I now walk.

Offline MeesterNeek

Interesting question.

My preference is for 1 hour plus meetings and a median experience becomes a very good one if there is a bit of chemistry - banter in other words - lightens the mood and makes for a relaxed atmosphere.

If looks not quite what expected/ attitude poor/ English weak etc then it is down to the action and at this point a BJ is a BJ/ RO is RO - all pretty mundane and probably mechanical

A WG's success could be measured in terms of repeat/ regular visits and I reckon about 1 in 10 make that mark for me. 4 in 10 would be Neutral/ Negative with the remainer being broadly Positive but not a Plan A.


Offline unclepokey

In 13 years I've had only one really dire 'experience' (I certainly couldn't call it a punt)
The woman in question retired following my visit. Perhaps that says something.
I didn't dip the wick nor could oxen and wain-ropes make me do so. I should have walked minute one but I did give her some cash and we talked, me I think more as counseller.
All the others have been just fine, most exceptional.
Uncle Pokey

Offline Marmalade

After a good few hundred they are all a bit much of a muchness. It was an ok punt or a crap one or a better than average punt. I used to keep photos to remember punts out of the country for a few years. Kidded myself that they were 'real people'. (They might be in another walk of life but punters ONLY see them as prossies, by definition). Too many punters probably try to 'see it from her point of view. She doesn't have one. As long as you pay, are not obnoxious, you are about as memorable as a tin of frankfurters to a shelf-stacker. She might remember you for a brief period. Usually something really dickhead, but everything else is fantasy. (How do you 'remember' your co-workers that you barely see more than occasionally once they disappear for good? As opposed to your friends? Even 'customers'?) She works for the money, and nothing wrong with that. If she gives ou GFE, nothing wrong with that (do you complain that a stage actor isn't her 'real' self? no, just doing her job, so appreciate that without writing fan letters to 'Hermione').

A prossie who is 'really good' in punting terms is one that many punters thought were good. In prossie terms, it is one that makes a comfortable living.

Offline Marmalade

Look at it another way, those of you that have had at least one good civvie relationship or at least one 'in love' relationship that didn't end badly.

How was the best prossie ever compared to that? Exactly. Barely makes a slight chalkmark. She fulfilled a very temporary need for an hour, emptied your balls, gave you a hug. Nothing wrong with that. But be realistic. We review to help ease the hassle of emptying balls (reasonably pleasurably etc) for other punters. A big dipper ride is hardly a climb up Mount Everest. Some big dippers are better than others (you weren't sick, they didn't crash, you mates went yeah right on, you felt you'd at least done something with your day). ooooo then we go home and 'rate them'. Hmmmmm. I might rate a new computer monitor, but not a toothbrush. Prossies are somewhere in between I guess...


  • Guest
I've seen 26 girls since I started renting rather than buying, some several times. I count them instead of sheep to get to sleep.

But you've only reviewed 2 of them?  That 7.7%

Fuck off with the stupid hypothetical questions, and start doing some reviews which is the main purpose of this forum.

Online daddycool

Look at it another way, those of you that have had at least one good civvie relationship or at least one 'in love' relationship that didn't end badly.

How was the best prossie ever compared to that? Exactly. Barely makes a slight chalkmark. She fulfilled a very temporary need for an hour, emptied your balls, gave you a hug. Nothing wrong with that. But be realistic. We review to help ease the hassle of emptying balls (reasonably pleasurably etc) for other punters. A big dipper ride is hardly a climb up Mount Everest. Some big dippers are better than others (you weren't sick, they didn't crash, you mates went yeah right on, you felt you'd at least done something with your day). ooooo then we go home and 'rate them'. Hmmmmm. I might rate a new computer monitor, but not a toothbrush. Prossies are somewhere in between I guess...


My sentiments exactly.

Online threechilliman

The OP is one of the reasons I've moved away from 1-2-1s as I don't find them as exciting as I used to. Nothing wrong with the service I've received, I just can't get myself excited. Two months since my last one.


Offline cueball

Every review I've done is my honest opinion (that's all I can do). The rating has only three permutations, if I've had a good time then it's positive. Ofcourse some are more positive than others and I hope my written review reflects that.

We're all different though and what floats my boat might not float yours.

I try to put the info in my reviews that I look to glean from other reviews.

Offline nomeansno

6 fantastic – but one of them is incapable of communicating.

Because of the language barrier - or something more sinister ??

Offline uutarn

But you've only reviewed 2 of them?  That 7.7%

Fuck off with the stupid hypothetical questions, and start doing some reviews which is the main purpose of this forum.
Couldn't agree more.  :thumbsup:

All of my punts have been average to good, but then again only 9 so far.


  • Guest
Let's see, I reckon 70% of my punts have been good with many of them being excellent on a par with what Rocc sifreddi does.

Yes of course that's many private sex scenes are as good as if not better than fake modern day porn.

Problem is I am kind of bored of the whole scene, having hit such highs it'd difficult to keep repeating it.

Offline Nagilum

Should I?
If I'm going to review a girl I'll do it right after I see her. For me it's part of the healing process - if it was shit, or a chance to relive the experience and cement the details into my mind if it was good.

I do, it allows me to process it fully and reflect.

Offline lostandfound

I've been a punter for a long time - it's something that gives me a natural high like no other, and I'm lucky to be able to afford it quite easily. But it's just something I do because it's fun, like going out for a meal, or a night down the pub with some mates. It doesn't have any deeper meaning than I never tire of being proper filthy with women I find attractive enough. Given that, it's great, and life enhancing, and I hope I'm still at it when it's time to pop my clogs.


  • Guest
I do, it allows me to process it fully and reflect.
So make up your fucking mind then perhaps?

Offline Nagilum

So make up your fucking mind then perhaps?

I was responding to your "should I?" By saying "I do" wait then write after reflecting. I'm saying the same thing as before but with a reason.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I feel that for this year, the majority of my brilliant punts came in the first 6 months. For the 2nd half of this year, I've only had 2 really good punts (then again I have only punted 6 times since the start of July, my last one being almost 2 months ago).

Offline Colston36

But you've only reviewed 2 of them?  That 7.7%

Fuck off with the stupid hypothetical questions, and start doing some reviews which is the main purpose of this forum.

Very witty.

Offline Buttons

Finger in the air (makes a change  :lol:), I'd say 60% good, 20% excellent and 20% pure unadulterated bollox, total waste of time, money and spunk.  :dash:

Online RedKettle

In the last year or so most punts are good - that is the impact of UKP.  Prior to that much lower and also I stuck to the same few girls as trying new ones was almost always a disappointment.

However how many of those good ones were gold star excellent?  Probably 10%.

I hope every time.....

Offline Sonny Crockett

For me in 2015 alone, I would say 5 of my 22 punts were very good. 3 of those 5 were absolutely brilliant.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 10:46:10 pm by Sonny Crockett »


  • Guest
Been with over 50 WGs over 8 years.
I'd say...
10% were crap or beyond horrible.
20% were fucking amazing! Better than any free or girlfriend - had 12.
the rest were ok or good


  • Guest
Put it this way, most of my (extensive) wank bank is prossie punts.  Out of my top 10 ever shags, 6-7 are paid encounters.  And one of those was fucking a fit 18 year old up the arse for the first time, doggystyle on her parents' front porch, so the bar is pretty high.  I spend a fuckload of time on research though.

Offline HappyandLucky

From my experience I find 50% good 50% bad. Only 10% have been really good, which almost makes me think of retiring.  Then again, another day I might find a gem, so the search will continue  :dash:

Offline rubric

To me the hit rate is lower than it used to be. It seems like there was a kind of golden age during the initial EE invasion/ftime when agencies started popping up on the internet. Since then a lot of things seem to have gone downhill - the market seems oversaturated and full of rip-off merchants.

Offline mattylondon

I don't know about all you seasoned experts but immediately after a meet I tend persuade myself it was good. Better than it really was. Maybe I hate the idea that I wasted the money. Maybe I don't want to think I was conned.
What you've posted definitely resonates with me. Perhaps it depends on what your baseline is for a positive punt?

For example, if a woman looks good, delivers all services and your sack is emptied quite nicely, all that would surely constitute a positive, wouldn't it? I would certainly think so.

However, there can be a big difference between that and a prossie being really top notch. I can count plenty that would fit within the positive category but very few who I believe are really good at what they do. That is, good at sex.

I don't pay because I think a prossie is any better sex wise than a 'civvy' because I don't believe that is the case. I think that's always down to the individual. I pay sometimes because I enjoy a variety not achievable in the real world, in addition to it being available on demand, at a reasonable price and without any strings attached. To be quite blunt, I don't pay because I consider them experts, I pay because its an easy and hassle free way of getting my rocks off.

I would put prossies who I thought were really good at less than 10% but in terms of a positive punt, 50/50. I've always had a far higher strike rate amongst civvy's than prossies.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 11:43:26 pm by mattylondon »

Offline webpunter

I'm north of 100, but not yet at 200.  Have lost count. 10% crap - mostly when i started.  UKP has helped eliminate the dross ones. 40% are OK - want to shoot my bolt.  Especially when just massage & HE - can't expect too much.  Of the remaining 50% then 30% good / 10% very good & 10% mind-blowing.  Not always the opportunity to revisit the even the good ones let alone v.good or mind-blowing.  Abroad / well away from where i live / stopped etc.  I don't bother with the bottom 50% now - just very very occasionally do i get caught out.  One recent - but i was half expecting this anyway - but pressed ahead.  LittleWP in charge  :sarcastic:

Offline Marmalade

Is there any point in counting? Make the best choices you can. Some will still be shite, even if they were the best you could at the time. Some are utterly shite, like getting caught in the rain. C'est la vie. All part of the fun.

Offline mattylondon

Is there any point in counting? Make the best choices you can. Some will still be shite, even if they were the best you could at the time. Some are utterly shite, like getting caught in the rain. C'est la vie. All part of the fun.
Indeed. I've always taken it as such or I'd have stopped long ago!

Offline webpunter

Is there any point in counting? Make the best choices you can. Some will still be shite, even if they were the best you could at the time. Some are utterly shite, like getting caught in the rain. C'est la vie. All part of the fun.
Nope - as above i've lost track.  But still like to have a broad idea.  +1 on M's outlook.  Have sorted out 30 mins appts even when i know that they're going to be average at best.  Just that the 'supply' was limited to say the least.  After my recent crap one got 'straight back on the bike'.  Had an awesome one the next day - especially as given such a shite HJ / BJ i couldn't shoot my bolt the previous day.  Was raring to go.  I think of punting as an 'adventure' 

Offline JAYZ

Being able to look at honest reviews on a forum like UKP has been invaluable. Only a couple of days ago did I participate opinion for the first time. I only see a lady once every 3 or 4 months so I have to be picky and I have seen some realy gorgeous women, both in physical terms and personality. I do look for a GFE. I met an escort for the first time 4 years ago.


  • Guest
Intrigued by this thread I thought I would do the maths.

I have been punting just less that 3 years.

At the moment there are 30 WG's on my "Had" Hotlist in AW.

I rated them Yes, No and Terrific.

I got 12 Y

12 T

And 6N

Thinking about it The 12 Y were Yes I would do them again

12 T were Yes High on the priority list.

And the 6 NO are ones that did not inspire me  and only 3 that are definitely not return.

There are 7 others who are not current on AW.

Four rated T
2 Rated Y
and One rated N

I know its all up to the individual punter but I have seen girls who get bad ratings on here who I have found to be really good.

Conversely I have seen highly rated WG's on here that I have found to be crap.

I like a variety of WG's

I like  fit as fuck young girl.

I like a MILF

I like an older woman.

I like an experienced 30 or 40 something.

What does it for me is a connection. I don't care what age or shape a WG is but if I walk away thinking " Fuck that was good" then I walk away happy.

Recently I went for a Thai Brothel ( see review) and the WG gave me loads of massage plus a shag.

She was nowhere near the advertised age, Oral was with, and kissing was limited. Usually a negative for me but she was fun and tight as fuck, and she massaged a part of me that I really needed so I reviewed her positive as that's how I felt walking out of the door.

So in answer to the OP.

Quite a few  :yahoo:

Offline Punchdrunk

I reckon I've punted 8 times this year and tried to double that, out of them 2 were worthy a repeat the rest were shit. Not a very good success rate be better of trying to pull but that comes with baggage you don't need. Hopefully a better success rate next year.

Offline JEH7376

Okay I sat down and had a think about it

I have been punting for nearly five years

In that time I've seen around 50 girls

Of those, I would class the experience as 'outstanding' with 17 girls.

Offline Colston36

Because of the language barrier - or something more sinister ??
Because she simply does not reply to messages.

Offline Marmalade

Indeed. I've always taken it as such or I'd have stopped long ago!

I used to count and even make notes. Then I thought, that's a bit obsessive.  :rolleyes: Like writing down how much better or worse last week's Big Mac was compared say to a Macdonald's 40 burgers ago, or the overpriced burger in some restaurant. Punts are disposable items in the course of life, like the stuff in my fridge. I don't stop eating burger or drinking milk cos I hadn't noted the bit of old gristle, padding, or sell-by date on one purchase.

Offline Dime

Like anything, some punts are better than others. The law of averages states that you will get some girls who are not anything special, but as you become a more experienced punter you can pick and choose. For example, I have a punt planned tomorrow with a girl from AW who I have seen twice before, she is smoking hot so I know exactly what I'm getting- IMO the money is worth every penny. I also really enjoy the build up to a punt; getting on the train then getting off walking along the street knowing that I'm (hopefully) going to fuck a beautiful girl and all the other people in the street are none the wiser.

Offline The_Don

Generally you should wait a day or two to write them.

I tend to do draft reviews very soon after the event. As this keep its fresh in my mind. But often, I don't not post them, then and there.

In some cases:

I'm still a litlle lazy, in adding reviews (70% + have been added, but some may never get added  :blush: )

« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 11:47:07 pm by The_Don »

Offline Boundless

How do you rate your experiences?

I've seen 26 girls since I started renting rather than buying, some several times. I count them instead of sheep to get to sleep.

I don't know about all you seasoned experts but immediately after a meet I tend persuade myself it was good. Better than it really was. Maybe I hate the idea that I wasted the money. Maybe I don't want to think I was conned.

Anyhow, I've been trying to work out the real ratios.

I've had one in Manchester that fucked me about - pretended she didn't know about a confirmed booking - so she doesn't count.

Out of the rest 4 were too fat for me or worse- “Oh shit what am I doing here?” hideous.

5 were very ordinary, willing but nothing more

11 good

6 fantastic – but one of them is incapable of communicating.

I'm pretty amazed at the standard really.

Totally agree.
That sort of statistic bears out my experiences too.

Offline webpunter

I've seen 26 girls since I started renting rather than buying, some several times. I count them instead of sheep to get to sleep

I can't remember how many or all the details.  Think about a few of them now & again which often results in a late night knocking one out.  Once you get past 50 your memory will blur

I don't know about all you seasoned experts but immediately after a meet I tend persuade myself it was good. Better than it really was. Maybe I hate the idea that I wasted the money. Maybe I don't want to think I was conned
This will change.  Bad punts are an occupational hazard.  Although UKP helps drastically reduce this.  But everyone needs to go 'off piste' / TOFTT now & again to get the adrenalin pumping

Out of the rest 4 were too fat for me or worse- “Oh shit what am I doing here?” hideous
The law of averages is that this happens to all of us.  I've got the t-shirt.  1 hour down-graded to 30 mins.  And settled for a HJ & a sharp exit   :D